There are only 3 more days for us to raise our 2021 budget, and we need your help.
We receive no government funding and rely solely on donations from good people like you. Without your support, we will not be able to be the same force for good to protect the health and innocence of children and the family worldwide.
If you want us to continue to be able to send out our world class Family Watch Newsletter and our Family Watch Newswire to tens of thousands of people in over 170 countries, equipping them with the tools and critical information they need to protect marriage, family, life, religious freedom, and parental rights, please click here.
If you want us to continue providing key UN diplomats from multiple countries with essential background briefings and strategy recommendations to help them fight the critical battles for the family coming up in 2021 please click here to donate.
If you support our efforts to protect children from the dangerous comprehensive sexuality education agenda and especially our extremely effective documentaries please click here. We are taking the lead in organizing efforts across the U.S. and in countries around the world to protect the children from this insidious agenda.
If you want us to continue to produce our series of worldwide webinars exposing the hidden anti-life and anti-family UN agendas please click here.
Your support is essential to making these pro-life and pro-family events possible. Even though we have a small budget and few resources, each year we are able to accomplish much more than we think is possible.
This is because of the amazing dedication of our experienced and expert Family Watch team, many who volunteer their time and expertise to be your voice for life and family at home and abroad.
We believe in miracles, and with your help, we know we can raise the funds we still need for some of our most critical projects and activities for the coming year.
Every dollar counts!
You can even consider making a monthly recurring donation if that is easier on your budget by clicking here.
If everyone does a little, and those who are able do more, I know we can reach our goal. It is always such a boost to see donations come in from all around the world, and we are hoping to see that support once again.
The outlook for 2021 is precarious, but we are uniquely positioned to make an even bigger difference.
Please help us expand our impact in 2021 by making a contribution here.
Thank you for all you do to protect families.