Register for FWI Webinar – The World Health Organization Exposed April 28!

Please join us for a worldwide webinar next Tuesday, April 28! You won’t want to miss this! I will present for the first time detailed evidence we have been gathering on the darker side of the World Health Organization (WHO). To protect our families we need to understand these threats. Most people are unaware that under the banner of promoting sexual health, the WHO has been promoting abortion, prostitution, transgenderism, harmful CSE and more.

Worldwide Webinar

“The World Health Organization Exposed: Sexual Rights vs. Sexual Health”

Date: Tuesday, April 28th

Time: 9:00 AM Mountain Standard Time

For more information go to

Note: You can subscribe to the Family Watch newsletter here to be notified of similar webinars.


This webinar will be the first in a series of webinars exposing the harmful agendas of various UN entities and agencies. Sadly, many governments give millions of dollars to these UN agencies without fully understanding their hidden agendas that are harmful to children and families.


If you are subscribed to our free Family Watch newsletter, you will also receive notices regarding the release of our new online learning course with associated webinars as described below. You can participate in one, several, or all of the course units as suits your need. We will send a notice as each unit is released.


Please consider sharing the information on our April 28th webinar with others you feel could benefit from this information. The more people who understand these threats, the more power we will have to stop them.


I personally look forward to connecting with you during the upcoming webinar.




Sharon Slater
Family Watch International


P.S. If you missed our special report on the World Health Organization, click here to read it.

“International Law and Policy Learning Course”


Certificates for completion of the full course will be available.


To register for the webinars and to be notified as each unit in the course is released, please subscribe to the Family Watch Newswire.


Unit 1: The Status of the Family in International Law: Overview of how 5 binding UN treaties and many other UN consensus documents call for the protection of the family


Unit 2: United Nations 101: Overview of how UN entities are undermining life, family and parental rights (WHO, UNFPA, UN Women, UNICEF, UNAIDS, Treaty Body Monitoring Committees, UN Special Rapporteurs, Universal Periodic Reviews, the OHCHR, UN Geneva)


Unit 3: Family and Life Issues in the Context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals


Unit 4: The Family as a Protective Factor in Preventing Violence Against Women & Girls: What the research shows


Unit 5: Global Youth Policies and Trends


Unit 6: Global Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Policies


Unit 7: Protecting Children in Sex Education Policies and Programs


Unit 8: Protecting Children in Sex Education Policies and Programs in the African Region


Unit 9: Population and Family Planning Policies and Impacts on Life and Family


Unit 10: UN Convention on the Rights of the Child: Children’s rights vs. parents’ rights


Unit 11: Human Sexuality and Gender Identity Policies


Unit 12: The Disparate Role of Super NGOs in Shaping International Children and Youth Policies and Programs (Exposés on IPPF, Marie Stopes, Rutgers, RFSU, etc.)


Unit 13: The Disparate Role of Super NGOs on the African Union


Unit 14: Cultural Imperialism: The sexual rights agenda


Unit 15: The Human Rights Agenda and National Human Rights Institutions


Unit 16: Family and Life Advocacy at the International, National, and Local Levels


Unit 17: Pro-life and Pro-family Coalition Building


Unit 18: The Art of Negotiation