Family Watch’s Proven Pro-Family Advocacy Tools



Family Watch’s “UN Resource Guide to Consensus Language on Family Issues” is our most powerful tool for protecting the family at the UN, containing the best family-supportive language from UN treaties and major consensus documents. Topics are alphabetized to help negotiators and policymakers quickly locate what they need. Many sections also include talking points and effective strategies to help diplomats negotiate issues on family, life and human sexuality. The valuable information in the Guide has been used by UN ambassadors and diplomats during negotiations to effectively defend their pro-family and pro-life positions and to effect pro-family outcomes. The talking points in the Guide have also been used successfully to impact national, state and local family policies.


FWI’s Searchable Database of UN Documents ( is another powerful family advocacy tool used successfully by UN diplomats to protect the family in UN negotiations. Updated annually and password protected, our comprehensive UN database allows policymakers to search through UN documents and quickly find the best UN consensus language to impact UN documents, resolutions and treaties under negotiation.


Stand for the Family: A Call to Responsible Citizens Everywhere, our widely acclaimed book by FWI president Sharon Slater, is now in its sixth edition. Known as the “family defense handbook,” the book equips concerned citizens and policymakers around the world with knowledge and proven tools, strategies and talking points on a wide variety of critical family issues.


Family Watch’s Policy Briefs on marriage, family, life, human sexuality, religious freedom and other emerging family issues are produced and up- dated regularly. They are posted on FWI’s website and used to impact UN negotiations as well as policymaking at the national, state and local levels.
