What You Must Know to Protect Your Children and Grandchildren

By Sharon Slater December 19, 2018

If you have been following our newsletters, you already know that Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), is the most insidious tools used worldwide to corrupt and destroy the health and innocence of our children.


This is a relentless, constant battle to push back CSE in schools, legislatures, and policymaking arenas all across the world.


Family Watch has been traveling the world, pushing back this serious CSE threat to our children. See details in our report below.


In this report you will find:


 1.  The Major Threat to Our Children: Excerpts from Planned Parenthood’s newest publication detailing their radical sexual philosophies for children.


2.  CSE Around the World: Concrete evidence showing how CSE is infiltrating almost every area of the world and what Family Watch is doing about it.



This year, harmful CSE programs and policies have been aggressively pushed on children in many countries. Make no mistake, there is a global agenda to get this insidious form of indoctrination to every child worldwide.


So who is behind this harmful agenda that the American College of Pediatricians calls “one of the greatest assaults on the health and innocence of our children?”


One need look no further than Planned Parenthood, the largest provider of CSE in the world and in the U.S., to understand how destructive the CSE agenda is to our children.


As the largest provider of CSE worldwide and a main UN agency partner, IPPF’s sexual ideologies permeate CSE programs and policies worldwide.


Consider the International Planned Parenthood (IPPF) publication “Fulfil: Guidance document for the implementation of young people’s sexual rights.” Created largely by IPPF with the support of UN agencies (UNESCO and WHO), this “guidance” clearly reveals Planned Parenthood’s (and their partnering UN agencies’) radical sexual ideologies that underpin CSE programs worldwide as follows:

“Fulfil! Guidance document for the implementation of
young people’s sexual rights.”



Note: The “Fulfil!” publication defines “young people” as beginning at age 10. Please also note that since UNESCO and WHO staff helped write this guide, it indicates support for the following radical ideologies from those two UN agencies as well.


Promotes Freedom of Sexual Expression for Children

  • “… young people (regardless of age … need to be able to explore, experience and express their sexuality in pleasurable and safe ways … This can only happen when young people’s sexual rights are recognised and guaranteed.”  (IPPF’s “Fulful!” publication, Page 5)
  • “Laws that criminalise consensual sexual activity between adolescents can place adolescents at risk…”  (IPPF’s “Fulful!” publication, Page 14)


Promotes a Right to Sexual Pleasure for Children


  • “Ensuring that all young people understand they are entitled to sexual pleasure and the diverse forms in which pleasure is experienced is of primary importance for their health and well-being.”


Promotes Transgender Hormones/Surgeries for Children Without Parental Consent


  • Guarantee access to hormone treatment for transgender and intersex adolescents … without the need for parental consent. Specific legislation should also cover the right of transgender and intersex adolescents to decide on any surgical procedures over their bodies with the same guidance and care…” (IPPF’s “Fulful!” publication, Page 17)


Promotes Abortion


  • “Liberalise abortion legislation to enable all young women (including adolescents) to easily access safe abortion care, without parental or spousal consent requirements.  (IPPF’s “Fulful!” publication, Page 20)


Promotes CSE as a Compulsory Right


  • Legislate for compulsory CSE from primary to preparatory schools, based on new global endorsements and standards. “(IPPF’s “Fulful!” publication, Page 23)
  • Ensure that CSE programmes are inclusive of all sexual identities.” “(IPPF’s “Fulful!” publication, Page 23)

These are the radical ideologies that we are up against!


CSE programs worldwide are designed to teach children all about sexual acts and alleged “sexual rights” as defined by Planned Parenthood.


For more quotes from “Fulfil,” click here.





At the United Nations


Family Watch has been at the forefront of the global pushback against CSE for many years. Having first exposed the UN’s inter-agency “technical guidance” on CSE when it was released in January, and then having analyzed and documented many other harmful UN agency-supported CSE materials.


A full list of harmful UN-supported CSE materials and programs is exposed on our StopCSE.org website under the “CSE Exposed” tab.



Fighting CSE Globally


From Kenya (speaking on CSE at an event with the First Lady), to Uganda (presented on CSE in parliament at the launch of Uganda’s new parliamentary pro-life caucus), to Rwanda (addressed law students at the university and met with the minister of family), to Moldova(speaking at a World Congress of Families), we at Family Watch have been warning and equipping government, religious and civil society leaders throughout Africa and Europe.


See also this major analysis pointing out 10 serious concerns with Uganda’s new sexuality education framework.


We have been exposing and working to stop CSE, not only in Africa (see herehere and here) and Europe (see here), but also in Latin America (see here), Asia (see here), and the Caribbean (see here and here).



United States


We are fighting CSE in Washington, D.C. on Capitol Hill lobbying individual Senators and Congressmen, even holding a major congressional event to premiere “The War on Children” and also presenting new research showing that federally funded CSE programs have failed in U.S. schools. (See my Washington Times op-ed here.) We are fighting CSE in every state in the U.S.


We are even fighting CSE in my home state of Arizona. (See this program that received federal funding in Arizona and this one that has been implemented in Tucson.)


And that’s not all.


Our next newsletter will highlight our exciting launch of phase I of our Protect Child Health project, with our new website and multiple new tools for protecting children from the harmful CSE agenda.


As you can see, our Family Watch team has been quite busy protecting children at the UN and from continent to continent.


But our main work is informing and equipping good people around the world with the tools they need to protect their own children and their families.


If you have benefited from our work in any way, or if you want to be a contributing member in this global battle to protect children and families, please consider making the most generous donation that you can right now.


Every donation boosts the morale of our many volunteers and staff that make up our Family Watch team. We can’t do it without your help, and every donation matters.


It is easy to donate by going to this link.


Thank you for all you do to stand for children and the family and for being a part of our Family Watch family!