2. WATCH:“The Road to Nairobi” (see below)
3. SIGN the Declaration:
NOVEMBER 13, 2019
We, the pro-life and pro-family organizations, diplomats, scholars, faith leaders, youth leaders, politicians and individuals of good will assembled in Nairobi from November 10th to 14th, 2019 at the pro-life and pro-family side events alternative to ICPD+25, along with many across the world who also support this declaration;
Concerned that the ICPD+25 process excluded pro-life and pro-family voices and input, and that the ICPD+25 outcome document does not represent the majority of the people of the world;
Disturbed by the obsessive focus of the ICPD+25 process on controversial issues that were not part of the original ICPD that our governments committed to, namely: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), a known banner for advancing abortion and radical sexual rights and Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE),which sexualizes children and undermines the family;
Therefore, declare as follows:
Our Vision is:
A World Where Everyone has the Right to Life. We affirm the foundational truth in ICPD Principle 1 that “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person“ while recognizing that we have fallen far short in protecting life before as well as after birth as called for in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. For this we affirm that life of every person begins at conception and ends at natural death.
A World Where the Family is Protected as the Fundamental Unit of Society. We reaffirm ICPD Principle 9 wherein it states, “The family is the basic unit of society and as such should be strengthened. It is entitled to receive comprehensive protection and support.” And we reaffirm the ICPD call to governments to “develop policies and laws that better support the family, [and] contribute to its stability.” (ICPD 5.2)
A World Where the Rights of Parents are Respected, Valued and Affirmed. We reaffirm ICPD Principles 10 and 11 wherein they recognize that the responsibility for educating children “lies in the first place with the parents” (ICPD Principle 10) as they will have their children’s best interest in mind, and we also reaffirm that “The child has the right to be cared for, guided and supported by parents, families and society.” (ICPD Principle 11.)
A World Where Human Trafficking and Prostitution are Nonexistent. We emphasize that “Countries should prohibit degrading practices, such as trafficking in women, adolescents and children and exploitation through prostitution, and pay special attention to protecting the rights and safety of those who suffer from these crimes and those in potentially exploitable situations.” (ICPD 4.9.)
A World Where Every Girl Child is Valued and Protected. We reaffirm the need to “improve the welfare of the girl child, especially in regard to health, nutrition and education” (ICPD 4.16 (c)) and affirm that “Measures should be adopted and enforced to eliminate child marriages and female genital mutilation.” (ICPD 5.5.)
On Sovereignty:
Respect for National Sovereignty and Religious and Cultural Values of Countries. We reaffirm that “The implementation of the recommendations contained in the Programme of Action is the sovereign right of each country, consistent with national laws and development priorities, with full respect for the various religious and ethical values and cultural backgrounds of its people, and in conformity with universally recognized international human rights.” (Chapter II, Principles)
On Maternal Mortality
A World Free of Preventable Maternal Mortality. We are cognizant that “maternal deaths have very serious consequences within the family, given the crucial role of the mother for her children’s health and welfare. The death of the mother increases the risk to the survival of her young children.” (ICPD 8.19)
On the Definition of Health
A World Where Health is Defined, Understood and Implemented Holistically. We are cognizant of the fact that the current definition of health by the World Health Organization coined in 1948 that health is “a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” does not take into account spiritual and environmental wellbeing nor the centrality of the family as the primary unit of society. We declare that henceforth an accurate definition of health must encompass complete physical, mental, spiritual, family and environmental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
Our Call to Action
We therefore call upon governments everywhere to accelerate the promise of ICPD by implementing the following neglected ICPD commitments made 25 years ago in Cairo, and urge all governments to take the following actions:
Respect Sovereignty and Religious and Cultural Values
Protect and Strengthen the Family
Respect the Rights of Parents
End Abortion
We declare that the concept of SRHR that was pushed throughout the ICPD+25 process has never been accepted in any of the United Nations consensus documents and has always been rejected by many countries due its highly controversial and deceptive nature.
We further declare that as governments focus on the aforementioned seven critical pro-life and pro-family policy mandates, thereby fulfilling the unfinished and overlooked business of ICPD, families will flourish, children will thrive, and nations will experience more robust sustainable development.
[Your Email Signature]
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly:
UNFPA’s Nairobi ICPD+25 Summit
List of pro-life and pro-family side events held at an alternative conference at the Basilica, next to the Nairobi Summit venue.
Videos Exposing the Agendas:
Harmful CSE Programs in Africa: