We are calling upon the United Nations and world governments:


(1) to investigate Planned Parenthood for harming the health and innocence of millions of children across the world, and


(2) to cease partnering with or funding Planned Parenthood’s harmful activities. 

Sign Letter to UN & UN Ambassadors

  • Your email counts as your signature and will be kept private.


Sharon Slater, President
Family Watch International


Michelle A. Cretella, MD, FCP, Executive Director
American College of Pediatricians


Brian Brown, President
International Organization for the Family (IOF)


Lola Velarde, International Director
Institute for Family Policy (Europe)


Theresa Okafor, President
Foundation for African Cultural Heritage


Ignacio Arsuaga


Annie Franklin
UN Family Rights Caucus


Christine de Marcellus Vollmer, President
Latin American Alliance for the Family (ALAFA)


Katharina Rothweiler
Political Network for Values


Michele Lentz, President
Child Protection League


Ann Kioko, President
African Organization for Families


Nacho Arsuaga
Comprometido con el Derecho a Vivir


Errol Naidoo, Founder and CEO
Family Policy Institute (South Africa)


Małgorzata Owczarska
The Confederation of Women of the Republic of Poland


Chris Bridgens
Parents’ Rights In Education (Oregon, USA)


Associacion Provida de Venezuela-PROVIVE


Nicholeen Peck, President
Worldwide Oraganization for Women (WOW)

Dear UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres & UN Ambassadors: 


We would like to bring to your attention a serious matter concerning the protection of the health and innocence of the world’s children.


You may be aware that Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the U.S. affiliate of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) has been under criminal investigation in the United States for harvesting and selling the body parts of aborted babies.


However, you may not be aware that through many of their 65,000 service points in over 170 countries, IPPF is promoting promiscuity, sexual pleasure and high-risk sexual behavior (including bondage and sadomasochistic sex) to children, under the guise of UN–mandated sexual education and counseling.

Please consider the following alarming facts: 

  • At the UN and across the world, IPPF has openly distributed their dangerous publication “Healthy, Happy and Hot” for HIV-infected minors that, among other things, teaches children about anal and oral sex, tells them they have a right to sexual pleasure, and tells HIV-infected youth they do not have to tell their sexual partners they are infected with HIV.
  • IPPF has also distributed the highly controversial “It’s All One” sexuality education curriculum at the UN and in many countries to indoctrinate children and youth in IPPF’s radical and harmful sexual rights agenda. For example, “It’s All One,” among other things, references sexual pleasure over 60 times and is replete with instructions on how children can obtain sexual pleasure through various risky sex acts.
  • IPPF is one of the largest providers of sexual education for children in the world and partners with and receives millions of dollars from multiple UN agencies.
  • As one of the largest abortion and “sexual health” providers in the world, IPPF and their affiliates benefit financially from sexually active youth who need their services such as sexual counseling, condoms, contraceptives, abortions, HIV and other STI testing and treatment, etc. This creates a serious conflict of interest any time Planned Parenthood entities are involved in the sex education of children.

Therefore, to protect the health and innocence of children and youth worldwide, we, as officers of governments, members of civil society, medical and mental health professionals, concerned citizens and parents, youth and young adults, respectfully request that the United Nations and UN Member States investigate the harmful practices of Planned Parenthood at the international, national, and local levels and stop partnering with and/or funding Planned Parenthood.


We strongly urge the United Nations: 


    1. To establish a committee to conduct a comprehensive investigation into all UN associations or partnerships with International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliates, including any UN funding of their activities;
    2. To investigate IPPF’s harmful teachings to minors on issues of sex, sexual pleasure and sexuality using objectionable, sexually explicit or pornographic materials;
    3. To investigate IPPF’s abortion practices to determine if they are harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts;
    4. To consider ending all UN funding of IPPF and their affiliate organizations. 


Please join with us in protecting the world’s children. More documentation regarding the harmful activities of Planned Parenthood can be found at InvestigateIPPF.org.


Together we can protect the world’s children!





IPPF Exposed

10 Ways  IPPF Sexualizes Children

In addition to being the largest abortion provider in the world, Planned Parenthood is also the largest provider of graphic, erotic and often pornographic, sexuality education programs they establish in schools and communities around the world. 


In fact, Planned Parenthood is the world’s largest provider of “comprehensive sexuality education,” which would be better named comprehensive sexualization education, as these programs teach children as young as age five—usually without the knowledge or consent of parents—that they have a right to sexual pleasure, how to engage in high-risk sexual acts, and to experiment with heterosexual and homosexual sex.


For this reason and others, International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) with its 65,000 affiliates in over 170 countries, is one of the greatest threats to children worldwide. Yet many governments and UN agencies continue to support Planned Parenthood with millions of dollars each year.


It can be difficult to believe that an organization actually encourages children to experiment sexually at young ages and to engage in various sex acts. However, the evidence is abundant and undeniable.


Warning: The links below expose materials that are quite disturbing even for adults. Yet this is what Planned Parenthood intends to be taught to children at the youngest of ages.


Top Ten Examples of How Planned Parenthood Sexualizes Children

  1. “IT’S ALL ONE,” an IPPF-promoted curriculum intended for school children, instructs them about stimulating their partner to orgasm, promotes homosexual and heterosexual sex as a right for children, and references sexual pleasure over 50 times and abortion over 100 times.
  2. “HEALTHY, HAPPY AND HOT,” aimed at young people with HIV, tells youth they don’t have to tell their sexual partners they are infected, contains sexually explicit language, and encourages casual sex with multiple partners (including oral, anal and homosexual sex). Among other things, it states: 

    “Some people like to have aggressive sex.”

    “There is no right or wrong way to have sex.”


    In addition, the publication encourages youth to keep their sexual activity secret from their parents.

  3. International Planned Parenthood SEXUAL RIGHTS DECLARATION. A video by American Life League exposes IPPF’s sexual rights agenda and its goal of promoting sexual and gender autonomy and “sexual rights” to children and adults alike, including the right to express their sexuality. IPPF also seeks to emancipate children from their parents.
  4. PLANNED PARENTHOOD’S U.S. AFFILIATE PROMOTES SELF-ABUSE, BONDAGE, DOMINATION, AND SADOMASOCHIST SEX TO TEENS, as shown in a number of highly disturbing undercover videos of Planned Parenthood sex counseling sessions with young women posing as minors.
  5. “HOOKING KIDS ON SEX II,” a disturbing video by American Life League, exposes the graphic nature of CSE materials and programs used by Planned Parenthood to sexualize children.
  6. “The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda,” documents Planned Parenthood’s role in promoting explicit comprehensive sexuality education and uncovers CSE’s widespread, deceptive assault on the health and innocence of even very young children throughout the world. This documentary is subtitled in various languages and is available in both a 10-minute or 35-minute version at www.StopCSE.org.
  7. “IT’S PERFECTLY NORMAL,” endorsed and distributed by Planned Parenthood, contains graphic illustrations of naked male and female children masturbating and having heterosexual and homosexual sex, teaching them this is all perfectly normal.
  8. IPPF’S “FULFIL!” Guidance document for the implementation of young people’s sexual rights targets children 10 years and older teaching them they have a right to sex, sexual pleasure, abortion, transgender surgeries without parental consent and much more.
  9. SERIES OF UNDERCOVER VIDEOS of PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINICS IN THE U.S. provide proof that Planned Parenthood is harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts.
  10. ARTICLE: PLANNED PARENTHOOD PROMOTING PORNOGRAPHY TO TEENS, exposes Planned Parenthood’s common practice of encouraging teens to view pornographic materials.

As evidenced by the many examples above, Planned Parenthood sexualizes children with their sexuality education curricula and counseling, most often without the knowledge and consent of parents. (Planned Parenthood believes that children have a right to the information they provide and that this right trumps the rights of parents.)


Not only are these harmful Planned Parenthood activities funded directly by many countries around the world, many governments are also funding the UN agencies that, in turn, fund Planned Parenthood. International Planned Parenthood Federation receives millions of dollars from UN agencies, including UNAIDS, UN WOMEN, UNICEF, and WHO. (For more on this, see Family Watch’s policy brief titled “International Planned Parenthood Federation & Children’s “Right” to Sex.”)

Planned Parenthood Profits from Sexualizing Children

Sexualizing children through their “education” programs is a multibillion-dollar business for Planned Parenthood. By sexualizing children, Planned Parenthood can create lifelong customers who will need to purchase the kind of products and services Planned Parenthood provides, such as sexual counseling, condoms, contraceptives, abortions, STD testing and treatment, including for HIV/AIDS. So, for example, telling youth they don’t have to inform their partners that they are HIV positive (See their “Healthy, Happy, and Hot” publication) makes great business sense for Planned Parenthood—it creates more customers.


This is why Planned Parenthood and their affiliates spend millions of dollars lobbying worldwide to remove legal restrictions on abortions and to establish policies mandating that governments provide family planning services, commodities and STD treatment—and other services that Planned Parenthood provides. They also lobby for government-mandated sexuality education programs, then even provide the curricula, replete with information they slip in that sexualizes children and teaches children they are “sexual from birth,” thus creating more paying customers for their businesses.

Controversial Policies Advocated by Government-Funded Planned Parenthood

The multi-millions of dollars governments are providing to fund Planned Parenthood actually work against these countries as funds are used not just to promote harmful CSE, but also to lobby for policies and laws that advance controversial sexual rights, including sexual freedom for all at any age, abortion without any restrictions, and legalization of prostitution and pornography.


Click here to see a list of some of the positions advocated for by International Planned Parenthood Federation and their many affiliates.

10 Ways to Stop IPPF


  1. Watch and then share the “International Planned Parenthood Exposed” webinar series with government, church, and community leaders. Knowledge is power!
  2. Sign the global letter calling upon the United Nations and UN Member States to cease funding and to investigate the activities of International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliates.
  3. Help us build our “IPPF Member Association Database” by doing research in the areas where we are missing information. Anyone can do this from home. Email your findings to fwi@familywatch.org.
  4. Find out if your national, state or local government is currently funding or partnering with Planned Parenthood or one of their affiliates by:
    – Going to Family Watch’s “IPPF Member Association Database” and finding your country’s profile to learn what Planned Parenthood is doing in our country.
    – Visiting the nearest Planned Parenthood clinic or office near you to see for yourself what they are doing in your community. Planned Parenthood has 65,000 service points in over 170 countries and their affiliates often operate under innocent-sounding names so you may need to do some digging.
  5. Once you have identified IPPF’s harmful activities, expose them to your government, and lobby your government to cease all partnering with or funding of any Planned Parenthood activities.
  6. Find out if your local school is allowing Planned Parenthood into the classroom or using any Planned Parenthood programs or materials, especially comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programs. If so, work to get them removed. Go to the Defenders’ Toolkit on StopCSE.org to find a “Stop CSE Action Plan” Further, contact the nearest Planned Parenthood office directly (or their affiliates), and ask them what schools they may be working with or providing materials to.
  7. Find out if the company you work for or any of the businesses you patronize fund or support Planned Parenthood or their activities. Ask them to establish a policy prohibiting any further donations to Planned Parenthood or their affiliates.
  8. Identify Planned Parenthood donors and partners (See “IPPF Member Association Database”), and write letters asking them to stop funding Planned Parenthood. Use the information on this page to help them understand how Planned Parenthood is harming children.
  9. Lobby your parliament/congress/legislature/ schoolboard etc. to pass sex education laws that:
    – Establish abstinence (or a return to abstinence for sexually active youth) as the expected standard for all school children of minor age. Prohibit the use of explicit or pornographic materials or books in the schools. Prohibit teachings on the divisive controversial topics of sexual orientation or gender identity.– Establish opt-in sex education policies rather than opt-out policies.– Require notification and written parental consent before sex-ed or sexuality education materials can be presented to minors in your schools.– Require all sex ed materials be available online and at the school for parental examination.– Include a conflict of interest policy prohibiting entities that profit from abortion, sexual counseling, contraception, condoms, or STI testing, treatment or care from dispensing health information or services to minors in your public schools. See here for additional guidelines for sex education policies.
  10. Join the Empowered Youth Coalition and sign up to receive educational quizzes, videos, action alerts and newsletters so you will be equipped for the battle. Encourage as many youth, young adults, and youth mentors that you know to also join.



IPPF Member Association Profiles

See what IPPF is Doing in Your Country

Find your country

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

(More countries coming soon!)


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Afghan Family Guidance Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities


The Afghan Family Guidance Association (AFGA) was established in 1968 and gets its core funding from International Planned Parenthood Federation. AFGA delivers a wide range of sexual and reproductive health services and programs, including providing contraception to adolescents, and promoting sexual activity over abstinence.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




IPPF, JTF, European Commission, UNFPA, Australian Aid, Johns Hopkins University




IPPF, Football Federation, Tinas Federation, Football Federation, MOHIA






Social Media Links:





[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Albanian Center for Population and Development


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities


The Albanian Center for Population and Development (ACPD) was established January 1993 and works to implement legislation that promotes contraception for children, population control, and abortion services. The organization delivers comprehensive sexuality education for children in both formal and informal settings. Approximately 1000 teachers and 1500 children are trained on CSE all over the country by ACPD. On June 7, 2022, ACPD held a national conference to present the findings of the regional study “Young People’s Access to Sexual and Reproductive Health Information, Education and Care in Albania During Covid Time.” The organization promotes International Planned Parenthood’s ‘Youth Voices, Youth Choices’ Project.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.



IPPF, Olof Palme International Center, Qendra Kombetare Burismore Per SHoqerine Civile ne SHqiperi, Partneret Shqiperi Per Ndryshim Dhe Zhvillim, Suedi Sverige, UNFPA, UNICEF, Womankind Worldwide Equal Respected Proud, SCPA Program




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Association Algérienne pour la Planification Familiale


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities


Association Algérienne pour la Planification Familiale also known as the Algerian Association for Family Planning (AAPF) was created in 1987. AAPF promotes the sexual and reproductive rights of children. Their vision is for all children to make their own choices about sexual activity and to be able to access contraception and other reproductive services. AAPF is working to increase children’s access to comprehensive sexuality education.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Anguilla Family Planning Association-The Primary Health Care


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities


The Anguilla Family Planning Association (AFPA) is part of the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation (CFPA). The AFPA provides low cost contraception for youth and delivers comprehensive sexual education to local schools. They advocate for children to have the right to decide on matters related to their sexuality, including sexual and reproductive health. AFPA works with UNFPA and CARICOM to promote comprehensive sexuality education and works to provide access to abortion. Here is a Facebook post where they advertise a public demonstration of sex toys. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2518123438218866&set=pb.100064260686452.-2207520000


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.














Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Antigua Planned Parenthood Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities


The Antigua Planned Parenthood Association (APPA) is part of the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation. APPA “believes that all young people have a right to free, confidential sexual and reproductive health services.” They host a youth summer camp for children ages 11-19. (See: https://www.facebook.com/AntiguaPlannedParenthood/photos/5573602652676250


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








The Mill Reef Fund






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:




Information on Organization/Harmful Activities


FUSA CIVIL ASSOCIATION / HOUSE FUSA (FUSA) advocates that “the voluntary termination of pregnancy is your right.” In addition, they state “Our health centers are specialized in the care of adolescents, young women and other gender identities with the capacity to gestate.”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Robert Carr Fund, PARTNERS: Fundacion Huesped, Buenos Aires Provincia Ministerio de Salud, IPPF, UNFPA, RACI, UNU Mujeres, Ministerio de Slaud y Desarrollo Social Presidencia de la Nacion, Asociacion por os Derechos Civiles, RACI, Sumando, RAJAP, Fundacion Para Estudio, El Colectivo, Red Nacional de Jovenes y Adolescentes para la salud Sexual y Reproductiva, Fundacion Garrahan






Social Media Links:






[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Harmful PPFA Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • RedTraSex (Red de Mujeres Trabajadoras Sexuales LAC)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities


RedTraSex Argentina was created in 1994 to help fight for normalization of prostitution. They joined the Central de Trabajadores Argentinos (CTA) and Network of Sex Workers of Latin America and the Carribbean to help legalize prostitution.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




IPPF, Robert Carr Fund, ONUSIDA




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:







  • Akahatá-Equipo de Trabajo en Sexualidades y Géneros


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities


Akatatá aims to advance, promote and defend LGBT and sexual rights in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




SRI, Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights, Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL), Creating Resources for Empowerment in Action (CREA), Federation for Women and Family Planning




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Foundation for the Promotion of Responsible Parenthood – Aruba

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Famia Planea Aruba (FPA) was established in 1970 and partner with IPPF, Amaze, Rutgers, and UNFPA. They offer an online store to shop for flavored condoms and condoms with cartoons and morning after pills, among other things. (See: https://famiaplanea.org/product-category/hoben/page/4/) They also offer sexualized games with topics such as “gang bang” and “F-Buddy” (See: https://www.facebook.com/famiaplanea/photos/5438935242784509)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.





Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Family Planning Alliance Australia

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Family Planning Alliance Australia advocates for transparency in advertising for unintended pregnancy support services. FPAA advocates for the “education of doctors about their duty of care in relation to a person seeking abortion to facilitate timely referral to an appropriate service without delay.” They advocate for accessible and affordable abortion for all women in Australia. FPAA lobbies for laws that require organizations to disclose their “pro-life” bias. In addition, they advocate that all school-aged children should have comprehensive sexuality education and support schools indoctrinating students in transgender ideology. (See: https://www.familyplanningallianceaustralia.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/FPAA-Abortion-Position-Statement-August-2018-FINAL.pdf) FPAA “recognises and respects diversity of sex, gender, bodies and sexual orientation and/or expression.” (See: https://www.familyplanningallianceaustralia.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/LGBTIQA-people-and-communities.pdf)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Bahamas Family Planning Association (BFPA)

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Bahamas Family Planning Association (BFPA) was founded in 1984. BFPA provides contraceptives, HIV and AIDS counseling and Norplant insertions and removals. One of BFPA’s priorities is to provide sexual education and services to children. BFPA is part of an umbrella organization known as the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation Ltd (CFPA).


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.





Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

The Bahrain Family Planning Association (BRHA)

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

The Bahrain Reproductive Health Association (BRHA) was established in 1975 by a group of Bahraini youth to advocate for the International Planned Parenthood agenda. They do outreach to adolescents and work to impact public policy to make it more accepting of the idea of reproductive rights, which includes the right to abortion.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.





Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Family Planning Association of Bangladesh (FPAB)

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Family Planning Association of Bangladesh (FPAB) was established in 1953. FPAB suggests that children have a right to enjoy their sexual lives. As such, they have youth-friendly services that are provided from 21 special centres called ‘TararMela.’ The TararMela program is open to all adolescents in the community, offers both face-to-face counseling and tele-counseling on sexuality. In addition, they provide contraceptives for young people who may still be concerned about confidentiality in the bathrooms at their centers. Tarar Mela offers an online comprehensive sexuality education program called “Me & My World,” which is affiliated with Unite for Body Right an organization which targets children. https://knowledgecommons.popcouncil.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1577&context=departments_sbsr-rh


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




BNF, Government of Bangladesh, European Commission,Kingdom of the Netherlands, RutgersWPF, SIMAVI, giz


[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Barbados Family Planning Association (BFPA)

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Barbados Family Planning Association (BFPA) promotes services to children, sex workers, lesbian, gay and transgender identified individuals. The BFPA has a comprehensive Youth Programme which is focused providing comprehensive sexuality services to young people. Their youth programs encourage children to draw sexually explicit pictures of naked people. (See:https://www.facebook.com/yambdos/photos/pb.100064638761892.-2207520000./1279514832107986/?type=3)They host programs such as The Sex Shop: Candid Conversations About Sex and Sexuality in Barbados which they advertise on their youth Facebook page, (see: https://www.facebook.com/yambdos/photos/pb.100064638761892.-2207520000./896170127109127/?type=) and they show sexually explicit educational materials to minors. (See: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=836969239695883&set=pb.100064638761892.-2207520000)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Belgische Federatie voor Seksuele en Reproductieve Gezondheid en Rechten (BFSRGR) / Fédération Belge pour la Santé et les Droits Sexuels et Reproductifs (FBSDSR)

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

IPPF’s Strategic Framework sets the priorities that will allow the Federation to deliver impact as a sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) movement over the next seven years. At the helm of the sexual and reproductive health and rights movement, we will help unite the actions and achievements of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) champions around the world to realize a step change in sexual and reproductive health and rights around the world.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.





Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.



Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

IPPF Member Association:

Fédération Laïque de Centres de Planning Familial

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

The Fédération Francophone Belge pour le Planning Familial et l’Education Sexuelle serves Belgium’s Wallonian community. It runs 42 centres. The organisation promotes abortion and comprehensive sexuality education for children as well as embracing same-sex behavior and transgender identities. Their stated purpose is for everyone to flourish sexually, and they state that children should be taught about “Sexuality, desire, pleasure, attractions and identities, intimacy and the body, but also consent and everything related to affective and romantic relationships, are important topics for adolescents and young adults.” (See: https://www.planningfamilial.net/thematiques/jeunesse/) They have a site specifically for youth: http://www.loveattitude.be/.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




De La Federation Wallonie-Bruxelles, Du Service Public Francophone Bruxellois Commission Communautaire Francaise, De la Wallonie


Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

IPPF Member Association:


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Sensoa serves Belgium’s Flemish community. It is the official government partner in the Flemish region. The organization was created in 2003 and suggests that “attention should also be paid to the pleasurable and pleasant sides of sexuality” when teaching children. Its work includes disseminating information with social media, websites, manuals, webinars and training packages, press actions, mass media, brochures, exhibitions, teaching material, posters, targeted at professionals working with youth, young adults, adults, men who have sex with men and people living with HIV and AIDS and directly towards these target groups as well. They state, “Everyone has a gender identity. Cisgender people (in whom sex and gender coincide) are less aware of this.” (See: https://www.sensoa.be/lesgeven-over-transgender) Sensoa encourages dangerous behaviors and suggests “BDSM gives the same intoxication as running. The submissive BDSM experience both pleasure and stress hormones. This is comparable to the runner’s high as a result of physical performance.Read more about this University research.“ (See: https://www.facebook.com/sensoa/photos/3262153173820411)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.



Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.





Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Association Beninoise pour la Promotion de la famille

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

The Association Béninoise pour la Promotion de la Famille (ABPF) has been operating for almost 40 years. The Government of Benin invited the organization to become a member of the technical committee (in the Ministry of Planning) that drafts reproductive health policies. ABPF has a Youth Action Movement to increase access for adolescents and young people to comprehensive sexuality education. ABPF supports the Global Comprehensive Abortion Care Initiative (GCACI) expanding access to abortion. https://www.abpf.org/index.php/programmes/programme-2 and The Safe Abortion Action Fund (SAAF) was established in 2006, in response to the U.S. government’s Global Gag Rule, as a multi-donor mechanism to support global programs related to abortion. https://www.abpf.org/index.php/programmes/programme-3


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.





Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Teen Services (Bermuda)

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Teen Services Bermuda provides sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to Bermudan teenagers. Teen Services Bermuda is an Associate Member Association of an umbrella organization known as the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation Ltd (CFPA). Teen Services actively recruited children as young as 11 to act as “youth innovators.” https://www.facebook.com/TeenServicesBermuda/photos/166745155905635


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.





Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Respect Educate Nurture empower Women- Bhutan

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Respect Educate Nurture Empower Women Bhutan (RENEW) was established in 2004 by Her Majesty the Queen of Bhutan. RENEW became an Associate Member Association of IPPF in November 2009. Their work is focused on adolescent girls with the Druk Adolescent’s Initiative on Sexual Awareness Network (DAISAN), a youth network that focuses on youth aged 24 and under. The core objectives of DAISAN are to spread awareness of sexual and reproductive health to children.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Whole Planet, Bhutan Media Foundation, Bhutan Media Foundation, UNFP,


Bhutan National Bank


Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • Coordinadora de la Mujer


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Comunidad de Derechos Humanos, Fundacion Construir, PROTAGONISTAS, Observatorio de Genero Coordinadora de la Mujer, Plataforma de interaprendizaje, fondo de Mujeres Bolivia, Programa de Coordinación en Salud Integral, Progénero, Organización de Mujeres Aymaras del Kollasuyo, Mujeres en Acción, Instituto Politíécnico Tomás Katari, Instituto de Formación Femenina Integral, Fundación La Paz, Equipo de Comunicación Alternativa con Mujeres, Coordinadora de la Mujer – Beni, Centro Juana Azurduy, Centro de Promoción de la Mujer Gregoria Apaza, Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado(Altiplano y Norte Amazónico), Centro de Investigación y Educación Sexual y Reproductiva, Centro de Investigación y Apoyo Campesino, Centro de Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer, Centro de Capacitación y Servicio para la Integración de la Mujer, Centro de Capacitación Integral de la Mujer Campesina, Centro de Capacitación e Investigación de la Mujer Campesina de Tarija, Centro de Apoyo a la Mujer y a la Niñez, Casa de la Mujer




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





  • ONAEM (Organización Nacional de Activistas por la Emancipación de la Mujer)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


ONAEM works with RedTraSex and all departments of Bolivia to gain rights for prostitutes.


Major In-Country Projects



Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





  • Casa de la Mujer, Bolivia


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Casa de la Mujer works for sexual and gender rights through the Bolivian government.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:






IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Association XY (also in Herzegovina)

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Association XY was established in 2001 with the help of IPPF. In 2004, Association XY became an Associate Member of IPPF, and in November 2006 it was admitted to the full membership of the IPPF. The Association XY main goal is to integrate comprehensive sexuality education in formal and informal education. Association XY partnered with YSAFE B&H Network a youth activist organization that promotes comprehensive sexuality education for children which includes a sex-positive approach to sexuality that encourages children to reclaim their sexuality. (See: https://ysafe.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/SAFE-from-Sexual-and-Gender-Based-Violence-1.pdf)

Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


UKaid, Care, Opuna Novo Sarajevo, World Vision, UNDP, SECCC, United States,UNFPA, UN Women, Young Men Initiative




Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Botswana Family Welfare Association

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Botswana Family Welfare Association (BOFWA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation founded in 1988. BOFWA promotes and provides Sexual Reproductive Health & Rights (SRHR) services to adolescents and young people, women and children in hard-to-reach areas and LGBTQI. BOFWA has pushed for the ESA Ministerial Commitment of 2013 which requires comprehensive sexuality education for children, both in schools and in out of school settings. BOFWA supports abortion and provides pre- and post-abortion counseling. They support de-stigmatiziation of sex workers. (See: https://www.facebook.com/BOFWQ/photos/pb.100080142799036.-2207520000./1047586989011635/?type=3)

Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.





Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Coletive Feminino Plural is a feminist organization that advises and consults on public policies in Brazil. They push legalized abortion on the belief that “unsafe abortion” is biased and unfair to those of minorities and with lesser income.

Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Rede Nacional Feminista de Saúde, Direitos Sexuais e Direitos Reprodutivos (Sede da Regional do RS), Movimento Nacional de Direitos Humanos, Observatório pela Implementação da Lei Maria da Penha, Associada à Rede de Saúde das Mulheres Latino-americanas e do Caribe (RSMLAC); Associada à Rede Mundial de Mulheres pelos Direitos Reprodutivos; Associada à Campanha por uma Convenção dos Direitos Sexuais e Direitos Reprodutivos; Associada à Associação para os Direitos da Mulher no Desenvolvimento (AWID)



Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Coletive Feminino Plural

Buinea Bissau

IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

The Associação Guineense para o Bem Estar Familiar was established in 1993. It provides children with information, education and communication (IEC) and behaviour change communication (BCC) around sexual and reproductive health.

Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.



IPPF, Plan Internacional, Enda Tiers Monde, UNFPA, Organizacao Oeste Africana de Salud



Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.



Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

The Bulgarian Family Planning and Sexual Health Association (BFPA) is a non-governmental organization founded in 1992. It pushes access to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), health and sexuality education specifically targeting children and young adults. In 2022 it partnered with the Youth Voices, Youth Choices to increase sexual content for young people. (See: https://europe.ippf.org/resource/impacts-covid-19-young-peoples-srhr-western-balkans-research-report)

Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.



Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Association Burundaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Established in 1991, the Association Burundaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial’s (ABUBEF) original mission was to deliver family planning. Now the organization operates a large number of programs that advocate for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) including comprehensive sexuality education for children. They specifically target children living with HIV and AIDS, sex workers, drug users and street children.

Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


UNFPA, fhi360



Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

Burkina Faso

IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Association Burkinabe pour le Bien-Etre Familial

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Association Burkinabé pour le Bien-Etre Familial (FPABF) was set up in 1985. Staff and over 1,000 volunteers work to provide sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to poor and marginalized people. Services include antenatal and post-natal care, prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including HIV and AIDS, provision of antiretroviral drugs, voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), screening for cancers of the reproductive system, post-abortion care, prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and AIDS, and home-based care for people living with HIV and AIDS. FPABF’s work reaches out to the poor and marginalized, and the organization runs special initiatives focused on reaching young people on the streets, people living with HIV and AIDS, and students. Professional training is provided to young people, including members of FPABF’s Youth Action Movement, which enables them to participate in small-scale profitable ventures and escape poverty.

Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.







Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


In Burkina Faso, Planned Parenthood Global supports a diverse coalition of journalists, youth rights advocates, service delivery providers, legal experts, and religious and traditional leaders as part of the Voices For Health project. This model promotes a comprehensive approach to sexual and reproductive health in Burkina Faso, while focusing on areas with the greatest need and focusing on a national policy on youth friendly services that directs funding to the local level to support these services. In February 2017, Planned Parenthood Global partners launched the “Silence Kills Campaign” to start a nation-wide conversation on unsafe abortion and youth access to sexual and reproductive healthcare. As part of the campaign, two trailers showcase a first-person narrative from one of two perspectives: that of a provider, or that of an adult woman looking back on an experience she had as a teenager.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Established in 1996, Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC) is an accredited member of IPPF. They offer abortion services at their clinics and do outreach to at-risk populations such as Entertainment Workers (EWs), Men who have Sex with Men (MSMs), and Transgender (TGs).They have a program that aims to provide sexuality education to children and young adults aged 10-24 through the use of the course book and e-learning. In addition to partnering with IPPF, they are partnered with RFSU, UNFPA, IPPF, and SAAF.

Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.





Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Social Media Links:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

The Cameroon National Planning Association for Family Welfare (CAMNAFAW)

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

The Cameroon National Planning Association for Family Welfare (CAMNAFAW) was created in 1987. Its has sites specifically dedicated to children. CAMNAFAW receives support from the Government of Cameroon, UNFPA, the Government of Japan, the IPPF Japan Trust Fund, Care Cameroon, and CAREF.

Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF, PSI, Protection de la Famille


The Global Fund


[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Red Ecofeminista Ibérica e Iberamericana


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Red Ecofeminista Ibérica e Iberamericana stand for political environmentalism, environmental ethics, and feminism.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:






(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • International Indigenous Working Group on HIV & AIDS


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The International Indigenous Working Group on HIV & AIDS (IIWGHA) is a collective action to unify the international Native voice related to HIV and AIDs. IIWGHA is now made up of representatives from Australia, New Zealand, Guatemala, Chile, Mexico, United States of America, Canada, Bolivia, and Brazil.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:




Cape Verde

IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Associação Cabo-Verdiana Para a Protecao Da Familia (VERDEFAM)

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

Founded in 1995, VerdeFam, Cape Verdean Association for the Protection of the Family has peer educators to disseminate comprehensive sexuality education to their peers. VERDEFAM receives funds from UNFPA, The Cape Verde Institute for Gender Equality and Equity, and the Coalition PLUS. They claim to want to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth through providing abortion services. (See: https://www.verdefam.cv/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=2)

Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Ministry of Health, CCSSIDA, ICIEG, City Councils, OMCV, MORABI, Cape Verde Red Cross, UNICEF, WHO, UNFPA, GTZ. ENDA Sante and Luxembourg Cooperation



Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

The Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

The Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation (CFPA) serves 12 island Member Associations and 5 Associate Member Associations in the Caribbean, Central and South America. It supports these Associations with technical assistance and materials, and represents their interests at IPPF meetings and in the Caribbean region among governments and NGOs. CFPA Member Associations are located in Anguilla, Antigua, Aruba, Bahamas, Bermuda, Curacao, Dominica, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Martinique, St. Lucia and St. Vincent. CFPA Associate Member Associations are located in Belize, Barbados, Guyana, Jamaica, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. The CFPA oversees, manages and analyses core grants to 7 Caribbean Member Associations. The CFPA also submits project proposals for donor funding on behalf of the Associations. The CFPA believes comprehensive sexuality education should be sex-positive with materials that demonstrate a positive attitude towards sexual enjoyment and clarify that sexual pleasure is important for personal well-being and happiness. (See: https://caribbeanfamilyplanning.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/ippf_cse_report_eng_web.pdf) They also promote consensual and pleasurable sexual relationships for children and young adults. (See: https://caribbeanfamilyplanning.com/infographic-why-do-young-people-in-latin-america-and-the-caribbean-need-comprehensive-sexuality-education/)

Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org





Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

Central African Republic

IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Association Centrafricaine pour le Bien-Etre Familial

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

The Association Centrafricaine pour le Bien-Être Familial (ACABEF), was established in 1986 in part, to increase children and young adults’ access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and education and services. They support gender transformative policies that undermine the rights and protections of girls and women.

Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


CIONGCA, Central African Network of People living with HIV (RECAPEV), Réseau des Organisations Nationales de Lutte contre le SIDA (RONALSI) and Amis d’Afrique


CISJEU, UNFPA, Population Services International


Social Media:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:

Association Tchadienne pour le Bien-Etre Familial

Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:

The Israel Family Planning Association (IFPA) is Israel’s leading organization advancing the human right to sexual health. “Open Door” is a national network consisting of 14 information, counseling and treatment centres. The centres work with children to encourage them to explore their sexuality, specifically targeting vulnerable children. They also provide certification in comprehensive sexuality education for professionals from the Arab. The centre also offers an International Innovation Award for the leading sex educator certification programme for individuals with physical or sensory disabilities. ***THE ARAB WHAT???

Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Girls not Brides, IPPF



Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media:

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • Red de Salud de las Mujeres de América Latina y el Caribe RSMLAC


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Red de Salud de las Mujeres de América Latina y el Caribe RSMLAC calls for access to abortion services and comprehensive sexuality education regardless of age. They advocate for free abortions. (See: https://www.facebook.com/rsmlac/photos/2324717737677757/) In addition, they support transgender ideology, stating in a Facebook post, “We call on governments to guarantee the dignified life of women, youth, girls, transmasculinities and people non-binary, and this demand also includes the right to to abortion.” (See:https://www.facebook.com/rsmlac/photos/2324717714344426/) Their website reiterates this saying, “The fight for abortion crosses borders, limits and grows through the sharing of experiences, knowledge and knowledge that organizations, collectives and activists have from all latitudes so that free, safe and accompanied abortion is possible for the greatest number of women, transmasculinities and non-binary people who want it.” 


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Fondo de Accion Urgente, Consorcio Latinoamericano de Anticonception de Emergencia,CLANDEM, clacai,Global Network of Women for Reproductive Rights




Mira que te Miro, Fondo de Accion Urgente






Social Media Links:





  • Red Juvenil Centroamericana para la Prevención de las Violencias Sociales Red Previos


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Red de Salud de las Mujeres de América Latina y el Caribe RSMLAC calls for access to abortion services and comprehensive sexuality education regardless of age. They advocate for free abortions. (See: https://www.facebook.com/rsmlac/photos/2324717737677757/) In addition, they support transgender ideology, stating in a Facebook post, “We call on governments to guarantee the dignified life of women, youth, girls, transmasculinities and people non-binary, and this demand also includes the right to to abortion.” (See:https://www.facebook.com/rsmlac/photos/2324717714344426/) Their website reiterates this saying, “The fight for abortion crosses borders, limits and grows through the sharing of experiences, knowledge and knowledge that organizations, collectives and activists have from all latitudes so that free, safe and accompanied abortion is possible for the greatest number of women, transmasculinities and non-binary people who want it.”


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Interpeace, Red Previos, soleterre, Plataforma Seguridad Juvenil centroamerica, ccpvj




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:






IPPF Member Association Profiles:


China Family Planning Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The China Family Planning Association (CFPA) provides information promoting limiting family size as well as comprehensive sexuality education and services to children. They target children and young adults between 10-24 years old.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Asociacion Pro-Bienestar de la Familia Colombiana


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Asociación Pro-Bienestar de la Familia Colombiana (Profamilia) is a strong supporter of abortion rights, stating “Abortion is a right that must be guaranteed in Colombia. (See: https://www.facebook.com/ProfamiliaColombia1965/photos/pb.100064688256750.-2207520000./4722468564482569/?type=3) On their website they say “With Profamilia you access free, legal and safe abortion services.” They advertise mifepristone on their website saying “Mifepristone: safe abortion medication” They promote pleasure-based comprehensive sexuality education and have an add for a condom on their website that states, “Piel® condoms, unlimited pleasure.” They target children and young adults with pleasure-based materials and say, “At Profamilia we have a comprehensive care program for Colombian youth. Our objective is to contribute to the construction and realization of life projects in adolescents and young people, having as a common thread the experience of a pleasant, autonomous, informed, free and safe sexuality.” They have a picture of children with penis model and condoms on their Facebook page. (See: https://www.facebook.com/ProfamiliaColombia1965/photos/pb.100064688256750.-2207520000./4546787345384026/?type=3) They also promote transgender ideology and same-sex attracted rights, saying “On the Day against Transphobia, Homophobia and Biphobia we invite you to build together a place where empathy makes us value diversity and where being ourselves is valid.” https://www.facebook.com/ProfamiliaColombia1965/photos/pb.100064688256750.-2207520000./5365073456888740/?type=3


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




IPPF, Global Innovation Exchange, Global Directory of Condom Social Marketing Projects and Organizations




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • Fundación Oriéntame


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Fundación Oriéntame is an organization focused on helping women get medical and surgical abortions. They offer edu-entertainment interventions that sexualize children that range from talks, workshops, virtual and face-to-face courses, forums, conversations, and artistic interventions. They have a rights-based model that embraces sexual diversity.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




National Abortion Federation, Centro de Relevo, NGO Source




Maria Vivas






Social Media Links:







  • Fundación ESAR


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Fundación ESAR aims to have health professionals that are centered on making sexual and reproductive health more available. Their website says “At the ESAR Foundation we sensitize, accompany and train sexual and (non) reproductive health professionals so that all women, girls, adolescents and people with the capacity to gestate in Latin America can access comprehensive and quality services.” This includes providing access to abortion, contraception and normalizing LGBTQ lifestyles.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Catolicas por del Derecho a Decidir, Consorcio Latinoamericano Contra El Aborto Inseguro, Orientame




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:






  • Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir-Colombia


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir-Colombia is a feminist Catholic organization that pushes for a change of cultural and religious beliefs about sexuality and human reproduction. They promote their beliefs through videos, video links, and stories that help push their agenda. Their website says “Catholics for the Right to Decide Colombia has as its purpose the transformation of cultural imaginaries from a perspective of Human Rights, the gender approach and feminist theology.”


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





  • Sindicato de Trabajadoras Sexuales de Colombia Sintrasexco


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org



  • Fundación Mujer y Futuro


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Provides advice and training on sexual and reproductive health issues. Their advocacy and development of projects is oriented toward gender equality through corporate social responsibility. They hold training workshops to focus on gender equality and women’s rights.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:







  • Alianza Colombiana por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Alianza Colombiana por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos holds conventions about sexual and reproductive rights. They hold an annual event called “sex with coffee” where the organization provides the opportunity for people to “talk about what is forbidden in public spaces openly.”


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:







  • Liga Internacional de Mujeres por la Paz y la Libertad – LIMPAL COLOMBIA


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


COLOMBIA, The International League of Women for Peace and Freedom (Limpal Colombia) is a feminist, pacifist and anti-militarist organization. They promote intersectionality and work to transform society via ecofeminism.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




WILPF, ESOSOC, UNCTAD, UNESCO, FAO, OIT, UNICEF, Cumbre Nacional de Mujeres y Paz, Coalicion 1325, Colectivo de Pensamiento y Accion “Mujeres, Paz y Seguridad”




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:






  • Fundación Prevenir


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Fundacion Fenalco Bogata Responsable, MinEducacion, Minjusticia, Chemi S.A.S., ibi budget hotels, Hotel Grand Park, Gobiernacion de Antioquia, Alcaldia de Medellin Cuenta con vos, Fundacion Fenalco Bogata Responsable, Federacion Nacional de Comerciantes, Escudo Policia Nacional de Colombia, Universidad Catolica Luisamigo, Gobernacion de Norte de Santander




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org



  • Corporación para el Desarrollo Social


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Asociacion para el desarrollo humano Sostenible, Alcdio de manizales, incoder, Coldeportes, Corpocaldas, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Association Comorienne pour le Bien-Etre de la Famille 


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Association Comorienne pour le Bien-Être Famille (ASCOBEF) delivers a range of sexual and reproductive health programmes and services including comprehensive sexuality education. They have peer educators to do outreach to children. It receives financial support from UNFPA, the Global Fund, UNICEF and the World Health Organization.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Association Congolaise pour le Bien-Etre de Familial


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Association Congolaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ACBEF) was started in 1987. They have over 100 community-based distributors (CBDs) backed by static clinics and permanent staff. In addition, ACBEF relies on over 1,000 volunteers, including fully-trained peer educators and a Youth Action Movement to provide comprehensive sexuality education to children. ACBEF provides contraceptives and other services to children. They are actively working to destigmatize and “re-educate” others to be more accepting of sex work. ABCEF receives financial support from the European Union, UNFPA and the Congolese Government.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

Cook Island

IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Cook Islands Family Welfare Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Established in 1987, The Cook Islands Family Welfare Association’s mission is to provide sexual and reproductive health information and services that are accessible and affordable to all, especially working with young in the Cook Islands. Their website states, “Currently the LGBTQI community are lobbying our Government to decriminalize homosexuality in the Cook islands. CIFWA stands in solidarity with this community and fully supports this movement.” They target children with their condom ads stating on a Facebook post, “Have you seen our cute condom packs? Each one contains one condom and one lube. You can pick them up from CIFWA for FREE, you can also grab as many as you like as we have takeaway bags.” https://www.facebook.com/CIFWAYouth/photos/1720144368080105/ They also say about their free condoms for children, “They come in all shapes and sizes aaaaaaand…FLAVOURS!!!!” https://www.facebook.com/CIFWAYouth/photos/2158126190948585/


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

Costa Rica

IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • Costa Rica Afro


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org



  • Asociación Ciudadana ACCEDER (Acciones estratégicas por los Derechos Humanos)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Asociación Ciudadana ACCEDER (Acciones estratégicas por los Derechos Humanos) executes strategic actions to support LGBTQ policies and access to contraception for children and adults. They state “We commemorate this date by reiterating our commitment as an organization to generate more inclusive spaces with and for trans people.” (See: https://www.facebook.com/accedercr/photos/2727422124060750/) They actively recruit children to be activists. (See: https://www.facebook.com/accedercr/photos/2885781214891506/) and fight for gay marriage. (See: https://www.facebook.com/accedercr/photos/1707586732710966/) They host events to “talk about taboos, the religious perspective on sexuality and about sex and pleasure. This is a space specifically for Lesbian, bisexual and non-heterosexual women.” (See: https://www.facebook.com/accedercr/photos/2228004920669142/ )


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:







  • Mulabi/ Espacio Latinoamericano de Sexualidades y Derechos


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Mulabi/ Espacio Latinoamericano de Sexualidades y Derechos is a pro-LGBT organization that pushes for transgender medical interventions as medically necessary for adults and children. (See: https://www.facebook.com/mulabi2007/photos/4018182338238299/)


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


It’s All One








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





  • Asociación para el Mejoramiento y la Calidad de Vida de Trabajadoras Sexuales 


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Foundation for the Promotion of Responsible Parenthood (FPRP)- Curacao


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Foundation for the Promotion of Responsible Parenthood (FPRP – Curacao) targets services specifically geared for the sex worker community and other “marginalized” communities.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Cyprus Family Planning Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Cyprus Family Planning Association asserts that sexual education is a basic right of all children. It hosts a summer school for children called “Let’s Talk About Sex!” Summer School, (See: https://www.facebook.com/cyfamplan/photos/306827469494923/ ) as well as a conferences on SRHR for girls age 16 and older. (See: https://www.facebook.com/cyfamplan/photos/550795158431485/).Cyprus Family Planning Association advocates for abortion. (See: https://www.facebook.com/cyfamplan/photos/863169400527391/, https://www.facebook.com/cyfamplan/photos/1675983125912677/) and promotes sexual pleasure, stating “Sexuality education is not just about prevention. It’s about enjoying and loving our bodies, and building relationships based on respect and equality. It’s about expressing our sexuality freely and it’s also about our right to seek pleasure in the context of safety and of mutual consent. Sexuality education is about the right of every person to have access to information and open conversations about sex, sexuality and relationships without taboos and prejudices.” With a graphic that says “your gender is yours to decide” and “masturbation is good for you.” (See: https://www.facebook.com/cyfamplan/photos/1745585028952486/)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


I’m Set




IPPF, Republic of Cyprus, eea grants, Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, SexOGPolitikk




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

Democratic Republic of Congo

IPPF Member Association Profiles:


The Association de Bien-Etre Familial – Naissances Desirables (ABEF- ND)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Association de Bien-Etre Familial – Naissances Désirables (ABEF-ND) was founded in 1977 and offers sexual and reproductive health (SRH) information and education services for children while working to promote sexual rights for all, including children. In addition to targeting children, they focus on runaways, sex workers, and LGBT populations.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Sex & Samfund – The Danish Family Planning Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Sex & Samfund – The Danish Family Planning Association The DFPA works to promote the universal right for all people, including children, to engage in sexual activity. DFPA actively works globally and specifically in Africa to undermine values and normalize abortion, sexualization of children, and sexual expression of all kinds. They actively promote acceptance of public drag. (See: https://www.facebook.com/sexogsamfund/photos/pb.100064510127831.-2207520000./3634909626612807/?type=3) They host gay and transgender pride events in countries in Africa and around the world. In one post on Facebook they wrote, “Hooray! 🎉 In Kenya, this weekend they dared to hold their first ever Pride! 🌈” (See: https://www.facebook.com/sexogsamfund/photos/pb.100064510127831.-2207520000./1467679966669128/?type=3)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Association Dhiboutienne pour I’Equilibre et la Promotion de la Famille


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Djibouti Association for Family Planning (ADEPF), affiliated with IPPF was founded in 1994. Their goal is to ensure that all people, including children in Djibouti enjoy access to contraception and abortion.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Dominica Planned Parenthood Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Founded in 1976, the Dominica Planned Parenthood Association (DPPA) focuses on providing comprehensive sexuality education and services to people of all ages, including children. DPPA distributes pamphlets and posters, broadcasts short talks about family planning on radio and television and conducts community discussions. DPPA provides sexuality and life skills education in secondary schools and to children outside the school system through rap sessions, lectures, discussions, films and other activities that sexualize children. DPPA has also established an Under 20 Club, a teen group that trains its members as peer educators. They have pictures of boys and girls playing with a model penis on their Facebook page. (See: https://www.facebook.com/Dominica-Planned-Parenthood-Association-154855487890859/photos/1477969112246150/ and https://www.facebook.com/Dominica-Planned-Parenthood-Association-154855487890859/photos/1398573936852335/)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Global Cancer Control, IPPF




Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

Dominican Republic

IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • Centro de Investigación para la Acción Femenina


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Centro de Investigación para la Acción Femenina works with several organizations to make videos and documentaries to promote gay and lesbian issues and women’s rights.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Observatorio, Colectiva Mujer Salud, Foro Feminista, CLADEM, MINERD, UNESCO, CNSIC, A4AI, INDOTEL, OXFAM, NAM, CE-MUJER, IGEF. Educacion Espejo, COIN, Foro Feministo, ABSOLBIDA, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





  • Colectiva Mujer y Salud


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Colectiva Mujer y Salud promotes LGBTQ and abortion throughout their social media platforms.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Articulation Feminista Marcosur, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:







Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


MODEMU is a member of the AIDS NGO Coalition and National Institute of Health and the National Network for Women’s Health. They also work with RedTraSex to normalize and legalize prostitution.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




University of California- Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:






  • Instituto de Investigación y Estudios de Género y Familia-UASD


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Instituto de Investigación y Estudios de Género y Familia-UASD is an academic, scientific and humanistic research unit for the study of social inequalities in Dominican society.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




UNESCO, UNI>erssia, CSUCA, Marco Universidades, MESCYT




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:




IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • Corporación Promoción de la Mujer


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Corporación Promoción de la Mujer / Taller de Comunicación Mujer is a feminist organization that aims to overturn heteronormativity and normalize LGBT activities.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





  • Fundación Salud Amazónica


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Fundación Salud Amazónica is very supportive of abortion and posts a lot of articles and statistics about information related to the legalization of abortion.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unicef, Onu Mujeres, UNFPA, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





  • CEMOPLAF (Centro Médico de Orientación y Planificación)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


CEMOPLAF (Centro Médico de Orientación y Planificación) provides children with information, education, training, and clinical and community care in sexual and reproductive health. The Cemoplaf Adolescent program is carried out in each center, where young people are recruited and trained to indoctrinate other children. They promote flavored condoms at community outreach events. (See: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=504558728351020&set=pb.100063906913016.-2207520000.&type=3) To attract children, they have condom costumes that are worn during outreach activities. (See: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=530071392466420&set=pb.100063906913016.-2207520000.&type=3)


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Ecuadorian Medical Society, ICA Foundation, USAID, Institute for Reproductive Health, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





  • Coordinadora Juvenil por la Equidad de Género


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Coordinadora Juvenil por la Equidad de Género is a feminist social organization. Created in 1998, its main purpose is to defend and guarantee sexual and reproductive rights of children and women.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



  • La Incre


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


La Incre creates campaigns for Planned Parenthood, UNFPA and other organizations that promote sexualization of children and support for abortion.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Planned Parenthood, UNFPA, YASunidos, Surkuna, Ministerio Coordinador de Desarrollo Social, Ministerio de Salud Publica, Secretaria de Cultura, Sendas, Salud Mujeres, Asambela Nacional, Grupo Faro, Articulacion Regional Amazonica Ecuador,CONQUITO




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:






IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Egyptian Family Planning Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Egyptian Family Planning Association (EFPA) was founded in 1958, with a vision to see all people, including children, in Egypt to be free regarding their sexual and reproductive choices. They target children with a comprehensive sexuality education program and have 16 different clinics that are child friendly.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

El Salvador

IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Asociacion Demografica Salvadorena/Pro-Familia


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Asociación Demográfica Salvadoreña (ADS) targets children and young adults under the age of 25 with school and youth-centre-based comprehensive sexuality education programs which include broadcast TV programs. The organization also makes use of peer educators who are trained to distribute condoms and to refer other children for services. ADS is the main supplier of condoms in the country and is El Salvador’s second most important source of voluntary surgical contraception.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • Organización de Mujeres en Transformación


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Mujeres Transormando is a feminist organization based to get equal rights for women who work in unsatisfactory conditions


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:








Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





  • Mesa Sectorial de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva del Foro Nacional de Salud


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Mesa Sectorial de Salud Sexual y Reproductiva del Foro Nacional de Salud focuses on sexual and reproductive rights primarily via Facebook with information about sex work, sexual rights, and abortion.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:





  • Organización de Mujeres Salvadoreñas, ORMUSA


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Organización de Mujeres Salvadoreñas, ORMUSA was created in 1983. Mainly a women’s activist group, they advocate for the LGBTQ agenda and embrace transgender ideology.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:






  • Movimiento de Mujeres Orquídeas del Mar


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Movimiento de Mujeres Orquídeas del Mar is an NGO that promotes the legalization and protection of sex workers’s rights.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




IPPF, RedTraSex




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:




IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Estonian Sexual Health Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Estonian Sexual Health Association (ESHA, formerly the Estonian Family Planning Association) is a non-governmental organization which was founded in 1994. The ESHA has been a member of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) since 1995 and adheres to its policies. Its main focus of activities is on providing children and young adults comprehensive sexuality education and services. ESHA has a network of youth counselling centres that has been established all over Estonia which operates free of charge. In addition, free SRHR internet counselling for young people is provided through ESHA home page www.seksuaaltervis.ee, which has sexually inappropriate and explicit information on it such as, “Sexual education begins at birth,” “Masturbation is giving yourself sexual pleasure,” and “A vivid fantasy can be useful both during sexual intercourse and when you are alone.”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Family Life Association of Eswatini (Formerly Swaziland)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Family Life Association of Eswatini (FLAE) targets children with comprehensive sexuality education with their primary target being children and young adults aged 10 – 24, while adults and those below 10 become a secondary target. One of FLAE’s youth centres has its own radio studio, where young people make their own programmes which are then played during FLAE’s roadshows and by major radio stations for nationwide broadcast. Their Facebook page features a penis model with what appears to be an event for children as young as 10 years old. (See: https://www.facebook.com/flas79/photos/2099630136727416/) Their Facebook page promotes sexual pleasure (See: https://www.facebook.com/flas79/photos/2853429061347516/) and contraceptives for children (See: https://www.facebook.com/flas79/photos/3619802204710194/)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia (FGAE) celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2015. It focuses on marginalized populations providing safe abortion care. It works extensively with young children and young adults to inform, educate and provide sexual and reproductive services. Donors include the Royal Netherlands Embassy, the Packard Foundation, IPPF’s Japan Trust Fund, USAID/CDC and DFID.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Marie Stopes International, Pathfinder International, Ipas, The Global Fund, Ministry of Educatio, Engender Health




Ministry of Health, IPPF, The David Lucile and Packard Roundation, CDC, UNFPA, KOICA, Comic Relief, Women Children First, Bergstrom Foundation






Social Media Links:




[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Reproductive & Family Health Association of Fiji


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Reproductive and Family Health Association of Fiji (RFHAF) was inaugurated in June 1996. It focuses on education to children and young adults. Children engage in awareness raising, peer education activities, outreach campaigns in schools and their communities in advocating for sexual rights. RFHAF has three offices in Fiji (Suva, Lautoka and Labasa) that implement youth programs for in and out of school youths. RFHAF kids come together at the end of the year for their annual camp which is known as the ‘Be the Change Camp.’ The RFHAF INFO GEN mentoring involves three tiers, 10 – 14-year-olds are mentored by the 15 – 19-year-olds; the 15 – 19-year-olds are mentored by the 20 – 24-year-olds, and the 20 – 24-year-olds are coached by the graduates of INFO GENS who have turned 25. The RFHAF INFO GENS disseminate information to children and young adults. Children are trained to become peer educators to indoctrinate and recruit other children to RFHAF programs.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


I Love Being a Girl, Future She Deserves, She Decides, She Leads, Training of Trainers (TOT)








Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:




[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


The Family Federation of Finland


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Väestöliitto was founded in 1941 and is composed of 35 member organizations. Väestöliitto supports sexuality education for everyone, including children, with a pleasure-based sexuality model. They offer free and low fee services for children and can be contacted anonymously. Väestöliitto experts discuss sexuality and personal relationships with young people under the age of 20 in a sexual counseling chat offered on their website. The Family Federation of Finland’s Hyvä kysymys -website includes many articles and videos for children related to sexual activity and sexual pleasure. Their website says “talking about everyone’s right to seek a pleasurable and enjoyable sexual life and experiences will make sexuality education more relevant especially to adolescents, will strengthen sexual self-determination and autonomy, and will lead to more responsible and safer sexual experiences.” Their Kumita campaign distributes condoms, targeting children. They work globally to push a sexual-pleasure model of comprehensive sexuality education as well as to advance LGBTQ activism. They say they “are raising young people’s awareness of sexual rights and the UN sustainable development objectives.”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


I Love Being a Girl, Future She Deserves, She Decides, She Leads, Training of Trainers (TOT)




IPPF, CEASE, European Commission




Bill & Melinda Gates






Social Media Links:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Mouvement Fancais pour le Planning Familial


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Mouvement Français pour le Planning Familial (MFPF) is a feminist confederacy of over 70 member associations covering most of the French territory. They support comprehensive sexuality education, counseling and information on contraception, abortion, HIV/STI and sexual and affective issues. They describe themselves as “A feminist popular education movement, Planning has been campaigning for more than 60 years for gender equality and the possibility for each person to experience a fulfilling sexuality, protected from unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. We defend the right to sex education, contraception, abortion, and fight against violence and discrimination related to gender and sexual orientation.”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Association HERA XXI – Georgia


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Based in Tbilisi, Georgia, Association HERA XXI is a women’s rights organization working from the feminist perspective since 1998. HERA XXI targets comprehensive education to vulnerable societal groups. They target children and provide online consultation service and a legal consultant for young people and children. One of their programs is to promote the formation of young activist leaders and their involvement in various events and campaigns planned by the organization. Peer educators were trained through the “All in One Curriculum” which adapted in 2017 by UNAIDS, WHO, and UNSECO (See: https://hera-youth.ge/en/activity/%E1%83%92%E1%83%90%E1%83%9C%E1%83%90%E1%83%97%E1%83%9A%E1%83%94%E1%83%91%E1%83%90/). HERA XXI promotes Amaze videos and RFSU materials on social media. (See: https://twitter.com/assosiationhera/status/1519239811747434497, and https://www.facebook.com/AssociationHeraXXI/photos/1917965581554861/)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Me and Society, It’s All One




IPPF, The Coalition for Children and Youth, Khobi and Akhatsikhe Municipalities, Youth Agency of Georgia, Administration of Government Representatives in Kvvemo Kartli, Georgian Charter of Journalistic Ethics, Social Service Agency of Georgia, Voice of Abkhazia and 9th channel, Georgian National University, Peace Corps, Regional Clinics, National Center for Teacher Professional Development, Rustavi American Corner




Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Pro Familia – Germany


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Pro familia advocates for the rights to everyone, including children, to self-determination in sexuality and family planning. Pro familia wants to contribute to women, men and children being able to live their sexuality and sexual orientation in a self-determined way. Their website has explicit information about topics such as masturbation for children and they have fake penises and vulvas used to teach children sexual content. (See: https://www.facebook.com/profamilia.bv/photos/pb.100064291075223.-2207520000./1827797930582048/?type=3) From the Pro familia website, “Have you ever watched porn? If so, don’t be ashamed of it. Many young people are curious as to how sex actually works. In biology class or with the parents, you can’t properly discuss the really interesting things. That’s why boys and girls search the Internet for answers to their sex-related questions.”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Relationships and Sexuality, You & Me








Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana


Social Media Links:





Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG) was set up in 1967 and works to provide comprehensive sexuality education to children. The Youth Action Movement-Ghana (YAM) is the youth wing of PPAG. YAM is a youth movement for children and young adults aged 10- 24 years. Their Access, Services and Knowledge (ASK) Programme publishes the “Ask Booklet” that promotes SRHR to children as young as 10. (See: https://www.ppag-gh.org/nu/download/ask-booklet/) The Girl Boss outreach events are future-focused events seeking to engage adolescent girls on SRHR, education and career pathways, etc., with a touch of girls-girls fun. (See: https://www.facebook.com/PPAGh/photos/3978423892268695/) Their Facebook page has many pictures of school children presumably being taught comprehensive sexuality education. PPAG receives financial support from the Japanese International Cooperation Agency, the Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning, UNFPA, the Programme For Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), the African Youth Alliance (AYA), the Big Lottery Fund (BLF) of UK, DANIDA, the French Embassy, the UK’s Department for International Development (DfID), UNICEF and GTZ.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Materials: 


Enhanced School Health Education Programme, HIV Alert




UNICEF, UNFPA, United Nations Educational, UNESCO, IPPF




Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA A+)

Department for International Development (DFID)

Ghana AIDS Commission (GAC)

nited Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Korea Internatio

l Cooperation Agency (KOICA)

The Global Fund, Global Comprehensive Abortion Care Initiative (GCACI)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (MOFA-JAPA

Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning (JOICFP) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)




[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in Ghana, (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in Ghana independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org



IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Grenada Planned Parenthood Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Grenada Planned Parenthood Association (GPPA) ADS is an associate member of an umbrella organization known as the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation Ltd (CFPA). GPPA has a youth arm of GPPA called the Youth Advocacy Movement (YAM) which targets children.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Know it, Own it!








Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Association Gudeloupeenne pour le Planning Familial


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Formed in 1965, the Association Guadeloupéenne pour le Planning Familial (AGPF), also known as La Maternite Consciente operates five clinics that provide contraceptive services, emergency contraception, pre- and post-abortion counselling. AGPF also promotes contraception via community outreach. AGPF is an associate member of an umbrella organization known as the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation Ltd (CFPA).


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:

Unknown.  Please help us identify more information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note:  In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently.  PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • GOJoven Guatemala


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


GOJoven Guatemala pushes comprehensive sexuality eduction and access to contraception to marginalized children and young people in Guatemala. GOJoven works to uphold adolescent and youth SRR, through communications and advocacy with key stakeholders at the local, national and regional levels.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Planned Parenthood Global, CAMY Fund of the Seattle International Foundation, UNFPA, CARE Guatemala, The Summit Foundation via the Public Health Institute, Global Fund for Children, Every Mother Counts, Johnson & Johnson, Girls Not Brides




The Summit Foundation






Social Media Links:







  • Colectivo Jóven, COPIJ


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Colectivo Jóven, COPIJ focused on outreach and providing comprehensive sexuality education and resources to children.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




IPPF, Safe Abortion Action Fund




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:






  • Asociación Guatemalteca de Humanistas Seculares


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Asociación Guatemalteca de Humanistas Seculares is a group of atheists, created to publicize secular humanism as an alternative to religion. They demand a separation between church and state and defend freedoms of thought, expression and religion. They advocate for sexual and reproductive rights. They believe that ethics and moral values are not derived from divine revelation, they are a product of human interest and needs of the society.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:







  • Nómada


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Nómada is a strong supporter of sex education in schools. They track what is stopping CSE being implanted and has blamed conservative officials and the Catholic and Evangelical influence on schools. Delivering their message mostly by articles on their website, Nómada discusses several topics related to their agenda.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





  • Asociación para la Promoción en Salud Unidos Para Vivir


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

  • Grupo Multidisciplinario para la Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Grupo Multidisciplinario para la Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos works to normalize the idea of sexual and reproductive rights primarily through promoting secularism.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

  • Organización de Mujeres Tierra Viva


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Organización de Mujeres Tierra Viva is a Feminist Women’s Organization that works in favor of women’s reproductive and sexual rights. They hold webinars and post videos to push their agenda. They believe that abortion is a right of women and push against any legislation that stands for life.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:



  • AME Guatemala


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Grupo Multidisciplinario para la Defensa de los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos works to normalize the idea of sexual and reproductive rights primarily through promoting secularism.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




AME Guatemala was organized to help promote women’s equality in Guatemala. They are very prominent in influencing the advancement of women’s rights by attending legal congresses, SRHR congresses, Medical Congresses, Regional or Latin American conferences on SRHR, and Conferences and fundraising activities in the U.S. and Europe.




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

  • Coordinadora 28 de Mayo Guatemala


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Coordinadora 28 de Mayo Guatemala fights for sexual and reproductive rights for girls and women, pushing comprehensive sexuality education for children and fighting for the right to abortion.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:



  • Red de Jóvenes para la Incidencia Política (INCIDEJOVEN)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Red de Jóvenes para la Incidencia Política (INCIDEJOVEN) is an organization of children and young adults who promote and defend sexual and reproductive rights for children. They promote the LGBT agenda by participating in pride marches and disseminating information about various sexual identities such as LGB and pansexualism.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Prevenir con Educacion en las Familias




La Sombrila Centroamericana, Girls Not Brides, IPPF, GoJoven




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



  • Instancia por la Salud y el Desarrollo de las Mujeres


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Instancia por la Salud y el Desarrollo de las Mujeres is an organization of civil society that influences public policies with an emphasis on women’s reproductive health. They train people on public policy, gender studies, sexual and reproductive health and sexual education. Specifically training for people who make up organizations on sexual education and reproductive health.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org



Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


FUNDAECO has “assumed a pioneering role” in Reproductive and Sexual health- SSR in more than 60 rural communitites in Guatemala. Their main goal is to protect and conserve protected areas, however they enforce sexual and reproductive rights as a fundamental human right and encourage Comprehensive Sex Education.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Agencia de los Estados Unidos para el Desarrollo Internacional, Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional, Agencia Noruega Para el Desarrollo, Alianza Trinacional para la Conservación del Golfo de Honduras, Alstom Foundation, Althelia, American Bird Conservancy, Art Corps, Associacion Ak’tenamit, Asociacion Amantes de la Tierra, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo, Banco de Desarrollo Rural, AVINA, ASOCUCH, Asociación Guatemalteca de Exportadores, BNP Paribas, Canales 3 y 7, CARE, Catholic Relief Services, Centro de Estudios Conservacionistas de la USAC, Comision Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo, Comite Holandes de Miembros de UICN, Confederacion Autonoma Deportiva de Guatemala, Consejo Nacional de Areas Protegidas, Consejo Nacional de la Juventud, El Instituto de Agricultura, Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, Darwin Initiative, Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund, US Fish and Wildlife, Conservation International, Embajada de Canada en Guatemala, Embajada del Reino Unido en Guatemala, Embajada Real de los Paises Bajos, Fondo Frances para el Medio Ambiente Mundial, Fondo Mundial para el Medio Ambiente, Global Wildlife Conservation, Fundacion Soros Guatemala, Fundacion Esquipulas, Fondo para la Conservacion de Bosques Tropicales FCA-Guatemala, Fondo Nacional Para la Conservacion, Hawk Mountain International, Humane Society International, International Conservation fund of Canada, Institute for Bird Populations, Instituto Guatemalteco de Tursimo, Instituto Nacional de Bosques, MINEDUC Regionales, Microsoft, Maryland Ornithological Socity, Mar Fund, LIVELIHOODS, Ministerio de Agricultura MAGA-FONAGR-OIM, Ministerio de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Ministerio de Salud Direcciones de Salud de Huehetenango e Izabal, Mohamed bin Zayed species Conservation Fund, Museo de Historia Natural de la USAC, Municipalidad de san Juan Ixcoy, Municipalidad de Puerto Barrios, Municipalidad de Puerto Barrios,Municipalidad de Guatemala, New England Biolabs Foundation, Organización de Estados Americanos, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Population Action International, Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo, Rainforest Trust, Rainforest Alliance, RAMSAR, Rare, Save Our Species, Secretaria Nacional de Ciencias y Tecnología Guatemala, The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, The Nature Conservancy, The Summit Foundation, TROCAIRE, Unión Europea, Unión Internacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, Whitley Fund for Nature, World Land Trust, World Wide Fund for Nature, ESRI-GEOSISTEC, IUCN NL, Alliance for Zero Extinction, Southern Wings




ADECAF, APEMAYAC, Asociacion Aj Ilol Quichee, Asociacion Cerro 1019, Asociacion de pescadores de Barra de Sarstun, Asociacion Santiago Labrador, BALAM/WCS, Consejo ejecutivo Local de Cerro San Gil, Cooperacion Italiana, ECOLOGIC Development Fund, ICOZONDEHUE, INCAE-BID-FOMIN, Mancomunidad de la Frontera Norte, Municipalidad de Barillas, Municipalidad de Livingston, Municipalidad Todos Santos Cuchumatan, Red de Pescadores del Caribe, Turismo Actual S.A.






Social Media Links:





  • Asociación Mujeres Transformando el Mundo


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Asociación Mujeres Transformando el Mundo is a feminist organization that advocates for sexual and reproductive rights for women.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Guatemala, Chimaltenango, Jalapa, El Progreso, Izabal, Sololá, Quiché, Huehuetenango, Quetzaltenango, San Marcos, Alta and Baja Verapa




act!onaid, Bizkaia, Fcam, Fokus, Fondo de Accion Urgente, Movimiento por la Paz, OAK Foundation, ONU Mujeres, OXFAM, Planned Parenthood, The Fund for Global Human Rights, Trocaire






Social Media Links:



  • Instituto de Estudios Comparados en Ciencias Penales de Guatemala


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Instituto de Estudios Comparados en Ciencias Penales de Guatemala has the vision to contribute to the consolidation of systems of justice including sexual and reproductive rights. The organization recently released a document that is named, “Mi Cuerpo Mis Derechos,” which translates “My Body, My Rights.” They advocate that children should have the same sexual and reproductive rights as adults.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Cooperacion Espanola, Union Europa,




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • Centro de Derechos de Mujeres


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Centro de Derechos de Mujeres is a feminist women’s rights center. They fight for the strengthening of autonomy, exercise and enjoyment of rights, and gender justice. They stand for and spread information about sexual and reproductive rights and advocate for the acceptance of LGBT behavior.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





  • Cattrachas


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Cattrachas is a feminist lesbian network dedicated to research and communication for political advocacy and defense of LGBTQ rights in Honduras. Their strategies include national public policies for gender equality, inclusion and recognition of sexual orientation and diverse gender identities, fully supporting transgender ideology.


Major In-Country Projects



Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Naciones Unidas Derecohs Humanos, ALDARTE. CIDH, COFADEH, REDNADS, Grupo Safo, CEJIL, letraese, Colombia Diversa, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights, COPINH, Fundacion Llaves, Fundacion San Alonso Rodriguez, Centro de Derechos de Mujeres, Amnistia International, Lawyers Without Borders Avocats Sans Frontieres Abogados Sin Fronteras




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:






  • Red de Trabajadoras Sexuales de Honduras


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Red de Trabajadoras Sexuales de Honduras is an organization led by sex workers to be agents of change for the legalization of sex work.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Robert Carr Fund, ONUSIDA




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

Hong Kong

IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Family Planning Association of Hong Kong


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong (FPAHK) was one of the eight founding Member Associations of IPPF. FPAHK was established in 1950. Their services include providing contraception and abortion. They also offer a range of comprehensive sexuality education materials as well as materials attempting to normalize same-sex attraction. A booklet, “If I were not Hetrosexual,” was published by the FPAHK in 2008 to promote understanding of sexual orientations and equality in society. (See: https://www.famplan.org.hk/en/resources/sexuality-education-resources/classroom-and-quiz/detail/Orientation2008)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


FPAHK School Sexuality Education Integrated Program




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org










Social Media Links:




[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Family Planning Association of India


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Founded in 1995, VerdeFam, Cape Verdean Association for the Protection of the Family has peer educators to disseminate comprehensive sexuality education to their peers. VERDEFAM receives funds from UNFPA, The Cape Verde Institute for Gender Equality and Equity, and the Coalition PLUS. They claim to want to improve the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents and youth through providing abortion services. (See: https://www.verdefam.cv/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=54&Itemid=2)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:






[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


In 1957 the Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association (IPPA) was established. Today the organization pushes abortion as a right for girls and women, the need to sexualize children with comprehensive sexuality education, and promotes the transgender ideology and normalizing LGB activity. Their Facebook page has a post that says, “Never touched a condom before? Come over to The School to join our ‘condom art competition’ happening now! We also have exciting free goodie bags up for grabs.” (See: https://www.facebook.com/ESEAOR/photos/1008107385891916/) They promote pleasure with posts like “The textured #condom – Said to increase pleasure, textured condoms come in a variety of textures, from ribbed to dotted to anatomic (a mixture of both). The best way to find out if they work for you is to experiment with your partner or partners!” (See: https://www.facebook.com/ESEAOR/photos/3672829466086348/) The organization says it “understands abortion self-care as the right of women and girls and pregnant people to lead, in part or entirely, their abortion process, with or without support from health providers. This usually includes the self-administration of medical abortion, but could also mean being in charge of other aspects of the abortion process, such as the post-abortion care or the decision of engaging (or not) other stakeholders throughout the process (i.e., abortion doulas; peers; pharmacists). We believe that abortion self-care should be normalised and we shall tell you why!” (See:https://www.facebook.com/ESEAOR/photos/4339664789402809/)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:






[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Israel Family Planning Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Israel Family Planning Association (IFPA) is Israel’s leading organization advancing the human right to sexual health. “Open Door” is a national network consisting of 14 information, counseling and treatment centres. The centres work with children to encourage them to explore their sexuality, specifically targeting vulnerable children. They also provide certification in comprehensive sexuality education for professionals from the Arab. The centre also offers an International Innovation Award for the leading sex educator certification programme for individuals with physical or sensory disabilities. 


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:




[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Family Health Association of Iran


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


HA Iran’s primary focus is on the provision of information and on the mobilization of support among the public, the media, and religious and political leaders for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) with a particular emphasis on promoting sexual education and services for children.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:



[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Iraqi Reproductive Health & Family Planning Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Iraq Family Planning Association plays a central role in Iraq’s family planning infrastructure.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Irish Family Planning Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Irish Family Planning Association (IFPA) provides contraception, abortion, sexual and reproductive health services and training to both adults and children. They have an extensive comprehensive sexuality education program whereby children are encouraged to put condoms on fake penises. In this Facebook post they state, “Students from Carlow IT take part in a condom demonstration at the IFPA stand, as part of the Union of Students in Ireland’s Sexual Health Education Roadshow, which marks SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness & Guidance) Week. (See: https://www.facebook.com/irishfamilyplanningassociation/photos/10152203822210470/) They feature pictures of their training kits saying “Our Sexuality Education Teaching Kits that we’re shortly sending to Union of Students in Ireland (USI) Welfare Officers who recently participated in our Sexual Health Training! The kits provide resources and information on safer sex, contraceptive methods and sexually transmitted infections.” (See: http://www.ifpa.ie/Education…/Sex-Education-Teaching-Kit. (See: https://www.facebook.com/irishfamilyplanningassociation/photos/10152669773130470/) From one of the school trainings they feature a drawing (presumably done by a child) of a penis and words such as “dildo” while the phrase “waiting till marriage” is crossed out. (See: https://www.facebook.com/irishfamilyplanningassociation/photos/10154455057290470/) They work to indoctrinate other countries into accepting abortion and comprehensive sexuality education efforts. For example, they state, “The @NairobiSummit commitments recognize that Ireland must take action at home and abroad to support the full realization of sexual and reproductive health and rights,” which include access to abortion and contraception for girls. (See: https://www.facebook.com/irishfamilyplanningassociation/photos/10158357269565470/) They posted, “At #GenerationEquality, we’re calling for Ireland to follow through on commitments made to #SRHRForAll nationally and internationally, including increased funding to #SRHR in #ODA by 2030 #BecauseSheCounts” (See: https://www.facebook.com/irishfamilyplanningassociation/photos/10159222938270470/), and “Reforming restrictive abortion laws can have a transformative impact on women and girls worldwide.” (See: https://www.facebook.com/irishfamilyplanningassociation/photos/10159222940430470/). They also embrace the transgender ideology and posted, “We Irish Family Planning Association want to send a message of solidarity & support to the trans community,” and “We see you, we celebrate you, and we are dedicated to standing up against transphobia.” (See: https://www.facebook.com/irishfamilyplanningassociation/photos/10159016884065470/)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


RSE Workshop, Speakeasy, Speakeasy+




IPPF, UNFPA, EuroNGOs,European Parliamentary Forum on Population and Development, Countdown 2030 Europe, Centro de Investigacion, Educacion y Servicios, HSE Sexual and Crisis Pregnancy Programme, Pregnancy counselling service, National Sexual Health Strategy, HPV Alliance, CervicalCheck, Dochas, Union of Students of Ireland




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

Ivory Coast

IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Association Ivoirienne pour le Bien-Etre Familial


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Association Ivoirienne pour le Bien-Etre Familial (AIBEF) was founded in 1979. It works closely with the National Population Bureau in the planning and implementation of the National Population Policy and the National Youth Policy. Their Facebook states, “Since Saturday, the AIBEF has been organizing a National Youth Web Camp for Health and Healthy Living Education (Comprehensive Sexuality Education). Several modules such as the female and male genitalia are provided,” with a picture of a large fake penis. (See: https://www.facebook.com/2016051651950929/photos/pb.100064440771069.-2207520000./3262592140630201/?type=3)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:



[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Japan Family Planning Association, Inc.


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Japan Family Planning Association (JFPA) is an incorporated association established in 1954. JFPA works to promote contraceptive use including for children, as well as advocating for comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). In addition to their outreach to children, they work to change policy by lobbying lawmakers and other policymakers.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Jamaica Family Planning Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Jamaica Family Planning Association (JFPA) started in 1957. The Association is a staunch advocate for Comprehensive Sexuality Education. The Youth Advocacy movement (YAM) of the Jamaica Family Planning Association was established in the late 1990s. The movement is operated by child volunteers and focuses on the development and empowerment of children and young adults. The JFPA Facebook page features children with a penis model. (See: https://www.facebook.com/FamplanJA/photos/pb.100031153192071.-2207520000./261277284212495/?type=3) They state, “We must partner with National stakeholders from CSO, academia and government to increase sensitivity and respect for LGBT Rights.” (See: https://www.facebook.com/FamplanJA/photos/pb.100031153192071.-2207520000./636939656646254/?type=3). Additionally, they are affiliated with Rutgers’ Right Here Right Now project. FAMPLAN is an associate member of the umbrella organization the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:



[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Kazakhstan Association on Sexual and Reproductive Health


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Kazakhstan Association for Sexual and Reproductive Health (KMPA) was established in 1996. In 2002 KMPA became a full Member Association of IPPF. The organization currently has nine branches and four regional offices in Almaty, Kostanay, Shymkent and Nur-Sultan. In total, there are 13 branches of KMPA. KMPA provides contraception and conducts sexuality education for children. One of their goals is to educate children and teenagers about sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). They conduct certification training for young children (See: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4567134336721583&set=pb.100002751853979.-2207520000.&type=3,https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=4898044820297198&set=pb.100002751853979.-2207520000.&type=3) and advocate to destigmatize abortion. (See: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=5169532019815142&set=pb.100002751853979.-2207520000.&type=3)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




IPPF, Aid Action Europe




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Family Health Options Kenya


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) supports universal health care including access to contraception and other methods of family planning such as vasectomy that they promote on social media as a way to have “the juice with no seed.”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:




[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Kiribati Family Health Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Kiribati Family Health Association (KFHA) has introduced a number of sexuality education campaigns nationwide, including the KFHA Drama Group. They advocate for children and adults alike to be able to engage in sexually diverse behavior and to have access to contraception. KFHA has a dedicated group of 20 youth volunteers made up of 10 males and 10 females under 25 years old from the community. The youth volunteers deliver peer-to-peer counselling, health promotion dramas and condom distribution throughout the communities. Their programs expose young children to fake penises and condoms. (See: https://www.facebook.com/kfha.org.ki/photos/pb.100067934534603.-2207520000./575819433304611/?type=3)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


National Curriculum and Assessment Tool (NCAF)




Aoteara New Zealand, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:



[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Korea Population, Health and Welfare Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Korea Population, Health and Welfare Association (KoPHWA), is a leading non-profit organization in South Korea founded in 1961. They support international efforts to control population.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Korean Family Planning & Maternal Child Health Association of DPRK


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Korean Family Planning & Maternal Child Health Association of the Democratic Republic of Korea (KFP & MCHA) is actively supported by the government to target children and adults with reproductive healthcare and information, education and communication (IEC) programmes.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:




[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Reproductive Health Alliances of Kyrgyzstan


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Reproductive Health Alliance Kyrgyzstan (RHAK) was set up in 2001, and its services now extend across all 7 regions of the Kyrgyz Republic (Osh, Jalal-Abad, Talas, Chui, Naryn, Batken, Issyk-Kul). RHAK has sexual and reproductive materials for children related to contraception and sexuality. Particular interest groups include refugees and internal migrants, injecting drug users (IDUs), sex workers, children in care and homeless children. RHAK is an active member of collaborative, central Asian initiatives to address the particular SRH needs and challenges of internally displaced persons (IDPs) and repatriates.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Y-PEER Network








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:



[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Latvian Association for Family Planning & Sexual Health


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Latvian Association for Family Planning & Sexual Health (LAFPSH) focuses on information, education and training activities for health personnel and the general public, and sex education for teachers and children. The organization does extensive outreach to children promoting “safer sex.” It operates a telephone helpline for children and young adults which is run by young people. Their website has sexuality education materials for children with extremely explicit materials. (See: https://papardeszieds.lv/informacija/izglitojosie-materiali/) They also have links on their website to Amaze videos.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Lebanese Association for Family Health


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


SALAMA, the Lebanese Association for Family Health, is an NGO founded in 2008. SALAMA advocates for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and promotes and provides services for children, young people, men and women. They support IPPF’s comprehensive sexuality education programs for children. Their Facebook page links to Planned Parenthood affiliate Amaze videos. (See: https://www.facebook.com/salamalb.org/photos/pb.100067668548323.-2207520000./1738668746322123/?type=3)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Training of Trainers (TOT)




IPPF, Daleel Madini




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Lesotho Planned Parenthood Association (LPPA) is a non-profit organization affiliated with International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). The Association was registered as a non-governmental organization in 1968. They believe that sexuality starts at birth. Their clinic has hours set aside just for sex workers.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


It’s All One




IPPF, Ministry of Health, EGPAF, JHPIEGO, Project Management Unit




Irish Aid, UNDP, The Japan Trust Fund, IPPF’s Korea African Fund






Social Media Links:





[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Planned Parenthood Association of Liberia


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Planned Parenthood Association of Liberia (PPAL) formerly Family Planning Association of Liberia (FPAL)was established in 1956. They have many pictures of young children on their Facebook account in what looks like outreach activities sponsored by the organization.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




IPPF, AFRIARE, New Africa Research, and Development Agency (NARDA)










Social Media Links:



[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Family Planning and Sexual Health Association of Lithuania


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Family Planning and Sexual Health Association of Lithuania (FPSHA) focuses on educational campaigns related to what they call “reproductive and sexual rights.” FPSHA’s group for children and young adults publishes a newsletter and has produced a video on contraceptive methods for children and young adults. In addition, they work to normalize abortion internationally, stating, “The Association for Family Planning and Sexual Health is contributing to the #StepIntoOurShoes global campaign, which aims to break down gender stereotypes and stop the stigmatization of abortion. In order to preserve the right to abortion, women from all over the world are sharing their stigma-free and guilt-free abortion experiences.” (See: https://www.facebook.com/tavogyvenimas.lt/photos/pb.100064365296839.-2207520000./10157468046525534/?type=3). They also post pictures with short stories about poor women in Africa in what appears to be an attempt to normalize European colonialism with the push for comprehensive sexuality education, contraception and abortion in African countries.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




IPPF, Executive Agency for Health and Consumers, European Commission




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Fianakaviana Sambatra – Madagascar Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Fianakaviana Sambatra (FISA) has been around since 1967. It has a number of services including a youth action movement made up of 42 members. It works with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) such as Marie Stopes International, and the ASSONG coalition of NGOs. FISA receives financial support from UNFPA, the Big Lottery Fund, Amélioration de la Qualité De Services, the EU and IPPF’s Japan Trust Fund. It’s also closely connected to other organizations promoting SRH rights across the country and the region.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Sex Education for the Young




IPPF, UNFPA, Ministeran’ny Fahasslamam-bahoaka, De la Par du Peuple Japonais,




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:




[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Family Planning Association of Malawi


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Family Planning Association of Malawi (FPAM) was founded in 1999. FPAM targets children and young adults, stating on the website, that it provides, “Youth friendly Health services to young people aged between 10 and 24.” They use peer educators to indoctrinate other children via group discussions, theatre performances, publications and audio-visual materials. They distribute contraceptives to children saying, “FPAM recognizes the right of all young people to enjoy sex and express their sexuality in the way that they choose.”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




Options and Development Media International, FPAM, WISH Programme




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:





[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Federation of Reproductive Health Associations, Malaysia


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Federation of Reproductive Health Associations of Malaysia (FRHAM) advocates and promotes SRHR, including access to contraception and comprehensive sexuality education for children. They also work with marginalized groups including refugees, migrant workers, indigenous groups and the LGBTIQ community. FRHAM provides SRHR training and workshops and specialises in adolescent’s rights in SRHR.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Reproductive Health and Social Education (PEERS)




Arrow, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:



[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Society of Health Education (SHE) Maldives


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Society for Health Education (SHE) was founded in 1988. The Counselling and Psychosocial services comprises face-to-face counselling, telephone counselling, and play therapy for young children. In addition to day-to-day regular services, the clinic conducts several skill development programmes targeting children, vulnerable populations, teachers and parents.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




Arrow, IPPF, Thalassaemia International Federation




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org






Social Media Links:




[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Association Malienne pour la Protection et la Promotion de la Famille


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Association Malienne pour la Protection et la Promotion de la Famille (AMPPF) was established in 1972. AMPPF targets children with educational outreach and services. The Youth Action Movement (MAJ) is the youth cell of the Malian Association for the Protection and Promotion of the Family (AMPPF) was created in 2004 with the aim recruiting children and young adults via peer outreach. It has strong ties with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) including Population Service International (PSI), the Conseil de Concertation et d’Appui aux ONGs, the Federation Nationale des Associations de Santé Communautaire au Mali (FENASCOM), the Association de Recherche, de Communication et d’Accompagnement à Domicile des Personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA (ARCAD), and SIDA. Major donors include WHO, USAID and UNFPA.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




UNFPA, Canada, Royaume de pays-Bas, Republique du Mali, IPPF










Social Media Links:




[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Association Martiniquaise pour I’Information el I’Orientation Familiales (AMIOF)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Association Martiniquaise pour I’Information et l’Orientation Familiales (AMIOF) is part of an umbrella organization known as the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation Ltd (CFPA). AMIOF promotes the right to abortion, the sexualization of children, and the acceptance of all expressions of sexuality. Their website says they aim to “Deconstruct received ideas on questions relating to sexuality and anatomy; lifting taboos from an early age; promote exchanges between peers; fight against sexism, LGBT phobia and all other violence related to sexuality.” In addition they state, “Because the young people will have been able to live the experience of a space of free speech and without judgment, they will be able to learn to: discuss pleasure and desire; talk about sexual orientation without fear and without judgment”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




IPPF, Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation Ltd (CFPA), uicc




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:




[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Association Mauritanienne pour la Promotion de la Famille


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Since it was founded in 1990, the Association Mauritanienne pour la Promotion de la Famille (AMPF) has focused primarily on sensitizing both the general population and the country’s political and religious leaders to the personal and economic benefits of family planning, and on promoting provision of proper sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




IPPF, Ministry of Health, other CSOs, and UNFPA




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Mauritius Family Planning & Welfare Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Established in 1957 the Mauritius Family Planning & Welfare Association (MFPWA) was one of the earliest organizations in Africa focusing on family planning. MFPWA has 30 staff and 50 volunteers and offers services through two permanent facilities and several service points. It also runs a day care centre for infants and children as a social enterprise initiative. MFPWA has played a critical role in promoting comprehensive sexuality education into the national school curriculum. Their goal is “To have a model of youth participation, which enables young people to advocate and be recognized and empowers them to be equal partners in programmatic decision making and resource allocation, both at regional and Member Associations levels.”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Sex Education for out of School Adolescents and Young People




IPPF, European Commission




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:




[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


MEXFAM-Fundación Mexicana para la Planeación Familiar


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


MEXFAM is a Mexican civil society organization founded in 1969 It has been a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). It promotes comprehensive sexuality education, emphasizing the acceptance of transgender ideology. Their Facebook has many transgender promoting posts including, “Trans Day of Visibility and recognizes the contributions made by people within the transgender, non-binary, and gender diverse communities, thanks to Rachel Crandall, a transgender activist from Michigan, who in 2014 organized the first Trans Day of Visibility. (See: https://www.facebook.com/Mexfam/photos/7588843901140610/)”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


It’s All One




World Bank Group, IPPF,London School of Hygiene, Tropical Medicine, Development Marketplace, Sexual Violence Research Initiative




Grupo Pando, piagui, IPPF, the David Lucile & Packard Foundation, aviva, University of California, arcus Foundation, OXFAM, Elton John Aids Foundation, Georgetown University, Temasek Holdings, Ruta dkt, CocaCola de Mexico, AVON, Sephora,Grupo Scotiabank, L.A.P., vaestoliitto, Tupperware, Direct Relief, FUNSALUD,SCM, FedEx Express, She Decides, Fundacion Banorte, UNFPA, Positive Action for Children Fund, Fomento Social Banamex, Alfred Harp Helu, GM, Farmacias del Ahorro, Mobility ADO, Up Si Vale, INDITEX, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, Fundacion BRISAS, Indesol, Fondo Unido Mexico, Harvard, Johnson & Johnson, BAYER, Fundacion Televisa, Fundacion axtel, eikos, MacArthur Foundation, CENSIDA, Estee Lauder






Social Media Links:






[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida (GIRE)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida (GIRE – Information Group on Reproductive Choice) was founded in 1992 with the goal of disseminating secular information on abortion in Mexico. Increasing access to legal abortion has been a critical issue for GIRE since its foundation.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




TIDES, Development Aid, Channel Foundation




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





  • Centro de Atención Integral a la Pareja


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Centro de Atención Integral a la Pareja’s main goal is to make abortion and contraception services accessible to women and children. They offer abortion care in the first and second trimesters as well as training of professionals in a comprehensive abortion care model. They support abortion for anyone Their Facebook page promotes abortion as a fundamental right and embraces transgender ideology. (See:https://www.facebook.com/womenhelpwomeninternational/photos/pb.100066625803635.-2207520000./3032107653699472/?type=3)


Major In-Country Projects



Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.



Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


SEEDSSA is an organization that seeks to educate children and young adults by offering them services with a rights-based perspective.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Central America & Mexico YouthFund, Conalep, Universidad del Caribe, Universidad Politecnica, UT Cancun, GoJoven




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





  • Red Posithiva de Quintana Roo, A.C.


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Red Posithiva de Quintana seeks to normalize sexual behavior including LGBTQ behavior. They believe that children and young adults need pleasure and rights-based education related to sexuality.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Robert Carr Fund, ONUSIDA




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:



  • Fondo de Aborto para la Justicia Social MARIA


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Fondo de Aborto para la Justicia Social MARIA promotes access to abortion and funds and provides resources to facilitate abortions.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Right to Decide-ANDAR, SS-DF, IPPF, ipas




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





  • Balance, A.C.


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Balance, A.C. is a feminist organization that works to create an environment that allows women and children to make free decisions about sexuality. They provide tools and support to women and children and advocate for children and young adults to enjoy sexual pleasure and rights.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




NGOsource, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





  • UNASSE, A.C.


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


UNASSE, A.C. supports sexual and reproductive rights. They encourage their followers to engage in “safe” sex. They also push comprehensive sexuality education in schools. They support transgender ideology and the legalization of prostitution.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Girls not Brides, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:






IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Associação Moçambicana para Desenvolvimento da Família (AMODEFA)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Mozambican Association for Family Development (AMODEFA) was formed in 1989. AMODEFA uses the HIV, Gender and Sexuality and comprehensive sex education in schools and outside schools to present sexually explicit information to children. AMODEFA has a youth action movement, peer educators and community-based distributors (CBDs). Their Facebook page has many pictures of young children including pictures of girls with an announcement that AMODEFA is reaffirming their commitment to supplying children with information about sexuality, (See: https://www.facebook.com/amodefa.moz/photos/602638083190745/), young school children walking past display with fake penises and breasts, (See: https://www.facebook.com/amodefa.moz/photos/1856714811116393/), posts that promote abortion, (See: https://www.facebook.com/amodefa.moz/photos/3338547029599823/) and a post stating “AM, the youth arm of AMODEFA, in Sofala offered more than 800 condoms during the exhibition…” (See: https://www.facebook.com/amodefa.moz/photos/5278062788981561/). In addition, they have a link to an extremely sexually explicit website with the heading of “Promote pleasure. What’s your path to pleasure?” Followed by “Taking a break? Need a little excitement in your day? Want to learn something new about your pleasure style? Link: www.treasure-your-pleasure.com to play.” (See: https://www.facebook.com/amodefa.moz/photos/5311527182301788/) with a link to the Treasure for Pleasure website: https://www.treasure-your-pleasure.com/


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Sex Education for out of School Adolescents and Young People




IPPF, Network for Organizations Working on HIV and AIDS (MONASO), National HIV AIDS Council, International Baby Food Action Network (IPFAN)




UNFPA, WHO, Africa Sweden Group






Social Media Links:



[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Mongolian Family Welfare Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Mongolian Family Welfare Association (MFWA) runs clinics and education and counseling facilities in pursuit of its ultimate objective: universal access to sexual health services for children and adults. They have pictures of very young children on their Facebook accounts, presumably they are indoctrinating these children with comprehensive sexuality education. (See: https://www.facebook.com/mfwa.mn/photos/6305144946168814/, facebook.com/mfwa.mn/photos/5990394430977202/, https://www.facebook.com/mfwa.mn/photos/6325749977441644/, https://www.facebook.com/mfwa.mn/photos/6325749994108309/) They advocate for unrestricted abortion for all and say “And this is not just about the anti-abortion movement in the US – this is a concerted and calculated global effort by Conservative extremists, who are anti-woman, anti-LGBTI+, anti-refugee, and anti-gender. We must stand united as a global community in all our diversity to protect rights and freedoms for all people.” (See: https://www.facebook.com/mfwa.mn/photos/6058306890852622/)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Sex Education for out of School Adolescents and Young People








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


The Association Marocaine de Planification Familiale


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Moroccan Family Planning Association (AMPF) is a non-governmental organization created in 1971. The Moroccan Family Planning Association (AMPF) is a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). It provides access to sexual and reproductive health services. AMPF’s mission is to promote sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) and provide comprehensive education to children and young adults. Their website reports that they have “put in place a national strategy, YOUTH FOR GAME, with the goals: To improve the knowledge and attitudes of school and after-school youth aged 10 to 24 in the field of sexual health and reproductive rights; Improving young people’s access to information, education and sexual health and reproductive services.” “The implementation of this strategy is based on the “youth for youth” approach, which consists of communication for youth behavior change.”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Sex Education for out of School Adolescents and Young People




Arrow, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:



[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Namibia Planned Parenthood Association


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Namibian Family Planning Association (NAPPA) was established in 1996. Much of NAPPA’s work to date has been lobbying the government and legislators to sexualize children with comprehensive sexuality education and community outreach that teaches children how to put condoms on fake penises. (See: https://www.facebook.com/NAPPANamibia/photos/pb.100064921170971.-2207520000./620004811449988/?type=3, https://www.facebook.com/NAPPANamibia/photos/pb.100064921170971.-2207520000./1759576990826092/?type=3) Children’s groups are a particular target, and NAPPA is developing peer education projects to indoctrinate a new generation of Namibians’ children. As this post from their Facebook page illustrates, they lure children with promises of fun and treats: “YOU’RE INVITED! Come by our clinic in Okuryngava, Katutura, this Friday to celebrate International Youth Day with us! We promise you nice music, goodies and games! Of course we’ll be there for you to talk about your body and your rights. And as always we’ll provide sexual and reproductive health and rights services to everyone, for free. See you on Friday!” (See:https://www.facebook.com/NAPPANamibia/photos/pb.100064921170971.-2207520000./975768762540256/?type=3)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


It’s About More than Just Sex




Adolescent Friendly Health Services, the National Working Group on Female Condoms, the National Network of Aids Services, the Nambia Non-Governmental Forum, and the Namibia National AIDS Network, IPPF, Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS), Ministry of Education (MoE), UNFPA, MSYNS, Positive Vibes, University of Nambia, Nambia University of Science, Outright Nambia, Nambia Network of AIDS Service Organisations, Nambia’s Women’s Health Network, Legal Assistance Centre, Gender Links










Social Media Links:




[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Family Planning Association of Nepal


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Established in 1959 the Family Planning Association of Nepal (FPAN) serves Nepalese people in 44 districts, focusing on the poor, marginalized populations, which include prostitutes, LGBTIQ people, injecting drug users, and men who have sex with men (MSM). They advocate for universal health coverage which would cover reproductive services and transgender services. They have a clinic specifically to provide hormones and laser treatments for those who have adopted a transgender identity. (See: https://www.facebook.com/fpanHO/photos/5438062976259661/) They also advocate for same-sex marriage.(See: https://www.facebook.com/fpanHO/photos/5444407948958497/)


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




IPPF, Ministry of WOmen Children and Social Welfare




IPPF, PPFA, UNFPA/Nepal, Finland Government, KfW Germany, Japanese Trust Fund, Helwlett Foundation, Danida, Price Foundation, DFID Civil Society Challenge Fund, UNICEF/Nepal, Action-Aid, JOICFP, JOVC, JICA, KOIKA, Population Council, the Global Fund, Ford Foundation






Social Media Links:





[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:




Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Rutgers is one of the most influential organizations at pushing a global pleasure-based approach to sexuality for children and adults as well as abortion without restriction and acceptance of sexual orientation and gender identity.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


The World Starts With Me




Sensoa, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:



[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

New Zealand

IPPF Member Association Profiles:


New Zealand Family Planning


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


New Zealand Family Planning (NZFP) runs school-based clinics. The sex educators work with schools and lead courses on comprehensive sexuality education. They support unrestricted abortion, pleasure- and rights-based sexuality education and the acceptance of queer theory.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Relationship and Sexuality Education, The Teaching of Sexuality Education in Years 7-13








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:





[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.

[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


  • Asociación de Mujeres Nicaraguenses Luisa Amanda Espinoza (AMNLAE)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

  • The Red Nacional de Juventudes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos Nicaragua


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


The Red Nacional de Juventudes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos Nicaragua is an organization that promotes sexual and reproductive rights.


Major In-Country Projects



Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Universidad Politecnica de Nicaragua, Escuela de Ciencias Juridicos y Politicas, Instituto Centroamericano de Estuios Juridicos y Politicos, Red Previos, SICA Joven, Sistema de la Integracion Centroamericana, IPPF




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:



  • Organización Juvenil Feminista Red Ideas


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


Social Media Links:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

  • Asociación de Mujeres AXAYACATL


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Asociación de Mujeres AXAYACATL is a feminist organization that aims to give women sexual and reproductive rights including access to abortion.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org




Planned Parenthood Global, Center for Reproductive Rights, Mujeres Transformando el Mundo Guatemala (MTM), Observatorio en Salud Sexual y Reproductiva Guatemala (OSAR), Surkuna Ecuador, Fundacion Desafio, Center for Reproductive Rights, Observatorio en Salud Sexual y Reproctiva, Fundacion Desafio, Surkuna, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP,Red de Mujeres Contra La Violencia, Articulacion Feminista, Grupo Estrategico por la Despenalizacion del Aborto Terapeutico, Consida, Red de la Diversidada Sexual, Comision territorial de Lucha Contra La Violencia Hacia las Mujeres de Masaya, Red Territorial de la RMCV, Coalicion Nacional Contra la Trata de Personas, Red por la Salud Latinoamericana Y del Caribe, Iniciativa Mesoamericana de Defensoras, Movimiento Contra El Absuo Sexual




Global Fund for Women






Social Media Links:




  • Programa Feminista Centroamericano La Corriente


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Programa Feminista Centroamericano La Corriente is a feminist organization that actively promotes collective action in public spaces to defend abortion and transgender rights. La Corriente is part of the Nicaraguan Feminist Movement.


Major In-Country Projects


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs: 


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org








Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:






IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Association Nigerienne pour le Bien-Etre Familial’s (ANBEF)


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Since 1996, the Association Nigérienne pour le Bien-Etre Familial’s (ANBEF) have been providing a comprehensive range of sexual and reproductive services as well as training young people in income-generating activities. ANBEF reaches out to street children, prostitutes, and other vulnerable children and young adults. Services are delivered by a team of permanent staff, and peer educators. Its website states, “ANBEF is expanding its services by creating training centers for young girls in the regions of Niamey and Tahoua. Created on October 1, 1997 with the support of the United Nations Population Fund, the Niamey training center is located within the national headquarters of ANBEF, in the Dar Es Salam district on the old pavement.”


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




OXFAM, UNICEF, Republique ou Niger, UNFPA, IPPF, Engender Health, aecid, Union Europeennie, Pathfinder International, Cedero Ecowas, Girls Not Brides




Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.






Social Media Links:



[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


IPPF Member Association Profiles:


Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria


Information on Organization/Harmful Activities:


Planned Parenthood Federation of Nigeria (PPFN) is a national sexual and reproductive service provider in Nigeria. They believe that children should be free to act sexually and actively indoctrinate children with comprehensive sexuality education and information through a variety of channels. They believe that abortion is health care and should be freely accessible.


Major In-Country Projects:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.


In-Country Comprehensive Sexuality Education Programs


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org.




The Global Fund, Planned Parenthood, PLAN International, Federal Ministry of Health, UNFPA, SOciety for Family Health, The Central Bank of Nigeria, National Agency for the Control of AIDS, Allied Products Plc and Nigeria Breweries




IPPF, MacArthur Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, ABDUL LATIF JAMEEL Poverty Action Lab, UNDP, Global HIV/AIDS Initiative, Pathfinder Nigeria, IPPF’s Japan Trust Fund






Social Media Links:






[Note: In addition to (IPPF) International Planned Parenthood Federation and their affiliate working in this country (PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America also works in this country independently. PPFA’s activities and partners are listed below.]


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America/Planned Parenthood Global Activities:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org


(PPFA) Planned Parenthood Federation of America Aligned Partners:


Unknown. Please help us identify information for this field. Send to fwi@familywatch.org

North Macedonia <