Negative Consequences of Change Therapy Bans

Last Updated March 13, 2019

  1. Choice will be abolished. When change therapy bans are enacted, gender-confused children are forced to either go without therapy for their unwanted behaviors or feelings related to sexual orientation or self-perceived gender identity or receive transgender “transition” support only. Such “transition” protocols often include puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital-mutilating surgeries—protocols that impair sexual functioning and cause infertility for life.
  2. Sexually abused children who have developed unwanted same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria as a result of their abuse will have to wait until adulthood to get the professional help they need.
  3. Children with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion who are already at a higher risk for suicide could ultimately take their own lives when denied the therapy they want and need.
  4. Therapists who are currently treating children with psychological comorbidities (i.e., a combination of porn addiction, depression, unwanted same-sex attraction, gender dysphoria, etc.) will be forced to address only part of their child clients’ needs.
  5. The only legal change counseling available to children will be from religious leaders who have no professional training in treating unwanted same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria.
  6. The rights of parents to guide the health services of their children will be violated.
  7. The religious rights of parents and children will be undermined.
  8. The free speech rights of therapists will be violated.
  9. The right to self-determination of therapy clients will be violated.
  10. The state of Utah will have launched a huge overreach into the personal, intimate sexual lives and identity aspects of children and their families, dictating health decisions that should be left up to parents, children, and their professional therapists.