Next Webinar: New K-12 Sex Education Standards Unveiled

The Family Watch International webinars will resume next week with the exciting introduction of the new K-12 Standards for Optimal Sexual Development.


This webinar will unveil these new K-12 Standards which are endorsed by multiple medical and mental health professionals and organizations as based on effective principles and teachings that will help children avoid sexual risk taking rather than teaching them how to have “safer” sex. The Standards are medically accurate, age appropriate, evidence informed and educationally sound.


These new Standards were developed by our friends at the Medical Institute for Sexual Health. The Institute works to disseminate the most pertinent and relevant medically accurate research related to sexual health and provides whole-health education that promotes physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health and wholeness.


Contrast these Standards to the National Sexuality Education Standards developed by the Sexual Information and Education Council of the U.S. (SIECUS) that promote unscientific gender ideology and acceptance of same-sex behavior to children, among other things.


This webinar will be presented by Lori Kuykendall, MPH, President and CEO of the Medical Institute for Sexual Health. She will share how the Standards were developed, provide an overview of their content, and helpful strategies for using them at the local, state, national and international level.


We invite you to register for this upcoming webinar today.


Register here.


NEXT WEBINAR TOPIC: New K-12 Standards for Optimal Sexual Development
Founded on Positive Character and Healthy Relationships


DATE: Tuesday, June 22, 2021


TIME: 9:00 a.m. Arizona Time
Use this Time Zone Converter to find the time in your locale.


Description: Learn about the NEW K-12 Standards for Optimal Sexual Development, an exciting new resource tool for schools, parents and policymakers. The Standards provide the guidance and support children need to avoid the harms of nonmarital sexual activity and to instead find the health and hope needed to reach their highest potential.


We look forward to connecting with you on Tuesday!