
Senate Bill 3249
Summary: Provides that, in public schools only, the teaching of history of the United States shall include a study of the roles and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the history of this country and this State.

We have nothing yet on gender issues, although the State of Idaho has begun allowing citizens to change their gender on their birth certificate with no record kept of their “original gender.” This decision was based on a court ruling, not on a legislative change. It remains to be seen if our legislature will somehow address this next year. Our legislative sessions go each January-March, FYI.

Related Information
Organizations pushing LGBT agenda:

  • National Sexuality Education Standards
  • Future of Sex Education (FoSE) Initiative
  • Sex, Etc.
  • Advocates for Youth
  • Answer
  • SIECUS (Sexuality Information and Education Council of the U.S.)
  • Planned Parenthood
  • The Kinsey Institute
  • Indiana Youth Group
  • GLSEN (Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network)
  • Family Life Education (Virginia)

Guidelines for School Board Policy
(from Carly Ayala and Sharon Armke, Concerned Parents of Austin)

  • Pass school board policy upholding the age of consent, forbidding obscenity, and teaching objective biological reality instead of transgender ideology.
  • No policy that leaves school boards open to a legal challenge or lawsuit.
  • Wording to make policy easy to pass but strong enough to prohibit organizations such as Planned Parenthood and library books that promote transgenderism.

School Board Policy: Uphold Texas Age of Consent and Biological Reality

The policy of our school district is that all employees, including administrators and teachers of our Texas schools will uphold all state laws regarding the age of consent for sexual activity, which is 17. Neither Planned Parenthood nor any organization affiliated with Planned Parenthood will be allowed on our campuses or any access to our students.

No personnel from these organizations will be allowed access to our students, either in digital form or in the form of curriculum. No information to minors that encourages sexual experimentation and conduct will be allowed. This includes library books and any assigned reading material or digital material   No obscene material will be presented to our students in any form.

Contributing to the delinquency of a minor is a crime in Texas. We will ask for prosecution to the full extent of the law if any school employee encourages under age minors to engage in any illegal behavior, especially relating to illegal drugs, alcohol, or sexual behavior.

The policy of our school district is that our children will only be taught objective reality, including objective biological reality. The harmful artificial construct of reality called transgenderism will not be taught or presented to our students. This includes books in our school libraries and any assigned reading material or digital material.

  1. The official position of this Texas school with respect to transgenderism is that there are only two biological genders: male and female. This shall be the official position of ALL school district in all policies and in teaching materials presented to the students.
  2. Children will not be taught that they can be any gender they desire or feel that they are.
  3. Children will be taught that sex is biological and immutable, because that is objective biological reality.
  4. Gender dysphoria will be taught and described as a mental health condition to be treated with respect and dignity, as with any other physical or mental disability. Gender dysphoria is defined as “Unhappiness with one’s biological sex or its usual gender role, with the desire for the body and role of the opposite sex.”
  5. Students with gender dysphoria will be given the option of using the facilities assigned to their biological sex or private accommodations for restrooms, showers, lockers, and changing facilities.
  6. No exceptions for 504 plans. Transgender theory is controversial, and unproven and should not be used in 504 plans.

Dr. Michelle Cretella, a noted expert on gender issues, developed this recommended two-minute testimony that can be read by any doctor in any state regarding gender confusion issues.


My name is Dr.______________. I’ve been a [type of] physician for __years.


It is medically impossible to change sex, but over 85% of children will outgrow their gender confusion if supported through their natural puberty. These children are ordinary boys and girls who are anxious, depressed, traumatized, hate their bodies and struggle with their identity. Several studies show that teens can embrace their sex through counseling; instead, they are being sterilized and surgically mutilated by doctors. This is criminal.


Puberty is not a disease. It is a critical window of development that once closed can’t be reopened. Puberty blockers like Lupron are not FDA approved for physically healthy children. In some states, they are used to chemically castrate sex offenders, and that’s what they do to children.


Puberty blockers chemically castrate both sexes at the level of the brain; their sexual development is arrested; girls are sent into premature menopause. This sets all kids up for infertility, and harms their bone and brain development.


The only study on record shows 100% of children placed on puberty blockers went onto cross-sex hormones. This suggests that puberty blockers lock kids into their gender confusion. The crime is that all children blocked in early puberty, then put on cross-sex hormones, are permanently sterilized. Cross-sex hormones also put kids at risk of heart attacks, stroke, diabetes, blood clots, cancer and more.


Science confirms what we all know: children are not little adults.They can’t consent to such dangerous, irreversible interventions, and their parents are being lied to.The best long term evidence we have among adults shows medical intervention fails to reduce suicide. Sterilizing and mutilating kids, and lying to their parents to obtain consent, are criminal acts – especially when committed by doctors. Vote FOR the Vulnerable Child Protection Act.