We recently learned that the dangerous U.S. “Equality Act” will be voted on by the House of Representatives on Thursday.
Better named the “Inequality Act,” it would not be an exaggeration to say this is likely one of the most far-reaching and harmful pieces of legislation we have ever seen.
Family Watch has joined a coalition of organizations that will hold a virtual protest rally tomorrow morning against this harmful act on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. ET.
We know this is late notice, and the time is short, but we urge you to participate if you can by clicking here.
If you don’t get this in time to join the virtual protest, we urge you to, at a minimum, also send an email to your Member of Congress at that same link. Just scroll to the bottom to the “Take Action Today” section.
In addition to mandating the eventual LGBTQ indoctrination of U.S. children in public schools, the Equality Act, if passed, will mandate gender anarchy in bathrooms, dressing rooms and in schools, including in girls’ sports, will advance abortion by force of law, and will do away with many important religious liberty protections.
One of the best articles of many I have seen on the Equality Act was a recent New York Post article by Ryan T. Anderson. I would encourage you to read it here.
I would also encourage you to read an article by Emilie Kao and Jared Eckert titled “Promise to America’s Children Warns of Destructive Equality Act LGBT Agenda,” which further expands upon the serious harms that will come if this legislation is passed. Family Watch is one of the sponsoring organizations of the Promise to America’s Children document mentioned in their article. You can read it here.
For the sake of our children and families, we need a nationwide uprising and protest to stop this dangerous far-reaching legislation.