Empowered Youth Coalition Website Launch Saturday! Over 100 Organizations Have Joined!

We are so grateful to each individual and organization that has joined this powerful new coalition!  We are honored by the trust you have put in us and commit to do our very best to be worthy of that trust.


We thought that our goal of launching with 100 partnering co-founding organizations was possibly too ambitious, but we are pleased to announce we have now surpassed that goal with more joining every day!


We have three important EYC launch events to share:


  1. May 15, 2021: EpoweredYouthCoalition.org Website Launch  Once the full EYC site goes live on Saturday to coincide with the International Day of Families, we will send you all an email notification.
  2. May 17, 2021: EYC to Give Statement at United Nations – The EYC is honored to have been invited to give a youth statement at an important United Nations event on Monday! This is an online event sponsored by multiple UN Member States to commemorate the International Day of Families. We invite you to participate virtually. You can see more information here.
  3. May 18, 2021: Webinar Launch of the EYC – Join us for this webinar to learn more about the EYC, our campaigns, and how individuals and organizations can participate moving forward. Register at this link.


While we have met our goal of having over 100 organizations join as co-founding partners before our official launch on Saturday, our longer-term goal is to have representation in the EYC from every UN Member State and to grow our membership of individuals to one million! A lofty goal, but we have already seen many miracles so far.


Please consider helping us recruit more EYC members and organizations by forwarding the invitation we have provided at this link to your contacts. People of all ages (although our materials will focus on youth and young adults ages 15-35), faiths, cultures, and backgrounds that support the EYC mission and value are welcome in the EYC.


If you have any questions that you would like us to answer in the webinar launch on Tuesday, please send them to info@empoweredyouth.org.


We believe that it is nothing short of miraculous that so many of you have enthusiastically joined this coalition, which has already begun to be a force for good across the world.


Who would have imagined that the EYC would have the opportunity to give a youth statement to the United Nations the very day after the EYC launch?


Stay tuned for more exciting things to come!