The Family Watch Insider App includes our Resource Guide, which features UN consensus language in support of the family. The Guide also provides research, negotiating strategies and talking points that will help policymakers effectively achieve pro-family outcomes.

How to use the Resource Guide to analyze legislation

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Upload a PDF to Google Drive and open it as a Google Doc.

Review Image

Review legislation
with highlights

Run the script and review the highlighted document.

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Upload legislation to Google Drive

Upload your digital copy of the legislation (PDF, DOC, etc.) to Google Drive. If you don’t have a Google account, you can sign up for a free one. Please watch the video for detailed instructions.

Review legislation with highlights

After you’ve opened your legislation in Google Docs, you will run a script we have developed that will search for all the keywords in the Resource Guide and highlight them within the document. This will allow you to review your legislation more easily. Please watch the video for detailed instructions.

Review Image
We have developed a script that can be integrated into your document to search for keywords from our Resource Guide. Please follow the instructions provided in the video or download the PDF for step-by-step guidance. To use the script, simply copy the code by clicking the ‘Copy Code’ button—it’s lengthy, so this will ensure accuracy—and paste it into the editor of your document.
      function highlightKeywordsWithHeadingsAndHighlight() {
  var keywords = ["abortion/right to life",
"abortion, charts for navigating abortion/srh terms",
"abortion, family planning",
"abortion, forced",
"abortion, informed decision making",
"abortion, legal/illegal",
"abortion, maternal health",
"abortion, maternal mortality",
"abortion, medical",
"abortion, negative impact on girls",
"abortion, negative impact on women",
"abortion, pre-natal sex selection",
"abortion, regret",
"abortion, reproductive rights",
"abortion, right to life",
"abortion, safe motherhood",
"abortion, safe/unsafe",
"abortion, self-care",
"abortion, sexual and reproductive health",
"abortion, sexual and reproductive rights",
"abortion, unfpa promotion of",
"adolescent, ages of",
"adopted by the general assembly",
"age appropriate",
"age, chart of age groups and populations",
"anal sex",
"birth attendant training",
"bodily autonomy",
"children, adoption of",
"children, child care",
"children, confidentiality and privacy",
"children, development of",
"children, distortion of rights",
"children, family as natural environment for",
"children, family protection of",
"children, negotiating policies related to",
"children, protecting role of the family",
"children, right to parental care",
"children, street children",
"children, trafficking in",
"climate change",
"comprehensive sexuality education",
"comprehensive sexuality education - esa commitment",
"comprehensive sexuality education, in and out of school",
"confidentiality and privacy",
"contraceptives, full range of",
"control over sexuality",
"culturally relevant",
"culture / cultural values / cultural backgrounds",
"delay of sexual debut",
"discrimination (hiv/aids)",
"discrimination against adolescents",
"discrimination against women",
"discrimination, multiple and intersecting forms of",
"diversity, in all their",
"early sexual debut",
"eastern and southern african (esa) commitment on cse and srh services for adolescents",
"education, right to",
"education, sexual risk avoidance (sra)",
"emergency contraception",
"essential health care services",
"essential maternal health package",
"essential medicines",
"ethical and cultural considerations",
"evolving capacities",
"family, 2030 agenda and development",
"family, basic unit of society",
"family, central role of",
"family, development role and contributions of",
"family, disintegration of",
"family, education and",
"family, elderly and",
"family, environment",
"family, extended",
"family, family planning",
"family, fundamental group unit",
"family, happiness, love and understanding",
"family, hiv/aids",
"family, human rights of family members",
"family, love in the family",
"family, migration/migrants and",
"family, multigenerational",
"family, natural environment for children",
"family, natural group unit",
"family, nurturing environment",
"family, nurturing role of",
"family, policy",
"family policy, assess policy impact on family",
"family policy, sensitive family policies",
"family policy, supportive family policies",
"family, poverty and",
"family, preservation of",
"family, protection of",
"family, protection of children",
"family, reunification of",
"family, shared responsibility within",
"family, strengthen and support",
"family, substance abuse",
"family, various forms of",
"family, vital role of",
"family, well-being of",
"family, women and",
"family planning",
"family policy",
"family policy, assess policy impact on",
"family policy, sensitive family policies",
"family policy, supportive family policies",
"female headed households",
"fertility regulation",
"formal/informal sex education",
"chart for navigating gender terms",
"gender analysis",
"gender based approach",
"gender based violence",
"gender equality",
"gender identity",
"gender norms",
"gender perspective",
"gender responsive",
"gender role",
"gender sensitive",
"gender stereotypes",
"gender transformative",
"gender variance",
"gender equality",
"gender identity",
"gender identity additional resources",
"facts about gender dysphoria/gender identity disorder",
"list of 'gender identities' recognized by the city of new york",
"master list of gender identities",
"generational solidarity",
"harmful practices",
"healthy infant",
"hiv/aids, anal sex",
"hiv/aids, decriminalization",
"hiv/aids, discrimination",
"hiv/aids, human rights-based approach",
"hiv/aids, key populations",
"hiv/aids, stigmatization/destigmatization",
"hiv/aids, vulnerable groups/marginalized groups",
"human rights approach",
"human rights defenders",
"human rights distortions of",
"human rights education",
"human rights, national human rights institutions",
"in and out of school",
"informed consent",
"informed decision making",
"international planned parenthood federation - ippf",
"international technical guidance on sexuality education (itgse)",
"key populations",
"marginalized groups",
"maternal health",
"maternal mortality",
"medical abortion",
"men who have sex with men",
"mortality and morbidity",
"mother-to-child transmission of hiv/aids",
"nairobi icpd+25 summit and outcome document",
"national human rights institutions - nhris",
"national laws",
"newborn child",
"norms, social, cultural or gender",
"oral sex",
"other status",
"outcome documents of review conferences",
"outcome documents of review conferences additional resources",
"parents, financial responsibilities for children",
"parents, guidance of children",
"parents, respect for religious beliefs of",
"parents, right of children to know and be cared for by",
"parents, rights, duties and responsibilities",
"parents, role of",
"parents, role/rights in education of children",
"parents, sex education of children",
"planned parenthood",
"pre-natal care",
"pre-natal sex selection",
"public order",
"religious and ethical values",
"religious beliefs of parents",
"religious intolerance",
"reproductive health",
"reproductive health care",
"reproductive rights",
"reproductive rights in the context of girls, children, youth or adolescents",
"responsible sexual behavior",
"right to education",
"right to health",
"right to life",
"rights-based approach",
"safe sex",
"same-sex attraction",
"self-care (abortion)",
"sex education",
"sex positive/positivity",
"sexual and reproductive health",
"reproductive health",
"sexual health",
"srh policies in the context of children and youth",
"sexual and reproductive health care or services",
"reproductive health care",
"reproductive health care services",
"reproductive health services",
"sexual and reproductive health care",
"sexual and reproductive health care services",
"sexual and reproductive health services",
"sexual and reproductive health rights",
"sexual and reproductive rights",
"sexual debut",
"sexual exploitation",
"sexual health",
"sexual minorities",
"sexual orientation",
"sexual orientation additional resources",
"sexual orientation and gender identity (sogi)",
"sexual rights",
"sexual risk avoidance education",
"sexual/sexuality education",
"sexuality, control over",
"single parent families",
"social protection",
"sovereignty, respect for national laws",
"therapy bans (sexual orientation and gender identity)",
"trafficking in children",
"transgender additional resources",
"transgender suicide",
"un agencies",
"un agencies, unfpa",
"un agencies, world health organization (who)",
"un charter",
"un resolution",
"unfpa, abortion",
"unfpa, comprehensive sexuality education (cse)",
"unfpa, cse",
"unfpa, services for adolescents",
"unfpa, sexuality education",
"unfpa promotion of abortion",
"violence against children",
"violence against women",
"violence, gender-based",
"vulnerable groups",
"women and family",
"women and poverty",
"women, discrimination against",
"women, elderly",
"women, gender equality",
"women, gender equality and empowerment",
"women, reproductive health",
"women, reproductive health care",
"women, reproductive rights",
"women, right to life",
"women, trafficking in",
"women, violence against",
"women, well-being",
"youth friendly"  ];  // shortened for brevity
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument();
  var body = doc.getBody();
  var keywordFound = false; // Flag to check if at least one keyword was found

  for (var i = 0; i < keywords.length; i++) {
    var keyword = keywords[i];
    var searchResult = null;
    Logger.log("Processing keyword: " + keyword); // Logging for tracking
    var regex = '\\b' + keyword.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&') + '\\b';

    while (searchResult = body.findText(regex, searchResult)) {
      keywordFound = true;
      var foundText = searchResult.getElement();
      var startOffset = searchResult.getStartOffset();
      var endOffset = searchResult.getEndOffsetInclusive();

      foundText.setBackgroundColor(startOffset, endOffset, "#FFFF00");

      var paragraph = foundText.getParent().asParagraph();
      if (paragraph.getHeading() == DocumentApp.ParagraphHeading.NORMAL && foundText.asText().getText().substring(startOffset, endOffset + 1).includes(keyword)) {
  if (!keywordFound) {
    Logger.log("No keywords found in this iteration.");

      function myFunction() {
        console.log('This is an example code.');
        // The rest of the long code will be hidden initially.
      // More lines of code...
      console.log('Another line of code.');
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