Older Articles on Sex Education


WHAT TYPE OF SEXUAL EDUCATION DO PARENTS EXPECT FROM SOCIETY? Lithuanian parents agree on one thing regarding their children’s education: sexual education should be in line with what children are taught at home. Read more here.


JUDGE ENDS LAWSUIT AGAINST CALIFORNIA SCHOOL DISTRICT’S SEX EDUCATION CURRICULUM. A judge in California has dismissed a lawsuit from two parents trying to stop Conejo Valley Unified School District’s sexual education curriculum, saying that neither family has standing to sue, but the parents’ group vows not to give up the legal battle. Read more here.


GOVERNMENT-FUNDED APP TARGETING BLACK TEENS TEACHES YOUNG HOMOSEXUAL MEN TO ‘ENHANCE’ SEX, PREVENT HIV. A government-funded effort to study prevention of HIV in black youth aims to “enhance” homosexual experiences for teens as young as 14 while potentially keeping parents and guardians in the dark. Read more here.


EXPOSED: UNITED NATIONS ‘HUMAN RIGHTS’ AGREEMENT PROMOTES ALL MANNER OF SEX, ‘IRRESPECTIVE OF AGE.’ Sharon Slater, president of Family Watch International, spoke at the United Nations Transatlantic Summit earlier this month to shed light on the pressure being placed on African nations to implement comprehensive sexuality education for children that includes a right to sexual pleasure and abortion. Read more here.


TEXAS SCHOOL’S SEX EDUCATION ADVISOR ARRESTED FOR PROSTITUTION. Ashley Ketcherside, who had been making recommendations for “appropriate grade levels and methods for human sexuality instruction” in the Godley, Texas public school district, has been convicted of prostitution. Read more here.


HIGH SCHOOL’S ‘OPPRESSION AND PRIVILEGE’ SLIDESHOW LINKS TO TEEN SEX ED WEBSITE. Planned Parenthood imposed a presentation on porn literacy and hookups on tenth-graders at a Missouri high school that appears to violate state law. Read more here.


SWARTHMORE COLLEGE’S ANNUAL SEX WEEK FEATURES ‘NAVIGATING PLEASURE WITH DYSPHORIA.’ Swarthmore College hosted sex week workshops, introducing sex toys and aiming to “destigmatize sex, celebrate sexual diversity and promote informed, empowered experiences.” Read more here.


SCHOOLS ‘SHOULD’ LET PARENTS SEE SEX EDUCATION MATERIALS. UK schools can no longer use confidentiality and copyright laws to prevent parents from seeing sex education materials being taught to their children, and Education Secretary Gillian Keegan has written that they “can and should share curriculum materials with parents” when asked to do so. Read more here.


HUNDREDS IN ABBOTSFORD, BC RALLY FOR PARENTAL RIGHTS, PROTESTING THE SEXUALIZATION OF CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS. Nearly 500 parental rights protesters peacefully marched against the sexual indoctrination of Abbotsford children calling for an end to the province’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI 123) program. The demonstration was part of the second “1 Million March 4 Children,” but this time taking place in 52 cities across eight provinces. Read more here.


UK EDUCATION SECRETARY AFFIRMS PARENTS HAVE THE RIGHT TO REVIEW SEX-ED MATERIAL GIVEN TO STUDENTS. Education Secretary Gillian Keegan wrote in an open letter sent all English schools saying that “Parents must be empowered to ask and schools should have the confidence to share.” Read more here.


BROWARD SCHOOL BOARD IN FLORIDA APPROVES SEX EDUCATION CURRICULUM; ENDS PROMISE DIVERSIONARY PROGRAM. The board voted 5-4 to approve the reproductive health and disease prevention education materials for all K-12 students, but also voted to discontinue the Preventing Recidivism through the Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support, and Education program that offers some students who are accused of misdemeanor crimes an alternative to being arrested. Read more here.


GENDER IDEOLOGY: AMICUS BRIEF DEFENDS MARYLAND PARENTS’ CASE FOR OPT-OUT. The Montgomery County Public School system “underestimates” how much its mandatory gender and sexuality curriculum interferes with parents’ religious exercise, an amicus brief filed by the Ethics and Public Policy Center said. Read more here.


RENOWNED KENYAN EPIDEMIOLOGIST SAYS SEX EDUCATION SHOULD START AT HOME. Epidemiologist and pediatrician Professor Ruth Nduati spoke out against comprehensive sex education in schools saying it would trigger a high rate of unwanted pregnancies and HIV infections among adolescents. Children are also likely to suffer infertility with early introduction of contraceptives. Read more here.


POLAND BANS ‘SEXUALIZATION’ OF CHILDREN’ FROM SCHOOLS. The Polish Parliament has approved new legislation to ban those who would attempt to sexualize children from entering schools and pre-schools. Read more here.


REPORT CALLS FOR BETTER SEX EDUCATION TEACHER TRAINING. Following the suspension of the sex education teaching on the Isle of Man after parents raised concerns, a review concluded teachers need better training. Read more here.


‘FALSE INFORMATION CAMPAIGN’ ABOUT SEX EDUCATION. Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris announced new regulations in Parliament making it compulsory for all post-primary schools in the nation to teach pupils about access to abortion and prevention of early pregnancy. Read more here.


SPAIN’S SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS ‘GENDER THEORY’ IN SCHOOLS. The court dismissed an appeal presented by the Catholic Confederation of Parents and Parents of Students, and it re-confirmed that the nation’s public schools are to press on in their mission to promote postmodern gender identity theory. Read more here.


USAID INTRODUCES NEW FRAMEWORK TO PROMOTE ‘COMPREHENSIVE SEXUALITY EDUCATION’ ABROAD. The U.S. Agency for International Development launched a new framework for “LGBTQI inclusive development,” which includes a policy goal of aiding access to “comprehensive sexuality education.” Read more here.


FEDERAL JUDGE DECLINES TO BLOCK NEW INDIANA LAW BARRING TEACHING OF SEX IN GRADES K-3. A federal judge in the Southern District of Indiana denied a motion for a preliminary injunction requested by the ACLU on behalf of a teacher who said another aspect of the new law concerning how human sexuality is taught puts her at risk of losing her teacher’s license. Read more here.


NEVADA SCHOOL DISTRICT’S NEW SEX ED CURRICULUM STRUGGLES TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN MALES AND FEMALES. The Washoe County School District Board in Reno, Nevada struggled over simple biological terms in approving the new Sexuality Health and Responsibility Education curriculum material for fourth- and fifth-grade students. Read more here.


MASSACHUSETTS IS UPDATING ITS SEX EDUCATION GUIDELINES FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 24 YEARS. Though not yet finalized, new guidelines propose to include standards that pertain to the well-being of gender and sexual minority populations. Read more here.


UK parent reinstated after objecting to school’s gender lessons. A Christian parent governor at a primary school in the United Kingdom has legally won back her position after being dismissed for voicing her concerns about the school’s trans-affirming sex education policy. Read more here.


Liberal abortion and LGBT agenda on course for NI classrooms. Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris MP said he had a statutory duty to implement Relationships and Sexuality Education classes recommended in a report by the UN’s Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, including educating adolescents on the legal right to an abortion. Read more here.


Parents are feeling blindsided by an Olympia, Washington school’s use of pro-abortion sex education materials. The school has come under fire for teaching fourth- and fifth-graders inappropriate Planned Parenthood sex education, without gaining prior approval. Read more here.


New York City private schools are teaching sexuality curriculum in kindergarten classes. The schools are indoctrinating children as young as age four with woke gender identity programs and sexuality curriculum. Read more here.


New Iowa Law Limits SOGI Instruction, Removes Sexual Books From School Libraries. Iowa teachers will be banned from raising sexual orientation and gender identity issues with students through grade six, and all books depicting sex acts will be removed from school libraries under a bill signed by Gov. Kim Reynolds. Read more here.


Maryland Parents Sue School Board for Forcing Kids to Read ‘Pride’ Books. Maryland parents are suing the Montgomery County Board of Education for allegedly forcing their children to read “Pride” themed books without prior notification or the ability to opt out. Read more here.


Survey on RSE in UK Shows Disturbing Stats, Including Percentage of Students Who Want to ‘Change Gender.’ A survey on the teaching of LGBT ideology in schools across England revealed that one in ten teenagers aged 16 to 18 want to “change their gender” or have already done so. Read more here.


NI Education Authority Says Sex Ed Should Teach Kids More About Gender Identity. Northern Irish schools should push more sex education lessons on abortion and “gender and sexual identity,” according to an Education and Training Inspectorate report. Read more here.


Parents Angered at New York Private School’s Explicit Sex Ed Curriculum. Parents at the Waldorf School of Garden City, Long Island are angry because of new mandatory sex education for fifth graders that teaches, among other things, oral and anal sex and masturbation. Read more here.


Oregon Teachers Expose Students to Sexually Explicit Language During Lessons on Pornography. Classroom material containing sexually explicit language was used to teach 10th grade students about myths in pornography, “popular categories” and “child-like porn” in Oregon’s Hillsboro School District. Read more here.


CA Student Allegedly Called a ‘Bigot’ for Refusing to Learn About Homosexual Sex. A special needs student at a California high school was allegedly called a “bigot” by her teachers for mistakenly not using preferred pronouns and objecting to participating in a lesson about homosexual sex. Read more here.


UK Sex Ed Org Apologizes for Linking to Fetish Material on Website. The School of Sexuality Education, which reportedly provides sex education to children in around 300 elementary and high schools across Britain, has been forced to apologize after it was found that it linked to various types of fetish material on its website. Read more here.


Filipino Christians Oppose LGBTQ Topics in School Curriculum. Philippine Christian groups, including a youth organization, have voiced their opposition to the introduction of topics like same-sex unions and gender ideology in the draft curriculum for 10th-grade students. Read more here.


UK Teacher Caught Berating Kids Who Object to LGBTQ Lesson. UK parents have lodged a formal complaint regarding a lecture during which a teacher told students they would be “dealt with severely” if they objected to being instructed about LGBTQ relationships. Read more here.


Vermont School District Replaces ‘Boy’ and ‘Girl’ With ‘Gender-Inclusive’ Phrases. A letter from a Vermont school district to parents expressed a policy change to use “gender-inclusive phrases” in place of words like “boy” and “girl” in a curriculum unit about human reproduction. Read more here.


Texas Lawmakers Consider Bill Banning Teaching of Sexual, LGBT Topics to Younger Students. Texas lawmakers introduced a bill to the state legislature that would ban textbooks teaching sexual and LGBT topics to students below the ninth grade. Read more here.


Florida Board of Ed Approves Rule Prohibiting SOGI Instruction Through 12th Grade. Florida’s State Board of Education approved a rule prohibiting classroom discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity through the 12th grade, with few exceptions. Read more here.


Kentucky DOE Advises Against SOGI Lessons in Schools. The Kentucky Department of Education is advising schools to no longer teach lessons that focus on LGBTQ topics such as sexual orientation and gender identity, according to new guidance. Read more here.


South Carolina Teacher Fired for Giving ‘Inappropriate’ LGBTQ Lesson During Class. A South Carolina teacher was fired after she chose to facilitate a discussion on an unapproved article on LGBTQ+ identity to her 10th-grade students, according to the district. Read more here.


Traditional Countries Stop Promotion of CSE for Children at UN. At an annual population conference at the United Nations, traditional countries were able to stop the Western agenda promoting Comprehensive Sexuality Education for children around the world. Read more here.


IPPF Materials Teach Kids About ‘Commercial Sex Work.’ A sex ed toolkit created by the International Planned Parenthood Federation claims that children are born sexual and should learn about “commercial sex work” when they are younger than 10 years of age. Read more here.


LGBT Ideology Pushed on Scottish School Children. Radical gender ideology and instruction on sexual orientation is reportedly being pushed on students throughout Scotland, with some being told that they are “queer” if they do not know their sexual orientation. Read more here.


UK’s Largest Teacher’s Union Votes to Invite More Drag Queens to Schools. At a meeting of the National Education Union at Harrogate, teachers voted in favor of a motion to bring drag queen story hour and other LGBT events to schools in order to take on “heteronormative culture.” Read more here.


Kansas Approves Bill Allowing Parents to Opt Children Out of LGBT Lessons. Kansas lawmakers approved a bill aimed at helping parents opt their children out of public school lessons with LGBTQ-themed materials. Read more here.


Muslim Group Decries Maryland School District for Blocking Parental Opt-Outs. A prominent Muslim advocacy group is demanding that Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland reinstate parental opt-outs for homosexual and transgender content after the school district said it would no longer accept such requests. Read more here.


Florida House Passes Bill Extending Ban on SOGI Instruction to Eighth Grade. The Florida House passed a bill extending a prohibition on sexual orientation and gender identity instruction to eighth grade and stipulating that schools cannot require teachers or students to refer to another person by their “preferred pronouns.” Read more here.


Age Ratings to Be Put on UK Sex Education Lessons. Age ratings will be imposed by independent reviewers on sex education lessons in the UK as part of a government clampdown on controversial teaching resources. Read more here.


Parents Call Out Maryland School Board for Refusing to Let Students Opt-Out of SOGI Lessons. Maryland parents are pushing back against the Montgomery County Public School Board which is refusing to let them opt their children out of lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity. Read more here.


CA Kindergarteners Will Read About Transgender-Identifying Kids for ‘Day of Visibility.’ Children as young as kindergarten will read a picture book about kids who identify as transgender as part of one Northern California school district’s “Transgender Day of Visibility,” despite the objections of several parents. Read more here.


UK Sex Ed Providers Exposing Children to ‘Graphic and Sexualizing’ Material. School materials on explicit sex acts and aimed at children as young as eleven are reportedly available from the UK’s leading education network. Read more here.


Students in Wales Taught About ‘Queer Identity’ by Drag Queen. Children in Wales have received lessons on “queer identity” from a drag queen who has previously posted on social media about “orgies” and that “love has no age.” Read more here.


Florida Gov to Tighten Ban on SOGI Classroom Instruction to All Grades. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s administration is seeking to expand upon the Parental Rights in Education Act to also restrict classroom instruction of sexual orientation and gender identity in grades four to 12. Read more here.


Oregon High School Pulls Assignment Asking Students to Describe a ‘Sexual Fantasy.’ A high school in Oregon has retracted an assignment that asked students to write a story describing a “sexual fantasy.” The assignment originated from Canvas, an online learning management system. Read more here.


UK Govt Urged to Act Quickly to Protect Kids From Radical Sex Ed. The UK government has been urged to act swiftly to protect students from inappropriate sex ed instruction, such as requiring children to form genitalia out of Play-Doh. Read more here.


UK Sex Ed Instruction Says Children Can Be ‘Mixed Berry Gender Fluid Muffins.’ A 170-page “Agenda” document detailing how sex education should be taught in Wales reportedly instructs teachers that children as young as seven can be “mixed berry gender fluid muffins.” Read more here.


Oregon Teacher Gives ‘Sexual Fantasy’ Assignment to High School Students. A health teacher at Churchill High School in Eugene, Oregon reportedly assigned homework asking students to write sexual fantasy stories “that will have NO penetration of any kind or oral sex (no way of passing an STI).” Read more here.


UK PM Agrees to Urgent Review of Inappropriate Sex Ed Materials. Rishi Sunak has committed to bringing forward a review of statutory guidance on Relationships and Sex Education, in light of “age-inappropriate, extreme, sexualizing and inaccurate” materials being used in schools. Read more here.


Arkansas Passes Ban on Sexuality Instruction Before Fifth Grade. The Arkansas legislature passed a bill prohibiting public school teachers from providing classroom instruction on sexually explicit materials, gender identity and sexual orientation to students before the fifth grade. Read more here.


Virginia District Decides Boys and Girls Should Be Taught Sex-Ed Together. Fairfax County Public Schools adopted a new policy that would see boys and girls in grades 4-8 taught sex education together, apparently to avoid alienating their transgender-identifying classmates. Read more here.


Children Can Be Withdrawn From Controversial Sex Ed, ROI Minister Confirms. Students will not have to sit through sex education classes that promote gender ideology if their parents disapprove, the Republic of Ireland’s Minister for Education has said. Read more here.


Drag Queen Forces Child to Leave Class for Denying 73 Genders. The Isle of Man government has suspended sex education at schools after a drag queen allegedly forced a student to leave class for refuting the concept of 73 genders. Students were also reportedly taught about anal and oral sex. Read more here.


Florida State Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Expand Ban on Teaching Students About SOGI. Florida state Rep. Adam Anderson has proposed a measure that would expand Florida’s prohibition against teaching students about sexual orientation and gender identity through the eighth grade. Read more here.


Irish Govt Abandons Plan to Teach Children Gender Is a ‘Spectrum.’ A planned rework of Ireland’s Social, Personal, and Health Education curriculum that aimed to teach children that “gender identity” occurs on a “spectrum” has reportedly been abandoned by the government. Read more here.


Indiana House Passes Bill Banning Sexual, SOGI Content in Grades K-3. Indiana state representatives advanced a two-page bill that would ban schools from incorporating lessons with sexual content or instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade classrooms. Read more here.


PA Teacher’s Graphic Sex Ed Curriculum Has Private School’s Approval. Pennsylvania English teacher Al Vernacchio said he includes close-up photographs of penises and vulvas as well as a video of a woman ejaculating in an optional sexuality class, and the private school at which he teaches is standing by him. Read more here.


WA State Health Curriculum Riddled With SOGI Instruction. Images have been revealed of schoolwork intended for middle-schoolers in Seattle and King County, Washington that features lesson plans regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, and transgender-identifying children. Read more here.


Florida Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Punish Publishers for Funneling Sexually Explicit Materials to Schools. A Florida congressman has introduced legislation that could jail publishers for providing sexually explicit materials to schools. Read more here.


Judge Tosses Lawsuit Challenging Florida Law Against Teaching SOGI to Young Kids. A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit that attempted to block Florida’s Parental Rights In Education law which limits when students can be taught about sexual orientation and gender identity. Read more here.


Zambia’s Bishops Oppose Inclusion of Same-Sex Families in CSE Curriculum. Members of the Zambia Catholic Bishops Conference are pushing the government to revise the school curriculum that seeks to introduce same-sex relationships to school children. Read more here.


North Carolina Senate Passes Bill Limiting LGBT School Instruction. The North Carolina senate passed a bill prohibiting instruction about gender identity and sexuality in K-4 classrooms and requiring teachers to alert parents before calling a student by a different name or pronoun. Read more here.


Parents Challenge Promotion of Gender Ideology in ROI Schools. In consultation responses for the Social, Personal and Health Education draft curriculum for 12- to 15-year-olds in Irish schools, strong objections were raised by parents about content that denied the reality of biological sex. Read more here.


UK Parents Still in the Dark Over Sex Ed Resources. Parents are still being prevented from viewing sex ed materials being shown to their children, despite the UK government’s promise to make the curriculum more transparent. Read more here.


Tampa Residents Speak Out Against School District’s Sex Ed Curriculum. Tampa, Florida residents raised concern over a sex education curriculum at a school board meeting, claiming it violated state laws and should be repealed. Read more here.


Alleged ‘Sex Talks’ With Young Children Prompt Ohio Parents to Sue School District. A group of Ohio parents is suing Hilliard City School District, alleging that “activist teachers” talked about gender and sexuality with students as young as six. Read more here.


Kindergarten Curriculum in Oregon District Instructs 5-Year-Olds on ‘Neo-Pronouns.’ A “social science” curriculum for kindergarten to 5th graders in Oregon’s Beaverton School District instructs students on “neo-pronouns.” Read more here.


Texas Lawmaker Introduces Bill Banning SOGI Instruction for K-8 Students. A Texas lawmaker introduced a parental rights bill that would ban classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity to K-8 students in all public schools. Read more here.


Nevada School District Sued for ‘Pornographic’ Assignment. A school district in Nevada is being sued by two parents after their children were allegedly required to read a “pornographic” monologue that was barred from being read at a school board meeting, according to the lawsuit. Read more here.


Florida Lawmaker Considers Expanding Parental Rights in Education Act to Middle School. Florida Senate President Kathleen Passidomo stated that she is considering a proposal to expand the state’s Parental Rights in Education law, a law which prohibits the teaching of sexual orientation and gender identity in younger grades, to include middle schools. Read more here.


Irish Children’s Minister Says Transgender Issues Should Be Part of Primary Curriculum. Ireland’s Children’s Minister Roderic O’Gorman said that primary school children should be educated about what it means to be transgender to help them have an “understanding” of diversity. Read more here.


UK Parents Accuse School of Secretly Indoctrinating Children in Transgender Ideology. Parents are accusing a Church of England primary school of indoctrinating young students with transgender ideology, claiming children as young as 3 years old can be “non-binary.” Read more here.


Oregon Dept of Ed to Spend Millions on ‘LGBTQ2SIA+’ Curriculum. The Oregon Department of Education is set to spend $2 million on a campaign to launch pro “LGBTQ2SIA+” curriculum, teacher training, and “pride events.” Read more here.


California Elementary Teacher Uses Stuffed Animals to Teach Kids About Being ‘Gender-Fluid.’ A California teacher who identifies as “trans demiboy non-binary” posted on social media about using a “gender-fluid” stuffed animal to teach children how to use the proper pronouns. Read more here.


Planned Parenthood Worked on Sex Ed Curriculum That Refuses to Discourage Casual Sex. Planned Parenthood chapters were involved in creating a K-12 sex education guide which said that sex educators should avoid teaching kids not to engage in casual sex and called for making conversations on teen pregnancy gender-neutral. Read more here.


Dean at Elite Chicago Private School Brags About Students Passing Around Sex Toys. The dean of students at an elite private K-12 school in Chicago admitted on undercover video to having a group come into his classroom and pass out sex toys during “Pride Week” for students to learn about “queer sex.” Read more here.


U.S. Military Official Called on to Resign After Targeting Mom Upset Over Pansexuality Posters at School. A high-ranking U.S. military official was called on to resign after expressing “safety concerns” about a mother who was troubled by sexual preference posters at her child’s elementary school. Read more here.


Chicago School Defends Sex Toy Event Amid Backlash. A prestigious private school in Chicago, Illinois defended the dean of students following the release of a video in which he said the school’s LGBTQ sex education programming includes passing around sex toys and instructing students on how to use them. Read more here.


San Francisco School District Teaches Gender Identity Curriculum Without Parental Consent. San Francisco Unified School District told teachers they didn’t need to notify parents before teaching children “LGBTQ family and gender diversity” lessons. Read more here.


Planned Parenthood Director Claims Kids Are ‘Sexual Beings’ While Promoting Porn Literacy. An executive director at Planned Parenthood’s sex education arm claimed that children are born “sexual” while simultaneously advocating for comprehensive sex education from kindergarten through 12th grade and porn literacy for certain ages. Read more here.


Virginia School District to Require Parental Notification Before Exposing Kids to Sexually Explicit Content. The Loudoun County School Board in Virginia, which has faced parent protests in recent years that have garnered national headlines, will now require schools to notify parents when their children may be exposed to sexually explicit material. Read more here.


California Early Childhood Teacher Admits Using ‘Gender Unicorn’ to Instruct Preschoolers. A California early childhood teacher admitted that she uses an “age-appropriate” “Gender Unicorn” worksheet in her preschool classroom to teach about sexual orientation and gender identity. Read more here.


UK PM Speaks Out Against Inappropriate Sex Ed. UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak reportedly plans to allow parents to view Relationships and Sex Education content and is also considering a review of the Equality Act 2010 to emphasize that the protected characteristic of sex refers to biological sex rather than gender. Read more here.


NJ School Board Attorney Says Parents Upset With SOGI Instruction Don’t Have a Say. New Jersey parents outraged over the district’s instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity were told by the school board’s lawyer that it is not the right of parents to determine the curriculum taught to their children in public schools. Read more here.


Masturbation Story Assigned to Tenth Graders in California, Teacher Placed on Leave. A high school teacher in California reportedly assigned to tenth grade students a story that graphically depicts a grown man unknowingly masturbating in front of young girls. Read more here.


Pennsylvania Elementary School Training Introduces Transgenderism in Kindergarten. A Pennsylvania elementary school held a training which provided teachers with picture books and lessons on transgenderism to incorporate into all grades, including Kindergarten. Read more here.


UK Information Watchdog Sidelines Parental Rights Over Sex Ed. Parents do not have the right to view sex ed material delivered in schools by outside organizations under freedom of information legislation, the Information Commissioner’s Office has said. Read more here.


Rhode Island Sex Ed Curriculum Features ‘Genderbread Person’ to Teach Gender Identity. Sex education materials at South Kingstown School District in Rhode Island include a “genderbread person” handout to teach students that sexual orientation and gender identity occur on a spectrum. Read more here.


Challenge to Florida SOGI Classroom Instruction Law Dismissed by Federal Judge. A lawsuit challenging a Florida law that limits discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in schools was dismissed by a federal judge for being “legally deficient.” Read more here.


San Francisco District Teaches Radical SOGI Lessons. The San Francisco Unified School District teaches elementary students that they can choose their pronouns and teaches high schoolers about sexual orientations such as “omnisexual” and “lesbi-flexible.” Read more here.


Poll: Majority of U.S. Voters Oppose Teaching SOGI Curriculum in Grade School. A New York Times/Siena poll found that 70 percent of registered voters “strongly oppose” or “somewhat oppose” teaching sexual orientation and gender identity lessons to elementary schoolers. Read more here.


U.S. Military Summit Pushed Gender Ideology on Military School Teachers, Report Finds. The U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity hosted a summit which trained military school educators on curriculum and practices for teaching gender identity. Read more here.


Pennsylvania Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Stop SOGI Instruction for Young Children. A Pennsylvania House member has introduced legislation to ban discussions of sexual orientation and gender identity in public school classrooms through fifth grade. Read more here.


Serbian Conservatives Seek Textbook Ban Over LGBT Ideology. Religious and political conservatives have teamed up to challenge Serbia’s revamped school curriculum over descriptions of gender and sexual identity, sparking a formal review that could result in a textbook ban. Read more here.


New Jersey to Punish Schools That Don’t Teach 10-Year-Olds About Gender Identity. The New Jersey Department of Education will intervene in school districts that do not implement the state’s new sexual education standards that teach 10-year-olds the difference between sexual orientation and gender identity. Read more here.


California Schools Enlist ‘Paula the Penis’ as Part of Gender Identity Instruction. San Diego Unified School District and schools throughout California reportedly enlist “Paula the Penis,” a biological female who wears an inflatable penis costume, to teach young students about gender identity. Read more here.


Florida School Board Implements Sex Ed Curriculum Despite Parent Pushback. The Hillsborough School Board in Tampa, Florida approved a new sexual education curriculum that teaches 12-year-olds about the purpose of condoms, despite pushback from parents. Read more here.


Controversial Sex Ed Post About Children Removed From Instagram. An Instagram post promoting sex education for young kids was removed from the platform after multiple reports that it was inappropriate. Read more here.


Explicit Sex Ed Book Removed From Amazon. A sex education book that recommends parents invite their young children into bed to watch while they have sexual relations has been removed from Amazon after readers were disturbed by the book’s content. Read more here.


Thousands March in Mexican State Against Laws Threatening ‘Freedoms, Life and Family.’ Around 15,000 people marched in Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico to protest laws that promote abortion and sexuality education for children without parental consent. Read more here.


California District Health Curriculum Teaches Ten Sexual Orientations. A textbook ordered by the Newport-Mesa district in California claims there are ten sexual orientations and eight different gender identities. Read more here.


Wisconsin District Adopts Sex Ed Curriculum Defining Girls as ‘Person With a Vulva.’ A school district in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin has adopted a new sex ed curriculum which begins in kindergarten with discussions of gender identity and discusses sexual orientation and pronouns as early as third grade. Read more here.


Most Illinois Schools Opt Out of New Sex Ed Standards. Only 20 school districts in Illinois have reportedly decided to fully follow the state’s sex education standards which are based on the radical National Sexuality Education Standards, while 534 districts are opting out. Read more here.


Enugu CSOs Protest Against CSE in Schools. Civil Society Organizations in Enugu State staged a peaceful demonstration against the introduction of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Nigerian schools. Read more here.


Proposed Wisconsin Curriculum Includes SOGI Instruction in Elementary School. A school district in Wisconsin is proposing new a curriculum that includes lessons for third graders about sexual orientation, gender identity, and pronouns. Read more here.


Portland Schools Teach Young Children About ‘Infinite Gender Spectrum.’ A Portland school is teaching children as young as five years old about the “infinite gender spectrum” and gender “colonization,” according to public documents. Read more here.


Westminster Threatens to Impose Compulsory Sex Ed in NI Schools. The Northern Ireland Secretary has signaled to Stormont that he will “intervene” if it fails to introduce Relationships and Sexuality Education as a compulsory component to the curriculum in schools. Read more here.


U.S. House Eliminates Funding for Popular Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Programs. Despite overwhelming demand from parents, schools and students across the country, funding designated for implementation of SRAE programs, which empower youth to avoid sexual risk, has been eliminated by the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Appropriations Act of 2023. Read more here.


Miami-Dade School Board Rejects Sex-Ed Books That Discuss ‘Pulling Out,’ Gender Identity. In a 5-4 vote on Wednesday evening, the Miami-Dade School Board in Florida decided to reject two textbooks on human sexuality, one for middle school and one for high school. Read more here.


UK Children’s Commissioner to Investigate ‘Horrendous’ RSE Resources. The Children’s Commissioner for England is launching an investigation into the teaching of Relationships and Sex Education in schools after concerns have been raised about inappropriate instruction. Read more here.


WA State Official to Teach Sexual Pleasure Class to Nine-Year-Olds at Sex Shop. A Washington state school board director who owns a sex shop announced she will teach sex education classes for children on topics such as “sexual anatomy for pleasure.” Read more here.


UK MP Warns Graphic Sex Ed Material Is Being Used in Schools. Miriam Cates, MP has issued a warning that “extreme and inappropriate” sex education materials are being used to teach children in English schools. Read more here.


Florida Sexuality Instruction Parental Rights Law Takes Effect. The Florida Parental Rights in Education Act, which prohibits sexuality instruction in preschool through third grade, has taken effect. Read more here.


UK Peers Call for Parental Access to RSE Materials. Outside organizations that deliver Relationships and Sex Education should not be “hiding” their resources from parents, members of the House of Lords have said. Read more here.


U.S. Congresswoman Introduces Parents’ ‘Bill of Rights’ for DOD Schools. A congresswoman is introducing a “Servicemember Parents Bill of Rights” to ensure increased transparency regarding sexuality instruction in Department of Defense Education Activity schools. Read more here.


Michigan County Health Dept Removes Controversial Sex Ed Guide From Website. The Ottawa County Department of Public Health in Michigan has removed from its website a controversial sex guide which included material from Planned Parenthood. Read more here.


NY School District Stands Behind Graphic Sex Ed Lesson That Outraged Parents. A sex ed lesson for high schoolers in one New York district is drawing heat after parents discovered a picture showing graphic terms for intercourse the students were asked to identify. Read more here.


UK Sex Ed Provider Tells Teens About Violent Sex Acts. A UK Relationships and Sex Education advice website for students over age 14 portrays violent sex acts as normal. Read more here.


Nevada School District Approves New Anatomical Definitions for Sex Ed. Washoe County School District in Nevada unanimously approved broadening anatomical definitions and using phrases like “boys and people with a penis.” Read more here.


U.S. Teachers Explain How They Push ‘Gender Lessons’ on Young Children. Teachers across the United States revealed the strategies they use to teach young children about gender ideology in a recent article. Read more here.


Arizona Dept of Ed Promotes Chat Rooms for Kids to Talk About Sex and Gender. The Arizona Department of Education links to chat rooms on its website for minors to discuss sex and gender with adult moderators present. Read more here.


North Carolina Teacher Caught Using LGBT Flash Cards to Teach Colors. A preschool teacher in a North Carolina public school taught colors to her four-year-old students using LGBT flash cards which included a picture of a pregnant man. Read more here.


North Carolina Introduces Parental Bill of Rights for Sex Education. North Carolina lawmakers have introduced a bill which would bar sexuality instruction for K-3 students and require teachers to notify a student’s parents if a student uses a different name or pronouns. Read more here.


Maine Superintendent Slows Process of Removing Gender Material From Classroom. A Maine school superintendent told staff to make sure a father had to jump through hoops to get gender identity materials removed from his child’s classroom. Read more here.


Book List Shows NYC Is Pushing LGBT Material to Young Children. New York City has a series of books in its Mosaic Independent Reading Collection that focuses on teaching children as young as five years old about transgenderism and other LGBT issues. Read more here.


Maine Removes Video Promoting SOGI Ideology to Kindergartners. A video for kindergarteners which promotes sexual orientation and gender identity ideology has been removed from Maine’s Department of Education website over “age appropriateness” issues. Read more here.


New Jersey Senator Introduces Parental Rights Bill. A New Jersey lawmaker introduced a bill which prohibits schools from teaching courses on sex and gender identity for students in grades K-6 and requires parental consent for those courses in older grades. Read more here.


Parents Angry After Montana School Asks Students About Their Sexual Orientation. Parents in Missoula, Montana expressed frustration over a questionnaire which was handed out to a freshman high school class asking about the students’ sexual orientation. Read more here.


Mother’s Mic Cut at School Board Meeting While Reading Obscene School Assignment. School board officials in Clark County, Nevada are under fire after temporarily cutting a mother’s microphone as she read an obscene school assignment allegedly given to her 15-year-old daughter. Read more here.


Sexually Explicit Homework Given to B.C. Junior Kindergarten Students. Children as young as four years old at an Alert Bay, British Columbia elementary school were reportedly sent home with an assignment encouraging masturbation. Read more here.


Candidates Against Gender Theory Sweep School Board Races in Key Texas Region. Candidates running on opposition to ideology like critical race theory, gender fluidity, and social emotional learning dominated school board elections in suburban Dallas-Fort Worth races. Read more here.


U.S. Poll Shows Majority Favors Ban on Sex, Gender Discussions for Young Children in Schools. A Fox News poll reveals that over half of registered voters would support a law that bans teachers from discussing gender identity and sexual orientation with students before fourth grade. Read more here.


NJ Official Defends New Sex Ed Standards. New Jersey’s acting commissioner of education reaffirmed her support of the state’s controversial standards on sex education, saying the standards are necessary for the health and safety of students. Read more here.


Florida Parents Upset Over Content of Seventh Grade Sexual Health Lesson. Parents of some seventh-grade students in Hillsborough County, Florida are expressing concern over an upcoming sexual health lesson that discusses watching pornography and having sex. Read more here.


Oklahoma House Passes Bill Allowing Parents to Review Teaching Materials on Sexuality. The Oklahoma House passed a bill mandating that public schools allow parents to inspect teaching materials on sexual orientation and gender identity. Read more here.


Scottish Govt Resources Accused of Normalizing Underage Sexual Activity. Students as young as eleven are being told by the Scottish government that it is normal to be sexually active, a sex education expert has said. Read more here.


Rhode Island Considers Legislation to Teach Kids About Sexual Pleasure. Rhode Island legislators are considering legislation that would teach “pleasure-based sexual relations” to children as young as 11 years old. Read more here.


Illinois District Adopts Radical Gender Lessons for Young Children. An Illinois school district has adopted a radical gender curriculum that teaches students aged 4-8 to celebrate the transgender flag, break the “gender binary,” and experiment with new pronouns. Read more here.


NJ County Calls for Parents’ Bill of Rights to Combat ‘Disturbing’ Sex Ed Standards. A New Jersey county has approved a resolution to create a Parents’ Bill of Rights, saying the state’s approved sex ed curriculum for kindergarten through second grade is “both disturbing and concerning.” Read more here.


Poll: Most Americans Support Ban on Teaching Young Kids Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. The majority of Americans support a ban on teaching young children about sexual orientation and gender identity issues in public schools, a new poll has found. Read more here.


New Jersey Gov Directs Review of Sex Ed Standards Amid Parent Pushback. New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy ordered the state education department to review the state’s new sex education framework in response to parental pushback over questions of its age-appropriateness. Read more here.


UK Teachers Want to Teach Kids About Porn in School. Teachers at a conference of the UK’s National Education Union demanded that kids be taught about porn in schools in order to help them “understand” and “cope” with the material. Read more here.


Malawi to Launch Education Plus Initiative Pushing CSE. Malawi is launching a UN initiative which calls for universal access to Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Read more here.


VA Gov Signs Bill Requiring Schools to Notify Parents of Sexually Explicit Material. Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin signed a bill into law requiring school districts to adopt a policy to disclose sexually explicit school instruction to parents. Read more here.


NJ Sample Lesson Plans Push Videos for Children on Graphic Sex-Related Content. New Jersey public school students as young as 10 could be taught that puberty blockers are an acceptable way to “manage” puberty, according to sample lesson plans being reviewed by state school districts. Read more here.


MA Teacher Tells Young Children That Doctors ‘Make a Guess’ About Gender at Birth. A Boston-area charter school teacher who identifies as transgender told children ages 5-9 that doctors “make a guess” about a baby’s gender based on what the baby looks like. Read more here.


Preschool Teacher Goes Viral for Admitting How She Teaches Students About Sexuality. A preschool teacher has gone viral on social media after describing how she teaches her young students about her personal life, including the fact that she is polyamorous and gender-fluid. Read more here.


Washington, Oregon Teach Radical Gender Theory in Schools. Public schools in Washington State and Oregon are teaching topics related to gender identity to children as young as five years old. Read more here.


CA City Officials Ban Business Travel to Texas and Florida Over LGBT Policies. The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted to prohibit official business travel to Florida and Texas over legislation that does not allow the teaching of sexuality and gender identity in schools. Read more here.


Maryland Standards Teach Kindergartners Sexuality and Gender Ideology. The Maryland Department of Education is ensuring kindergartners will be taught “gender identities and expressions” as part of its Family Life and Human Sexuality standards. Read more here.


Illinois District Has Pre-K Students Draw Their Own ‘Pride’ Flag. An Illinois school district has suggested that Pre-K students “identify the colors in the rainbow flag” and “participate in making” their own “rainbow and/or trans pride flag.” Read more here.


Ohio Introduces Legislation to Prohibit Sexuality Instruction in Early Grades. Ohio lawmakers have introduced legislation prohibiting sexuality instruction for students between kindergarten and third grade. Read more here.


NJ State Senator Exposes Radical Sex Ed Curriculum. A state senator in New Jersey is exposing the radical sex education program planned for the state’s public schools in the fall, including promoting pornography as an acceptable pastime. Read more here.


LGBT Advocacy Groups, Florida Families Sue Over Parental Rights in Ed Bill. Several civil rights groups and families in Florida have brought the first lawsuit against the state’s new law which prohibits sexuality instruction in kindergarten through third grade. Read more here.


WA School Teaches First Graders They Can Identify as ‘Neither’ or ‘Both’ Genders. A school district in Washington state reportedly gave first graders a gender identity handout that said they could identify as “neither” or “both” genders. Read more here.


Florida Gov Signs Bill Prohibiting Sexuality Instruction in Grades K-3. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has signed into law the Parental Rights in Education bill prohibiting the instruction of sexual orientation and gender identity in elementary school classrooms. Read more here.


MA High School Biology Class Pushes Radical Gender Theory as Fact. Needham High School in Needham, Massachusetts is reportedly teaching students that “humans are socially conditioned to view sex and gender as binary.” Read more here.


NJ Middle School Forces Students to Learn About Transgender Hormone Therapy. As part of a social studies class, a New Jersey public middle school forced students to watch a video about a transgender-identifying man’s hormone treatment, without notifying parents. Read more here.


Texas AG Blasts Austin School District for Violating State Law Over ‘Pride Week’ Curriculum. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton sent a letter to the Austin Independent School District to inform the superintendent that its schools were in violation of state law over its “Pride Week” curriculum. Read more here.


Sex Ed Advocate Says Parents Opposed to ‘Sex Books’ Are White Supremacists. A sex education advocate made the case that parents opposed to the presence of “sex books” in their children’s schools are often part of “organized white supremacist groups.” Read more here.


Poll: Over 60 Percent of Americans Back Florida’s Limits on K-3 LGBT Lessons. Nearly two-thirds of Americans support the key features of Florida’s H.B. 1557 “Parental Rights in Education” proposal, according to a new poll. Read more here.


Kentucky Summer Camp Teaches Children to Masturbate and Have Sex on Drugs. A Kentucky-based virtual sex education summer camp taught young attendees how to masturbate, obtain an abortion, and have sex while on drugs. Read more here.


Hawaii House Passes Controversial Sex Ed Training Bill. A bill has passed the Hawaii House which would require educators to undergo comprehensive training on sexual health and LGBT topics. Read more here.


Georgia Introduces Bill to Restrict LGBT Instruction. The Georgia Senate has introduced a bill which aims to “deter developmentally inappropriate classroom discussion of gender identity and sexual orientation” for primary school students. Read more here.


FL Legislature Passes Parental Rights Bill on LGBT Ed for Young Children. The Florida Senate passed the Parental Rights in Education bill which would bar teachers from engaging K-3 students in discussions about sexual orientation or gender identity. Read more here.


Sex Ed Summer Camp for Kids Will Teach Gender Ideology, Condom Use. A sex education summer camp for children in grades three to five will include a condom demonstration and learning that “gender is a spectrum.” Read more here.


TN Legislature Considers Bill Banning Textbooks That ‘Support’ LGBTQ Issues. The Tennessee legislature is considering a bill that would ban public schools from using textbooks or materials that “promote, normalize, support or address LGBT issues or lifestyles.” Read more here.


Ed Dept Threatens Florida Over ‘Hateful’ School LGBTQ Bill. The U.S. Department of Education appeared to threaten Florida over the state’s parental notification bill, warning that “schools receiving federal funding must follow federal civil rights law.” Read more here.


White House Calls Florida LGBT Ed Guidelines ‘a Form of Bullying.’ White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed that Florida’s bill banning classroom instruction about gender identity and sexual orientation for students in Pre-K through Grade 3 was “horrific” and “a form of bullying.” Read more here.


Teachers, Union Reps Decry Florida LGBT Ed Bill. Progressive teachers in Miami are incensed by the passage of Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, which bars them from teaching young children about gender ideology and sexual orientation. Read more here.


VA Lawmakers Pass Bill Allowing Parents to Review Sexually Explicit School Material. A bill giving parents the power to review sexually explicit material before it is taught in the classroom has passed both chambers of the Virginia General Assembly. Read more here.


Florida House Approves Bill Limiting School Discussions of LGBTQ Identity. Florida’s House of Representatives approved a bill that would prohibit classroom discussion of sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade. Read more here.


Texas City Postpones Sex Ed Camp Set to Pay Teens $100 to Attend. A sex education workshop set to pay local high schoolers $100 to attend has been postponed, Austin Public Health confirmed. Read more here.


Texas Public Library-Linked Program Paying Teens to Attend ‘Spring Break Sex Ed Camp.’ The Austin Public Library in Texas is advertising a “Spring Break Sex Ed Camp” that is “LGBTQIA+ friendly” and will pay students up to $100 just for showing up. Read more here.


U.S. Private Schools Pushing ‘Queer-Inclusive’ Curriculum, Trans Ideology Starting in Pre-K. The National Association of Independent Schools is training private school teachers across the U.S. to expose kids as young as four years old to sexually explicit content as part of a “queer-inclusive” curriculum. Read more here.


CT School District Apologizes for Assignment on Preferred Sexual Activities. The leadership of a Connecticut school district has issued an apology after parents expressed outrage over an assignment that asked students about their sexual likes and dislikes. Read more here.


Eighth Grade Sex Ed Handout in CT Relates Sexual ‘Likes,’ ‘Dislikes’ to Pizza Toppings. Eighth grade students in Connecticut were given a sex ed assignment asking them to pick pizza toppings describing their sexual “likes” and “dislikes.” Read more here.


Biden Slams ‘Hateful’ Florida Bill Limiting Early Childhood Gender, Sex Education. President Biden condemned a pending piece of Florida legislation that is designed to limit young students’ exposure to conversations about gender and sexual orientation before they’ve matured. Read more here.


VA Senate Passes Bill Requiring Parental Notification of ‘Sexually Explicit’ Content in Classrooms. The Virginia Senate voted 20-18 to approve legislation that would require schools to notify parents before sexually explicit materials are used in classrooms. Read more here.


AZ House Passes Bill to Prohibit Sexually Explicit Material in Schools. The Arizona House passed a bill which would ban any textual, visual or auditory classroom materials that include references to sexual activity or conduct. Read more here.


Rhode Island Bill Would Establish ‘Pleasure-Based Sexual Relations’ Instruction in Schools. “Pleasure-based sexual relations,” along with same-sex relationships and gender identity, are part of a proposed sex education program being debated in the Rhode Island legislature. Read more here.


India’s First Sex Ed Podcast for Teens Goes Live. TeenBook, India’s first comprehensive life skills resource for teenagers, announced the launch of India’s first sex education podcast for teens. Read more here.


Massachusetts Charter School Tells Students Abortion Prevents Pregnancy. Public records from the City On A Hill Charter Public School in Roxbury, Massachusetts show that ninth graders are being taught that an abortion “prevents a pregnancy,” according to a report. Read more here.


Oregon School Launches LGBT Club for Elementary Students Without Parental Consent. An elementary school in Beaverton, Oregon is offering a “Queer & Sexuality Alliance” (QSA) club for fourth- and fifth-grade students without requiring parental consent to join. Read more here.


Spanish Court Rules Sex Ed Guides Violate Religious Freedom. A Madrid court has ruled that the distribution in schools of a sex education guide called “Gender Rebel” violated the right to religious freedom of Christian children and parents. Read more here.


Oregon Teaches Kindergartners to ‘Develop Understanding’ of Their Gender. Oregon’s new social science standards are now integrated with “ethnic studies” and require kindergartners to develop “an understanding” of their own “gender.” Read more here.


Wales Removes ‘Men’ and ‘Women’ From Sex Education Curriculum. The government of Wales has removed references to the sexes from its sex education curriculum which all students are required to take. Read more here.


Calgary High School Students Campaign for CSE. High school students in Calgary, Alberta are campaigning for Comprehensive Sexuality Education in schools, claiming that education will help curb sexual violence. Read more here.


Nebraska Parents Fight Proposed Sex Education Plan. Angry parents voiced their concerns to the Nebraska State Board of Education about a proposal to adopt Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the state’s public schools. Read more here.


Rwandan Civil Society Orgs Call for ‘Improved’ CSE. Civil Society Organizations from across Rwanda and the region are calling on governments to renew their commitment to “improve” Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Read more here.


Polish Govt Vows to Root Out ‘Morally Corrupting’ Sex Ed. Education Minister Przemyslaw Czarnek of Poland announced that it will now be easier for parents to request that sex education programs are not taught in school. Read more here.


UK MP Calls for Inquiry After Parents Raise Alarm Over Transgender Ideology in Schools. An MP has said the UK government must take a lead in combatting the pervasive influence of transgender ideology in schools. Read more here.


South African Parents Angry That Sex Ed Class Was Taught by Teacher Accused of Sexual Assault. Days before a deputy headmaster was suspended by his current school for the alleged sexual assault of one of his former pupils at St John’s College in Johannesburg, South Africa, he taught a group of Grade 6 boys about puberty and sexuality. Read more here.


Philippine Govt Further Pushes for Sex Education. The Philippine government is pushing for reproductive health education in schools as the nation sees younger girls becoming pregnant. Read more here.


Texas Board Adopts Sex Ed Materials. The Texas State Board of Education approved a set of health materials for middle and high schools that include much-debated sex education topics. Read more here.


Court in Uganda Orders Teaching of Sexuality Education. The High Court in Kampala, Uganda has directed the Education Ministry to quickly develop and implement a comprehensive sexuality education policy for school students. Read more here.


CT School Teaches Kindergarteners About Transgenderism. An elementary school in Connecticut is requiring students to engage in its “Social Justice Lesson Standards,” which include transgender content being taught to kindergarteners with no opt out available to parents. Read more here.


Parents in Massachusetts District Split Over CSE Curriculum. While some parents support the comprehensive sexuality education curriculum being taught in Worcester, Massachusetts, the superintendent announced that over 3,000 students have been opted out by their parents. Read more here.


UK MP: Stonewall and Mermaids Spreading False Information in Schools. During a House of Commons debate, an MP criticized LGBT activist groups for confusing impressionable children by promoting radical gender ideology in schools. Read more here.


Group That Fought Nebraska Sex Ed Standards Forms PAC. Members of a group that led a push to scrap proposed statewide sex education standards that would have covered gender identity and sexual orientation have formed a political action committee. Read more here.


Parents Ask for Transparency From Indiana Schools Regarding Explicit Material. Parents in Indiana are calling for more transparency and accountability from school districts regarding explicit sexual material being taught to their children. Read more here.


Kansas Parents Outraged After Worksheet Asked Students About Sexual Attraction, Gender Identity. A “Gender Unicorn” questionnaire asking 10th-grade students about their sexual identity, preference, and more has sparked outrage among an Olathe Public Schools community in Kansas. Read more here.


Emails Reveal NE Bureaucrats’ Disdain for Parents in Pushing Radical Sex Ed Curriculum. Emails acquired by a parent reveal “snide remarks state bureaucrats and their activist allies made” as they drafted controversial state sex education standards that would teach children about “puberty blocking” treatments and abortion. Read more here.


NE Agency Tapped Planned Parenthood Ally to Shape Radical Sex Ed Standards. A Nebraska Board of Education official successfully lobbied to appoint Friends of Planned Parenthood board member Lisa Schulze to work on the advisory team that assisted in shaping state sex education guidelines, despite Schulze’s conflict of interest. Read more here.


Scottish Govt Pushes LGBT Ideology Across Entire School Curriculum. The Scottish government has announced its intention to impose LGBT ideology across the curriculum in state schools. Read more here.


MN Public Schools Ask Students to Role Play Sex Scenarios as Homosexual or Transgender. Activists spoke out against a sex education program used in a Minnesota school district that includes asking students to role play homosexual and transgender relationships. Read more here.


Wisconsin Lawmakers Consider Opt Out Option for Gender and Sexual Orientation Classes. Wisconsin lawmakers are considering legislation that would require schools to notify parents before their students are taught about sexual orientation or gender identity and allow them to pull their kids out of those lessons. Read more here.


Mayor Tells School Board Members to Resign Over Sexually Explicit Material in High School Curriculum. Mayor Craig Shubert of Hudson, Ohio called for the resignation of all school board members after sexually explicit material was found in the high school’s college-level writing course. Read more here.


Critics Say Illinois’ New Sex Ed Guidelines Promote Abortion, Sexualize Students. Critics of the new sex education standards approved by Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker allege that they will expose children to “sexually charged” content with an ideological agenda. Read more here.


Illinois Gov Signs Bill Implementing Extreme Sex Ed Standards. Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a bill into law which requires public schools in the state that offer sex education to align their curriculum with the radical National Sex Education Standards. Read more here.


March Against Gender Ideology in Schools Held in Puerto Rico. Tens of thousands of people rallied outside the Puerto Rican capital and marched through the streets to oppose the imposition of the “gender perspective” curriculum announced by the territory’s governor. Read more here.


Atlanta School Told Parents to Remove Child From District If They Want to Avoid LGBTQ+ Issues in Kindergarten. An Atlanta public elementary school principal told a Catholic couple that their child would need to leave the district to avoid learning about LGBTQ+ issues at the age of five. Read more here.


U.S. Teacher’s Union Sues School Board, Mother to Block Release of Gender Theory Records. The Rhode Island chapter of the National Education Association has filed a lawsuit against the South Kingstown School Committee and a parent in order to block the release of records concerning Critical Race Theory and gender ideology instruction in the school district. Read more here.


UNICEF to Promote Abortion, LGBT Rights, and CSE. The draft strategic plan of the UN agency for children, or UNICEF, includes the promotion of “sexual and reproductive health and rights,” a term widely recognized as including abortion, LGBT rights, and Comprehensive Sexuality Education.” Read more here.


FL School District Sued for Refusing to Disclose Whether Pornographic Books Are Available to Students. A Florida school district is facing a lawsuit for allegedly denying a group’s records request to investigate whether pornographic books are accessible to students at public schools. Read more here.


Nearly 50 Nebraska School Boards Oppose State Sex Ed Standards. Objections have been raised by 47 Nebraska school boards over the proposed state health education standards that include teaching young children about gender identity, gender expression, and same-sex families. Read more here.


U.S. Congressional Committee Advances Bill Which Cuts All Funding for Abstinence Education. The House Appropriations Committee advanced a funding bill for fiscal year 2022 which completely eliminates the funding of Sexual Risk Avoidance education while increasing funding for Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Read more here.


Georgia Parent Complains About Student Access to Sexually Explicit Books. A mother is battling the Columbia County Board of Education in Georgia over books with sexually explicit materials, including homosexual and transgender issues, being available to students in schools. Read more here.


Law Firm Claims Wisconsin School District Violated State Law by Providing Students With ‘Sexually Explicit’ Materials. A public interest law firm claims that a Wisconsin school district is violating state law by providing students with “sexually explicit” materials, including one that teaches students how to use “sex apps.” Read more here.


Wisconsin SD Material Teaches Students How to Use ‘Sex Apps.’ Students in a Wisconsin school district have access to a slew of “sexually explicit” books via their school-provided computers, including content that teaches them how to use Grindr and other “sex apps.” Read more here.


U.S. Sex Ed Teacher Who Taught Six-Year-Olds About Masturbation Resigns. Justine Ang Fonte, a health director at a leading prep school in Manhattan who notoriously taught six-year-olds about masturbation and showed teens OnlyFans photos, has resigned. Read more here.


Ofsted: Equality Act Politicized Teaching on Sex Ed in UK. The UK’s Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills has said that schools may have used inappropriate materials when teaching on relationships and gender identity due to confusion over equalities legislation. Read more here.


Brazilian Priest Denounces Teaching of Polyamory in School. Fr. Chrystian Shankar has denounced the teaching of polyamory to children in schools after learning of the practice by a mother in his Brazilian community. Read more here.


Fifth Graders to Have Access to Condoms in Chicago Elementary Schools. A Chicago Public Schools policy going into effect for the upcoming school year states that schools teaching fifth grade and up must maintain a condom availability program as part of an expanded vision of sexual health education. Read more here.


UK Mother Blames Stonewall Sex Ed and Media Bias for ‘Grooming’ Her Son. A UK mother blames her son’s gender confusion on being “groomed at school” where he was introduced to radical gender ideology through material provided by LGBT lobby group Stonewall. Read more here.


Top UK School Accused of Promoting Transgender Ideology. Parents at St. Paul’s Girls’ School in London raised concerns following a presentation on Princeton University’s TransYouth Project which embraces the idea that girls can successfully “transition” to become boys. Read more here.


Cuban Bishops Hit Back Against Resolution to Endorse ‘Gender Ideology.’ Cuban bishops have issued a statement criticizing a resolution that would make so-called “gender ideology” part of school curricula. Read more here.


UK Council Comes Under Fire for Controversial Transgender Guidance. Parents in Brighton have criticized controversial guidance on transgenderism for schools which confuses children into questioning their biological sex. Read more here.


Parents Protesting Transgender Ideology Arrested After VA School Board Shuts Down Meeting. Two people were reportedly arrested at a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia after the gathering was declared an unlawful assembly when large numbers showed up to protest Critical Race Theory and transgender ideology being pushed on students. Read more here.


Indiana AG Releases ‘Parents Bill of Rights’ to Challenge Ed Policies and Curricula. Indiana’s attorney general has released a “Parents Bill of Rights” so that parents know how to exercise their legal rights when challenging policies and curricula at their children’s schools. Read more here.


Bishops in Kenya Renew Campaign Against CSE. Members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops have renewed their opposition to Comprehensive Sexuality Education in an online campaign that aims to collect at least ten thousand signatures from Kenyans. Read more here.


Controversy Erupts Over PA School Board Member Calling LGBTQ+ Book Display ‘Evil.’ Two school board members are under fire for objecting to a pro-LGBTQ+ “Pride Month” book display targeting children in a local school library. Read more here.


‘Gender Fluidity’ Material Still Being Distributed Despite NSW Ban. Despite the material being banned, a student officer at the Denison College of Secondary Education in Bathurst, New South Wales allegedly sent out “gender fluidity” guides to 150 high school teachers. Read more here.


Mother Unloads on School Board Over Young Children Taught Sexually Explicit Topics. A furious mother in Bloomington, Illinois recently spoke out against the implementation of educational standards that force children to learn about masturbation, anal sex, and transgender ideology before their teenage years. Read more here.


Teacher Resigns After Showing First Graders Masturbation Cartoon. A teacher at the Dalton School who came under fire for controversial sex education classes that showed cartoon videos on masturbation to first graders has resigned. Read more here.


Stonewall Accused of Selling ‘Dangerous’ Transgender Advice to UK Schools. Embattled diversity charity Stonewall is making hundreds of thousands of pounds by enrolling schools in a program of transgender guidance that critics have branded “dangerous.” Read more here.


NYC Prep School Parents Deploy Mobile Billboards Protesting Curriculum. Parents from elite New York City schools are attempting to get the attention of school officials by placing mobile billboards outside of multiple schools to protest inappropriate curriculum addressing sexuality and race. Read more here.


World Health Assembly Rejects CSE. The World Health Assembly rejected language about “comprehensive sexuality education” in a resolution on violence against children during the annual meeting of the governing body of the World Health Organization. Read more here.


Illinois Lawmakers Send ‘Sexually Charged’ K-12 Sex Ed Bill to Governor. Illinois legislators passed a bill that would require K-12 public schools in the state that offer sex education to align their curriculum with the National Sex Education Standards which advocate for sex ed consistent with abortion rights and LGBTQ inclusion. Read more here.


Mom Files 200 Records Requests on CRT, Gender Curriculum to Force School District to Respond. Rhode Island parent Nicole Solas filed more than 200 public records requests after the district reportedly refused to answer questions about how the topics of race and gender are approached in district classrooms. Read more here.


Virginia Activists Petition to Force Radical Gender Curricula on Children. Activists in Albemarle County, Virginia are circulating a petition calling for the school board to bar parents from opting their children out of courses promoting gender theory, arguing that allowing such an option would exclude LGBTQIA+ students and families. Read more here.


UN Chair Calls for Introduction of Sex Education in Schools. Dame Julie Okah-Donli, Chair of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Voluntary Trust Funds for Victims of Trafficking and Executive Chairman of Roost Foundation, has called for the introduction of sex education in schools. Read more here.


Parents at NYC Private School Outraged Over Graphic Sex Ed Videos Shown to First Graders. Parents at New York City’s elite private Dalton School have come out in force against videos dealing with the topic of masturbation that were shown to their first-grade children. Read more here.


Virtual Unicorn Teaches Canadian Kids About Gender Identity in Schools. Schools throughout Ontario, Canada have access to a new website which teaches children about “gender rights,” gender identity, and discrimination. Read more here.


CA School Gives Third Graders Assignment About ‘Place on Gender Spectrum.’ A third-grade assignment on school uniforms given at a California elementary school encouraged students to consider those who are “unsure of their place on the gender spectrum or [are] experimenting with different forms of gender presentation.” Read more here.


U.S. Congressmen Introduce Bill to Fund ‘LGBT-Inclusive’ Comprehensive Sex Education. A group of U.S. congressmen have introduced the Real Education and Access for Healthy Youth Act which would ensure federal funding is allocated to Comprehensive Sex Education that is “LGBT-Inclusive.” Read more here.


Columbia Prep Students, Parents Reel After Class on ‘Porn Literacy.’ Juniors at the Columbia Grammar & Preparatory School in Manhattan participated in a sexually explicit “Pornography Literacy” workshop without parental knowledge or consent. Read more here.


Veteran Teacher Shows How Schools Are Confusing Children About Gender. A longtime public school teacher has produced a short video showing the influence that abortion giant Planned Parenthood, the pro-LGBT Human Rights Campaign, and others are exerting to confuse elementary school children about their sex. Read more here.


First Grade Teacher Reads Book to Students About Transgenderism. A first-grade teacher in Bellingham, Washington read her class “I Am Jazz,” a book about a two-year-old biological male starting to “transition” to a female. Read more here.


NI Civic Groups Call for Compulsory CSE in Schools. A coalition of civic organizations published an open letter to Northern Ireland Education Minister Peter Weir calling for “compulsory, comprehensive and standardised relationships and sexuality education (RSE) in schools.” Read more here.


Outraged Parents Say Texas Church Taught Sex Ed Without Parental Consent. Parents in Childress, Texas are outraged after they say a church taught their children explicit sexual education without their consent. Read more here.


NSW Catholic Schools Divided Over ‘Gender Fluidity’ Bill. The Australian Diocese of Parramatta has split with other Catholic leaders in responding to a new bill that would ban the discussion of “gender fluidity” in classrooms. Read more here.


Arkansas Gov Signs Bill to Block Planned Parenthood From Teaching Sex Ed. Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed legislation that would block Planned Parenthood from teaching sex education in public schools. Read more here.


Arkansas Legislature Passes Bill to Block Planned Parenthood Sex Education. Arkansas lawmakers sent legislation to Gov. Asa Hutchinson to prevent Planned Parenthood from providing sex education programs in public schools. Read more here.


Arizona Gov Vetoes Sex Ed Bill. Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey vetoed a bill requiring strict sex education practices and instead issued his own executive order regarding the topic. Read more here.


Arizona Legislature Revamps Sex Ed Rules. Arizona lawmakers have approved revamping the state’s sex education laws to require schools to get parents’ permission for discussions about gender identity, sexual orientation, or HIV/AIDS in sex education classes. Read more here.


Critics of Nebraska Ed Standards See Major Flaws on Sex, Gender. Critics say there are too many ideological and political assumptions in the Nebraska Department of Education’s proposed curriculum standards on sex education, marriage, family and gender that undermine parents and religious and ethical standards. Read more here.


TN Senate Passes Bill Allowing Opt-Out of LGBT Curriculum. Tennessee’s Senate advanced legislation that would require school districts to alert parents of any instruction on sexual orientation or gender identity, as well as allow them to opt their students out of such instruction. Read more here.


Connecticut School Shows Cartoon of Man With Erection to Second Graders. Second graders in Greenwich, Connecticut were shown an animated video that displays the silhouette of a man with a graphic, full erection standing over what has been described as a “sad” girl during a “lesson on social and emotional learning.” Read more here.


Ohio School Encourages 9th Graders to Read Graphic Sex Poetry. A public high school in suburban Ohio is asking ninth grade students to read a slam poetry book that discusses a young girl abandoning her Christian faith, talking to drug dealers, and partaking in sexual acts. Read more here.


Nebraska’s New Health Standards Would Teach 6-Year-Olds About Gender Identity. The Nebraska Department of Education released a new health education framework that would teach 5- and 6-year-olds about sexual and gender identity. Read more here.


NSW Sees Push for ‘Improved’ Sexuality Education. New South Wales MPs are sponsoring a new petition calling for sex education to cover issues including “rape culture, slut shaming, sexual coercion and queer sex.” Read more here.


Wisconsin High School Apologizes for Issuing Graphic Sex Survey to Students. A Wisconsin high school was forced to apologize after a 10th grade health teacher issued a graphic sex survey to students. Read more here.


Biden Admin Supports Global Plan for Graphic Sex Ed. U.S. diplomats expressed strong support for “comprehensive sexuality education” in negotiations for an agreement on women’s issues to be adopted by the UN Commission on the Status of Women on March 23, according to insiders familiar with the negotiations. Read more here.


New York Lawmaker Pushes Sex Ed Overhaul. A New York state senator is pushing to reform New York’s health curriculum to include teaching topics such as “gender identity” to children as young as 5 years old. Read more here.


Idaho House Passes Opt-In Requirement for Sex Ed. Lawmakers in the Idaho House have passed legislation that would require parents to opt in before their kids can receive any sexuality instruction that goes beyond anatomy and physiology. Read more here.


California Bill Would Force Schools to Post Sex Ed Materials Online for Parental Review. A new bill in California would increase the transparency of the state’s sex education programs by requiring school districts to post all sex ed materials on the internet for parental review. Read more here.


UK Parents Outraged at Lessons Normalizing Under-Age Sex. Parents of boys at Winchester College have blasted its board after discovering details of a sex education lesson for their children. Read more here.


UK Schools Using LGBT Group’s Resources Could Be Breaching Law. Parents and teachers in the UK are being warned that materials being distributed by The Proud Trust for LGBT+ History Month do not properly reflect the legal requirements for what must be taught in schools. Read more here.


Bill Requiring K-12 Sex Ed to Be Filed in Illinois Legislature. Students as young as kindergarten in Illinois public schools would get some form of sexual education under a proposed bill supported by Planned Parenthood. Read more here.


Student Gets Religious Exemption to High School’s Sex Ed Requirement. A public high school in Illinois has approved a student’s request for a religious exemption from a required sexuality program after originally being threatened with disciplinary action for her refusal to take part in the program. Read more here.


Student Faces Disciplinary Hearing for Skipping Sexuality Program. An Illinois high school senior is set to face a disciplinary hearing after she refused to participate in the school’s Student Gender and Sexuality Program. Read more here.


Concerns Raised Over Bill Mandating Lessons in Sex and Atheism in Welsh Schools. The Curriculum and Assessment bill in Wales would scrap all existing sex education safeguards and impose a compulsory “Relationships and Sexuality Education” curriculum on all students from the age of three. Read more here.


Scottish Council Votes Against Controversial Sex Ed Material. The Western Isles Council has overwhelmingly voted not to adopt controversial sex education materials produced by the Scottish Government. Read more here.


Group Warns Parents of Free Sex Ed Course on Pornhub. The National Center on Sexual Exploitation condemned Pornhub for promoting a free “sex education” course on its hardcore pornography site, and warned parents that the site and its videos are “easily accessible to any child using the Internet or a smartphone.” Read more here.


UN Agency Wants to Force Controversial Sex Ed on All Children. The United Nations Population Fund has published a guidance document to ensure that all students receive Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), despite the fact that CSE was rejected by the General Assembly and is widely opposed in countries and local communities around the world. Read more here.


States Revealed to Be Illegally Promoting ‘Sex Textline’ for Children With Federal Funds. Pro-family organizations across the nation raised alarms about possible violations of federal law being committed by health departments in multiple states who promote anonymous sex-text hotlines using federal funds. Read more here.


Voters Approve CSE in Washington State. Washington school districts will be required to teach comprehensive sexuality education starting in Kindergarten under a referendum approved by voters. Read more here.


NSW Teachers Federation Promoting Transgender Ideology. The New South Wales Teachers Federation hosted a webinar encouraging teachers to incorporate LGBTQI issues into all subjects and promote transgender ideology to students. Read more here.


‘High-Risk’ Sex Ed Behind the Veneer, Says Activist. A family values activist has said that Comprehensive Sexuality Education programs for middle school students in Ohio “promote many deviant techniques employed by pedophiles to ‘groom’ children for the sex trade.” Read more here.


Church of Scotland Warns Western Isles Council Over Sex Education. A Church of Scotland presbytery has warned the Western Isles Council that the teaching of new sex education will “confuse and prematurely sexualise young minds.” Read more here.


UK DfE Issues Guidance Against ‘Born in the Wrong Body’ Gender Lessons. The UK Department for Education released an updated guidance advising schools not to teach transgender ideology in sex education, such as telling children they were “born in the wrong body.” Read more here.


Sex Ed Mandate Sparks Washington State Ballot Fight. A referendum on the November ballot in Washington State marks the first time in the country that a decision on whether to mandate sexuality education will be decided by voters. Read more here.


UK Christian Teacher Faces Tribunal After Dismissal for LGBT Posts. A Christian school assistant has told a tribunal she was “shocked” to be fired for posting her concerns on Facebook about LGBT relationship lessons. Read more here.


UK Teacher Fired for Speaking Out Against LGBTQ Curriculum Gets Her Day in Court. A school assistant and mother of two children in the United Kingdom, who was fired by her employer last year after sharing two Facebook posts opposing LGBTQ-inclusive sex education, will soon have her day in court. Read more here.


UK Schools Won’t Be Downgraded for Not Teaching LGBT Curriculum. Strictly Orthodox Jewish educators have welcomed news that schools not teaching the new relationship and sex education curriculum may not now be downgraded in the first year as a result. Read more here.


New South Wales MP Introduces Bill to Ban Gender Fluidity Instruction in Schools. The Parental Rights Bill would amend the Education Act 1990 to clarify that parents are primarily responsible for children’s understanding of gender and sexuality and would prohibit the teaching of gender fluidity in schools. Read more here.


Philippines Defers Debate on Bill Mandating CSE in Schools. Following opposition from Catholic schools and other groups, the Senate of the Philippines has deferred plenary debates on a bill seeking to mandate CSE. Read more here.


Catholics Say Ed Plan Defies Doctrine, Diocese Defends Curriculum. Catholics, including some local priests, have said a proposed diocesan catechetical curriculum in Australia promotes views on gender identity and human sexuality at odds with Church teaching. Read more here.


CA School District Adopts Radical Sex Ed Curriculum for Middle School. Despite a huge pushback from parents, the Santa Barbara Unified School District in California has adopted a radical sex education curriculum for middle schoolers that includes lessons on choosing one’s gender, finding birth control and abortion providers, and “condom demonstrations.” Read more here.


Catholic Leaders Write to Cardinal About Bishops’ Support for Pro-LGBT RSE. Catholic leaders in England have written a letter expressing their shock and outrage that the Catholic Bishops’ Conference has supported pro-LGBT Relationships and Sex Education. Read more here.


Austrian Catholic School Sex Ed Features Graphic Sex Acts, Gender Ideology. A Catholic foundation running kindergartens and daycare centers in the Archdiocese of Vienna is implementing a graphic sex education curriculum informed by gender ideology. Read more here.


All Schools in England Required to Teach LGBTQ-Inclusive Curriculum. Beginning this month, all schools in England are required to teach an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum. High schools will educate students on sexual orientation, gender identity, and healthy relationships while primary schools will teach children about different families – including LGBTQ members. Read more here.


UK Govt Funds Sexual Acts Dice Game for 13-Year-Olds. A government-funded sex education “toolkit” including a game where children roll a “body parts” dice and discuss sexual acts has raised concerns over the sexualization of young people. Read more here.


Sex Ed Curricula Tells Teachers to Hide Kids’ Gender Confusion From Parents. Sex ed curricula used in some public schools, along with corresponding school district policies, don’t meet established standards set forth in law, activists and scholars warned at a recent Heritage Foundation panel. Read more here.


Scholars Warn Parents Against Sex Ed Curriculum. Parents are being urged to protect their children from sexualization and gender confusion by way of graphic sex education curricula in public schools. Read more here.


NI Children’s Commissioner Calls for Abortion to be Promoted to Young Girls. Northern Ireland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People has called for abortion to be promoted to young girls in Relationship and Sexuality Education lessons. Read more here.


Former Teacher Reports Activists in Schools Using Graphic Sex Ed to Groom Children. Former teacher Rebecca Friedrichs is raising awareness that advocates for sexual liberation are using graphic sex education lessons to indoctrinate children. Read more here.


Planned Parenthood Affiliate Receives $2M Grant for Sex Ed. The Office of Population Affairs (OPA) announced that Planned Parenthood of the Heartland will receive $2,053,383 over three years as part of a sex education grant. Read more here.


Human Rights Watch Pushes for CSE in Ecuador. Human Rights Watch has filed an amicus brief in Guzman Albarracin y otros vs. Ecuador with the purpose of pushing for widespread adoption of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Ecuador. Read more here.


Kenya Tries Again to Pass Reproductive Rights Bill. Supporters say the bill will “lift the burden off the parents” by educating teens on reproductive health and abortion. Read more here.


Mexico Warns States Against Parental Veto of Sex Ed Classes. The Mexican federal government has warned five states against proposals to allow a kind of parental veto over school curriculum that deals with gender identity issues and sex. Read more here.


Canadian ‘Sexologist’ Feels Sex Ed Principles Can Improve Messaging on Wearing Masks During COVID-19. As a number of Canadian cities consider making face masks mandatory for coronavirus protection, sex educators are highlighting parallels in messaging between face masks to prevent COVID-19 and condoms to prevent sexually transmitted infections. Read more here.


Washington’s Referendum 90 Asks Voters to Approve or Reject CSE in Public Schools. The Washington Secretary of State’s office found that Parents for Safe Schools, proponents of Referendum 90, had submitted enough valid signatures to qualify the measure for the 2020 ballot. Read more here.


Texas Ed Officials Consider Changing State’s Sex Ed Policy. For the first time since 1997, Texas education officials will consider a new statewide sexual education policy, and it could include teaching middle schoolers about birth control options beyond abstinence. Read more here.


Kenyan Bishops Warn Against Sex Ed, Abortion. The bishops have launched a countrywide campaign to collect 10,000 signatures to force Kenya to abandon comprehensive sex education commitments. Read more here.


UK Grocer Emails Customers LGBT Education Pack for Kids. UK grocer Asda has been heavily criticized for promoting an LGBT education pack which parents say normalizes pedophilia. Read more here.


Referendum to Repeal Sex Ed Law Gathers Record Number of Signatures. Despite restrictions on gathering required by the COVID-19 pandemic, supporters of an effort to repeal a new law on comprehensive sexual education programs in state schools gathered a record number of signatures to put it on the November ballot. Read more here.


New Sex Ed Teaches New Jersey Minors How to Consent to Broad Array of Sexual Acts. The new standards for sex education in public schools of New Jersey teach children about giving “consent” and how to decide “whether and when to engage in sexual behaviors” such as “oral” and “anal sex.” Read more here.


UK Govt Tells Schools Relationships Education Can be Delayed. Schools will be allowed to delay teaching sex and relationships lessons until next year, the Department for Education has said. Read more here.


Future of New Sex Ed Law May Rest in the Hands of Voters. Opponents of the controversial new sex ed mandate in Washington State must submit signatures of at least 129,811 registered voters to the Secretary of State’s office by June 10 to earn a spot on the fall ballot. Read more here.


Myanmar Jails Doctor for Insulting Monks Over Sex Education. A Myanmar court has sentenced a doctor to 21 months in jail after convicting him of insulting Buddhist monks opposed to teaching sex education at school. Read more here.


New Jersey Adopts Mandated LGBTQ-Inclusive Sex Ed Standards. LGBTQ activists Garden State Equality and abortion business Planned Parenthood announced in a joint statement they are pleased their recommended public-school sex ed standards, modeled after the National Sexuality Education Standards for grades K-12, were approved. Read more here.


Transgender Activists Label Concerned UK Parents ‘Bigots.’ Warwickshire Pride is calling for the ‘Trans Inclusion Toolkit for Schools’ to be reinstated despite parental concerns. Read more here.


High School LGBTQ+ Studies Course Approved in Maryland. Starting next spring, two high schools in Montgomery County, Maryland, will be offering an LGBT studies pilot course, making it one of the first school districts in the nation to offer such a course. Read more here.


Comprehensive Sex Ed Proponents Admit Teaching Children Sexual Pleasure is a Primary Goal. “Pleasure-based” sex ed is now acknowledged as a primary goal of “medically accurate” education that includes the radical LGBTQ agenda. Read more here.


New Report Outlines How Sex Ed is Sexualizing Kids. A new publication from a leading family advocacy group extensively documents the radical, explicit content and significant changes that have occurred in public schools nationwide regarding comprehensive sex education. Read more here.


Schools Still Using Banned Gender Lessons. One high school in New South Wales, Australia, sent home The Genderbread Person, an assignment that was supposedly banned three years ago. Read more here.


Kent and Barnsley Join Other UK Councils in Withdrawing Trans Guidance. Kent and Barnsley Councils have joined other local authorities in dropping controversial guidance on transgender issues in schools. Read more here.


Shropshire Becomes Latest Council to Withdraw Controversial Trans Guidance for Schools. Shropshire County Council has withdrawn its controversial guidance on transgenderism for schools and colleges and is asking them to stop using the advice. Read more here.


School Apologizes After 11-Year-Olds Asked to Define Explicit Sexual Terms as Homework. Teachers have asked the 11 to 14-year-olds to define pornography, soft pornography, hardcore pornography and transsexual pornography, as well as female genital mutilation, wet dreams, trafficking, male circumcision, breast ironing and more. Read more here.


Melinda Gates: ‘Really Good Quality Sex Education Starts Very, Very Early.’ Melinda Gates has outspokenly supported early sex education and advocates for increased family planning options for adolescents. Read more here.


Conference Will Teach Abortion Activists How to Push Sex on Kids. The “The Queer Not Fear — Sex Ed Advocacy for LGBTQ+” virtual conference is geared toward teens and young adults and will promote abortions through a series of sessions hosted by pro-abortion groups. Read more here.


Ofsted Downgrading Primary Schools for Not Teaching LGBT Issues, Despite It Being Optional. Speaking in a House of Lords meeting, Lord Polak highlighted that Ofsted’s guidance goes beyond the Department for Education requirements. Read more here.


Oxford Council Drops Controversial ‘Trans Toolkit’ After Legal Threat. Oxfordshire Council has withdrawn its controversial ‘Trans Toolkit’ amid pressure from parents and an impending court case. Read more here.


Former Sex Educator Exposes Planned Parenthood Ideology. A woman who was trained to teach sex education by U.S. abortion giant Planned Parenthood has said the organization encourages risky sexual behavior which will drive up demand for abortions. Read more here.


New Report Reveals Catholic Relief Services Paying for Pornographic Sex Ed. A new investigative report shows that CRS both implemented and promoted comprehensive sexual education curriculums that include pornographic images and the promotion of contraception. Read more here.


UK Equalities Minister Blasts Unapproved LGBT Guidance for Schools. The Minister for Women and Equalities has come out against new LGBT guidance for schools, which she says is not government approved. Read more here.


Radical Sex Ed? Look WHO’s Talking. The World Health Organization has been promoting dangerous and irresponsible learning objectives for children which encourage everything from gender and sexual experimentation to abortion, shocking acts of sexual pleasure, and departures from their parents more traditional views. Read more here.


UK Council Drops X-Rated Sex Ed Program for Kids. A controversial sex-ed curriculum that included lessons on masturbation, pornography and gender spectrum was dropped by a county council in England after parents and Christian activists protested. Read more here.


The Kids Aren’t Safe: Sex Education Homeschool Style. Schools are closed and the kids are home, but they are still prey to the dangerous Comprehensive Sex Ed agenda. Undeterred by the global pandemic, SIECUS, along with Advocates for Youth, AMAZE, and Planned Parenthood, are fighting hard to get Comprehensive Sex Ed into homes in order to advance their agenda of sweeping and uncompromising social change. Read more here.


At-Home Sex Ed Digital Media Teaches Children Watching Porn is Normal. Digital media platform Amaze has launched an at-home sex ed video series on Facebook that teaches children home from school during the coronavirus crisis that watching porn is normal. The only negative aspect of porn Amaze mentions in the video is that “porn is not real.” Read more here.


Washington’s Gov. Inslee Signs Comprehensive Sex Education Bill into Law. A controversial bill requiring comprehensive sex education for students in kindergarten through 12th grade was signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee. Read more here.


Washington State Passes Far-Left Sex Ed Plan Promoting Promiscuity, LGBT, Abortion. The Washington state legislature gave final approval to a pro-abortion, pro-gender ideology sex education plan that will allow the sex act to be described to five-year-olds, seven-year-olds to be taught about sexual pleasure, and sixth graders to be directed to a website featuring a how-to on anal sex. Read more here.


Bill Mandating Sex Ed Starting in Kindergarten Heads to Washington Governor’s Desk. The controversial bill is opposed by many who feel the materials are not appropriate for young children. Read more here.


Sex Education Organization Depicts Fetus as a Circular Blob in Video Describing Abortion Procedures. The sex education organization AMAZE, which partners with the United Nations, has released a video depicting abortion as removing a circular blob from a woman’s uterus. Read more here.


Parents Tell School Board to Take Social Engineering Out of Sex Education. At a meeting of the Fayette County Board of Education in Georgia, opposition to the proposed sex education curriculum was voiced by dozens of people who said the new program would would bring aspects of sexuality they consider inappropriate into the classroom. Read more here.


Review of School-Based Comprehensive Sex Ed Finds Little Evidence of Effectiveness. The study published in the Institute of Law and Medicine found “little evidence that [comprehensive sex education] programs are effective at producing positive impact on their participants” and questioned the efficacy of school-based comprehensive sex education. Read more here.


California Parents Fight Graphic Comprehensive Sex Ed. California school districts are teaching more detailed descriptions of body parts, sexual acts and sexual diversity, which is resulting in parents pulling their children out of public school. Read more here.


Washington Legislators Push Mandatory LGBTQ-Focused Sex Ed for Kindergartners. House Bill 2184 would mandate “comprehensive sexual health education” by the year 2022. Many parents are opposed to the sexually graphic nature of the material. Read more here.


Parents in Wales Lose Right to Withdraw Children From Sex Ed Classes. A national parents’ advocacy group has condemned the Welsh government’s decision to make Relationships and Sexuality Education  a compulsory school subject in all schools in Wales. Many opposed to the move are calling it a “fundamental breach of parental rights.” Read more here.


Parents Challenge ‘Radical’ LGBT Curriculum in New Jersey Schools. Parents are angry about a New Jersey law that requires LGBT material to be incorporated into public school classroom instruction. According to the concerned parents, the new law will “teach lifestyles and life choices that stand 100 percent against our family values.” Read more here.