
Title 18 Chapter 5 Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act
Summary: Evidence is given regarding pain felt by unborn children at 20 weeks. The physician performing or inducing abortion is to establish the postfertilization age of unborn child, except in an emergency situation.  Abortion of unborn child of 20 weeks or more, postfertilization age, is prohibited to prevent the death or substantial and irreversible physical impairment, (not including psychological or emotional harm) to the mother. Penalties described.  Litigation defense fund established.

Gestational Age Act, 2018
Summary: Elective abortion restricted to up to the 15 week of gestation except in medical emergency or in cases of severe fetal abnormality.   Medical license of physician shall be suspended or revoked for knowingly violating this law. Physicians who perform an abortion after 15 weeks of gestation must file a report with health department justifying the procedure.  A fine of up to $500 imposed for filing a false report.