Religious Freedom

SB 467 (Failed – 2017)
Taxing Churches
Would permit a local unit of government to tax churches by giving them the authority to impose a public safety user fee.

Prayer in School
HB 1024, Enacted 4/27/17
Would prohibit public schools from discriminating against students based on the student’s religious beliefs.  For example, this would protect a student who wore a cross to school, who organized a Bible study during lunch hour, who express their belief in the accuracy of the Bible in a homework assignment, who wanted to organize a time for students to pray before school.

(a) Government shall not substantially burden a person’s civil right to exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, unless such government demonstrates, by clear and convincing evidence, that application of the burden to the person:
(1) Is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and
(2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.
(b) A person whose exercise of religion has been burdened, or is substantially likely to be burdened, in violation of this act, may assert such violation as a claim or defense in a judicial proceeding. A court may grant appropriate relief as may be necessary including:
(1) Injunctive relief;
(2) protective order;
(3) writ of mandamus or prohibition;
(4) declaratory relief;
(5) actual damages; or
(6) costs and attorney fees determined by the court.
(c) Any person found by a court of competent jurisdiction to have abused the protection of this act by making a fraudulent claim may be enjoined from filing further claims under this act without leave of court.

Kansas Statutes 60-5303

63G-20-101. Title.
This chapter is known as “Religious Protections in Relation to Marriage, Family, or Sexuality.”
Section 4. Section 63G-20-102 is enacted to read:
63G-20-102. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
(1) “Government retaliation” means an action by a state or local government or an action by a state or local government official that:
(a) is taken in response to a person’s exercise of a protection contained in Section 17-20-4, 63G-20-201, or 63G-20-301; and
(b) (i) imposes a formal penalty on, fines, disciplines, discriminates against, denies the rights of, denies benefits to, or denies tax-exempt status to a person; or
(ii) subjects a person to an injunction or to an administrative claim or proceeding.
(2) (a) “Religious official” means an officer or official of a religion, when acting as such.
(b) “Religious official” includes an individual designated by the religion as clergy, minister, priest, pastor, rabbi, imam, bishop, stake president, or sealer, when that individual is acting as such.
(3) “Religious organization” means:
(a) a religious organization, association, educational institution, or society;
(b) a religious corporation sole; or
(c) any corporation or association constituting a wholly owned subsidiary, affiliate, or agency of any religious organization, association, educational institution, society, or religious corporation sole.
(4) “Sexuality” includes legal sexual conduct, legal sexual expression, sexual desires, and the status of a person as male or female.
(5) “State or local government” means:
(a) a state government entity, agency, or instrumentality; or
(b) a local government entity, agency, or instrumentality.
(6) “State or local government official” means an officer, employee, or appointee of a state or local government.
Section 5. Section 63G-20-103 is enacted to read:
63G-20-103. Interpretation.
(1) Utah state courts and courts of the United States shall broadly construe this chapter in favor of a broad protection of religious beliefs, exercises, and conscience to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of this chapter and the Utah and United States constitutions. 

(2) Nothing in this chapter may be construed to limit:
(a) the authority of a state or local government or a state or local government official to protect the health, safety, or property of Utah residents through lawful means;
(b) the application of Utah’s criminal laws;
(c) the application of Utah’s laws barring discrimination in employment or housing; or
(d) the application of Utah’s laws barring discrimination in public accommodations, subject to Section 63G-20-201.

Utah Senate Bill 297 (2015)

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual may not require a religious official, when acting as such, or religious organization to provide goods, accommodations, advantages, privileges, services, facilities, or grounds for activities connected with the solemnization or celebration of a marriage that is contrary to that religious official’s or religious organization’s religious beliefs about marriage, family, or sexuality.

Utah Senate Bill 297 (2015)


This Act may be cited as the “First Amendment Defense Act”.


Congress finds the following:

(1) Leading legal scholars concur that conflicts between same-sex marriage and religious liberty are real and should be legislatively addressed.

(2) As the President stated in response to the decision of the Supreme Court on the Defense of Marriage Act in 2013, “Americans hold a wide range of views” on the issue of same-sex marriage, and “maintaining our Nation’s commitment to religious freedom” is “vital”.

(3) Nevertheless, in 2015, when asked whether a religious school could lose its tax-exempt status for opposing same-sex marriage, the Solicitor General of the United States represented to the United States Supreme Court that “[i]t’s certainly going to be an issue”.

(4) Protecting religious freedom from Government intrusion is a Government interest of the highest order. Legislatively enacted measures advance this interest by remedying, deterring, and preventing Government interference with religious exercise in a way that complements the protections mandated by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

(5) Laws that protect the free exercise of religious beliefs and moral convictions about marriage will encourage private citizens and institutions to demonstrate tolerance for those beliefs and convictions and therefore contribute to a more respectful, diverse, and peaceful society.


(a) In General.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Federal Government shall not take any discriminatory action against a person, wholly or partially on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or that sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.

(b) Discriminatory Action Defined.—As used in subsection (a), a discriminatory action means any action taken by the Federal Government to—

(1) alter in any way the Federal tax treatment of, or cause any tax, penalty, or payment to be assessed against, or deny, delay, or revoke an exemption from taxation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 of, any person referred to in subsection (a);

(2) disallow a deduction for Federal tax purposes of any charitable contribution made to or by such person;

(3) withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny any Federal grant, contract, subcontract, cooperative agreement, loan, license, certification, accreditation, employment, or other similar position or status from or to such person;

(4) withhold, reduce, exclude, terminate, or otherwise deny any benefit under a Federal benefit program from or to such person; or

(5) otherwise discriminate against such person.

(c) Accreditation; Licensure; Certification.—The Federal Government shall consider accredited, licensed, or certified for purposes of Federal law any person that would be accredited, licensed, or certified, respectively, for such purposes but for a determination against such person wholly or partially on the basis that the person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or that sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.


(a) Cause Of Action.—A person may assert an actual or threatened violation of this Act as a claim or defense in a judicial or administrative proceeding and obtain compensatory damages, injunctive relief, declaratory relief, or any other appropriate relief against the Federal Government. Standing to assert a claim or defense under this section shall be governed by the general rules of standing under Article III of the Constitution.

(b) Administrative Remedies Not Required.—Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an action under this section may be commenced, and relief may be granted, in a United States district court without regard to whether the person commencing the action has sought or exhausted available administrative remedies.

(c) Attorneys’ Fees.—Section 722(b) of the Revised Statutes (42 U.S.C. 1988(b)) is amended by inserting “the First Amendment Defense Act,” after “the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act of 2000,”.

(d) Authority Of United States To Enforce This Act.—The Attorney General may bring an action for injunctive or declaratory relief against an independent establishment described in section 104(1) of title 5, United States Code, or an officer or employee of that independent establishment, to enforce compliance with this Act. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to deny, impair, or otherwise affect any right or authority of the Attorney General, the United States, or any agency, officer, or employee of the United States, acting under any law other than this subsection, to institute or intervene in any proceeding.


(a) Broad Construction.—This Act shall be construed in favor of a broad protection of free exercise of religious beliefs and moral convictions, to the maximum extent permitted by the terms of this Act and the Constitution.

(b) No Preemption, Repeal, Or Narrow Construction.—Nothing in this Act shall be construed to preempt State law, or repeal Federal law, that is equally or more protective of free exercise of religious beliefs and moral convictions. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to narrow the meaning or application of any State or Federal law protecting free exercise of religious beliefs and moral convictions. Nothing in this Act shall be construed to prevent the Federal Government from providing, either directly or through a person not seeking protection under this Act, any benefit or service authorized under Federal law.

(c) Severability.—If any provision of this Act or any application of such provision to any person or circumstance is held to be unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act and the application of the provision to any other person or circumstance shall not be affected.


In this Act:

(1) FEDERAL BENEFIT PROGRAM.—The term “Federal benefit program” has the meaning given that term in section 552a of title 5, United States Code.

(2) FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.—The term “Federal Government” includes each authority of any branch of the Government of the United States.

(3) PERSON.—The term “person” means a person as defined in section 1 of title 1, United States Code, and includes any such person regardless of religious affiliation or lack thereof, and regardless of for-profit or nonprofit status.


H.R. 2802 (114th Congress)