Older Opinion and Analysis Articles


Backlash Grows Over Male Transvestite Greeting Children at Disneyland, by John Nolte. “On top of grooming your underage children through its movies and TV shows, Disney is allowing transvestites to greet your children at Disneyland … My tolerance vanishes the moment adult sexuality and outright perversion (like cross dressing) is aimed at kids. No decent parent does business with a demonic company like Walt Disney. This is all about targeting your children for destruction, exploitation, and abuse.” Read more here.


Yes, Pedophilia is Being Normalized, by David Strom. “Civilization exists because we learn to harness and suppress our worst instincts, not because we give them free rein. As with so many degeneracies the powers that be declare we are being alarmist when we warn of the normalization of pedophilia. They will continue to do so until the very moment when they do a 180 and declare that, yes, pedophilia has been normalized and this it is a wonderful thing it has been. So it goes.” Read more here.


As ‘Pride Month’ Approaches, the LGBT Mob is Ramping Up Its Attacks on Dissenters, by Jonathon Van Maren. “As we approach a month of public, orgiastic celebration of weird sexual fetishes, Canadian institutions are competing to see who can grovel lowest and flag-wave the hardest.” Read more here.


No, Idaho Doesn’t Ban Pregnant Women From Traveling; It Protects Babies From Abortion, by Micaiah Bilger. “…[T]he Idaho law does not ban interstate travel any more than kidnapping laws do. Rather, it protects young girls from being taken, potentially by force or coercion, to another state to have her unborn baby [sic] aborted without her parents’ knowledge or consent. Abusers and human traffickers often rely on abortion to cover up their crimes. To protect young girls and their babies, the Idaho law creates a crime called ‘abortion trafficking’…” Read more here.


Biden Administration Demands Georgia Schools Show Pornography to Kids, by Jordan Boyd. “Bureaucrats in President Joe Biden’s Department of Education just put their thumb on the scale of a book dispute in Georgia by not only smearing parents’ concerns about sexually explicit books in schools but also leveraging their federal power to intimidate districts that have successfully purged porn from campuses.” Read more here.


Major Children’s Clothing Retailers Poured Money Into LGBT Group That Promotes Secret Gender Transitions for Children, by Laurel Duggan. “Target and Kohl’s, two major children’s clothing retailers, have both made sizable donations to GLSEN… GLSEN’s goal is to make K-12 schools a safe place for LGBT students by preventing bullying and harassment, according to its website. In practice this has meant encouraging teachers to use children’s preferred names and pronouns while keeping students’ transgender identity a secret from parents, along with numerous other policy recommendations supporting youth gender transitions.” Read more here.


UCI Must Follow British Cycling’s Lead and Change Transgender Policy Before World Championships, by Nicole-Cooke. “What garnered less coverage, but was very insightful, were the post-race comments made by the organiser of the race, Michael Engleman, a long-time supporter and promoter of women’s sport. He was critical of the UCI’s position on transgender participation that had tied his hands. When individuals such as him are contemplating the effect of the UCI policy, saying that ‘this may kill the sport’ and are considering leaving cycling, that threat is real.” Read more here.


Australian Judges Need to Review Standards for Gender Dysphoria Treatment, by Michael Cook. “Australian ‘standards of care’ are based on the ‘gold standard’ Dutch model. However, she writes: ‘there are significant concerns about quality and applicability of the [Dutch] studies to the current cohort of children presenting at gender clinics.’ Alarmingly, she asserts that: ‘The Dutch studies would not meet the standards of evidence-based medicine today.’” Read more here.


Biden Admin Tells Adults How to Discuss Sex With Teens Behind Parents’ Backs, by Ben Johnson. “Federally funded guidelines instruct adults to pause before discussing sex with minors and to ask, ‘Are you alone in the room?’ These instructions specify tactics to follow ‘if you’re really having a hard time getting a parent’ to leave the room during the sex talk. They suggest children as young as 13 discuss sex with groups like Planned Parenthood in a parked car or communicate in writing, so their parents cannot hear the adults’ side of the conversation.” Read more here.


‘Between a Woman and Her Doctor?’ Not With Mail Order Abortion Pills, by Ingrid Skop. “The reality is that these mail order abortions may be completely medically unsupervised: no ultrasound to confirm gestational age or rule out a potentially deadly ectopic pregnancy. No labs to determine need for RhoGAM to prevent future pregnancy complications. No testing and treatment for concurrent sexually transmitted infections to prevent future infertility. No verification that the person requesting the pills is a woman, rather than a sex trafficker, incestuous abuser, or coercive boyfriend.” Read more here.


Legalization of Polygamy Was Always the Logical Consequence of Obergefell, by Jonathan S. Tobin. “If marriage is possible between any two individuals of the opposite or the same sex, then why not three, four, or any number of consenting adults, regardless of their sex? And if Somerville is the harbinger of a growing movement to legalize polyamorous and inevitably polygamous marriages by cities and ultimately states, then those who will defend such laws are on firm ground declaring that the logic of Obergefell demands that all non-traditional ideas about marriage must be treated equally under the law. This is the choice America made in 2015.” Read more here.


The ACT’s Takeover of Calvary Hospital Overrides Conscientious Objection and Threatens Religious Freedom, by Joanna Howe. “The fundamental problem with first attacking and then forcibly acquiring Calvary Hospital because it won’t perform abortions is that it overrides Australia’s longstanding tradition of freedom of religion and freedom of conscience. Freedom of conscience is a foundational principle of a pluralist democracy like Australia. It is a commitment that values human dignity and integrity and promotes a society in which a healthy diversity of views is tolerated.” Read more here.


‘They’re Wanting to Play God,’ by Christopher F. Rufo. “’We have a generation of kids with mental health problems. It’s very sad. And we need to treat those problems correctly, not by recommending that they change genders to fix their mental health problem. That’s never worked. It never will work… They’re going to wake up in ten years and discover that they’re infertile, that they can’t have children, that their sexuality is completely dysfunctional. That they can’t function as a normal human being. And ultimately, I believe that that realization is going to cause them to harm themselves – when they wake up and realize that they’ve already been ruined.’” Read more here.


Abortion Activists Try to Fool Ohioans Into Constitutional Amendment Threatening Unborn Lives and Parental Rights, by Jordan Boyd. “One advertisement … specifically asserts that the amendment’s language barring the state from interfering with an individual’s ‘right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions’ could easily ‘cut’ parents ‘out of the biggest decision’ of their child’s life, including abortion or even the deforming genital surgeries and chemical castration that transgender activists promote to vulnerable teens.” Read more here.


Ontario Bill Would Banish Freedom of Speech From LGBT ‘Safety Zones,’ by Thomas Jipping. “Bill 94, titled the ‘2SLGBTQI+ Community Safety Zones Act,’ requires the attorney general to make three decisions: whether to designate a particular location as a safety zone, whether to charge someone with uttering the wrong words within 100 meters of that safety zone, and, if so, whether to seek a fine of up to $25,000. All three decisions would be completely up to the attorney general’s unfettered, and unreviewable, discretion.” Read more here.


Federal Officials Have No Right to Order Schools to Carry Indecent Books, by Washington Examiner. “…[T]his is not ‘book banning’ or authoritarian. Nobody is trying to block the publication of these sexually explicit books. Nobody is trying to stop their sales. Nobody is trying to stop ordinary libraries from carrying them, although they might be labeled to give notice of their contents. Nobody is saying parents can’t buy or borrow books from libraries if they deem them appropriate for their children.” Read more here.


Texas Children’s Hospital Pursued Transgender Procedures With ‘Religious-Like Fervor,’ by Breccan F. Thies. “Medical records show some doctors at TCH were providing these procedures and drugs to extremely young children. One assistant professor at Baylor who practices medicine at TCH has provided procedures to patients as young as 11 years old, according to medical records. Another TCH doctor said he privately asks children about other names or pronouns they might use but does not tell the child’s parents because ‘not every patient who is gender-diverse may have that safe environment at home.’” Read more here.


Target Partnered With Satan Supporter Who Wants to ‘Eradicate’ Critics of Transgenderism, by Jordan Boyd. “One quick glance at the designer’s website and Instagram shows dozens of designs featuring satanic and sacrilegious symbols such as pentagrams, ‘Satan respects pronouns’ T-shirts, ‘gay as hell’ stickers, and stained glass windows covered up by ‘trans bodies are holy…’ One particularly graphic image on the designer’s Instagram shows a naked demonic creature with a horned skull and mutilated breasts.” Read more here.


Florida and Texas Defend Kids Against Gender Madness, by the Editors of National Review. “There is no shortage of examples to illustrate the madness to which DeSantis is referring. Gender clinicians openly promote their cavalier attitude to ‘top surgery’ (i.e., breast amputation), advertising the procedure to young prospective patients on TikTok. Drag queens strip and pole-dance in front of audiences made up of children, much to the delight of grown men and women. Pornographic materials too obscene to detail here are distributed in school libraries.” Read more here.


Kid-Free Zones: How Low Birth Rates Cause Even Lower Birth Rates, by Timothy P. Carney. “…[C]hildren cry, take up space, sometimes run around, and sometimes smell bad. A culture based on ‘personal space,’ autonomy, and minding your own business is a culture that pretends children don’t exist. The more people who go through their daily lives not seeing kids, or seeing only very few, the easier it is to uphold this myth of a childless world – and then that childless world becomes reality.” Read more here.


Teacher Pushes Gay Pornography on Middle Schoolers, NBC Provides Smokescreen for It, by Timothy P. Carney. “…Bonner thought it was a good idea to include this porn-book encouraging stranger-sex in her middle school book tasting. At best, this is a total abandonment of all decency and common sense in pursuit of an ideological culture war. At worst, the teacher is grooming children – introducing them to totally inappropriate sexual material in order to destroy their natural aversion to perversion and reticence about sex. That’s why parents called the police on this teacher.” Read more here.


Trans Sex Attacker Case Exposes Yet More Holes in Nicola Sturgeon’s Gender Bill, by Alan Cochrane. “Throughout the passage of the Bill at Holyrood, its supporters had insisted that there was no evidence men ‘ever had to pretend to be anything else’ to prey on girls. That assertion was killed stone dead by what happened to the little girl in this case because she had only gotten into Miller’s car because she felt safe as he had been dressed as a woman… What will shock people most about these cases would be the ease with which Miller and Graham appeared able to switch gender virtually at will.” Read more here.


A Win for Pro-Life Pragmatism in North Carolina, by the Editors of National Review. “With no margin for error, North Carolina Republican legislators prudently went as far as they could go to protect life. Representative Tricia Cotham recently switched from being a Democrat to a Republican but was unwilling to vote for an abortion limit earlier than twelve weeks of pregnancy… None of these bills is perfect. But each bill would save some lives, and it would be a grave error to insist that no lives should be saved until all lives can be saved.” Read more here.


Scientific American Editor-in-Chief Gets Biology Wrong for Both Humans and Birds, by Zachary Faria. “…[T]he other problem this argument has, aside from being wrong, is quite clear. Believe it or not, humans are not white-throated sparrows. Even if it were true that one species of birds had four different sexes (which, again, is not the case here), that would mean nothing… The science around humans is very clear: Sex is binary, and it is not something that can be changed with hormones and surgeries.” Read more here.


Sex Change Procedures at Texas Children’s Hospital, by Christopher F. Rufo. “The executives at Texas Children’s appear to be playing a duplicitous game. They announced that the hospital had stopped performing transgender medical interventions on minors, but this is simply untrue. TCH doctors administered such procedures days after the announcement, and they have continued to perform them… If ‘gender-affirming care’ is truly the gold standard in medicine, TCH should defend it openly, not perform it in secret.” Read more here.


Fertility Rates Are Collapsing – and It’s Not ‘Backward’ to Be Concerned, by Miriam Cates. “Politics works on the basis that society will go on and on into the future… But can we really be so sure that there will be future generations to benefit from our endeavours – or even to look after us in our old age? The short answer is no: the evidence suggests that the very existence of future society hangs in the balance. The current UK fertility rate – the average number of children per woman – stands at 1.6. This is significantly below the ‘replacement rate’ of 2.1 and continues to fall.” Read more here.


Proud Abortionist Kills Democratic Talking Points About Late-Term Abortions, by Zachary Faria. “…[P]oliticians and abortion activists insist that late-term abortions only occur if medically necessary or if the unborn child is going to die anyway… But, according to the Atlantic, ‘Hern estimates that at least half, and sometimes more, of the women who come to the clinic do not’ have a diagnosis that their lives would be in danger or that their babies will not be born alive. Over half of the late-term abortions Hern performs … are elective.” Read more here.


Colorado School District Hosts Drag Show Amid Teachers Union Embrace of Gender Ideology, by Maddie Dermon. “Muse, rated for children aged eight and above, focused on an adult male transitioning to a female and featured provocatively dressed men performing sexual dances for an audience full of children. Young audience members were clearly disturbed. One student expressed his concern by interrupting the show: ‘This is wrong,’ he cried. ‘Don’t you know we’re in third grade?’” Read more here.


The World Health Organization Has a Message for Parents: ‘Sexuality Education Starts at Birth,’ by Malcolm Roberts. “By age 6, the WHO wants the education industry … to expose children to the concepts of intercourse, masturbation, and pornography. By age 9, they are expected to reach an ‘adult’ knowledge of sex including teaching of masturbation and viewing of online pornography. At age 12 … the WHO wishes the official European education course to explore political and emotional responses to sex, puberty, and gender.” Read more here.


Parents Forced to Sue School District for Compelling Student to Read Sexually Explicit Monologue in Class, by Jeff Charles. “The case raises concerns about the appropriateness of educational materials and assignments in public schools. It highlights the delicate balance between freedom of speech and protecting minors from exposure to explicit content. As the legal proceedings continue, the outcome of the lawsuit will likely have implications for similar cases and potentially impact the development of guidelines and policies regarding the use of explicit material in educational settings…” Read more here.


Wake Up, Lawmakers! Protect Girls and Women and Restore Their Rights, by Eileen J. O’Connor. “Transradical sympathizers rail that it is cruel to exclude from women’s spaces a person who feels he belongs there. Rarely, if ever, and certainly not in the Biden administration’s proposed Title IX regulations, is consideration given to how cruel it is to the girls and women who are confronted not only by the sight of a male in female-only spaces, but also by being viewed by a male stranger in violation of their deeply ingrained, self-protective modesty.” Read more here.


If You Can Perform Surgery on Fetuses, Then Maybe They Have Value After All, by Madeline Fry Schultz. “…[T]he American Heart Association called it the ‘first in-utero brain surgery.’ Now seven weeks old, Denver Coleman is a marvel of medical technology and a testament to the value of the unborn… Even CNN, no bastion of pro-life thought, was eager to characterize baby Denver as a person. Notable as well is that the doctors, realizing fetuses’ capacity for pain, provided her with pain relief during the surgery.” Read more here.


Teen Sexting and Sexually Explicit Music, by Christine Lee and Jane Shawcroft. “…[I]t is easy to treat music, and highly sexual and sexually objectifying lyrics in particular, as white noise in the background of more important activities, despite research suggesting that music contains more messages about sex than any other media content except pornography. It is easy to dismiss the lyrics and messages in a three-minute song as inconsequential, but our research … suggests that listening to highly sexual music influences teenagers’ sexual risk-taking, specifically sexting.” Read more here.


The Media Are Campaigning to Deprive Parents of Their Rights, by Kaylee McGhee White. “The root of the problem … is this idea that parents can somehow be a threat to their children simply for disagreeing with the state’s prescribed orthodoxy. …[T]o compare an ideological disagreement to actual abuse is despicable. Parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit, and the state does not get to come along and take that right from them just because they happen to believe that their 13-year-old son is not, in fact, a girl.” Read more here.


Why Are We Ignoring Family as a Solution to Loneliness? by Jim Dalrymple. “A widely cited 1998 study … found that both marriage and parenthood were associated with lower levels of loneliness. Significantly, the study found that simply cohabitating didn’t offer the same benefits. There’s something unique about marriage. It’s not just about companionship. Subsequent research has repeatedly confirmed, to quote economist and policy advisor Christos A. Makridis, that ‘the unmarried are substantially more likely to feel lonely,’ while ‘married Americans have much lower rates of loneliness.’” Read more here.


The Next Frontier for the Hypersexualized Left: Normalizing Pedophilia, by Jane Robbins. “The end game of normalizing pedophilia has been hinted at for some time. A critical step, as always, is to distort language. ‘Pedophile’ has become ‘minor-attracted person’ (MAP), which certainly takes the edge off. TED talkers insist that MAPs should not be stigmatized for their attractions as long as they exercise self-control around children (a talent for which pedophiles are not famous). These and other ‘experts’ … describe pedophilia as a sexual orientation to be protected under state nondiscrimination law.” Read more here.


Corporate Media Wants to Help Democrats Separate Supposedly ‘Trans’ Children From Their Parents, by Zachary Faria. “There is no … attempt to report anything even resembling questions about such irreversible procedures for children. Instead, you see things like the Associated Press’s headline from Tuesday: ‘Trans minors protected from parents under Washington law…’ Yes, keeping parents in the dark about their runaway children and instead handing them off to a state bureaucracy that will let them harm themselves is apparently not an utterly insane policy. It is simply ‘protecting’ transgender children from their own parents.” Read more here.


Biden’s Bizarre View of Women’s Sports Puts Female Athletes at Risk, by Alexandra Caro Campana and Ryann McEnany. “What seems to be forgotten in this proposed rule is all the harm that will be done to the millions of female students when they are forced to compete against men and share intimate spaces with them. Being a competitive athlete takes as much mental strength as physical ability. Sharing a bathroom, changing room and/or hotel room with a biological male ahead of a competition will potentially cause severe emotional, mental and even physical harm to female athletes.” Read more here.


Just Like the Transgender Industry, PornHub Relies on Targeting Kids, by Allison Schuster. “PornHub’s willingness to boycott the state entirely shows who the target demographic is: children… PornHub’s reliance on showing its content to minors can be easily understood in the context of its addictive nature. Young people are easily taken advantage of and starting them young provides PornHub with an audience more susceptible to long-term addiction and abuse.” Read more here.


What Are They Hiding? Pro-Transgender Groups Refuse to Hand Over Internal Documents Even as They Move to Oppose Florida’s Medicaid Rule, by Tyler O’Neil. “…[T]he groups went to court trying to quash the subpoenas. They argued that they should not be forced to hand over documents, in part because they are not direct parties to the case. Yet not only are these groups the medical authorities by which Lambda Legal aims to torpedo the Florida rule, but most of the groups themselves filed the amicus brief April 28 that highlights their interest in the case.” Read more here.


The Legal Case That Could Force Abortion Upon El Salvador Is Based on a Lie, by Nancy Flanders. “Beatriz Garcia, the woman at the core of the case, did not die from a lack of access to induced abortion. In fact, she never had life-threatening pregnancy complications, doctors never advised abortion, and she died four years later in a vehicle accident. And the more than 50 women allegedly jailed for miscarriages and obstetric emergencies due to El Salvador’s pro-life laws … were not actually convicted for abortion but for infanticide.” Read more here.


Don’t Forget Men in the Abortion Debate, by Sara Scarlett Wilson. “Support After Abortion … found that 71 percent of men suffered issues after abortion … and that 82 percent of men did not know where to find help. Men struggled regardless of their involvement in the abortion decision, and even men who fully supported their partner’s decision found themselves with anger, grief, and other negative emotions when thinking about the child or children they never got to know.” Read more here.


Utah Benefits as Porn Peddlers Block Access, by Timothy P. Carney. “America would be better off if every pornographer went out of business and every web hosting service, internet provider, and web browser cut off access to pornography. That’s unlikely ever to happen, but Utah scored a minor victory this week when porn-peddler MindGeek … announced it would block access to its websites from all IP addresses within Utah. This was MindGeek’s protest against Utah’s new law requiring age verification for everyone visiting pornographic websites or other sites with sexually explicit material.” Read more here.


New Jersey Will House Two More Male Sexual Predators With Female Inmates, by Zachary Faria. “What do you do with two male pedophiles who claim that they are women? According to liberal gender ideology, and the state government of New Jersey, you put them in a women’s prison because even child abusers must have their gender identities ‘affirmed,’ even if it endangers female inmates… The messages here from the state of New Jersey are clear. The most abhorrent men convicted of heinous crimes can simply claim they are women and be housed alongside female inmates. The safety of women does not matter.” Read more here.


Biden’s ‘Transgender’ Rule Mandating Schools Treat Biological Males as Females Gets Tested, by Sarah Parshall Perry & Caroline Heckman. “How are schools and colleges going to balance the interest of competing civil rights complaints? If a biological male sexually assaults or harasses a female in a bathroom that’s no longer sex-specific due to the new Title IX rule, and a female files a Title IX complaint – who prevails? According to the Biden administration’s rule, any transgender-identified male is ‘entitled’ to be in that bathroom, but any female is granted the benefit of the doubt in a sexual harassment or assault proceeding.” Read more here.


North Carolina’s 12-Week Abortion Ban Is Popular, Enforceable, and Pro-Life Without Political Poison, by Tiana Lowe Doescher. “In short, a 12-week ban allows the state to begin to crack down on the worst abortion offenders, mainly in-person clinics likely to perform later-term abortions, while avoiding interfering with that politically near-sacrosanct relationship between a woman and her doctor. In practice, this also means that the state isn’t stuck going to war with the Food and Drug Administration or regulating interstate commerce of abortion pills, which also have legitimate medical uses unrelated to terminating pregnancies.” Read more here.


Yes, the Trans Movement Is Coming for Your Kids, by John Daniel Davidson. “Recently a group of Democrat legislators in Minnesota, led by the state’s first transgender lawmaker, introduced a bill that would have removed language in Minnesota’s Human Rights Act that explicitly says pedophilia is not a ‘sexual orientation’ as defined by state statute. By removing that language, the bill would have opened the door to widening the definition of sexual orientation to include pedophilia as a protected class alongside other minorities.” Read more here.


Kansas Law Defending Biological Sex and Women’s Rights Is Vital, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Which part of the law do gender activists find so offensive? The part that says women have the right to privacy and safety or the part that rebuffs the Left’s efforts to turn sex into a meaningless free-for-all? … Do women’s rights matter or don’t they? Kansas’s law makes it clear that they do. The gender activists who oppose it, on the other hand, would subject every single sex-exclusive space in the country, and every woman who depends on them, to male intrusion. That is bigotry.” Read more here.


The Biden Admin Is Still Withholding Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Data From Lawmakers, by Spencer Brown. “The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) said last fall that it would work toward providing abortion services for veterans and their dependents via its taxpayer-funding [sic] health care system. As Tuberville … noted at the time, and since then, such a policy would be a violation of federal law… Yet Tuberville’s questions about how such an illegal policy would be implemented and his ongoing attempts to provide oversight for taxpayers have seen no response from the VA or others in the Biden administration.” Read more here.


India Same-Sex Marriage Case Tests Judges, by Geeta Pandey. “…[A]s the hearings have continued, the five-judge bench has been conceding that tweaking one law may not really work, since it’s a complex web of 35 laws that govern issues of divorce, adoption, succession, maintenance and other related issues – and that many of them do spill over into religious personal laws. And during Thursday’s hearing, the top court appeared to agree with the government that granting legal sanction to same-sex marriage was parliament’s domain.” Read more here.


Biden HHS Using Language Meant to Protect Abortion Survivors to Exclude Preborn as ‘Persons,’ by Cassy Fiano-Chesser. “This is a brazenly cruel twisting of the intention of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, legislation that abortion supporters continue to argue is unnecessary on the claim that abortion survivors do not exist. Additionally, it’s a complete and utter denial of scientific fact. Based on all basic biological principles, preborn children are alive, even before their hearts start beating. At the moment of fertilization, the child … already has his or her own unique DNA, with traits like sex, hair color, eye color, and countless more already determined.” Read more here.


Colorado Law Seeks to Prevent and Hide Information About Medication Abortion Reversal, by Harry Scherer. “The new law is full of inconsistencies. For example, it permits the administration of progesterone for women facing miscarriage, but it explicitly forbids the same medication for women seeking to reverse an abortion. The law also does not offer any distinction between patients who seek progesterone after ingesting mifepristone willingly or unwillingly, with the latter being an all-too-common practice among sex traffickers.” Read more here.


Indiana Health Department Sits on Records Showing Two Babies Born Alive After Abortions, Three Women Dead, by Joy Pullmann. “Indiana abortion records … indicate that in 2022 three women died after abortion procedures and two babies were born alive after chemical abortions. They also suggest Indiana abortionists failed to report four abortions on girls aged 15 and younger, as legally required. One of the minors not referred for a state abuse investigation after her abortion, a violation of state law, was just 13 years old, the records say.” Read more here.


Biden DOJ Says Mutilating Children Is ‘Medically Necessary,’ by Zachary Faria. “This is not ‘civil rights’ or ‘acceptance’ or ‘inclusivity.’ It is reckless, dangerous, and, most of all, unnecessary. Chemically and physically mutilating children is not going to save their lives or make them happier. It is only going to saddle them with even more physical health problems to go along with the unaddressed mental health problems that are being ignored. It is an attempt to medicalize them permanently… Yet that is precisely what Biden’s Justice Department is fighting for.” Read more here.


Leftist Minnesota Just Gave State Power to Take Kids Away If Parents Don’t Approve Gender Surgery, by Hank Berrien. “The new law gives state courts temporary emergency jurisdiction over any child in Minnesota who has been abandoned, is in need of protection from abuse, or has ‘been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care.’ The law defines such care as … puberty blockers and chemical and surgical procedures ‘to align the patient’s appearance or physical body with the patient’s gender identity.’” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood Steps Deeply Into Transgender Hormones, Including for Minors, by Ben Johnson. “Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report reveals that the multi-billion-dollar business has diversified its portfolio beyond abortion, pushing deeply into the transgender industry by offering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to young adults and minors – often while explicitly withholding this information from parents.” Read more here.


Attempts Underway to Redefine ‘Forced Pregnancy’ in International Law, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “The term ‘forced pregnancy’ is back on the UN agenda as nations begin to negotiate a treaty on crimes against humanity… In its just-released ‘State of World Population Report,’ the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) asserted that the ICC definition of ‘forced pregnancy’ has ‘been more widely interpreted by advocates to include, for instance, situations in which a pregnant person is denied an abortion.’” Read more here.


School District Prompts Parents to Enter Children’s ‘Preferred Pronouns’ When Registering for Kindergarten, by Christopher Tremoglie. “It’s a concerning discovery given the extremely young age of kindergarten students who are unfamiliar with pronouns or mature enough to know anything about gender transitioning. It’s a disturbing revelation showing just how radicalized education officials have become in the country, even in a state like Florida. It should also put parents on high alert throughout the country.” Read more here.


How to Stop the Gender Cult in Education, by Debra Soh. “There is an assumption that poor mental health is the result of gender dysphoria, as opposed to the other way around. In actuality, high rates of co-morbidity abound in individuals with gender dysphoria, with 70% or more of such youth presenting with an additional diagnosis… From what I’ve witnessed in the years I’ve been fighting this cultural battle, even when presented with evidence to the contrary, trans activists and their allies happily disregard this information in favor of plowing forward with their preferred narratives.” Read more here.


The Myth of Sexual Experience, by Jason S. Carroll and Brian J. Willoughby. “In the report, we review a series of recent studies … that show that having multiple sexual partners during the dating years leads to higher divorce rates in future marriages… Overall, we found that ‘sexually inexperienced’ individuals, or those who have only had sex with their spouse, are mostly likely to be flourishing in marriage. These ‘sexually inexperienced’ individuals report the highest levels of relationship satisfaction, relationship stability, sexual satisfaction, and emotional closeness with their spouses.” Read more here.


Woman Whose Chemical Abortion Has Haunted Her for 23 Years: ‘Don’t Make the Same Mistake,’ by Margot Cleveland. “I started having intense cramping. At one point I went to the toilet, and a baby came out. It looked exactly like the pictures of seven- to 9-week-old babies you see in photos. It was rounded. There was a black eye. My husband fished it out of the toilet and held the dead baby in his hand. I remember looking at it and wondering what it was. But I also knew what it was. I remember going completely numb.” Read more here.


West Coast Shuts Parents Out of ‘Gender-Affirming’ Decisions as Swedish Research Urges Caution, by Greg Piper. “America’s West Coast is separated by a continent and an ocean from Europe. Their policy gap on ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors … is becoming similarly wide… In a new ‘systematic review’ of research on hormone treatment for gender-confused children in the peer-reviewed Acta Paediatrica, Swedish researchers … found so little evidence on its effects that they recommended a ban except for clinical trials.” Read more here.


Arrogant Western Countries Outplayed by Developing Member States at the UN, by Lisa Correnti. “The EU and the UN wanted to force sexual ideology for children into a resolution on education. This effort failed due to smart tactics by a united Africa group and delegates from other parts of the world… The lack of consensus including from diverse countries took Western delegates by surprise, many pivoting to damage control to try and save the document they so desperately wanted.” Read more here.


Detransitioner Laura Becker Exposes the Dark Truth Behind Transgender ‘Transitioning’ of Children in Texas Senate Hearing, by Jeff Charles. “What is truly unfortunate about situations like Becker’s is that progressives have convinced the nation to believe that there are only few people who regret having ‘transitioned’ to the opposite sex. The issue is that we do not yet have enough credible data to prove this. Moreover, there is evidence that many of those who go through this process as minor children end up suffering from additional mental issues caused by the use of puberty blockers and surgical treatments.” Read more here.


Zero House Democrats Respected Americans’ Wishes by Voting to Protect Women’s and Girls’ Sports, by Jordan Boyd. “If the White House gets its way, female athletes will no longer be entitled to federal protection against sex discrimination on the field or in the locker room. Instead, teams of girls as young as kindergarten are forced to accept males on their roster. It’s only in high school and college that the Biden administration concedes males have an advantage that could be disqualifying under a set of extreme criteria. As the vote … showed, Democrats in Congress are all too willing to help the Biden administration erase women.” Read more here.


Marriage Makes Women Happier and Healthier, Harvard Scholars Say, by Kira Mautone. “The researchers found that the women that became married and stayed married over the course of the study showed a 35 percent decrease in risk of all-cause mortality, lower risks of cardiovascular diseases, and ‘greater psychological wellbeing on multiple indicators including greater positive affect, purpose in life, hope and optimism.’” Read more here.


White House Endorses Discrimination Against Female Athletes, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Allowing men, who have undeniable, significant physical advantages, to compete on teams created specifically for women is exactly the kind of discrimination that Title IX was meant to redress. Democrats, however, do not seem at all bothered that women are being deprived of their right to equal competition. Better for women to lose this right than the men who claim to identify as women, according to the White House.” Read more here.


Why Progressives Should Support the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, by Kara Dansky. “Our society has been taught a vicious and unscientific lie: that some men can be women, and that some women can be men, on the basis of their ‘gender identity…’ Men aren’t women, even if they say they are, and even if they claim to ‘identify’ as such… There is no credible scientific evidence to support the proposition that a person born with a Y chromosome can be a woman. It should not be considered ‘conservative’ or even remotely controversial to say so.” Read more here.


Your Doctor Asking for Your Pronouns Isn’t Just Annoying, It’s a Sign of the Industry’s Decline, by Elle Purnell. “…[H]aving doctors ask about your pronouns isn’t just an obnoxious chore, it’s a sign of the health-care industry’s willingness to forego medical reality for a few ideological brownie points… Just wait until trans activists insist on making women with breast cancer wait for mastectomies so that other women who want to cut off their healthy breasts to look more like men can go first. (Oh wait, that’s already happening.)” Read more here.


Unborn Children Deserve the Right to Trust Their Mother, by Mark Zimmerman. “Indeed, there are many different angles from which to criticize abortion: that it’s a sin in the sight of God; that it’s a cruel and violent way to die; that personhood begins at conception, and therefore abortion kills a person; that prenatal screening puts us on a slippery slope toward eugenics; that killing a person isn’t therapeutic. These things are all true, in my view. But I have come to believe there is another reason abortion is wrong: It denies a child the right to trust her mother.” Read more here.


Common Sense Is Finally Returning to the Trans Debate, by Mo Lovatt. “New government guidance [in England] on how schools handle the rise in transgender pupils is currently being drawn up and is due to be issued within weeks. It means that single-sex schools will no longer be required to accommodate pupils who identify as transgender for fear of legal action, nor will they have to affirm a pupil’s preferred pronoun simply because a child demands it.” Read more here.


Colorado’s New ‘Trans Tourism’ Law Beckons Red-State Kids for Trans Interventions and Abortions, by Tristan Justice. “Senate Bill 23-188, signed into law Friday, opens the door for ‘trans tourism’ in the state, allowing minors to seek abortions or ‘gender-affirming health care services.’ In other words, teens seduced by transgender ideology in Kansas, where lawmakers are preparing to ban interventions for minors, may travel to Colorado for sterilizing procedures under Polis’s protection with parental consent.” Read more here.


Washington State Declares Transgender War Against Parents, by Quin Hillyer. “Washington … passed a bill regarding children’s gender transitions that borders on unadulterated evil… Essentially, the bill allows licensed youth shelters to harbor a child against parents’ wishes while proceeding with sex-change procedures or abortions. Put another way, not only will parents have no say in the life-altering decision of girls and boys to defy their biological gender (or to kill a human life), but the children can be kept away from their parents and homes.” Read more here.


UNFPA: Restricting Online Abortion Is Violence, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “In the wake of Dobbs, online purveyors of abortion pills have proliferated widely, and with them the potential for women to be exposed to pills of dubious provenance and quality, either voluntarily or, as news reports have documented, administered through stealth by others. National governments have a role in protecting women and girls from exploitation by nefarious online businesses willing to risk their health for profit.” Read more here.


Fifth Circuit’s Ruling Proves the Case Against the Abortion Pill Is Legally Justified, by Kaylee McGhee White. “…[T]here is certainly a case to be made that the FDA’s decisions in 2016 and 2021 to abandon very basic safety precautions about the abortion pill call into question its ability to fairly regulate the pill at all. Indeed, the FDA’s watering down of nearly all restrictions on mifepristone is further proof that the agency is using the drug to push a political agenda.” Read more here.


MrBeast Is Introducing Millions of Children to Transgenderism Without Parental Consent, by Eoin Lenihan. “What MrBeast is doing is sinister and will have far-reaching consequences. He is grooming an unsuspecting generation of children into uncritically accepting transgender and trans activism at a vulnerable age. Due to the unrivaled reach of MrBeast and the unparalleled and often unmonitored access he has to millions of kids across the globe, he is now, without a shadow of a doubt, the leading source of child-focused, transgender content in the world.” Read more here.


Appeals Court Reinstates Safety Restrictions for Abortion Drug While Lawsuit Against Its FDA Approval Continues, by Thomas Jipping. “The result of the 5th Circuit’s decision is that … the FDA’s original approval of mifepristone remains and the safety restrictions that were repealed in 2016 and 2021 are reinstated. In other words, mifepristone can be used up to seven, not 10, weeks; using mifepristone will require three physician office visits; only doctors may dispense or administer the drug; doctors must report all medical complications to the FDA; and abortion drugs may not be dispensed through the mail or mail-order pharmacies.” Read more here.


Why the Latest Abortion Pill Ruling Is Both Good and Bad for Pro-Lifers, by Margot Cleveland. “…[U]ntil the Fifth Circuit considers the merits of the FDA’s appeal, distribution of the abortion pill will be governed by the 2000 FDA approval, not the changes the FDA adopted in 2016… No matter the outcome, however, the case is educating the public on the dangers of chemical abortions much beyond what the Planned Parenthood pill-pushers have been doing for the last 20-plus years.” Read more here.


Biden Administration Misses the Point on Transgender Sports Participation, by Tom Joyce. “The problem with transgender elementary schoolers playing on girls’ sports teams has little to do with sports participation. The problem is there are self-identified transgender elementary schoolers, and the government recognizes this delusion as a reality. Government policy should reflect the biological reality of two genders that people cannot change: male and female. It should not support the delusion that children who are young enough to believe in Santa Claus can choose their gender.” Read more here.


The Poison Pill Goes to Court, by the Editors of National Review. “From the beginning, the pill was given favored regulatory treatment, with accelerated approval under Subpart H, a program designed for emergency AIDS drugs. Utilizing this fast-track approval process required the FDA to characterize pregnancy, preposterously, as a ‘serious or life-threatening illness.’ A legal challenge was filed with the FDA in 2002 … and the agency sat on it for nearly 14 years in order to thwart judicial review while the pill expanded its market share. The mifepristone pill … now accounts for a majority of all U.S. abortions.” Read more here.


Even the Trans Lobby Can’t Override Biology in Sport, by Suzanne Moore. “The government has asked the Equality and Human Rights Commission to clarify that when we talk of sex in the Equality Act we mean biological sex. The blurring of sex and gender is what causes problems, and this may help stop this confusion. Women who say biological sex matters have been demonised and I am one of them… Any woman who tells the truth is met by an unthinking mob, online or in real life. And yet it has not stopped us saying it any more than it has stopped sports fans seeing it. For here we do have the advantage: being on the side of reality.” Read more here.


Why I, as a Former Abortionist, Support Florida’s Heartbeat Protection Act, by Kathi Aultman. “…[A]lthough I continued to do abortions while pregnant, after my daughter’s birth, I could no longer kill babies just because they weren’t wanted. I still believed abortion was a woman’s right, but my view changed as I saw young women in my OB-GYN practice with unplanned pregnancies, who kept their babies and did exceptionally well, in contrast to those women with psychological and physical complications from abortion. Later, I realized I was not only murdering innocent human beings but that I was also hurting women.” Read more here.


The Madness of Banning ‘Ladies and Gentlemen,’ by Ella Whelan. “The fact that judges are now pressured to be ‘respectful’ of identity and gender, and feel the need to self-censor, shows how intimidating the conversation around gender ideology has become. For fear of upsetting a tiny minority, we bore the majority with language that is stripped of all meaning. Instead of mothers we say pregnant people, instead of binman, we say wheelie-bin-operator. Sometimes we’re expected to simply invent words – Teen Vogue suggests using ‘folx’ instead of ladies and gentleman, and ‘nibling’ instead of niece or nephew.” Read more here.


Judge’s Abortion Pill Opinion Tells the Truth About ‘Unborn Humans,’ and the Left Can’t Stand It, by Margot Cleveland. “Calling an unborn human an ‘unborn human’ immediately triggered abortion activists, but as Kacsmaryk explained in a footnote, such terminology is scientifically correct… It is understandable that abortion activists want to hide the humanity of unborn humans, but that doesn’t make the science less real: It just means girls and women who have bought the ‘clump of cells’ narrative will suffer when faced with the truth, which chemical ‘at home abortions’ force.” Read more here.


In California, Parents May Soon Effectively Lose Custody of Kids 12 and Older, by Katrina Trinko. “California lawmakers know that plenty of parents have concerns about minors who pursue gender transition. These are valid concerns: gender transition medical procedures, even for minors, can be extensive – and some of it is irreversible… But California lawmakers don’t want parents to be able to stand in the way of their minor children making these life-changing decisions. ‘It is apparent that one result of this bill will be the removal of trans-identified children from the family home,’ Garfield-Jaeger said in her testimony.” Read more here.


Title IX Rule Change: Biden Is Determined to Force Gender Ideology Onto a Public That Doesn’t Want It, by Kaylee McGhee White. “More insulting than this administration’s blatant disregard for women’s rights … is its attempt to gaslight the public on this subject. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona’s statement announcing the rule, for example, included this astonishing claim: ‘Today’s proposed rule is designed to support Title IX’s protection for equal athletics opportunity.’ How, exactly, does allowing men with massive physical advantages to crush female competition advance ‘equal athletics opportunity’?” Read more here.


Court’s Ruling on FDA Approval of Abortion Drugs Is Huge Win for Women, Girls, by Julie Marie Blake. “The FDA, in collusion with pro-abortion politicians, never properly tested these drugs for safety in the first place and has continued to dismantle safety protections, so that it is now perfectly simple for a teenage girl, for example, to obtain chemical abortion drugs without a single physician visit or her parents’ knowledge – even though these drugs have been shown to cause intense pain and bleeding, and can often progress into worse complications, like hemorrhaging, life-threatening infection, and loss of fertility.” Read more here.


Biden Admin Concedes It’s Unfair to Let Men Compete in Women’s Sports With New Rules Allowing Men in Women’s Sports, by Tristan Justice. “The Biden administration is trying to have it both ways on transgender participation in women’s sports with new Title IX rules introduced Thursday… Under the long-anticipated proposal, the Department of Education outlined new guidelines that would invalidate bans on men in women’s sports currently implemented across 20 states. At the same time, schools that receive federal funding and therefore subject to Title IX stipulations may bar male athletes on female teams in competitive leagues.” Read more here.


Christians Must Take Children to Transgender Procedures or They Can’t Adopt, Oregon State Law Says, by Ben Johnson. “The policy potentially excludes faithful adherents of most major world religions and most Americans generally, experts say. ‘This isn’t just about excluding Christians: The state is effectively telling the growing majority of people that believe that sex is determinable by time of birth they need not apply to foster and adopt kids,’ González said. ‘It’s not enough to be neutral on the issue; prospective foster and adoptive parents must support the state’s radical gender ideology.’” Read more here.


New HHS Report Attacks SOGI Change Efforts, by Dan Hart. “Opponents of sexual orientation/ gender identity (SOGI) change efforts – which could encompass talk therapy, counseling, … or any other type of therapy designed to help people who have unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion – describe it with a negative connotation as ‘conversion therapy,’ often calling it ‘pseudoscience.’ However, dozens of individuals have testified to how SOGI change efforts have transformed their lives, leading them to happily walk away from homosexual and transgender lifestyles.” Read more here.


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly From the Latest CDC Survey of Youth Risk Behavior, by Dana Mack. “According to the survey, being a teenage girl carries with it another elevated risk – that of mental illness. Well more than half of teen girls (57%) reported feelings of sadness and hopelessness that were profound enough, over a two-week period, to interfere with their ability to complete their daily routines (as compared to 36% in 2011). Some of this extreme depression might be attributed to feelings of isolation caused by pandemic lockdowns but certainly not all of it.” Read more here.


One Mom’s Harrowing Story From Inside Whistleblower’s Trans Clinic, by Suzanne Bowdey. “Doctors insisted the puberty blockers were ‘standard procedure’ for anyone ‘experiencing discomfort with their sex.’ And yet, Caroline was shocked to learn that this ‘standard procedure’ would almost certainly lead to infertility. When the psychologist wanted to know if Casey wanted to bank his sperm before they started the drug Supprelin, she kept thinking: my son is only 14 years old.” Read more here.


Ireland’s Commonsense Three-Day Abortion Waiting Period Is Under Attack, by Eilis Mulroy. “In the 2018 legislation, an abortion is defined as ‘a procedure to end the life of the foetus.’ It is the only legal medical procedure in Ireland the sole aim of which is to end human life. This ought to place it apart from all other procedures and justify a far greater threshold in terms of reflecting on it before it is carried out. But the sad fact is that, to pro-abortion groups and political parties, an unborn child isn’t a human life – it’s just a ‘clump of cells,’ with no more significance than warts or skin lesions.” Read more here.


Biden and EU Gang Up on Africans at UN, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “Adding this controversial language to the annual resolution of the commission would give Western powers more political leverage to push sex-ed programs that promote homosexuality and transgender ideology among children. Western governments, led by the European Union and the Biden administration, are insistent that the resolution must include ‘comprehensive sexuality education’ because the theme of this year’s resolution is centered on education.” Read more here.


Putting Children at the Center of Family Policy, by Katy Faust. “Our culture has shifted drastically, but children haven’t changed. In fact, they continue to be victimized by practices and policies that prioritize adult desires above children’s rights. It’s past time to start putting them at the center of our national conversation. That begins with clearly and courageously defending children’s rights by shaping culture, reforming law, and rethinking our approach to technology.” Read more here.


Transgender Inc.: A Running List of Corporate Gender Insanity Insulting Women, Kids, and Reality, by The Federalist Staff. “Rather than highlight the dangerous and irreversible procedures associated with transgenderism, … many major corporations have opted to champion trans ideology – even for unsuspecting children. In order to help Americans hold these companies financially accountable, The Federalist has compiled a list of major businesses promoting and glorifying gender dysphoria.” Read more here.


The Surgeries Are Immoral, by Cole S. Aronson. “The real problem is more basic: the surgeries remove healthy organs without good reason. That’s not risky – it’s harmful and morally wrong. The people who seek such surgeries are trying to alleviate very real suffering, but whether surgery addresses such suffering humanely is not a question patients are automatically best positioned to answer. That’s true of any patient seeking any medical procedure.” Read more here.


A Double Mastectomy at 13? How Can President Biden Possibly Overlook That? by Michael Cook. “It’s painfully obvious that the President is ignoring the growing number of detransitioners – don’t they deserve to be safe and supported as well? He ended his speech with these stirring words: ‘You’re each made in the image of God, and deserve love, dignity, and respect. You make America stronger, and we’re with you.’ But that’s all they are – words. Or does he mean that ‘love, dignity, and respect’ mean amputating the healthy breasts of a 13-year-old girl?” Read more here.


This Is How Schools Are Trying to Gender-Transition Children Without Parents’ Knowledge, by Christopher Tremoglie. “Another report surfaced yesterday detailing how a school district in Colorado also focused on deceiving parents about children transitioning… Their thoughts have progressed into what should be considered criminal actions. Any school district, school, or teacher enabling a student’s transition without notifying and consulting their parents should be charged with child abuse by law enforcement.” Read more here.


Last Students Graduate: School Closures Spread in Aging Japan, by Eimi Yamamitsu, Tom Bateman, and Issei Kato. “Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has pledged ‘unprecedented measures’ to boost the birthrate … and says maintaining the educational environment is crucial. But little has helped so far. Births tumbled below 800,000 in 2022, a new record low, according to government estimates and eight years earlier than expected, dealing a knockout blow to smaller public schools that are often the heart of rural towns and villages.” Read more here.


Women Deserve to Be Empowered by Doctors, Not Rushed to Medical Abortion Without Them, by Susan Bane. “…[T]he Department of Justice announced the U.S. Postal Service can continue to deliver prescribed abortion drugs… Similarly, the FDA changed a rule to allow abortion drugs to be dispensed at retail pharmacies… These developments do a great disservice to women by removing the opportunity for them to receive information that can empower them to make informed decisions. This is especially true when the dangers of self-administered abortion are considered.” Read more here.


Democrats Reintroduce Radical Abortion Bill in GOP-Controlled House, by Rebecca Downs. “Lest you think the bill’s name means Democrats have acknowledged the biological reality that only women can get pregnant, a quick glance of the text dashes any hope. ‘This Act is intended to protect all people with the capacity for pregnancy – cisgender women, transgender men, nonbinary individuals, those who identify with a different gender, and others – who are unjustly harmed by restrictions on abortion services,’ it reads.” Read more here.


Liberal Media Champion Leftist Crusaders ‘Against Book Bans,’ by Tim Graham. “One uproar is over books – assigned books in the classroom and available books in the school library. Disagree with the content of the books? You’re for ‘book bans.’ Technically, this is accurate inside the school, but the leftist press makes it sound like you’re banning books entirely from public view. They get to pose as the defenders of books and ‘book learning’ and as compassionate defenders of the book-reading needs of the ‘marginalized.’” Read more here.


Pumping Gender-Bending Drugs Into Kids Is Even More Dangerous Than We Thought, by Samuel Silvestro and Jay W. Richards. “Lupron stops the body’s normal hormonal process, including the development of ovaries and testes, by ‘blocking’ the brain’s ability to communicate with the pituitary gland… Lupron’s side effects are so severe that doctors tend not to prescribe it for even mild (non-metastatic) cases of prostate cancer. Would you be shocked to learn it might not be great for young girls, either?” Read more here.


I Was a Public School Teacher, and I’m Blowing the Whistle on Transgenderism Before Its Too Late, by Stephen Schultz. “One 8th grade boy arrived at school in high heels, a short skirt, open blouse, make-up, and women’s jewelry. He demanded to use the girls’ restroom… Too many Americans too often think that these sorts of bizarre things cannot possibly be happening because they were not remotely part of their own personal school experience. Unfortunately, they are very real, they are increasingly common, and now they are not only protected but promoted.” Read more here.


Holy See Foils Western Push for Abortion/Sex Ed at UN Commission, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “Western countries kept negotiations going on comprehensive sexuality education, abortion-related terms, and homosexual/trans issues deep into the night, well past the deadline for agreement… These are common tactics to break down opposition through a combination of political pressure, tiredness, and discomfort. The idea is to make it so difficult that by the time agreement comes only the most dutiful and tenacious of diplomats are left in the negotiating room.” Read more here.


Why States Must Define Sex Precisely, by Jay W. Richards. “Until recently, no precise legal definition of sex … was needed because no one contested it. Unfortunately, because of gender ideology’s growing influence on our laws and institutions, states no longer have this luxury. Gender activists are now working to redefine sex in federal laws and regulations, such as Title IX, to include ‘gender identity.’ If this succeeds, it will subvert all preexisting legal references to sex, contrary to their original intent.” Read more here.


Abortion Giant Lies About Outcome of Recent UN Negotiation, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “The international abortion giant issued a press release following the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) claiming that ‘the text includes a standalone paragraph on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).’ In fact, the term CSE was not included anywhere in the document. The paragraph referred to by IPPF included language insisting that education must be ‘age appropriate,’ ‘relevant to cultural contexts’ and ‘with appropriate direction and guidance from parents and legal guardians.’” Read more here.


There Are No Banned Books, by David Harsanyi. “For the left, the banned book claim is a political racket, allowing them to feign indignation over the alleged ‘authoritarianism’ of Republicans who don’t want kids reading identitarian pseudohistories or books depicting oral sex, rape, violence, or gender dysphoria in their schools. Yet, major media now regularly contend, as indisputable fact, that ‘book bans’ are in place.” Read more here.


The Government Should Not Bully People Into Supporting ‘Gender Transitions,’ by Matt Lamb. “Religious institutions have First Amendment rights to refuse to be involved with medical procedures that violate their teachings and beliefs… The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, which represents Catholics across the country, recently admonished efforts by the federal government to force hospitals to assist in transgender procedures, such as surgeries that remove healthy organs and can permanently make someone sterile or infertile.” Read more here.


Belgium to Allow Repeated Gender Changes, by Wesley J. Smith. “The Belgium supreme court previously ruled that requiring people to identify as male or female violated the equality of people who don’t see themselves as exclusively either. So, a new law will be passed allowing ongoing fluidity of gender identity which will be officially recognized by submitting a simple form… This is civilization-destroying stuff. Not because of the transgender issue per se, but because it represents the triumph of the subjective.” Read more here.


Sex Education Is Now How-to in Schools – Parents, Beware, by Betsy McCaughey. “The facts of life haven’t changed, but sex ed is entirely different from what you took in school. Sex ed in middle school now includes graphic lessons on anal sex, oral sex and masturbation, with stick figures to illustrate body positions. Supplemental reading in middle school libraries includes ‘Sex, Puberty, and All That Stuff,’ a book explaining foreplay and how to rub the clitoris to produce pleasure… Planned Parenthood, the largest producer of sex-ed curriculum for public schools, argues children are entitled to know how to ‘experience different forms of sexual pleasure.’” Read more here.


FDA Stonewalled Abortion Drug Concerns to Escape Responsibility for Their Dangers, by Julie Marie Blake. “When the FDA first approved the chemical abortion drugs mifepristone and misoprostol in 2000, it sidestepped the required studies – including studies that look specifically at risks for teenage girls – and wrongly categorized the drugs as offering a ‘meaningful therapeutic benefit.’ The FDA justified its reckless approval by claiming that pregnancy is a ‘life-threatening or serious illness.’” Read more here.


Parents Are Fed Up With Public Schools Secretly Transitioning Children, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “Could these clandestine transition policies and practices be the reason for the alarming spike in the number of high schoolers identifying as transgender? The U.S. saw a nearly five-fold increase in gender transition surgeries for teens from 2016 to 2019 alone. And a new report indicates that approximately 300,000 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 now identify as transgender. It is not surprising, then, that disenfranchised parents have finally had it.” Read more here.


Maternity Wards Are Closing Everywhere Because of a Lack of Babies; the Media Desperately Want to Make It a Story About Abortion Bans, by Timothy P. Carney. “Maternity wards have been closing all over the United States for more than a decade, primarily for a simple reason: People have been having fewer babies every year since 2007. There were fewer children in America at the 2020 census than there were in the 2010 census. Of course, a country with less maternity will be a country with fewer maternity wards… The closure of rural hospitals’ obstetrics and maternity wards has nothing to do with laws that protect the unborn…” Read more here.


Why Is Netflix Teaching Preschoolers to Come Out as Nonbinary? by Madeline Fry Schultz. “In the show, which is targeted toward preschoolers, ‘Fred’ the bison is reunited with her grandmother and realizes that she hasn’t told her that she now goes by ‘Fred’ instead of ‘Winifred’ and uses ‘they/them’ pronouns… The story is pure propaganda, but don’t take my word for it: Series creator Chris Nee called the episode ‘a road map for coming out but also for having someone else tell you they’ve changed their pronouns and/or name.’” Read more here.


DeSantis Goes There, Shows Graphic Video of Effects of ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgeries Alongside Biden Comments, by Bob Hoge. “Tuesday afternoon, the Florida Governor’s response team … was it at again, taking footage of President Joe Biden lambasting the state for its policies on transgender surgeries and putting in a split-screen with videos showing some of the more benign steps of ‘gender-affirming surgery.’ WARNING: some of the images are graphic, so if you’re squeamish, beware. It’s hard to watch.” Read more here.


Vermont Bans a High School From Athletics for Objecting to Boys in Girls’ Sports, by Zachary Faria. “The [Vermont Principals’ Association] alleged that Mid Vermont Christian violated the organization’s policy on discrimination and harassment by refusing to force its girls to play basketball against a boy… This wasn’t done to uphold the sanctity of VPA’s policies. It was done as a warning to other schools that recognize how unfair it is to force its girls’ teams to play against boys. Bend the knee to gender ideology, or you too will be banned from all sports.” Read more here.


With ‘Abortion Provider Appreciation Day,’ Democrats Openly Celebrate Executioners, by Nathanael Blake. “…[A]bortion advocates believe that without abortion, women cannot be sexually and economically – and therefore socially and politically – equal to men. But this perceived remedy to the injustice and inequality of nature is itself unjust and unequal. In this age of ultrasound, we can no longer effectively lie to ourselves about the lives violently ended by abortion. We have all seen the pulsing heartbeats and the tiny fingers. There is no justice in ending these developing human lives.” Read more here.


If Biden Gets His Way, Using Correct Pronouns Could Be a Human Rights Violation, by Cherise Trump. “With Title IX enforcing gender ideology, what will happen to students who disagree with this dangerous dogma? What will happen to students who believe in basic biology, namely the notion that there are two sexes, that a man can’t become a woman, and vice versa? What will happen to students who have traditional values and remain true to their faith? The answer is alarming. Under this butchered version of civil rights law, these students will be vulnerable to an array of punishments, including suspension and even expulsion.” Read more here.


Yes, the State Has Both the Right and the Responsibility to Restrict Gender Ideology, by Kaylee McGhee White. “He points out that giving the state additional authority over familial relationships is a slippery slope, arguing that this authority could easily be used against, say, homeschooling families. …[T]here is no question at all that surgically and chemically mutilating children … is morally reprehensible. This reality must take priority over any concern of a slippery slope, no matter how legitimate it might be.” Read more here.


From California to South Carolina, Abortion Extremists Pollute Public Policy, by Quin Hillyer. “Enough is too much. On both sides. Abortion is a matter so fraught with conflicting emotions, conflicting values and beliefs, and still even conflicting ‘science’ that there’s no way a pluralistic society will ever reach a perfect consensus on it. For the foreseeable future, there will be plenty of facets of abortion policy to argue about, battle politically about, and maybe prayerfully compromise over, all in a very broad range. In that light, shouldn’t we all at least renounce the absolute extremes?” Read more here.


No, Age-Appropriate Library Restrictions Are Not ‘Book Bans,’ by Raheem Williams. “The issue is primarily a cultural tug-of-war taking place in public school libraries. The discovery of sexually explicit books on school bookshelves nationwide has sparked controversy… There’s an assumption that the government has a responsibility to produce and distribute every book in existence to school children free of charge. This may sound great until you consider that books often contain inaccurate, poorly sourced, or controversial information.” Read more here.


Four Things to Know About Major Texas Court Case Against Abortion Pill Access, by Kaelan Deese. “The case surrounds a challenge brought by anti-abortion physicians and medical associations to the Food and Drug Association’s 2000 approval of the drug mifepristone, the first drug in the medication abortion process. If the judge grants the request to block access to the drug nationwide, it could make the abortion pills more difficult to obtain even in states where such procedures are legal.” Read more here.


Exposing the Lie of ‘Gender-Affirming Care,’ by Doreen Denny. “…[W]hat didn’t receive that kind of attention is a recent statement by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, that the practice of so-called ‘gender-affirming care,’ convincing impressionable teenagers that feeling like the opposite sex means you are the opposite sex, is extremely damaging. In a seven-part statement, AAPS exposes this heresy – ‘changing physical appearance does not change biological sex’ – and takes direct aim at the medical industry promoting destructive ‘transgender’ medical procedures on youth…” Read more here.


Declaring a Public Health Emergency Over Abortion Would Be Reckless, by Jeanne Mancini. “A public health emergency declaration would expand distribution of these pills and eliminate safeguards at the expense of women’s health. It would allow the Biden administration to simply ignore any unfavorable ruling in the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine’s lawsuit and to promote the chemical abortion pill even more. But it wouldn’t stop there. The declaration would also direct emergency federal resources towards advancing the pro-abortion agenda overall and force Americans to fund it against their consciences.” Read more here.


VA House Stops Democrats From Putting a Right to Partial-Birth Abortion in the State Constitution, by Ashley Bateman. “The amendment would have … legalized abortion up to and during birth… That bill would have given abortionists license to choose an alternative method of killing through a provision of ‘Method not listed’ with almost no limitations. The so-called Right to Abortion Amendment would have made unborn babies vulnerable to these assaults up until birth. Advocates made no apologies for their gruesome stance.” Read more here.


Norway Offers a Stop Forward in Eliminating Gender Ideology, by Debra Soh. “Common sense and science are gradually prevailing. Last week, the Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board announced it would be revising its current guidelines regarding so-called ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors because it no longer considers them to be evidence-based. The board also acknowledged that the growing number of teenage girls identifying as male post-puberty remains under-studied.” Read more here.


Make Women Female Again, by Christopher Tremoglie. “The joint forces of the radical Left and the transgender lobby have appropriated the day to adhere to the insanity that is contemporary left-wing political ethos. Once a day to celebrate all things feminine, International Women’s Day now actually celebrates men pretending to be women… Women must not submit to left-wing cultural extremism that would debase them and embrace a counterfeit womanhood.” Read more here.


Outdated State Laws Don’t Address Common Practice of Teenage Sexting, by Christine Queally. “Cases involving child sexual abuse material have risen in the last two decades with the advent of new technologies to capture and share explicit imagery… While it is illegal for teenagers to send explicit images of their peers to others in all states and of themselves to others in almost all states, many of them still do. In fact, according to a 2018 study, more teenagers are sending and receiving explicit imagery than ever before.” Read more here.


FDA Absurdly Claims There’s ‘Therapeutic Benefit’ to Killing Unborn Babies With Drugs, by Terence Jeffrey. “…[T]he Biden administration’s argument for the alleged ‘therapeutic benefit’ of a chemical abortion focuses entirely on the ramifications for the human being seeking the abortion, not the human being who is aborted… The administration completely ignores the fact that not only is there a death associated with the use of these drugs, it is the very purpose of these drugs. An unborn child is a human being. A drug that is designed to abort the life of that unborn child is a drug designed to kill a human being.” Read more here.


The Realities of Transition Regret, by Debra Soh. “She grieved the inability to breastfeed her baby after giving birth and wanted to raise awareness about the difficulties detransitioned women experience. She also spoke about the poor maternity care she encountered during her pregnancy because practitioners didn’t understand her situation or what detransitioning had entailed… Considering that girls as young as 12 are undergoing this procedure, I anticipate a huge uptick in the number of new mothers presenting with this issue in the future.” Read more here.


How Undemocratic Democrats Force Gender Ideology on Unsuspecting Families, by Washington Examiner. “The committee’s report justifying its recommendations explains that ‘when students are separated by boys and girls, it affirms a rigid binary based on anatomy.’ Apparently, this affirmation of biological reality is bad. The committee adds, ‘Separation of students into boys and girls does not create an inclusive environment for instruction to occur.’ Inclusion, in this rationale, excludes the opinion of the vast majority, which also happens to accord with reality rather than the Left’s preferred fantasy.” Read more here.


Pro-Lifers Issue Warnings After Ohio’s ‘Radical’ Abortion Amendment Clears First Hurdle, by Sarah Arnold. “The proposed constitutional amendment would pose risks for women by removing current health and safety protections for women, abolish parental consent and notification laws, and enable abortion on demand up until the moment of birth… SBA Pro-Life America’s State Affairs Director Sue Liebel cautioned against the amendment, saying it would endanger women’s lives by doing away with basic health regulations.” Read more here.


Sending the Wounded to the Front, by Nathanael Blake. “Transgenderism is culturally powerful and financially lucrative – every troubled teenage girl who identifies as trans is worth a fortune to the medical–pharmaceutical complex. Greed and ideology are a potent combination, so it is no wonder that almost all safeguards have been abandoned when it comes to transitioning children. But this greed may be their undoing. …[L]awsuits may bring down the medical and pharmaceutical cartels that profited from hurting them. The transgender monolith will fall as its victims stand up to it.” Read more here.


Major Doctors’ Organization Publicly Embraces Dismembering Babies Until Birth, by Jordan Boyd. “…[T]he American College of Physicians (ACP) announced its official stance on abortion is that ‘individuals have the right to make their own decisions, in partnership with their physician or health care professional’ without legal consequences… The ACP also used the brief … to formally condemn life-saving pro-life laws for banning the barbaric practice of in-utero dismemberment abortion and punishing anyone who illegally ends unborn lives.” Read more here.


TikTok Influencers Are Trying to Turn Your Kids Trans Behind Your Back as This Must-See Exposé Shows, by Brandon Morse. “…White points out that some of these influencers talking to your kid are actively encouraging your child to keep their ‘conversations’ a secret from you, the parent. This doesn’t just mean random transgendered people, but medical professionals as well who give out phone numbers they can call for a secretive consultation… None of this should be surprising but it’s absolutely integral to see what your kids may very well be seeing whenever they log onto TikTok, if you let them on the app at all.” Read more here.


The Powerful LGBT Group Behind California’s Most Radical Laws Is Setting Its Sights on Washington, by Susannah Luthi. “Powerful organizations in Sacramento often team up on bill sponsorship to add to the pressure. Unions, several of which donate to Equality California, are a particularly important ally, as are Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union. Together, this coalition overhauled California schools’ sex education curriculum to include instruction about gay sex and gender identities. Planned Parenthood and Equality California consult with districts on how to teach the program.” Read more here.


Parents Defended Embattled Child Gender Clinic. Their Stories Confirm Critics’ Worst Fears, by Laurel Duggan. “About two dozen parents disputed recent claims that the Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital was rushing mentally ill children onto cross-sex medical interventions … but their stories highlight some of the clinic’s controversial practices… Parents who were supportive of the clinic reported that their children had numerous mental health comorbidities and transitioned at young ages, sometimes without a history of gender identity issues, and that doctors used suicide risk to pressure families into medical transitions.” Read more here.


Washington State AG: Abortion Pill Is ‘Safer Than Tylenol,’ by Dan Hart. “As noted previously by Szoch and Dr. Ingrid Skop, chemical abortions also pose a unique challenge for the woman, who is expected to carry out the abortion at her home. ‘Chemical abortions are uniquely traumatic in that a mother must personally dispose of the remains of her aborted child, who may be visibly recognizable as a baby. At eight to 10 weeks gestation when chemical abortions are often carried out, the baby is approximately the size and shape of a gummy bear with easily recognizable head, hands, feet, fingers, and toes.’” Read more here.


Washington State Would Destroy Both a Homeless Shelter and Religious Freedom, by Quin Hillyer. “The Washington Supreme Court, ignoring copious U.S. Supreme Court precedent, recently decided that the Union Gospel Mission may not adhere to its faith-based hiring practices, and state officials now threaten the charity with considerable punishment for doing so. As in many other similar cases, the homeless shelter in question will serve anybody in need but just not hire nonbelievers to serve them.” Read more here.


NSW Must Not Repeat the Mistakes of Other States About Conversion Therapy Legislation, by John Steenhof. “The NSW Parliament must resist pressure to repeat the same mistakes. It should open an evidence-based parliamentary inquiry. It should hold public hearings. It should listen to the voices of dissenting gays and lesbians. It should protect the right of people to seek whatever help they want, from whoever they want, in accordance with the human rights of all concerned.” Read more here.


Busting Five Myths of Gender Ideology, by Madeleine Kearns. “Scrutinizing the claims of gender ideology, it soon becomes apparent how incoherent they are. On the one hand, we’re told that men and women are the same – that the differences we observe in professional outcomes and sexual behavior are the result of sexist stereotyping. And yet, they are different; and men can really be women and women can really be men, by appropriating opposite-sex stereotypes.” Read more here.


Actually, Most People Love Being Parents, by Jim Dalrymple. “Specifically, 36% of Pew’s respondents said that being a parent is enjoyable all the time. Another 44% said it’s enjoyable most of the time. That’s a total of 80% of respondents who described parenting as enjoyable… More surprising still, lower-income parents are actually more likely to see parenting as enjoyable and rewarding all the time than parents with higher and middle incomes.” Read more here.


The Abortion Pill Turns Every Woman’s Home Into a Potential Site of Trauma, by Abby Johnson. “I have counseled many former abortion workers as well as women who have had abortions. The anguish they suffer is almost unbearable. Abortion workers see a side of abortion almost no one else does – they have to put together the pieces of the baby in the lab to make sure nothing is left inside the woman… They have images inside their heads they can never forget. Now women who go the medication abortion route are going to see these same things, and like many abortion workers, they aren’t trained to deal with it.” Read more here.


With 3D Body-Image Avatars and Fake Voices for Trans People, Biden’s NIH Goes to New Extremes, by Anonymous. “The NIH is wasting taxpayer dollars on a project titled ‘Personalized 3D avatar tool development for measurement of body perception across gender identities,’ which purports to help people with gender dysphoria by mapping the difference between their actual physical embodiment and what they believe their body to be. But instead, it indulges their illness by defying science and denying the immutability of sex.” Read more here.


Biden Seeks to Strip Health Care Professionals of Conscience Protections, by Melanie Israel. “In 2019, the Trump administration issued a regulation empowering the Department of Health and Human Services to robustly enforce federal conscience protection laws. But now, the Biden administration is proposing to gut those rules, which would ultimately leave people more vulnerable to being forced to participate in controversial procedures that violate their conscience.” Read more here.


The Left’s Transgender Agenda for Children Is at a Tipping Point, by Sarah Weaver. “A large number of key studies used to justify sex-change treatments for minors have fallen apart under scrutiny. One study, which outlets like NBC, U.S. News and The Hill touted as disproving the theory that ‘social contagion’ contributes to the rise in transgender-identified youth, was methodologically flawed… What studies do appear to show, however, is that in cases of children experiencing gender dysphoria, the vast majority will desist.” Read more here.


The Scientific Revolt Against Gender Ideology Has Begun, by Kaylee McGhee White. “To be clear, gender activists don’t really care whether the science backs up their agenda or not. But it does give them a claim to authority on this issue, which they have used aggressively in recent years to convince every one of our powerful institutions, from the education establishment to the healthcare sector to the White House, to accept gender ideology as fact. Debunking their bogus scientific claims brings us one step closer to breaking this ideological grip.” Read more here.


Want to Protect Life? Oppose Revival of the Equal Rights Amendment, by Emma Waters. “…Democrats have looked for new ways to secure an absolute right to abortion. If Congress votes to remove the expiration date of the Equal Rights Amendment, and if the amendment is ratified later by the specified number of states, then the ERA could anchor a supposed right to abortion in the Constitution itself… To protect the lives of women and their unborn children, lawmakers must oppose the national Equal Rights Amendment.” Read more here.


As Porn Gets Worse and Democrats Embrace It, One Newer Group Has a Novel Approach to Combat It, by Rachel Alexander. “The left promotes the attitude of doing whatever you want sexually by labeling it ‘freedom’ but completely ignores all the damage porn does to its victims. Many of the women exploited are fooled into thinking it’s harmless… Brain scans have shown that pornography has the same effect on the brain as cocaine. FTND states that there are ‘35 neuroscience-based studies using a variety of brain imaging technologies … that provide solid support for the reality of internet porn addiction.’” Read more here.


Washington State Teacher ‘Says the Quiet Part Out Loud’ on Parental Rights in Education, by Tyler O’Neil. “’On one hand, it’s utterly frightening that a teacher would hold the views that she is a better judge of children than their own parents and then publicly say so on Twitter,’ Prior said. ‘On the other hand, having people in positions of authority say the quiet part out loud gives parents the opportunity to understand what is actually happening at their schools and take appropriate action.’” Read more here.


Biden Pentagon Orders Military Chaplains to Bless Putting Male Soldiers in Female Showers and Bedrooms, by Elaine Donnelly. “Military commanders, doctors and nurses, chaplains, and military men and women at all levels must endorse and act on this ideological belief or suffer career penalties if they don’t. Alleged ‘biases against transgender individuals,’ which are prohibited, could include anything from ‘misgendering’ people with the wrong pronouns to expressions of concern about medically questionable hormone treatments or surgeries for adults or military-dependent children.” Read more here.


Citizens Request Treaty Change for Abortion, by Bridget Ryder. “A European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) to add access to abortion to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has – for the moment – been rejected by the European Commission… As the commission has made it clear, it does not have the power to move forward with citizens’ proposals on treaty change, so the initiative may be a dead end for abortion advocates. But … pro-life supporters should keep an eye on such proposals. They are one more way abortion proponents will continue their attempts to create a right to abortion.” Read more here.


Incredible … UN Women Refused to Hear WYA’s CSW67 Recommendations, by Sofia Piecuch. “Our participant from Tunisia spoke against the inclusion of CSE but was not allowed to finish. ‘They cut me off saying that they have no time and mentioned going back to the main room…’ As WYA experienced, the space provided by UN Women to gather youth and adolescent inputs was not open, inclusive, accessible or transparent for WYA members, who were either removed from the platform or silenced by moderators.” Read more here.


How the LGBT Movement Is Making Young Women Depressed, by Conn Carroll. “…[I]f you dig into the numbers a little deeper, you’ll quickly see that almost all of the growth in LGBT identification is coming from young adults identifying as ‘bisexual,’ and almost all of the growth in young Americans identifying as ‘bisexual’ is coming from young women specifically… One recent study found that bisexual females and females questioning their sexuality had significantly higher scores for depression, anxiety, and traumatic distress than female heterosexuals.” Read more here.


Teenage Girls Are in Trouble. It’s Time to Acknowledge Social Media’s Role, by Jean Twenge. “Although not all teens are negatively affected by social media, some are very negatively impacted. If 38% of girls who ate a new-to-the-market candy got a stomachache, compared to only 11% who ate other candy, the new candy would immediately be pulled from the market even though the majority were not adversely affected. Yet those are the exact statistics for social media and depression for girls in one of the best-designed studies, and social media is still available to children and teens with no age verification required.” Read more here.


UN Commission Considers AI Crackdown on Homosexual/Trans Critics, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “The first artificial intelligence programs have only just begun to emerge, but progressive countries already have plans to use the new technology to silence … anyone who objects to abortion and homosexual/trans demands. Progressive Western governments are pushing for global censorship through artificial intelligence to fight ‘technology-facilitated sexual and gender-based violence,’ a new term that can be used to re-cast opposition to abortion and homosexual/trans rights as a form of online violence and quash it.” Read more here.


The Evils of ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care, by Isabella DeLuca. “The issue that we are facing now is medical professionals, such as doctors and therapists, who are put in place to protect children, are spreading this propaganda that all gender dysphoria has one root cause: being born in the wrong body and that there is one solution to this: complete gender transition. This supposed ‘cause’ does not account for any other potential internal or external factors within the child’s life, and this ‘treatment’ does nothing but harm the child.” Read more here.


Taxpayer-Funded NPR Uncritically Promotes Mutilation for ‘Transgender’ Children, by Zachary Faria. “NPR is the best propaganda outlet that taxpayer money can buy. The outlet has joined in on the transgender craze, publishing a completely uncritical piece about ‘gender-affirming care’ for children in Florida, one of the states that have wisely moved to ban it. ‘Gender-affirming care’ is nothing more than chemical manipulation and surgical mutilation, and such procedures have permanent effects on children that can never be reversed.” Read more here.


Beyond Binary: New and Old Models of Fatherhood Can Work Together, by Alan J. Hawkins. “The missing second part of his statement is a clear acknowledgement that quality and quantity are highly correlated, that the quality of the parental relationship is strongly associated with positive father involvement, and that co-residence supports quality father engagement, while not living with the child and the child’s mother inhibits it, even among fathers who have a strong desire to be good dads. Yes, non-residential fathers can be good fathers … but the empirical reality … is that the odds are heavily stacked against fathers when the romantic partnership with his child’s mother goes south.” Read more here.


The Associated Press Joins the War on Crisis Pregnancy Centers, by Ashley McGuire. “Calling pregnancy centers, many of which have names that are in no way identified with abortion or the politics surrounding it, ‘anti-abortion,’ jeopardizes the vulnerable women that turn to them for help… But the AP’s mischaracterization of these centers does more than push incendiary language. It’s flat-out biased and unfair – and that would be true coming from anyone, much less from an enterprise claiming to be the literal vanguard of journalistic integrity.” Read more here.


There’s a New Battlefield in the Fight Over Abortion, and Conflict Is Heating Up, by Katelynn Richardson. “In 2000, when the FDA approved mifepristone, …it did so under accelerated approval regulations intended for drugs that ‘have been studied for their safety and effectiveness in treating serious or life-threatening illnesses and that provide meaningful therapeutic benefit to patients over existing treatments,’ forcing the agency to categorize pregnancy as an ‘illness,’ according to the lawsuit.” Read more here.


Reforms Could Change Ethos of Australia’s Religious Schools, by Angela Shanahan. “The ALRC says a school would have control over the curriculum, as far as the state’s curriculum guidelines. Fair enough, but how can you have control over curriculum, especially in religion, when at the same time there is a proviso to present ‘alternative views’ that ignore the fundamental nature of Judaeo-Christian teaching on marriage, family and sex that is at the moral core of belief on human sexuality and procreation of human life?” Read more here.


Leave Pregnancy Resource Centers Alone, by Matt Lamb. “…[T]here are efforts from Big Tech, politicians, and legacy media to harm these groups that provide low-cost or free services to help families choose life and either raise their children in a healthy environment or place them for adoption… While Big Tech silences within the private sector, political efforts work to use the weight of the government to stop these pro-life nonprofit organizations.” Read more here.


The Child Sex Change Industry Is Exploding in the U.S., by Laurel Duggan. “About 300,000 children in the U.S. identify as transgender, according to the University of California Los Angeles Williams Institute, though not everyone who adopts a transgender identity seeks a medical transition. While many of these children undergo surgical procedures, particularly mastectomies, a larger portion receive puberty blockers and/or hormones, which provides a continuous stream of revenue to pharmaceutical companies and medical providers.” Read more here.


Spain: Study Links Increased Transgender Cases With Laws, by Bridget Ryder. “The study found that in Valencia, the number of transgender cases grew by more than 10,000 percent between 2016 and 2021. In Catalonia, it grew by 7,000 percent between 2012 and 2021, with the number of new cases increasing by 40 percent between 2020 and 2021. In Madrid, between January and August of 2022 alone, the endocrinology departments of the city’s six public hospitals received a total of 848 visits from referrals by the gender identity units, almost half of which were first consultations.” Read more here.


By Accusing Pregnancy Centers of False Advertising, Pro-Abortion Politicians Prove They Can’t Handle the Truth, by Jor-El Godsey. “If every state already has laws against deceptive advertising and if pregnancy centers are, in their opponents’ words, advertising deceptively, why is another law required? You’d think … the current laws would have been easy to use to stop the ‘deceptive advertising’ practices the abortion proponents rail against… Perhaps pregnancy centers are really only guilty of standing against Big Abortion and its deep pockets and bought-off politicians.” Read more here.


Can States Stop Do-It-Yourself Abortion Pills? by Sarah Parshall Perry. “State or local governments can regulate matters related to health and safety without violating the supremacy clause. And, as my Heritage Foundation colleague Tom Jipping and I have written, that means, with Roe v. Wade now overruled, the states may again exercise their traditional police power to restrict or prohibit abortion – including particular methods of abortion, such as by pill.” Read more here.


How Autogynephilia Is Fueling Today’s Transgender Activism, by Debra Soh. “There exists an overlap between [autogynephilia] and narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders, but the most aggressive individuals with AGP, who demand that trans women be considered indistinguishable from women, and who are overriding social boundaries and requiring policy to facilitate this, don’t represent everybody. Many of those experiencing AGP do so quietly and don’t transition to female full-time.” Read more here.


End the Horrors of the Pediatric Gender-Industrial Complex, Now, by Post Editorial Board. “…[A]ll it took to get these kids on hormones was one letter from a therapist plus a single medical consultation. Those hormones have potentially life-altering and irreversible consequences, including sterility, liver toxicity and severe sexual issues. Worse yet, intakes came in from a mental health unit at the hospital. Yes, kids with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were put on hormones as a cure for their mental illness…” Read more here.


Trained to Hate Their Sex and Selves, 1 in 3 Teen Girls Now Considers Suicide, by Auguste Meyrat. “What has changed in the last decade and in the last few years that has driven young women ever further to despair? From what I’ve witnessed as a high school teacher, this would probably be the rise of social media and transgenderism… Related to the problem of social media is the transgenderism movement, which argues that sex is fluid and that changing one’s sex will make someone happier. This idea has been incredibly destabilizing for female identity and has led to the wide-scale invasion of women’s spaces.” Read more here.


The Associated Press Has Lost Its Brain to Gender Ideology, by Zachary Faria. “The delusions go far beyond the scientifically illiterate assertion that men can become women and women can become men. The AP bemoans the lack of ‘recognition’ for ‘nonbinary or gender-fluid people,’ two completely fabricated categories that mean nothing… This is really all just a form of disinformation. The AP is taking sides in the culture war, and unfortunately, that means that its reporting on this topic cannot be trusted.” Read more here.


As Book Battles Erupt Across the Country, Idaho Turns to Legislation, by Abigail Olsson. “If this bill passes, parents would have the ability to sue agencies that expose children to inappropriate content, adding an additional layer of accountability to the education system. Allowing parents to sue is a good step forward, Kilgannon says, but ‘the only reason we need a bill like this is because librarians, teachers, and school administrators are ignoring parents.’” Read more here.


Six Reasons Why Alex Greenwich’s Gay Conversion Therapy Bill Will Be Bad for New South Wales, by Michael Cook. “A ban on criticism of LGBTQIA+ will stop parents, pastors, and therapist [sic] from offering advice to teenagers who are confused about their sexuality. A ban is a conversion rachet which moves only in one direction – towards assimilation in the LGBTQIA+ community. It will allow therapists to offer affirming advice to teens but stop anyone from discouraging them. The ultimate effect of this will be to hand over the care of troubled teens to government-funded counsellors.” Read more here.


‘Queer’ Whistleblower Exposes Evils of the School-to-Scalpel Pipeline, by Ian Prior. “The whistleblower’s story … reveals the endgame of drugs and surgery to chemically castrate and irreversibly damage children physically and mentally. That endgame does not happen in isolation. It begins at school… Students who ‘identify’ as a different sex are effectively given rights above and beyond everyone else. It’s no wonder young adolescents would deal with their growing pains in a way that gives them a feeling of acceptance, validation, and being part of a new ‘civil right.’” Read more here.


Red States Should Lead Way in Reforming Anti-Marriage Welfare Policies, by Benjamin Paris and Jamie Bryan Hall. “Twenty-six state-level preschool programs contain penalties that discourage marriage. The vast majority of those programs will allow a single mother to send her child to preschool free of charge but eliminate the entire preschool benefit if she marries a man of equal or even lower income… Because of this program structure, a typical working-class couple is incentivized to remain unmarried and raise their children as single parents in order to retain their preschool benefits.” Read more here.


Prayer Is Becoming Criminal in the UK, by Elyssa Koren. “Prayer, even silent prayer, could be a prosecutable offense in the United Kingdom, thanks to recent developments. Catholic priest Father Sean Gough from Birmingham, England finds himself in the midst of a legal battle for allegedly violating a censorship zone banning prayer on public streets around an abortion facility. This marks the latest in a string of thought crime cases rocking fundamental freedoms in the UK.” Read more here.


No, Being a Mother to Your Unborn Baby Is Not the Same as Slavery, by Nathanael Blake. “No one at the time the 13th Amendment was written and ratified thought it included unwanted pregnancy as a form of involuntary servitude. And they were right. It is madness to regard a developing human in the womb as an intrusive stranger with no claim upon a woman. It is crazy to believe that the ordinary, natural processes of human reproduction are the moral and legal equivalent of slavery.” Read more here.


Detransitioners Are Being Abandoned by Medical Professionals Who Devastated Their Bodies and Minds, by Kelsey Bolar. “After being swarmed by health providers who enabled her to medically transition as a minor, Prisha Mosley now says she’s been abandoned by the medical community as she attempts to navigate a complicated and painful detransition… Prisha doesn’t know why she’s been turned away from so many doctors and medical providers – whether it’s about money, politics, or a lack of knowledge to help.” Read more here.


Religious Schools Will Be Forced to Embrace Transgender Ideology, by Kirralie Smith. “The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has released a paper that seems intent on destroying religious schooling in Australia… Balancing clauses that have, until now, allowed religious schools and colleges to operate in accordance with their faith, are to be abolished. The propositions require the schools, even religious studies classes, to include ‘alternative views,’ and staff cannot be restricted in any way regardless of their sexual orientation or identity.” Read more here.


The United Nations’ Agenda to Sexualize American Children in the Name of Equality, by Kimberly Ells. “…UNESCO, UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO, and their partners including IPPF have proven themselves to be tenacious advocates of CSE and/or sexual rights for children. Since this is the case, the global education structure being mounted by them is poised to spread sexual rights ideology like a contagion to children everywhere. UN-directed, tech-based education is the syringe through which comprehensive sexuality education is poised to be administered to the children of the world.” Read more here.


State Hearings on Gender Transitions for Minors Draw Large Crowds, by Chantel Hoyt. “The contentious debate surrounding gender transition procedures for minors continued unabated in statehouses across the nation this week, with several states moving bills meant to shield youth from the physical and emotional harms of such procedures… State lawmakers seem more determined than ever to address the trauma and permanent scars experienced by people like Chloe Cole from occurring to minors in their state.” Read more here.


I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle, by Jamie Reed. “During the four years I worked at the clinic as a case manager … around a thousand distressed young people came through our doors… I left the clinic in November of last year because I could no longer participate in what was happening there. By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to ‘do no harm.’ Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care.” Read more here.


The FBI’s Slander of ‘Radical’ Traditionalist Catholics, by the Editors of National Review. “The Richmond office of the FBI prepared a memo on what it called ‘Radical Traditionalist Catholics’ and the threat they posed… The memo accuses such Catholics of ‘adherence to anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ and white supremacist ideology.’ It contains several references to Catholic hostility to ‘abortion rights.’ And it recommended with some optimism that containing the threat posed by such Catholics can be accomplished by cultivating sources and assets within the Catholic Church itself.” Read more here.


We Must Protect Minors From Gender Transition Procedures, by Matt Sharp. “We must be clear: the experimental gender transition procedures foisted on our children are often irreversible. They prevent healthy puberty, radically alter the child’s hormonal balance, and may even remove healthy external or internal organs and body parts. And not only are such drugs and procedures dangerous, but they are also experimental and unproven. In fact, multiple long-term studies show that when young children who experience gender dysphoria are allowed to mature naturally, most of them … grow out of their dysphoria.” Read more here.


Prostitution Bill Moves to Parliament, by Errol Naidoo. “This is not new legislation but rather the repeal of existing laws that criminalise the sale and purchase of adult sexual services. Essentially, this Amendment will legalize all aspects of the sex industry in South Africa – effectively legitimizing pimps, brothels and criminal syndicates. The impact of a legalized sex industry on society will be dire and far-reaching. Decriminalised prostitution significantly expands the sex trade and increases child prostitution and trafficking.” Read more here.


No Room for Debate: Parents, Not Schools, Must Direct Children’s ‘Gender’ Decisions, by Quin Hillyer. “The horrors inflicted upon Sage as a consequence comprise an extreme case, of course. But even if Sage had not been removed from her own home or abused, the school was way off base in hiding her ‘identity change’ from her parents to start with. No matter what school officials think about their own power, parents, not the officials, ordinarily have ultimate authority over how to raise children. Absent a court finding of abuse or severe abandonment, parental authority is sacrosanct.” Read more here.


Abortion-Inducing ‘Period Pills’ Come to the U.S., by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “…[P]roponents of so-called ‘period pills’ are trying to appeal to an audience that is uncomfortable with abortion for moral reasons.  A website promoting the pills quotes women’s reasons to prefer this method to a standard abortion following a pregnancy test. ‘It would be easier on my emotional well-being to not know I was actually pregnant,’ one woman said.  Another said, ‘I wouldn’t feel I am a bad person.’” Read more here.


Biden Paints Lifesaving, Pro-Life Laws as ‘Extreme,’ by Mary Margaret Olohan. “The president’s reference to ‘extreme abortion bans’ refers to laws that protect unborn babies from being killed. Almost 70% of Americans support limiting abortions to the first three months of a pregnancy… The states with strong pro-life laws on the books allow timely medical treatments for miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and other medical procedures needed to save the life of a pregnant woman, contrary to the claims of many high-profile Democrats.” Read more here.


How to Combat Gender Theory in Public Schools, by Christopher Rufo. “As radical gender theory has made its way into public schools across the United States, children as young as five have been exposed to ideas that encourage them to question their gender identities, sometimes with life-changing and irreversible results. Despite Americans’ broadly shared skepticism about gender identity curricula and practices in schools, many ideologically motivated teachers and administrators have not relented in their mission to advance radical gender theory…” Read more here.


No, Mr. President, the Equality Act Harms Women and Children, by Emma Waters. “Biden encouraged Congress to pass the Equality Act ‘to ensure LGBTQ Americans, especially transgender young people, can live with safety and dignity.’ But we know what this is code for… The Equality Act harms women, children, and all those who understand mammalian biology. While he spoke in lofty terms about ‘our duty to protect all the people’s rights and freedoms’ last night, Biden’s address failed to protect the rights and freedoms of women and children – the two groups most harmed by his radical agenda.” Read more here.


Puberty Blockers Fast-Track Children Toward Full Gender Transition, by the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine. “The authors did find a low rate of detransition during the puberty blocker phase: 93% – 98% of youth who started puberty blockers … proceeded to start cross-sex hormones. This finding led the authors to appropriately conclude that puberty blockers may not serve as a diagnostic tool, but rather represent the first step in medical gender transition – and they even suggest that treatment with puberty blockers may contribute to the high incidence of subsequent treatment with cross-sex hormones.” Read more here.


Indiana Lawmakers Fight Back Against Schools’ Hidden Transgender Policies, by Tony Kinnett. “Teshka condemned what he called ‘emotional blackmail’ in which ‘…anyone who questions any of these “affirmation policies” is immediately confronted by this idea that “you hate transgender youth because transgender youth are going to commit suicide [without] these policies.”’ ‘Suicide is nothing to throw around lightly,’ the Indiana lawmaker said.” Read more here.


Biden Administration Trying to Force Doctors to Perform Abortions, by Alliance Defending Freedom. “[The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act] explicitly states that hospitals are required to provide treatment to stabilize emergency medical conditions for both a pregnant mother and her ‘unborn child.’ The act clearly outlines the need to protect unborn children, not harm them. But following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe, the Biden administration is attempting to redefine EMTALA to mandate the performance of abortions.” Read more here.


The Right to Life Will Be Constitutionally Protected When the Truth About Abortion Is Acknowledged, by James Sherley. “The leading provider of abortions in the U.S., Planned Parenthood, earns the majority of its revenue by stopping pregnant mothers from being parents. Pro-choice protesters pronounce abortion to be healthcare, although every abortion kills a child… Pro-choice marchers claim to want to give their daughters a future with abortion rights, but current abortion practice will end the lives of millions of those daughters, along with their brothers, long before their childbearing years.” Read more here.


Leftist Lunacy Means Being ‘Transgender’ Is More Important Than Being the ‘Right’ Gender, by Douglas Blair. “In a video game set in a world where magic exists and can make you into whatever version of yourself you want to be, why would you choose to be transgender and not just the sex you feel you are? The insistence that video games must give players the option to be transgender is yet another piece of evidence that transgenderism can be an identity adopted for social cachet and is not always an actual desire to be the opposite sex.” Read more here.


Virginia Senate Votes Today on Bill to Put Abortion Until Birth in State Constitution, by Ashley Bateman. “On Feb. 6, the Senate will vote on SJ 255, a ‘Right to Abortion Amendment’ that would make abortion a ‘fundamental right’ in the commonwealth. This state constitutional amendment would allow abortion to be performed until birth and require taxpayers to pay for it. The amendment would be codified into law if it passes both chambers for two consecutive years and then passes a statewide ballot referendum. It would effectively nullify any pro-life laws in the state…” Read more here.


The Double Whammy Making Italy the West’s Fastest Shrinking Nation, by Jason Horowitz. “Italy’s population is aging and shrinking at the fastest rate in the West, forcing the country to adapt to a booming population of the elderly that puts it at the forefront of a global demographic trend that experts call the ‘silver tsunami.’ But it faces a demographic double whammy, with a drastically sinking birthrate that is among the lowest in Europe. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has said Italy is ‘destined to disappear’ unless it changes.” Read more here.


Why Comprehensive Sexuality Education Is Not the Answer, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “Both the U.S.-based and international reviews looked at the sustainability of effects … and whether sexual activity, sexually transmitted infections, teen pregnancies, and condom use rose or fell among students who were taught according to the different programs. Overall, the researchers concluded that the much-hyped successful outcomes of CSE were based on weak evidence, unsustainable results, and, likely, some degree of motivated reasoning by those conducting the evaluations.” Read more here.


Female Athletes Sound the Alarm About Trans Athletes in Women’s Sports, by Madeline Leesman. “February 1 marks the 37th annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day, which celebrates the achievements and progression in women’s athletics since the implementation of Title IX. In the past few years, however, women’s sports have been threatened, as male-bodied ‘transgender’ athletes have made their way onto women’s sports teams, and in some cases, even into their locker rooms.” Read more here.


Montana Senate Hears Testimony for the ‘Youth Health Protection Act,’ by Chantel Hoyt. “The proponent side of the argument featured parents and grandparents, medical and mental health experts, researchers, and individuals who have ‘detransitioned.’ It was clearly challenging for witnesses to confine their testimony concerning their knowledge and personal experience on this important subject to the three-minute timeframe provided.” Read more here.


With Mark Houck, as With Jack Phillips, the Persecution Is the Whole Point, by Kaylee McGhee White. “I doubt the Biden DOJ thought they’d actually win this case. But that wasn’t the goal anyway. The goal of the charges against Houck and the raid on his family was intimidation. The DOJ wanted to send Houck – and the rest of the pro-life movement, for that matter – a message: interfere with our abortion agenda in any way, and we will come for you. It’s a tactic the Left has been using with increasing fervor over the past several years.” Read more here.


Even Progressive Europe Won’t Go as Far as America in Child Transgender Treatments, by Dr. Stanley Goldfarb and Dr. Miriam Grossman. “The American approach, ‘gender affirmation,’ assumes gender identity is knowable from as early as toddlerhood, fixed as soon as it is declared and should be medicalized into permanence as soon as possible. It insists merely questioning a minor’s gender self-definition before often-irreversible interventions is harmful… Europeans generally see affirmation leading to rapid medical interventions as unethical and dangerous.” Read more here.


When Study Shows Transgender Medicine Hurts Kids, Activists and Media Allies Slant the Science, by Nathanael Blake. “Despite the suicides, null results for males, and questionable (at best) results among female subjects, the researchers reported their findings as though they were positive results that supported giving children wrong-sex hormones. And the corporate media bought this spin… Thus, this study will be cited as scientific evidence proving the benefits of transitioning children, even though it shows nothing of the kind.” Read more here.


The Biden Administration’s Proposed Changes to Title IX Threaten Parental Rights, by Kate Anderson and Emilie Kao. “…[T]he Biden Administration’s proposed rule seems to adopt policies that treat parents with suspicion until parents prove that they will support their child’s gender transition… Parents know their children best and have the constitutional right to direct treatment of their children’s mental health. Policies made pursuant to the new Title IX rules could keep parents in the dark and prevent them from exercising their fundamental rights.” Read more here.


Sage’s Law: Protecting Vulnerable Children From the Ideological Fervor of the State, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Sage’s … school should never have hidden the information about her ‘gender identity’ and ailing mental health from her grandparents. The court should never have taken temporary custody of Sage, and it certainly should not have placed her in a male dormitory. All of this could have been prevented, but the state’s relentless desire to force gender ideology onto the public left it blind to a child’s suffering…” Read more here.


Abusing Religious Freedom for Abortion Access, by Tal Fortgang and Howard Slugh. “Allowed to stand, this ruling would have ghastly consequences for religious liberty. States would have to choose between religious liberty laws and every other law they would enforce, nearly all of which burden someone’s conscience and limit behaviors some people consider obligatory. Faced with such a choice, states will have to give up protecting religious liberty altogether. What appears to be a victory for religious liberty … is really just the opposite.” Read more here.


Get Married Before Having Children, and Other Recipes for Reducing Poverty, by James Rogan. “One solution to this catastrophe affecting the nation is to teach the success sequence. The data say that millennials who graduate from high school, get a job, get married, and only then have children will escape poverty, with 97% of those who do so not ending up poor… Studies show demonstrably that the structure of the family is the most important factor in educational and economic success. Schooling has only a limited impact on later life success.” Read more here.


Music Teacher Forced Out for His Religious Beliefs, by Alliance Defending Freedom. “Religious freedom has been one of America’s most cherished rights since the Founding. …[T]he right to exercise our religion is a hallmark of a free society. But over the past few decades, employers have been slowly chipping away at protections for religious exercise in the workplace. Now, some companies are trying to tell their employees that they must set aside their religious beliefs as a condition of employment. This is exactly what happened to one orchestra teacher in Indiana.” Read more here.


The Persecution of Jack Phillips Should End, by the Editors of National Review. “The liberal promise of anti-discrimination laws is that they secure the same rights to all in a neutral fashion. The illiberal reality of their deployment by progressives in clashes between sex-based identity and faith-based identity is to demand that the faithful kneel before favored identity groups. A decent and liberal society would leave Jack Phillips alone. The Colorado government’s pursuit of him has sent a public message that it is neither decent nor liberal.” Read more here.


You Can Expedite Your Nursing License Application in California … If You Plan to Commit Abortions, by Anne Marie Williams, RN, BSN. “A recent nursing school graduate from California was ‘shocked, horrified, and disgusted’ when she applied to take the national licensing exam for registered nurses (NCLEX) and learned that her home state will expedite the application of any healthcare professional willing to assist with or perform abortions… California’s blatant preferential treatment of abortion is particularly egregious considering the massive nursing shortage the state faces.” Read more here.


Biden’s Abortion Mandates Threaten Pro-Life VA Nurse’s Job, but She Isn’t Giving Up, by Danielle Runyan and Holly Randall. “…[T]he [Department of Veterans Affairs] announced that it would begin offering abortion services at VA facilities nationwide. The VA brazenly issued this edict without first engaging the legislative branch, as it is required to do. Ignoring 30 years of congressional authority expressly prohibiting abortions at VA facilities, the VA was to immediately begin offering abortion services regardless of the unborn child’s gestational age and in spite of any state laws which might prohibit such a procedure.” Read more here.


Leftist Lawyers Try to Protect Killing the Unborn by Calling It a Religion, by Sarah Parshall Perry and Thomas Jipping. “The Supreme Court’s decision last summer in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that ‘the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion’ did not stop the attacks on legal protection for the unborn. Going forward, most challenges will make familiar arguments but shift the venue from federal to state courts. Abortion lawyers are also launching less conventional attacks, including that pro-life laws violate the right, under state constitutions or statutes, to freely exercise religion.” Read more here.


Supreme Court’s Cowardice Allows Colorado to Keep Persecuting Christians, by Joy Pullmann. “In 2018, the Supreme Court rebuked the Colorado judicial apparatus for expressing clear animus against Phillips’ Christian beliefs. It did not, however, back the clear First Amendment protections that ought to allow Phillips to worship God peaceably and bake whatever he wants for any reason whatsoever. So Phillips has been made an example by the rapacious LGBT lobby whose end goals are erasing Americans’ free speech and religious exercise rights as well as inserting government meddling into every personal relationship, all marks of totalitarianism.” Read more here.


Woke Activists Promote Drag Shows, Transgenderism in East Tennessee, by Spencer Lindquist. “A report out of east Tennessee’s Blount County reveals that ‘all ages’ drag shows and other forms of LGBT activism are not limited to liberal areas but instead are spreading into conservative strongholds… A report from Misrule of Law documents how drag shows have been organized in the conservative community by a small but dedicated handful of woke activists.” Read more here.


NIH-Funded Study Claims Trans Hormones Improve Mental Health – Despite Patient Suicides, by Laurel Duggan. “A National Institutes of Health-funded study published Jan. 19 in the New England Journal of Medicine claimed to find that cross-sex hormones caused improvements in psychosocial functioning for transgender and nonbinary adolescents. However, two participants committed suicide while another 11 developed suicidal ideation, according to the study.” Read more here.


Christian Cake Artist Gets Persecuted Again, by Quin Hillyer. “Not content to let him get away with refusal to serve same-sex weddings, a leftist lawyer demanded that Phillips make a cake to celebrate a gender transition and another one depicting Satan. These were clearly not good-faith requests but mere harassment… Of course, Phillips refused, which kick-started another Colorado attempt to nail up Phillips as a sacrifice to their gender gods. Naturally, Colorado’s courts … again held Phillips responsible for illegal discrimination based on gender, his religious objections notwithstanding.” Read more here.


Oregon’s Unhinged ‘LGBTQ2SIA+’ Guidance Spells the Death of Education, by Emily Mangiaracina. “The Oregon Department of Education’s new ‘transgender’ guidance, now written for ‘LGBTQ2SIA+’ students …, may not have made more than a quiet splash upon its release – perhaps in part due to the numbing ‘boiling frog’ syndrome. However, it signals something monumental: that the state education department and the culture that shaped it have, perhaps unwittingly, completely subverted the very purpose of education.” Read more here.


The Pro-Life Movement Still Deserves a National Strategy, by Alexandra DeSanctis. “Up until now, thanks to Roe, calling oneself a pro-life politician hasn’t required much at all. This is the moment for pro-lifers to prove those tepid leaders wrong and insist that any candidate who calls himself pro-life must do more than gesture vaguely to state lawmakers. As the March for Life demonstrated, pro-life Americans still have momentum. They would be wise not to give it up.” Read more here.


The Trans War on Tomboys, by Nina Power. “Today, the boyish girl is in danger of being told she was ‘born in the wrong body’ and whisked off to a gender clinic to begin the journey from puberty blockers to breast removal to reproductive surgery and, ultimately, infertility. Setting children on this path – one that many regret – is an obvious, grotesque harm. We have taken a terribly wrong turn in allowing pharmaceutical companies to construct lifelong patients out of healthy children.” Read more here.


A Predator’s Paradise, by Abigail Shrier. “[I]f some of Wiener’s bills seek to protect LGBTQ youth, they also represent a golden opportunity for a different group: adults who would take advantage of them… Consider the Wiener-authored SB 145, a 2020 measure that amended the sex-offender registration laws in California, so that an adult having anal or oral sex with a minor could avoid getting placed on the sex-offender registry, as long as the child was at least 14 and the adult was no more than a decade older.” Read more here.


Transgender Ideology Is Putting Male Rapists Into Women’s Prisons, With Predictable Results, by Zachary Faria. “Men are not women. Men do not belong in women’s spaces, especially if that space is a confined one, such as a prison. Men who are convicted rapists belong nowhere near any women, even if they claim to think they are women… The insanity of transgenderism is having real consequences when it is adopted by the government, and the harm will continue unless people reject this nonsense.” Read more here.


A Public School District Took Middle Schoolers to a Drag Show Without Telling Their Parents, by Patrick Miller and Keith Simon. “When school officials in a diverse community treat their solemn responsibility to seek parental consent as a light matter … they not only jeopardize the welfare of children, they tear at the fabric of our pluralistic social order… When school leaders minimize the problem, they make concerned parents out to be reactionaries. When they betray the trust of parents, they rupture a vital relationship.” Read more here.


The Cultural Abomination of Drag Queen Story Hour Came to Baltimore, by Christopher Tremoglie. “Make no mistake, drag queen story hour has no business in front of children. Much like people would reject exotic dancers reading stories to children because of the mature content of their hypersexualized nature, so, too, should drag queen story hour. They shouldn’t receive special privileges or exemptions (mainly) because they’re part of the LGBT community. Inappropriate is inappropriate regardless of the sexual orientation of most actors involved.” Read more here.


How Not to Regulate Pediatric Gender Medicine, by Leor Sapir and Colin Wright. “State efforts to restrict the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries to address (apparent) gender-related distress in youth make for good public policy. Yet even lawmakers on the morally and scientifically correct side of an issue risk overstepping by unintentionally proposing harmful or strategically counterproductive regulations. We write to warn of three such mistaken efforts.” Read more here.


Dobbs Dealt a Blow to the Supply Side of Abortion; Now Pro-Lifers Should Focus on the Demand Side, by Marvin Olasky. “Going forward, pro-lifers need to emphasize compassionate approaches that can reduce demand for abortions. Prime among them: pregnancy resource centers that offer free material, psychological, and spiritual help to women (and men) in need. They provide 3D or 4D ultrasounds so pregnant women and the fathers of their unborn children can make an informed choice, and they provide a new support community for women when their old one has rejected them. They don’t abandon women who choose abortion, and instead offer post-abortion counseling.” Read more here.


The Weird New Era of Abortion Debate, by Kathryn Lopez. “In this new moment after Roe, there needs to be an examination of our national conscience. Why is abortion so commonplace? Why is it considered freedom and health care when it’s often posited as the only solution, with no consideration of other options for women? There are very hard cases and painful sufferings. Most abortions in America do not involve horrific stories that necessitate babies being born alive in the latest stages of pregnancy – most abortions are birth control.” Read more here.


Minnesota Poised to Legalize Infanticide, Nuke Protections for Women and Babies in Radical Abortion Bill, by Jordan Boyd. “’Viable’ as defined in Minnesota law means ‘able to live outside the womb even though artificial aid may be required,’ which could be as early as ‘the second half of [the] gestation period.’ The [Protect Reproductive Options Act] doesn’t just rid the state of that definition in an attempt to expand abortion for all through birth. It also quashes provisions that abortions performed beyond the first trimester must be done in hospitals and only executed if a mother’s life is at risk.” Read more here.


Virginia Teen Sex-Trafficked Twice After School Hides Gender Identity From Her Parents, by Laura Bryant Hanford. “When the FBI found Sage … in Maryland, where she was victimized by a sexual predator, a judge refused to return her to her parents on the grounds they were abusing her in not affirming her as male. Housed in the boys’ quarters of a children’s home away from her parents, she told her mother, she was assaulted again. The girl soon fled, then was brutally sex-trafficked again until her rescue in Texas by law enforcement.” Read more here.


New Abortion Numbers Don’t Show the Whole Picture, by Melanie Israel. “…[T]he growing use of abortion pills at home makes it harder to count actual abortions. Guttmacher counts chemical (abortion pill) abortions that ‘occurred in clinical settings’ but points out that during their census, roughly 55,000 people requested abortion pills online without going to a facility, according to one study. How many of these women got pills and went through with an abortion? And how many more women got abortion pills from unscrupulous foreign and domestic sources? We don’t know.” Read more here.


The Orwellian World of the Pro-Abortion Movement, by Christopher Tremoglie and Michael Tremoglie. “The issue of ‘reproductive rights’ is not semantical. It makes the issue sound like one of government interfering in the lives of individuals. But this clashes with the fact that abortion advocates most certainly do want laws that interfere with private lives. The most arrant interference is the elimination of parental notification. This means that a minor can legally be taken by some other adult – often an adult sexual abuser, covering up his crime – to have an abortion without her parent’s knowledge.” Read more here.


Washington Laws Now Allow Teen Gender Reassignment Surgery Without Parental Consent, by Jason Rantz. “Unfortunately, unless a parent immediately and unquestionably accepts their kid’s feelings at the time, the Left deems them to be unfit parents. And they believe that if a child even suspects their parents might say no to a life-altering surgery, the child should have the right to move forward on their own. It’s an easy position for politicians or activists to take when they don’t have to deal with the consequences the way a child and his or her family would.” Read more here.


Study Claims Abortion Restrictions Are Linked to Suicide but Ignores Crucial Data Showing Otherwise, by Thomas Kelly. “The authors are claiming that there is an expected 5 percent increase in suicide rates in states that have restrictive abortion laws. But the upward bias in their recorded suicide rates for some states is multiple times the estimated effect of abortion restrictions on suicide rates. This data cannot demonstrate that abortion restrictions are associated with suicide increases because the bias in their data is so extreme.” Read more here.


Team Biden Joins School Library Wars, Launching Federal Investigation, by Suzanne Bowdey. “Glenn … convey[ed] through district spokesman Jeff Meador that all the titles they’d pulled from shelves are ‘sexually explicit and not age-appropriate.’ That said, the libraries ‘continue to house a socially and culturally diverse collection of books for students to read, including,’ he pointed out, ‘books that analyze and explore LGBTQ+ issues.’ Naturally, that didn’t satisfy the ACLU, whose lawyers decided to involve the federal government in a local dispute that could have a chilling effect nationwide.” Read more here.


Medical Experts, Not Activists, Must Lead Discussion of Puberty Blockers, by Kate Anderson. “…[M]any school districts have adopted the activist line that the only way to support children with gender dysphoria is to adopt an ‘affirmative’ response that immediately puts a child onto a treatment pathway that ends with medical intervention… Schools that have enacted these radical policies should take a hard look at the very serious harms that children are exposed to in pursuit of an ‘affirmative’ approach.” Read more here.


An LGBTQ+ Conversion Therapy Ban Is Bound to Backfire, by Lottie Moore. “Of course, we would hope and expect that all MPs would be against persecution. But this amendment will have consequences that go far beyond that noble aim – with serious and dangerous results. If this amendment is passed, professionals simply trying to do their jobs could be accused of practising conversion therapy – because the amendment fails to define what it entails.” Read more here.


A ‘Botched Abortion’ Is the Birth of a Child, by Larry O’Connor. “The unanimous voice of Hakeem Jeffries’ Democrat caucus was that mothers and doctors should not be obliged to provide medical attention to an [sic] ‘survivor’ after a so-called ‘botched abortion…’ Think about that term for a moment. What happens when you ‘botch’ an abortion? …What happens when an abortion goes ‘wrong?’ A baby is born. A baby is born, alive. A ‘botched abortion’ is also known as ‘child birth.’” Read more here.


Oops! Democratic ‘Oversights’ Would Legalize Polygamy, Infanticide, by Ben Johnson. “Voters can glean the inner disposition of our lawmakers, learning which issues they consider vital and which never enter their minds, through … the ‘errors,’ omissions, and oversights politicians make when drafting legislation. Allegedly inadvertent ‘oversights’ and ‘drafting errors’ by Democratic lawmakers over the last year alone would have decriminalized infanticide, legalized polygamy, and suppressed sacred religious liberty rights enshrined in the First Amendment.” Read more here.


The Dutch Studies and the Myth of Reliable Research in Pediatric Gender Medicine, by Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine. “The authors assert that had the Dutch studies been published today for the first time, the ‘innovative practice’ of using hormones and surgery to gender transition children and young adults would never have been permitted to enter general medical settings due to the very low quality of the research and problematic outcomes experienced by several of the young people.” Read more here.


Democrats Can’t Help but Make the Case for Life, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) made a similar argument, saying, ‘The problem with this bill is that it endangers some infants by stating that that infant must immediately be brought to the hospital.’ Again, I fail to see how a bill that mandates immediate, life-saving care for born-alive infants puts them at any more risk. A hospital is surely a much safer place for them than an abortion clinic, considering the former exists to heal people and the latter exists to make sure they’re never born.” Read more here.


How a Public Library Used Third-Party Allies and ‘Listening Sessions’ to Dismiss Flak Over Pornographic Kids’ Books, by Casey Chalk. “A member of the Library Foundation … dismissed Horne’s complaints, challenging her to go out into the stacks and find something that was inappropriate. That same staffer also argued that young adult books with sexual content were ‘not pornographic’ and that different people had different standards of what material was too sexually explicit for adolescents (that’s not exactly true, given current U.S. federal law on obscenity).” Read more here.


West Virginia Wins Day on Fairness in Women’s Sports but Plot Thickens on Title IX, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “Recognizing that the administration’s attempts to redefine sex are suffering some notable legal defeats, the U.S. Department of Education recently issued a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register, indicating that it intends to make a new rule on Title IX. That rule, however, in contrast to the Title IX rule announced last summer … will deal only with transgender participation in school sports.” Read more here.


Minnesota Will Soon Make Teachers Endorse Child Mutilation to Get a License, by Ryan MacPherson. “The state’s insistence that every teacher positively affirm homosexual behaviors and transgendered identities understandably aggravates consciences among moral traditionalists, but the issues run deeper than the ‘culture war.’ What is at stake is the nature of knowledge, the future of liberty, and the prospects for a sustainable social order. In a word: civilization.” Read more here.


Gender Ideology Is Losing in the Courts, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Goodwin’s ruling is significant for several reasons, the first being that Goodwin has previously sided with gender ideologues. Just 18 months ago, he held that the male middle school student in question had to be allowed to try out for the girl’s cross-country and track teams while the case was pending. But even he admitted in his final ruling that sex is an immutable characteristic, and that changing its definition would have devastating consequences for everyone.” Read more here.


State Department’s LGBT Virtue Signaling Is Unhelpful, by Michael Rubin. “While LGBT evangelicals demand the State Department fly their flag, such virtue signaling often does more harm than good. Flying the rainbow flag at the Vatican to troll the Catholic faith is bad enough, but to do so in Muslim-majority countries such as Kosovo and the United Arab Emirates simply stirs the hornet’s nest for little result… The State Department’s gay pride activism is setting back both LGBT rights and kneecapping our diplomats’ effectiveness.” Read more here.


‘Dead Name’ Documentary Shows Kids Aren’t the Only Victims of Trans Radicals – Their Parents Are, Too, by Nathanael Blake. “Parents who oppose so-called transitioning their children are not the bad guys. The bad guys are the transgender activists who have promulgated a false narrative labeling these parents as suicide-inducing bigots when these parents try to protect their kids from a destructive ideology pushing dangerous medical experiments.” Read more here.


Abortion Industry Seeks to End All FDA Abortion Pill Safety Regulations, by Carole Novielli. “Abortion pill safety regulations created by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), known as REMS, are the next target of the profitable abortion industry, which has historically bemoaned all regulations to protect women. The ultimate goal of these abortion advocates – many associated with Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH) – is to allow over-the-counter dispensing of the abortion pill.” Read more here.


Transgenderism Is Experiencing a Crisis of Scientific Legitimacy, by David Gortler. “Today, almost every academic medical school, most prominent U.S. professional medical organizations, and the Biden administration are fully advocating both drugs and major surgeries, including the removal of healthy tissue and organs, in children, adolescents, and adults… The problem is that they all ignore the fundamentals of biology and make unsubstantiated claims without the conclusive, long-term clinical safety findings otherwise required for all other types of medical or pharmacological interventions.” Read more here.


Biden Justice Department Dishonestly Rewrites Law Against Sending Abortion Drugs by Mail, by Thomas Jipping. “The Biden administration keeps coming up with new tactics to keep abortions happening. The latest is Justice Department advice to the U.S. Postal Service that a federal law prohibiting using the mail to send abortion drugs doesn’t mean what it says… Far from offering a reasonable interpretation of §1461, the Office of Legal Counsel attempts to construct a fictional statute that would not interfere with the Biden administration’s pro-abortion agenda.” Read more here.


New Evidence From Finland That Partnership Instability Reduces Fertility, by Laurie DeRose. “The transition to below replacement fertility has happened at the same time as (and likely because of) the global ‘retreat from marriage,’ a phrase that captures the many ways that people spend fewer of their adult years married. Fewer enter marriage at all, and those who do marry typically do so later in life, often divorce, and either do not remarry or do not remarry quickly. The retreat from marriage takes many adult years away from the normative context for childbearing…” Read more here.


New York Is Violating Photographer’s Free Speech, by Alliance Defending Freedom. “The First Amendment guarantees to all Americans – including artists – the freedom to choose which messages to express. If the government can compel Emilee to convey a view of marriage that cuts against her beliefs, it can compel the speech of others… But a victory for Emilee and Lorie wouldn’t be just a win for them. The same protections that ensure they can promote messages consistent with their beliefs ensure that a lesbian cake artist can decline to create a custom cake criticizing same-sex marriage…” Read more here.


FDA Aids Biden’s Abortion-for-All Agenda by Letting Pharmacies Sell Dangerous Abortion Pill, by Jordan Boyd. “Already, pill-induced abortions account for more than half of them in the United States. Now that the FDA quietly scaled back its regulation of the abortion pill even further to match the Biden administration’s post-Roe activism, that number is only expected to rise as chains such as CVS and Walgreens agree to legally dispense the fatal drug in any state where chemical abortions are legal.” Read more here.


If States Followed the Science, They’d Emulate Europe to Protect Kids With Gender Dysphoria, by Sharon Supp. “After thoroughly reviewing the reliable evidence, these countries concluded that the risks of ‘gender-affirming care’ far outweigh any potential benefits. Instead, they are returning to psychological and psychiatric care as the starting point for addressing gender confusion in children – a model known as ‘watchful waiting’ – noting that gender dysphoria in teens could be just a ‘transient phase’ which should not be mishandled with radical, life-altering drugs and surgeries.” Read more here.


Hospital Surgery Dept ‘Proud’ to Announce App Targeting Children for Gender Transitions, by Joshua Arnold. “Under the guise of ‘offering counseling’ to a youth questioning his or her gender identity, gender activists often pressure them towards transitioning (in some jurisdictions, it’s illegal to counsel a child against transitioning). This counseling is often done privately, without the supervision or possibly even knowledge of the child’s parent. This strategy can manipulate children into agreeing to … procedures to which the child is totally incapable of giving mature, informed consent.” Read more here.


Biden’s FDA and Justice Department Are All-in on Abortion, by Ian Haworth. “…[I]n a society where every other product and service is available at the touch of a button – including meals, transportation, and narcotics – it’s apparently unconscionable that murdering your own unborn child should be any different. When medical abortions account for more than half of abortions in the United States, and with abortion becoming more difficult across the country, the only area of the economy booming under Biden’s leadership will apparently be abortion by mail.” Read more here.


The Left’s Comprehensive, Long-term Plan to Come for Our Children, by Jeff Davidson. “It’s no secret that one of the continuing chants at LGBTQ marches, activities, and pride events is to chant, ‘We’re coming for your children.’ There are three reasons to utter this chant, which has been going on for years: recruitment, pedophilia and intimidation. Unless they recruit into their ranks, their numbers will diminish. After all, two men in a relationship, two women in a relationship, or any other combination that does not have a sperm-fertilizing egg will not create offspring.” Read more here.


German Government Turns Values Upside Down, by David Wengenroth. “In concrete terms … while the killing of unborn children is being ‘decriminalised.’ peaceful expressions of opinion by pro-life activists are to be criminalised. This turns the values of the Constitution upside down. The state will then no longer protect the right to life … but a right to kill – which does not exist in our legal system.” Read more here.


What Do Transgendering Kids, ‘Gay Marriage’ & Abortion Have In Common?, by Richard Blakley. “So, what do transgendering children, homosexual marriage and abortion have in common? They are all forms of population control. Transgender people, mutilating their bodies with drugs and surgery, will not be having children. This is population control. The Biden administration is not teaching the confusion of transgenderism because of Biden’s great benevolence for people to have the right to mangle their bodies. This is population control. Same-sex marriage is not about allowing homosexuals to marry, but is facilitating a commitment that doesn’t produce children. This is population control. Abortion is not about a ‘woman’s right to choose’ to kill her baby. This is population control.” Read more here.


Let Kids Be Kids and Let Barbie Be Barbie, by Kathryn Lopez. “Gender dysphoria is a real thing, and agonizing. But children need healthy cultural and educational signals, not adults working out their own confusion — or making money at their expense. Adults, do we remember being adolescents? Who among us was not physically unhappy in some, or many, ways? Adults, including toy corporations and the entertainment industry, need to stop exacerbating growing pains.” Read more here.


Abortion Activists Push Women To Do ‘Self-Managed’ Abortions, but It Could Kill Them, by Dave Andrusko. “It was only a matter of time. With more than half of abortions in the United State [sic] chemically induced, along comes a convenient ‘study’ supposedly demonstrating that women can not only just use one of the two drugs to chemically abort, they can do so well past the 10 weeks of pregnancy and without the supervision of a health care provider, as recommended by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). And, oh by the way, they can ‘self-manage’ their abortions, which is the #1 goal of the Abortion Industry. Read more here.


The Abortion Pill is Not Safe for Women, Here’s Why, by Bradley Evans. “After Alliance Defending Freedom announced a first-of-its-kind lawsuit challenging the FDA’s approval of chemical abortion drugs, many in the establishment media panicked. In the months that have followed, the public has been inundated with claims about how safe these drugs are. We’re routinely told that chemical abortion drugs are safer than Tylenol, that side effects of the drugs are exaggerated, and that serious complications almost never occur. These claims are categorically false. Chemical abortion drugs are dangerous, and claims to the contrary are not supported by the evidence.” Read more here.


When Gender Transition Becomes a Free-for-All, by Debra Soh. “It is a common narrative that gender dysphoria can be cured by allowing a person to tailor their body as they wish, that this should be allowed at younger ages, and that denying this is emotionally cruel. Considering that bans on gender-affirming care for minors continue to face opposition, the last thing we should want is for children to gain access to these procedures.” Read more here.


How Androgynous Fashion Tricked Me Into Being Transgender, by Laura Becker. “Along with my highest goals of creating a loving family and healing fully, articulating the disastrous myths of gender ideology for young women and girls is my priority. I speak on these topics despite how painful and complicated they are because I refuse to submit to lies, illusions, or manipulations any longer. I cannot look at my inner child and want to take away a future of adult wholeness for her by removing her feminine organs before she even matured enough to appreciate their significance. My message to girls like me? You can be a funky spirit as a woman. You can be even funkier by accepting truth and creating a life based on authentic expression.” Read more here.


Child Sex Changes Are the Real ‘Conversion Therapy,’ by Hudson Crozier. “Studies have confirmed for decades that transgenderism in children, like other childhood proclivities, is fleeting and unreliable. More recently, researchers found in 2008 that 88% of girls with gender dysphoria end up desisting from it later on. A 2012 study concluded the same for about 88% of boys with gender dysphoria. A seasoned psychiatrist who worked with gender-dysphoric children also estimated in February that ‘four out of five’ will ‘grow out of’ the condition.” Read more here.


Programs Should Put Family First, by W. Bradford Wilcox. “The state of our unions in the United States is not strong. The marriage rate has fallen more than 60 percent since 1970. Fertility rates reached a record low in 2020, well below the replacement rate. The falling fortunes of marriage and family life have hit the working class especially hard … The fragility of American family life, especially among the working class, demands a strong public policy response. This response must strengthen the economic and cultural foundations of marriage and child-rearing in America, especially for working-class families.” Read more here.


Tucker Carlson Goes There on Transgenderism, and Nails Some Uncomfortable Truths, by Bonchie. “Tucker Carlson is back with another episode of his ongoing Twitter series, and this time he dove into the topic of transgenderism. Specifically, Carlson zeroed in on US Assistant Secretary of Health Rachel Levine, the “trans-woman” who recently proclaimed this to be a ‘summer of pride’ from his official perch. Yes, apparently 30 straight days of rainbow flags and public indecency isn’t enough. We are now expected to dedicate four months to the absurdity that is the idea of ‘pride.’” Read more here.


Biden Regime Spending Your Tax Money on LGBTQ Madness Abroad, by Robert Spencer. “Why is the Biden regime so obsessively preoccupied with promoting sexual deviance and transgender delusion and fantasy? Not only is it aggressively promoting ‘Pride’ inside the United States, but it is also sending your tax dollars abroad to make sure that young Ecuadorians see their fair share of drag queens, and that Polish boys can decide they’re really girls after all. Imagine what George Washington, John Adams, or Thomas Jefferson would make of this: is this really what the republic they constructed and bequeathed to us should be spending its money on?” Read more here.


The Definition of ‘Diversity’ is Now ‘Perversity,’ by Michael Brown. “…In my 2011 book ‘A Queer Thing Happened to America,’ I devoted a whole chapter to the subject of ‘Diversity or Perversity,’ noting the degree to which an overt, often perverse sexual agenda was attached to gay pride events and gay activism. And it was defended under the rubric of ‘diversity.’ Today, with more and more June ‘pride’ events being marked by open displays of nudity and sexual perversion, we must ask the question again: Why are these events marked by such displays? Could you imagine seeing such displays at any other ethnic or national pride event? Surely not.” Read more here.


Riley Gaines Defends Women Athletes, Offers Hope, Inspiration, by Callista Gingrich. “This week marks the 51st anniversary of the enactment of Title IX, the historic federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex at federally funded educational institutions. The passage of Title IX in 1972 significantly expanded opportunities for women in education and in competitive sports. As a result, participation in female sports greatly increased. … Today, these advancements are under threat as the Biden administration works to expand Title IX by putting forward a new Department of Education regulation requiring that schools allow biological males who identify as females to compete in women’s athletics.” Read more here.


Yes, Trans Exhibitionists Showing Their Junk to Kids Is Directly Downstream of Redefining Marriage, by Nathanael Blake. “Of course the slope was slippery. As naked men parade in front of kids and pride marchers chant ‘we’re coming for your children,’ a few LGBT activists are beginning to worry that things have gone too far. For example, Andrew Sullivan, an early and ardent advocate for same-sex marriage, is unhappy about reaping what he has sown. And he should be — from sterilizing and mutilating children via ‘gender-affirming care’ to flashing children at pride festivities, the LGBT movement is proving social conservatives right.” Read more here.


Does Abortion Really Constitute Healthcare?, by Michael Miller. “Healthcare for some should not involve paying for the death of others. As America marks the first anniversary of the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, many pro-abortion advocates still claim that ‘abortion is healthcare.’ This erroneous phrase misses the mark when it comes to what healthcare truly is.” Read more here.


Biden Admin’s Greatest Foe? ‘It’s the Moms, Stupid,’ by Mike Gonzalez. “The Biden administration is making clear once again whom it fears the most. It is not China, Russia, or, needless to say, Republicans. No. Enemy No. 1 is America’s mothers and fathers. They stand athwart the administration’s mad dash to remake America, yelling, ‘Stop!’” Read more here.


Dobbs a Year Later, by Hadley Arkes. “We’re at the first anniversary now of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Center, when six conservative justices fulfilled the hopes nurtured over 50 years and finally overruled Roe v. Wade. I was as pleased as any of my friends to see the Court slay that Great White Whale. But I was working and writing in the pro-life movement, along with friends such as Michael Uhlmann and John Noonan, before Roe v. Wade. And even my friends on the Supreme Court will acknowledge that the Court did not accomplish, in Dobbs, what we had set out 50 years ago to accomplish.” Read more here.


Conservatives Are Responding More Forcefully on Sex Ed Because the Left is Pushing Crazier Stuff, by Timothy Carney. “Some commentators, reporters and activists seem to sincerely believe that conservatives are making some sort of culture war offensive against gay and transgender people or their ideology. Everywhere you look, you see stories about rising tides of ‘anti-lgbtq laws’ or rising anti-LGBT sentiment. If cultural conservatives are reacting more forcefully to the cultural Left, it’s because the cultural Left is pushing more harmful stuff and more ruthlessly wielding its power to push it.” Read more here.


Why Are Sexual Revolutionaries Trying to Destroy Women?, by David Kupelian. “Americans – at least those who are neither hypnotized nor overly intimidated by insane ‘woke’ religious ideology – know their beloved country is in serious trouble. They watch in horror and sadness as it rapidly morphs into a pagan playground for sexual revolutionaries masquerading as freedom fighters. At the same time, everything good, decent, wholesome and moral is, for some strange reason, now demonized.” Read more here.


British Columbia Conservatives Deserve Applause for Taking a Brave Stand Against LGBT Ideology, by Jack Fonseca. “For those of you who haven’t been following British Columbia politics, I want to share an exciting development about the socially conservative direction that one of the main political parties is taking. It’s something we’ve been waiting for and hoping to happen, in some Canadian province, somewhere. Finally, a mainstream party is pushing back against the trans insanity that has been unravelling our society! And it’s no surprise that Marxist, pro-LGBT politicians are going nuts.” Read more here.


Anatomy of a Scientific Scandal, by Colin Wright. “The activist playbook here was simple: get the Diaz and Bailey paper retracted over a technicality, then spin the retraction as an invalidation of the study’s main findings. Such a tactic was successfully used on Littman’s 2018 [Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria] paper; the journal’s decision to re-review the paper and issue a ‘correction’ has been repeatedly and disingenuously leveraged by proponents of ‘gender-affirming’ care to declare the study ‘debunked.’” Read more here.


Gender Ideology Has No Place in Our Public Schools, by Rev. Tucker York. “I write on behalf of those unfairly targeted in a column (‘Faith leaders call for support for public schools, libraries’) published in the Dec. 18, 2022, LancasterOnline. The column misrepresented the good-faith concerns of parents and others in our community. The apparent effort of the author and co-signers was to silence, shame and even intimidate people who question the gender policies being implemented in our public schools. Parents have the right to know if pro-transgender ideologies are being presented to their children and they have the right to challenge values that are opposed to their own.’’ Read more here.


No Child Should Be Forced To Affirm a Classmate’s Identity as a Cat, by Gillian Keegan. “This week we have seen a surreal debate about whether teachers should enforce a child’s desire to identify as a cat. Obviously, the answer to that question is absolutely not. I have been clear that doing so is totally inappropriate. We must inject some common sense back into the classroom and society more generally. The classroom is a place where fact should be taught as fact and opinion as opinion.” Read more here.


Dobbs, Year One: Despite Hyperbole and Hysterics, This Sound SCOTUS Decision Has Rendered More Life, Hope, by Jennifer Oliver O’Connell. “One year ago today, on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States issued its landmark decision which overturned Roe v. Wade and removed 50 years of federal precedent over abortion, returning that decision-making power back to the states. Federalism for the win. Sanity for the win. Life for the win,” Read more here.


Time To Reject the Extreme Trans Lobby Harming Our Society, by Liam Fox. “It is incredible how many public figures, including our own Leader of the Opposition, have struggled to answer the simple question, ‘What is a woman?’. Of course, the truth is that they are almost certainly able to answer the question but are afraid to do so lest they unleash the rage of the increasingly aggressive trans-lobby. I believe that, in a free society, people are entitled to live their lives in the way that they want, as long as it does not interfere with the freedom, safety and rights of others, particularly those younger and more vulnerable than themselves.” Read more here.


Pride Is the Flag of American Occupation, by Joy Pullman. “The United States is undergoing an attempted regime change, and the pride flag is its emblem. This regime change has been more than a century in the making. Initially, it flew under the Stars and Bars while hollowing out its meaning. Now it has its own emblem, the pride flag. This year we witnessed the American government’s elevation of that pride flag to a place of competition and sometimes dominance over the American flag. Notoriously, the White House participated earlier this month.” Read more here.


‘Fetus on Board!’ Focus on the Family Pro-Life Ad Is Hysterical—Yet Profound, by Bob Hoge. “Focus on the Family dropped a powerful one-minute video that perfectly encapsulated the hypocrites of the abortion crowd by illustrating how they celebrate life when it’s convenient, but when it’s not, suddenly the baby-to-be becomes just a ‘fetus.’ The spot, titled ‘It’s a Baby,’ is actually quite funny, although in a deep way. It starts with a worried-looking man looking up as a young woman emerges from the restroom. She is bursting with excitement as she announces, ‘It’s positive!’” Read more here. View the video here.


Gender Cultists Make a Move for California’s Children, by Abigail Shrier. “How far must a parent go in pursuit of “affirmation”? … Is it enough if you’re willing to call your 12-year-old daughter “Ethan”? Will allowing your middle-school daughter to shave her head suffice, or must you also consent to her medically unnecessary double mastectomy? In a state where these chemical and surgical options are possibilities for minors, parental endurance becomes the only limiting factor. How much damage will you countenance for the chance to hold your daughter’s hand in recovery?” Read more here.


Promising Trends in Marriage-Friendly Hungary, by Laurie DeRose. If I had to bet which country is poised for better trends in the coming decade, I’d go with Hungary for three reasons. 1) Hungary’s marriage and divorce trends are good for the economy and for children, 2) its birth rate has recovered somewhat, and 3) the tension between its anti-immigration policy and other facets of its national character may undermine internal support for the policy. Nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban has introduced a number of tax benefits and other programs to favor married families. For instance, couples marrying before the bride’s 41st birthday will be loaned [a signigicant amount of money], and the loan doesn’t even have to be repaid (depending on the number of children born to the marriage). By the end of 2019, the consensus was that the policies had in fact promoted marriage. Read more here.


Dobbs Turns One, by National Review Editors. “The first birthday of Dobbs is something to celebrate not only because it ended Roe’s grotesque distortion of our Constitution but also because the laws that have taken effect after Dobbs have very likely already saved tens of thousands of human lives … Each life deliberately destroyed is an incalculable loss. Each life saved is priceless.” Read more here.


More Marriage, Better Educational Outcomes, Even in Utah, by Nicholas Zill and W. Bradford Wilcox. “Despite spending less on public education than the average U.S. state, and much less than states like New York, Vermont, or Massachusetts, it has a higher-than-average high school graduation rate. Utah pupils also score above-average on tests of reading, math, and science achievement administered by the National Assessment of Educational Progress … Yet even within Utah, school districts that have higher proportions of married, two-parent families also have better educational outcomes.” Read more here.


UN Population Report Prioritizes Fertility Messaging Over Policy, by Lyman Stone. “When a country’s leaders look at very high or low fertility rates, or sudden spikes in immigration, and they want guidance on how to respond, there is one place many will turn: the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) … In the new 2023 State of the World Population report, … a very clear message comes through: ‘changing the narrative’ about population is more important than changing policies.” Read more here.


Why Gutting Title IX Is Psychological Warfare, by Andrea Mew. “By fostering an environment where women must lower their defenses, allow men to infiltrate their once-sacred single-sex facilities, and be gaslit into affirming the false claim that there are no legitimate differences between the two sexes, there is now a war of nerves being fought by unwilling soldiers.” Read more here.


For Detransitioners, There’s No Going Back, by Caroline Downey. “Before the patients I interviewed went under the knife for mastectomies or began taking cross-sex hormones, they already carried deep scars from childhood. They had experienced intense psychological trauma at a young age. From exposure to hardcore pornography at four years old to rape by a father at five years old to homelessness following domestic abuse in adolescence, the horrors they endured would be enough to break anyone. Their developing minds were so utterly shocked by what they’d experienced that they felt incongruity with their bodies. Suicidal ideation and self-harm were common themes. They weren’t just questioning their gender; they were questioning their very reality.” Read more here.


The Pill Increases Risk of Depression Among Young Women by 130%, by Michael Cook. “Planned Parenthood’s website has two pages entitled ‘What are the side effects of the birth control pill?’ and ‘What are the disadvantages of the pill?’ Depression is not mentioned. MSI Reproductive Choices (which used to be known as Marie Stopes International) has a page called “Q&A: Answering your questions on contraception”. Depression is not mentioned … The latest research shows that depression is a real danger for some women who use the contraceptive pill.” Read more here.


They Are Scared, by Pamela Garfield-Jaeger. “It was interesting to hear people who promote the sterilization of children and vulnerable adults attempt to defend their faulty ideas. Most of what I heard were blatant lies and the bending or omission of truth. They openly said they were afraid of the ‘attacks’ on trans people (which are simply bills to protect minors from high-risk procedures) and they tried unsuccessfully to discredit the thoughts, ideas, and experience of many outspoken critics of transgender medicine … For those opposed to the gender transition of minors and vulnerable adults, this means your voices are being heard and making a difference. Continue standing up for your beliefs; it’s causing those pushing these transitions to reassess their stance. Read more here.


Woke Went Gloriously Broke at This Weekend’s Box Office, by John Nolte. “Grooming Disney’s Elemental, Mr. They/Them’s The Flash, and the gay, Black Lives Matter-inspired The Blackness all tanked at the box office, to which I can only say, God Bless America ..The latest products of Hollywood’s Woke Reich, debuted on Friday, and all three bombed both at home and abroad. In fact, all three came in well below even their most pessimistic projections.” Read more here.


If ‘Banned’ Books are Harmless, Joe Biden Should Read Them to Kids, by David Harsanyi. “Joe Biden recently hosted a Pride Month event for families with LGBTQ kids on the White House South Lawn. Ahead of the event, he announced that he’ll appoint a ‘banned book’ czar whose job it will be to try to compel local communities to stock their libraries with race-obsessed pseudohistories and books depicting [high risk sexual behavior], rape, violence, and gender dysphoria.” Read more here.


On Dangerous Puberty Blockers, It’s Time to Follow Britain’s Lead, by Mary Vought. “When two respected scientists — one of whom has a daughter with gender dysphoria — published research in the Archives of Sexual Behavior suggesting many adolescents declared a new sexual identity in response to social media influence and/or peer pressure, a group of activists demanded — and got — the journal to retract the study. This illustrates the radical nature of transgender activists, who insist that sexual identity is innate and will not accept any evidence otherwise. In addition to denying biology, they also deny the scientific process when it conflicts with their political goals.” Read more here.


10 Sports That Put Cross-Dressing Men Ahead of Women’s Fair Play, by Elle Purnell. “So many men who claim to be women are forcing their way into women’s sporting competitions these days, it’s becoming hard to keep track of all the athletic institutions that sacrifice fairness and the dignity of their female athletes to avoid offending sexually deviant men.” Read more here.


This Picture Book Tells Kids They’ll Be Depressed if They’re Not Transgender, and It’s in a Public Library, by Eddie Scarry. “It’s worth repeating that she had no idea her child had chosen this book until after she and her family had gotten home. She had assumed that when her daughter came back to her with a vibrant picture book plucked from the kids’ section that it was harmless literature for children. But as we’ve seen, the kids are no longer off limits. The militant transgender activist lobby is out to get them and this is how they’re doing it.” Read more here.


Same-Sex California Couple Sues Fertility Clinic Because Their ‘Gestational Carrier’ Had a Girl Baby, by Streiff. “This case is a prime example of a lot that can go wrong when babies become commodities. Parents don’t treat them as gifts from God. They treat them as a consumer product. It isn’t hard to imagine a couple like this, having carefully screened the ‘egg donor’ for intelligence, taking the IVF company and the egg donor to court if the kid doesn’t turn out bright enough to impress their friends.” Read more here.


Government Overreach Finds Its Way into Girls’ Dorms, Showers, by Matt Bowman. “When President Joe Biden took office in 2021, he overstepped his executive authority almost immediately. On his very first day Biden issued an order redefining “sex” in all federal laws to include sexual orientation and gender identity. This change would substantially alter the meaning of many federal laws, and that is not something the president has power to do.” Read more here.


Now California Is Criminalising Parental Love, by Brendan O’Neill. “Let’s put this into plain English. If your seven-year-old son tells you he’s a girl and you do not instantly treat him as a girl, you could lose him. He could be taken away from you. If your 11-year-old daughter tells you she doesn’t want to go through puberty, and you make her go through it anyway, you could be branded ‘abusive.’ Simply for ensuring your child experiences the perfectly natural hormonal transition into adulthood.” Read more here.


Juneteenth Celebrates End of Slavery, Now We Need to End Abortion So Babies Can Celebrate, by Dr. Alveda King. “We are expecting that as many as 200,000 babies will be spared from abortion thanks to the Supreme Court decision a year ago overturning Roe v. Wade, but we also know that Black babies have a much higher risk of being aborted than White babies. The abortion industry, founded by eugenicists, still seems hell bent on annihilating Black Americans.” Read more here.


We Need More Babies, by Robert Whaples. “When I was born near the Baby Boom’s peak, many people worried that the population was growing too fast. Today, the shoe is on the other foot. All over the world, birth rates have collapsed, and we face the prospect of a shrinking population. Over two-thirds of the world’s population lives in countries with birth rates below replacement, including India, China, the U.S., Brazil, and all of Europe.” Read more here.


Most American Teens Are Watching Porn, Says Disturbing Report, by Thomas Lickona. “Anybody who cares about the healthy sexual and character development of children should read the report, Teens and Pornography issued earlier this year by the organization Common Sense Media. The report was based on a representative national survey of 1,300 teenagers ages 13 to 17. Some of its troubling findings: 73 percent of the respondents (75 percent of boys and 70 percent of girls) said they had watched online pornography. The average age they started was 12. Many began younger. Seven in 10 who admitted they had watched porn intentionally said they had done so in the past week. Four in 10 said they had watched pornography, including nudity and sexual acts, during the school day. Almost half said they had done so on school-owned devices. Of those who watched the past week, 80 percent said they had seen ‘what appears to be rape, choking, or someone in pain.’” Read more here.


Adolescent Gender Transitioning as a Dangerous Fad, by Tom Patterson. “We now live in an era in which mutilating surgeries are done routinely as part of the preferred treatment for gender dysphoria, which is the belief that the gender “assigned’ to you at birth does not reflect your true self. Modern science has developed solid evidence that gender is determined at conception, not birth, and is not assigned by anybody, but is fixed for life. So until recently, sufferers from gender dysphoria were thought to be confused and maybe need educational counseling while simply waiting for adulthood, when over 80% seamlessly settled into their ‘birth gender.’” Read more here.


University Erases ‘L’ in LGBTQ, Redefining Lesbians as ‘Non-Men,’ by Jarrett Stepman. “The woke well is bottomless. Johns Hopkins University recently updated the ‘LGBTQ Glossary’ in its so-called inclusive language guide with a new definition for ’lesbian.’ A lesbian, according to the famed Baltimore university’s guide, should be referred to as a ’non-man attracted to non-men.’ A broad definition, right? … In the war on women, isn’t it ironic that the latest shots are being fired by that fanatical campus Left? One wonders how much longer the ‘G’ has to keep its place in the gender ideology pantheon before the new letters come for the old.” Read more here.


California is Dismantling Women’s Hard-Won Rights – in the Name of Progressivism, by Julie Bindel. “Are there still women in California? They seem to have ceased to exist – at least as far as the state’s laws are concerned. A new raft of legislation currently under consideration seeks to both criminalise parents who wish to protect their children from harmful medical interventions, and further entrench the notion that it is possible to change sex.” Read more here.


Government-Funded Pseudo-Research Reveals the Costs of ‘Gender Affirmation,’ by Kaylee McGhee White. “The New England Journal of Medicine published the results of a government-funded study on experimental medical interventions for gender-confused youths. The results were alarming: two subjects committed suicide, 11 others experienced suicidal ideation, and the rest are at risk for permanent bodily damage as a result of the hormonal drugs they were given.” Read more here.


California Is Losing Its Mind, by National Review Editors. “Already we have seen the toxic effects of gender ideology infiltrating family law. Across the country, activist-minded judges are penalizing parents who don’t accept the claims of trans activists. Judges in California, Illinois, and Texas have denied custody rights to divorced parents opposed to, or even skeptical of, their child’s transition. In some cases, judges have received special ‘training’ on these matters from transgender activists.” Read more here.


More Terrible News for Bud Light as It Tries to Turn Things Around, by Spencer Brown. “It’s been a rough few months for Anheuser-Busch and its Bud Light product line thanks to an entirely unforced error on the part of its leaders who thought it would be a good idea to celebrate the one year anniversary of biological male Dylan Mulvaney deciding to be a ‘girl.’ As a result of its little Mulvaney stunt, Bud Light has lost its place at the top of U.S. sales charts. The resulting boycott of Bud Light and other Anheuser-Busch brands was swift, severe, and hit its mark.” Read more here.


When LGBT Activists Flood Target With Bomb Threats, Media Pretend Conservatives Did It, by Kylee Griswold. “The shameless corporate media are so desperate for a narrative about LGBT victimhood, they’re pretending threats of violence from angry pro-‘pride’ perpetrators are instead threats against them. The latest examples are pure propaganda from The Hill and The Washington Post on Monday, which led with scaremongering — ‘bomb threats over Pride items’ — while completely burying the lede: The bomb threats against culturally embroiled retail giant Target came from pro-LGBT activists.” Read more here.


Off the Trans Train, by Bernard Lane. “There are reasons to expect an increasing number of detransitioners to emerge in coming years, although nobody is systematically tracking how many adolescents regret medicalised gender change, according to a new journal article. ‘Given the novelty of the gender-affirmation model and a “honeymoon” period of up to 10 years, the full extent of regret and detransition in young people transitioning today, under vastly different circumstances than in the past, will not be known for many years,’ says the author, Dr Sarah C. J. Jorgensen of Toronto University’s Institute of Medical Science. Read more here.


“Will Pride Ever End?,” by Meghan Murphy. “In Canada, displaying the rainbow flag is no longer optional, it’s effectively mandatory. Public schools, for instance, have Pride displays in their libraries, where kids can read books like Seeing Gender: An Illustrated Guide to Identity and Expression and Being Jazz: My Life as a (Transgender) Teen … Pride has become big business, too. Every bank, corporation, sports team and charity now drapes itself in the rainbow flag to celebrate an invented ‘community’ of people subsumed under the ever-lengthening umbrella of ‘2SLGBTQI+’ (short for two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer and intersex). In truth, this has gone far beyond the celebration of these identities, as those who fail to submit to the rainbow doctrine are vilified as hateful and dangerous, much like those heretics who were once cast out, executed and burned by the church.” Read more here.


ABC News Promotes Claims That it is ‘Genocidal’ Not to Transition Your 3-Year-Old, by Zachary Faria. “Establishment media have allowed gender ideology to entirely corrupt their journalistic practices, with outlets trying to incite fear in the same parents they have convinced to put their children through irreversible sex changes. ABC News … is the latest to take the baton, publishing a wildly irresponsible piece about how ‘laws restricting gender-affirming care have prompted some families to move.’” Read more here. here.


Jordan Peterson Tweets Full ‘Trans Ideology’ Video Banned by YouTube as ‘Hate Speech,’ by Mike Miller. “Question: What happens when world-renowned clinical psychologist and best-selling author Jordan Peterson gets together with Elon Musk, owner, chief technical officer, and chairman of Twitter? Answer: Just like Tucker Carlson, Peterson can provide unique commentary to his audience on the platform, bypassing other platforms that are hostile to him and his ideas. When YouTube banned Peterson’s video, titled “Trans: When Ideology Meets Reality,” due to an alleged violation of the platform’s “hate speech” policy, the renowned psychologist hotfooted it over to Musk’s Twitter, and promptly tweeted the complete video.” Read more here.


Europe Wakes Up to The Harms of ‘Transgender’ Affirmation as the US Races Off the Cliff, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Transgender identity has spread like wildfire among young adults, especially those with preexisting mental conditions and those who do not fit the criteria for actual gender dysphoria. The UKOM [an independent government watchdog over Norway’s healthcare system] doesn’t come right out and say it, but I will: Transgender ideology is a social contagion, and to treat it medically with irreversible, experimental drugs and surgeries is an affront to both science and common sense. Read more here.


‘2SLGBTQIA+’: What’s in an Acronym?, by Frank Haviland. “The alphabet soup in its current form stands for ‘two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex and asexual.’ The ‘+’ is there to highlight ‘all other identities that have yet to be captured by the acronym, making it clear that all forms of gender and sexuality are valid.’ If all identities are valid, it kind of makes you wonder why you need an acronym in the first place?” Read more here.


Target is Now Selling ‘Pride’ Toys and Treats for Your Pets, by Christopher Tremoglie. “Pets don’t care about the orientation of who is feeding and taking care of them. And if you’re that desperate to use pets to tell everyone your sexual orientation — or that you support people of a particular sexual orientation — maybe it is a sign there is no need for such a thing to exist in the first place. Such propaganda goes beyond just being proud of your sexual orientation. There are no corresponding treats or dog toys showcasing heterosexuality. This whole thing is silly and weird but also indicative of the depths that some radicalized supporters of the LGBT movement will go to try to alter and change cultural norms.” Read more here.


Bisexual America, by Nicholas H. Wolfinger. “Who’s gay? Social scientists have long known that the answers to this question are very different if you ask about self-identified sexual orientation, sexual attraction, or sexual behavior. Alfred Kinsey’s groundbreaking work on sex midway through the 20th century introduced the idea that 10% of the population was gay or lesbian, but rigorous subsequent analysis with national data put the true number closer t 2 or 3 percent. But that was then. More recent data from Gallup suggest an explosion in the number of Americans who identify as LGBT, up to 7 percent. For Zoomers (Generation Z; anyone born between 1997 and 2012), a full 20% identify as LGBT. That’s a big jump. Read more here.


5 Things I Saw at DC Library’s Children’s Pride Parade, by Gigi De La Torre. “The Children’s Pride Parade held on a sunny Saturday by the D.C. Public Library drew fewer than 100 parents, children, and other adults in a metropolitan area of 5.5. million. As I found out, the parade celebrating ‘LGBTQ Pride’ lasted no more than 10 minutes along the third of a mile from the District of Columbia’s Montrose Park to Georgetown Neighborhood Library. A relative few spectators watched as mostly white participants walked the parade route beginning at 11 a.m. to celebrate the ‘pride of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and those who identify as transgender or ‘queer.’ … The parade and festival weren’t shy about pushing the LGBTQ+ agenda on children in attendance, I noticed.” Read more here.


Iconic Children’s Show Shoving ‘Pride Month’ Down Kids’ Throats: ‘Happy Pride! Elmo Loves You,’ by Warner Todd Huston. “…[I]conic children’s TV series ‘Sesame Street’ went all-in once again for June’s ‘pride month’ with several tweets celebrating the sexuality-based month of recognition. And the gay lobby claims they aren’t targeting our kids? While the show did not refashion its logo in rainbow ‘pride month’ colors like so many other entities have, the show did post several tweets pushing the left-wing celebration onto its tiny fans.” Read more here.


Orwellian: Associated Press Forbids Even Discussing Transgenderism as an Ideology, by Tyler O’Neil. “Forget debates over bathrooms or pronouns. The Associated Press recently released new guidelines suppressing the very concept of transgenderism as an ideology that can be debated, while forcing that ideology on reporters in the name of promoting good journalism … The most recent update to the AP style guide is quite clear: ‘Do not use the term transgenderism, which frames transgender identity as an ideology.’ Yet the entire document is dripping with this ideology.” Read more here.


Backlash Grows Over Male Transvestite Greeting Children at Disneyland, by John Nolte. “On top of grooming your underage children through its movies and TV shows, Disney is allowing transvestites to greet your children at Disneyland … My tolerance vanishes the moment adult sexuality and outright perversion (like cross dressing) is aimed at kids. No decent parent does business with a demonic company like Walt Disney. This is all about targeting your children for destruction, exploitation, and abuse.” Read more here.


Yes, Pedophilia is Being Normalized, by David Strom. “Civilization exists because we learn to harness and suppress our worst instincts, not because we give them free rein. As with so many degeneracies the powers that be declare we are being alarmist when we warn of the normalization of pedophilia. They will continue to do so until the very moment when they do a 180 and declare that, yes, pedophilia has been normalized and this it is a wonderful thing it has been. So it goes.” Read more here.


As ‘Pride Month’ Approaches, the LGBT Mob is Ramping Up Its Attacks on Dissenters, by Jonathon Van Maren. “As we approach a month of public, orgiastic celebration of weird sexual fetishes, Canadian institutions are competing to see who can grovel lowest and flag-wave the hardest.” Read more here.


No, Idaho Doesn’t Ban Pregnant Women From Traveling; It Protects Babies From Abortion, by Micaiah Bilger. “…[T]he Idaho law does not ban interstate travel any more than kidnapping laws do. Rather, it protects young girls from being taken, potentially by force or coercion, to another state to have her unborn baby [sic] aborted without her parents’ knowledge or consent. Abusers and human traffickers often rely on abortion to cover up their crimes. To protect young girls and their babies, the Idaho law creates a crime called ‘abortion trafficking’…” Read more here.


Biden Administration Demands Georgia Schools Show Pornography to Kids, by Jordan Boyd. “Bureaucrats in President Joe Biden’s Department of Education just put their thumb on the scale of a book dispute in Georgia by not only smearing parents’ concerns about sexually explicit books in schools but also leveraging their federal power to intimidate districts that have successfully purged porn from campuses.” Read more here.


Major Children’s Clothing Retailers Poured Money Into LGBT Group That Promotes Secret Gender Transitions for Children, by Laurel Duggan. “Target and Kohl’s, two major children’s clothing retailers, have both made sizable donations to GLSEN… GLSEN’s goal is to make K-12 schools a safe place for LGBT students by preventing bullying and harassment, according to its website. In practice this has meant encouraging teachers to use children’s preferred names and pronouns while keeping students’ transgender identity a secret from parents, along with numerous other policy recommendations supporting youth gender transitions.” Read more here.


UCI Must Follow British Cycling’s Lead and Change Transgender Policy Before World Championships, by Nicole-Cooke. “What garnered less coverage, but was very insightful, were the post-race comments made by the organiser of the race, Michael Engleman, a long-time supporter and promoter of women’s sport. He was critical of the UCI’s position on transgender participation that had tied his hands. When individuals such as him are contemplating the effect of the UCI policy, saying that ‘this may kill the sport’ and are considering leaving cycling, that threat is real.” Read more here.


Australian Judges Need to Review Standards for Gender Dysphoria Treatment, by Michael Cook. “Australian ‘standards of care’ are based on the ‘gold standard’ Dutch model. However, she writes: ‘there are significant concerns about quality and applicability of the [Dutch] studies to the current cohort of children presenting at gender clinics.’ Alarmingly, she asserts that: ‘The Dutch studies would not meet the standards of evidence-based medicine today.’” Read more here.


Biden Admin Tells Adults How to Discuss Sex With Teens Behind Parents’ Backs, by Ben Johnson. “Federally funded guidelines instruct adults to pause before discussing sex with minors and to ask, ‘Are you alone in the room?’ These instructions specify tactics to follow ‘if you’re really having a hard time getting a parent’ to leave the room during the sex talk. They suggest children as young as 13 discuss sex with groups like Planned Parenthood in a parked car or communicate in writing, so their parents cannot hear the adults’ side of the conversation.” Read more here.


‘Between a Woman and Her Doctor?’ Not With Mail Order Abortion Pills, by Ingrid Skop. “The reality is that these mail order abortions may be completely medically unsupervised: no ultrasound to confirm gestational age or rule out a potentially deadly ectopic pregnancy. No labs to determine need for RhoGAM to prevent future pregnancy complications. No testing and treatment for concurrent sexually transmitted infections to prevent future infertility. No verification that the person requesting the pills is a woman, rather than a sex trafficker, incestuous abuser, or coercive boyfriend.” Read more here.


Legalization of Polygamy Was Always the Logical Consequence of Obergefell, by Jonathan S. Tobin. “If marriage is possible between any two individuals of the opposite or the same sex, then why not three, four, or any number of consenting adults, regardless of their sex? And if Somerville is the harbinger of a growing movement to legalize polyamorous and inevitably polygamous marriages by cities and ultimately states, then those who will defend such laws are on firm ground declaring that the logic of Obergefell demands that all non-traditional ideas about marriage must be treated equally under the law. This is the choice America made in 2015.” Read more here.


The ACT’s Takeover of Calvary Hospital Overrides Conscientious Objection and Threatens Religious Freedom, by Joanna Howe. “The fundamental problem with first attacking and then forcibly acquiring Calvary Hospital because it won’t perform abortions is that it overrides Australia’s longstanding tradition of freedom of religion and freedom of conscience. Freedom of conscience is a foundational principle of a pluralist democracy like Australia. It is a commitment that values human dignity and integrity and promotes a society in which a healthy diversity of views is tolerated.” Read more here.


‘They’re Wanting to Play God,’ by Christopher F. Rufo. “’We have a generation of kids with mental health problems. It’s very sad. And we need to treat those problems correctly, not by recommending that they change genders to fix their mental health problem. That’s never worked. It never will work… They’re going to wake up in ten years and discover that they’re infertile, that they can’t have children, that their sexuality is completely dysfunctional. That they can’t function as a normal human being. And ultimately, I believe that that realization is going to cause them to harm themselves – when they wake up and realize that they’ve already been ruined.’” Read more here.


Abortion Activists Try to Fool Ohioans Into Constitutional Amendment Threatening Unborn Lives and Parental Rights, by Jordan Boyd. “One advertisement … specifically asserts that the amendment’s language barring the state from interfering with an individual’s ‘right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions’ could easily ‘cut’ parents ‘out of the biggest decision’ of their child’s life, including abortion or even the deforming genital surgeries and chemical castration that transgender activists promote to vulnerable teens.” Read more here.


Ontario Bill Would Banish Freedom of Speech From LGBT ‘Safety Zones,’ by Thomas Jipping. “Bill 94, titled the ‘2SLGBTQI+ Community Safety Zones Act,’ requires the attorney general to make three decisions: whether to designate a particular location as a safety zone, whether to charge someone with uttering the wrong words within 100 meters of that safety zone, and, if so, whether to seek a fine of up to $25,000. All three decisions would be completely up to the attorney general’s unfettered, and unreviewable, discretion.” Read more here.


Federal Officials Have No Right to Order Schools to Carry Indecent Books, by Washington Examiner. “…[T]his is not ‘book banning’ or authoritarian. Nobody is trying to block the publication of these sexually explicit books. Nobody is trying to stop their sales. Nobody is trying to stop ordinary libraries from carrying them, although they might be labeled to give notice of their contents. Nobody is saying parents can’t buy or borrow books from libraries if they deem them appropriate for their children.” Read more here.


Texas Children’s Hospital Pursued Transgender Procedures With ‘Religious-Like Fervor,’ by Breccan F. Thies. “Medical records show some doctors at TCH were providing these procedures and drugs to extremely young children. One assistant professor at Baylor who practices medicine at TCH has provided procedures to patients as young as 11 years old, according to medical records. Another TCH doctor said he privately asks children about other names or pronouns they might use but does not tell the child’s parents because ‘not every patient who is gender-diverse may have that safe environment at home.’” Read more here.


Target Partnered With Satan Supporter Who Wants to ‘Eradicate’ Critics of Transgenderism, by Jordan Boyd. “One quick glance at the designer’s website and Instagram shows dozens of designs featuring satanic and sacrilegious symbols such as pentagrams, ‘Satan respects pronouns’ T-shirts, ‘gay as hell’ stickers, and stained glass windows covered up by ‘trans bodies are holy…’ One particularly graphic image on the designer’s Instagram shows a naked demonic creature with a horned skull and mutilated breasts.” Read more here.


Florida and Texas Defend Kids Against Gender Madness, by the Editors of National Review. “There is no shortage of examples to illustrate the madness to which DeSantis is referring. Gender clinicians openly promote their cavalier attitude to ‘top surgery’ (i.e., breast amputation), advertising the procedure to young prospective patients on TikTok. Drag queens strip and pole-dance in front of audiences made up of children, much to the delight of grown men and women. Pornographic materials too obscene to detail here are distributed in school libraries.” Read more here.


Kid-Free Zones: How Low Birth Rates Cause Even Lower Birth Rates, by Timothy P. Carney. “…[C]hildren cry, take up space, sometimes run around, and sometimes smell bad. A culture based on ‘personal space,’ autonomy, and minding your own business is a culture that pretends children don’t exist. The more people who go through their daily lives not seeing kids, or seeing only very few, the easier it is to uphold this myth of a childless world – and then that childless world becomes reality.” Read more here.


Teacher Pushes Gay Pornography on Middle Schoolers, NBC Provides Smokescreen for It, by Timothy P. Carney. “…Bonner thought it was a good idea to include this porn-book encouraging stranger-sex in her middle school book tasting. At best, this is a total abandonment of all decency and common sense in pursuit of an ideological culture war. At worst, the teacher is grooming children – introducing them to totally inappropriate sexual material in order to destroy their natural aversion to perversion and reticence about sex. That’s why parents called the police on this teacher.” Read more here.


Trans Sex Attacker Case Exposes Yet More Holes in Nicola Sturgeon’s Gender Bill, by Alan Cochrane. “Throughout the passage of the Bill at Holyrood, its supporters had insisted that there was no evidence men ‘ever had to pretend to be anything else’ to prey on girls. That assertion was killed stone dead by what happened to the little girl in this case because she had only gotten into Miller’s car because she felt safe as he had been dressed as a woman… What will shock people most about these cases would be the ease with which Miller and Graham appeared able to switch gender virtually at will.” Read more here.


A Win for Pro-Life Pragmatism in North Carolina, by the Editors of National Review. “With no margin for error, North Carolina Republican legislators prudently went as far as they could go to protect life. Representative Tricia Cotham recently switched from being a Democrat to a Republican but was unwilling to vote for an abortion limit earlier than twelve weeks of pregnancy… None of these bills is perfect. But each bill would save some lives, and it would be a grave error to insist that no lives should be saved until all lives can be saved.” Read more here.


Scientific American Editor-in-Chief Gets Biology Wrong for Both Humans and Birds, by Zachary Faria. “…[T]he other problem this argument has, aside from being wrong, is quite clear. Believe it or not, humans are not white-throated sparrows. Even if it were true that one species of birds had four different sexes (which, again, is not the case here), that would mean nothing… The science around humans is very clear: Sex is binary, and it is not something that can be changed with hormones and surgeries.” Read more here.


Sex Change Procedures at Texas Children’s Hospital, by Christopher F. Rufo. “The executives at Texas Children’s appear to be playing a duplicitous game. They announced that the hospital had stopped performing transgender medical interventions on minors, but this is simply untrue. TCH doctors administered such procedures days after the announcement, and they have continued to perform them… If ‘gender-affirming care’ is truly the gold standard in medicine, TCH should defend it openly, not perform it in secret.” Read more here.


Fertility Rates Are Collapsing – and It’s Not ‘Backward’ to Be Concerned, by Miriam Cates. “Politics works on the basis that society will go on and on into the future… But can we really be so sure that there will be future generations to benefit from our endeavours – or even to look after us in our old age? The short answer is no: the evidence suggests that the very existence of future society hangs in the balance. The current UK fertility rate – the average number of children per woman – stands at 1.6. This is significantly below the ‘replacement rate’ of 2.1 and continues to fall.” Read more here.


Proud Abortionist Kills Democratic Talking Points About Late-Term Abortions, by Zachary Faria. “…[P]oliticians and abortion activists insist that late-term abortions only occur if medically necessary or if the unborn child is going to die anyway… But, according to the Atlantic, ‘Hern estimates that at least half, and sometimes more, of the women who come to the clinic do not’ have a diagnosis that their lives would be in danger or that their babies will not be born alive. Over half of the late-term abortions Hern performs … are elective.” Read more here.


Colorado School District Hosts Drag Show Amid Teachers Union Embrace of Gender Ideology, by Maddie Dermon. “Muse, rated for children aged eight and above, focused on an adult male transitioning to a female and featured provocatively dressed men performing sexual dances for an audience full of children. Young audience members were clearly disturbed. One student expressed his concern by interrupting the show: ‘This is wrong,’ he cried. ‘Don’t you know we’re in third grade?’” Read more here.


The World Health Organization Has a Message for Parents: ‘Sexuality Education Starts at Birth,’ by Malcolm Roberts. “By age 6, the WHO wants the education industry … to expose children to the concepts of intercourse, masturbation, and pornography. By age 9, they are expected to reach an ‘adult’ knowledge of sex including teaching of masturbation and viewing of online pornography. At age 12 … the WHO wishes the official European education course to explore political and emotional responses to sex, puberty, and gender.” Read more here.


Parents Forced to Sue School District for Compelling Student to Read Sexually Explicit Monologue in Class, by Jeff Charles. “The case raises concerns about the appropriateness of educational materials and assignments in public schools. It highlights the delicate balance between freedom of speech and protecting minors from exposure to explicit content. As the legal proceedings continue, the outcome of the lawsuit will likely have implications for similar cases and potentially impact the development of guidelines and policies regarding the use of explicit material in educational settings…” Read more here.


Wake Up, Lawmakers! Protect Girls and Women and Restore Their Rights, by Eileen J. O’Connor. “Transradical sympathizers rail that it is cruel to exclude from women’s spaces a person who feels he belongs there. Rarely, if ever, and certainly not in the Biden administration’s proposed Title IX regulations, is consideration given to how cruel it is to the girls and women who are confronted not only by the sight of a male in female-only spaces, but also by being viewed by a male stranger in violation of their deeply ingrained, self-protective modesty.” Read more here.


If You Can Perform Surgery on Fetuses, Then Maybe They Have Value After All, by Madeline Fry Schultz. “…[T]he American Heart Association called it the ‘first in-utero brain surgery.’ Now seven weeks old, Denver Coleman is a marvel of medical technology and a testament to the value of the unborn… Even CNN, no bastion of pro-life thought, was eager to characterize baby Denver as a person. Notable as well is that the doctors, realizing fetuses’ capacity for pain, provided her with pain relief during the surgery.” Read more here.


Teen Sexting and Sexually Explicit Music, by Christine Lee and Jane Shawcroft. “…[I]t is easy to treat music, and highly sexual and sexually objectifying lyrics in particular, as white noise in the background of more important activities, despite research suggesting that music contains more messages about sex than any other media content except pornography. It is easy to dismiss the lyrics and messages in a three-minute song as inconsequential, but our research … suggests that listening to highly sexual music influences teenagers’ sexual risk-taking, specifically sexting.” Read more here.


The Media Are Campaigning to Deprive Parents of Their Rights, by Kaylee McGhee White. “The root of the problem … is this idea that parents can somehow be a threat to their children simply for disagreeing with the state’s prescribed orthodoxy. …[T]o compare an ideological disagreement to actual abuse is despicable. Parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit, and the state does not get to come along and take that right from them just because they happen to believe that their 13-year-old son is not, in fact, a girl.” Read more here.


Why Are We Ignoring Family as a Solution to Loneliness? by Jim Dalrymple. “A widely cited 1998 study … found that both marriage and parenthood were associated with lower levels of loneliness. Significantly, the study found that simply cohabitating didn’t offer the same benefits. There’s something unique about marriage. It’s not just about companionship. Subsequent research has repeatedly confirmed, to quote economist and policy advisor Christos A. Makridis, that ‘the unmarried are substantially more likely to feel lonely,’ while ‘married Americans have much lower rates of loneliness.’” Read more here.


The Next Frontier for the Hypersexualized Left: Normalizing Pedophilia, by Jane Robbins. “The end game of normalizing pedophilia has been hinted at for some time. A critical step, as always, is to distort language. ‘Pedophile’ has become ‘minor-attracted person’ (MAP), which certainly takes the edge off. TED talkers insist that MAPs should not be stigmatized for their attractions as long as they exercise self-control around children (a talent for which pedophiles are not famous). These and other ‘experts’ … describe pedophilia as a sexual orientation to be protected under state nondiscrimination law.” Read more here.


Corporate Media Wants to Help Democrats Separate Supposedly ‘Trans’ Children From Their Parents, by Zachary Faria. “There is no … attempt to report anything even resembling questions about such irreversible procedures for children. Instead, you see things like the Associated Press’s headline from Tuesday: ‘Trans minors protected from parents under Washington law…’ Yes, keeping parents in the dark about their runaway children and instead handing them off to a state bureaucracy that will let them harm themselves is apparently not an utterly insane policy. It is simply ‘protecting’ transgender children from their own parents.” Read more here.


Biden’s Bizarre View of Women’s Sports Puts Female Athletes at Risk, by Alexandra Caro Campana and Ryann McEnany. “What seems to be forgotten in this proposed rule is all the harm that will be done to the millions of female students when they are forced to compete against men and share intimate spaces with them. Being a competitive athlete takes as much mental strength as physical ability. Sharing a bathroom, changing room and/or hotel room with a biological male ahead of a competition will potentially cause severe emotional, mental and even physical harm to female athletes.” Read more here.


Just Like the Transgender Industry, PornHub Relies on Targeting Kids, by Allison Schuster. “PornHub’s willingness to boycott the state entirely shows who the target demographic is: children… PornHub’s reliance on showing its content to minors can be easily understood in the context of its addictive nature. Young people are easily taken advantage of and starting them young provides PornHub with an audience more susceptible to long-term addiction and abuse.” Read more here.


What Are They Hiding? Pro-Transgender Groups Refuse to Hand Over Internal Documents Even as They Move to Oppose Florida’s Medicaid Rule, by Tyler O’Neil. “…[T]he groups went to court trying to quash the subpoenas. They argued that they should not be forced to hand over documents, in part because they are not direct parties to the case. Yet not only are these groups the medical authorities by which Lambda Legal aims to torpedo the Florida rule, but most of the groups themselves filed the amicus brief April 28 that highlights their interest in the case.” Read more here.


The Legal Case That Could Force Abortion Upon El Salvador Is Based on a Lie, by Nancy Flanders. “Beatriz Garcia, the woman at the core of the case, did not die from a lack of access to induced abortion. In fact, she never had life-threatening pregnancy complications, doctors never advised abortion, and she died four years later in a vehicle accident. And the more than 50 women allegedly jailed for miscarriages and obstetric emergencies due to El Salvador’s pro-life laws … were not actually convicted for abortion but for infanticide.” Read more here.


Don’t Forget Men in the Abortion Debate, by Sara Scarlett Wilson. “Support After Abortion … found that 71 percent of men suffered issues after abortion … and that 82 percent of men did not know where to find help. Men struggled regardless of their involvement in the abortion decision, and even men who fully supported their partner’s decision found themselves with anger, grief, and other negative emotions when thinking about the child or children they never got to know.” Read more here.


Utah Benefits as Porn Peddlers Block Access, by Timothy P. Carney. “America would be better off if every pornographer went out of business and every web hosting service, internet provider, and web browser cut off access to pornography. That’s unlikely ever to happen, but Utah scored a minor victory this week when porn-peddler MindGeek … announced it would block access to its websites from all IP addresses within Utah. This was MindGeek’s protest against Utah’s new law requiring age verification for everyone visiting pornographic websites or other sites with sexually explicit material.” Read more here.


New Jersey Will House Two More Male Sexual Predators With Female Inmates, by Zachary Faria. “What do you do with two male pedophiles who claim that they are women? According to liberal gender ideology, and the state government of New Jersey, you put them in a women’s prison because even child abusers must have their gender identities ‘affirmed,’ even if it endangers female inmates… The messages here from the state of New Jersey are clear. The most abhorrent men convicted of heinous crimes can simply claim they are women and be housed alongside female inmates. The safety of women does not matter.” Read more here.


Biden’s ‘Transgender’ Rule Mandating Schools Treat Biological Males as Females Gets Tested, by Sarah Parshall Perry & Caroline Heckman. “How are schools and colleges going to balance the interest of competing civil rights complaints? If a biological male sexually assaults or harasses a female in a bathroom that’s no longer sex-specific due to the new Title IX rule, and a female files a Title IX complaint – who prevails? According to the Biden administration’s rule, any transgender-identified male is ‘entitled’ to be in that bathroom, but any female is granted the benefit of the doubt in a sexual harassment or assault proceeding.” Read more here.


North Carolina’s 12-Week Abortion Ban Is Popular, Enforceable, and Pro-Life Without Political Poison, by Tiana Lowe Doescher. “In short, a 12-week ban allows the state to begin to crack down on the worst abortion offenders, mainly in-person clinics likely to perform later-term abortions, while avoiding interfering with that politically near-sacrosanct relationship between a woman and her doctor. In practice, this also means that the state isn’t stuck going to war with the Food and Drug Administration or regulating interstate commerce of abortion pills, which also have legitimate medical uses unrelated to terminating pregnancies.” Read more here.


Yes, the Trans Movement Is Coming for Your Kids, by John Daniel Davidson. “Recently a group of Democrat legislators in Minnesota, led by the state’s first transgender lawmaker, introduced a bill that would have removed language in Minnesota’s Human Rights Act that explicitly says pedophilia is not a ‘sexual orientation’ as defined by state statute. By removing that language, the bill would have opened the door to widening the definition of sexual orientation to include pedophilia as a protected class alongside other minorities.” Read more here.


Kansas Law Defending Biological Sex and Women’s Rights Is Vital, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Which part of the law do gender activists find so offensive? The part that says women have the right to privacy and safety or the part that rebuffs the Left’s efforts to turn sex into a meaningless free-for-all? … Do women’s rights matter or don’t they? Kansas’s law makes it clear that they do. The gender activists who oppose it, on the other hand, would subject every single sex-exclusive space in the country, and every woman who depends on them, to male intrusion. That is bigotry.” Read more here.


The Biden Admin Is Still Withholding Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Data From Lawmakers, by Spencer Brown. “The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) said last fall that it would work toward providing abortion services for veterans and their dependents via its taxpayer-funding [sic] health care system. As Tuberville … noted at the time, and since then, such a policy would be a violation of federal law… Yet Tuberville’s questions about how such an illegal policy would be implemented and his ongoing attempts to provide oversight for taxpayers have seen no response from the VA or others in the Biden administration.” Read more here.


India Same-Sex Marriage Case Tests Judges, by Geeta Pandey. “…[A]s the hearings have continued, the five-judge bench has been conceding that tweaking one law may not really work, since it’s a complex web of 35 laws that govern issues of divorce, adoption, succession, maintenance and other related issues – and that many of them do spill over into religious personal laws. And during Thursday’s hearing, the top court appeared to agree with the government that granting legal sanction to same-sex marriage was parliament’s domain.” Read more here.


Biden HHS Using Language Meant to Protect Abortion Survivors to Exclude Preborn as ‘Persons,’ by Cassy Fiano-Chesser. “This is a brazenly cruel twisting of the intention of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, legislation that abortion supporters continue to argue is unnecessary on the claim that abortion survivors do not exist. Additionally, it’s a complete and utter denial of scientific fact. Based on all basic biological principles, preborn children are alive, even before their hearts start beating. At the moment of fertilization, the child … already has his or her own unique DNA, with traits like sex, hair color, eye color, and countless more already determined.” Read more here.


Colorado Law Seeks to Prevent and Hide Information About Medication Abortion Reversal, by Harry Scherer. “The new law is full of inconsistencies. For example, it permits the administration of progesterone for women facing miscarriage, but it explicitly forbids the same medication for women seeking to reverse an abortion. The law also does not offer any distinction between patients who seek progesterone after ingesting mifepristone willingly or unwillingly, with the latter being an all-too-common practice among sex traffickers.” Read more here.


Indiana Health Department Sits on Records Showing Two Babies Born Alive After Abortions, Three Women Dead, by Joy Pullmann. “Indiana abortion records … indicate that in 2022 three women died after abortion procedures and two babies were born alive after chemical abortions. They also suggest Indiana abortionists failed to report four abortions on girls aged 15 and younger, as legally required. One of the minors not referred for a state abuse investigation after her abortion, a violation of state law, was just 13 years old, the records say.” Read more here.


Biden DOJ Says Mutilating Children Is ‘Medically Necessary,’ by Zachary Faria. “This is not ‘civil rights’ or ‘acceptance’ or ‘inclusivity.’ It is reckless, dangerous, and, most of all, unnecessary. Chemically and physically mutilating children is not going to save their lives or make them happier. It is only going to saddle them with even more physical health problems to go along with the unaddressed mental health problems that are being ignored. It is an attempt to medicalize them permanently… Yet that is precisely what Biden’s Justice Department is fighting for.” Read more here.


Leftist Minnesota Just Gave State Power to Take Kids Away If Parents Don’t Approve Gender Surgery, by Hank Berrien. “The new law gives state courts temporary emergency jurisdiction over any child in Minnesota who has been abandoned, is in need of protection from abuse, or has ‘been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care.’ The law defines such care as … puberty blockers and chemical and surgical procedures ‘to align the patient’s appearance or physical body with the patient’s gender identity.’” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood Steps Deeply Into Transgender Hormones, Including for Minors, by Ben Johnson. “Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report reveals that the multi-billion-dollar business has diversified its portfolio beyond abortion, pushing deeply into the transgender industry by offering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to young adults and minors – often while explicitly withholding this information from parents.” Read more here.


Attempts Underway to Redefine ‘Forced Pregnancy’ in International Law, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “The term ‘forced pregnancy’ is back on the UN agenda as nations begin to negotiate a treaty on crimes against humanity… In its just-released ‘State of World Population Report,’ the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) asserted that the ICC definition of ‘forced pregnancy’ has ‘been more widely interpreted by advocates to include, for instance, situations in which a pregnant person is denied an abortion.’” Read more here.


School District Prompts Parents to Enter Children’s ‘Preferred Pronouns’ When Registering for Kindergarten, by Christopher Tremoglie. “It’s a concerning discovery given the extremely young age of kindergarten students who are unfamiliar with pronouns or mature enough to know anything about gender transitioning. It’s a disturbing revelation showing just how radicalized education officials have become in the country, even in a state like Florida. It should also put parents on high alert throughout the country.” Read more here.


How to Stop the Gender Cult in Education, by Debra Soh. “There is an assumption that poor mental health is the result of gender dysphoria, as opposed to the other way around. In actuality, high rates of co-morbidity abound in individuals with gender dysphoria, with 70% or more of such youth presenting with an additional diagnosis… From what I’ve witnessed in the years I’ve been fighting this cultural battle, even when presented with evidence to the contrary, trans activists and their allies happily disregard this information in favor of plowing forward with their preferred narratives.” Read more here.


The Myth of Sexual Experience, by Jason S. Carroll and Brian J. Willoughby. “In the report, we review a series of recent studies … that show that having multiple sexual partners during the dating years leads to higher divorce rates in future marriages… Overall, we found that ‘sexually inexperienced’ individuals, or those who have only had sex with their spouse, are mostly likely to be flourishing in marriage. These ‘sexually inexperienced’ individuals report the highest levels of relationship satisfaction, relationship stability, sexual satisfaction, and emotional closeness with their spouses.” Read more here.


Woman Whose Chemical Abortion Has Haunted Her for 23 Years: ‘Don’t Make the Same Mistake,’ by Margot Cleveland. “I started having intense cramping. At one point I went to the toilet, and a baby came out. It looked exactly like the pictures of seven- to 9-week-old babies you see in photos. It was rounded. There was a black eye. My husband fished it out of the toilet and held the dead baby in his hand. I remember looking at it and wondering what it was. But I also knew what it was. I remember going completely numb.” Read more here.


West Coast Shuts Parents Out of ‘Gender-Affirming’ Decisions as Swedish Research Urges Caution, by Greg Piper. “America’s West Coast is separated by a continent and an ocean from Europe. Their policy gap on ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors … is becoming similarly wide… In a new ‘systematic review’ of research on hormone treatment for gender-confused children in the peer-reviewed Acta Paediatrica, Swedish researchers … found so little evidence on its effects that they recommended a ban except for clinical trials.” Read more here.


Arrogant Western Countries Outplayed by Developing Member States at the UN, by Lisa Correnti. “The EU and the UN wanted to force sexual ideology for children into a resolution on education. This effort failed due to smart tactics by a united Africa group and delegates from other parts of the world… The lack of consensus including from diverse countries took Western delegates by surprise, many pivoting to damage control to try and save the document they so desperately wanted.” Read more here.


Detransitioner Laura Becker Exposes the Dark Truth Behind Transgender ‘Transitioning’ of Children in Texas Senate Hearing, by Jeff Charles. “What is truly unfortunate about situations like Becker’s is that progressives have convinced the nation to believe that there are only few people who regret having ‘transitioned’ to the opposite sex. The issue is that we do not yet have enough credible data to prove this. Moreover, there is evidence that many of those who go through this process as minor children end up suffering from additional mental issues caused by the use of puberty blockers and surgical treatments.” Read more here.


Zero House Democrats Respected Americans’ Wishes by Voting to Protect Women’s and Girls’ Sports, by Jordan Boyd. “If the White House gets its way, female athletes will no longer be entitled to federal protection against sex discrimination on the field or in the locker room. Instead, teams of girls as young as kindergarten are forced to accept males on their roster. It’s only in high school and college that the Biden administration concedes males have an advantage that could be disqualifying under a set of extreme criteria. As the vote … showed, Democrats in Congress are all too willing to help the Biden administration erase women.” Read more here.


Marriage Makes Women Happier and Healthier, Harvard Scholars Say, by Kira Mautone. “The researchers found that the women that became married and stayed married over the course of the study showed a 35 percent decrease in risk of all-cause mortality, lower risks of cardiovascular diseases, and ‘greater psychological wellbeing on multiple indicators including greater positive affect, purpose in life, hope and optimism.’” Read more here.


White House Endorses Discrimination Against Female Athletes, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Allowing men, who have undeniable, significant physical advantages, to compete on teams created specifically for women is exactly the kind of discrimination that Title IX was meant to redress. Democrats, however, do not seem at all bothered that women are being deprived of their right to equal competition. Better for women to lose this right than the men who claim to identify as women, according to the White House.” Read more here.


Why Progressives Should Support the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, by Kara Dansky. “Our society has been taught a vicious and unscientific lie: that some men can be women, and that some women can be men, on the basis of their ‘gender identity…’ Men aren’t women, even if they say they are, and even if they claim to ‘identify’ as such… There is no credible scientific evidence to support the proposition that a person born with a Y chromosome can be a woman. It should not be considered ‘conservative’ or even remotely controversial to say so.” Read more here.


Your Doctor Asking for Your Pronouns Isn’t Just Annoying, It’s a Sign of the Industry’s Decline, by Elle Purnell. “…[H]aving doctors ask about your pronouns isn’t just an obnoxious chore, it’s a sign of the health-care industry’s willingness to forego medical reality for a few ideological brownie points… Just wait until trans activists insist on making women with breast cancer wait for mastectomies so that other women who want to cut off their healthy breasts to look more like men can go first. (Oh wait, that’s already happening.)” Read more here.


Unborn Children Deserve the Right to Trust Their Mother, by Mark Zimmerman. “Indeed, there are many different angles from which to criticize abortion: that it’s a sin in the sight of God; that it’s a cruel and violent way to die; that personhood begins at conception, and therefore abortion kills a person; that prenatal screening puts us on a slippery slope toward eugenics; that killing a person isn’t therapeutic. These things are all true, in my view. But I have come to believe there is another reason abortion is wrong: It denies a child the right to trust her mother.” Read more here.


Common Sense Is Finally Returning to the Trans Debate, by Mo Lovatt. “New government guidance [in England] on how schools handle the rise in transgender pupils is currently being drawn up and is due to be issued within weeks. It means that single-sex schools will no longer be required to accommodate pupils who identify as transgender for fear of legal action, nor will they have to affirm a pupil’s preferred pronoun simply because a child demands it.” Read more here.


Colorado’s New ‘Trans Tourism’ Law Beckons Red-State Kids for Trans Interventions and Abortions, by Tristan Justice. “Senate Bill 23-188, signed into law Friday, opens the door for ‘trans tourism’ in the state, allowing minors to seek abortions or ‘gender-affirming health care services.’ In other words, teens seduced by transgender ideology in Kansas, where lawmakers are preparing to ban interventions for minors, may travel to Colorado for sterilizing procedures under Polis’s protection with parental consent.” Read more here.


Washington State Declares Transgender War Against Parents, by Quin Hillyer. “Washington … passed a bill regarding children’s gender transitions that borders on unadulterated evil… Essentially, the bill allows licensed youth shelters to harbor a child against parents’ wishes while proceeding with sex-change procedures or abortions. Put another way, not only will parents have no say in the life-altering decision of girls and boys to defy their biological gender (or to kill a human life), but the children can be kept away from their parents and homes.” Read more here.


UNFPA: Restricting Online Abortion Is Violence, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “In the wake of Dobbs, online purveyors of abortion pills have proliferated widely, and with them the potential for women to be exposed to pills of dubious provenance and quality, either voluntarily or, as news reports have documented, administered through stealth by others. National governments have a role in protecting women and girls from exploitation by nefarious online businesses willing to risk their health for profit.” Read more here.


Fifth Circuit’s Ruling Proves the Case Against the Abortion Pill Is Legally Justified, by Kaylee McGhee White. “…[T]here is certainly a case to be made that the FDA’s decisions in 2016 and 2021 to abandon very basic safety precautions about the abortion pill call into question its ability to fairly regulate the pill at all. Indeed, the FDA’s watering down of nearly all restrictions on mifepristone is further proof that the agency is using the drug to push a political agenda.” Read more here.


MrBeast Is Introducing Millions of Children to Transgenderism Without Parental Consent, by Eoin Lenihan. “What MrBeast is doing is sinister and will have far-reaching consequences. He is grooming an unsuspecting generation of children into uncritically accepting transgender and trans activism at a vulnerable age. Due to the unrivaled reach of MrBeast and the unparalleled and often unmonitored access he has to millions of kids across the globe, he is now, without a shadow of a doubt, the leading source of child-focused, transgender content in the world.” Read more here.


Appeals Court Reinstates Safety Restrictions for Abortion Drug While Lawsuit Against Its FDA Approval Continues, by Thomas Jipping. “The result of the 5th Circuit’s decision is that … the FDA’s original approval of mifepristone remains and the safety restrictions that were repealed in 2016 and 2021 are reinstated. In other words, mifepristone can be used up to seven, not 10, weeks; using mifepristone will require three physician office visits; only doctors may dispense or administer the drug; doctors must report all medical complications to the FDA; and abortion drugs may not be dispensed through the mail or mail-order pharmacies.” Read more here.


Why the Latest Abortion Pill Ruling Is Both Good and Bad for Pro-Lifers, by Margot Cleveland. “…[U]ntil the Fifth Circuit considers the merits of the FDA’s appeal, distribution of the abortion pill will be governed by the 2000 FDA approval, not the changes the FDA adopted in 2016… No matter the outcome, however, the case is educating the public on the dangers of chemical abortions much beyond what the Planned Parenthood pill-pushers have been doing for the last 20-plus years.” Read more here.


Biden Administration Misses the Point on Transgender Sports Participation, by Tom Joyce. “The problem with transgender elementary schoolers playing on girls’ sports teams has little to do with sports participation. The problem is there are self-identified transgender elementary schoolers, and the government recognizes this delusion as a reality. Government policy should reflect the biological reality of two genders that people cannot change: male and female. It should not support the delusion that children who are young enough to believe in Santa Claus can choose their gender.” Read more here.


The Poison Pill Goes to Court, by the Editors of National Review. “From the beginning, the pill was given favored regulatory treatment, with accelerated approval under Subpart H, a program designed for emergency AIDS drugs. Utilizing this fast-track approval process required the FDA to characterize pregnancy, preposterously, as a ‘serious or life-threatening illness.’ A legal challenge was filed with the FDA in 2002 … and the agency sat on it for nearly 14 years in order to thwart judicial review while the pill expanded its market share. The mifepristone pill … now accounts for a majority of all U.S. abortions.” Read more here.


Even the Trans Lobby Can’t Override Biology in Sport, by Suzanne Moore. “The government has asked the Equality and Human Rights Commission to clarify that when we talk of sex in the Equality Act we mean biological sex. The blurring of sex and gender is what causes problems, and this may help stop this confusion. Women who say biological sex matters have been demonised and I am one of them… Any woman who tells the truth is met by an unthinking mob, online or in real life. And yet it has not stopped us saying it any more than it has stopped sports fans seeing it. For here we do have the advantage: being on the side of reality.” Read more here.


Why I, as a Former Abortionist, Support Florida’s Heartbeat Protection Act, by Kathi Aultman. “…[A]lthough I continued to do abortions while pregnant, after my daughter’s birth, I could no longer kill babies just because they weren’t wanted. I still believed abortion was a woman’s right, but my view changed as I saw young women in my OB-GYN practice with unplanned pregnancies, who kept their babies and did exceptionally well, in contrast to those women with psychological and physical complications from abortion. Later, I realized I was not only murdering innocent human beings but that I was also hurting women.” Read more here.


The Madness of Banning ‘Ladies and Gentlemen,’ by Ella Whelan. “The fact that judges are now pressured to be ‘respectful’ of identity and gender, and feel the need to self-censor, shows how intimidating the conversation around gender ideology has become. For fear of upsetting a tiny minority, we bore the majority with language that is stripped of all meaning. Instead of mothers we say pregnant people, instead of binman, we say wheelie-bin-operator. Sometimes we’re expected to simply invent words – Teen Vogue suggests using ‘folx’ instead of ladies and gentleman, and ‘nibling’ instead of niece or nephew.” Read more here.


Judge’s Abortion Pill Opinion Tells the Truth About ‘Unborn Humans,’ and the Left Can’t Stand It, by Margot Cleveland. “Calling an unborn human an ‘unborn human’ immediately triggered abortion activists, but as Kacsmaryk explained in a footnote, such terminology is scientifically correct… It is understandable that abortion activists want to hide the humanity of unborn humans, but that doesn’t make the science less real: It just means girls and women who have bought the ‘clump of cells’ narrative will suffer when faced with the truth, which chemical ‘at home abortions’ force.” Read more here.


In California, Parents May Soon Effectively Lose Custody of Kids 12 and Older, by Katrina Trinko. “California lawmakers know that plenty of parents have concerns about minors who pursue gender transition. These are valid concerns: gender transition medical procedures, even for minors, can be extensive – and some of it is irreversible… But California lawmakers don’t want parents to be able to stand in the way of their minor children making these life-changing decisions. ‘It is apparent that one result of this bill will be the removal of trans-identified children from the family home,’ Garfield-Jaeger said in her testimony.” Read more here.


Title IX Rule Change: Biden Is Determined to Force Gender Ideology Onto a Public That Doesn’t Want It, by Kaylee McGhee White. “More insulting than this administration’s blatant disregard for women’s rights … is its attempt to gaslight the public on this subject. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona’s statement announcing the rule, for example, included this astonishing claim: ‘Today’s proposed rule is designed to support Title IX’s protection for equal athletics opportunity.’ How, exactly, does allowing men with massive physical advantages to crush female competition advance ‘equal athletics opportunity’?” Read more here.


Court’s Ruling on FDA Approval of Abortion Drugs Is Huge Win for Women, Girls, by Julie Marie Blake. “The FDA, in collusion with pro-abortion politicians, never properly tested these drugs for safety in the first place and has continued to dismantle safety protections, so that it is now perfectly simple for a teenage girl, for example, to obtain chemical abortion drugs without a single physician visit or her parents’ knowledge – even though these drugs have been shown to cause intense pain and bleeding, and can often progress into worse complications, like hemorrhaging, life-threatening infection, and loss of fertility.” Read more here.


Biden Admin Concedes It’s Unfair to Let Men Compete in Women’s Sports With New Rules Allowing Men in Women’s Sports, by Tristan Justice. “The Biden administration is trying to have it both ways on transgender participation in women’s sports with new Title IX rules introduced Thursday… Under the long-anticipated proposal, the Department of Education outlined new guidelines that would invalidate bans on men in women’s sports currently implemented across 20 states. At the same time, schools that receive federal funding and therefore subject to Title IX stipulations may bar male athletes on female teams in competitive leagues.” Read more here.


Christians Must Take Children to Transgender Procedures or They Can’t Adopt, Oregon State Law Says, by Ben Johnson. “The policy potentially excludes faithful adherents of most major world religions and most Americans generally, experts say. ‘This isn’t just about excluding Christians: The state is effectively telling the growing majority of people that believe that sex is determinable by time of birth they need not apply to foster and adopt kids,’ González said. ‘It’s not enough to be neutral on the issue; prospective foster and adoptive parents must support the state’s radical gender ideology.’” Read more here.


New HHS Report Attacks SOGI Change Efforts, by Dan Hart. “Opponents of sexual orientation/ gender identity (SOGI) change efforts – which could encompass talk therapy, counseling, … or any other type of therapy designed to help people who have unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion – describe it with a negative connotation as ‘conversion therapy,’ often calling it ‘pseudoscience.’ However, dozens of individuals have testified to how SOGI change efforts have transformed their lives, leading them to happily walk away from homosexual and transgender lifestyles.” Read more here.


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly From the Latest CDC Survey of Youth Risk Behavior, by Dana Mack. “According to the survey, being a teenage girl carries with it another elevated risk – that of mental illness. Well more than half of teen girls (57%) reported feelings of sadness and hopelessness that were profound enough, over a two-week period, to interfere with their ability to complete their daily routines (as compared to 36% in 2011). Some of this extreme depression might be attributed to feelings of isolation caused by pandemic lockdowns but certainly not all of it.” Read more here.


One Mom’s Harrowing Story From Inside Whistleblower’s Trans Clinic, by Suzanne Bowdey. “Doctors insisted the puberty blockers were ‘standard procedure’ for anyone ‘experiencing discomfort with their sex.’ And yet, Caroline was shocked to learn that this ‘standard procedure’ would almost certainly lead to infertility. When the psychologist wanted to know if Casey wanted to bank his sperm before they started the drug Supprelin, she kept thinking: my son is only 14 years old.” Read more here.


Ireland’s Commonsense Three-Day Abortion Waiting Period Is Under Attack, by Eilis Mulroy. “In the 2018 legislation, an abortion is defined as ‘a procedure to end the life of the foetus.’ It is the only legal medical procedure in Ireland the sole aim of which is to end human life. This ought to place it apart from all other procedures and justify a far greater threshold in terms of reflecting on it before it is carried out. But the sad fact is that, to pro-abortion groups and political parties, an unborn child isn’t a human life – it’s just a ‘clump of cells,’ with no more significance than warts or skin lesions.” Read more here.


Biden and EU Gang Up on Africans at UN, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “Adding this controversial language to the annual resolution of the commission would give Western powers more political leverage to push sex-ed programs that promote homosexuality and transgender ideology among children. Western governments, led by the European Union and the Biden administration, are insistent that the resolution must include ‘comprehensive sexuality education’ because the theme of this year’s resolution is centered on education.” Read more here.


Putting Children at the Center of Family Policy, by Katy Faust. “Our culture has shifted drastically, but children haven’t changed. In fact, they continue to be victimized by practices and policies that prioritize adult desires above children’s rights. It’s past time to start putting them at the center of our national conversation. That begins with clearly and courageously defending children’s rights by shaping culture, reforming law, and rethinking our approach to technology.” Read more here.


Transgender Inc.: A Running List of Corporate Gender Insanity Insulting Women, Kids, and Reality, by The Federalist Staff. “Rather than highlight the dangerous and irreversible procedures associated with transgenderism, … many major corporations have opted to champion trans ideology – even for unsuspecting children. In order to help Americans hold these companies financially accountable, The Federalist has compiled a list of major businesses promoting and glorifying gender dysphoria.” Read more here.


The Surgeries Are Immoral, by Cole S. Aronson. “The real problem is more basic: the surgeries remove healthy organs without good reason. That’s not risky – it’s harmful and morally wrong. The people who seek such surgeries are trying to alleviate very real suffering, but whether surgery addresses such suffering humanely is not a question patients are automatically best positioned to answer. That’s true of any patient seeking any medical procedure.” Read more here.


A Double Mastectomy at 13? How Can President Biden Possibly Overlook That? by Michael Cook. “It’s painfully obvious that the President is ignoring the growing number of detransitioners – don’t they deserve to be safe and supported as well? He ended his speech with these stirring words: ‘You’re each made in the image of God, and deserve love, dignity, and respect. You make America stronger, and we’re with you.’ But that’s all they are – words. Or does he mean that ‘love, dignity, and respect’ mean amputating the healthy breasts of a 13-year-old girl?” Read more here.


This Is How Schools Are Trying to Gender-Transition Children Without Parents’ Knowledge, by Christopher Tremoglie. “Another report surfaced yesterday detailing how a school district in Colorado also focused on deceiving parents about children transitioning… Their thoughts have progressed into what should be considered criminal actions. Any school district, school, or teacher enabling a student’s transition without notifying and consulting their parents should be charged with child abuse by law enforcement.” Read more here.


Last Students Graduate: School Closures Spread in Aging Japan, by Eimi Yamamitsu, Tom Bateman, and Issei Kato. “Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has pledged ‘unprecedented measures’ to boost the birthrate … and says maintaining the educational environment is crucial. But little has helped so far. Births tumbled below 800,000 in 2022, a new record low, according to government estimates and eight years earlier than expected, dealing a knockout blow to smaller public schools that are often the heart of rural towns and villages.” Read more here.


Women Deserve to Be Empowered by Doctors, Not Rushed to Medical Abortion Without Them, by Susan Bane. “…[T]he Department of Justice announced the U.S. Postal Service can continue to deliver prescribed abortion drugs… Similarly, the FDA changed a rule to allow abortion drugs to be dispensed at retail pharmacies… These developments do a great disservice to women by removing the opportunity for them to receive information that can empower them to make informed decisions. This is especially true when the dangers of self-administered abortion are considered.” Read more here.


Democrats Reintroduce Radical Abortion Bill in GOP-Controlled House, by Rebecca Downs. “Lest you think the bill’s name means Democrats have acknowledged the biological reality that only women can get pregnant, a quick glance of the text dashes any hope. ‘This Act is intended to protect all people with the capacity for pregnancy – cisgender women, transgender men, nonbinary individuals, those who identify with a different gender, and others – who are unjustly harmed by restrictions on abortion services,’ it reads.” Read more here.


Liberal Media Champion Leftist Crusaders ‘Against Book Bans,’ by Tim Graham. “One uproar is over books – assigned books in the classroom and available books in the school library. Disagree with the content of the books? You’re for ‘book bans.’ Technically, this is accurate inside the school, but the leftist press makes it sound like you’re banning books entirely from public view. They get to pose as the defenders of books and ‘book learning’ and as compassionate defenders of the book-reading needs of the ‘marginalized.’” Read more here.


Pumping Gender-Bending Drugs Into Kids Is Even More Dangerous Than We Thought, by Samuel Silvestro and Jay W. Richards. “Lupron stops the body’s normal hormonal process, including the development of ovaries and testes, by ‘blocking’ the brain’s ability to communicate with the pituitary gland… Lupron’s side effects are so severe that doctors tend not to prescribe it for even mild (non-metastatic) cases of prostate cancer. Would you be shocked to learn it might not be great for young girls, either?” Read more here.


I Was a Public School Teacher, and I’m Blowing the Whistle on Transgenderism Before Its Too Late, by Stephen Schultz. “One 8th grade boy arrived at school in high heels, a short skirt, open blouse, make-up, and women’s jewelry. He demanded to use the girls’ restroom… Too many Americans too often think that these sorts of bizarre things cannot possibly be happening because they were not remotely part of their own personal school experience. Unfortunately, they are very real, they are increasingly common, and now they are not only protected but promoted.” Read more here.


Holy See Foils Western Push for Abortion/Sex Ed at UN Commission, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “Western countries kept negotiations going on comprehensive sexuality education, abortion-related terms, and homosexual/trans issues deep into the night, well past the deadline for agreement… These are common tactics to break down opposition through a combination of political pressure, tiredness, and discomfort. The idea is to make it so difficult that by the time agreement comes only the most dutiful and tenacious of diplomats are left in the negotiating room.” Read more here.


Why States Must Define Sex Precisely, by Jay W. Richards. “Until recently, no precise legal definition of sex … was needed because no one contested it. Unfortunately, because of gender ideology’s growing influence on our laws and institutions, states no longer have this luxury. Gender activists are now working to redefine sex in federal laws and regulations, such as Title IX, to include ‘gender identity.’ If this succeeds, it will subvert all preexisting legal references to sex, contrary to their original intent.” Read more here.


Abortion Giant Lies About Outcome of Recent UN Negotiation, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “The international abortion giant issued a press release following the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) claiming that ‘the text includes a standalone paragraph on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).’ In fact, the term CSE was not included anywhere in the document. The paragraph referred to by IPPF included language insisting that education must be ‘age appropriate,’ ‘relevant to cultural contexts’ and ‘with appropriate direction and guidance from parents and legal guardians.’” Read more here.


There Are No Banned Books, by David Harsanyi. “For the left, the banned book claim is a political racket, allowing them to feign indignation over the alleged ‘authoritarianism’ of Republicans who don’t want kids reading identitarian pseudohistories or books depicting oral sex, rape, violence, or gender dysphoria in their schools. Yet, major media now regularly contend, as indisputable fact, that ‘book bans’ are in place.” Read more here.


The Government Should Not Bully People Into Supporting ‘Gender Transitions,’ by Matt Lamb. “Religious institutions have First Amendment rights to refuse to be involved with medical procedures that violate their teachings and beliefs… The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, which represents Catholics across the country, recently admonished efforts by the federal government to force hospitals to assist in transgender procedures, such as surgeries that remove healthy organs and can permanently make someone sterile or infertile.” Read more here.


Belgium to Allow Repeated Gender Changes, by Wesley J. Smith. “The Belgium supreme court previously ruled that requiring people to identify as male or female violated the equality of people who don’t see themselves as exclusively either. So, a new law will be passed allowing ongoing fluidity of gender identity which will be officially recognized by submitting a simple form… This is civilization-destroying stuff. Not because of the transgender issue per se, but because it represents the triumph of the subjective.” Read more here.


Sex Education Is Now How-to in Schools – Parents, Beware, by Betsy McCaughey. “The facts of life haven’t changed, but sex ed is entirely different from what you took in school. Sex ed in middle school now includes graphic lessons on anal sex, oral sex and masturbation, with stick figures to illustrate body positions. Supplemental reading in middle school libraries includes ‘Sex, Puberty, and All That Stuff,’ a book explaining foreplay and how to rub the clitoris to produce pleasure… Planned Parenthood, the largest producer of sex-ed curriculum for public schools, argues children are entitled to know how to ‘experience different forms of sexual pleasure.’” Read more here.


FDA Stonewalled Abortion Drug Concerns to Escape Responsibility for Their Dangers, by Julie Marie Blake. “When the FDA first approved the chemical abortion drugs mifepristone and misoprostol in 2000, it sidestepped the required studies – including studies that look specifically at risks for teenage girls – and wrongly categorized the drugs as offering a ‘meaningful therapeutic benefit.’ The FDA justified its reckless approval by claiming that pregnancy is a ‘life-threatening or serious illness.’” Read more here.


Parents Are Fed Up With Public Schools Secretly Transitioning Children, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “Could these clandestine transition policies and practices be the reason for the alarming spike in the number of high schoolers identifying as transgender? The U.S. saw a nearly five-fold increase in gender transition surgeries for teens from 2016 to 2019 alone. And a new report indicates that approximately 300,000 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 now identify as transgender. It is not surprising, then, that disenfranchised parents have finally had it.” Read more here.


Maternity Wards Are Closing Everywhere Because of a Lack of Babies; the Media Desperately Want to Make It a Story About Abortion Bans, by Timothy P. Carney. “Maternity wards have been closing all over the United States for more than a decade, primarily for a simple reason: People have been having fewer babies every year since 2007. There were fewer children in America at the 2020 census than there were in the 2010 census. Of course, a country with less maternity will be a country with fewer maternity wards… The closure of rural hospitals’ obstetrics and maternity wards has nothing to do with laws that protect the unborn…” Read more here.


Why Is Netflix Teaching Preschoolers to Come Out as Nonbinary? by Madeline Fry Schultz. “In the show, which is targeted toward preschoolers, ‘Fred’ the bison is reunited with her grandmother and realizes that she hasn’t told her that she now goes by ‘Fred’ instead of ‘Winifred’ and uses ‘they/them’ pronouns… The story is pure propaganda, but don’t take my word for it: Series creator Chris Nee called the episode ‘a road map for coming out but also for having someone else tell you they’ve changed their pronouns and/or name.’” Read more here.


DeSantis Goes There, Shows Graphic Video of Effects of ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgeries Alongside Biden Comments, by Bob Hoge. “Tuesday afternoon, the Florida Governor’s response team … was it at again, taking footage of President Joe Biden lambasting the state for its policies on transgender surgeries and putting in a split-screen with videos showing some of the more benign steps of ‘gender-affirming surgery.’ WARNING: some of the images are graphic, so if you’re squeamish, beware. It’s hard to watch.” Read more here.


Vermont Bans a High School From Athletics for Objecting to Boys in Girls’ Sports, by Zachary Faria. “The [Vermont Principals’ Association] alleged that Mid Vermont Christian violated the organization’s policy on discrimination and harassment by refusing to force its girls to play basketball against a boy… This wasn’t done to uphold the sanctity of VPA’s policies. It was done as a warning to other schools that recognize how unfair it is to force its girls’ teams to play against boys. Bend the knee to gender ideology, or you too will be banned from all sports.” Read more here.


With ‘Abortion Provider Appreciation Day,’ Democrats Openly Celebrate Executioners, by Nathanael Blake. “…[A]bortion advocates believe that without abortion, women cannot be sexually and economically – and therefore socially and politically – equal to men. But this perceived remedy to the injustice and inequality of nature is itself unjust and unequal. In this age of ultrasound, we can no longer effectively lie to ourselves about the lives violently ended by abortion. We have all seen the pulsing heartbeats and the tiny fingers. There is no justice in ending these developing human lives.” Read more here.


If Biden Gets His Way, Using Correct Pronouns Could Be a Human Rights Violation, by Cherise Trump. “With Title IX enforcing gender ideology, what will happen to students who disagree with this dangerous dogma? What will happen to students who believe in basic biology, namely the notion that there are two sexes, that a man can’t become a woman, and vice versa? What will happen to students who have traditional values and remain true to their faith? The answer is alarming. Under this butchered version of civil rights law, these students will be vulnerable to an array of punishments, including suspension and even expulsion.” Read more here.


Yes, the State Has Both the Right and the Responsibility to Restrict Gender Ideology, by Kaylee McGhee White. “He points out that giving the state additional authority over familial relationships is a slippery slope, arguing that this authority could easily be used against, say, homeschooling families. …[T]here is no question at all that surgically and chemically mutilating children … is morally reprehensible. This reality must take priority over any concern of a slippery slope, no matter how legitimate it might be.” Read more here.


From California to South Carolina, Abortion Extremists Pollute Public Policy, by Quin Hillyer. “Enough is too much. On both sides. Abortion is a matter so fraught with conflicting emotions, conflicting values and beliefs, and still even conflicting ‘science’ that there’s no way a pluralistic society will ever reach a perfect consensus on it. For the foreseeable future, there will be plenty of facets of abortion policy to argue about, battle politically about, and maybe prayerfully compromise over, all in a very broad range. In that light, shouldn’t we all at least renounce the absolute extremes?” Read more here.


No, Age-Appropriate Library Restrictions Are Not ‘Book Bans,’ by Raheem Williams. “The issue is primarily a cultural tug-of-war taking place in public school libraries. The discovery of sexually explicit books on school bookshelves nationwide has sparked controversy… There’s an assumption that the government has a responsibility to produce and distribute every book in existence to school children free of charge. This may sound great until you consider that books often contain inaccurate, poorly sourced, or controversial information.” Read more here.


Four Things to Know About Major Texas Court Case Against Abortion Pill Access, by Kaelan Deese. “The case surrounds a challenge brought by anti-abortion physicians and medical associations to the Food and Drug Association’s 2000 approval of the drug mifepristone, the first drug in the medication abortion process. If the judge grants the request to block access to the drug nationwide, it could make the abortion pills more difficult to obtain even in states where such procedures are legal.” Read more here.


Exposing the Lie of ‘Gender-Affirming Care,’ by Doreen Denny. “…[W]hat didn’t receive that kind of attention is a recent statement by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, that the practice of so-called ‘gender-affirming care,’ convincing impressionable teenagers that feeling like the opposite sex means you are the opposite sex, is extremely damaging. In a seven-part statement, AAPS exposes this heresy – ‘changing physical appearance does not change biological sex’ – and takes direct aim at the medical industry promoting destructive ‘transgender’ medical procedures on youth…” Read more here.


Declaring a Public Health Emergency Over Abortion Would Be Reckless, by Jeanne Mancini. “A public health emergency declaration would expand distribution of these pills and eliminate safeguards at the expense of women’s health. It would allow the Biden administration to simply ignore any unfavorable ruling in the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine’s lawsuit and to promote the chemical abortion pill even more. But it wouldn’t stop there. The declaration would also direct emergency federal resources towards advancing the pro-abortion agenda overall and force Americans to fund it against their consciences.” Read more here.


VA House Stops Democrats From Putting a Right to Partial-Birth Abortion in the State Constitution, by Ashley Bateman. “The amendment would have … legalized abortion up to and during birth… That bill would have given abortionists license to choose an alternative method of killing through a provision of ‘Method not listed’ with almost no limitations. The so-called Right to Abortion Amendment would have made unborn babies vulnerable to these assaults up until birth. Advocates made no apologies for their gruesome stance.” Read more here.


Norway Offers a Stop Forward in Eliminating Gender Ideology, by Debra Soh. “Common sense and science are gradually prevailing. Last week, the Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board announced it would be revising its current guidelines regarding so-called ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors because it no longer considers them to be evidence-based. The board also acknowledged that the growing number of teenage girls identifying as male post-puberty remains under-studied.” Read more here.


Make Women Female Again, by Christopher Tremoglie. “The joint forces of the radical Left and the transgender lobby have appropriated the day to adhere to the insanity that is contemporary left-wing political ethos. Once a day to celebrate all things feminine, International Women’s Day now actually celebrates men pretending to be women… Women must not submit to left-wing cultural extremism that would debase them and embrace a counterfeit womanhood.” Read more here.


Outdated State Laws Don’t Address Common Practice of Teenage Sexting, by Christine Queally. “Cases involving child sexual abuse material have risen in the last two decades with the advent of new technologies to capture and share explicit imagery… While it is illegal for teenagers to send explicit images of their peers to others in all states and of themselves to others in almost all states, many of them still do. In fact, according to a 2018 study, more teenagers are sending and receiving explicit imagery than ever before.” Read more here.


FDA Absurdly Claims There’s ‘Therapeutic Benefit’ to Killing Unborn Babies With Drugs, by Terence Jeffrey. “…[T]he Biden administration’s argument for the alleged ‘therapeutic benefit’ of a chemical abortion focuses entirely on the ramifications for the human being seeking the abortion, not the human being who is aborted… The administration completely ignores the fact that not only is there a death associated with the use of these drugs, it is the very purpose of these drugs. An unborn child is a human being. A drug that is designed to abort the life of that unborn child is a drug designed to kill a human being.” Read more here.


The Realities of Transition Regret, by Debra Soh. “She grieved the inability to breastfeed her baby after giving birth and wanted to raise awareness about the difficulties detransitioned women experience. She also spoke about the poor maternity care she encountered during her pregnancy because practitioners didn’t understand her situation or what detransitioning had entailed… Considering that girls as young as 12 are undergoing this procedure, I anticipate a huge uptick in the number of new mothers presenting with this issue in the future.” Read more here.


How Undemocratic Democrats Force Gender Ideology on Unsuspecting Families, by Washington Examiner. “The committee’s report justifying its recommendations explains that ‘when students are separated by boys and girls, it affirms a rigid binary based on anatomy.’ Apparently, this affirmation of biological reality is bad. The committee adds, ‘Separation of students into boys and girls does not create an inclusive environment for instruction to occur.’ Inclusion, in this rationale, excludes the opinion of the vast majority, which also happens to accord with reality rather than the Left’s preferred fantasy.” Read more here.


Pro-Lifers Issue Warnings After Ohio’s ‘Radical’ Abortion Amendment Clears First Hurdle, by Sarah Arnold. “The proposed constitutional amendment would pose risks for women by removing current health and safety protections for women, abolish parental consent and notification laws, and enable abortion on demand up until the moment of birth… SBA Pro-Life America’s State Affairs Director Sue Liebel cautioned against the amendment, saying it would endanger women’s lives by doing away with basic health regulations.” Read more here.


Sending the Wounded to the Front, by Nathanael Blake. “Transgenderism is culturally powerful and financially lucrative – every troubled teenage girl who identifies as trans is worth a fortune to the medical–pharmaceutical complex. Greed and ideology are a potent combination, so it is no wonder that almost all safeguards have been abandoned when it comes to transitioning children. But this greed may be their undoing. …[L]awsuits may bring down the medical and pharmaceutical cartels that profited from hurting them. The transgender monolith will fall as its victims stand up to it.” Read more here.


Major Doctors’ Organization Publicly Embraces Dismembering Babies Until Birth, by Jordan Boyd. “…[T]he American College of Physicians (ACP) announced its official stance on abortion is that ‘individuals have the right to make their own decisions, in partnership with their physician or health care professional’ without legal consequences… The ACP also used the brief … to formally condemn life-saving pro-life laws for banning the barbaric practice of in-utero dismemberment abortion and punishing anyone who illegally ends unborn lives.” Read more here.


TikTok Influencers Are Trying to Turn Your Kids Trans Behind Your Back as This Must-See Exposé Shows, by Brandon Morse. “…White points out that some of these influencers talking to your kid are actively encouraging your child to keep their ‘conversations’ a secret from you, the parent. This doesn’t just mean random transgendered people, but medical professionals as well who give out phone numbers they can call for a secretive consultation… None of this should be surprising but it’s absolutely integral to see what your kids may very well be seeing whenever they log onto TikTok, if you let them on the app at all.” Read more here.


The Powerful LGBT Group Behind California’s Most Radical Laws Is Setting Its Sights on Washington, by Susannah Luthi. “Powerful organizations in Sacramento often team up on bill sponsorship to add to the pressure. Unions, several of which donate to Equality California, are a particularly important ally, as are Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union. Together, this coalition overhauled California schools’ sex education curriculum to include instruction about gay sex and gender identities. Planned Parenthood and Equality California consult with districts on how to teach the program.” Read more here.


Parents Defended Embattled Child Gender Clinic. Their Stories Confirm Critics’ Worst Fears, by Laurel Duggan. “About two dozen parents disputed recent claims that the Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital was rushing mentally ill children onto cross-sex medical interventions … but their stories highlight some of the clinic’s controversial practices… Parents who were supportive of the clinic reported that their children had numerous mental health comorbidities and transitioned at young ages, sometimes without a history of gender identity issues, and that doctors used suicide risk to pressure families into medical transitions.” Read more here.


Washington State AG: Abortion Pill Is ‘Safer Than Tylenol,’ by Dan Hart. “As noted previously by Szoch and Dr. Ingrid Skop, chemical abortions also pose a unique challenge for the woman, who is expected to carry out the abortion at her home. ‘Chemical abortions are uniquely traumatic in that a mother must personally dispose of the remains of her aborted child, who may be visibly recognizable as a baby. At eight to 10 weeks gestation when chemical abortions are often carried out, the baby is approximately the size and shape of a gummy bear with easily recognizable head, hands, feet, fingers, and toes.’” Read more here.


Washington State Would Destroy Both a Homeless Shelter and Religious Freedom, by Quin Hillyer. “The Washington Supreme Court, ignoring copious U.S. Supreme Court precedent, recently decided that the Union Gospel Mission may not adhere to its faith-based hiring practices, and state officials now threaten the charity with considerable punishment for doing so. As in many other similar cases, the homeless shelter in question will serve anybody in need but just not hire nonbelievers to serve them.” Read more here.


NSW Must Not Repeat the Mistakes of Other States About Conversion Therapy Legislation, by John Steenhof. “The NSW Parliament must resist pressure to repeat the same mistakes. It should open an evidence-based parliamentary inquiry. It should hold public hearings. It should listen to the voices of dissenting gays and lesbians. It should protect the right of people to seek whatever help they want, from whoever they want, in accordance with the human rights of all concerned.” Read more here.


Busting Five Myths of Gender Ideology, by Madeleine Kearns. “Scrutinizing the claims of gender ideology, it soon becomes apparent how incoherent they are. On the one hand, we’re told that men and women are the same – that the differences we observe in professional outcomes and sexual behavior are the result of sexist stereotyping. And yet, they are different; and men can really be women and women can really be men, by appropriating opposite-sex stereotypes.” Read more here.


Actually, Most People Love Being Parents, by Jim Dalrymple. “Specifically, 36% of Pew’s respondents said that being a parent is enjoyable all the time. Another 44% said it’s enjoyable most of the time. That’s a total of 80% of respondents who described parenting as enjoyable… More surprising still, lower-income parents are actually more likely to see parenting as enjoyable and rewarding all the time than parents with higher and middle incomes.” Read more here.


The Abortion Pill Turns Every Woman’s Home Into a Potential Site of Trauma, by Abby Johnson. “I have counseled many former abortion workers as well as women who have had abortions. The anguish they suffer is almost unbearable. Abortion workers see a side of abortion almost no one else does – they have to put together the pieces of the baby in the lab to make sure nothing is left inside the woman… They have images inside their heads they can never forget. Now women who go the medication abortion route are going to see these same things, and like many abortion workers, they aren’t trained to deal with it.” Read more here.


With 3D Body-Image Avatars and Fake Voices for Trans People, Biden’s NIH Goes to New Extremes, by Anonymous. “The NIH is wasting taxpayer dollars on a project titled ‘Personalized 3D avatar tool development for measurement of body perception across gender identities,’ which purports to help people with gender dysphoria by mapping the difference between their actual physical embodiment and what they believe their body to be. But instead, it indulges their illness by defying science and denying the immutability of sex.” Read more here.


Biden Seeks to Strip Health Care Professionals of Conscience Protections, by Melanie Israel. “In 2019, the Trump administration issued a regulation empowering the Department of Health and Human Services to robustly enforce federal conscience protection laws. But now, the Biden administration is proposing to gut those rules, which would ultimately leave people more vulnerable to being forced to participate in controversial procedures that violate their conscience.” Read more here.


The Left’s Transgender Agenda for Children Is at a Tipping Point, by Sarah Weaver. “A large number of key studies used to justify sex-change treatments for minors have fallen apart under scrutiny. One study, which outlets like NBC, U.S. News and The Hill touted as disproving the theory that ‘social contagion’ contributes to the rise in transgender-identified youth, was methodologically flawed… What studies do appear to show, however, is that in cases of children experiencing gender dysphoria, the vast majority will desist.” Read more here.


The Scientific Revolt Against Gender Ideology Has Begun, by Kaylee McGhee White. “To be clear, gender activists don’t really care whether the science backs up their agenda or not. But it does give them a claim to authority on this issue, which they have used aggressively in recent years to convince every one of our powerful institutions, from the education establishment to the healthcare sector to the White House, to accept gender ideology as fact. Debunking their bogus scientific claims brings us one step closer to breaking this ideological grip.” Read more here.


Want to Protect Life? Oppose Revival of the Equal Rights Amendment, by Emma Waters. “…Democrats have looked for new ways to secure an absolute right to abortion. If Congress votes to remove the expiration date of the Equal Rights Amendment, and if the amendment is ratified later by the specified number of states, then the ERA could anchor a supposed right to abortion in the Constitution itself… To protect the lives of women and their unborn children, lawmakers must oppose the national Equal Rights Amendment.” Read more here.


As Porn Gets Worse and Democrats Embrace It, One Newer Group Has a Novel Approach to Combat It, by Rachel Alexander. “The left promotes the attitude of doing whatever you want sexually by labeling it ‘freedom’ but completely ignores all the damage porn does to its victims. Many of the women exploited are fooled into thinking it’s harmless… Brain scans have shown that pornography has the same effect on the brain as cocaine. FTND states that there are ‘35 neuroscience-based studies using a variety of brain imaging technologies … that provide solid support for the reality of internet porn addiction.’” Read more here.


Washington State Teacher ‘Says the Quiet Part Out Loud’ on Parental Rights in Education, by Tyler O’Neil. “’On one hand, it’s utterly frightening that a teacher would hold the views that she is a better judge of children than their own parents and then publicly say so on Twitter,’ Prior said. ‘On the other hand, having people in positions of authority say the quiet part out loud gives parents the opportunity to understand what is actually happening at their schools and take appropriate action.’” Read more here.


Biden Pentagon Orders Military Chaplains to Bless Putting Male Soldiers in Female Showers and Bedrooms, by Elaine Donnelly. “Military commanders, doctors and nurses, chaplains, and military men and women at all levels must endorse and act on this ideological belief or suffer career penalties if they don’t. Alleged ‘biases against transgender individuals,’ which are prohibited, could include anything from ‘misgendering’ people with the wrong pronouns to expressions of concern about medically questionable hormone treatments or surgeries for adults or military-dependent children.” Read more here.


Citizens Request Treaty Change for Abortion, by Bridget Ryder. “A European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) to add access to abortion to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has – for the moment – been rejected by the European Commission… As the commission has made it clear, it does not have the power to move forward with citizens’ proposals on treaty change, so the initiative may be a dead end for abortion advocates. But … pro-life supporters should keep an eye on such proposals. They are one more way abortion proponents will continue their attempts to create a right to abortion.” Read more here.


Incredible … UN Women Refused to Hear WYA’s CSW67 Recommendations, by Sofia Piecuch. “Our participant from Tunisia spoke against the inclusion of CSE but was not allowed to finish. ‘They cut me off saying that they have no time and mentioned going back to the main room…’ As WYA experienced, the space provided by UN Women to gather youth and adolescent inputs was not open, inclusive, accessible or transparent for WYA members, who were either removed from the platform or silenced by moderators.” Read more here.


How the LGBT Movement Is Making Young Women Depressed, by Conn Carroll. “…[I]f you dig into the numbers a little deeper, you’ll quickly see that almost all of the growth in LGBT identification is coming from young adults identifying as ‘bisexual,’ and almost all of the growth in young Americans identifying as ‘bisexual’ is coming from young women specifically… One recent study found that bisexual females and females questioning their sexuality had significantly higher scores for depression, anxiety, and traumatic distress than female heterosexuals.” Read more here.


Teenage Girls Are in Trouble. It’s Time to Acknowledge Social Media’s Role, by Jean Twenge. “Although not all teens are negatively affected by social media, some are very negatively impacted. If 38% of girls who ate a new-to-the-market candy got a stomachache, compared to only 11% who ate other candy, the new candy would immediately be pulled from the market even though the majority were not adversely affected. Yet those are the exact statistics for social media and depression for girls in one of the best-designed studies, and social media is still available to children and teens with no age verification required.” Read more here.


UN Commission Considers AI Crackdown on Homosexual/Trans Critics, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “The first artificial intelligence programs have only just begun to emerge, but progressive countries already have plans to use the new technology to silence … anyone who objects to abortion and homosexual/trans demands. Progressive Western governments are pushing for global censorship through artificial intelligence to fight ‘technology-facilitated sexual and gender-based violence,’ a new term that can be used to re-cast opposition to abortion and homosexual/trans rights as a form of online violence and quash it.” Read more here.


The Evils of ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care, by Isabella DeLuca. “The issue that we are facing now is medical professionals, such as doctors and therapists, who are put in place to protect children, are spreading this propaganda that all gender dysphoria has one root cause: being born in the wrong body and that there is one solution to this: complete gender transition. This supposed ‘cause’ does not account for any other potential internal or external factors within the child’s life, and this ‘treatment’ does nothing but harm the child.” Read more here.


Taxpayer-Funded NPR Uncritically Promotes Mutilation for ‘Transgender’ Children, by Zachary Faria. “NPR is the best propaganda outlet that taxpayer money can buy. The outlet has joined in on the transgender craze, publishing a completely uncritical piece about ‘gender-affirming care’ for children in Florida, one of the states that have wisely moved to ban it. ‘Gender-affirming care’ is nothing more than chemical manipulation and surgical mutilation, and such procedures have permanent effects on children that can never be reversed.” Read more here.


Beyond Binary: New and Old Models of Fatherhood Can Work Together, by Alan J. Hawkins. “The missing second part of his statement is a clear acknowledgement that quality and quantity are highly correlated, that the quality of the parental relationship is strongly associated with positive father involvement, and that co-residence supports quality father engagement, while not living with the child and the child’s mother inhibits it, even among fathers who have a strong desire to be good dads. Yes, non-residential fathers can be good fathers … but the empirical reality … is that the odds are heavily stacked against fathers when the romantic partnership with his child’s mother goes south.” Read more here.


The Associated Press Joins the War on Crisis Pregnancy Centers, by Ashley McGuire. “Calling pregnancy centers, many of which have names that are in no way identified with abortion or the politics surrounding it, ‘anti-abortion,’ jeopardizes the vulnerable women that turn to them for help… But the AP’s mischaracterization of these centers does more than push incendiary language. It’s flat-out biased and unfair – and that would be true coming from anyone, much less from an enterprise claiming to be the literal vanguard of journalistic integrity.” Read more here.


There’s a New Battlefield in the Fight Over Abortion, and Conflict Is Heating Up, by Katelynn Richardson. “In 2000, when the FDA approved mifepristone, …it did so under accelerated approval regulations intended for drugs that ‘have been studied for their safety and effectiveness in treating serious or life-threatening illnesses and that provide meaningful therapeutic benefit to patients over existing treatments,’ forcing the agency to categorize pregnancy as an ‘illness,’ according to the lawsuit.” Read more here.


Reforms Could Change Ethos of Australia’s Religious Schools, by Angela Shanahan. “The ALRC says a school would have control over the curriculum, as far as the state’s curriculum guidelines. Fair enough, but how can you have control over curriculum, especially in religion, when at the same time there is a proviso to present ‘alternative views’ that ignore the fundamental nature of Judaeo-Christian teaching on marriage, family and sex that is at the moral core of belief on human sexuality and procreation of human life?” Read more here.


Leave Pregnancy Resource Centers Alone, by Matt Lamb. “…[T]here are efforts from Big Tech, politicians, and legacy media to harm these groups that provide low-cost or free services to help families choose life and either raise their children in a healthy environment or place them for adoption… While Big Tech silences within the private sector, political efforts work to use the weight of the government to stop these pro-life nonprofit organizations.” Read more here.


The Child Sex Change Industry Is Exploding in the U.S., by Laurel Duggan. “About 300,000 children in the U.S. identify as transgender, according to the University of California Los Angeles Williams Institute, though not everyone who adopts a transgender identity seeks a medical transition. While many of these children undergo surgical procedures, particularly mastectomies, a larger portion receive puberty blockers and/or hormones, which provides a continuous stream of revenue to pharmaceutical companies and medical providers.” Read more here.


Spain: Study Links Increased Transgender Cases With Laws, by Bridget Ryder. “The study found that in Valencia, the number of transgender cases grew by more than 10,000 percent between 2016 and 2021. In Catalonia, it grew by 7,000 percent between 2012 and 2021, with the number of new cases increasing by 40 percent between 2020 and 2021. In Madrid, between January and August of 2022 alone, the endocrinology departments of the city’s six public hospitals received a total of 848 visits from referrals by the gender identity units, almost half of which were first consultations.” Read more here.


By Accusing Pregnancy Centers of False Advertising, Pro-Abortion Politicians Prove They Can’t Handle the Truth, by Jor-El Godsey. “If every state already has laws against deceptive advertising and if pregnancy centers are, in their opponents’ words, advertising deceptively, why is another law required? You’d think … the current laws would have been easy to use to stop the ‘deceptive advertising’ practices the abortion proponents rail against… Perhaps pregnancy centers are really only guilty of standing against Big Abortion and its deep pockets and bought-off politicians.” Read more here.


Can States Stop Do-It-Yourself Abortion Pills? by Sarah Parshall Perry. “State or local governments can regulate matters related to health and safety without violating the supremacy clause. And, as my Heritage Foundation colleague Tom Jipping and I have written, that means, with Roe v. Wade now overruled, the states may again exercise their traditional police power to restrict or prohibit abortion – including particular methods of abortion, such as by pill.” Read more here.


How Autogynephilia Is Fueling Today’s Transgender Activism, by Debra Soh. “There exists an overlap between [autogynephilia] and narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders, but the most aggressive individuals with AGP, who demand that trans women be considered indistinguishable from women, and who are overriding social boundaries and requiring policy to facilitate this, don’t represent everybody. Many of those experiencing AGP do so quietly and don’t transition to female full-time.” Read more here.


End the Horrors of the Pediatric Gender-Industrial Complex, Now, by Post Editorial Board. “…[A]ll it took to get these kids on hormones was one letter from a therapist plus a single medical consultation. Those hormones have potentially life-altering and irreversible consequences, including sterility, liver toxicity and severe sexual issues. Worse yet, intakes came in from a mental health unit at the hospital. Yes, kids with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were put on hormones as a cure for their mental illness…” Read more here.


Trained to Hate Their Sex and Selves, 1 in 3 Teen Girls Now Considers Suicide, by Auguste Meyrat. “What has changed in the last decade and in the last few years that has driven young women ever further to despair? From what I’ve witnessed as a high school teacher, this would probably be the rise of social media and transgenderism… Related to the problem of social media is the transgenderism movement, which argues that sex is fluid and that changing one’s sex will make someone happier. This idea has been incredibly destabilizing for female identity and has led to the wide-scale invasion of women’s spaces.” Read more here.


The Associated Press Has Lost Its Brain to Gender Ideology, by Zachary Faria. “The delusions go far beyond the scientifically illiterate assertion that men can become women and women can become men. The AP bemoans the lack of ‘recognition’ for ‘nonbinary or gender-fluid people,’ two completely fabricated categories that mean nothing… This is really all just a form of disinformation. The AP is taking sides in the culture war, and unfortunately, that means that its reporting on this topic cannot be trusted.” Read more here.


As Book Battles Erupt Across the Country, Idaho Turns to Legislation, by Abigail Olsson. “If this bill passes, parents would have the ability to sue agencies that expose children to inappropriate content, adding an additional layer of accountability to the education system. Allowing parents to sue is a good step forward, Kilgannon says, but ‘the only reason we need a bill like this is because librarians, teachers, and school administrators are ignoring parents.’” Read more here.


Six Reasons Why Alex Greenwich’s Gay Conversion Therapy Bill Will Be Bad for New South Wales, by Michael Cook. “A ban on criticism of LGBTQIA+ will stop parents, pastors, and therapist [sic] from offering advice to teenagers who are confused about their sexuality. A ban is a conversion rachet which moves only in one direction – towards assimilation in the LGBTQIA+ community. It will allow therapists to offer affirming advice to teens but stop anyone from discouraging them. The ultimate effect of this will be to hand over the care of troubled teens to government-funded counsellors.” Read more here.


‘Queer’ Whistleblower Exposes Evils of the School-to-Scalpel Pipeline, by Ian Prior. “The whistleblower’s story … reveals the endgame of drugs and surgery to chemically castrate and irreversibly damage children physically and mentally. That endgame does not happen in isolation. It begins at school… Students who ‘identify’ as a different sex are effectively given rights above and beyond everyone else. It’s no wonder young adolescents would deal with their growing pains in a way that gives them a feeling of acceptance, validation, and being part of a new ‘civil right.’” Read more here.


Red States Should Lead Way in Reforming Anti-Marriage Welfare Policies, by Benjamin Paris and Jamie Bryan Hall. “Twenty-six state-level preschool programs contain penalties that discourage marriage. The vast majority of those programs will allow a single mother to send her child to preschool free of charge but eliminate the entire preschool benefit if she marries a man of equal or even lower income… Because of this program structure, a typical working-class couple is incentivized to remain unmarried and raise their children as single parents in order to retain their preschool benefits.” Read more here.


Prayer Is Becoming Criminal in the UK, by Elyssa Koren. “Prayer, even silent prayer, could be a prosecutable offense in the United Kingdom, thanks to recent developments. Catholic priest Father Sean Gough from Birmingham, England finds himself in the midst of a legal battle for allegedly violating a censorship zone banning prayer on public streets around an abortion facility. This marks the latest in a string of thought crime cases rocking fundamental freedoms in the UK.” Read more here.


No, Being a Mother to Your Unborn Baby Is Not the Same as Slavery, by Nathanael Blake. “No one at the time the 13th Amendment was written and ratified thought it included unwanted pregnancy as a form of involuntary servitude. And they were right. It is madness to regard a developing human in the womb as an intrusive stranger with no claim upon a woman. It is crazy to believe that the ordinary, natural processes of human reproduction are the moral and legal equivalent of slavery.” Read more here.


Detransitioners Are Being Abandoned by Medical Professionals Who Devastated Their Bodies and Minds, by Kelsey Bolar. “After being swarmed by health providers who enabled her to medically transition as a minor, Prisha Mosley now says she’s been abandoned by the medical community as she attempts to navigate a complicated and painful detransition… Prisha doesn’t know why she’s been turned away from so many doctors and medical providers – whether it’s about money, politics, or a lack of knowledge to help.” Read more here.


Religious Schools Will Be Forced to Embrace Transgender Ideology, by Kirralie Smith. “The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has released a paper that seems intent on destroying religious schooling in Australia… Balancing clauses that have, until now, allowed religious schools and colleges to operate in accordance with their faith, are to be abolished. The propositions require the schools, even religious studies classes, to include ‘alternative views,’ and staff cannot be restricted in any way regardless of their sexual orientation or identity.” Read more here.


The United Nations’ Agenda to Sexualize American Children in the Name of Equality, by Kimberly Ells. “…UNESCO, UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO, and their partners including IPPF have proven themselves to be tenacious advocates of CSE and/or sexual rights for children. Since this is the case, the global education structure being mounted by them is poised to spread sexual rights ideology like a contagion to children everywhere. UN-directed, tech-based education is the syringe through which comprehensive sexuality education is poised to be administered to the children of the world.” Read more here.


State Hearings on Gender Transitions for Minors Draw Large Crowds, by Chantel Hoyt. “The contentious debate surrounding gender transition procedures for minors continued unabated in statehouses across the nation this week, with several states moving bills meant to shield youth from the physical and emotional harms of such procedures… State lawmakers seem more determined than ever to address the trauma and permanent scars experienced by people like Chloe Cole from occurring to minors in their state.” Read more here.


I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle, by Jamie Reed. “During the four years I worked at the clinic as a case manager … around a thousand distressed young people came through our doors… I left the clinic in November of last year because I could no longer participate in what was happening there. By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to ‘do no harm.’ Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care.” Read more here.


The FBI’s Slander of ‘Radical’ Traditionalist Catholics, by the Editors of National Review. “The Richmond office of the FBI prepared a memo on what it called ‘Radical Traditionalist Catholics’ and the threat they posed… The memo accuses such Catholics of ‘adherence to anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ and white supremacist ideology.’ It contains several references to Catholic hostility to ‘abortion rights.’ And it recommended with some optimism that containing the threat posed by such Catholics can be accomplished by cultivating sources and assets within the Catholic Church itself.” Read more here.


We Must Protect Minors From Gender Transition Procedures, by Matt Sharp. “We must be clear: the experimental gender transition procedures foisted on our children are often irreversible. They prevent healthy puberty, radically alter the child’s hormonal balance, and may even remove healthy external or internal organs and body parts. And not only are such drugs and procedures dangerous, but they are also experimental and unproven. In fact, multiple long-term studies show that when young children who experience gender dysphoria are allowed to mature naturally, most of them … grow out of their dysphoria.” Read more here.


Prostitution Bill Moves to Parliament, by Errol Naidoo. “This is not new legislation but rather the repeal of existing laws that criminalise the sale and purchase of adult sexual services. Essentially, this Amendment will legalize all aspects of the sex industry in South Africa – effectively legitimizing pimps, brothels and criminal syndicates. The impact of a legalized sex industry on society will be dire and far-reaching. Decriminalised prostitution significantly expands the sex trade and increases child prostitution and trafficking.” Read more here.


No Room for Debate: Parents, Not Schools, Must Direct Children’s ‘Gender’ Decisions, by Quin Hillyer. “The horrors inflicted upon Sage as a consequence comprise an extreme case, of course. But even if Sage had not been removed from her own home or abused, the school was way off base in hiding her ‘identity change’ from her parents to start with. No matter what school officials think about their own power, parents, not the officials, ordinarily have ultimate authority over how to raise children. Absent a court finding of abuse or severe abandonment, parental authority is sacrosanct.” Read more here.


Abortion-Inducing ‘Period Pills’ Come to the U.S., by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “…[P]roponents of so-called ‘period pills’ are trying to appeal to an audience that is uncomfortable with abortion for moral reasons.  A website promoting the pills quotes women’s reasons to prefer this method to a standard abortion following a pregnancy test. ‘It would be easier on my emotional well-being to not know I was actually pregnant,’ one woman said.  Another said, ‘I wouldn’t feel I am a bad person.’” Read more here.


Biden Paints Lifesaving, Pro-Life Laws as ‘Extreme,’ by Mary Margaret Olohan. “The president’s reference to ‘extreme abortion bans’ refers to laws that protect unborn babies from being killed. Almost 70% of Americans support limiting abortions to the first three months of a pregnancy… The states with strong pro-life laws on the books allow timely medical treatments for miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and other medical procedures needed to save the life of a pregnant woman, contrary to the claims of many high-profile Democrats.” Read more here.


How to Combat Gender Theory in Public Schools, by Christopher Rufo. “As radical gender theory has made its way into public schools across the United States, children as young as five have been exposed to ideas that encourage them to question their gender identities, sometimes with life-changing and irreversible results. Despite Americans’ broadly shared skepticism about gender identity curricula and practices in schools, many ideologically motivated teachers and administrators have not relented in their mission to advance radical gender theory…” Read more here.


No, Mr. President, the Equality Act Harms Women and Children, by Emma Waters. “Biden encouraged Congress to pass the Equality Act ‘to ensure LGBTQ Americans, especially transgender young people, can live with safety and dignity.’ But we know what this is code for… The Equality Act harms women, children, and all those who understand mammalian biology. While he spoke in lofty terms about ‘our duty to protect all the people’s rights and freedoms’ last night, Biden’s address failed to protect the rights and freedoms of women and children – the two groups most harmed by his radical agenda.” Read more here.


Puberty Blockers Fast-Track Children Toward Full Gender Transition, by the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine. “The authors did find a low rate of detransition during the puberty blocker phase: 93% – 98% of youth who started puberty blockers … proceeded to start cross-sex hormones. This finding led the authors to appropriately conclude that puberty blockers may not serve as a diagnostic tool, but rather represent the first step in medical gender transition – and they even suggest that treatment with puberty blockers may contribute to the high incidence of subsequent treatment with cross-sex hormones.” Read more here.


Indiana Lawmakers Fight Back Against Schools’ Hidden Transgender Policies, by Tony Kinnett. “Teshka condemned what he called ‘emotional blackmail’ in which ‘…anyone who questions any of these “affirmation policies” is immediately confronted by this idea that “you hate transgender youth because transgender youth are going to commit suicide [without] these policies.”’ ‘Suicide is nothing to throw around lightly,’ the Indiana lawmaker said.” Read more here.


Biden Administration Trying to Force Doctors to Perform Abortions, by Alliance Defending Freedom. “[The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act] explicitly states that hospitals are required to provide treatment to stabilize emergency medical conditions for both a pregnant mother and her ‘unborn child.’ The act clearly outlines the need to protect unborn children, not harm them. But following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe, the Biden administration is attempting to redefine EMTALA to mandate the performance of abortions.” Read more here.


The Right to Life Will Be Constitutionally Protected When the Truth About Abortion Is Acknowledged, by James Sherley. “The leading provider of abortions in the U.S., Planned Parenthood, earns the majority of its revenue by stopping pregnant mothers from being parents. Pro-choice protesters pronounce abortion to be healthcare, although every abortion kills a child… Pro-choice marchers claim to want to give their daughters a future with abortion rights, but current abortion practice will end the lives of millions of those daughters, along with their brothers, long before their childbearing years.” Read more here.


Leftist Lunacy Means Being ‘Transgender’ Is More Important Than Being the ‘Right’ Gender, by Douglas Blair. “In a video game set in a world where magic exists and can make you into whatever version of yourself you want to be, why would you choose to be transgender and not just the sex you feel you are? The insistence that video games must give players the option to be transgender is yet another piece of evidence that transgenderism can be an identity adopted for social cachet and is not always an actual desire to be the opposite sex.” Read more here.


Virginia Senate Votes Today on Bill to Put Abortion Until Birth in State Constitution, by Ashley Bateman. “On Feb. 6, the Senate will vote on SJ 255, a ‘Right to Abortion Amendment’ that would make abortion a ‘fundamental right’ in the commonwealth. This state constitutional amendment would allow abortion to be performed until birth and require taxpayers to pay for it. The amendment would be codified into law if it passes both chambers for two consecutive years and then passes a statewide ballot referendum. It would effectively nullify any pro-life laws in the state…” Read more here.


The Double Whammy Making Italy the West’s Fastest Shrinking Nation, by Jason Horowitz. “Italy’s population is aging and shrinking at the fastest rate in the West, forcing the country to adapt to a booming population of the elderly that puts it at the forefront of a global demographic trend that experts call the ‘silver tsunami.’ But it faces a demographic double whammy, with a drastically sinking birthrate that is among the lowest in Europe. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has said Italy is ‘destined to disappear’ unless it changes.” Read more here.


Why Comprehensive Sexuality Education Is Not the Answer, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “Both the U.S.-based and international reviews looked at the sustainability of effects … and whether sexual activity, sexually transmitted infections, teen pregnancies, and condom use rose or fell among students who were taught according to the different programs. Overall, the researchers concluded that the much-hyped successful outcomes of CSE were based on weak evidence, unsustainable results, and, likely, some degree of motivated reasoning by those conducting the evaluations.” Read more here.


Female Athletes Sound the Alarm About Trans Athletes in Women’s Sports, by Madeline Leesman. “February 1 marks the 37th annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day, which celebrates the achievements and progression in women’s athletics since the implementation of Title IX. In the past few years, however, women’s sports have been threatened, as male-bodied ‘transgender’ athletes have made their way onto women’s sports teams, and in some cases, even into their locker rooms.” Read more here.


Montana Senate Hears Testimony for the ‘Youth Health Protection Act,’ by Chantel Hoyt. “The proponent side of the argument featured parents and grandparents, medical and mental health experts, researchers, and individuals who have ‘detransitioned.’ It was clearly challenging for witnesses to confine their testimony concerning their knowledge and personal experience on this important subject to the three-minute timeframe provided.” Read more here.


With Mark Houck, as With Jack Phillips, the Persecution Is the Whole Point, by Kaylee McGhee White. “I doubt the Biden DOJ thought they’d actually win this case. But that wasn’t the goal anyway. The goal of the charges against Houck and the raid on his family was intimidation. The DOJ wanted to send Houck – and the rest of the pro-life movement, for that matter – a message: interfere with our abortion agenda in any way, and we will come for you. It’s a tactic the Left has been using with increasing fervor over the past several years.” Read more here.


Even Progressive Europe Won’t Go as Far as America in Child Transgender Treatments, by Dr. Stanley Goldfarb and Dr. Miriam Grossman. “The American approach, ‘gender affirmation,’ assumes gender identity is knowable from as early as toddlerhood, fixed as soon as it is declared and should be medicalized into permanence as soon as possible. It insists merely questioning a minor’s gender self-definition before often-irreversible interventions is harmful… Europeans generally see affirmation leading to rapid medical interventions as unethical and dangerous.” Read more here.


When Study Shows Transgender Medicine Hurts Kids, Activists and Media Allies Slant the Science, by Nathanael Blake. “Despite the suicides, null results for males, and questionable (at best) results among female subjects, the researchers reported their findings as though they were positive results that supported giving children wrong-sex hormones. And the corporate media bought this spin… Thus, this study will be cited as scientific evidence proving the benefits of transitioning children, even though it shows nothing of the kind.” Read more here.


The Biden Administration’s Proposed Changes to Title IX Threaten Parental Rights, by Kate Anderson and Emilie Kao. “…[T]he Biden Administration’s proposed rule seems to adopt policies that treat parents with suspicion until parents prove that they will support their child’s gender transition… Parents know their children best and have the constitutional right to direct treatment of their children’s mental health. Policies made pursuant to the new Title IX rules could keep parents in the dark and prevent them from exercising their fundamental rights.” Read more here.


Sage’s Law: Protecting Vulnerable Children From the Ideological Fervor of the State, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Sage’s … school should never have hidden the information about her ‘gender identity’ and ailing mental health from her grandparents. The court should never have taken temporary custody of Sage, and it certainly should not have placed her in a male dormitory. All of this could have been prevented, but the state’s relentless desire to force gender ideology onto the public left it blind to a child’s suffering…” Read more here.


Abusing Religious Freedom for Abortion Access, by Tal Fortgang and Howard Slugh. “Allowed to stand, this ruling would have ghastly consequences for religious liberty. States would have to choose between religious liberty laws and every other law they would enforce, nearly all of which burden someone’s conscience and limit behaviors some people consider obligatory. Faced with such a choice, states will have to give up protecting religious liberty altogether. What appears to be a victory for religious liberty … is really just the opposite.” Read more here.


Get Married Before Having Children, and Other Recipes for Reducing Poverty, by James Rogan. “One solution to this catastrophe affecting the nation is to teach the success sequence. The data say that millennials who graduate from high school, get a job, get married, and only then have children will escape poverty, with 97% of those who do so not ending up poor… Studies show demonstrably that the structure of the family is the most important factor in educational and economic success. Schooling has only a limited impact on later life success.” Read more here.


Music Teacher Forced Out for His Religious Beliefs, by Alliance Defending Freedom. “Religious freedom has been one of America’s most cherished rights since the Founding. …[T]he right to exercise our religion is a hallmark of a free society. But over the past few decades, employers have been slowly chipping away at protections for religious exercise in the workplace. Now, some companies are trying to tell their employees that they must set aside their religious beliefs as a condition of employment. This is exactly what happened to one orchestra teacher in Indiana.” Read more here.


The Persecution of Jack Phillips Should End, by the Editors of National Review. “The liberal promise of anti-discrimination laws is that they secure the same rights to all in a neutral fashion. The illiberal reality of their deployment by progressives in clashes between sex-based identity and faith-based identity is to demand that the faithful kneel before favored identity groups. A decent and liberal society would leave Jack Phillips alone. The Colorado government’s pursuit of him has sent a public message that it is neither decent nor liberal.” Read more here.


You Can Expedite Your Nursing License Application in California … If You Plan to Commit Abortions, by Anne Marie Williams, RN, BSN. “A recent nursing school graduate from California was ‘shocked, horrified, and disgusted’ when she applied to take the national licensing exam for registered nurses (NCLEX) and learned that her home state will expedite the application of any healthcare professional willing to assist with or perform abortions… California’s blatant preferential treatment of abortion is particularly egregious considering the massive nursing shortage the state faces.” Read more here.


Biden’s Abortion Mandates Threaten Pro-Life VA Nurse’s Job, but She Isn’t Giving Up, by Danielle Runyan and Holly Randall. “…[T]he [Department of Veterans Affairs] announced that it would begin offering abortion services at VA facilities nationwide. The VA brazenly issued this edict without first engaging the legislative branch, as it is required to do. Ignoring 30 years of congressional authority expressly prohibiting abortions at VA facilities, the VA was to immediately begin offering abortion services regardless of the unborn child’s gestational age and in spite of any state laws which might prohibit such a procedure.” Read more here.


Leftist Lawyers Try to Protect Killing the Unborn by Calling It a Religion, by Sarah Parshall Perry and Thomas Jipping. “The Supreme Court’s decision last summer in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that ‘the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion’ did not stop the attacks on legal protection for the unborn. Going forward, most challenges will make familiar arguments but shift the venue from federal to state courts. Abortion lawyers are also launching less conventional attacks, including that pro-life laws violate the right, under state constitutions or statutes, to freely exercise religion.” Read more here.


Supreme Court’s Cowardice Allows Colorado to Keep Persecuting Christians, by Joy Pullmann. “In 2018, the Supreme Court rebuked the Colorado judicial apparatus for expressing clear animus against Phillips’ Christian beliefs. It did not, however, back the clear First Amendment protections that ought to allow Phillips to worship God peaceably and bake whatever he wants for any reason whatsoever. So Phillips has been made an example by the rapacious LGBT lobby whose end goals are erasing Americans’ free speech and religious exercise rights as well as inserting government meddling into every personal relationship, all marks of totalitarianism.” Read more here.


Woke Activists Promote Drag Shows, Transgenderism in East Tennessee, by Spencer Lindquist. “A report out of east Tennessee’s Blount County reveals that ‘all ages’ drag shows and other forms of LGBT activism are not limited to liberal areas but instead are spreading into conservative strongholds… A report from Misrule of Law documents how drag shows have been organized in the conservative community by a small but dedicated handful of woke activists.” Read more here.


NIH-Funded Study Claims Trans Hormones Improve Mental Health – Despite Patient Suicides, by Laurel Duggan. “A National Institutes of Health-funded study published Jan. 19 in the New England Journal of Medicine claimed to find that cross-sex hormones caused improvements in psychosocial functioning for transgender and nonbinary adolescents. However, two participants committed suicide while another 11 developed suicidal ideation, according to the study.” Read more here.


Christian Cake Artist Gets Persecuted Again, by Quin Hillyer. “Not content to let him get away with refusal to serve same-sex weddings, a leftist lawyer demanded that Phillips make a cake to celebrate a gender transition and another one depicting Satan. These were clearly not good-faith requests but mere harassment… Of course, Phillips refused, which kick-started another Colorado attempt to nail up Phillips as a sacrifice to their gender gods. Naturally, Colorado’s courts … again held Phillips responsible for illegal discrimination based on gender, his religious objections notwithstanding.” Read more here.


Oregon’s Unhinged ‘LGBTQ2SIA+’ Guidance Spells the Death of Education, by Emily Mangiaracina. “The Oregon Department of Education’s new ‘transgender’ guidance, now written for ‘LGBTQ2SIA+’ students …, may not have made more than a quiet splash upon its release – perhaps in part due to the numbing ‘boiling frog’ syndrome. However, it signals something monumental: that the state education department and the culture that shaped it have, perhaps unwittingly, completely subverted the very purpose of education.” Read more here.


The Pro-Life Movement Still Deserves a National Strategy, by Alexandra DeSanctis. “Up until now, thanks to Roe, calling oneself a pro-life politician hasn’t required much at all. This is the moment for pro-lifers to prove those tepid leaders wrong and insist that any candidate who calls himself pro-life must do more than gesture vaguely to state lawmakers. As the March for Life demonstrated, pro-life Americans still have momentum. They would be wise not to give it up.” Read more here.


The Trans War on Tomboys, by Nina Power. “Today, the boyish girl is in danger of being told she was ‘born in the wrong body’ and whisked off to a gender clinic to begin the journey from puberty blockers to breast removal to reproductive surgery and, ultimately, infertility. Setting children on this path – one that many regret – is an obvious, grotesque harm. We have taken a terribly wrong turn in allowing pharmaceutical companies to construct lifelong patients out of healthy children.” Read more here.


A Predator’s Paradise, by Abigail Shrier. “[I]f some of Wiener’s bills seek to protect LGBTQ youth, they also represent a golden opportunity for a different group: adults who would take advantage of them… Consider the Wiener-authored SB 145, a 2020 measure that amended the sex-offender registration laws in California, so that an adult having anal or oral sex with a minor could avoid getting placed on the sex-offender registry, as long as the child was at least 14 and the adult was no more than a decade older.” Read more here.


Transgender Ideology Is Putting Male Rapists Into Women’s Prisons, With Predictable Results, by Zachary Faria. “Men are not women. Men do not belong in women’s spaces, especially if that space is a confined one, such as a prison. Men who are convicted rapists belong nowhere near any women, even if they claim to think they are women… The insanity of transgenderism is having real consequences when it is adopted by the government, and the harm will continue unless people reject this nonsense.” Read more here.


A Public School District Took Middle Schoolers to a Drag Show Without Telling Their Parents, by Patrick Miller and Keith Simon. “When school officials in a diverse community treat their solemn responsibility to seek parental consent as a light matter … they not only jeopardize the welfare of children, they tear at the fabric of our pluralistic social order… When school leaders minimize the problem, they make concerned parents out to be reactionaries. When they betray the trust of parents, they rupture a vital relationship.” Read more here.


The Cultural Abomination of Drag Queen Story Hour Came to Baltimore, by Christopher Tremoglie. “Make no mistake, drag queen story hour has no business in front of children. Much like people would reject exotic dancers reading stories to children because of the mature content of their hypersexualized nature, so, too, should drag queen story hour. They shouldn’t receive special privileges or exemptions (mainly) because they’re part of the LGBT community. Inappropriate is inappropriate regardless of the sexual orientation of most actors involved.” Read more here.


How Not to Regulate Pediatric Gender Medicine, by Leor Sapir and Colin Wright. “State efforts to restrict the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries to address (apparent) gender-related distress in youth make for good public policy. Yet even lawmakers on the morally and scientifically correct side of an issue risk overstepping by unintentionally proposing harmful or strategically counterproductive regulations. We write to warn of three such mistaken efforts.” Read more here.


Dobbs Dealt a Blow to the Supply Side of Abortion; Now Pro-Lifers Should Focus on the Demand Side, by Marvin Olasky. “Going forward, pro-lifers need to emphasize compassionate approaches that can reduce demand for abortions. Prime among them: pregnancy resource centers that offer free material, psychological, and spiritual help to women (and men) in need. They provide 3D or 4D ultrasounds so pregnant women and the fathers of their unborn children can make an informed choice, and they provide a new support community for women when their old one has rejected them. They don’t abandon women who choose abortion, and instead offer post-abortion counseling.” Read more here.


The Weird New Era of Abortion Debate, by Kathryn Lopez. “In this new moment after Roe, there needs to be an examination of our national conscience. Why is abortion so commonplace? Why is it considered freedom and health care when it’s often posited as the only solution, with no consideration of other options for women? There are very hard cases and painful sufferings. Most abortions in America do not involve horrific stories that necessitate babies being born alive in the latest stages of pregnancy – most abortions are birth control.” Read more here.


Minnesota Poised to Legalize Infanticide, Nuke Protections for Women and Babies in Radical Abortion Bill, by Jordan Boyd. “’Viable’ as defined in Minnesota law means ‘able to live outside the womb even though artificial aid may be required,’ which could be as early as ‘the second half of [the] gestation period.’ The [Protect Reproductive Options Act] doesn’t just rid the state of that definition in an attempt to expand abortion for all through birth. It also quashes provisions that abortions performed beyond the first trimester must be done in hospitals and only executed if a mother’s life is at risk.” Read more here.


Virginia Teen Sex-Trafficked Twice After School Hides Gender Identity From Her Parents, by Laura Bryant Hanford. “When the FBI found Sage … in Maryland, where she was victimized by a sexual predator, a judge refused to return her to her parents on the grounds they were abusing her in not affirming her as male. Housed in the boys’ quarters of a children’s home away from her parents, she told her mother, she was assaulted again. The girl soon fled, then was brutally sex-trafficked again until her rescue in Texas by law enforcement.” Read more here.


New Abortion Numbers Don’t Show the Whole Picture, by Melanie Israel. “…[T]he growing use of abortion pills at home makes it harder to count actual abortions. Guttmacher counts chemical (abortion pill) abortions that ‘occurred in clinical settings’ but points out that during their census, roughly 55,000 people requested abortion pills online without going to a facility, according to one study. How many of these women got pills and went through with an abortion? And how many more women got abortion pills from unscrupulous foreign and domestic sources? We don’t know.” Read more here.


The Orwellian World of the Pro-Abortion Movement, by Christopher Tremoglie and Michael Tremoglie. “The issue of ‘reproductive rights’ is not semantical. It makes the issue sound like one of government interfering in the lives of individuals. But this clashes with the fact that abortion advocates most certainly do want laws that interfere with private lives. The most arrant interference is the elimination of parental notification. This means that a minor can legally be taken by some other adult – often an adult sexual abuser, covering up his crime – to have an abortion without her parent’s knowledge.” Read more here.


Washington Laws Now Allow Teen Gender Reassignment Surgery Without Parental Consent, by Jason Rantz. “Unfortunately, unless a parent immediately and unquestionably accepts their kid’s feelings at the time, the Left deems them to be unfit parents. And they believe that if a child even suspects their parents might say no to a life-altering surgery, the child should have the right to move forward on their own. It’s an easy position for politicians or activists to take when they don’t have to deal with the consequences the way a child and his or her family would.” Read more here.


Study Claims Abortion Restrictions Are Linked to Suicide but Ignores Crucial Data Showing Otherwise, by Thomas Kelly. “The authors are claiming that there is an expected 5 percent increase in suicide rates in states that have restrictive abortion laws. But the upward bias in their recorded suicide rates for some states is multiple times the estimated effect of abortion restrictions on suicide rates. This data cannot demonstrate that abortion restrictions are associated with suicide increases because the bias in their data is so extreme.” Read more here.


Team Biden Joins School Library Wars, Launching Federal Investigation, by Suzanne Bowdey. “Glenn … convey[ed] through district spokesman Jeff Meador that all the titles they’d pulled from shelves are ‘sexually explicit and not age-appropriate.’ That said, the libraries ‘continue to house a socially and culturally diverse collection of books for students to read, including,’ he pointed out, ‘books that analyze and explore LGBTQ+ issues.’ Naturally, that didn’t satisfy the ACLU, whose lawyers decided to involve the federal government in a local dispute that could have a chilling effect nationwide.” Read more here.


Medical Experts, Not Activists, Must Lead Discussion of Puberty Blockers, by Kate Anderson. “…[M]any school districts have adopted the activist line that the only way to support children with gender dysphoria is to adopt an ‘affirmative’ response that immediately puts a child onto a treatment pathway that ends with medical intervention… Schools that have enacted these radical policies should take a hard look at the very serious harms that children are exposed to in pursuit of an ‘affirmative’ approach.” Read more here.


An LGBTQ+ Conversion Therapy Ban Is Bound to Backfire, by Lottie Moore. “Of course, we would hope and expect that all MPs would be against persecution. But this amendment will have consequences that go far beyond that noble aim – with serious and dangerous results. If this amendment is passed, professionals simply trying to do their jobs could be accused of practising conversion therapy – because the amendment fails to define what it entails.” Read more here.


A ‘Botched Abortion’ Is the Birth of a Child, by Larry O’Connor. “The unanimous voice of Hakeem Jeffries’ Democrat caucus was that mothers and doctors should not be obliged to provide medical attention to an [sic] ‘survivor’ after a so-called ‘botched abortion…’ Think about that term for a moment. What happens when you ‘botch’ an abortion? …What happens when an abortion goes ‘wrong?’ A baby is born. A baby is born, alive. A ‘botched abortion’ is also known as ‘child birth.’” Read more here.


Oops! Democratic ‘Oversights’ Would Legalize Polygamy, Infanticide, by Ben Johnson. “Voters can glean the inner disposition of our lawmakers, learning which issues they consider vital and which never enter their minds, through … the ‘errors,’ omissions, and oversights politicians make when drafting legislation. Allegedly inadvertent ‘oversights’ and ‘drafting errors’ by Democratic lawmakers over the last year alone would have decriminalized infanticide, legalized polygamy, and suppressed sacred religious liberty rights enshrined in the First Amendment.” Read more here.


The Dutch Studies and the Myth of Reliable Research in Pediatric Gender Medicine, by Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine. “The authors assert that had the Dutch studies been published today for the first time, the ‘innovative practice’ of using hormones and surgery to gender transition children and young adults would never have been permitted to enter general medical settings due to the very low quality of the research and problematic outcomes experienced by several of the young people.” Read more here.


Democrats Can’t Help but Make the Case for Life, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) made a similar argument, saying, ‘The problem with this bill is that it endangers some infants by stating that that infant must immediately be brought to the hospital.’ Again, I fail to see how a bill that mandates immediate, life-saving care for born-alive infants puts them at any more risk. A hospital is surely a much safer place for them than an abortion clinic, considering the former exists to heal people and the latter exists to make sure they’re never born.” Read more here.


How a Public Library Used Third-Party Allies and ‘Listening Sessions’ to Dismiss Flak Over Pornographic Kids’ Books, by Casey Chalk. “A member of the Library Foundation … dismissed Horne’s complaints, challenging her to go out into the stacks and find something that was inappropriate. That same staffer also argued that young adult books with sexual content were ‘not pornographic’ and that different people had different standards of what material was too sexually explicit for adolescents (that’s not exactly true, given current U.S. federal law on obscenity).” Read more here.


West Virginia Wins Day on Fairness in Women’s Sports but Plot Thickens on Title IX, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “Recognizing that the administration’s attempts to redefine sex are suffering some notable legal defeats, the U.S. Department of Education recently issued a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register, indicating that it intends to make a new rule on Title IX. That rule, however, in contrast to the Title IX rule announced last summer … will deal only with transgender participation in school sports.” Read more here.


Minnesota Will Soon Make Teachers Endorse Child Mutilation to Get a License, by Ryan MacPherson. “The state’s insistence that every teacher positively affirm homosexual behaviors and transgendered identities understandably aggravates consciences among moral traditionalists, but the issues run deeper than the ‘culture war.’ What is at stake is the nature of knowledge, the future of liberty, and the prospects for a sustainable social order. In a word: civilization.” Read more here.


Gender Ideology Is Losing in the Courts, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Goodwin’s ruling is significant for several reasons, the first being that Goodwin has previously sided with gender ideologues. Just 18 months ago, he held that the male middle school student in question had to be allowed to try out for the girl’s cross-country and track teams while the case was pending. But even he admitted in his final ruling that sex is an immutable characteristic, and that changing its definition would have devastating consequences for everyone.” Read more here.


State Department’s LGBT Virtue Signaling Is Unhelpful, by Michael Rubin. “While LGBT evangelicals demand the State Department fly their flag, such virtue signaling often does more harm than good. Flying the rainbow flag at the Vatican to troll the Catholic faith is bad enough, but to do so in Muslim-majority countries such as Kosovo and the United Arab Emirates simply stirs the hornet’s nest for little result… The State Department’s gay pride activism is setting back both LGBT rights and kneecapping our diplomats’ effectiveness.” Read more here.


‘Dead Name’ Documentary Shows Kids Aren’t the Only Victims of Trans Radicals – Their Parents Are, Too, by Nathanael Blake. “Parents who oppose so-called transitioning their children are not the bad guys. The bad guys are the transgender activists who have promulgated a false narrative labeling these parents as suicide-inducing bigots when these parents try to protect their kids from a destructive ideology pushing dangerous medical experiments.” Read more here.


Abortion Industry Seeks to End All FDA Abortion Pill Safety Regulations, by Carole Novielli. “Abortion pill safety regulations created by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), known as REMS, are the next target of the profitable abortion industry, which has historically bemoaned all regulations to protect women. The ultimate goal of these abortion advocates – many associated with Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH) – is to allow over-the-counter dispensing of the abortion pill.” Read more here.


Transgenderism Is Experiencing a Crisis of Scientific Legitimacy, by David Gortler. “Today, almost every academic medical school, most prominent U.S. professional medical organizations, and the Biden administration are fully advocating both drugs and major surgeries, including the removal of healthy tissue and organs, in children, adolescents, and adults… The problem is that they all ignore the fundamentals of biology and make unsubstantiated claims without the conclusive, long-term clinical safety findings otherwise required for all other types of medical or pharmacological interventions.” Read more here.


Biden Justice Department Dishonestly Rewrites Law Against Sending Abortion Drugs by Mail, by Thomas Jipping. “The Biden administration keeps coming up with new tactics to keep abortions happening. The latest is Justice Department advice to the U.S. Postal Service that a federal law prohibiting using the mail to send abortion drugs doesn’t mean what it says… Far from offering a reasonable interpretation of §1461, the Office of Legal Counsel attempts to construct a fictional statute that would not interfere with the Biden administration’s pro-abortion agenda.” Read more here.


New Evidence From Finland That Partnership Instability Reduces Fertility, by Laurie DeRose. “The transition to below replacement fertility has happened at the same time as (and likely because of) the global ‘retreat from marriage,’ a phrase that captures the many ways that people spend fewer of their adult years married. Fewer enter marriage at all, and those who do marry typically do so later in life, often divorce, and either do not remarry or do not remarry quickly. The retreat from marriage takes many adult years away from the normative context for childbearing…” Read more here.


New York Is Violating Photographer’s Free Speech, by Alliance Defending Freedom. “The First Amendment guarantees to all Americans – including artists – the freedom to choose which messages to express. If the government can compel Emilee to convey a view of marriage that cuts against her beliefs, it can compel the speech of others… But a victory for Emilee and Lorie wouldn’t be just a win for them. The same protections that ensure they can promote messages consistent with their beliefs ensure that a lesbian cake artist can decline to create a custom cake criticizing same-sex marriage…” Read more here.


FDA Aids Biden’s Abortion-for-All Agenda by Letting Pharmacies Sell Dangerous Abortion Pill, by Jordan Boyd. “Already, pill-induced abortions account for more than half of them in the United States. Now that the FDA quietly scaled back its regulation of the abortion pill even further to match the Biden administration’s post-Roe activism, that number is only expected to rise as chains such as CVS and Walgreens agree to legally dispense the fatal drug in any state where chemical abortions are legal.” Read more here.


If States Followed the Science, They’d Emulate Europe to Protect Kids With Gender Dysphoria, by Sharon Supp. “After thoroughly reviewing the reliable evidence, these countries concluded that the risks of ‘gender-affirming care’ far outweigh any potential benefits. Instead, they are returning to psychological and psychiatric care as the starting point for addressing gender confusion in children – a model known as ‘watchful waiting’ – noting that gender dysphoria in teens could be just a ‘transient phase’ which should not be mishandled with radical, life-altering drugs and surgeries.” Read more here.


Hospital Surgery Dept ‘Proud’ to Announce App Targeting Children for Gender Transitions, by Joshua Arnold. “Under the guise of ‘offering counseling’ to a youth questioning his or her gender identity, gender activists often pressure them towards transitioning (in some jurisdictions, it’s illegal to counsel a child against transitioning). This counseling is often done privately, without the supervision or possibly even knowledge of the child’s parent. This strategy can manipulate children into agreeing to … procedures to which the child is totally incapable of giving mature, informed consent.” Read more here.


Biden’s FDA and Justice Department Are All-in on Abortion, by Ian Haworth. “…[I]n a society where every other product and service is available at the touch of a button – including meals, transportation, and narcotics – it’s apparently unconscionable that murdering your own unborn child should be any different. When medical abortions account for more than half of abortions in the United States, and with abortion becoming more difficult across the country, the only area of the economy booming under Biden’s leadership will apparently be abortion by mail.” Read more here.


Backlash Grows Over Male Transvestite Greeting Children at Disneyland, by John Nolte. “On top of grooming your underage children through its movies and TV shows, Disney is allowing transvestites to greet your children at Disneyland … My tolerance vanishes the moment adult sexuality and outright perversion (like cross dressing) is aimed at kids. No decent parent does business with a demonic company like Walt Disney. This is all about targeting your children for destruction, exploitation, and abuse.” Read more here.


Yes, Pedophilia is Being Normalized, by David Strom. “Civilization exists because we learn to harness and suppress our worst instincts, not because we give them free rein. As with so many degeneracies the powers that be declare we are being alarmist when we warn of the normalization of pedophilia. They will continue to do so until the very moment when they do a 180 and declare that, yes, pedophilia has been normalized and this it is a wonderful thing it has been. So it goes.” Read more here.


As ‘Pride Month’ Approaches, the LGBT Mob is Ramping Up Its Attacks on Dissenters, by Jonathon Van Maren. “As we approach a month of public, orgiastic celebration of weird sexual fetishes, Canadian institutions are competing to see who can grovel lowest and flag-wave the hardest.” Read more here.


No, Idaho Doesn’t Ban Pregnant Women From Traveling; It Protects Babies From Abortion, by Micaiah Bilger. “…[T]he Idaho law does not ban interstate travel any more than kidnapping laws do. Rather, it protects young girls from being taken, potentially by force or coercion, to another state to have her unborn baby [sic] aborted without her parents’ knowledge or consent. Abusers and human traffickers often rely on abortion to cover up their crimes. To protect young girls and their babies, the Idaho law creates a crime called ‘abortion trafficking’…” Read more here.


Biden Administration Demands Georgia Schools Show Pornography to Kids, by Jordan Boyd. “Bureaucrats in President Joe Biden’s Department of Education just put their thumb on the scale of a book dispute in Georgia by not only smearing parents’ concerns about sexually explicit books in schools but also leveraging their federal power to intimidate districts that have successfully purged porn from campuses.” Read more here.


Major Children’s Clothing Retailers Poured Money Into LGBT Group That Promotes Secret Gender Transitions for Children, by Laurel Duggan. “Target and Kohl’s, two major children’s clothing retailers, have both made sizable donations to GLSEN… GLSEN’s goal is to make K-12 schools a safe place for LGBT students by preventing bullying and harassment, according to its website. In practice this has meant encouraging teachers to use children’s preferred names and pronouns while keeping students’ transgender identity a secret from parents, along with numerous other policy recommendations supporting youth gender transitions.” Read more here.


UCI Must Follow British Cycling’s Lead and Change Transgender Policy Before World Championships, by Nicole-Cooke. “What garnered less coverage, but was very insightful, were the post-race comments made by the organiser of the race, Michael Engleman, a long-time supporter and promoter of women’s sport. He was critical of the UCI’s position on transgender participation that had tied his hands. When individuals such as him are contemplating the effect of the UCI policy, saying that ‘this may kill the sport’ and are considering leaving cycling, that threat is real.” Read more here.


Australian Judges Need to Review Standards for Gender Dysphoria Treatment, by Michael Cook. “Australian ‘standards of care’ are based on the ‘gold standard’ Dutch model. However, she writes: ‘there are significant concerns about quality and applicability of the [Dutch] studies to the current cohort of children presenting at gender clinics.’ Alarmingly, she asserts that: ‘The Dutch studies would not meet the standards of evidence-based medicine today.’” Read more here.


Biden Admin Tells Adults How to Discuss Sex With Teens Behind Parents’ Backs, by Ben Johnson. “Federally funded guidelines instruct adults to pause before discussing sex with minors and to ask, ‘Are you alone in the room?’ These instructions specify tactics to follow ‘if you’re really having a hard time getting a parent’ to leave the room during the sex talk. They suggest children as young as 13 discuss sex with groups like Planned Parenthood in a parked car or communicate in writing, so their parents cannot hear the adults’ side of the conversation.” Read more here.


‘Between a Woman and Her Doctor?’ Not With Mail Order Abortion Pills, by Ingrid Skop. “The reality is that these mail order abortions may be completely medically unsupervised: no ultrasound to confirm gestational age or rule out a potentially deadly ectopic pregnancy. No labs to determine need for RhoGAM to prevent future pregnancy complications. No testing and treatment for concurrent sexually transmitted infections to prevent future infertility. No verification that the person requesting the pills is a woman, rather than a sex trafficker, incestuous abuser, or coercive boyfriend.” Read more here.


Legalization of Polygamy Was Always the Logical Consequence of Obergefell, by Jonathan S. Tobin. “If marriage is possible between any two individuals of the opposite or the same sex, then why not three, four, or any number of consenting adults, regardless of their sex? And if Somerville is the harbinger of a growing movement to legalize polyamorous and inevitably polygamous marriages by cities and ultimately states, then those who will defend such laws are on firm ground declaring that the logic of Obergefell demands that all non-traditional ideas about marriage must be treated equally under the law. This is the choice America made in 2015.” Read more here.


The ACT’s Takeover of Calvary Hospital Overrides Conscientious Objection and Threatens Religious Freedom, by Joanna Howe. “The fundamental problem with first attacking and then forcibly acquiring Calvary Hospital because it won’t perform abortions is that it overrides Australia’s longstanding tradition of freedom of religion and freedom of conscience. Freedom of conscience is a foundational principle of a pluralist democracy like Australia. It is a commitment that values human dignity and integrity and promotes a society in which a healthy diversity of views is tolerated.” Read more here.


‘They’re Wanting to Play God,’ by Christopher F. Rufo. “’We have a generation of kids with mental health problems. It’s very sad. And we need to treat those problems correctly, not by recommending that they change genders to fix their mental health problem. That’s never worked. It never will work… They’re going to wake up in ten years and discover that they’re infertile, that they can’t have children, that their sexuality is completely dysfunctional. That they can’t function as a normal human being. And ultimately, I believe that that realization is going to cause them to harm themselves – when they wake up and realize that they’ve already been ruined.’” Read more here.


Abortion Activists Try to Fool Ohioans Into Constitutional Amendment Threatening Unborn Lives and Parental Rights, by Jordan Boyd. “One advertisement … specifically asserts that the amendment’s language barring the state from interfering with an individual’s ‘right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions’ could easily ‘cut’ parents ‘out of the biggest decision’ of their child’s life, including abortion or even the deforming genital surgeries and chemical castration that transgender activists promote to vulnerable teens.” Read more here.


Ontario Bill Would Banish Freedom of Speech From LGBT ‘Safety Zones,’ by Thomas Jipping. “Bill 94, titled the ‘2SLGBTQI+ Community Safety Zones Act,’ requires the attorney general to make three decisions: whether to designate a particular location as a safety zone, whether to charge someone with uttering the wrong words within 100 meters of that safety zone, and, if so, whether to seek a fine of up to $25,000. All three decisions would be completely up to the attorney general’s unfettered, and unreviewable, discretion.” Read more here.


Federal Officials Have No Right to Order Schools to Carry Indecent Books, by Washington Examiner. “…[T]his is not ‘book banning’ or authoritarian. Nobody is trying to block the publication of these sexually explicit books. Nobody is trying to stop their sales. Nobody is trying to stop ordinary libraries from carrying them, although they might be labeled to give notice of their contents. Nobody is saying parents can’t buy or borrow books from libraries if they deem them appropriate for their children.” Read more here.


Texas Children’s Hospital Pursued Transgender Procedures With ‘Religious-Like Fervor,’ by Breccan F. Thies. “Medical records show some doctors at TCH were providing these procedures and drugs to extremely young children. One assistant professor at Baylor who practices medicine at TCH has provided procedures to patients as young as 11 years old, according to medical records. Another TCH doctor said he privately asks children about other names or pronouns they might use but does not tell the child’s parents because ‘not every patient who is gender-diverse may have that safe environment at home.’” Read more here.


Target Partnered With Satan Supporter Who Wants to ‘Eradicate’ Critics of Transgenderism, by Jordan Boyd. “One quick glance at the designer’s website and Instagram shows dozens of designs featuring satanic and sacrilegious symbols such as pentagrams, ‘Satan respects pronouns’ T-shirts, ‘gay as hell’ stickers, and stained glass windows covered up by ‘trans bodies are holy…’ One particularly graphic image on the designer’s Instagram shows a naked demonic creature with a horned skull and mutilated breasts.” Read more here.


Florida and Texas Defend Kids Against Gender Madness, by the Editors of National Review. “There is no shortage of examples to illustrate the madness to which DeSantis is referring. Gender clinicians openly promote their cavalier attitude to ‘top surgery’ (i.e., breast amputation), advertising the procedure to young prospective patients on TikTok. Drag queens strip and pole-dance in front of audiences made up of children, much to the delight of grown men and women. Pornographic materials too obscene to detail here are distributed in school libraries.” Read more here.


Kid-Free Zones: How Low Birth Rates Cause Even Lower Birth Rates, by Timothy P. Carney. “…[C]hildren cry, take up space, sometimes run around, and sometimes smell bad. A culture based on ‘personal space,’ autonomy, and minding your own business is a culture that pretends children don’t exist. The more people who go through their daily lives not seeing kids, or seeing only very few, the easier it is to uphold this myth of a childless world – and then that childless world becomes reality.” Read more here.


Teacher Pushes Gay Pornography on Middle Schoolers, NBC Provides Smokescreen for It, by Timothy P. Carney. “…Bonner thought it was a good idea to include this porn-book encouraging stranger-sex in her middle school book tasting. At best, this is a total abandonment of all decency and common sense in pursuit of an ideological culture war. At worst, the teacher is grooming children – introducing them to totally inappropriate sexual material in order to destroy their natural aversion to perversion and reticence about sex. That’s why parents called the police on this teacher.” Read more here.


Trans Sex Attacker Case Exposes Yet More Holes in Nicola Sturgeon’s Gender Bill, by Alan Cochrane. “Throughout the passage of the Bill at Holyrood, its supporters had insisted that there was no evidence men ‘ever had to pretend to be anything else’ to prey on girls. That assertion was killed stone dead by what happened to the little girl in this case because she had only gotten into Miller’s car because she felt safe as he had been dressed as a woman… What will shock people most about these cases would be the ease with which Miller and Graham appeared able to switch gender virtually at will.” Read more here.


A Win for Pro-Life Pragmatism in North Carolina, by the Editors of National Review. “With no margin for error, North Carolina Republican legislators prudently went as far as they could go to protect life. Representative Tricia Cotham recently switched from being a Democrat to a Republican but was unwilling to vote for an abortion limit earlier than twelve weeks of pregnancy… None of these bills is perfect. But each bill would save some lives, and it would be a grave error to insist that no lives should be saved until all lives can be saved.” Read more here.


Scientific American Editor-in-Chief Gets Biology Wrong for Both Humans and Birds, by Zachary Faria. “…[T]he other problem this argument has, aside from being wrong, is quite clear. Believe it or not, humans are not white-throated sparrows. Even if it were true that one species of birds had four different sexes (which, again, is not the case here), that would mean nothing… The science around humans is very clear: Sex is binary, and it is not something that can be changed with hormones and surgeries.” Read more here.


Sex Change Procedures at Texas Children’s Hospital, by Christopher F. Rufo. “The executives at Texas Children’s appear to be playing a duplicitous game. They announced that the hospital had stopped performing transgender medical interventions on minors, but this is simply untrue. TCH doctors administered such procedures days after the announcement, and they have continued to perform them… If ‘gender-affirming care’ is truly the gold standard in medicine, TCH should defend it openly, not perform it in secret.” Read more here.


Fertility Rates Are Collapsing – and It’s Not ‘Backward’ to Be Concerned, by Miriam Cates. “Politics works on the basis that society will go on and on into the future… But can we really be so sure that there will be future generations to benefit from our endeavours – or even to look after us in our old age? The short answer is no: the evidence suggests that the very existence of future society hangs in the balance. The current UK fertility rate – the average number of children per woman – stands at 1.6. This is significantly below the ‘replacement rate’ of 2.1 and continues to fall.” Read more here.


Proud Abortionist Kills Democratic Talking Points About Late-Term Abortions, by Zachary Faria. “…[P]oliticians and abortion activists insist that late-term abortions only occur if medically necessary or if the unborn child is going to die anyway… But, according to the Atlantic, ‘Hern estimates that at least half, and sometimes more, of the women who come to the clinic do not’ have a diagnosis that their lives would be in danger or that their babies will not be born alive. Over half of the late-term abortions Hern performs … are elective.” Read more here.


Colorado School District Hosts Drag Show Amid Teachers Union Embrace of Gender Ideology, by Maddie Dermon. “Muse, rated for children aged eight and above, focused on an adult male transitioning to a female and featured provocatively dressed men performing sexual dances for an audience full of children. Young audience members were clearly disturbed. One student expressed his concern by interrupting the show: ‘This is wrong,’ he cried. ‘Don’t you know we’re in third grade?’” Read more here.


The World Health Organization Has a Message for Parents: ‘Sexuality Education Starts at Birth,’ by Malcolm Roberts. “By age 6, the WHO wants the education industry … to expose children to the concepts of intercourse, masturbation, and pornography. By age 9, they are expected to reach an ‘adult’ knowledge of sex including teaching of masturbation and viewing of online pornography. At age 12 … the WHO wishes the official European education course to explore political and emotional responses to sex, puberty, and gender.” Read more here.


Parents Forced to Sue School District for Compelling Student to Read Sexually Explicit Monologue in Class, by Jeff Charles. “The case raises concerns about the appropriateness of educational materials and assignments in public schools. It highlights the delicate balance between freedom of speech and protecting minors from exposure to explicit content. As the legal proceedings continue, the outcome of the lawsuit will likely have implications for similar cases and potentially impact the development of guidelines and policies regarding the use of explicit material in educational settings…” Read more here.


Wake Up, Lawmakers! Protect Girls and Women and Restore Their Rights, by Eileen J. O’Connor. “Transradical sympathizers rail that it is cruel to exclude from women’s spaces a person who feels he belongs there. Rarely, if ever, and certainly not in the Biden administration’s proposed Title IX regulations, is consideration given to how cruel it is to the girls and women who are confronted not only by the sight of a male in female-only spaces, but also by being viewed by a male stranger in violation of their deeply ingrained, self-protective modesty.” Read more here.


If You Can Perform Surgery on Fetuses, Then Maybe They Have Value After All, by Madeline Fry Schultz. “…[T]he American Heart Association called it the ‘first in-utero brain surgery.’ Now seven weeks old, Denver Coleman is a marvel of medical technology and a testament to the value of the unborn… Even CNN, no bastion of pro-life thought, was eager to characterize baby Denver as a person. Notable as well is that the doctors, realizing fetuses’ capacity for pain, provided her with pain relief during the surgery.” Read more here.


Teen Sexting and Sexually Explicit Music, by Christine Lee and Jane Shawcroft. “…[I]t is easy to treat music, and highly sexual and sexually objectifying lyrics in particular, as white noise in the background of more important activities, despite research suggesting that music contains more messages about sex than any other media content except pornography. It is easy to dismiss the lyrics and messages in a three-minute song as inconsequential, but our research … suggests that listening to highly sexual music influences teenagers’ sexual risk-taking, specifically sexting.” Read more here.


The Media Are Campaigning to Deprive Parents of Their Rights, by Kaylee McGhee White. “The root of the problem … is this idea that parents can somehow be a threat to their children simply for disagreeing with the state’s prescribed orthodoxy. …[T]o compare an ideological disagreement to actual abuse is despicable. Parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit, and the state does not get to come along and take that right from them just because they happen to believe that their 13-year-old son is not, in fact, a girl.” Read more here.


Why Are We Ignoring Family as a Solution to Loneliness? by Jim Dalrymple. “A widely cited 1998 study … found that both marriage and parenthood were associated with lower levels of loneliness. Significantly, the study found that simply cohabitating didn’t offer the same benefits. There’s something unique about marriage. It’s not just about companionship. Subsequent research has repeatedly confirmed, to quote economist and policy advisor Christos A. Makridis, that ‘the unmarried are substantially more likely to feel lonely,’ while ‘married Americans have much lower rates of loneliness.’” Read more here.


The Next Frontier for the Hypersexualized Left: Normalizing Pedophilia, by Jane Robbins. “The end game of normalizing pedophilia has been hinted at for some time. A critical step, as always, is to distort language. ‘Pedophile’ has become ‘minor-attracted person’ (MAP), which certainly takes the edge off. TED talkers insist that MAPs should not be stigmatized for their attractions as long as they exercise self-control around children (a talent for which pedophiles are not famous). These and other ‘experts’ … describe pedophilia as a sexual orientation to be protected under state nondiscrimination law.” Read more here.


Corporate Media Wants to Help Democrats Separate Supposedly ‘Trans’ Children From Their Parents, by Zachary Faria. “There is no … attempt to report anything even resembling questions about such irreversible procedures for children. Instead, you see things like the Associated Press’s headline from Tuesday: ‘Trans minors protected from parents under Washington law…’ Yes, keeping parents in the dark about their runaway children and instead handing them off to a state bureaucracy that will let them harm themselves is apparently not an utterly insane policy. It is simply ‘protecting’ transgender children from their own parents.” Read more here.


Biden’s Bizarre View of Women’s Sports Puts Female Athletes at Risk, by Alexandra Caro Campana and Ryann McEnany. “What seems to be forgotten in this proposed rule is all the harm that will be done to the millions of female students when they are forced to compete against men and share intimate spaces with them. Being a competitive athlete takes as much mental strength as physical ability. Sharing a bathroom, changing room and/or hotel room with a biological male ahead of a competition will potentially cause severe emotional, mental and even physical harm to female athletes.” Read more here.


Just Like the Transgender Industry, PornHub Relies on Targeting Kids, by Allison Schuster. “PornHub’s willingness to boycott the state entirely shows who the target demographic is: children… PornHub’s reliance on showing its content to minors can be easily understood in the context of its addictive nature. Young people are easily taken advantage of and starting them young provides PornHub with an audience more susceptible to long-term addiction and abuse.” Read more here.


What Are They Hiding? Pro-Transgender Groups Refuse to Hand Over Internal Documents Even as They Move to Oppose Florida’s Medicaid Rule, by Tyler O’Neil. “…[T]he groups went to court trying to quash the subpoenas. They argued that they should not be forced to hand over documents, in part because they are not direct parties to the case. Yet not only are these groups the medical authorities by which Lambda Legal aims to torpedo the Florida rule, but most of the groups themselves filed the amicus brief April 28 that highlights their interest in the case.” Read more here.


The Legal Case That Could Force Abortion Upon El Salvador Is Based on a Lie, by Nancy Flanders. “Beatriz Garcia, the woman at the core of the case, did not die from a lack of access to induced abortion. In fact, she never had life-threatening pregnancy complications, doctors never advised abortion, and she died four years later in a vehicle accident. And the more than 50 women allegedly jailed for miscarriages and obstetric emergencies due to El Salvador’s pro-life laws … were not actually convicted for abortion but for infanticide.” Read more here.


Don’t Forget Men in the Abortion Debate, by Sara Scarlett Wilson. “Support After Abortion … found that 71 percent of men suffered issues after abortion … and that 82 percent of men did not know where to find help. Men struggled regardless of their involvement in the abortion decision, and even men who fully supported their partner’s decision found themselves with anger, grief, and other negative emotions when thinking about the child or children they never got to know.” Read more here.


Utah Benefits as Porn Peddlers Block Access, by Timothy P. Carney. “America would be better off if every pornographer went out of business and every web hosting service, internet provider, and web browser cut off access to pornography. That’s unlikely ever to happen, but Utah scored a minor victory this week when porn-peddler MindGeek … announced it would block access to its websites from all IP addresses within Utah. This was MindGeek’s protest against Utah’s new law requiring age verification for everyone visiting pornographic websites or other sites with sexually explicit material.” Read more here.


New Jersey Will House Two More Male Sexual Predators With Female Inmates, by Zachary Faria. “What do you do with two male pedophiles who claim that they are women? According to liberal gender ideology, and the state government of New Jersey, you put them in a women’s prison because even child abusers must have their gender identities ‘affirmed,’ even if it endangers female inmates… The messages here from the state of New Jersey are clear. The most abhorrent men convicted of heinous crimes can simply claim they are women and be housed alongside female inmates. The safety of women does not matter.” Read more here.


Biden’s ‘Transgender’ Rule Mandating Schools Treat Biological Males as Females Gets Tested, by Sarah Parshall Perry & Caroline Heckman. “How are schools and colleges going to balance the interest of competing civil rights complaints? If a biological male sexually assaults or harasses a female in a bathroom that’s no longer sex-specific due to the new Title IX rule, and a female files a Title IX complaint – who prevails? According to the Biden administration’s rule, any transgender-identified male is ‘entitled’ to be in that bathroom, but any female is granted the benefit of the doubt in a sexual harassment or assault proceeding.” Read more here.


North Carolina’s 12-Week Abortion Ban Is Popular, Enforceable, and Pro-Life Without Political Poison, by Tiana Lowe Doescher. “In short, a 12-week ban allows the state to begin to crack down on the worst abortion offenders, mainly in-person clinics likely to perform later-term abortions, while avoiding interfering with that politically near-sacrosanct relationship between a woman and her doctor. In practice, this also means that the state isn’t stuck going to war with the Food and Drug Administration or regulating interstate commerce of abortion pills, which also have legitimate medical uses unrelated to terminating pregnancies.” Read more here.


Yes, the Trans Movement Is Coming for Your Kids, by John Daniel Davidson. “Recently a group of Democrat legislators in Minnesota, led by the state’s first transgender lawmaker, introduced a bill that would have removed language in Minnesota’s Human Rights Act that explicitly says pedophilia is not a ‘sexual orientation’ as defined by state statute. By removing that language, the bill would have opened the door to widening the definition of sexual orientation to include pedophilia as a protected class alongside other minorities.” Read more here.


Kansas Law Defending Biological Sex and Women’s Rights Is Vital, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Which part of the law do gender activists find so offensive? The part that says women have the right to privacy and safety or the part that rebuffs the Left’s efforts to turn sex into a meaningless free-for-all? … Do women’s rights matter or don’t they? Kansas’s law makes it clear that they do. The gender activists who oppose it, on the other hand, would subject every single sex-exclusive space in the country, and every woman who depends on them, to male intrusion. That is bigotry.” Read more here.


The Biden Admin Is Still Withholding Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Data From Lawmakers, by Spencer Brown. “The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) said last fall that it would work toward providing abortion services for veterans and their dependents via its taxpayer-funding [sic] health care system. As Tuberville … noted at the time, and since then, such a policy would be a violation of federal law… Yet Tuberville’s questions about how such an illegal policy would be implemented and his ongoing attempts to provide oversight for taxpayers have seen no response from the VA or others in the Biden administration.” Read more here.


India Same-Sex Marriage Case Tests Judges, by Geeta Pandey. “…[A]s the hearings have continued, the five-judge bench has been conceding that tweaking one law may not really work, since it’s a complex web of 35 laws that govern issues of divorce, adoption, succession, maintenance and other related issues – and that many of them do spill over into religious personal laws. And during Thursday’s hearing, the top court appeared to agree with the government that granting legal sanction to same-sex marriage was parliament’s domain.” Read more here.


Biden HHS Using Language Meant to Protect Abortion Survivors to Exclude Preborn as ‘Persons,’ by Cassy Fiano-Chesser. “This is a brazenly cruel twisting of the intention of the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act, legislation that abortion supporters continue to argue is unnecessary on the claim that abortion survivors do not exist. Additionally, it’s a complete and utter denial of scientific fact. Based on all basic biological principles, preborn children are alive, even before their hearts start beating. At the moment of fertilization, the child … already has his or her own unique DNA, with traits like sex, hair color, eye color, and countless more already determined.” Read more here.


Colorado Law Seeks to Prevent and Hide Information About Medication Abortion Reversal, by Harry Scherer. “The new law is full of inconsistencies. For example, it permits the administration of progesterone for women facing miscarriage, but it explicitly forbids the same medication for women seeking to reverse an abortion. The law also does not offer any distinction between patients who seek progesterone after ingesting mifepristone willingly or unwillingly, with the latter being an all-too-common practice among sex traffickers.” Read more here.


Indiana Health Department Sits on Records Showing Two Babies Born Alive After Abortions, Three Women Dead, by Joy Pullmann. “Indiana abortion records … indicate that in 2022 three women died after abortion procedures and two babies were born alive after chemical abortions. They also suggest Indiana abortionists failed to report four abortions on girls aged 15 and younger, as legally required. One of the minors not referred for a state abuse investigation after her abortion, a violation of state law, was just 13 years old, the records say.” Read more here.


Biden DOJ Says Mutilating Children Is ‘Medically Necessary,’ by Zachary Faria. “This is not ‘civil rights’ or ‘acceptance’ or ‘inclusivity.’ It is reckless, dangerous, and, most of all, unnecessary. Chemically and physically mutilating children is not going to save their lives or make them happier. It is only going to saddle them with even more physical health problems to go along with the unaddressed mental health problems that are being ignored. It is an attempt to medicalize them permanently… Yet that is precisely what Biden’s Justice Department is fighting for.” Read more here.


Leftist Minnesota Just Gave State Power to Take Kids Away If Parents Don’t Approve Gender Surgery, by Hank Berrien. “The new law gives state courts temporary emergency jurisdiction over any child in Minnesota who has been abandoned, is in need of protection from abuse, or has ‘been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care.’ The law defines such care as … puberty blockers and chemical and surgical procedures ‘to align the patient’s appearance or physical body with the patient’s gender identity.’” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood Steps Deeply Into Transgender Hormones, Including for Minors, by Ben Johnson. “Planned Parenthood’s latest annual report reveals that the multi-billion-dollar business has diversified its portfolio beyond abortion, pushing deeply into the transgender industry by offering puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to young adults and minors – often while explicitly withholding this information from parents.” Read more here.


Attempts Underway to Redefine ‘Forced Pregnancy’ in International Law, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “The term ‘forced pregnancy’ is back on the UN agenda as nations begin to negotiate a treaty on crimes against humanity… In its just-released ‘State of World Population Report,’ the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) asserted that the ICC definition of ‘forced pregnancy’ has ‘been more widely interpreted by advocates to include, for instance, situations in which a pregnant person is denied an abortion.’” Read more here.


School District Prompts Parents to Enter Children’s ‘Preferred Pronouns’ When Registering for Kindergarten, by Christopher Tremoglie. “It’s a concerning discovery given the extremely young age of kindergarten students who are unfamiliar with pronouns or mature enough to know anything about gender transitioning. It’s a disturbing revelation showing just how radicalized education officials have become in the country, even in a state like Florida. It should also put parents on high alert throughout the country.” Read more here.


How to Stop the Gender Cult in Education, by Debra Soh. “There is an assumption that poor mental health is the result of gender dysphoria, as opposed to the other way around. In actuality, high rates of co-morbidity abound in individuals with gender dysphoria, with 70% or more of such youth presenting with an additional diagnosis… From what I’ve witnessed in the years I’ve been fighting this cultural battle, even when presented with evidence to the contrary, trans activists and their allies happily disregard this information in favor of plowing forward with their preferred narratives.” Read more here.


The Myth of Sexual Experience, by Jason S. Carroll and Brian J. Willoughby. “In the report, we review a series of recent studies … that show that having multiple sexual partners during the dating years leads to higher divorce rates in future marriages… Overall, we found that ‘sexually inexperienced’ individuals, or those who have only had sex with their spouse, are mostly likely to be flourishing in marriage. These ‘sexually inexperienced’ individuals report the highest levels of relationship satisfaction, relationship stability, sexual satisfaction, and emotional closeness with their spouses.” Read more here.


Woman Whose Chemical Abortion Has Haunted Her for 23 Years: ‘Don’t Make the Same Mistake,’ by Margot Cleveland. “I started having intense cramping. At one point I went to the toilet, and a baby came out. It looked exactly like the pictures of seven- to 9-week-old babies you see in photos. It was rounded. There was a black eye. My husband fished it out of the toilet and held the dead baby in his hand. I remember looking at it and wondering what it was. But I also knew what it was. I remember going completely numb.” Read more here.


West Coast Shuts Parents Out of ‘Gender-Affirming’ Decisions as Swedish Research Urges Caution, by Greg Piper. “America’s West Coast is separated by a continent and an ocean from Europe. Their policy gap on ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors … is becoming similarly wide… In a new ‘systematic review’ of research on hormone treatment for gender-confused children in the peer-reviewed Acta Paediatrica, Swedish researchers … found so little evidence on its effects that they recommended a ban except for clinical trials.” Read more here.


Arrogant Western Countries Outplayed by Developing Member States at the UN, by Lisa Correnti. “The EU and the UN wanted to force sexual ideology for children into a resolution on education. This effort failed due to smart tactics by a united Africa group and delegates from other parts of the world… The lack of consensus including from diverse countries took Western delegates by surprise, many pivoting to damage control to try and save the document they so desperately wanted.” Read more here.


Detransitioner Laura Becker Exposes the Dark Truth Behind Transgender ‘Transitioning’ of Children in Texas Senate Hearing, by Jeff Charles. “What is truly unfortunate about situations like Becker’s is that progressives have convinced the nation to believe that there are only few people who regret having ‘transitioned’ to the opposite sex. The issue is that we do not yet have enough credible data to prove this. Moreover, there is evidence that many of those who go through this process as minor children end up suffering from additional mental issues caused by the use of puberty blockers and surgical treatments.” Read more here.


Zero House Democrats Respected Americans’ Wishes by Voting to Protect Women’s and Girls’ Sports, by Jordan Boyd. “If the White House gets its way, female athletes will no longer be entitled to federal protection against sex discrimination on the field or in the locker room. Instead, teams of girls as young as kindergarten are forced to accept males on their roster. It’s only in high school and college that the Biden administration concedes males have an advantage that could be disqualifying under a set of extreme criteria. As the vote … showed, Democrats in Congress are all too willing to help the Biden administration erase women.” Read more here.


Marriage Makes Women Happier and Healthier, Harvard Scholars Say, by Kira Mautone. “The researchers found that the women that became married and stayed married over the course of the study showed a 35 percent decrease in risk of all-cause mortality, lower risks of cardiovascular diseases, and ‘greater psychological wellbeing on multiple indicators including greater positive affect, purpose in life, hope and optimism.’” Read more here.


White House Endorses Discrimination Against Female Athletes, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Allowing men, who have undeniable, significant physical advantages, to compete on teams created specifically for women is exactly the kind of discrimination that Title IX was meant to redress. Democrats, however, do not seem at all bothered that women are being deprived of their right to equal competition. Better for women to lose this right than the men who claim to identify as women, according to the White House.” Read more here.


Why Progressives Should Support the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, by Kara Dansky. “Our society has been taught a vicious and unscientific lie: that some men can be women, and that some women can be men, on the basis of their ‘gender identity…’ Men aren’t women, even if they say they are, and even if they claim to ‘identify’ as such… There is no credible scientific evidence to support the proposition that a person born with a Y chromosome can be a woman. It should not be considered ‘conservative’ or even remotely controversial to say so.” Read more here.


Your Doctor Asking for Your Pronouns Isn’t Just Annoying, It’s a Sign of the Industry’s Decline, by Elle Purnell. “…[H]aving doctors ask about your pronouns isn’t just an obnoxious chore, it’s a sign of the health-care industry’s willingness to forego medical reality for a few ideological brownie points… Just wait until trans activists insist on making women with breast cancer wait for mastectomies so that other women who want to cut off their healthy breasts to look more like men can go first. (Oh wait, that’s already happening.)” Read more here.


Unborn Children Deserve the Right to Trust Their Mother, by Mark Zimmerman. “Indeed, there are many different angles from which to criticize abortion: that it’s a sin in the sight of God; that it’s a cruel and violent way to die; that personhood begins at conception, and therefore abortion kills a person; that prenatal screening puts us on a slippery slope toward eugenics; that killing a person isn’t therapeutic. These things are all true, in my view. But I have come to believe there is another reason abortion is wrong: It denies a child the right to trust her mother.” Read more here.


Common Sense Is Finally Returning to the Trans Debate, by Mo Lovatt. “New government guidance [in England] on how schools handle the rise in transgender pupils is currently being drawn up and is due to be issued within weeks. It means that single-sex schools will no longer be required to accommodate pupils who identify as transgender for fear of legal action, nor will they have to affirm a pupil’s preferred pronoun simply because a child demands it.” Read more here.


Colorado’s New ‘Trans Tourism’ Law Beckons Red-State Kids for Trans Interventions and Abortions, by Tristan Justice. “Senate Bill 23-188, signed into law Friday, opens the door for ‘trans tourism’ in the state, allowing minors to seek abortions or ‘gender-affirming health care services.’ In other words, teens seduced by transgender ideology in Kansas, where lawmakers are preparing to ban interventions for minors, may travel to Colorado for sterilizing procedures under Polis’s protection with parental consent.” Read more here.


Washington State Declares Transgender War Against Parents, by Quin Hillyer. “Washington … passed a bill regarding children’s gender transitions that borders on unadulterated evil… Essentially, the bill allows licensed youth shelters to harbor a child against parents’ wishes while proceeding with sex-change procedures or abortions. Put another way, not only will parents have no say in the life-altering decision of girls and boys to defy their biological gender (or to kill a human life), but the children can be kept away from their parents and homes.” Read more here.


UNFPA: Restricting Online Abortion Is Violence, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “In the wake of Dobbs, online purveyors of abortion pills have proliferated widely, and with them the potential for women to be exposed to pills of dubious provenance and quality, either voluntarily or, as news reports have documented, administered through stealth by others. National governments have a role in protecting women and girls from exploitation by nefarious online businesses willing to risk their health for profit.” Read more here.


Fifth Circuit’s Ruling Proves the Case Against the Abortion Pill Is Legally Justified, by Kaylee McGhee White. “…[T]here is certainly a case to be made that the FDA’s decisions in 2016 and 2021 to abandon very basic safety precautions about the abortion pill call into question its ability to fairly regulate the pill at all. Indeed, the FDA’s watering down of nearly all restrictions on mifepristone is further proof that the agency is using the drug to push a political agenda.” Read more here.


MrBeast Is Introducing Millions of Children to Transgenderism Without Parental Consent, by Eoin Lenihan. “What MrBeast is doing is sinister and will have far-reaching consequences. He is grooming an unsuspecting generation of children into uncritically accepting transgender and trans activism at a vulnerable age. Due to the unrivaled reach of MrBeast and the unparalleled and often unmonitored access he has to millions of kids across the globe, he is now, without a shadow of a doubt, the leading source of child-focused, transgender content in the world.” Read more here.


Appeals Court Reinstates Safety Restrictions for Abortion Drug While Lawsuit Against Its FDA Approval Continues, by Thomas Jipping. “The result of the 5th Circuit’s decision is that … the FDA’s original approval of mifepristone remains and the safety restrictions that were repealed in 2016 and 2021 are reinstated. In other words, mifepristone can be used up to seven, not 10, weeks; using mifepristone will require three physician office visits; only doctors may dispense or administer the drug; doctors must report all medical complications to the FDA; and abortion drugs may not be dispensed through the mail or mail-order pharmacies.” Read more here.


Why the Latest Abortion Pill Ruling Is Both Good and Bad for Pro-Lifers, by Margot Cleveland. “…[U]ntil the Fifth Circuit considers the merits of the FDA’s appeal, distribution of the abortion pill will be governed by the 2000 FDA approval, not the changes the FDA adopted in 2016… No matter the outcome, however, the case is educating the public on the dangers of chemical abortions much beyond what the Planned Parenthood pill-pushers have been doing for the last 20-plus years.” Read more here.


Biden Administration Misses the Point on Transgender Sports Participation, by Tom Joyce. “The problem with transgender elementary schoolers playing on girls’ sports teams has little to do with sports participation. The problem is there are self-identified transgender elementary schoolers, and the government recognizes this delusion as a reality. Government policy should reflect the biological reality of two genders that people cannot change: male and female. It should not support the delusion that children who are young enough to believe in Santa Claus can choose their gender.” Read more here.


The Poison Pill Goes to Court, by the Editors of National Review. “From the beginning, the pill was given favored regulatory treatment, with accelerated approval under Subpart H, a program designed for emergency AIDS drugs. Utilizing this fast-track approval process required the FDA to characterize pregnancy, preposterously, as a ‘serious or life-threatening illness.’ A legal challenge was filed with the FDA in 2002 … and the agency sat on it for nearly 14 years in order to thwart judicial review while the pill expanded its market share. The mifepristone pill … now accounts for a majority of all U.S. abortions.” Read more here.


Even the Trans Lobby Can’t Override Biology in Sport, by Suzanne Moore. “The government has asked the Equality and Human Rights Commission to clarify that when we talk of sex in the Equality Act we mean biological sex. The blurring of sex and gender is what causes problems, and this may help stop this confusion. Women who say biological sex matters have been demonised and I am one of them… Any woman who tells the truth is met by an unthinking mob, online or in real life. And yet it has not stopped us saying it any more than it has stopped sports fans seeing it. For here we do have the advantage: being on the side of reality.” Read more here.


Why I, as a Former Abortionist, Support Florida’s Heartbeat Protection Act, by Kathi Aultman. “…[A]lthough I continued to do abortions while pregnant, after my daughter’s birth, I could no longer kill babies just because they weren’t wanted. I still believed abortion was a woman’s right, but my view changed as I saw young women in my OB-GYN practice with unplanned pregnancies, who kept their babies and did exceptionally well, in contrast to those women with psychological and physical complications from abortion. Later, I realized I was not only murdering innocent human beings but that I was also hurting women.” Read more here.


The Madness of Banning ‘Ladies and Gentlemen,’ by Ella Whelan. “The fact that judges are now pressured to be ‘respectful’ of identity and gender, and feel the need to self-censor, shows how intimidating the conversation around gender ideology has become. For fear of upsetting a tiny minority, we bore the majority with language that is stripped of all meaning. Instead of mothers we say pregnant people, instead of binman, we say wheelie-bin-operator. Sometimes we’re expected to simply invent words – Teen Vogue suggests using ‘folx’ instead of ladies and gentleman, and ‘nibling’ instead of niece or nephew.” Read more here.


Judge’s Abortion Pill Opinion Tells the Truth About ‘Unborn Humans,’ and the Left Can’t Stand It, by Margot Cleveland. “Calling an unborn human an ‘unborn human’ immediately triggered abortion activists, but as Kacsmaryk explained in a footnote, such terminology is scientifically correct… It is understandable that abortion activists want to hide the humanity of unborn humans, but that doesn’t make the science less real: It just means girls and women who have bought the ‘clump of cells’ narrative will suffer when faced with the truth, which chemical ‘at home abortions’ force.” Read more here.


In California, Parents May Soon Effectively Lose Custody of Kids 12 and Older, by Katrina Trinko. “California lawmakers know that plenty of parents have concerns about minors who pursue gender transition. These are valid concerns: gender transition medical procedures, even for minors, can be extensive – and some of it is irreversible… But California lawmakers don’t want parents to be able to stand in the way of their minor children making these life-changing decisions. ‘It is apparent that one result of this bill will be the removal of trans-identified children from the family home,’ Garfield-Jaeger said in her testimony.” Read more here.


Title IX Rule Change: Biden Is Determined to Force Gender Ideology Onto a Public That Doesn’t Want It, by Kaylee McGhee White. “More insulting than this administration’s blatant disregard for women’s rights … is its attempt to gaslight the public on this subject. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona’s statement announcing the rule, for example, included this astonishing claim: ‘Today’s proposed rule is designed to support Title IX’s protection for equal athletics opportunity.’ How, exactly, does allowing men with massive physical advantages to crush female competition advance ‘equal athletics opportunity’?” Read more here.


Court’s Ruling on FDA Approval of Abortion Drugs Is Huge Win for Women, Girls, by Julie Marie Blake. “The FDA, in collusion with pro-abortion politicians, never properly tested these drugs for safety in the first place and has continued to dismantle safety protections, so that it is now perfectly simple for a teenage girl, for example, to obtain chemical abortion drugs without a single physician visit or her parents’ knowledge – even though these drugs have been shown to cause intense pain and bleeding, and can often progress into worse complications, like hemorrhaging, life-threatening infection, and loss of fertility.” Read more here.


Biden Admin Concedes It’s Unfair to Let Men Compete in Women’s Sports With New Rules Allowing Men in Women’s Sports, by Tristan Justice. “The Biden administration is trying to have it both ways on transgender participation in women’s sports with new Title IX rules introduced Thursday… Under the long-anticipated proposal, the Department of Education outlined new guidelines that would invalidate bans on men in women’s sports currently implemented across 20 states. At the same time, schools that receive federal funding and therefore subject to Title IX stipulations may bar male athletes on female teams in competitive leagues.” Read more here.


Christians Must Take Children to Transgender Procedures or They Can’t Adopt, Oregon State Law Says, by Ben Johnson. “The policy potentially excludes faithful adherents of most major world religions and most Americans generally, experts say. ‘This isn’t just about excluding Christians: The state is effectively telling the growing majority of people that believe that sex is determinable by time of birth they need not apply to foster and adopt kids,’ González said. ‘It’s not enough to be neutral on the issue; prospective foster and adoptive parents must support the state’s radical gender ideology.’” Read more here.


New HHS Report Attacks SOGI Change Efforts, by Dan Hart. “Opponents of sexual orientation/ gender identity (SOGI) change efforts – which could encompass talk therapy, counseling, … or any other type of therapy designed to help people who have unwanted same-sex attractions or gender confusion – describe it with a negative connotation as ‘conversion therapy,’ often calling it ‘pseudoscience.’ However, dozens of individuals have testified to how SOGI change efforts have transformed their lives, leading them to happily walk away from homosexual and transgender lifestyles.” Read more here.


The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly From the Latest CDC Survey of Youth Risk Behavior, by Dana Mack. “According to the survey, being a teenage girl carries with it another elevated risk – that of mental illness. Well more than half of teen girls (57%) reported feelings of sadness and hopelessness that were profound enough, over a two-week period, to interfere with their ability to complete their daily routines (as compared to 36% in 2011). Some of this extreme depression might be attributed to feelings of isolation caused by pandemic lockdowns but certainly not all of it.” Read more here.


One Mom’s Harrowing Story From Inside Whistleblower’s Trans Clinic, by Suzanne Bowdey. “Doctors insisted the puberty blockers were ‘standard procedure’ for anyone ‘experiencing discomfort with their sex.’ And yet, Caroline was shocked to learn that this ‘standard procedure’ would almost certainly lead to infertility. When the psychologist wanted to know if Casey wanted to bank his sperm before they started the drug Supprelin, she kept thinking: my son is only 14 years old.” Read more here.


Ireland’s Commonsense Three-Day Abortion Waiting Period Is Under Attack, by Eilis Mulroy. “In the 2018 legislation, an abortion is defined as ‘a procedure to end the life of the foetus.’ It is the only legal medical procedure in Ireland the sole aim of which is to end human life. This ought to place it apart from all other procedures and justify a far greater threshold in terms of reflecting on it before it is carried out. But the sad fact is that, to pro-abortion groups and political parties, an unborn child isn’t a human life – it’s just a ‘clump of cells,’ with no more significance than warts or skin lesions.” Read more here.


Biden and EU Gang Up on Africans at UN, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “Adding this controversial language to the annual resolution of the commission would give Western powers more political leverage to push sex-ed programs that promote homosexuality and transgender ideology among children. Western governments, led by the European Union and the Biden administration, are insistent that the resolution must include ‘comprehensive sexuality education’ because the theme of this year’s resolution is centered on education.” Read more here.


Putting Children at the Center of Family Policy, by Katy Faust. “Our culture has shifted drastically, but children haven’t changed. In fact, they continue to be victimized by practices and policies that prioritize adult desires above children’s rights. It’s past time to start putting them at the center of our national conversation. That begins with clearly and courageously defending children’s rights by shaping culture, reforming law, and rethinking our approach to technology.” Read more here.


Transgender Inc.: A Running List of Corporate Gender Insanity Insulting Women, Kids, and Reality, by The Federalist Staff. “Rather than highlight the dangerous and irreversible procedures associated with transgenderism, … many major corporations have opted to champion trans ideology – even for unsuspecting children. In order to help Americans hold these companies financially accountable, The Federalist has compiled a list of major businesses promoting and glorifying gender dysphoria.” Read more here.


The Surgeries Are Immoral, by Cole S. Aronson. “The real problem is more basic: the surgeries remove healthy organs without good reason. That’s not risky – it’s harmful and morally wrong. The people who seek such surgeries are trying to alleviate very real suffering, but whether surgery addresses such suffering humanely is not a question patients are automatically best positioned to answer. That’s true of any patient seeking any medical procedure.” Read more here.


A Double Mastectomy at 13? How Can President Biden Possibly Overlook That? by Michael Cook. “It’s painfully obvious that the President is ignoring the growing number of detransitioners – don’t they deserve to be safe and supported as well? He ended his speech with these stirring words: ‘You’re each made in the image of God, and deserve love, dignity, and respect. You make America stronger, and we’re with you.’ But that’s all they are – words. Or does he mean that ‘love, dignity, and respect’ mean amputating the healthy breasts of a 13-year-old girl?” Read more here.


This Is How Schools Are Trying to Gender-Transition Children Without Parents’ Knowledge, by Christopher Tremoglie. “Another report surfaced yesterday detailing how a school district in Colorado also focused on deceiving parents about children transitioning… Their thoughts have progressed into what should be considered criminal actions. Any school district, school, or teacher enabling a student’s transition without notifying and consulting their parents should be charged with child abuse by law enforcement.” Read more here.


Last Students Graduate: School Closures Spread in Aging Japan, by Eimi Yamamitsu, Tom Bateman, and Issei Kato. “Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has pledged ‘unprecedented measures’ to boost the birthrate … and says maintaining the educational environment is crucial. But little has helped so far. Births tumbled below 800,000 in 2022, a new record low, according to government estimates and eight years earlier than expected, dealing a knockout blow to smaller public schools that are often the heart of rural towns and villages.” Read more here.


Women Deserve to Be Empowered by Doctors, Not Rushed to Medical Abortion Without Them, by Susan Bane. “…[T]he Department of Justice announced the U.S. Postal Service can continue to deliver prescribed abortion drugs… Similarly, the FDA changed a rule to allow abortion drugs to be dispensed at retail pharmacies… These developments do a great disservice to women by removing the opportunity for them to receive information that can empower them to make informed decisions. This is especially true when the dangers of self-administered abortion are considered.” Read more here.


Democrats Reintroduce Radical Abortion Bill in GOP-Controlled House, by Rebecca Downs. “Lest you think the bill’s name means Democrats have acknowledged the biological reality that only women can get pregnant, a quick glance of the text dashes any hope. ‘This Act is intended to protect all people with the capacity for pregnancy – cisgender women, transgender men, nonbinary individuals, those who identify with a different gender, and others – who are unjustly harmed by restrictions on abortion services,’ it reads.” Read more here.


Liberal Media Champion Leftist Crusaders ‘Against Book Bans,’ by Tim Graham. “One uproar is over books – assigned books in the classroom and available books in the school library. Disagree with the content of the books? You’re for ‘book bans.’ Technically, this is accurate inside the school, but the leftist press makes it sound like you’re banning books entirely from public view. They get to pose as the defenders of books and ‘book learning’ and as compassionate defenders of the book-reading needs of the ‘marginalized.’” Read more here.


Pumping Gender-Bending Drugs Into Kids Is Even More Dangerous Than We Thought, by Samuel Silvestro and Jay W. Richards. “Lupron stops the body’s normal hormonal process, including the development of ovaries and testes, by ‘blocking’ the brain’s ability to communicate with the pituitary gland… Lupron’s side effects are so severe that doctors tend not to prescribe it for even mild (non-metastatic) cases of prostate cancer. Would you be shocked to learn it might not be great for young girls, either?” Read more here.


I Was a Public School Teacher, and I’m Blowing the Whistle on Transgenderism Before Its Too Late, by Stephen Schultz. “One 8th grade boy arrived at school in high heels, a short skirt, open blouse, make-up, and women’s jewelry. He demanded to use the girls’ restroom… Too many Americans too often think that these sorts of bizarre things cannot possibly be happening because they were not remotely part of their own personal school experience. Unfortunately, they are very real, they are increasingly common, and now they are not only protected but promoted.” Read more here.


Holy See Foils Western Push for Abortion/Sex Ed at UN Commission, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “Western countries kept negotiations going on comprehensive sexuality education, abortion-related terms, and homosexual/trans issues deep into the night, well past the deadline for agreement… These are common tactics to break down opposition through a combination of political pressure, tiredness, and discomfort. The idea is to make it so difficult that by the time agreement comes only the most dutiful and tenacious of diplomats are left in the negotiating room.” Read more here.


Why States Must Define Sex Precisely, by Jay W. Richards. “Until recently, no precise legal definition of sex … was needed because no one contested it. Unfortunately, because of gender ideology’s growing influence on our laws and institutions, states no longer have this luxury. Gender activists are now working to redefine sex in federal laws and regulations, such as Title IX, to include ‘gender identity.’ If this succeeds, it will subvert all preexisting legal references to sex, contrary to their original intent.” Read more here.


Abortion Giant Lies About Outcome of Recent UN Negotiation, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “The international abortion giant issued a press release following the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) claiming that ‘the text includes a standalone paragraph on comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).’ In fact, the term CSE was not included anywhere in the document. The paragraph referred to by IPPF included language insisting that education must be ‘age appropriate,’ ‘relevant to cultural contexts’ and ‘with appropriate direction and guidance from parents and legal guardians.’” Read more here.


There Are No Banned Books, by David Harsanyi. “For the left, the banned book claim is a political racket, allowing them to feign indignation over the alleged ‘authoritarianism’ of Republicans who don’t want kids reading identitarian pseudohistories or books depicting oral sex, rape, violence, or gender dysphoria in their schools. Yet, major media now regularly contend, as indisputable fact, that ‘book bans’ are in place.” Read more here.


The Government Should Not Bully People Into Supporting ‘Gender Transitions,’ by Matt Lamb. “Religious institutions have First Amendment rights to refuse to be involved with medical procedures that violate their teachings and beliefs… The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, which represents Catholics across the country, recently admonished efforts by the federal government to force hospitals to assist in transgender procedures, such as surgeries that remove healthy organs and can permanently make someone sterile or infertile.” Read more here.


Belgium to Allow Repeated Gender Changes, by Wesley J. Smith. “The Belgium supreme court previously ruled that requiring people to identify as male or female violated the equality of people who don’t see themselves as exclusively either. So, a new law will be passed allowing ongoing fluidity of gender identity which will be officially recognized by submitting a simple form… This is civilization-destroying stuff. Not because of the transgender issue per se, but because it represents the triumph of the subjective.” Read more here.


Sex Education Is Now How-to in Schools – Parents, Beware, by Betsy McCaughey. “The facts of life haven’t changed, but sex ed is entirely different from what you took in school. Sex ed in middle school now includes graphic lessons on anal sex, oral sex and masturbation, with stick figures to illustrate body positions. Supplemental reading in middle school libraries includes ‘Sex, Puberty, and All That Stuff,’ a book explaining foreplay and how to rub the clitoris to produce pleasure… Planned Parenthood, the largest producer of sex-ed curriculum for public schools, argues children are entitled to know how to ‘experience different forms of sexual pleasure.’” Read more here.


FDA Stonewalled Abortion Drug Concerns to Escape Responsibility for Their Dangers, by Julie Marie Blake. “When the FDA first approved the chemical abortion drugs mifepristone and misoprostol in 2000, it sidestepped the required studies – including studies that look specifically at risks for teenage girls – and wrongly categorized the drugs as offering a ‘meaningful therapeutic benefit.’ The FDA justified its reckless approval by claiming that pregnancy is a ‘life-threatening or serious illness.’” Read more here.


Parents Are Fed Up With Public Schools Secretly Transitioning Children, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “Could these clandestine transition policies and practices be the reason for the alarming spike in the number of high schoolers identifying as transgender? The U.S. saw a nearly five-fold increase in gender transition surgeries for teens from 2016 to 2019 alone. And a new report indicates that approximately 300,000 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 now identify as transgender. It is not surprising, then, that disenfranchised parents have finally had it.” Read more here.


Maternity Wards Are Closing Everywhere Because of a Lack of Babies; the Media Desperately Want to Make It a Story About Abortion Bans, by Timothy P. Carney. “Maternity wards have been closing all over the United States for more than a decade, primarily for a simple reason: People have been having fewer babies every year since 2007. There were fewer children in America at the 2020 census than there were in the 2010 census. Of course, a country with less maternity will be a country with fewer maternity wards… The closure of rural hospitals’ obstetrics and maternity wards has nothing to do with laws that protect the unborn…” Read more here.


Why Is Netflix Teaching Preschoolers to Come Out as Nonbinary? by Madeline Fry Schultz. “In the show, which is targeted toward preschoolers, ‘Fred’ the bison is reunited with her grandmother and realizes that she hasn’t told her that she now goes by ‘Fred’ instead of ‘Winifred’ and uses ‘they/them’ pronouns… The story is pure propaganda, but don’t take my word for it: Series creator Chris Nee called the episode ‘a road map for coming out but also for having someone else tell you they’ve changed their pronouns and/or name.’” Read more here.


DeSantis Goes There, Shows Graphic Video of Effects of ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgeries Alongside Biden Comments, by Bob Hoge. “Tuesday afternoon, the Florida Governor’s response team … was it at again, taking footage of President Joe Biden lambasting the state for its policies on transgender surgeries and putting in a split-screen with videos showing some of the more benign steps of ‘gender-affirming surgery.’ WARNING: some of the images are graphic, so if you’re squeamish, beware. It’s hard to watch.” Read more here.


Vermont Bans a High School From Athletics for Objecting to Boys in Girls’ Sports, by Zachary Faria. “The [Vermont Principals’ Association] alleged that Mid Vermont Christian violated the organization’s policy on discrimination and harassment by refusing to force its girls to play basketball against a boy… This wasn’t done to uphold the sanctity of VPA’s policies. It was done as a warning to other schools that recognize how unfair it is to force its girls’ teams to play against boys. Bend the knee to gender ideology, or you too will be banned from all sports.” Read more here.


With ‘Abortion Provider Appreciation Day,’ Democrats Openly Celebrate Executioners, by Nathanael Blake. “…[A]bortion advocates believe that without abortion, women cannot be sexually and economically – and therefore socially and politically – equal to men. But this perceived remedy to the injustice and inequality of nature is itself unjust and unequal. In this age of ultrasound, we can no longer effectively lie to ourselves about the lives violently ended by abortion. We have all seen the pulsing heartbeats and the tiny fingers. There is no justice in ending these developing human lives.” Read more here.


If Biden Gets His Way, Using Correct Pronouns Could Be a Human Rights Violation, by Cherise Trump. “With Title IX enforcing gender ideology, what will happen to students who disagree with this dangerous dogma? What will happen to students who believe in basic biology, namely the notion that there are two sexes, that a man can’t become a woman, and vice versa? What will happen to students who have traditional values and remain true to their faith? The answer is alarming. Under this butchered version of civil rights law, these students will be vulnerable to an array of punishments, including suspension and even expulsion.” Read more here.


Yes, the State Has Both the Right and the Responsibility to Restrict Gender Ideology, by Kaylee McGhee White. “He points out that giving the state additional authority over familial relationships is a slippery slope, arguing that this authority could easily be used against, say, homeschooling families. …[T]here is no question at all that surgically and chemically mutilating children … is morally reprehensible. This reality must take priority over any concern of a slippery slope, no matter how legitimate it might be.” Read more here.


From California to South Carolina, Abortion Extremists Pollute Public Policy, by Quin Hillyer. “Enough is too much. On both sides. Abortion is a matter so fraught with conflicting emotions, conflicting values and beliefs, and still even conflicting ‘science’ that there’s no way a pluralistic society will ever reach a perfect consensus on it. For the foreseeable future, there will be plenty of facets of abortion policy to argue about, battle politically about, and maybe prayerfully compromise over, all in a very broad range. In that light, shouldn’t we all at least renounce the absolute extremes?” Read more here.


No, Age-Appropriate Library Restrictions Are Not ‘Book Bans,’ by Raheem Williams. “The issue is primarily a cultural tug-of-war taking place in public school libraries. The discovery of sexually explicit books on school bookshelves nationwide has sparked controversy… There’s an assumption that the government has a responsibility to produce and distribute every book in existence to school children free of charge. This may sound great until you consider that books often contain inaccurate, poorly sourced, or controversial information.” Read more here.


Four Things to Know About Major Texas Court Case Against Abortion Pill Access, by Kaelan Deese. “The case surrounds a challenge brought by anti-abortion physicians and medical associations to the Food and Drug Association’s 2000 approval of the drug mifepristone, the first drug in the medication abortion process. If the judge grants the request to block access to the drug nationwide, it could make the abortion pills more difficult to obtain even in states where such procedures are legal.” Read more here.


Exposing the Lie of ‘Gender-Affirming Care,’ by Doreen Denny. “…[W]hat didn’t receive that kind of attention is a recent statement by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, that the practice of so-called ‘gender-affirming care,’ convincing impressionable teenagers that feeling like the opposite sex means you are the opposite sex, is extremely damaging. In a seven-part statement, AAPS exposes this heresy – ‘changing physical appearance does not change biological sex’ – and takes direct aim at the medical industry promoting destructive ‘transgender’ medical procedures on youth…” Read more here.


Declaring a Public Health Emergency Over Abortion Would Be Reckless, by Jeanne Mancini. “A public health emergency declaration would expand distribution of these pills and eliminate safeguards at the expense of women’s health. It would allow the Biden administration to simply ignore any unfavorable ruling in the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine’s lawsuit and to promote the chemical abortion pill even more. But it wouldn’t stop there. The declaration would also direct emergency federal resources towards advancing the pro-abortion agenda overall and force Americans to fund it against their consciences.” Read more here.


VA House Stops Democrats From Putting a Right to Partial-Birth Abortion in the State Constitution, by Ashley Bateman. “The amendment would have … legalized abortion up to and during birth… That bill would have given abortionists license to choose an alternative method of killing through a provision of ‘Method not listed’ with almost no limitations. The so-called Right to Abortion Amendment would have made unborn babies vulnerable to these assaults up until birth. Advocates made no apologies for their gruesome stance.” Read more here.


Norway Offers a Stop Forward in Eliminating Gender Ideology, by Debra Soh. “Common sense and science are gradually prevailing. Last week, the Norwegian Healthcare Investigation Board announced it would be revising its current guidelines regarding so-called ‘gender-affirming care’ for minors because it no longer considers them to be evidence-based. The board also acknowledged that the growing number of teenage girls identifying as male post-puberty remains under-studied.” Read more here.


Make Women Female Again, by Christopher Tremoglie. “The joint forces of the radical Left and the transgender lobby have appropriated the day to adhere to the insanity that is contemporary left-wing political ethos. Once a day to celebrate all things feminine, International Women’s Day now actually celebrates men pretending to be women… Women must not submit to left-wing cultural extremism that would debase them and embrace a counterfeit womanhood.” Read more here.


Outdated State Laws Don’t Address Common Practice of Teenage Sexting, by Christine Queally. “Cases involving child sexual abuse material have risen in the last two decades with the advent of new technologies to capture and share explicit imagery… While it is illegal for teenagers to send explicit images of their peers to others in all states and of themselves to others in almost all states, many of them still do. In fact, according to a 2018 study, more teenagers are sending and receiving explicit imagery than ever before.” Read more here.


FDA Absurdly Claims There’s ‘Therapeutic Benefit’ to Killing Unborn Babies With Drugs, by Terence Jeffrey. “…[T]he Biden administration’s argument for the alleged ‘therapeutic benefit’ of a chemical abortion focuses entirely on the ramifications for the human being seeking the abortion, not the human being who is aborted… The administration completely ignores the fact that not only is there a death associated with the use of these drugs, it is the very purpose of these drugs. An unborn child is a human being. A drug that is designed to abort the life of that unborn child is a drug designed to kill a human being.” Read more here.


The Realities of Transition Regret, by Debra Soh. “She grieved the inability to breastfeed her baby after giving birth and wanted to raise awareness about the difficulties detransitioned women experience. She also spoke about the poor maternity care she encountered during her pregnancy because practitioners didn’t understand her situation or what detransitioning had entailed… Considering that girls as young as 12 are undergoing this procedure, I anticipate a huge uptick in the number of new mothers presenting with this issue in the future.” Read more here.


How Undemocratic Democrats Force Gender Ideology on Unsuspecting Families, by Washington Examiner. “The committee’s report justifying its recommendations explains that ‘when students are separated by boys and girls, it affirms a rigid binary based on anatomy.’ Apparently, this affirmation of biological reality is bad. The committee adds, ‘Separation of students into boys and girls does not create an inclusive environment for instruction to occur.’ Inclusion, in this rationale, excludes the opinion of the vast majority, which also happens to accord with reality rather than the Left’s preferred fantasy.” Read more here.


Pro-Lifers Issue Warnings After Ohio’s ‘Radical’ Abortion Amendment Clears First Hurdle, by Sarah Arnold. “The proposed constitutional amendment would pose risks for women by removing current health and safety protections for women, abolish parental consent and notification laws, and enable abortion on demand up until the moment of birth… SBA Pro-Life America’s State Affairs Director Sue Liebel cautioned against the amendment, saying it would endanger women’s lives by doing away with basic health regulations.” Read more here.


Sending the Wounded to the Front, by Nathanael Blake. “Transgenderism is culturally powerful and financially lucrative – every troubled teenage girl who identifies as trans is worth a fortune to the medical–pharmaceutical complex. Greed and ideology are a potent combination, so it is no wonder that almost all safeguards have been abandoned when it comes to transitioning children. But this greed may be their undoing. …[L]awsuits may bring down the medical and pharmaceutical cartels that profited from hurting them. The transgender monolith will fall as its victims stand up to it.” Read more here.


Major Doctors’ Organization Publicly Embraces Dismembering Babies Until Birth, by Jordan Boyd. “…[T]he American College of Physicians (ACP) announced its official stance on abortion is that ‘individuals have the right to make their own decisions, in partnership with their physician or health care professional’ without legal consequences… The ACP also used the brief … to formally condemn life-saving pro-life laws for banning the barbaric practice of in-utero dismemberment abortion and punishing anyone who illegally ends unborn lives.” Read more here.


TikTok Influencers Are Trying to Turn Your Kids Trans Behind Your Back as This Must-See Exposé Shows, by Brandon Morse. “…White points out that some of these influencers talking to your kid are actively encouraging your child to keep their ‘conversations’ a secret from you, the parent. This doesn’t just mean random transgendered people, but medical professionals as well who give out phone numbers they can call for a secretive consultation… None of this should be surprising but it’s absolutely integral to see what your kids may very well be seeing whenever they log onto TikTok, if you let them on the app at all.” Read more here.


The Powerful LGBT Group Behind California’s Most Radical Laws Is Setting Its Sights on Washington, by Susannah Luthi. “Powerful organizations in Sacramento often team up on bill sponsorship to add to the pressure. Unions, several of which donate to Equality California, are a particularly important ally, as are Planned Parenthood and the American Civil Liberties Union. Together, this coalition overhauled California schools’ sex education curriculum to include instruction about gay sex and gender identities. Planned Parenthood and Equality California consult with districts on how to teach the program.” Read more here.


Parents Defended Embattled Child Gender Clinic. Their Stories Confirm Critics’ Worst Fears, by Laurel Duggan. “About two dozen parents disputed recent claims that the Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital was rushing mentally ill children onto cross-sex medical interventions … but their stories highlight some of the clinic’s controversial practices… Parents who were supportive of the clinic reported that their children had numerous mental health comorbidities and transitioned at young ages, sometimes without a history of gender identity issues, and that doctors used suicide risk to pressure families into medical transitions.” Read more here.


Washington State AG: Abortion Pill Is ‘Safer Than Tylenol,’ by Dan Hart. “As noted previously by Szoch and Dr. Ingrid Skop, chemical abortions also pose a unique challenge for the woman, who is expected to carry out the abortion at her home. ‘Chemical abortions are uniquely traumatic in that a mother must personally dispose of the remains of her aborted child, who may be visibly recognizable as a baby. At eight to 10 weeks gestation when chemical abortions are often carried out, the baby is approximately the size and shape of a gummy bear with easily recognizable head, hands, feet, fingers, and toes.’” Read more here.


Washington State Would Destroy Both a Homeless Shelter and Religious Freedom, by Quin Hillyer. “The Washington Supreme Court, ignoring copious U.S. Supreme Court precedent, recently decided that the Union Gospel Mission may not adhere to its faith-based hiring practices, and state officials now threaten the charity with considerable punishment for doing so. As in many other similar cases, the homeless shelter in question will serve anybody in need but just not hire nonbelievers to serve them.” Read more here.


NSW Must Not Repeat the Mistakes of Other States About Conversion Therapy Legislation, by John Steenhof. “The NSW Parliament must resist pressure to repeat the same mistakes. It should open an evidence-based parliamentary inquiry. It should hold public hearings. It should listen to the voices of dissenting gays and lesbians. It should protect the right of people to seek whatever help they want, from whoever they want, in accordance with the human rights of all concerned.” Read more here.


Busting Five Myths of Gender Ideology, by Madeleine Kearns. “Scrutinizing the claims of gender ideology, it soon becomes apparent how incoherent they are. On the one hand, we’re told that men and women are the same – that the differences we observe in professional outcomes and sexual behavior are the result of sexist stereotyping. And yet, they are different; and men can really be women and women can really be men, by appropriating opposite-sex stereotypes.” Read more here.


Actually, Most People Love Being Parents, by Jim Dalrymple. “Specifically, 36% of Pew’s respondents said that being a parent is enjoyable all the time. Another 44% said it’s enjoyable most of the time. That’s a total of 80% of respondents who described parenting as enjoyable… More surprising still, lower-income parents are actually more likely to see parenting as enjoyable and rewarding all the time than parents with higher and middle incomes.” Read more here.


The Abortion Pill Turns Every Woman’s Home Into a Potential Site of Trauma, by Abby Johnson. “I have counseled many former abortion workers as well as women who have had abortions. The anguish they suffer is almost unbearable. Abortion workers see a side of abortion almost no one else does – they have to put together the pieces of the baby in the lab to make sure nothing is left inside the woman… They have images inside their heads they can never forget. Now women who go the medication abortion route are going to see these same things, and like many abortion workers, they aren’t trained to deal with it.” Read more here.


With 3D Body-Image Avatars and Fake Voices for Trans People, Biden’s NIH Goes to New Extremes, by Anonymous. “The NIH is wasting taxpayer dollars on a project titled ‘Personalized 3D avatar tool development for measurement of body perception across gender identities,’ which purports to help people with gender dysphoria by mapping the difference between their actual physical embodiment and what they believe their body to be. But instead, it indulges their illness by defying science and denying the immutability of sex.” Read more here.


Biden Seeks to Strip Health Care Professionals of Conscience Protections, by Melanie Israel. “In 2019, the Trump administration issued a regulation empowering the Department of Health and Human Services to robustly enforce federal conscience protection laws. But now, the Biden administration is proposing to gut those rules, which would ultimately leave people more vulnerable to being forced to participate in controversial procedures that violate their conscience.” Read more here.


The Left’s Transgender Agenda for Children Is at a Tipping Point, by Sarah Weaver. “A large number of key studies used to justify sex-change treatments for minors have fallen apart under scrutiny. One study, which outlets like NBC, U.S. News and The Hill touted as disproving the theory that ‘social contagion’ contributes to the rise in transgender-identified youth, was methodologically flawed… What studies do appear to show, however, is that in cases of children experiencing gender dysphoria, the vast majority will desist.” Read more here.


The Scientific Revolt Against Gender Ideology Has Begun, by Kaylee McGhee White. “To be clear, gender activists don’t really care whether the science backs up their agenda or not. But it does give them a claim to authority on this issue, which they have used aggressively in recent years to convince every one of our powerful institutions, from the education establishment to the healthcare sector to the White House, to accept gender ideology as fact. Debunking their bogus scientific claims brings us one step closer to breaking this ideological grip.” Read more here.


Want to Protect Life? Oppose Revival of the Equal Rights Amendment, by Emma Waters. “…Democrats have looked for new ways to secure an absolute right to abortion. If Congress votes to remove the expiration date of the Equal Rights Amendment, and if the amendment is ratified later by the specified number of states, then the ERA could anchor a supposed right to abortion in the Constitution itself… To protect the lives of women and their unborn children, lawmakers must oppose the national Equal Rights Amendment.” Read more here.


As Porn Gets Worse and Democrats Embrace It, One Newer Group Has a Novel Approach to Combat It, by Rachel Alexander. “The left promotes the attitude of doing whatever you want sexually by labeling it ‘freedom’ but completely ignores all the damage porn does to its victims. Many of the women exploited are fooled into thinking it’s harmless… Brain scans have shown that pornography has the same effect on the brain as cocaine. FTND states that there are ‘35 neuroscience-based studies using a variety of brain imaging technologies … that provide solid support for the reality of internet porn addiction.’” Read more here.


Washington State Teacher ‘Says the Quiet Part Out Loud’ on Parental Rights in Education, by Tyler O’Neil. “’On one hand, it’s utterly frightening that a teacher would hold the views that she is a better judge of children than their own parents and then publicly say so on Twitter,’ Prior said. ‘On the other hand, having people in positions of authority say the quiet part out loud gives parents the opportunity to understand what is actually happening at their schools and take appropriate action.’” Read more here.


Biden Pentagon Orders Military Chaplains to Bless Putting Male Soldiers in Female Showers and Bedrooms, by Elaine Donnelly. “Military commanders, doctors and nurses, chaplains, and military men and women at all levels must endorse and act on this ideological belief or suffer career penalties if they don’t. Alleged ‘biases against transgender individuals,’ which are prohibited, could include anything from ‘misgendering’ people with the wrong pronouns to expressions of concern about medically questionable hormone treatments or surgeries for adults or military-dependent children.” Read more here.


Citizens Request Treaty Change for Abortion, by Bridget Ryder. “A European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) to add access to abortion to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has – for the moment – been rejected by the European Commission… As the commission has made it clear, it does not have the power to move forward with citizens’ proposals on treaty change, so the initiative may be a dead end for abortion advocates. But … pro-life supporters should keep an eye on such proposals. They are one more way abortion proponents will continue their attempts to create a right to abortion.” Read more here.


Incredible … UN Women Refused to Hear WYA’s CSW67 Recommendations, by Sofia Piecuch. “Our participant from Tunisia spoke against the inclusion of CSE but was not allowed to finish. ‘They cut me off saying that they have no time and mentioned going back to the main room…’ As WYA experienced, the space provided by UN Women to gather youth and adolescent inputs was not open, inclusive, accessible or transparent for WYA members, who were either removed from the platform or silenced by moderators.” Read more here.


How the LGBT Movement Is Making Young Women Depressed, by Conn Carroll. “…[I]f you dig into the numbers a little deeper, you’ll quickly see that almost all of the growth in LGBT identification is coming from young adults identifying as ‘bisexual,’ and almost all of the growth in young Americans identifying as ‘bisexual’ is coming from young women specifically… One recent study found that bisexual females and females questioning their sexuality had significantly higher scores for depression, anxiety, and traumatic distress than female heterosexuals.” Read more here.


Teenage Girls Are in Trouble. It’s Time to Acknowledge Social Media’s Role, by Jean Twenge. “Although not all teens are negatively affected by social media, some are very negatively impacted. If 38% of girls who ate a new-to-the-market candy got a stomachache, compared to only 11% who ate other candy, the new candy would immediately be pulled from the market even though the majority were not adversely affected. Yet those are the exact statistics for social media and depression for girls in one of the best-designed studies, and social media is still available to children and teens with no age verification required.” Read more here.


UN Commission Considers AI Crackdown on Homosexual/Trans Critics, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “The first artificial intelligence programs have only just begun to emerge, but progressive countries already have plans to use the new technology to silence … anyone who objects to abortion and homosexual/trans demands. Progressive Western governments are pushing for global censorship through artificial intelligence to fight ‘technology-facilitated sexual and gender-based violence,’ a new term that can be used to re-cast opposition to abortion and homosexual/trans rights as a form of online violence and quash it.” Read more here.


The Evils of ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care, by Isabella DeLuca. “The issue that we are facing now is medical professionals, such as doctors and therapists, who are put in place to protect children, are spreading this propaganda that all gender dysphoria has one root cause: being born in the wrong body and that there is one solution to this: complete gender transition. This supposed ‘cause’ does not account for any other potential internal or external factors within the child’s life, and this ‘treatment’ does nothing but harm the child.” Read more here.


Taxpayer-Funded NPR Uncritically Promotes Mutilation for ‘Transgender’ Children, by Zachary Faria. “NPR is the best propaganda outlet that taxpayer money can buy. The outlet has joined in on the transgender craze, publishing a completely uncritical piece about ‘gender-affirming care’ for children in Florida, one of the states that have wisely moved to ban it. ‘Gender-affirming care’ is nothing more than chemical manipulation and surgical mutilation, and such procedures have permanent effects on children that can never be reversed.” Read more here.


Beyond Binary: New and Old Models of Fatherhood Can Work Together, by Alan J. Hawkins. “The missing second part of his statement is a clear acknowledgement that quality and quantity are highly correlated, that the quality of the parental relationship is strongly associated with positive father involvement, and that co-residence supports quality father engagement, while not living with the child and the child’s mother inhibits it, even among fathers who have a strong desire to be good dads. Yes, non-residential fathers can be good fathers … but the empirical reality … is that the odds are heavily stacked against fathers when the romantic partnership with his child’s mother goes south.” Read more here.


The Associated Press Joins the War on Crisis Pregnancy Centers, by Ashley McGuire. “Calling pregnancy centers, many of which have names that are in no way identified with abortion or the politics surrounding it, ‘anti-abortion,’ jeopardizes the vulnerable women that turn to them for help… But the AP’s mischaracterization of these centers does more than push incendiary language. It’s flat-out biased and unfair – and that would be true coming from anyone, much less from an enterprise claiming to be the literal vanguard of journalistic integrity.” Read more here.


There’s a New Battlefield in the Fight Over Abortion, and Conflict Is Heating Up, by Katelynn Richardson. “In 2000, when the FDA approved mifepristone, …it did so under accelerated approval regulations intended for drugs that ‘have been studied for their safety and effectiveness in treating serious or life-threatening illnesses and that provide meaningful therapeutic benefit to patients over existing treatments,’ forcing the agency to categorize pregnancy as an ‘illness,’ according to the lawsuit.” Read more here.


Reforms Could Change Ethos of Australia’s Religious Schools, by Angela Shanahan. “The ALRC says a school would have control over the curriculum, as far as the state’s curriculum guidelines. Fair enough, but how can you have control over curriculum, especially in religion, when at the same time there is a proviso to present ‘alternative views’ that ignore the fundamental nature of Judaeo-Christian teaching on marriage, family and sex that is at the moral core of belief on human sexuality and procreation of human life?” Read more here.


Leave Pregnancy Resource Centers Alone, by Matt Lamb. “…[T]here are efforts from Big Tech, politicians, and legacy media to harm these groups that provide low-cost or free services to help families choose life and either raise their children in a healthy environment or place them for adoption… While Big Tech silences within the private sector, political efforts work to use the weight of the government to stop these pro-life nonprofit organizations.” Read more here.


The Child Sex Change Industry Is Exploding in the U.S., by Laurel Duggan. “About 300,000 children in the U.S. identify as transgender, according to the University of California Los Angeles Williams Institute, though not everyone who adopts a transgender identity seeks a medical transition. While many of these children undergo surgical procedures, particularly mastectomies, a larger portion receive puberty blockers and/or hormones, which provides a continuous stream of revenue to pharmaceutical companies and medical providers.” Read more here.


Spain: Study Links Increased Transgender Cases With Laws, by Bridget Ryder. “The study found that in Valencia, the number of transgender cases grew by more than 10,000 percent between 2016 and 2021. In Catalonia, it grew by 7,000 percent between 2012 and 2021, with the number of new cases increasing by 40 percent between 2020 and 2021. In Madrid, between January and August of 2022 alone, the endocrinology departments of the city’s six public hospitals received a total of 848 visits from referrals by the gender identity units, almost half of which were first consultations.” Read more here.


By Accusing Pregnancy Centers of False Advertising, Pro-Abortion Politicians Prove They Can’t Handle the Truth, by Jor-El Godsey. “If every state already has laws against deceptive advertising and if pregnancy centers are, in their opponents’ words, advertising deceptively, why is another law required? You’d think … the current laws would have been easy to use to stop the ‘deceptive advertising’ practices the abortion proponents rail against… Perhaps pregnancy centers are really only guilty of standing against Big Abortion and its deep pockets and bought-off politicians.” Read more here.


Can States Stop Do-It-Yourself Abortion Pills? by Sarah Parshall Perry. “State or local governments can regulate matters related to health and safety without violating the supremacy clause. And, as my Heritage Foundation colleague Tom Jipping and I have written, that means, with Roe v. Wade now overruled, the states may again exercise their traditional police power to restrict or prohibit abortion – including particular methods of abortion, such as by pill.” Read more here.


How Autogynephilia Is Fueling Today’s Transgender Activism, by Debra Soh. “There exists an overlap between [autogynephilia] and narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders, but the most aggressive individuals with AGP, who demand that trans women be considered indistinguishable from women, and who are overriding social boundaries and requiring policy to facilitate this, don’t represent everybody. Many of those experiencing AGP do so quietly and don’t transition to female full-time.” Read more here.


End the Horrors of the Pediatric Gender-Industrial Complex, Now, by Post Editorial Board. “…[A]ll it took to get these kids on hormones was one letter from a therapist plus a single medical consultation. Those hormones have potentially life-altering and irreversible consequences, including sterility, liver toxicity and severe sexual issues. Worse yet, intakes came in from a mental health unit at the hospital. Yes, kids with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were put on hormones as a cure for their mental illness…” Read more here.


Trained to Hate Their Sex and Selves, 1 in 3 Teen Girls Now Considers Suicide, by Auguste Meyrat. “What has changed in the last decade and in the last few years that has driven young women ever further to despair? From what I’ve witnessed as a high school teacher, this would probably be the rise of social media and transgenderism… Related to the problem of social media is the transgenderism movement, which argues that sex is fluid and that changing one’s sex will make someone happier. This idea has been incredibly destabilizing for female identity and has led to the wide-scale invasion of women’s spaces.” Read more here.


The Associated Press Has Lost Its Brain to Gender Ideology, by Zachary Faria. “The delusions go far beyond the scientifically illiterate assertion that men can become women and women can become men. The AP bemoans the lack of ‘recognition’ for ‘nonbinary or gender-fluid people,’ two completely fabricated categories that mean nothing… This is really all just a form of disinformation. The AP is taking sides in the culture war, and unfortunately, that means that its reporting on this topic cannot be trusted.” Read more here.


As Book Battles Erupt Across the Country, Idaho Turns to Legislation, by Abigail Olsson. “If this bill passes, parents would have the ability to sue agencies that expose children to inappropriate content, adding an additional layer of accountability to the education system. Allowing parents to sue is a good step forward, Kilgannon says, but ‘the only reason we need a bill like this is because librarians, teachers, and school administrators are ignoring parents.’” Read more here.


Six Reasons Why Alex Greenwich’s Gay Conversion Therapy Bill Will Be Bad for New South Wales, by Michael Cook. “A ban on criticism of LGBTQIA+ will stop parents, pastors, and therapist [sic] from offering advice to teenagers who are confused about their sexuality. A ban is a conversion rachet which moves only in one direction – towards assimilation in the LGBTQIA+ community. It will allow therapists to offer affirming advice to teens but stop anyone from discouraging them. The ultimate effect of this will be to hand over the care of troubled teens to government-funded counsellors.” Read more here.


‘Queer’ Whistleblower Exposes Evils of the School-to-Scalpel Pipeline, by Ian Prior. “The whistleblower’s story … reveals the endgame of drugs and surgery to chemically castrate and irreversibly damage children physically and mentally. That endgame does not happen in isolation. It begins at school… Students who ‘identify’ as a different sex are effectively given rights above and beyond everyone else. It’s no wonder young adolescents would deal with their growing pains in a way that gives them a feeling of acceptance, validation, and being part of a new ‘civil right.’” Read more here.


Red States Should Lead Way in Reforming Anti-Marriage Welfare Policies, by Benjamin Paris and Jamie Bryan Hall. “Twenty-six state-level preschool programs contain penalties that discourage marriage. The vast majority of those programs will allow a single mother to send her child to preschool free of charge but eliminate the entire preschool benefit if she marries a man of equal or even lower income… Because of this program structure, a typical working-class couple is incentivized to remain unmarried and raise their children as single parents in order to retain their preschool benefits.” Read more here.


Prayer Is Becoming Criminal in the UK, by Elyssa Koren. “Prayer, even silent prayer, could be a prosecutable offense in the United Kingdom, thanks to recent developments. Catholic priest Father Sean Gough from Birmingham, England finds himself in the midst of a legal battle for allegedly violating a censorship zone banning prayer on public streets around an abortion facility. This marks the latest in a string of thought crime cases rocking fundamental freedoms in the UK.” Read more here.


No, Being a Mother to Your Unborn Baby Is Not the Same as Slavery, by Nathanael Blake. “No one at the time the 13th Amendment was written and ratified thought it included unwanted pregnancy as a form of involuntary servitude. And they were right. It is madness to regard a developing human in the womb as an intrusive stranger with no claim upon a woman. It is crazy to believe that the ordinary, natural processes of human reproduction are the moral and legal equivalent of slavery.” Read more here.


Detransitioners Are Being Abandoned by Medical Professionals Who Devastated Their Bodies and Minds, by Kelsey Bolar. “After being swarmed by health providers who enabled her to medically transition as a minor, Prisha Mosley now says she’s been abandoned by the medical community as she attempts to navigate a complicated and painful detransition… Prisha doesn’t know why she’s been turned away from so many doctors and medical providers – whether it’s about money, politics, or a lack of knowledge to help.” Read more here.


Religious Schools Will Be Forced to Embrace Transgender Ideology, by Kirralie Smith. “The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has released a paper that seems intent on destroying religious schooling in Australia… Balancing clauses that have, until now, allowed religious schools and colleges to operate in accordance with their faith, are to be abolished. The propositions require the schools, even religious studies classes, to include ‘alternative views,’ and staff cannot be restricted in any way regardless of their sexual orientation or identity.” Read more here.


The United Nations’ Agenda to Sexualize American Children in the Name of Equality, by Kimberly Ells. “…UNESCO, UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO, and their partners including IPPF have proven themselves to be tenacious advocates of CSE and/or sexual rights for children. Since this is the case, the global education structure being mounted by them is poised to spread sexual rights ideology like a contagion to children everywhere. UN-directed, tech-based education is the syringe through which comprehensive sexuality education is poised to be administered to the children of the world.” Read more here.


State Hearings on Gender Transitions for Minors Draw Large Crowds, by Chantel Hoyt. “The contentious debate surrounding gender transition procedures for minors continued unabated in statehouses across the nation this week, with several states moving bills meant to shield youth from the physical and emotional harms of such procedures… State lawmakers seem more determined than ever to address the trauma and permanent scars experienced by people like Chloe Cole from occurring to minors in their state.” Read more here.


I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle, by Jamie Reed. “During the four years I worked at the clinic as a case manager … around a thousand distressed young people came through our doors… I left the clinic in November of last year because I could no longer participate in what was happening there. By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to ‘do no harm.’ Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care.” Read more here.


The FBI’s Slander of ‘Radical’ Traditionalist Catholics, by the Editors of National Review. “The Richmond office of the FBI prepared a memo on what it called ‘Radical Traditionalist Catholics’ and the threat they posed… The memo accuses such Catholics of ‘adherence to anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ and white supremacist ideology.’ It contains several references to Catholic hostility to ‘abortion rights.’ And it recommended with some optimism that containing the threat posed by such Catholics can be accomplished by cultivating sources and assets within the Catholic Church itself.” Read more here.


We Must Protect Minors From Gender Transition Procedures, by Matt Sharp. “We must be clear: the experimental gender transition procedures foisted on our children are often irreversible. They prevent healthy puberty, radically alter the child’s hormonal balance, and may even remove healthy external or internal organs and body parts. And not only are such drugs and procedures dangerous, but they are also experimental and unproven. In fact, multiple long-term studies show that when young children who experience gender dysphoria are allowed to mature naturally, most of them … grow out of their dysphoria.” Read more here.


Prostitution Bill Moves to Parliament, by Errol Naidoo. “This is not new legislation but rather the repeal of existing laws that criminalise the sale and purchase of adult sexual services. Essentially, this Amendment will legalize all aspects of the sex industry in South Africa – effectively legitimizing pimps, brothels and criminal syndicates. The impact of a legalized sex industry on society will be dire and far-reaching. Decriminalised prostitution significantly expands the sex trade and increases child prostitution and trafficking.” Read more here.


No Room for Debate: Parents, Not Schools, Must Direct Children’s ‘Gender’ Decisions, by Quin Hillyer. “The horrors inflicted upon Sage as a consequence comprise an extreme case, of course. But even if Sage had not been removed from her own home or abused, the school was way off base in hiding her ‘identity change’ from her parents to start with. No matter what school officials think about their own power, parents, not the officials, ordinarily have ultimate authority over how to raise children. Absent a court finding of abuse or severe abandonment, parental authority is sacrosanct.” Read more here.


Abortion-Inducing ‘Period Pills’ Come to the U.S., by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “…[P]roponents of so-called ‘period pills’ are trying to appeal to an audience that is uncomfortable with abortion for moral reasons.  A website promoting the pills quotes women’s reasons to prefer this method to a standard abortion following a pregnancy test. ‘It would be easier on my emotional well-being to not know I was actually pregnant,’ one woman said.  Another said, ‘I wouldn’t feel I am a bad person.’” Read more here.


Biden Paints Lifesaving, Pro-Life Laws as ‘Extreme,’ by Mary Margaret Olohan. “The president’s reference to ‘extreme abortion bans’ refers to laws that protect unborn babies from being killed. Almost 70% of Americans support limiting abortions to the first three months of a pregnancy… The states with strong pro-life laws on the books allow timely medical treatments for miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and other medical procedures needed to save the life of a pregnant woman, contrary to the claims of many high-profile Democrats.” Read more here.


How to Combat Gender Theory in Public Schools, by Christopher Rufo. “As radical gender theory has made its way into public schools across the United States, children as young as five have been exposed to ideas that encourage them to question their gender identities, sometimes with life-changing and irreversible results. Despite Americans’ broadly shared skepticism about gender identity curricula and practices in schools, many ideologically motivated teachers and administrators have not relented in their mission to advance radical gender theory…” Read more here.


No, Mr. President, the Equality Act Harms Women and Children, by Emma Waters. “Biden encouraged Congress to pass the Equality Act ‘to ensure LGBTQ Americans, especially transgender young people, can live with safety and dignity.’ But we know what this is code for… The Equality Act harms women, children, and all those who understand mammalian biology. While he spoke in lofty terms about ‘our duty to protect all the people’s rights and freedoms’ last night, Biden’s address failed to protect the rights and freedoms of women and children – the two groups most harmed by his radical agenda.” Read more here.


Puberty Blockers Fast-Track Children Toward Full Gender Transition, by the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine. “The authors did find a low rate of detransition during the puberty blocker phase: 93% – 98% of youth who started puberty blockers … proceeded to start cross-sex hormones. This finding led the authors to appropriately conclude that puberty blockers may not serve as a diagnostic tool, but rather represent the first step in medical gender transition – and they even suggest that treatment with puberty blockers may contribute to the high incidence of subsequent treatment with cross-sex hormones.” Read more here.


Indiana Lawmakers Fight Back Against Schools’ Hidden Transgender Policies, by Tony Kinnett. “Teshka condemned what he called ‘emotional blackmail’ in which ‘…anyone who questions any of these “affirmation policies” is immediately confronted by this idea that “you hate transgender youth because transgender youth are going to commit suicide [without] these policies.”’ ‘Suicide is nothing to throw around lightly,’ the Indiana lawmaker said.” Read more here.


Biden Administration Trying to Force Doctors to Perform Abortions, by Alliance Defending Freedom. “[The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act] explicitly states that hospitals are required to provide treatment to stabilize emergency medical conditions for both a pregnant mother and her ‘unborn child.’ The act clearly outlines the need to protect unborn children, not harm them. But following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe, the Biden administration is attempting to redefine EMTALA to mandate the performance of abortions.” Read more here.


The Right to Life Will Be Constitutionally Protected When the Truth About Abortion Is Acknowledged, by James Sherley. “The leading provider of abortions in the U.S., Planned Parenthood, earns the majority of its revenue by stopping pregnant mothers from being parents. Pro-choice protesters pronounce abortion to be healthcare, although every abortion kills a child… Pro-choice marchers claim to want to give their daughters a future with abortion rights, but current abortion practice will end the lives of millions of those daughters, along with their brothers, long before their childbearing years.” Read more here.


Leftist Lunacy Means Being ‘Transgender’ Is More Important Than Being the ‘Right’ Gender, by Douglas Blair. “In a video game set in a world where magic exists and can make you into whatever version of yourself you want to be, why would you choose to be transgender and not just the sex you feel you are? The insistence that video games must give players the option to be transgender is yet another piece of evidence that transgenderism can be an identity adopted for social cachet and is not always an actual desire to be the opposite sex.” Read more here.


Virginia Senate Votes Today on Bill to Put Abortion Until Birth in State Constitution, by Ashley Bateman. “On Feb. 6, the Senate will vote on SJ 255, a ‘Right to Abortion Amendment’ that would make abortion a ‘fundamental right’ in the commonwealth. This state constitutional amendment would allow abortion to be performed until birth and require taxpayers to pay for it. The amendment would be codified into law if it passes both chambers for two consecutive years and then passes a statewide ballot referendum. It would effectively nullify any pro-life laws in the state…” Read more here.


The Double Whammy Making Italy the West’s Fastest Shrinking Nation, by Jason Horowitz. “Italy’s population is aging and shrinking at the fastest rate in the West, forcing the country to adapt to a booming population of the elderly that puts it at the forefront of a global demographic trend that experts call the ‘silver tsunami.’ But it faces a demographic double whammy, with a drastically sinking birthrate that is among the lowest in Europe. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has said Italy is ‘destined to disappear’ unless it changes.” Read more here.


Why Comprehensive Sexuality Education Is Not the Answer, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “Both the U.S.-based and international reviews looked at the sustainability of effects … and whether sexual activity, sexually transmitted infections, teen pregnancies, and condom use rose or fell among students who were taught according to the different programs. Overall, the researchers concluded that the much-hyped successful outcomes of CSE were based on weak evidence, unsustainable results, and, likely, some degree of motivated reasoning by those conducting the evaluations.” Read more here.


Female Athletes Sound the Alarm About Trans Athletes in Women’s Sports, by Madeline Leesman. “February 1 marks the 37th annual National Girls and Women in Sports Day, which celebrates the achievements and progression in women’s athletics since the implementation of Title IX. In the past few years, however, women’s sports have been threatened, as male-bodied ‘transgender’ athletes have made their way onto women’s sports teams, and in some cases, even into their locker rooms.” Read more here.


Montana Senate Hears Testimony for the ‘Youth Health Protection Act,’ by Chantel Hoyt. “The proponent side of the argument featured parents and grandparents, medical and mental health experts, researchers, and individuals who have ‘detransitioned.’ It was clearly challenging for witnesses to confine their testimony concerning their knowledge and personal experience on this important subject to the three-minute timeframe provided.” Read more here.


With Mark Houck, as With Jack Phillips, the Persecution Is the Whole Point, by Kaylee McGhee White. “I doubt the Biden DOJ thought they’d actually win this case. But that wasn’t the goal anyway. The goal of the charges against Houck and the raid on his family was intimidation. The DOJ wanted to send Houck – and the rest of the pro-life movement, for that matter – a message: interfere with our abortion agenda in any way, and we will come for you. It’s a tactic the Left has been using with increasing fervor over the past several years.” Read more here.


Even Progressive Europe Won’t Go as Far as America in Child Transgender Treatments, by Dr. Stanley Goldfarb and Dr. Miriam Grossman. “The American approach, ‘gender affirmation,’ assumes gender identity is knowable from as early as toddlerhood, fixed as soon as it is declared and should be medicalized into permanence as soon as possible. It insists merely questioning a minor’s gender self-definition before often-irreversible interventions is harmful… Europeans generally see affirmation leading to rapid medical interventions as unethical and dangerous.” Read more here.


When Study Shows Transgender Medicine Hurts Kids, Activists and Media Allies Slant the Science, by Nathanael Blake. “Despite the suicides, null results for males, and questionable (at best) results among female subjects, the researchers reported their findings as though they were positive results that supported giving children wrong-sex hormones. And the corporate media bought this spin… Thus, this study will be cited as scientific evidence proving the benefits of transitioning children, even though it shows nothing of the kind.” Read more here.


The Biden Administration’s Proposed Changes to Title IX Threaten Parental Rights, by Kate Anderson and Emilie Kao. “…[T]he Biden Administration’s proposed rule seems to adopt policies that treat parents with suspicion until parents prove that they will support their child’s gender transition… Parents know their children best and have the constitutional right to direct treatment of their children’s mental health. Policies made pursuant to the new Title IX rules could keep parents in the dark and prevent them from exercising their fundamental rights.” Read more here.


Sage’s Law: Protecting Vulnerable Children From the Ideological Fervor of the State, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Sage’s … school should never have hidden the information about her ‘gender identity’ and ailing mental health from her grandparents. The court should never have taken temporary custody of Sage, and it certainly should not have placed her in a male dormitory. All of this could have been prevented, but the state’s relentless desire to force gender ideology onto the public left it blind to a child’s suffering…” Read more here.


Abusing Religious Freedom for Abortion Access, by Tal Fortgang and Howard Slugh. “Allowed to stand, this ruling would have ghastly consequences for religious liberty. States would have to choose between religious liberty laws and every other law they would enforce, nearly all of which burden someone’s conscience and limit behaviors some people consider obligatory. Faced with such a choice, states will have to give up protecting religious liberty altogether. What appears to be a victory for religious liberty … is really just the opposite.” Read more here.


Get Married Before Having Children, and Other Recipes for Reducing Poverty, by James Rogan. “One solution to this catastrophe affecting the nation is to teach the success sequence. The data say that millennials who graduate from high school, get a job, get married, and only then have children will escape poverty, with 97% of those who do so not ending up poor… Studies show demonstrably that the structure of the family is the most important factor in educational and economic success. Schooling has only a limited impact on later life success.” Read more here.


Music Teacher Forced Out for His Religious Beliefs, by Alliance Defending Freedom. “Religious freedom has been one of America’s most cherished rights since the Founding. …[T]he right to exercise our religion is a hallmark of a free society. But over the past few decades, employers have been slowly chipping away at protections for religious exercise in the workplace. Now, some companies are trying to tell their employees that they must set aside their religious beliefs as a condition of employment. This is exactly what happened to one orchestra teacher in Indiana.” Read more here.


The Persecution of Jack Phillips Should End, by the Editors of National Review. “The liberal promise of anti-discrimination laws is that they secure the same rights to all in a neutral fashion. The illiberal reality of their deployment by progressives in clashes between sex-based identity and faith-based identity is to demand that the faithful kneel before favored identity groups. A decent and liberal society would leave Jack Phillips alone. The Colorado government’s pursuit of him has sent a public message that it is neither decent nor liberal.” Read more here.


You Can Expedite Your Nursing License Application in California … If You Plan to Commit Abortions, by Anne Marie Williams, RN, BSN. “A recent nursing school graduate from California was ‘shocked, horrified, and disgusted’ when she applied to take the national licensing exam for registered nurses (NCLEX) and learned that her home state will expedite the application of any healthcare professional willing to assist with or perform abortions… California’s blatant preferential treatment of abortion is particularly egregious considering the massive nursing shortage the state faces.” Read more here.


Biden’s Abortion Mandates Threaten Pro-Life VA Nurse’s Job, but She Isn’t Giving Up, by Danielle Runyan and Holly Randall. “…[T]he [Department of Veterans Affairs] announced that it would begin offering abortion services at VA facilities nationwide. The VA brazenly issued this edict without first engaging the legislative branch, as it is required to do. Ignoring 30 years of congressional authority expressly prohibiting abortions at VA facilities, the VA was to immediately begin offering abortion services regardless of the unborn child’s gestational age and in spite of any state laws which might prohibit such a procedure.” Read more here.


Leftist Lawyers Try to Protect Killing the Unborn by Calling It a Religion, by Sarah Parshall Perry and Thomas Jipping. “The Supreme Court’s decision last summer in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that ‘the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion’ did not stop the attacks on legal protection for the unborn. Going forward, most challenges will make familiar arguments but shift the venue from federal to state courts. Abortion lawyers are also launching less conventional attacks, including that pro-life laws violate the right, under state constitutions or statutes, to freely exercise religion.” Read more here.


Supreme Court’s Cowardice Allows Colorado to Keep Persecuting Christians, by Joy Pullmann. “In 2018, the Supreme Court rebuked the Colorado judicial apparatus for expressing clear animus against Phillips’ Christian beliefs. It did not, however, back the clear First Amendment protections that ought to allow Phillips to worship God peaceably and bake whatever he wants for any reason whatsoever. So Phillips has been made an example by the rapacious LGBT lobby whose end goals are erasing Americans’ free speech and religious exercise rights as well as inserting government meddling into every personal relationship, all marks of totalitarianism.” Read more here.


Woke Activists Promote Drag Shows, Transgenderism in East Tennessee, by Spencer Lindquist. “A report out of east Tennessee’s Blount County reveals that ‘all ages’ drag shows and other forms of LGBT activism are not limited to liberal areas but instead are spreading into conservative strongholds… A report from Misrule of Law documents how drag shows have been organized in the conservative community by a small but dedicated handful of woke activists.” Read more here.


NIH-Funded Study Claims Trans Hormones Improve Mental Health – Despite Patient Suicides, by Laurel Duggan. “A National Institutes of Health-funded study published Jan. 19 in the New England Journal of Medicine claimed to find that cross-sex hormones caused improvements in psychosocial functioning for transgender and nonbinary adolescents. However, two participants committed suicide while another 11 developed suicidal ideation, according to the study.” Read more here.


Christian Cake Artist Gets Persecuted Again, by Quin Hillyer. “Not content to let him get away with refusal to serve same-sex weddings, a leftist lawyer demanded that Phillips make a cake to celebrate a gender transition and another one depicting Satan. These were clearly not good-faith requests but mere harassment… Of course, Phillips refused, which kick-started another Colorado attempt to nail up Phillips as a sacrifice to their gender gods. Naturally, Colorado’s courts … again held Phillips responsible for illegal discrimination based on gender, his religious objections notwithstanding.” Read more here.


Oregon’s Unhinged ‘LGBTQ2SIA+’ Guidance Spells the Death of Education, by Emily Mangiaracina. “The Oregon Department of Education’s new ‘transgender’ guidance, now written for ‘LGBTQ2SIA+’ students …, may not have made more than a quiet splash upon its release – perhaps in part due to the numbing ‘boiling frog’ syndrome. However, it signals something monumental: that the state education department and the culture that shaped it have, perhaps unwittingly, completely subverted the very purpose of education.” Read more here.


The Pro-Life Movement Still Deserves a National Strategy, by Alexandra DeSanctis. “Up until now, thanks to Roe, calling oneself a pro-life politician hasn’t required much at all. This is the moment for pro-lifers to prove those tepid leaders wrong and insist that any candidate who calls himself pro-life must do more than gesture vaguely to state lawmakers. As the March for Life demonstrated, pro-life Americans still have momentum. They would be wise not to give it up.” Read more here.


The Trans War on Tomboys, by Nina Power. “Today, the boyish girl is in danger of being told she was ‘born in the wrong body’ and whisked off to a gender clinic to begin the journey from puberty blockers to breast removal to reproductive surgery and, ultimately, infertility. Setting children on this path – one that many regret – is an obvious, grotesque harm. We have taken a terribly wrong turn in allowing pharmaceutical companies to construct lifelong patients out of healthy children.” Read more here.


A Predator’s Paradise, by Abigail Shrier. “[I]f some of Wiener’s bills seek to protect LGBTQ youth, they also represent a golden opportunity for a different group: adults who would take advantage of them… Consider the Wiener-authored SB 145, a 2020 measure that amended the sex-offender registration laws in California, so that an adult having anal or oral sex with a minor could avoid getting placed on the sex-offender registry, as long as the child was at least 14 and the adult was no more than a decade older.” Read more here.


Transgender Ideology Is Putting Male Rapists Into Women’s Prisons, With Predictable Results, by Zachary Faria. “Men are not women. Men do not belong in women’s spaces, especially if that space is a confined one, such as a prison. Men who are convicted rapists belong nowhere near any women, even if they claim to think they are women… The insanity of transgenderism is having real consequences when it is adopted by the government, and the harm will continue unless people reject this nonsense.” Read more here.


A Public School District Took Middle Schoolers to a Drag Show Without Telling Their Parents, by Patrick Miller and Keith Simon. “When school officials in a diverse community treat their solemn responsibility to seek parental consent as a light matter … they not only jeopardize the welfare of children, they tear at the fabric of our pluralistic social order… When school leaders minimize the problem, they make concerned parents out to be reactionaries. When they betray the trust of parents, they rupture a vital relationship.” Read more here.


The Cultural Abomination of Drag Queen Story Hour Came to Baltimore, by Christopher Tremoglie. “Make no mistake, drag queen story hour has no business in front of children. Much like people would reject exotic dancers reading stories to children because of the mature content of their hypersexualized nature, so, too, should drag queen story hour. They shouldn’t receive special privileges or exemptions (mainly) because they’re part of the LGBT community. Inappropriate is inappropriate regardless of the sexual orientation of most actors involved.” Read more here.


How Not to Regulate Pediatric Gender Medicine, by Leor Sapir and Colin Wright. “State efforts to restrict the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries to address (apparent) gender-related distress in youth make for good public policy. Yet even lawmakers on the morally and scientifically correct side of an issue risk overstepping by unintentionally proposing harmful or strategically counterproductive regulations. We write to warn of three such mistaken efforts.” Read more here.


Dobbs Dealt a Blow to the Supply Side of Abortion; Now Pro-Lifers Should Focus on the Demand Side, by Marvin Olasky. “Going forward, pro-lifers need to emphasize compassionate approaches that can reduce demand for abortions. Prime among them: pregnancy resource centers that offer free material, psychological, and spiritual help to women (and men) in need. They provide 3D or 4D ultrasounds so pregnant women and the fathers of their unborn children can make an informed choice, and they provide a new support community for women when their old one has rejected them. They don’t abandon women who choose abortion, and instead offer post-abortion counseling.” Read more here.


The Weird New Era of Abortion Debate, by Kathryn Lopez. “In this new moment after Roe, there needs to be an examination of our national conscience. Why is abortion so commonplace? Why is it considered freedom and health care when it’s often posited as the only solution, with no consideration of other options for women? There are very hard cases and painful sufferings. Most abortions in America do not involve horrific stories that necessitate babies being born alive in the latest stages of pregnancy – most abortions are birth control.” Read more here.


Minnesota Poised to Legalize Infanticide, Nuke Protections for Women and Babies in Radical Abortion Bill, by Jordan Boyd. “’Viable’ as defined in Minnesota law means ‘able to live outside the womb even though artificial aid may be required,’ which could be as early as ‘the second half of [the] gestation period.’ The [Protect Reproductive Options Act] doesn’t just rid the state of that definition in an attempt to expand abortion for all through birth. It also quashes provisions that abortions performed beyond the first trimester must be done in hospitals and only executed if a mother’s life is at risk.” Read more here.


Virginia Teen Sex-Trafficked Twice After School Hides Gender Identity From Her Parents, by Laura Bryant Hanford. “When the FBI found Sage … in Maryland, where she was victimized by a sexual predator, a judge refused to return her to her parents on the grounds they were abusing her in not affirming her as male. Housed in the boys’ quarters of a children’s home away from her parents, she told her mother, she was assaulted again. The girl soon fled, then was brutally sex-trafficked again until her rescue in Texas by law enforcement.” Read more here.


New Abortion Numbers Don’t Show the Whole Picture, by Melanie Israel. “…[T]he growing use of abortion pills at home makes it harder to count actual abortions. Guttmacher counts chemical (abortion pill) abortions that ‘occurred in clinical settings’ but points out that during their census, roughly 55,000 people requested abortion pills online without going to a facility, according to one study. How many of these women got pills and went through with an abortion? And how many more women got abortion pills from unscrupulous foreign and domestic sources? We don’t know.” Read more here.


The Orwellian World of the Pro-Abortion Movement, by Christopher Tremoglie and Michael Tremoglie. “The issue of ‘reproductive rights’ is not semantical. It makes the issue sound like one of government interfering in the lives of individuals. But this clashes with the fact that abortion advocates most certainly do want laws that interfere with private lives. The most arrant interference is the elimination of parental notification. This means that a minor can legally be taken by some other adult – often an adult sexual abuser, covering up his crime – to have an abortion without her parent’s knowledge.” Read more here.


Washington Laws Now Allow Teen Gender Reassignment Surgery Without Parental Consent, by Jason Rantz. “Unfortunately, unless a parent immediately and unquestionably accepts their kid’s feelings at the time, the Left deems them to be unfit parents. And they believe that if a child even suspects their parents might say no to a life-altering surgery, the child should have the right to move forward on their own. It’s an easy position for politicians or activists to take when they don’t have to deal with the consequences the way a child and his or her family would.” Read more here.


Study Claims Abortion Restrictions Are Linked to Suicide but Ignores Crucial Data Showing Otherwise, by Thomas Kelly. “The authors are claiming that there is an expected 5 percent increase in suicide rates in states that have restrictive abortion laws. But the upward bias in their recorded suicide rates for some states is multiple times the estimated effect of abortion restrictions on suicide rates. This data cannot demonstrate that abortion restrictions are associated with suicide increases because the bias in their data is so extreme.” Read more here.


Team Biden Joins School Library Wars, Launching Federal Investigation, by Suzanne Bowdey. “Glenn … convey[ed] through district spokesman Jeff Meador that all the titles they’d pulled from shelves are ‘sexually explicit and not age-appropriate.’ That said, the libraries ‘continue to house a socially and culturally diverse collection of books for students to read, including,’ he pointed out, ‘books that analyze and explore LGBTQ+ issues.’ Naturally, that didn’t satisfy the ACLU, whose lawyers decided to involve the federal government in a local dispute that could have a chilling effect nationwide.” Read more here.


Medical Experts, Not Activists, Must Lead Discussion of Puberty Blockers, by Kate Anderson. “…[M]any school districts have adopted the activist line that the only way to support children with gender dysphoria is to adopt an ‘affirmative’ response that immediately puts a child onto a treatment pathway that ends with medical intervention… Schools that have enacted these radical policies should take a hard look at the very serious harms that children are exposed to in pursuit of an ‘affirmative’ approach.” Read more here.


An LGBTQ+ Conversion Therapy Ban Is Bound to Backfire, by Lottie Moore. “Of course, we would hope and expect that all MPs would be against persecution. But this amendment will have consequences that go far beyond that noble aim – with serious and dangerous results. If this amendment is passed, professionals simply trying to do their jobs could be accused of practising conversion therapy – because the amendment fails to define what it entails.” Read more here.


A ‘Botched Abortion’ Is the Birth of a Child, by Larry O’Connor. “The unanimous voice of Hakeem Jeffries’ Democrat caucus was that mothers and doctors should not be obliged to provide medical attention to an [sic] ‘survivor’ after a so-called ‘botched abortion…’ Think about that term for a moment. What happens when you ‘botch’ an abortion? …What happens when an abortion goes ‘wrong?’ A baby is born. A baby is born, alive. A ‘botched abortion’ is also known as ‘child birth.’” Read more here.


Oops! Democratic ‘Oversights’ Would Legalize Polygamy, Infanticide, by Ben Johnson. “Voters can glean the inner disposition of our lawmakers, learning which issues they consider vital and which never enter their minds, through … the ‘errors,’ omissions, and oversights politicians make when drafting legislation. Allegedly inadvertent ‘oversights’ and ‘drafting errors’ by Democratic lawmakers over the last year alone would have decriminalized infanticide, legalized polygamy, and suppressed sacred religious liberty rights enshrined in the First Amendment.” Read more here.


The Dutch Studies and the Myth of Reliable Research in Pediatric Gender Medicine, by Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine. “The authors assert that had the Dutch studies been published today for the first time, the ‘innovative practice’ of using hormones and surgery to gender transition children and young adults would never have been permitted to enter general medical settings due to the very low quality of the research and problematic outcomes experienced by several of the young people.” Read more here.


Democrats Can’t Help but Make the Case for Life, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) made a similar argument, saying, ‘The problem with this bill is that it endangers some infants by stating that that infant must immediately be brought to the hospital.’ Again, I fail to see how a bill that mandates immediate, life-saving care for born-alive infants puts them at any more risk. A hospital is surely a much safer place for them than an abortion clinic, considering the former exists to heal people and the latter exists to make sure they’re never born.” Read more here.


How a Public Library Used Third-Party Allies and ‘Listening Sessions’ to Dismiss Flak Over Pornographic Kids’ Books, by Casey Chalk. “A member of the Library Foundation … dismissed Horne’s complaints, challenging her to go out into the stacks and find something that was inappropriate. That same staffer also argued that young adult books with sexual content were ‘not pornographic’ and that different people had different standards of what material was too sexually explicit for adolescents (that’s not exactly true, given current U.S. federal law on obscenity).” Read more here.


West Virginia Wins Day on Fairness in Women’s Sports but Plot Thickens on Title IX, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “Recognizing that the administration’s attempts to redefine sex are suffering some notable legal defeats, the U.S. Department of Education recently issued a notice of proposed rulemaking in the Federal Register, indicating that it intends to make a new rule on Title IX. That rule, however, in contrast to the Title IX rule announced last summer … will deal only with transgender participation in school sports.” Read more here.


Minnesota Will Soon Make Teachers Endorse Child Mutilation to Get a License, by Ryan MacPherson. “The state’s insistence that every teacher positively affirm homosexual behaviors and transgendered identities understandably aggravates consciences among moral traditionalists, but the issues run deeper than the ‘culture war.’ What is at stake is the nature of knowledge, the future of liberty, and the prospects for a sustainable social order. In a word: civilization.” Read more here.


Gender Ideology Is Losing in the Courts, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Goodwin’s ruling is significant for several reasons, the first being that Goodwin has previously sided with gender ideologues. Just 18 months ago, he held that the male middle school student in question had to be allowed to try out for the girl’s cross-country and track teams while the case was pending. But even he admitted in his final ruling that sex is an immutable characteristic, and that changing its definition would have devastating consequences for everyone.” Read more here.


State Department’s LGBT Virtue Signaling Is Unhelpful, by Michael Rubin. “While LGBT evangelicals demand the State Department fly their flag, such virtue signaling often does more harm than good. Flying the rainbow flag at the Vatican to troll the Catholic faith is bad enough, but to do so in Muslim-majority countries such as Kosovo and the United Arab Emirates simply stirs the hornet’s nest for little result… The State Department’s gay pride activism is setting back both LGBT rights and kneecapping our diplomats’ effectiveness.” Read more here.


‘Dead Name’ Documentary Shows Kids Aren’t the Only Victims of Trans Radicals – Their Parents Are, Too, by Nathanael Blake. “Parents who oppose so-called transitioning their children are not the bad guys. The bad guys are the transgender activists who have promulgated a false narrative labeling these parents as suicide-inducing bigots when these parents try to protect their kids from a destructive ideology pushing dangerous medical experiments.” Read more here.


Abortion Industry Seeks to End All FDA Abortion Pill Safety Regulations, by Carole Novielli. “Abortion pill safety regulations created by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), known as REMS, are the next target of the profitable abortion industry, which has historically bemoaned all regulations to protect women. The ultimate goal of these abortion advocates – many associated with Advancing New Standards in Reproductive Health (ANSIRH) – is to allow over-the-counter dispensing of the abortion pill.” Read more here.


Transgenderism Is Experiencing a Crisis of Scientific Legitimacy, by David Gortler. “Today, almost every academic medical school, most prominent U.S. professional medical organizations, and the Biden administration are fully advocating both drugs and major surgeries, including the removal of healthy tissue and organs, in children, adolescents, and adults… The problem is that they all ignore the fundamentals of biology and make unsubstantiated claims without the conclusive, long-term clinical safety findings otherwise required for all other types of medical or pharmacological interventions.” Read more here.


Biden Justice Department Dishonestly Rewrites Law Against Sending Abortion Drugs by Mail, by Thomas Jipping. “The Biden administration keeps coming up with new tactics to keep abortions happening. The latest is Justice Department advice to the U.S. Postal Service that a federal law prohibiting using the mail to send abortion drugs doesn’t mean what it says… Far from offering a reasonable interpretation of §1461, the Office of Legal Counsel attempts to construct a fictional statute that would not interfere with the Biden administration’s pro-abortion agenda.” Read more here.


New Evidence From Finland That Partnership Instability Reduces Fertility, by Laurie DeRose. “The transition to below replacement fertility has happened at the same time as (and likely because of) the global ‘retreat from marriage,’ a phrase that captures the many ways that people spend fewer of their adult years married. Fewer enter marriage at all, and those who do marry typically do so later in life, often divorce, and either do not remarry or do not remarry quickly. The retreat from marriage takes many adult years away from the normative context for childbearing…” Read more here.


New York Is Violating Photographer’s Free Speech, by Alliance Defending Freedom. “The First Amendment guarantees to all Americans – including artists – the freedom to choose which messages to express. If the government can compel Emilee to convey a view of marriage that cuts against her beliefs, it can compel the speech of others… But a victory for Emilee and Lorie wouldn’t be just a win for them. The same protections that ensure they can promote messages consistent with their beliefs ensure that a lesbian cake artist can decline to create a custom cake criticizing same-sex marriage…” Read more here.


FDA Aids Biden’s Abortion-for-All Agenda by Letting Pharmacies Sell Dangerous Abortion Pill, by Jordan Boyd. “Already, pill-induced abortions account for more than half of them in the United States. Now that the FDA quietly scaled back its regulation of the abortion pill even further to match the Biden administration’s post-Roe activism, that number is only expected to rise as chains such as CVS and Walgreens agree to legally dispense the fatal drug in any state where chemical abortions are legal.” Read more here.


If States Followed the Science, They’d Emulate Europe to Protect Kids With Gender Dysphoria, by Sharon Supp. “After thoroughly reviewing the reliable evidence, these countries concluded that the risks of ‘gender-affirming care’ far outweigh any potential benefits. Instead, they are returning to psychological and psychiatric care as the starting point for addressing gender confusion in children – a model known as ‘watchful waiting’ – noting that gender dysphoria in teens could be just a ‘transient phase’ which should not be mishandled with radical, life-altering drugs and surgeries.” Read more here.


Hospital Surgery Dept ‘Proud’ to Announce App Targeting Children for Gender Transitions, by Joshua Arnold. “Under the guise of ‘offering counseling’ to a youth questioning his or her gender identity, gender activists often pressure them towards transitioning (in some jurisdictions, it’s illegal to counsel a child against transitioning). This counseling is often done privately, without the supervision or possibly even knowledge of the child’s parent. This strategy can manipulate children into agreeing to … procedures to which the child is totally incapable of giving mature, informed consent.” Read more here.


Biden’s FDA and Justice Department Are All-in on Abortion, by Ian Haworth. “…[I]n a society where every other product and service is available at the touch of a button – including meals, transportation, and narcotics – it’s apparently unconscionable that murdering your own unborn child should be any different. When medical abortions account for more than half of abortions in the United States, and with abortion becoming more difficult across the country, the only area of the economy booming under Biden’s leadership will apparently be abortion by mail.” Read more here.


Everything That’s Wrong With Scotland’s New Gender Recognition Law, by David Robertson. “The Bill allows you to change your birth certificate so that it lies about your sex. If you are born male and later decide you want to be a woman then you can change your birth certificate to say that you were born a woman. This is biological nonsense and a straightforward lie. But it is a lie that the government promotes – to such an extent that you can be prosecuted for speaking the truth!” Read more here.


Why Did Congress Remove Language From the Defense Bill Protecting Military Kids From Trans Insanity? by Amy Haywood. “In November, a concerned mom posted on social media her shock at seeing ‘artwork’ in the entrance of an elementary school that caused her 7-year-old to ask her what ‘polysexual’ meant. The response was swift, but not in the way you might expect: An Army officer … called state and local law enforcement and used base security forces to monitor the supposedly unsafe situation she had created in the school district where more than half of the students are children of active-duty military personnel.” Read more here.


The Biden Administration Wants to Censor People Who Oppose Gender Transitions for Children, by Zachary Faria. “The next step in ‘misinformation’ censorship is going to come with government officials attempting to silence any debate about mutilating children in the name of transgenderism. This is the biggest takeaway from the recently leaked video of Health and Human Services Assistant Secretary Rachel Levine… In her comments, Levine said that ‘the positive value of gender-affirming care for youth and adults is not in scientific or medical dispute’ and that anyone questioning it is ‘dangerous to the public health.’” Read more here.


Protect Our Children: Stop the Sexualization of America’s Kids, by Kimberly Fletcher. “It is no accident that children are in the audience of these heavily sexualized ‘shows.’ That is the point. If children see lewd and indecent behavior at a young age, they lose their innocence and accept as normal what was once rightly recognized as a threat to the family and our civic order. Increasingly, we have seen graphic sexual content making its way into our schools; that, too, is on purpose.” Read more here.


Why Detransitioners Are Crucial to the Science of Gender Care, by Chad Terhune, Robin Respaut, and Michelle Conlin. “In his continuing search for detransitioners, MacKinnon spent hours scrolling through TikTok and sifting through online forums where people shared their experiences and found comfort from each other. These forays opened his eyes to the online abuse detransitioners receive – not just the usual anti-transgender attacks, but members of the transgender community telling them to ‘shut up’ and even sending death threats.” Read more here.


In States That Limited Abortion After Dobbs, Biden’s Federal Agencies Are Pushing It Anyway, by Sophia Corso. “…[T]he order’s pledge to ‘protect access to medication abortion’ is a misleading euphemism for a chemical abortion that starves, kills, and expels the dead child from a mother’s womb. This is clearly the antithesis of ‘medication’ and has also sparked lawsuits against the Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The order is just another way for the Biden administration to push abortion into states that have legally placed restrictions on it.” Read more here.


Here Are the States Most Likely to Pass Abortion Restrictions in 2023, by Abigail Adcox. “Several state legislatures appear poised to consider new abortion restrictions next year, potentially adding to the dozen-plus states that have already adopted new restrictions since the Supreme Court said … there is no constitutional right to abortion. State lawmakers in Nebraska, Ohio, South Carolina, and Florida have signaled they might hear proposals to limit access to the procedure in the next legislative session.” Read more here.


Fringe Gender Ideology Defeats Three Judges’ Impartiality, by Washington Examiner. “The judges use such ideologically charged words that most real people don’t use, such as ‘cisgender.’ This is evidence that the judges took sides before the issue was litigated. In other words, they exercised their prejudices, not their judgment… Gender ideology and its Orwellian language about sex are contaminating the machinery of government and corrupting our culture.” Read more here.


Colorado Christians Have Felt the First Winds From the Coming Harassment Storm, by Jeff Hunt. “The real problem is that Christian values are increasingly finding themselves in conflict with the values pushed by the state. A biblical worldview on human identity and sexuality, for instance, runs head-on into the state’s embrace of LGBT identity politics. Indeed, the framing of LGBT rights as its own civil rights issue has made it difficult for people of all religious backgrounds to live according to their beliefs without fear of retaliation.” Read more here.


Teens Need Tech Limits and Real-Life Relationships to Thrive, by Tessa Carman. “Most disturbingly, suicide is the second-largest cause of death for 10-to-18-year-olds in particular. It’s an eerie statistic in a time when teens are far less likely to get in trouble in the tangible world – through car crashes, teenage pregnancy, daredevil stunts. Instead of clubbing and dancing all night, too many teens are safely home, logged into their online communities. Physically safe, maybe – but incredibly lonely and vulnerable to deadly spells of depression.” Read more here.


The Transgender Trajectory, by Terry Jeffrey. “The court’s opinion meticulously refers to two types of ‘girls.’ One it calls ‘transgender girls’ or ‘girls who are transgender.’ The other it calls ‘cisgender girls’ or ‘girls who are cisgender.’ In other words, in this court’s arithmetic, two distinct sexes equal one… The trajectory of the transgender movement is driving America away from a society based on objective truth – where a boy is a boy, for example – toward a society where what we pretend is true depends on what those in authority demand.” Read more here.


University of Washington’s Questionable Fetal Tissue Program Loses Legal Battle, by Matt Lamb. “If treating preborn babies like commodities sounds callous and immoral, it is. The monetary payments create conflicts of interest for medical providers who should not be pressuring women into having abortions… Society and our laws should not tolerate the buying and selling of fetal tissue. Abortion should be outlawed, but at a minimum, even pro-choice states should require the dignified burial of aborted babies.” Read more here.


Leftists Call Free Speech ‘Violence’ to Mute Critics of Barbaric Transgender Surgeries for Kids, by Chad Felix Greene. “What these organizations are attempting to do is stigmatize anyone who participates in such criticism by accusing them of contributing to any potential violence that may occur. More to the point, they want to intimidate conservative commentators to prevent them from discussing or sharing provocative LGBT activism, often in their own words, in a way that will result in criticism or outrage.” Read more here.


The LGBT Alphabet Lobby Has Come for Its Own Women, by Victoria Marshall. “Women – especially lesbians – cannot expect the LGBT activist crowd (or so-called ‘allies’) ever to come to their defense. The LGBT movement, much like the sexual revolution, was never really for the liberation or sexual freedom of women. Its logical end has always been about giving power to perversion, rejecting basic biological reality, and trampling the rights of women.” Read more here.


Under the Radar, the Detranisitioner Movement Is Surging, by Dan Hart. “With the explosive phenomenon of gender dysphoria continuing to ripple across America’s youth, a related but much less highlighted trend is simultaneously occurring – a movement almost completely ignored by the mainstream media. New studies are now emerging showing that the ‘detransitioner’ movement is far larger than what is commonly acknowledged, with detransition rates nearing 30 percent in some instances.” Read more here.


Stop Playing the Left’s Language Games, by Kaylee McGhee White. “…[S]top using the nice-sounding euphemisms crafted by leftist activists to normalize an ideology that is anything but. Don’t acknowledge or use preferred pronouns; stop using phrases like ‘transgender,’ ‘cisgender’ and ‘gender identity.’ Ceding to these terms grants them legitimacy and makes one an unwitting participant in a destructive lie.” Read more here.


Actually, Hollywood Isn’t Woke Enough, LGBT Group Complains, by Madeline Fry Schultz. “When will there be enough gay people in movies? According to GLAAD, the answer is: Probably never… No one was good enough for GLAAD this year, with Warner Bros. receiving a grade of ‘poor’ despite 12 percent of its films being ‘LGBT inclusive’ and Sony, United Artists, Universal, and Disney all receiving ‘insufficient’ ratings because their inclusion ranged 13 percent to 44 percent.” Read more here.


The FDA Was Wrong to Approve Chemical Abortion Drugs, by Julie Blake. “The FDA and abortionists are lying when they say that chemical abortion drugs are safe… Abortionists mail these drugs to women to take at home, alone, with no indication of the potential horrors that await. Sometimes abortionists even recommend that women pass the fetus into a toilet and not look at it; women who do look are often horrified to find that the baby, which they were told was just a clump of cells, has hands, feet, and even little fingers and toes.” Read more here.


Biden’s Transgender Crusade, by Kimberly Ross. “Minors should not be encouraged to give in to every whim or pressure from friends or culture. Disrupting or altering the natural processes of a male or female body during puberty has long-lasting physical and mental effects. It is unethical not to bring up concerns. But Biden believes those who do so are not only the bad guys but are, by extension, racists, antisemites, homophobes, and transphobes.” Read more here.


The Great UN Pushback Against Gender Ideology, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “During the soon to conclude General Assembly, Western delegates met a wall of resistance to any new mentions of controversial social policies, whether express or implied. Traditional countries blocked references to sexual orientation and gender identity, diversity, and comprehensive sexuality education. Additionally, these governments delivered dozens of statements against the left’s sexual agenda. All told, more than 60 countries objected to what they see as dangerous and even radical language.” Read more here.


San Francisco Demands Teachers Confuse Children About Their Gender, by Zachary Faria. “A ‘teaching guide for elementary grades’ issued by the San Francisco Unified School District demands that teachers begin confusing children about their gender as early as kindergarten, urging teachers to tell 5-year-olds that it is ‘normal to explore and be curious about gender’ and that ‘gender identity is determined by the way we feel inside or right for us.’ Of course, letting 5-year-olds define their entire existence could not possibly go wrong.” Read more here.


Whether or Not Abortions Are Going Up or Down, Chemical Abortions Have Become an Increasing Problem, by Rebecca Downs. “…[T]he Food and Drug Administration … did away with safety regulations … so that women no longer needed an in-person visit with a doctor to acquire the abortion-inducing pills of mifepristone and misoprostol… This move from the FDA is despite dangers associated with the method, which the FDA has approved for up to 10-weeks. Such a method carries with it four times the complications of surgical abortions.” Read more here.


Sex Not Limited to Biological Sex, Scottish Court Rules, by Joan Smith. “This latest decision shows how close we are to the word ‘woman’ becoming a mixed category in Scotland. It’s the logical end point of bad legislation, pushed way beyond its original intention by gender extremists. The UK government urgently needs to amend the Equality Act to add the word ‘biological’ to its definition of woman – and a campaign to repeal the Gender Recognition Act is surely long overdue.” Read more here.


Women’s Health Care After Dobbs, by Br. Columba Thomas, OP. “…[E]ven when a clear definition of abortion is established, amid the heat of the debate and the fear over the future of women’s health, what’s often overlooked are alternatives to abortion that are both ethical and safe for the mother. And if Dobbs helps medicine move away from viewing abortion as standard care, clinicians and researchers will have new opportunities to develop treatments aimed at both the mother’s and baby’s well-being.” Read more here.


NHL-Backed Team Trans Illustrates the Problem With Men in Women’s Sports, by Tom Joyce. “The hockey games at this event were mixed-sex because part of the criteria to compete at Team Trans events is that participants be transgender. So, if those identifying as a gender they are not can compete in Team Trans events regardless of their biological sex. But men are, on average, bigger and stronger than women. That means that they not only have an advantage in terms of athletic ability but also in their ability to hurt smaller, weaker players.” Read more here.


Trans Ideology Exploits the Left’s Fallacy That We Can Be Liberated From Our Sex, by Nathanael Blake. “…[T]he ideal of liberation from gender deprives children of guidance on what it means to be men and women. Children’s desires are not enough to bring them to flourishing adulthood. It is not liberating to abandon all rules and role models in favor of the oft-repeated pablum of ‘you can be whatever you want to be.’ Instead of liberating their children, parents who follow this model condemn them to be ruled by a mix of their own immature impulses, often-toxic cultural influences, and the agendas of other adults.” Read more here.


The U.S. Cares About Religious Freedom Abroad, but at Home? Not so Much, by Grace Melton and Simon Hankinson. “It’s been clear from the start that the Biden administration doesn’t prioritize religious freedom. Religious freedom is a fundamental right that upholds others. But Secretary of State Antony Blinken argued that it is just one ‘co-equal’ and ‘interdependent’ right. That’s because it’s a stumbling block for the Left’s pursuit of an ideological agenda that is even less popular in the developing world than it is here. As it turns out, devaluing religious freedom is a critical step in promoting rights based on sexual orientation or gender identity.” Read more here.


Business Owners Have Rights, Too, by Adam J. MacLeod. “In 303 Creative, Colorado officials assert that all proprietors who open their services to the public have a duty to serve any potential customer on demand… This assertion raises the stakes of conflicts over civil rights in places of public accommodation. If the Colorado officials are right, the impact will be significant: it will mean that many business owners and charities do not have the right to decide their terms of service.” Read more here.


Bait and Switch, by Christopher F. Rufo. “…[T]he elite Francis W. Parker School in Chicago hosted an ‘LGBTQ health’ event in which adults provided ‘dildos’ and ‘butt plugs’ to students as young as 14 years old. The Dean of Students, Joseph Bruno, explained that he did not inform parents or the board of trustees, because he believed that none would oppose teaching ‘queer sex’ in school. In other words, he believed that by labeling the program as ‘LGBTQ,’ it would become immune from criticism. In my latest video, I explain how schools are able to smuggle in radical gender theory under the guise of ‘diversity and inclusion’ – and how it can be stopped.” Watch video here.


Employment Tribunal Rulings on Gender-Critical Beliefs in the Workplace, by Patrick Brione. “A series of employment tribunal rulings since 2021 have considered whether and to what extent gender-critical beliefs count as ‘philosophical beliefs.’ Philosophical beliefs are protected from discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. Gender-critical beliefs include the belief that sex is biological and immutable, people cannot change their sex and sex is distinct from gender identity… This insight looks at three significant recent cases and what they mean for employment law in this area.” Read more here.


1 in 4: Projecting Childlessness Among Today’s Young Women, by Lyman Stone. “By now, it’s not news to anyone that America’s fertility rate is falling. But there are different ways fertility can fall. One way is that the average family size can shrink as people shift from having four kids to three, two kids to one, etc. But the other way is by people not forming families at all. Most of the drop in fertility in America in the last two decades is driven by this second factor: more Americans are staying single and never having children at all…” Read more here.


‘Pregnant Workers Fairness Act’ Treats Abortion Like Maternity Leave, by Joy Stockbauer and Mary Szoch. “In part, the protection of reasonable accommodations for pregnant workers is what the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act H.R. 1065 (PWFA) would ensure… Unfortunately, that’s not all it would do. The PWFA also advances a malicious pro-abortion agenda that would force employers to make accommodations surrounding abortions in the same way as they would for a woman giving birth.” Read more here.


Stop Holding International Women’s Health Hostage to Ideology, by Valerie Huber and Elyssa Koren. “Big donors such as the Gates Foundation and the U.S. government should take heed of the Geneva Consensus. Governments at the receiving end of their ‘help’ can speak for themselves, and together, they are speaking loud and clear – every person is born with inherent dignity and the right to life, and real women’s health gains should never be held hostage by the abortion agenda.” Read more here.


The Future of the First Amendment Hinges on the 303 Creative Case Before the Supreme Court, by David Harsanyi. “If we want a diverse and open society … one side of the cultural divide can’t be empowered to crush the economic lives of anyone who dissents. There are thousands of businesses that will bake the cake or create the website. Public accommodation laws were meant to stop discrimination against minorities, not compel minorities to promote the political and theological positions of the majority.” Read more here.


French Pro-Choice Politicians Try to Bypass the People to Amend the Constitution, by Chiara Bertoglio. “…[I]n some Western countries the aftermath of the overturning of Roe v. Wade has spurred debate on the possibility of affirming such a right and of protecting it from potential threats by enshrining it in Constitutions. This is currently happening in France, where several political parties are attempting to amend the Constitution to safeguard the ‘right’ to abortion.” Read more here.


The Transgender Lobby Is a Massive and Well-Funded Leviathan, by Pedro Gonzalez. “The advocates of transgenderism like to present themselves as scrappy underdogs, outgunned and fighting for the marginalized, but they are actually immensely well-funded with far-reaching political connections and influence. The pharmaceutical companies fund the foundations that support the Democrats who promote the transgender movement, which, in turn, creates demand for the drugs used in the transitioning sequence. It’s a vicious wheel that turns round and round; everybody gets rich and powerful, and nobody cares about the victims.” Read more here.


The Biden Administration Wants Taxpayers to Fund Gender Transitions for Children, by Zachary Faria. “In a move that would surprise absolutely no one, the Biden administration is preparing to argue that gender transitions for children should be taxpayer funded… The damage being done to children in the name of acceptance is despicable, and there will be a national reckoning for it in the future once the consequences are made more clear. But the damage to children suffering from gender dysphoria, and to children who have been pushed down this path by social media, will have already been done.” Read more here.


Shrinking American Motherhood: 1-in-6 Women in Their 40s Have Never Given Birth, by Wendy Wang. “More U.S. women are skipping motherhood today. In 2020, 1-in-6 women reaching the end of their childbearing years had never given birth, according to a new Institute for Family Studies analysis of Census data. This share was lower in 2016, when 14 percent of women ages 40 to 44 had never given birth. At the same time, the share of women who have had two or more children declined from 32 percent in 2016 to 30 percent in 2020.” Read more here.


Amid Rise in Number of Gender-Confused Children in Maryland Schools, Parents Need a New Bill of Rights, by Madison Marino and Andrzej Wieciorkowski. “In the past two years, Maryland’s largest public school district … saw a purported 582 percent increase in students self-reporting as identifying as ‘gender nonconforming’ or as a gender different from their biological sex… Guidance counselors are building ‘gender support plans’ for students. According to district guidelines, they aren’t required to disclose a child’s preferred sexual identity to the parent and are instructed to strictly enforce transgender pronoun usage.” Read more here.


For Artists Like Colorado’s Lorie Smith, the First Amendment Protects the Right Not to Speak, by Erin Hawley. “…[I]n 303 Creative, Colorado claims the authority to compel Smith to confess by word her faith in Colorado’s mandated orthodoxy instead of her own. Colorado requires Smith to create custom same-sex wedding websites – speech – even though doing so violates her deeply held beliefs. Regardless of your beliefs about marriage (or any other topic), 303 Creative raises deeply significant questions about whether the government may force people to speak and promote messages with which they disagree.” Read more here.


Making Body Dysmorphia Great Again, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Are girls really more likely than boys to be ‘born into the wrong body,’ as activists put it? Not at all. However, girls are more likely to feel uncomfortable in their bodies, struggle with body dysmorphia, and battle anxiety and depression at a young age. Many girls already believe their bodies are the problem. That’s why, when I was growing up, eating disorders were so common. The underlying anxieties have always been the same, but the way in which they’re expressing themselves has changed.” Read more here.


Where Is the Outrage Over Balenciaga’s Embrace of Child Pornography? by Madeline Fry Schultz. “In photos for Balenciaga’s gift collection campaign, young children pose with teddy bears in what appears to be BDSM gear. And, lest you think this is all just a horribly stupid accident, hidden among a stack of papers in photos for the spring campaign is the Supreme Court’s United States v. Williams opinion, which upheld a federal law prohibiting child pornography in advertising even if the content doesn’t specifically constitute ‘child pornography.’ Wow, I wonder if there’s a connection here.” Read more here.


Win for Website Designer at Supreme Court Would Be Win for Free Speech for All, by Lathan Watts. “…Colorado officials audaciously claim the authority to force Smith and any other artist or creative entrepreneur to forfeit their right to free speech as a cost of doing business. As specious as that claim is, its tenuous link to credulity is further weakened by the fact that the state only imposes this Faustian bargain on those who disagree with the state’s current preferred message on marriage. Its position is clear: Speak the state’s message or don’t speak at all.” Read more here.


Fairfax County Schools Used to Assign Homework. Now They Fixate on What Sex Their Students Were ‘Assigned at Birth,’ by Sophia Corso. “According to a local report, the school board is considering a number of radical proposals regarding its sex education curriculum. In addition to the proposal to label boys and girls as ‘assigned’ males and females ‘at birth’ – implying that sex is something arbitrarily ‘assigned’ by doctors rather than an immutable characteristic – the board has also proposed to teach co-ed classrooms lessons on ‘sexual orientation and gender identity’ that includes watching a pro-transgender PBS video telling kids that they can have ‘intermediate’ private parts.” Read more here.


Thai Conference Shows Abortion and Family Planning Intimately Connected, by Craig-Austin Rose. “Despite Ipas’s claims that pro-life laws are colonialist, it remains clear that progressive western governments and organizations place global pressures on all other nations to adopt pro-abortion and gender laws. Many U.S. politicians and countries in the UN continue to oppose this agenda, but as long as funds remain for these groups, abortion will continue to be imposed on the developing world under the guise of family planning.” Read more here.


NYT Finally Admits ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Is Dangerous, by Sarah Arnold. “The New York Times published a lengthy story admitting that ‘gender-affirming’ care could be harmful to kids… ‘The questions are fueling government reviews in Europe, prompting a push for more research and leading some prominent specialists to reconsider at what age to prescribe them and for how long. A small number of doctors won’t recommend them at all,’ the NYT article reads.” Read more here.


Society-Altering Respect for Marriage Act Likely to Create Firestorm Akin to Roe v. Wade, by Christopher Bedford. “The problem is, while the act acknowledges the First Amendment and includes language to protect ‘the liberty [and] conscience’ of individuals and organizations, the protections are both narrow and meaningless… The jaws behind the law are twofold. First, state attorneys general may bring civil suits against those they believe are in violation of the laws. Second, any person who is harmed by a violation of [the law] may bring a civil action … against their neighbor. The result? Every man a Jack Phillips – the Colorado baker who’s spent a decade embroiled in frivolous-yet-life-altering legal harassment from both private activists and the state itself.” Read more here.


Twelve GOP Senators Help Democrats Erode Americans’ Right to Act on Religious Convictions About Marriage, by Jordan Boyd. “The [Respect for Marriage Act] as it stands doesn’t just repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as between male and female, by codifying the Supreme Court’s approval of same-sex marriage in Obergefell v. Hodges. It goes further by enabling LGBT activists, who have already made a habit of exploiting the legal system to target religious Americans, and the politically motivated Department of Justice to bring civil action against anyone they say violates the terms of the legislation.” Read more here.


Biden Uses Your Tax Dollars to Deal Abortions to Pro-Life Countries That Don’t Want Them, by Elyssa Koren. “Given the state of play in the United States, it is both profoundly incongruous and inappropriate for the U.S. to lead the charge on global abortion promotion. Not to mention it is also illegal for the U.S. government to assume this role, considering the plain fact that abortion is against the law in the vast majority of countries where the Biden administration engages in the dirty work of bankrolling the practice.” Read more here.


Lawsuit Could Force the FDA to Rescind Approval of Abortion Pills That Endanger Mom and Baby Alike, by Sophia Corso. “While pro-abortion circles push the narrative that the pill designed to end the life of an unborn child is ‘safe and effective,’ multiple reports point to the opposite conclusion. In a study meant to analyze abortion pill reversal, researchers actually had to halt the study due to ‘safety concerns’ for those who did not take the reversal medication, progesterone, after taking mifepristone. Forty percent of the women who took the abortion pill ‘and did not take progesterone, required emergency surgery, and one required a transfusion.’” Read more here.


Slippery Slope: Washington Post Gives Rave Review for Play About Pedophiles, Treating Them Kinder, by Tim Meads. “All of this is an attempt to destigmatize pedophilia. Norris’ play wants the viewer to believe that we need to change our views on the subject. You would only give out lighter sentences to these creeps if what you think they did is acceptable or at the very least not as bad of a crime as it’s treated now. Of course, it isn’t. It’s heinously evil, but some want to convince you otherwise.” Read more here.


Respect for Marriage Act: Why Religious Liberty Deserves Protection and My Amendment Will Provide It, by Senator Mike Lee. “My simple, commonsense amendment would prohibit the federal government from retaliating against any person or group for adhering to sincerely held religious beliefs and moral convictions about marriage. In no way would my amendment impair the RFMA’s ability to perform its simple, stated purpose: to protect same-sex marriage against an extremely unlikely scenario in which the Supreme Court one day decides to overturn Obergefell.” Read more here.


Trans Ideologues Who Cheer Cutting Off Healthy Genitals Shouldn’t Set Federal Medical Standards, by Douglas Wilson. “On the list of WPATH ‘treatments’ are mutilating surgeries (mastectomies, vaginectomies, penectomies), ‘chest binding,’ ‘genital tucking,’ ‘aesthetic procedures’ like ‘body contouring’ and ‘voice surgery,’ and puberty-blocking drugs for children. There’s no minimum age requirement for these procedures… This isn’t medicine. It is the destruction of healthy bodies, the indoctrination of children, and the dissolution of parental rights. It is radical sexual ideology under the guise of science.” Read more here.


SCOTUS Should Hold States Can’t Compel Politically Correct Wedding Messages, by Ilya Shapiro. “A freelance writer cannot be punished for refusing to write press releases for the Church of Scientology, even if he is willing to work for other religious groups. A musician cannot be punished for refusing to play at Republican Party rallies, even if he will play at other political events – and even if the jurisdiction statutorily bans discrimination based on political affiliation. Likewise, a photographer or a wedding singer should not be punished for refusing to take photographs celebrating a same-sex wedding, or for refusing to sing at such a wedding, regardless of what any statute says.” Read more here.


San Francisco’s Perverse Incentive to Identify as Transgender, by Jay Richards and Jamie Hall. “Imagine that a progressive American city creates a financial incentive for residents to ‘transition’ from man to woman or from woman to man. That’s exactly what San Francisco has just done with a program called Guaranteed Income for Transgender People, or GIFT. This is like using a fire hose to spray a burning skyscraper with gasoline. Talk about perverse incentives. Anyone want to bet that, if this program expands, the number of San Francisco’s poor who say they identify as transgender also will expand?” Read more here.


Defending Marriage: Will Senate Republicans Display Courage and Uphold Truth? by Rep. Chip Roy and Ryan T. Anderson. “The Senate bill pays lip service to religious liberty and conscience rights, but it does not offer any meaningful protections for those rights. Had the Senate sponsors wanted to, they could have explicitly stated that no individual or organization could be penalized by the government for operating according to the conviction that marriage unites husband and wife… But the bill offers no such protections. It is not a compromise, not even a bad compromise. It enshrines a false definition of marriage in our law and then tells people they can have their day in court if and when they get sued.” Read more here.


Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination Law: Justifying Harms to Religious Minorities With Ideological Science, by Amy Hamilton. “…[I]f [Colorado’s Anti-Discrimination Act] exists to protect minorities, the protection should also be extended to people like Smith who, because of their religious beliefs, are in a minority today. Smith now faces enormous stress and social stigma of her own from hate mail, death threats, online vitriol, and numerous attempts to hack her website and harm her business. Yet Colorado state officials ignore the harms she is suffering. Rather, they are aggressively threatening her with fines and penalties if she dares to conduct her business according to her conscience.” Read more here.


The Childhood Transition Narrative Is Crumbling, by Debra Soh. “A few years ago, the concept of transition regret and detransitioning remained relatively rare. Now, as the number of detransitioners continues to grow, I hope that more policymakers will take heed and listen to their voices. The fact that mainstream news outlets are gradually pulling the reins on the early transitioning movement is an indication that the cultural tide is turning. But concern and support for detransitioners must remain, even after the battle against childhood transition has been won.” Read more here.


The Case Against Sex Education, by Sonnie Ekwowusi. “It beats the imagination that the UNFPA and others are corrupting Nigerian children with immoral CSE under the watch of the government. The American College of Pediatricians has said that CSE is one of the greatest assaults on the health and innocence of children because, unlike traditional sexuality education, CSE highly and explicitly promotes sexual promiscuity and high-risk sexual behaviors among children and teenagers… It is high time Nigerian parents woke up to their parental responsibilities. Parents are the primary educators of their children. They cannot shirk this responsibility under the excuse that they are working hard to eke out a living.” Read more here.


The Abortion Lobby Wants You to Think Adoption Isn’t a ‘Replacement’ for Abortion. Don’t Believe Them, by Herbie Newell. “The reason more mothers don’t choose adoption is because of a lack of education and support – not because they prefer aborting. Connecting vulnerable women with networks of support and material resources is an essential next step after the fall of Roe. Facing an unplanned pregnancy is hard, and so is every step forward. But ‘hard’ doesn’t mean ‘impossible.’ It also doesn’t mean that women have to face parenting or adoption alone.” Read more here.


The Social Contagion of Transgenderism Is Harming the Most Vulnerable Children, by Zachary Faria. “This social contagion is spreading among vulnerable children and young adults through social media, and our liberal culture makers are promoting it with cheer and demanding anyone who objects be silenced. This is not compassion, and this will not help children suffering from gender dysphoria. It will only cause them more harm as they age and realize what was done to them, and that society did not protect them from permanently altering their lives for the worse.” Read more here.


‘Not Permitted in the Public Square:’ How One Australian Christian Was Forced to Resign, by Arielle Del Turco. “A reaction like that might lead you to think that the church was caught up in inappropriate behavior or teachings… Thorburn’s church didn’t express anything that is at all out of the ordinary for the Christian. The source of public controversy was that the church had articulated a biblical understanding of sexuality and a proper Christian response to the tragedy of abortion. For Thorburn, the takeaway was obvious. He said, ‘My personal Christian faith is not tolerated or permitted in the public square.’” Read more here.


More Tech, Less Teen Happiness, by Jenet Erickson and W. Bradford Wilcox. “Our teens are in crisis. The share of American high school students reporting ‘persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness’ has increased to nearly half of youth, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention… A host of factors are driving our kids to despair, from decreased social connection to increased worries about the future of the planet. But there is no doubt that technology figures heavily in the problems besetting our teens.” Read more here.


Therapist: Yes, Post-Abortive Women Suffer From ‘Trauma’ and ‘Complicated Grief,’ by Sophia Corso. “While abortion proponents do their best to suppress any narrative that questions the morality, ethics, and safety of snuffing out human life in the womb, an account from North Carolina clinical therapist Adam Fadel further solidifies the reality of what many women actually experience after choosing abortion: grief and trauma… In both anecdotes and data analysis, it’s clear abortion doesn’t liberate women – it traumatizes them.” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood’s Egregious Record Should Result in Federal Defunding. Here’s Why, by Carole Novielli. “Despite years of complaints from staffers about discrimination, retaliation, abuse, and racism, the organization has committed nearly 6.4 million abortions since 2000 and has received a whopping $9.3 billion in taxpayer dollars. Over the years, accusations of abuses, scandals, fraud, racism, pregnancy discrimination, privacy breaches, and Medicaid fraud have piled up against Planned Parenthood – yet the U.S. government under the Biden Administration continues to funnel millions in taxpayer dollars to the organization.” Read more here.


Don’t Be Fooled: The Senate’s Gay Marriage Bill Does Not Protect Religious Objectors, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) gave the Senate an opportunity … to protect religious individuals, businesses, and nonprofit organizations from government discrimination. But … his colleagues refused even to consider it. This is a shame. It is bad enough that the government wants to redefine the institution of marriage to be something it is not, but it is even worse that it would do so at the expense of religious Americans, whose only crime is holding a belief that, until very recently, had governed every civil society for tens of thousands of years.” Read more here.


In Declaring ‘Heartbeat Act’ Unconstitutional, Georgia Judge Gets Law Flatly Wrong, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “This time, they got the outcome they wanted, with McBurney ruling that there was ‘no legal basis’ for Georgia to bar abortions after six weeks, and neither the state government nor local governments could enforce a ban on abortions after a heartbeat is detected. How did McBurney reach such a head-scratching conclusion? By suspending the realities of time and space and pretending that Dobbs didn’t exist.” Read more here.


Senate Gay Marriage Bill Wouldn’t Protect Jack Phillips, by John McCormack. “As you can see, that language only applies to the ‘solemnization or celebration of a marriage’ and ‘nonprofit religious organizations’ – not to the likes of Jack Phillips, the Christian baker in Colorado who was sued for conscientiously objecting to decorating a cake for a same-sex wedding. True, the Senate bill does not gut the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. And Phillips has been able to defend himself in court under the First Amendment. But as advocates of religious liberty have argued, the process is the punishment.” Read more here.


Why Can’t We Let Children Be Children? by Kaylee McGhee White. “Back when I was growing up, girls who enjoyed playing sports and roughhousing and disliked feminine activities, including dolls and dress-up, were allowed to go through their tomboy phase without being pressured to fit in. They were girls who might not have gotten along well with other girls, but they were girls – that much was certain. Nowadays, those girls are lucky to make it to puberty without having their breasts cut off.” Read more here.


My High School Punished Me for Saying a Male Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Watch Me Undress, by Blake Allen. “Shouldn’t every girl be taught to speak out to protect herself from situations where she hasn’t given consent – and be listened to by those in a position to help? If something feels off, trust your gut? Not at my high school. If you don’t comply with the school’s preferred gender identity policy, you’re the bad guy. For expressing true, commonsense, biological facts – boys and girls are different and must respect each other’s bodily privacy – I was punished.” Read more here.


Amended Respect for Marriage Act Still Threatens People of Faith, by Greg Baylor. “The Respect for Marriage Act goes well beyond the scope of Obergefell, empowering the government and activist organizations to violate the constitutional freedoms of millions of Americans to speak and live according to their faith. If today’s existing conscience protections are not adequately protecting religious Americans now, it’s nonsensical to believe they would afford protection under a more expansive enforcement regime as designed in the bill. The truth is that the Baldwin-Collins amendment does nothing to meaningfully address the serious religious liberty issues with the bill.” Read more here.


Courts Deliver the First Blow Against Biden’s Egregious Embrace of Gender Ideology, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Dr. Susan Neese, one of the plaintiffs, said it would violate her beliefs to provide sex-change treatments, such as puberty blockers, to a minor patient or refer that minor for a surgical sex-change procedure. Neese … argued medical ethics require doctors to consider each patient and situation carefully and deny care in cases ‘where a patient’s denial of biological realities will endanger their life or safety.’ Biden’s mandate would prevent her from using her medical judgment to help each patient individually and would harm a great number of patients as a result, she explained.” Read more here.


The So-Called ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Disrespects Marriage, Reality, and the Citizens Who Embrace It, by Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D. “Marriage is the union of husband and wife. It’s bad enough that five members of the Supreme Court wrongly claimed that the U.S. Constitution requires a new definition of marriage. But if the Senate votes to codify this redefinition of marriage, all it will do is add fuel to the fire of those harassing and penalizing citizens and organizations that hold to the truth about marriage. The Senate bill pays lip service to religious liberty and conscience rights, but it does not offer any meaningful protections for those rights.” Read more here.


Same-Sex Marriage Bill Opens Door to American Persecution, by Tony Perkins. “As a former commissioner and chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, I’ve seen the warning signs of this gathering like clouds across the Atlantic. As the mainstream culture moves further and further away from a Christian worldview, I’ve witnessed the hostility to moral truth creep closer to our shores. The West, once the safe haven of free speech and religion, is turning cold to the foundations that made our countries thrive.” Read more here.


Democrats’ ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Would Hurt Children, by Katy Faust. “A child who is the product of a married man and woman receives the complementary developmental benefits of a male and female parent, the two adults who are (statistically) the safest, most connected to, and most invested in them, and are granted 100% of their biological identity. A child raised by married men is deprived of the emotional and developmental benefit conferred exclusively by mothers…” Read more here.


Detransitioners Shed Light on Medical Malpractice, by Madeleine Kearns. “When she mentions that she took the drugs because of a transgender identity she says the doctors ‘get really weird and say, “we don’t know what the side effects are,” or “it’s safe,” or get really defensive.’ Yet when she gives the impression that she was taking testosterone for some other reason, as in bodybuilding, the doctors have no problem stating ‘what the consequences are… They will tell you the things that will do to your body, how that will damage your body, unabashedly, unashamedly. They’ll name it.’” Read more here.


Liberal Individualism Is Undermining Itself, by Nathanael Blake. “Our culture will spend money to protect children, but it is reluctant to limit adult autonomy, especially sexual autonomy, for that purpose… Predictably, this hurts children, especially poor children. But the importance of intact natural families cuts against the grain of liberal individualism. Policies from divorce laws to blue laws that promote and protect families by limiting adult options are routinely denounced as paternalistic by ideologues on both the Right and the Left, with the former especially concerned over any interference in the market, and the latter over any restrictions on sex.” Read more here.


On Survey, 1,168 Parents Report Their Kids Encountered Sexually Explicit Content in School, by Audra Facinelli. “Ultimately, 1,195 people took this survey, a pretty good sample size. Of that total, 1,168 reported their children had encountered sexually explicit materials in school… The most concerning results? I would say the reports of ‘sex toys,’ ‘abortion resources,’ ‘Burlesque/strippers/go-go dancers’ in schools and the one at which my heart stopped cold: ‘Putting together a “Gender plan” for your child without your knowledge.’ In the survey’s overall nationwide results, 14 percent of parents, or 165 of them, reported this had happened to their child at school.” Read more here.


Disturbing: Women Can Now Get an Abortion at Nine Months in California, by Sarah Arnold. “…Americans need to worry about what the passing of Proposition 1 means for unborn babies’ lives in California. Nearly two-thirds of California voters approved a measure on the ballot to preserve the ‘right’ to abortion and contraception in the state constitution. Prop. 1 would allow women to receive an abortion up until the time of birth, or when the baby is viable, meaning there are no limitations for when an unborn baby’s life could be cut off.” Read more here.


Anti-Conversion Therapy Laws: An Ideological Weapon to Challenge Religious Beliefs in Australia, by John Steenhof. “The rationale for banning so-called conversion therapy has shifted suddenly and radically… Until recently many believed that banning conversion therapy was justified because it involved coercion… It has become clear from Victoria’s legislation, and more recent proposals for Tasmania, that the cardinal purpose now is to eradicate the allegedly stigmatising assumptions that underlie conversion therapy. In other words, they seek to eliminate the promotion of any practical sexual moral code, particularly Christianity.” Read more here.


Make It as Easy as Possible to Sue Doctors Who Perform Transgender Surgeries, by David Freddoso. “The doctors who perform these procedures are doing it because it is so lucrative, and they all need to be sued into oblivion, forever… They will come around when they are forced to pay through the nose for their malpractice insurance. That is the only way to get justice for children who, like Cole, were encouraged to have both breasts chopped off because they were going through a phase as teenagers.” Read more here.


Exposed: Gender Workshop for Parents Supporting Trans/Non-Binary Youth, by Colin Wright. “…I attended a private online workshop titled ‘Supporting Your Trans/Non-Binary Youth: A Starter Guide for Parents and Caregivers’ which, as the title indicates, is geared toward parents are [sic] caregivers of children who have adopted trans and/or nonbinary identities… Because these ‘experts’ believe they are speaking to a sympathetic audience, exposing this private workshops [sic] provides a rare and useful glimpse into how gender ideology is discussed behind the scenes to likeminded ‘allies.’” Read more here.


What You Should Know About the Respect for Marriage Act, by Gregory S. Baylor. “The so-called Respect for Marriage Act is a misnamed bill that expands not only what marriage means, but also who can be sued for disagreeing with the new meaning of marriage. While proponents of the bill claim that it simply codifies the 2015 Obergefell decision, in reality it is an intentional attack on the religious freedom of millions of Americans with sincerely held beliefs about marriage.” Read more here.


Nevada Poised to Pass a ‘Trojan Horse for Gender Ideology,’ Critics Warn, by Tyler O’Neil. “Nevadans … have voted in favor of a new version of the Equal Rights Amendment to the state constitution, and for the first time, the amendment includes explicit language on sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression. Critics warn that the new amendment will prove to be a ‘Trojan horse for gender ideology’ that threatens ‘harm to women and children’ and mandates ‘discrimination against faith-based organizations and religious medical professionals.’” Read more here.


Circling the Wagons, by Christopher Rufo. “Last year, Old Dominion University professor Allyn Walker was forced to resign after an uproar about his campaign to destigmatize pedophilia, which included the suggestion to rebrand the word ‘pedophile’ as ‘minor-attracted person…’ Many considered the case open and shut. But this month, the American Society of Criminology, a professional association housed at Ohio State University, published an unequivocal defense of the embattled professor.” Read more here.


There’s Nothing Pro-Woman About Shoddy Standards for Abortion Pills That Can Kill Them, by Chuck Donovan. “Imagine being a parent and discovering that your 15-year-old daughter has somehow obtained mifepristone and misoprostol via her school, a friend, or the internet. Imagine she is one of the women who endure up to 16 days of hemorrhaging from the drug, or that she is further along than the 10 weeks of pregnancy for which the drug is authorized. Imagine she delivers an extremely premature baby … in the family bathroom, alone, frightened, and weighted with an unerasable memory.” Read more here.


How Preferred Pronouns Threaten Free Speech, by Neal Hardin. “Conceiving of pronouns as something to be specified by the individual (with a potentially infinite array of choices), rather than as words that are proper or improper to use depending on who or what is being referenced, is the first step in the activists’ attempt to redefine the relationship between sex and human identity… All of this illustrates the message that viewing pronouns as ‘preferred’ instead of proper is designed to communicate that every reality about human identity is rooted in will rather than nature.” Read more here.


Bombshell Audio Reveals How Tony Evers Normalized Gender-Bending Insanity in Wisconsin Schools, by Evita Duffy. “While Evers was superintendent, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) … began allowing school districts to integrate so-called ‘human growth and development’ instruction, which includes radical gender-bending ideology, into all school subjects, including social studies, math, reading, and science… Stahl also instructed teachers to use DPI as a scapegoat if parents start asking questions about the integration of objectionable topics into everyday lesson plans.” Read more here.


Michigan’s Prop 3 Follows the Abortion-on-Demand Playbook: Be Intentionally Vague in Defining ‘Health,’ by Elizabeth Troutman. “Abortion advocates started working on a ballot proposal to enshrine the right to abortion in Michigan’s Constitution in anticipation of the Dobbs decision. Prop. 3 would flip Michigan from one of the most pro-life states in the country to the most radically pro-choice. It would invalidate all of Michigan’s pro-life legislation, eliminating laws requiring parental consent for minors to get abortions, rules that only a licensed physician can perform an abortion, and the state’s ban against partial-birth and late-term abortion.” Read more here.


One State Seeks to Prevent Its Own Roe Among Midterm Choices on Abortion, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “Voters’ approval of the constitutional amendment would ensure that Kentucky’s existing laws on abortion – namely the Human Life Protection Act, the Heartbeat Law, and other pro-life measures – are largely insulated from legal challenges under state law. Approval of Kentucky’s amendment also would prevent citizens’ tax dollars from being used to fund abortions. It simultaneously would tie the hands of activist judges who otherwise might have used the existing terms of the Kentucky Constitution to ‘creatively’ confer a right to abortion…” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood’s Support for California’s Abortion Amendment Is About Cash Flows, Not Health Care, by Forrest Smith. “I was puzzled for some time over the deletion of the fetal viability limit from Proposition 1 and the first reasonable explanation I came up with to explain PPFA’s large financial commitment was if abortion were legal up to birth, the abortion giant would be able to attract late-pregnant women from ‘red states’ to have their third-trimester abortions in California facilities that would allow it to recover some of the profits it lost after the Dobbs decision reversed Roe v. Wade.” Read more here.


UN Powers Once More Threaten Critics of LGBT, by Austin Ruse. “In previous UN statements Madrigal-Borloz called on social media companies and governments to address ‘hate speech,’ a term that has never been defined in UN policy but is widely viewed by progressive governments are [sic] referring to moral objections to homosexuality or transgender behavior. Madrigal-Borloz has even called for criminal sanctions against anyone who criticizes the homosexual and transgender agenda, including the Catholic Church.” Read more here.


NPR Airs Sickening Audio of a Woman Getting an Abortion, by Sarah Arnold. “During the disturbing audio, listeners can hear the sound of a vacuum turning on, along with the sound of the woman crying and moaning. After a few moments, the doctor can be heard telling the patient that the abortion was complete. However, the sick and disgusting part didn’t end there. After the procedure was done, people in the room celebrated and shouted words of encouragement telling the woman ‘you did it!’ and ‘you did great!’” Read more here.


Arkansas’ Save Adolescents From Experimentation Act Is About Protecting Minors, Experts Say, by Gillian Richards. “Hutchison … said a number of children called her saying they would kill themselves if the SAFE Act became law. ‘I guarantee … if this bill passes, children will die,’ she argued… Cretella, countering these claims, told The Daily Signal: ‘Standard of care for suicidal thoughts includes counseling and, where indicated, antidepressant medications – not puberty blockers or hormones.’” Read more here.


As $57 Million Is Spent on Michigan’s Abortion Referendum, Experts Warn of Hidden Agenda, by Dan Hart. “Legal experts are also warning that Proposition 3 goes well beyond enshrining abortion into state law. According to the Great Lakes Justice Center, the ballot proposal’s ‘expansive, vague, and broad terms’ would: Allow a minor to undergo an abortion without the consent or knowledge of the child’s parents; Override parental rights to direct their child’s education, especially regarding sex education; Could potentially override parental consent laws for minors to obtain puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender reassignment surgeries…” Read more here.


Bioethicist Proposes ‘Right’ to Gender-Affirming Care, by Wesley J. Smith. “An article published in the Journal of Medical Ethics shows that an idea is brewing that would conjure an absolute right to access medical-transitioning interventions. On what basis? A supposed right to ‘live with integrity.’ How does that work? Because people have freedom of religion, the author argues, transgender people have the right to receive surgery and medical interventions to live as ‘who’ they really are.” Read more here.


Drop in U.S. Abortions Shows Banning Abortion Works, by Tom Joyce. “For years, liberals have said that outlawing abortion fails to prevent abortions from happening. The data now show this is false. Banning elective abortion alone will not stop all abortions from happening, especially when it, unfortunately, remains legal in most states. However, along with preventing unintended pregnancies and increasing support for women and families with children, outlawing abortion plays a role in reducing the number of abortions that occur in the country. And when a country legalizes abortion, the opposite happens.” Read more here.


Trans Activists Offer Gender-Confused Minors Cash and Uber Rides to Get Them Away From Home, by Stephanie Lundquist-Arora. “At best, [Pride Liberation Project] is helping children run away from home. But it seems there is a sinister drive behind this network. Children are among our society’s most vulnerable, and those confused and separated from their parents are ripe prey. It is suspicious that identity disagreements within families, notably during this era of the social contagion of gender dysphoria and confusion … would ever justify removing children from their families and placing them with strangers.” Read more here.


Why a Connected Life Via Marriage, Family Is a Happier Life, by Timothy Goeglein. “…[T]he overall findings become abundantly clear: The key to a happy life is a connected life – and marriage and families are a common denominator in making those connections. Family cohesion or disintegration is now the definitive barometer of the health or illness of the social fabric of our country. That barometer is pointing to stormy weather ahead unless we turn back as a society to affirming and creating families, rather than dismissing them.” Read more here.


Parents Lose Appeal for Custody of Teen Identifying as Transgender, Told They Can’t Discuss Gender Identity With Child Outside of Therapy, by Joshua Arnold. “…[T]he court steamrolled the constitutional right to free exercise of religion. The parents refused to use their child’s preferred pronouns ‘based on their sincerely held religious beliefs,’ and the court never objects to those on the surface. Rather, the child was taken from the home ‘based on Child’s medical and psychological needs and not on the Parents’ disagreement with Child’s transgender identity.’ Yet the court found a ‘nexus between this discord about the lifestyle and the medical issues,’ so the parents’ religious beliefs were ultimately the reason.” Read more here.


Study: Outside of School, America’s Teens Average 70 Hours Per Week Glued to Screens, by Joy Pullmann. “If your child did anything for 10 hours a day, you’d be worried about him and work strenuously to bring some balance to his life, for his own good. Parents need to man up and do the hard work of tightly restricting the addictive side of the internet from their kids, for not only their own good but for the sake of our country. Even 30 hours of screen time a week is obviously excessive for kids. Seventy hours of screen time a week is completely out of control, the willful destruction of our future.” Read more here.


U.S. Medical Groups Get the Science Wrong on Pediatric ‘Gender-Affirming’ Care, by Christina Buttons. “None of these U.S.-based organizations have done systematic reviews of the evidence, while arguably more progressive European countries like Sweden, Finland, and England have. After reviewing the evidence for the use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in treating pediatric gender dysphoria, health authorities in all three countries have decided to abandon the ‘gender-affirming’ model, finding the costs outweigh the benefits.” Read more here.


Tucking and Binding Are Trendy With Gender Dysphoric Kids. Pediatricians Warn They’re Not Harmless, by Mairead Elordi. “A growing number of children and teens are turning to ‘tucking’ their male genitals or ‘binding’ their female breasts as a way to get relief from gender dysphoria or just experiment with their gender. Tucking and binding have been promoted by some in the medical community as harmless ways for children to explore their gender, but they come with medical and psychological risks. Now, some pediatricians are sounding the alarm.” Read more here.


European Union Should Let Africa Be, by Sonnie Ekwowusi. “…[A]ny African country that signs the [European Union and Africa-Caribbean and Pacific Countries] Agreement has signed its death warrant. Why? Because the country has consented to legalization of lesbianism, homosexualism, transgenderism, queer behaviorism, LGTBQ1+ [sic] socialization, gay marriage, and population and human capital reduction on its soil. Sadly enough, the EU-ACP Agreement specifically targets African children for corruption and destruction… The EU should let Africa be Africa again. Down with cultural imperialism!” Read more here.


Reject Michigan’s Radical Abortion Amendment, by the Editors of National Review. “On Election Day, Michigan voters will decide whether to make their state the most pro-abortion in the country. The ballot measure, called Proposal 3 or the ‘Right to Reproductive Freedom’ proposal, would amend Michigan’s constitution to declare that ‘every individual has a fundamental right to reproductive freedom.’ If approved, the amendment will have devastating consequences that extend far beyond cementing unlimited abortion in the state constitution.” Read more here.


Biden Would Harm Transgender Youth in the Name of ‘Fundamental Rights,’ by Kimberly Ross. “Unfortunately, Biden isn’t … concerned with properly helping minors who may be struggling with mental issues. Instead, he is encouraging the use of gender transitioning as a Band-Aid for a range of internal problems and branding those who want to restrict it as ‘immoral.’ Rather than responsibly use his platform, he caters to extreme activists, disregarding what is best for children.” Read more here.


Why Are Virginia Students Studying Sexuality, Body Size, and Privilege in Spanish Class? by Asra Q. Nomani. “For these teens as young as 14, they faced the task … of identifying their ‘Social Identity Groups,’ including their ‘Sexual Orientation,’ with this wide array of confusing choices: ‘Lesbian,’ ‘Gay,’ ‘Bisexual,’ ‘Heterosexual,’ ‘Pan-Attractional,’ ‘Attractionality’ and, in case those didn’t cover it, ‘Questioning.’ For their ‘sex,’ these young students had ‘intersex’ among their choices, along with female and male. For gender, they had ‘Woman, Man, Transgender, Post-Gender.’” Read more here.


DOJ’s Kristen Clarke: A Pro-Abortion Activist Enforcing the Law Against Pro-Lifers, by Mary Margaret Olohan. “Kristen Clarke, assistant attorney general for civil rights at the Department of Justice, is a vocal abortion proponent who has repeatedly expressed her support for preserving Roe v. Wade. She also oversees investigations into violations of the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act – which she has used to charge 26 pro-life individuals this year.” Read more here.


Even Water Can Advance a Leftwing Agenda, by Craig-Austin Rose. “Included in the water strategy is the USAID Menstrual Health and Hygiene technical brief, which details approaches to care for ‘menstruators,’ with the term appearing twice as many times as ‘women.’ The brief also details plans for comprehensive sexuality education, lessons teaching youth about trans/homosexual categories and sexual ideology, directing USAID to collaborate with ‘local organizations led by and for people who identify as LGBTQI+.’” Read more here.


Biden Goes Big Trans, by Dominic Green. “Americans now lead the world when it comes to ‘transitioning’ children. ‘Transitioning’ is a euphemism for filling children with hormones, castrating the boys and cutting off the girls’ breasts, replacing their genitalia with manmade parodies such as a ‘neo-vagina’ and a ‘neo-penis,’ and then putting them on a lifelong diet of hormones in order to sustain this absurd medical fiction. Welcome to the United States of Mutilation.” Read more here.


Biden Wants Your Kids to Be Gender-Transitioned Whether You Like It or Not, by Jarrett Stepman. “The truth is, many Americans are quite informed about the transgender issue and increasingly reject the Left’s ideas about it. In addition, they reject the outlook of the politically compromised science and medical institutions that have wrapped this political decision in the cloak of credentialism and pseudo-credibility. If Biden has his way, it will be the ‘right’ of children to make life-altering changes to their anatomy and there will be nothing voters can do to stop it.” Read more here.


DOD Is Forging a Woke K-12 Army With Race and Sex Indoctrination in Military Schools, by Amy Haywood. “Aside from the relentless instruction on anti-racism and white privilege, a clear effort was underway to normalize transgender identities and the notion of a gender spectrum. Genevieve Chavez and Lindsey Bagnaschi, presenters of ‘Ally 101 – Creating an Inclusive Classroom for LGBTQ+ Students,’ talked about gender transitions they have facilitated for students at their schools in Spain and Germany, respectively – sometimes without parental knowledge or consent.” Read more here.


Ignoring the Health Risks of Abortion Pills Is Not Caring for Women, by Denise Harle. “A new start-up called Choix (pronounced ‘Choice’) has begun offering abortion pills to women… who aren’t even pregnant. The idea is to expand abortion pill access so that women can attempt to give themselves at-home abortions on demand. If that sounds like unethical medicine – and a disaster waiting to happen – that’s because it is.” Read more here.


It Is Time to End This Horrific Medical Scandal, by Colin Wright. “Most people don’t realize how much our major scientific and medical institutions have been captured by this pseudoscience… But the American Psychological Association, the Endocrine Society, the American Psychiatric Association, and even the CDC, to name only a few, all literally define ‘transgender’ as ‘persons whose expression or behavior does not conform to that which is typically associated with their sex.’ That’s their definition. Go look it up for yourself if you don’t believe me.” Read more here.


The Real Story Behind Drag Queen Story Hour, by Christopher Rufo. “The philosophical and political project of queer theory has always been to dethrone traditional heterosexual culture and elevate what Rubin called the ‘sexual caste’ at the bottom of the hierarchy: the transsexual, the transvestite, the fetishist, the sadomasochist, the prostitute, the porn star, and the pedophile. Drag Queen Story Hour can attempt to sanitize the routines and run criminal background checks on its performers, but the subculture of queer theory will always attract men who want to follow the ideology to its conclusions.” Read more here.


Mapping Abortion Laws by State, by Alliance Defending Freedom. “Now that the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, the abortion question returns to the legislatures of the fifty states. Laws governing abortion will vary by state. While some states have already passed laws increasing protections for mothers and their unborn children, other states are sadly attempting to head in the opposite direction. Because of this, we can map out what abortion laws will look like around the country.” Read more here.


Overwhelming Amount of People Oppose Left’s Radical Transgender Policies, by Sarah Arnold. “According to a new … poll, 78.7 percent of Americans oppose sex changes, puberty blockers, and transgender-related medical procedures for kids… ‘This polling confirms the obvious – the vast majority of Americans are not on board with the far-Left’s sexual agenda, which is seeking to permanently mutilate the young and vulnerable…’” Read more here.


Americans Are Burned Out Because They Traded Faith and Family for Work, by Timothy P. Carney. “Millennials and Gen Z are far less likely to belong to an organized religion. Millennials and Gen Z are far less likely to be married or have children. Faith and family are where most people in world history have found meaning, purpose, and belonging. So where do millennials and Gen Z find it? Increasingly, at work… The problem with workism is that it drives you to keep working until you get ultimate meaning from work – which you never will.” Read more here.


Virginia Teacher Reveals the Left’s Next Public School Quest: Convincing Autistic Kids They’re Trans, by Victoria Marshall. “Back in 2018, a whistleblowing teacher in the UK alleged that autistic students at her school were being persuaded they were trans… The teacher said few of the 17 ‘trans’ students were actually suffering from gender dysphoria. Rather they were ‘tricked’ into believing they were the wrong sex as a way of coping with problems associated with their autism. Even older students at her school who had transitioned ‘groomed’ younger autistic students to do the same.” Read more here.


New Trial Seeks FDA Approval for Extending Abortion Pill Use Later in Gestation, by Carole Novielli. “The abortion pill regimen … is currently only FDA-approved through 70 days (10 weeks) gestation. But, … the industry is already committing abortions well past this timeframe, flouting FDA’s guidelines. Now, Gynuity is testing the abortion pill for Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval up to 84 days or 12 weeks – a point at which the preborn child’s bones are beginning to calcify (harden), and when studies indicate that the child has the capacity to feel pain.” Read more here.


Should Schools Notify Parents If Their Child Claims to Be Transgender? by Ryan Womack. “…[W]hen Wendell and his wife Maria arrived at the school, they found out that school officials had been having confidential meetings with their daughter and discussing her discomfort with her gender. Wendell and Maria found out that teachers and staff at school had begun treating their daughter as a boy at school without their consent or knowledge. Wendell was told by staff that they didn’t share information about his daughter’s ‘transition’ with him or his wife because of ‘confidentiality issues.’” Read more here.


As the Media’s Pro-Abortion Propaganda Heats Up, Catholic Hospitals Are in the Crosshairs, by Madeline Osburn. “The false equivalency of abortion to treatment for miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies is not just a talking point that has been used far and wide since the Dobbs ruling – it’s a flat-out lie. Abortion is the intentional taking of a human life, while the Catholic Church and Catholic hospitals have been very clear about the permissibility of procedures that save a mother’s life, even in complicated pregnancies and or miscarriages.” Read more here.


Scotland’s ‘Conversion Therapy’ Canard, by Madeleine Kearns. “…LGBT activists are deliberately confusing three unrelated things: First, best clinical practice for treating gender dysphoric youth. Second, voluntary talk therapies for people with unwanted sexual desires. Third, expressing orthodox religious beliefs about the purpose of sex and sexuality, especially as it pertains to Christian parenting or religious counselors. All these are being cynically conflated with the medical malpractice and abuse homosexuals were subjected to in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.” Read more here.


New Study Shows Physical Differences in Transgender Female Athletes, by Debra Soh. “This is the first study to show associated differences in the cardiopulmonary capacity of transgender women. The authors acknowledged that it would be useful to conduct a larger study in the future… But it appears the activist narrative that a year or two of hormonal therapy overrides the physical advantages bestowed by male puberty is not true. Surely, we did not require a scientific study to convince most rational people of this, but here we are, dealing with the consequences of unrelenting activism in 2022.” Read more here.


Puberty Isn’t Optional: How Gender Ideology Harms Children, by Steven A. Richards. “Puberty blockers, the experts tell us, are perfectly safe. The St. Louis Children’s Hospital informs children and parents that taking puberty blockers, which have not been FDA-approved for use in gender dysphoric patients, is ‘like hitting a pause button’ on puberty. Likewise, the Boston Children’s Hospital calls puberty blockers ‘temporary’ and ‘completely reversible.’ As someone who was put on Lupron, the most commonly used puberty-blocking drug, as a 15-year-old, I can say with confidence that these are lies.” Read more here.


Democrats Are Finally Being Forced to Own Their Abortion Extremism, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Take, for example, Arizona Democratic gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs, who refused to say whether she would support limits on abortion if elected this November… Who can blame her? The alternative would be to admit the truth: She believes abortion should be available at every stage of pregnancy, for any reason at all, with no restrictions whatsoever. And to admit that would be to admit that she has more in common with the totalitarians of North Korea and China than with the American public.” Read more here.


Puberty Blockers ‘Stop’ Fertility, Admits Hospital Gender Clinic Director, by Joshua Arnold. “In private training sessions, the program director for Boston Children’s gender clinic expresses more caution about the risks of gender transition procedures than her hospital’s public website. This seems, at best, like an overpromising sales pitch. At worst, it is deliberate deception designed to deny parents (these are minors, remember) the right of informed consent, with an aim towards steering children into a life of medical dependency and expensive procedures.” Read more here.


What Kind of Doctor Amputates the Breasts of a 12-Year-Old Girl? by Michael Cook. “An estimated 1,130 ‘top jobs’ were performed during those four years on girls as young as 12. What kind of doctor amputates the healthy breasts of a 12-year-old girl? …Furthermore, more than a third of the girls had been diagnosed with anxiety or depression. (The study fails to mention autism, which is often implicated in gender dysphoria.) What kind of surgeon amputates the breasts of a mentally ill teenager?” Read more here.


How Much Porn Do Libraries and Schools Have to Sponsor to Get Defunded? by Joy Pullmann. “There are few opportunities for compromise here. The two groups want exactly opposite things: more books about gay sex for kids versus no books about gay sex for kids… Essentially, both sides believe the other’s position enables child abuse. If you are the logical kind … you realize that both sides cannot be correct. Either one side is right that the other’s position equals child abuse, or they both are wrong.” Read more here.


When Doctors Can’t Tell Children Their Sex, by May Mailman. “A wave of cities and states have banned what they call ‘conversion therapy’ for LGBT people over the past several years… Far from banning conversion therapy as we used to understand that term, these laws are conversion mandates. Under these so-called conversion therapy bans, therapists may not tell their patients the scientific truth. Instead, they are required to participate in the psychological conversion of boys into girls and girls into boys.” Read more here.


How to Make a ‘Trans Kid,’ by Colin Wright. “Since adults typically make difficult converts…, gender activists are increasingly turning their focus to children, and one of the most common ways they go about indoctrinating youngsters into gender ideology is through normalizing the ‘inclusive’ practice of sharing pronouns. Being asked ‘what are your pronouns?’ is often the first encounter a child will have with gender ideology, and it is therefore a common first step in creating so-called ‘trans kids.’” Read more here.


YouTube Slaps Dehumanizing Pro-Abortion ‘Context’ Onto Pro-Life Videos, by Sophia Corso. “Now, tacked onto the posts of pro-lifers, YouTube is directing users to pro-abortion information. This means that life-affirming videos … will now have links slapped onto their videos that direct viewers to the pro-abortion talking points they’re advocating against. YouTube is following its predictable partisan pattern, using the cover of ‘misinformation’ and ‘context’ to dehumanize unborn human lives.” Read more here.


Social Contagion, Not Biology, Is Causing Transgender Surge, by Zachary Faria. “Most notably from this data, 45 percent of the students who returned these survey forms identified as ‘nonbinary,’ meaning they choose to be neither gender. It is a meaningless term, but it allows students to claim to be part of a community that is now swamped in ‘affirmation’ and praises of bravery by teachers and administrators. Is it a coincidence that such a surge happened at the same time students were being shut out of schools and thrown into social isolation?” Read more here.


The DOJ Created a Pro-Abortion Task Force to Crack Down on Pro-Lifers, by Timothy P. Carney. “The DOJ’s Reproductive Rights Task Force was announced on July 12 with the stated goal of ‘protect[ing] access to reproductive health care,’ which means abortion… Along with lobbying Congress to create a federal right to abortion, the task force’s work included centralizing ‘information about the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act,’ the federal law used to prosecute at least a dozen pro-life activists in recent weeks.” Read more here.


High School Girls Explain Why They’re Uncomfortable Having a Biological Male in Their Locker Room, by Mary Margaret Olohan. “These girls tell us they bear no ill will toward the trans-identifying student – they just don’t believe a biological male should be in their locker room and they can’t understand why school officials seemingly don’t care about their feelings and their discomfort… ‘And after I asked him to leave, he didn’t, and later looked over at girls with their shirts off. And it made many people uncomfortable and feel violated. And I left as soon as I could in a panic.’” Read more here.


Michigan’s Radical Proposition 3 Ballot Measure Would Go Far Beyond Just Codifying Roe v. Wade, by Jay Richards and Emma Waters. “Proposition 3 would enshrine abortion as an absolute right in state law. That’s bad enough, but since it’s written so vaguely … it would do a lot more than that… The first concern – the rights of parents – comes from Proposition 3’s use of the term ‘individual.’ It means that anyone, including a minor, could have a right to abortion, birth control, or other reproductive surgeries like the removal of healthy breasts. All without the knowledge or consent of parents.” Read more here.


This Is Precisely How an Abortion Is Performed: I Dare You to Read It, Then Tell Me You’re ‘Pro-Choice,’ by Abby Johnson. “I realize this will not a [sic] pleasant thing to read, but I feel it is necessary if we are to fight this battle with facts. I find that most people on both sides of this debate don’t actually know how abortion procedures are performed. Showing someone a picture is one thing, but actually describing, in detail, what takes place to the woman and her baby during these hours seems to really have an impact on even those who claim to support abortion.” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood’s Foray Into Child Gender Transitions, Featuring Your Tax Dollars, by Mairead Elordi. “Planned Parenthood has gone all in on child gender transition services, which means you are paying for them. The nation’s largest abortion provider offers gender transition services at hundreds of clinics across the country, and because Planned Parenthood and its affiliates get more than half a billion dollars in government funding every year, that’s Americans’ tax dollars at work.” Read more here.


The American Medical Association Asks the Federal Government to Prosecute Critics of Radical Gender Medicine, by Christopher F. Rufo. “…[T]he AMA, CHA, and AAP provide no evidence, or even a working definition, of ‘disinformation.’ The ‘high-profile users on social media’ would undoubtedly include those of us who have published investigative reporting on radical gender medicine at children’s hospitals, often using original source materials published by the hospitals themselves. Rather than grapple with the facts, however, left-wing activists and medical providers have dismissed them with accusations of ‘disinformation’ – even when journalists have directly quoted their own words.” Read more here.


‘Extensive Closures’ of Abortion Clinics Undermine One of Planned Parenthood’s Favorite Talking Points, by Laurel Duggan. “Planned Parenthood has long claimed that abortion makes up only 3-4 percent of the services offered at its clinics, an argument echoed by others in the industry who euphemistically refer to abortions as ‘reproductive services’ and clinics as ‘women’s health clinics.’ But many clinics are closing their doors in states that don’t allow elective abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute.” Read more here.


The Biden Administration Acknowledges Biological Reality, by Tom Joyce. “While Biden may be a part of the political party that thinks gender is limitless and people are whatever they say they are at any given moment, the administration doesn’t allow woke gender ideology to interfere with one thing: the military draft… Whether or not the United States should have Selective Service and whether or not individuals suffering from gender dysphoria should serve in the military are subjects worthy of debate. However, this one policy, at least, is consistent.” Read more here.


It’s Never Been About Transgender People – It’s About Respecting Reality, by Dan Hannan. “Until this week, the debate over gender fluidity left me completely cold. It was possible, I felt, to treat transgender people with respect while at the same time holding the view that only women could have babies… Then it suddenly struck me that the row is not really about transgender people at all… No, what we are seeing is an attempt to deny biological sex completely: to assert, in other words, that boys and girls are born identical and that any differences in their interests, abilities, and choices are the just result of social conditioning.” Read more here.


Jack Turban’s Research Is Incapable of Answering the Questions It Attempts to Address, by Abigail Reed. “This study drew sharp criticism not only from the usual critics of gender affirmation, but also from die-hard proponents of gender affirmation concerned that Turban’s flawed methods would only provide fuel for the other side. While much has already been said about Turban’s Pediatrics paper, I will add to the chorus of criticism by addressing whether the study’s design, data, or methods stood any chance of ever supporting the hypotheses it set out to evaluate.” Read more here.


The Left’s Abortion War on Science, by Ben Carson and Marjorie Dannenfelser. “After years of accusing pro-life advocates of being ‘anti-science,’ the pro-abortion movement turned aggressively on well-established scientific consensus and began rewriting the truth regarding fetal development… The Left’s heartbeat denialism is just one of many episodes that demonstrates the depths pro-abortion zealots will stoop to at the expense of innocent lives. However, while the pro-abortion movement spreads harmful misinformation, more than a dozen states have laws in or coming into effect soon that protect unborn children, saving potentially 200,000 lives annually.” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood Sends Women ‘Care Packages’ to Celebrate Their Abortions, by Maria Gallagher. “Sometimes, even veteran pro-life activists are stunned by developments in Abortion World. That certainly was the case when I read through a recent publication by Planned Parenthood Keystone… The publication listed different activities in which volunteers could take part. One of them was ‘Abortion Care Basket assembly parties.’ At these events, abortion backers are encouraged to put together baskets which include ‘heating pads, under pads, fuzzy socks, coloring pages, tea, and more!’” Read more here.


Why Marriage Is the Cornerstone of Society, by Belinda Brown. “What he discovered was that monogamous one man, one woman marriage affects society in fundamental ways. He found that there was a strict relationship between those societies which practiced absolute monogamy and cultural flourishing in those societies. It turned out that sexual restraint was associated with hugely productive cultural energy. The key factor appeared to be pre-nuptial chastity. A society which practices pre-nuptial chastity is much more likely to maintain the monogamy essential to cultural flourishing.” Read more here.


It Sure Looks Like the FBI Is Just Fishing for Pro-Lifers to Prosecute, by Timothy P. Carney. “The FBI is on a rampage against pro-life activists and protesters, having charged a dozen men and women with federal felonies in the last three weeks for offenses that allegedly occurred last year… The picture is clear: Anyone who has ever been charged with a crime, even if the charges were dropped or were for a misdemeanor, should expect a visit from the Biden FBI if the old charges involved pro-life activism or advocacy.” Read more here.


Your 4-Year-Old Child Is Not Transgender, by Zachary Faria. “Families in most of these cases are victims, misled by doctors who have committed themselves to transgender dogma without considering their ethical obligations. But it cannot be stressed enough that your 4-year-old child is not transgender. It is reckless and irresponsible for families to push children down this path, starting at ages where the children barely even understand what sex or gender is. Years from now, we will be mourning the damage that was done and reading about the lawsuits these children bring against the providers who behaved so irresponsibly.” Read more here.


Trudeau Is Gaslighting Canadians About Abortion, by Hendrik van der Breggen. “According to Trudeau, ‘Abortion is covered under our universal health care system.’ This is true. But in the context of Trudeau’s statement, the suggestion or implication is that it also should remain true… Because abortion is not essential health care, Canadian taxpayers can correctly judge abortion to be a non-essential medical procedure, and thus taxpayers have reasonable grounds for thinking their tax dollars need not fund abortions.” Read more here.


Allowing Biological Males in Women’s Sports Is Scientifically Unsound, by David Gortler. “A recent review of two dozen medical studies published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine explains the athletic advantages of XY chromosomes at a cellular level. It shows that biological males have advantages in muscle mass, lean body mass, muscle strength, and two measurements of endurance… While synthetic estrogen and anti-testosterone pharmaceuticals have been shown to slightly decrease these parameters – and even if normal male testosterone levels are absent at the time of competition – inborn advantages from the latent effects of a lifetime of testosterone persist.” Read more here.


Hospitals, Clinics Are Promoting Services to Gender-Nonconforming Kids. Here Are 47 of Them, by Christina Buttons. “…[R]ather than let these feelings fade, gender clinics and hospitals across the U.S. have adopted the ‘gender-affirming’ approach. In practice, this approach amounts to putting children in charge of dictating the terms of their own sex change. The gender-affirmation model prevents medical professionals from questioning a child’s self-reported transgender identity and from exploring possible underlying factors causing their dysphoria. The standard protocol for gender affirmation is administering puberty blockers, followed by cross-sex hormones and then surgery, if desired.” Read more here.


The American Medical Association Wants You to Stop Questioning Gender Ideology – or Else, by Kaylee McGhee White. “In a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the organization claimed threats are being made against hospitals that provide ‘evidence-based health care’ – a euphemism for irreversible and experimental surgeries that permanently alter the bodies of gender-confused but otherwise healthy people. The solution, the letter claimed, is to ‘prevent’ the spread of ‘misinformation’ about these procedures ‘on digital platforms.’” Read more here.


Canada’s ‘Lower’ Abortion Rate Is Deceptive, by Chuck Donovan and Tessa Longbons. “From 2017 to early 2020, the OHIP data reflects approximately 21,000 more abortions than were reported to CIHI. When the Ontario numbers are extrapolated across Canada, it’s clear that the abortion rate is just as high as ever. The study also suggests that the abortion complication rate is higher than ever, too, despite the careful efforts of the authors to downplay this fact. Studies from countries with better data consistently show higher rates of complications from chemical abortion.” Read more here.


NY Judge: The ‘Time Has Arrived’ to Legalize Polygamy, by Tony Perkins. “The decision by trial court judge Karen May Bacdayan should have been frontpage news. After all, she essentially gave New York’s blessing to polyamorous unions in her September decision, declaring that ‘… the problem with [previous same-sex marriage rulings] is that they recognize only two-person relationships.’” Read more here.


Father of 11-Year-Old Speaks Out as New York Hospital, Courts Attempt to Medically Transition His Child, by Libby Emmons. “A law guardian in the state of New York meets privately with the child and is meant to look out for the best interests of the child. It is standard, in a circumstance like this, for a law guardian to also meet privately with a child’s medical provider to ascertain the best course forward for a child. In this case, both provider and law guardian appear to be on the side of medical affirmation, which leaves the father struggling to see just who among them is looking out for the best interests of his child, not just as that child stands today, but as that child grows up.” Read more here.


‘Codify Roe’ Is Biden’s Euphemism for Democrats’ Atrocious Aim: Unregulated Abortion Anywhere, Anytime, by Margot Cleveland. “While some Democrats may want to codify the RoeCasey law of abortion, … the current political scene tells a vastly different story — one in which Democrats demand an unfettered state constitutional right to abortion… Abortion on demand, at any time, for any reason, without informed consent or parental notification, without the safety and medical licensing regulations currently governing in most states and paid for by taxpayers…” Read more here.


Parents Don’t Want Sexually Explicit Material in Schools, by Tom Joyce. “It’s not bigoted not to want children exposed to sexual depictions. It’s creepy and disgusting that some school officials and politicians think this is a good idea. And it’s a waste of money to prop up these kinds of titles with taxpayer funding. The taxpayers don’t want their money paying for these books. If some families want to buy them, there are no laws against that. However, schools should not push this kind of material on children, including via suggested reading lists.” Read more here.


California Becomes First Sanctuary State for Child Exploitation, by Kaylee McGhee White. “The law also effectively strips parents of custody by empowering California courts to take over ‘temporary emergency jurisdiction’ of children who travel to the state seeking sex-change treatments. Parents can do absolutely nothing to stop this. In fact, if they do try to protest the state’s kidnapping of their child, California officials will almost certainly work to make sure that the loss of custody becomes permanent.” Read more here.


Biden USAID’s Radical Gender Policy Is Exporting Cultural Colonialism, by Grace Melton. “This new gender policy at USAID is the latest manifestation of President Joe Biden’s plan to make gender ideology a central theme of government policy… Gender ideology offends many of our needy foreign aid recipients. Putting such ideological shackles on our aid undermines the goodwill that our assistance would otherwise garner. It perpetuates the notion that Americans see other cultures as morally inferior, and that we use our aid to ‘improve’ their cultures.” Read more here.


Court That First Legalized Same-Sex Marriage Now Legalizing Polygamy, Too, by Conn Carroll. “The same New York state court that first recognized same-sex marriage over 30 years ago has now recognized polygamous relationships… In his Obergefell v. Hodges dissent, Chief Justice John Roberts warned that recognition of same-sex marriage would inevitably lead to the recognition of plural marriages. Judge Bacdayan notes this warning in her opinion and proves him right.” Read more here.


Abortion Is Not Safer Than Childbirth – Here’s the Data the Left Wants to Hide, by Grazie Pozo Christie. “This misuse of statistics serves many political purposes: to gin up opposition to health and safety regulations on abortion, to increase funding for abortion businesses such as Planned Parenthood, and even to discredit pregnancy resource centers that support women who choose birth for their children. But these fake claims also have real-life negative consequences for the very women about whom pro-abortion activists claim to care. They scare women away from the delight of motherhood. At the same time, their disingenuous talking point minimizes the serious medical risks that women experience in having an abortion.” Read more here.


Why Are We Normalizing Double Mastectomies in Girls? by Debra Soh. “Methodologically speaking, any study assessing outcomes related to transition would benefit from having a control group consisting of individuals with gender dysphoria who are not in the process of transitioning or who are perhaps attempting to resolve their bodily discomfort through other avenues, like therapy. It’s possible that girls who did not transition would show mental health outcomes similar to, or better than, those who did. In today’s climate, however, such a control group could not exist because withholding transition would be deemed harmful.” Read more here.


California Attacks Parents’ Rights Under the Guise of Medical Care, by Jay Richards and Emilie Kao. “Imagine the parental nightmares this California bill would unleash. A mother in Texas who has sole custody of her daughter could find her custody stripped by a California court who sides with an estranged father who takes the daughter to California to get puberty blockers. No family is off limits, and no court decision is safe, because California has decided that its courts – not those of the family’s home state – should be the final deciders of whether parents are fit to raise their child.” Read more here.


Pronouns Unbound, by Christopher Rufo. “San Francisco Unified’s policy subverts basic parental rights. The district is playing a dangerous game, facilitating child gender and sexual transitions without notifying or gaining the consent of their families. This is intentional. The district explicitly encourages teachers to prioritize ideology over parental interests and … recommends that teachers identify parents as ‘caregiver 1 and caregiver 2 instead of mother and father’ – a practice that assumes that parents are interchangeable and incidental.” Read more here.


Newsom Signs Bill to Let California Strip Gender-Confused Teens From Parents – Even When They Live in Other States, by Tristan Justice. “…[T]he bill undermines parental choice by empowering the state to strip custody from those who refuse to support their children’s demand for ‘gender-affirming care…’ Such procedures could range from puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to surgeries leaving a child’s genitals permanently altered. The bill extends California’s reach beyond its borders, enabling minors in other states to pursue treatment on the West Coast away from parental oversight.” Read more here.


Spain Considers Radical Trans Bill, by Debbie Hayton. “Emotions are running high, but the question we must keep asking is why these bills are so important to so many politicians. At a time when there is real war in Europe, why are they fighting to impose an ideology that replaces fact with feeling, using emotion rather than reason? La Ley Trans is particularly worrying because it opens the door to children to change their legal sex. Those under 16 would need parental consent, but they could take the matter to court if there was disagreement.” Read more here.


Self-Determination Law Drives Wedge Between Parents and Children, by CNE News. “Several countries, such as the Netherlands and Germany, are currently attempting to pass a new a [sic] so-called self-identification law… More and more, gender dysphoria is no longer seen as a disorder but instead as a standard variant of sexual development. That leads to dilemmas in psychological health care. ‘Trans identity must be acknowledged as fact by the therapist,’ Albert states. Questioning whether someone is transgender can now be seen as a punishable offence.” Read more here.


Supreme Court Could Echo Photographer’s Free Speech Victory Over Mandated LGBT Wedding Support, by Jonathan Scruggs. “This fall, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear 303 Creative v. Elenis, a … case that involves a graphic artist named Lorie Smith. Lorie wants … to create art and websites consistent with the core of who she is. But, much like Louisville, Colorado officials are forcing Lorie to create websites promoting ideas about marriage that violate her faith. Once again, the issue is whether free speech protects each of us or whether government officials get to dictate what people can say and create.” Read more here.


New York Times Admits That Hundreds of ‘Top Surgeries’ Are Being Performed on Children, by Jarrett Stepman. “In an extensive piece written by Azeen Ghorayshi and published Monday, The New York Times reported on how transgender ‘top surgeries’ for minors have become a growing phenomenon. When reporters say top surgeries, they often mean mastectomy – the total removal of female breast tissue – though the Times’ article never uses this word… For boys who want to transition to girls, top surgery means breast implants.” Read more here.


Spanish Equal Opportunities Minister Calls Paedophilia ‘a Right,’ by Andrea Ambrano. “A child cannot nurture any kind of sexual taste unless this is forcibly inculcated in them, nor can they experience the concept of consent since their will is extremely malleable and conditionable. Simply, consent and sexual preferences are non-existent concepts in a child’s head because they lack maturity. Any psychologist knows this, but it’s strange that the only psychologist who ignores them is precisely the one who is also a minister of a European democracy like Spain, and moreover the mother of three children.” Read more here.


The ‘Dutch Protocol’ and Childhood Gender Transitioning, by Debra Soh. “When we consider global trends, the United Kingdom and Europe have been moving in a different direction, exercising greater caution and skepticism in their approach to treating children with gender dysphoria. North America, on the other hand, continues bulldozing the other way. Parents need to know they are justified in their concerns despite the browbeating and bullying they may encounter from professionals in the field, the media, and wider society.” Read more here.


Grade School Used to Be About Math, Science, and Growing Up. Now It’s About Sex, Drag, and Obesity, by Tristan Justice. “Earlier this month, teachers in a western suburb of Columbus, Ohio welcomed back students to the classroom with lessons on ‘anal sex’ and ‘fisting…’ In Michigan, the state deployed training material to coach teachers to conceal information about students from their parents, including what pronouns the kids go by in the classroom… Further south in Chicago, schools went one step further. Several districts partnered with the city’s largest children’s hospital to promote sex toys to kids.” Read more here.


These Detransitioners Have a Message for Distressed Girls: Mangling Your Body Is a Sickness, Not a Cure, by Jordan Boyd. “The film from the Center for Bioethics and Culture documents the testimonies of three women – Helena, Cat, and Grace – who went through various forms of so-called ‘gender-affirming’ prescriptions and procedures only to discover that the wrongly named ‘treatments’ marketed to make them feel better about their bodies did more harm than good. The featured women do not shy away from mentioning the irreversible procedures and damage this mutilative movement had on their bodies and souls…” Read more here.


Stop Subsidizing the Transgender-Industrial Complex, by Washington Examiner. “Not liking your body is completely normal for an adolescent, but most people eventually become comfortable in their own natural skin. It is morally wrong to let children completely alter their bodies before their judgment is even fully mature. It is doubly wrong that hospitals are making money off of these mutilations. It is triply wrong that the government is subsidizing this form of child abuse by mandating insurance coverage for it.” Read more here.


The Biden Administration Has Launched Its War on Pro-Lifers, by Timothy P. Carney. “Even if you take only the FBI’s version of the tale, the Biden administration assembled a grand jury, secured an indictment, and charged a man with a federal crime possibly carrying an 11-year sentence because he shoved another man who received ‘injuries … that required medical attention.’ Because there is an extraordinary federal law protecting abortionists from protesters, sidewalk counselors, and rosary prayers, Houck is now charged with a federal felony.” Read more here.


Let the Shout Arise Across the Nation: Stop Sexualizing Our Children! by Michael Brown. “From the heterosexual side, the attack has come through sex ed curricula in schools, presenting inappropriate subjects in inappropriate ways, beginning with the youngest school children. It has been going on for a long time… As for the LGTBQ+ sexualizing of our children, much of it comes in the form of indoctrination. Gay is good. Queer is cool. Being trans is something to celebrate. And your kids need to know this starting in pre-school, if not earlier. In fact, let’s normalize drag queens for toddlers!” Read more here.


‘Women Deserve a Better Solution Than Abortion,’ by Christopher Tremoglie. “Leftists who typically argue in favor of abortion say women should have the right to choose abortion. What they fail to acknowledge is that all abortions could be avoided by simply avoiding risky and careless sexual behavior. Only since Dobbs has it become clear from the Left’s rhetoric the extent to which abortion was relied on by irresponsible people as a form of birth control. For these, abortion is not a ‘choice’ but a means of avoiding consequences, even at the expense of a baby’s life.” Read more here.


New Census Data: Key Takeaways on Divorce, Marriage, and Fertility in the U.S., by Wendy Wang, et al. “Besides marriage and divorce, another important indicator that reflects the health of American families is the birth rate. During the pandemic, the U.S. birth rate experienced its largest single-year decease in nearly 50 years… The total fertility rate, which is the estimated number of children a woman has in her lifetime, also dropped to 1.6 in 2020. The fertility rate did rebound slightly in 2021 to 1.7 children per woman, but it is still well below the population replacement level (2.1 children per woman).” Read more here.


Castrating Your Child’s Future, by Melissa Mackenzie. “Medical doctors, sworn to do no harm, carve up children and give them untested drugs based on specious evidence and radical ideology… But the biggest betrayal is by the parents acceding to this savagery. They know how important having children is … they’ve had them. Yet they steal that choice from their children, knowing what they’re taking. It cannot be reversed. The harm is complete, total, and reaches decades into the future.” Read more here.


Gender Ideology Promises Young Adults Relief But Leaves Them With Mental Anguish, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Gender ideology’s rapid spread among adolescents and young adults makes much more sense when you realize that it’s a form of escapism. It gives awkward and impressionable teenagers an explanation for the social and physical discomfort they naturally feel. It promises them a solution. This promise, however, is based on a lie. It is no more possible for a girl to become a boy than it is for a white person to become black.” Read more here.


Sexual Disturbance, by Christopher Rufo. “The national teachers union’s ‘LGBTQ+ Caucus’ has created a website and badge for public school employees that promote non-binary identities, a how-to guide for ‘queer sex,’ and the idea that ‘transgender men can get pregnant…’ One of these linked resources … includes a how-to guide for performing ‘anal sex,’ ‘bondage,’ ‘rimming,’ ‘domination,’ ‘sadomasochism,’ ‘muffing,’ and ‘fisting.’ The materials are extremely graphic, explaining how to, for example, ‘[put] a fist or whole hand into a person’s vagina or bum.’” Read more here.


The States Must Stand Up to Biden’s Egregious Title IX Overreach, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Biden’s Title IX guidance would be disastrous for the education system. It would force school administrations to incorporate gender ideology into their policies and affirm students’ chosen ‘gender identity’ regardless of the consequences – the most obvious being the invasion of girls’ sex-exclusive spaces, such as restrooms and sports teams. It would also undermine students’ right to free speech and due process and deputize school officials to override parental prerogatives.” Read more here.


Biden Administration’s Proposed Gender Policy Would Define Women Out of Existence, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “According to a draft USAID gender policy, sex is a ‘designation’ that is ‘assigned’ at birth and there are about 40 variations of sex characteristics that ‘cannot be categorized as male or female…’ The policy makes numerous references to women and girls ‘in all their diversity,’ which is further defined as including the ‘full range of gender identity and/or gender expression, sex characteristics, [and] sexual orientation.’” Read more here.


Lawmakers, Experts Alarmed by Trend to Remove Age Guidelines for Trans Procedures, by Dan Hart. “It would appear that the viewpoint that children of any age should receive cross-sex hormones if they express any inkling of questioning their biological sex is becoming increasingly prevalent. On Monday, news broke that the Medical University of South Carolina’s Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic had seen transgender patients between the ages of four and 18, with 62 percent of them receiving ‘either puberty blockers or hormone affirming therapy.’” Read more here.


Just Say ‘No’ to Using Children as Lab Rats, by Stephanie Lundquist-Arora. “Gender and sexual identity … have become ubiquitous topics for consideration and affirmation in school curricula and surveys… In the 2021 Fairfax County (Virginia) Youth Survey, public school students as young as 12 were asked questions about sexual experiences, including: ‘Have you ever had sexual intercourse? How old were you when you had sexual intercourse for the first time? During your life, with how many people have you had sexual intercourse?’” Read more here.


Father Recalls School’s Secret Attempt to Transition Daughter, by Marjorie Jackson. “…Perez’s case is one of many instances of schools breaching parental rights and transgender ideology being forced upon children. Many parents across the country have found themselves as plaintiffs fighting school administrations that have helped their children begin quietly transitioning, such as a mother in California and a couple in Tallahassee, Florida with similar situations. Other instances across the country have included the emergence of ‘gender transition closets’ in communities and schools.” Read more here.


UN Education Summit Wants to Stamp Out Traditional Values, by Craig-Austin Rose. “One of the conference documents proposed expanding the role of the teacher from ‘knowledge providers to knowledge producers and sense-makers of complex realities,’ in order to teach modern values and to eliminate any influence of parents and traditional cultures on the formation of children.” Read more here.


Our Politics Needs a Pro-Family Policy Agenda, by Ryan T. Anderson, et al. “Parents bear the primary and ultimate responsibility to nurture, shape, and educate their children. As such, they should be afforded space, shielded from inappropriate state intrusion or undue market pressures, to fulfill their responsibilities and live out their irreplaceable function. As scholars, writers, and legal experts, we offer the following eleven principles to advance an authentically pro-family approach to public policy.” Read more here.


Follow the Money: Medical Experts Are Mutilating Gender-Confused People Because It’s Profitable, by Kaylee McGhee White. “We need to be upfront about what this is: medical malpractice. These procedures are experimental and irreversible and often have severe long-term effects on the patient’s physical and mental health. These treatments aren’t ‘caring,’ as transgender activists like to claim – they’re inhumane and exploitative, and the only reason the medical community has decided to go along with this is because they know … that ‘gender-affirming care’ is a ‘moneymaker.’” Read more here.


California ‘Transgender Refuge’ Bill Usurps Parental Rights and Endangers Children, by Melissa Moschella. “If Governor Newsom signs California’s transgender youth ‘refuge’ bill into law, it will be one of the most explicit and radical assaults on parental rights that our nation has ever seen. While debates about how best to care for children with gender dysphoria are ongoing, one thing is clear: encouraging troubled children to run away from home and dividing them from their parents is certain to inflict great harm.” Read more here.


Pro-Life Advocates Should Pay Attention to Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report, by Caroline Reeves. “Planned Parenthood boasts increased numbers of aborted babies and quietly includes that it provided 239,000 fewer health services like well-woman exams and prenatal care than it did the previous year. Yet Planned Parenthood’s revenue managed to increase from $1.6 billion to $1.7 billion. The abortion organization’s incessant talk of ‘health care’ is nothing more than a marketing ploy.” Read more here.


The Real Reason for the Rise in Book Bans, by Madeline Fry Schultz. “Today, PEN is a left-wing advocacy group, for which censorship apparently means blocking over-the-top, sexually explicit materials from children in classrooms. The report, which looked at July 2021 to June 2022, found ‘2,532 instances of individual books being banned, affecting 1,648 unique book titles.’ The five most popular of these titles are ‘Gender Queer: A Memoir,’ ‘All Boys Aren’t Blue,’ ‘Lawn Boy,’ ‘Out of Darkness,’ ‘The Bluest Eye,’ and ‘Beyond Magenta: Transgender Teens Speak Out,’ all of which contain sexually explicit language.” Read more here.


Exposing Transgenderism for What It Is: A Lie, by Kara Dansky. “Democrats on the whole support ‘rights for “transgender people,”’ and Republicans on the whole oppose allowing sex-confused people to hijack sex-specific spaces. But regardless of whether or not a person supports or opposes ‘rights for “transgender people,”’ that person probably believes that there is such a category of people. But there isn’t. ‘Trans’ is a lie. It is a lie as big as the lie that the emperor is wearing clothes. He isn’t wearing clothes. He’s naked. He’s just too arrogant to acknowledge it, and everyone around him is too cowed to say so.” Read more here.


Detransitioner Chloe Cole Gives Powerful Testimony Against ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ at White House, by Christina Buttons. “Cole opened her speech with a chilling statistic, ‘Over the past decade, there has been as high as a 4000 percent increase in children being referred to so-called “gender clinics” across the United States…’ A recent UCLA survey found that the number of trans-identified teens has doubled in the last five years to about 300,000 in the United States, while the rates of adults identifying as transgender have remained the same.” Read more here.


Top Trans Medical Group Quietly Removes Age Recommendations for Minors Seeking Transgender Surgeries, Hormones, Puberty Blockers, by Mary Margaret Olohan. “The organization widely considered to be the gold standard on transgender health care has removed its age recommendations for minors to receive hotly debated transgender medical interventions from its guidelines – and it won’t explain why. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health published a correction to its Standards of Care 8th Edition this week, removing those sections on ‘suggested minimal ages for gender-affirming medical and surgical treatment for adolescents.’” Read more here.


That ‘Don’t Say Gay’ Law Is Very Popular When You Accurately Describe It, by Zachary Faria. “The poll asked registered voters, ‘Do you support or oppose allowing public school teachers to provide classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity to children in elementary school (grades 1 to 5)?’ Just 27 percent said they support the stance pushed by the liberal activists. A whopping 70 percent opposed it. That means 70 percent of registered voters support, in principle, a law that goes much further than Florida’s new law, which only outlawed such instruction through third grade.” Read more here.


Pregnancy Centers Targeted by Massachusetts Attorney General Deserve Help, by Andrew Beckwith and Jeremy Dys. “Who are these faith-based organizations on the receiving end of Healey’s politically charged ire? They are men and women motivated by their faith to provide medical and professional counseling services, and to give away diapers, baby wipes, and hand-knitted baby booties to those in need… Rather than protect these faith-based organizations providing much-needed professional reproductive health services to Bay State mothers, as is the duty of her office, Healey placed them in harm’s way.” Read more here.


12 Facts Everyone Should Know About Babies at 15 Weeks of Gestation, by Jordan Boyd. “This isn’t quite the all-out ban on killing unborn life, which science agrees begins at conception, that America’s pro-life voters want, but it’s a start designed to at least get the nation on the same level as most civilized European countries and some U.S. states. It’s important for all to know the facts about babies at this stage of development to weigh the proposal. Here are 12 facts that Congress, and all Americans, should know about babies and their development at 15 weeks of gestation.” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood Can’t Hide Its Problem With Adoption, by Joy Stockbauer. “Every woman facing an unexpected pregnancy must wrestle with difficult questions surrounding the pathway forward – but it is unethical and misleading to misrepresent these questions in a way that makes abortion seem like the only viable option. It is also interesting to note that, when dissuading a woman from choosing adoption, Planned Parenthood is comfortable humanizing the child – but in every other instance, they deliberately dehumanize the child as a mere product of pregnancy.” Read more here.


Biden’s Title IX Change Hamstrings Doctors’ Ability to Care for Patients, by Christiana Kiefer. “The Biden administration is pushing to redefine ‘sex’ in the civil rights law known as Title IX to include ‘gender identity…’ This change would weaponize the federal civil rights law and force health care professionals – against their religious and ethical convictions – to perform life-altering surgeries or procedures such as a mastectomy or testosterone suppression. That’s because Title IX governs on-campus health centers, medical schools, and health systems that are part of university systems.” Read more here.


Department of Education Takes a Title IX Hammer to Freedom, by Maya Noronha. “Bureaucrats at President Joe Biden’s Department of Education are the new schoolyard bullies… For a start, bullies like to call other children disparaging names. Likewise, the Education Department’s bureaucrats want to label anyone who respectfully disagrees with gender ideology as a bigot. Instead of defending the civil rights of all people, they are targeting some who have sincerely held beliefs about males and females, what marriage means, and the role of parents in teaching their children about faith.” Read more here.


The Boston Marathon Doesn’t Need a Nonbinary Category, by Tom Joyce. “The problem with this move, besides denying biological reality, is that it could take spots away from hardworking women who want to run a marathon… The nonbinary category uses the women’s standards of qualifying for the race, which permit registrants to run it up to 30 minutes slower. Therefore, biological men who identify as nonbinary can qualify for the race using those times.” Read more here.


I’m an NCAA Champion Female Swimmer and We Have to Protect Girls, Women From Biden’s Destruction of Title IX, by Riley Gaines. “Under Title IX, women are entitled to their own locker rooms so that we can be vulnerable and change in private. Yet at the NCAA Championships, I saw a 6’4” biological male exposing male parts in our women’s locker room… I asked the officials where I should change as I had no intention of undressing in front of a man. They informed me that there were no protections in place for me to change in a space that Thomas did not have access to.” Read more here.


UN LGBT Czar Attacks America on Transgender Issues, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “The report also denounces a ‘veritable plague of anti-LGBT bills sweeping across the nation…’ Madrigal-Borloz referred specifically to pro-family policies in Florida, Texas, and Alabama. These include laws and policies to shield children from homosexual and transgender propaganda in schools, laws banning transgender hormone protocols and sex change operations for children, and policies that ban boys from competing as girls in girls’ sports.” Read more here.


UN Committee Says America Is Racist, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “The committee concerned with race has been one of the few that has largely left the issue of abortion alone, although that may be about to change.  In August, the committee held a meeting about issuing a general comment on the intersection of racial discrimination and health, which was attended by representatives of many pro-abortion groups… The UN’s official summary of the meeting summarized their position: ‘Abortion access was an integral component of public health care, and legal barriers to abortion should be removed.’” Read more here.


Does Your Kid’s School Librarian Need Parental Supervision? ‘Banned Books Week’ May Tell You, by Amy Haywood. “…[A] father at a recent school board meeting had his microphone silenced for attempting to read from some of the objectionable books found in his child’s school because the school board was aware that allowing the words to air was illegal. But, magically, once a child enters a school library, a librarian can provide ‘Gender Queer’ and other challenged books to him or her without fear of prosecution.” Read more here.


On the Pro-Life Senate Bill and ‘Late Term’ Abortion, by Alexandra Desanctis. “…[A]bortions after 15 weeks could only be characterized as something other than ‘late term’ by people who support legal elective abortion until the moment of birth… What matters, in the end, is what happens in an abortion procedure, and whether we believe that act should be legally permissible. Hayes and his fellow supporters of legal abortion would prefer not to have that debate, because their perspective on the matter makes normal Americans shudder.” Read more here.


Protecting Freedom of Religion, by Betsy McCaughey. “The American Civil Liberties Union sides with LGBTQ advocates, claiming they’re battling intolerant people who use religion as an excuse to discriminate. The ACLU is wrong. The battle isn’t about one right but two: the right of LGBTQ individuals to be protected from bias, and the longstanding right of all Americans to practice their religion – a right guaranteed by the First Amendment.” Read more here.


Jill Biden Dismisses Parental Control of Books in School Libraries, by Gillian Richards. “Before Jones finished the question, Jill Biden jumped in: ‘All books should be in the library. All books. This is America. We don’t ban books.’ Biden’s comment dismisses the ongoing controversy over whether public school libraries should exclude books that parents consider pedophilic and obscene… According to Jill Biden’s logic, the parents who protested Loudoun and Fairfax County public schools were out of line – and un-American – for wanting to remove pornographic and ideological material out of their kid’s libraries.” Read more here.


Lindsey Graham’s 15-Week Abortion Ban Would Bring Us in Line With the Rest of the Civilized World, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Just about every other country in the civilized world restricts abortion far more than the U.S. does. We are one of only seven countries to allow elective abortions … at 20 weeks, which is the halfway mark in a pregnancy. Most countries, including liberal European nations such as France, Norway, and Denmark, don’t even allow abortions after 12 weeks. And only three of 42 European countries allow abortions past 15 weeks.” Read more here.


Congress Should Work to End Infanticide in America, by the Editors of National Review. “…[E]ven after the end of Roe, barbaric late-term abortions are still legal in most of the country. In several states and the District of Columbia, there is no legal limit on abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Down the street from the White House, one abortion clinic advertises elective abortions up to 27 weeks. NPR recently reported that a new ‘all-trimester’ clinic will soon open in Maryland that will perform abortions up to the middle of the eighth month of pregnancy.” Read more here.


What Schools Are Teaching Your Kids About ‘Gender,’ by Laura López. “Altogether, there are eighteen gender options, only one of which will correspond to the child’s actual biological sex… Neither the wheel nor the book explain the potential long-term implications of adopting an alternative gender identity, or even what these identities mean. It’s safe to say that the average three-year-old has no idea that ‘affirming’ a neutrois identity involves surgically removing your genitalia.” Read more here.


Since When Does Freedom From Discrimination Require Destroying Religious Freedom? by Thomas Jipping. “The right to freely exercise religion has been a central theme in America’s story for more than 350 years. It was recognized as a natural right of mankind long before the Constitution was drafted, before America was America. Laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity exist against that backdrop, not the other way around.” Read more here.


Dr. Richard Pan’s Claims in Support of California’s SB 107 Are False and Medically Irresponsible, by Leor Sapir. “It is one thing for Dr. Pan to express an opinion as an elected representative and lawmaker on SB 107. It is quite another for him to invoke his scientific and medical credentials and spread false or highly misleading information about the state of the evidence for ‘gender affirming care.’ Dr. Pan warned against using Dr. Google instead of medical expertise, but it seems that his own views on pediatric gender medicine are heavily informed by Google and avoid any careful analysis of existing research.” Read more here.


Why Religious Freedom Can’t Protect Abortion, by Andrew Kubick. “Because direct abortion intentionally kills an unborn human being, no right – religious or otherwise – can be invoked to protect it… No religion, or any adherent thereof, has the lawful or moral claim to kill an innocent human being in the name of that faith. To deny the tragedy of abortion and make a rights claim to defend abortion is not religious freedom; rather, doing this uses religion as a license for unconscionable acts. And a just political community and the whole of society ought to categorically reject that license.” Read more here.


The Transgender Umbrella Casts Its Shadow Over Gender Nonconformity, by Colin Wright. “Because girls are more likely to exhibit gender nonconformity than boys (i.e., girls are more likely to exhibit stereotypically masculine traits than boys are to exhibit feminine traits), and because the definition of transgenderism is now synonymous with common gender nonconformity, it should come as absolutely no surprise that the rates of children claiming to be transgender is [sic] exploding, and that the majority of these children are girls.” Read more here.


Supreme Court Could Echo Photographer’s Free Speech Victory Over Mandated LGBT Support, by Jonathan Scruggs. “The court got it right. The government shouldn’t be in the business of imposing its orthodoxy on its citizens and silencing those who disagree. You don’t leave your right to free speech behind when you choose to make a living for your family, and Chelsey – like all Americans – should be free to express her beliefs – even if the government disagrees with them. But Chelsey is not the only wife and mom who needs to teach a class in constitutional law to certain government bureaucrats.” Read more here.


UN’s Gender Czar Ends Examination of U.S. With Bleak Report, by Grace Melton. “Madrigal-Borloz is the ‘SOGI czar’ at the United Nations… And [he] just concluded an official visit to the United States intended to ‘assess’ the ‘human rights of LGBT persons’ here. In a press conference…, Madrigal-Borloz shared his initial reactions… He bemoaned the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade and its ‘devastating’ impact on lesbians and ‘people with gestational faculties.’ And he derided efforts in various American states to limit ‘gender-affirming care.’” Read more here.


New Title IX Rule Creates Federal Dictatorship Over America’s Public Schools, by Meg Kilgannon. “The Department of Education’s newly proposed Title IX rule uses the federal rulemaking process to destabilize students with gender ideology, roll back rights for women and girls, and undermine parental rights, just to name a few – all in order to force the LGBTQ+ political agenda on every public school student in America… Equal opportunity for women in academics and sport will be erased if this rule is enforced.” Read more here.


Can Children Actually Consent to Gender Surgeries? by Debra Soh. “Expected changes in the forthcoming edition include the lowering of recommended ages for hormones and surgeries in minors… This would mean children are able to undergo cross-sex hormones at age 14, double mastectomies at age 15, and genital surgeries, including hysterectomies and removal of the ovaries or testes, at age 17… Does anyone truly believe that children understand the long-term implications of these decisions on their bodies and fertility, especially if they have yet to experience romantic relationships with their peers?” Read more here.


The Transgender Movement Isn’t Just Targeting Kids, It’s Targeting Families, by John Daniel Davidson. “Evidence continues to mount that a concerted effort is underway between major hospitals and public school systems to indoctrinate children with transgender ideology and push harmful, sometimes irreversible, medical procedures on minors – sometimes without the knowledge or consent of parents. The point of the indoctrination, though, isn’t only to create more ‘gender-nonconforming’ students. It’s to break down family structures and parental authority.” Read more here.


African Nations Should Spurn UN’s Radical Sex Ed Seduction, by Bettina Roska. “The UN’s International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education calls for a hypersexualized view of even very young children, explicitly rejecting family values and cutting off the rights of parents to educate their children in conformity with their moral and religious convictions. Instead of focusing on risk avoidance, it pushes minors into high-risk situations with proven catastrophic consequences for their health and well-being.” Read more here.


End Infanticide, by the Editors of National Review. “Each human being is endowed with the unalienable right to life at her creation, not her birth. But at this time, the majority of the American public is not willing to support a law protecting life from conception. There is, however, national support for setting limits on abortion later in pregnancy when it becomes even more indefensible for anyone to deny the humanity of a developing child.” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood Isn’t on the Way Out, It’s Transitioning to Gender-Bending, by Kristan Hawkins. “Planned Parenthood has found something besides abortion to sell. Few people realize that, nationally, ‘Planned Parenthood is the second largest provider of hormone therapy’ for ‘transgender and gender non-conforming patients,’ it reports. Even in states that have banned all or most abortions, Planned Parenthood affiliates are fighting to stay open under the banner of ‘gender-affirming care.’” Read more here.


Abortion Is Not Health Care, Anywhere, by Valerie Huber. “Abortion activist politicians want Americans to accept abortion as health care – not just here at home but in every country around the world, irrespective of the country’s own values and beliefs on the topic… But abortion isn’t health care, anywhere. Intentionally ending innocent lives is not – and has never been – an acceptable outcome for ‘health’ care.” Read more here.


Trust the Science … Except Biology, by Rachel Csutoros. “From kindergarten classrooms to human resources offices to elite academic institutions, pressure is growing for Americans to ignore what’s in front of them in favor of a new version of reality that is more ‘inclusive’ and ‘updated.’ Public discourse now centers on debates about whether men can become pregnant and how to define a woman. The trend is to deny scientific reality in favor of the new wave of gender ideology.” Read more here.


Alarming Questions About Self-Determination Bill in Germany, by Evert van Vlastuin. “The state opens up a huge potential for abuse to these instinct-driven people through this self-determination act. For example, they could take advantage of the fact that they could no longer commit exhibitionism by simply declaring it. According to Section 183 of the Criminal Code, exhibitionist acts are only punishable for men. The law also gives men with exhibitionist tendencies legal access to women’s shelters. If they were legally considered women by self-determination, they should not be turned away at the entrance or thrown out of the shelters.” Read more here.


NJ Second Graders Will Learn About Gender Identity as New Sex Ed Standards Begin, by Sarah Arnold. “Progressive New Jersey school districts are teaching kids as young as six years old that it is normal to feel like you were born the ‘wrong’ gender from what God originally created you to be… The graphic material the woke, radical Left leaders are pushing on to children is shocking. They are attempting to sexualize kids at such a young age, at a time where sex and gender means nothing to them.” Read more here.


‘Gender-Affirming Care’ Sacrifices Safety for Ideology, by Aida Cerundolo. “Gender-affirming therapy for adolescents often employs ‘puberty blockers,’ synthetic hormones that inhibit the release of natural hormones that usher in sexual maturation. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration for rare instances of precocious puberty, these medicines are prescribed off-label as a pause button for physically healthy children… Puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones carry risks. Artificially pausing puberty impedes other vital functions, such as brain and bone development.” Read more here.


UK Children’s Commissioner Fails British Children, by Ann Farmer. “It was refreshing to hear the UK Children’s Commissioner calling for strong families… But, like most modern policymakers, Dame Rachel refuses to endorse any particular form of family… Whatever Dame Rachel’s review may say, the family is not just any old collection of individuals living in the same space but springs from the committed relationship of a man and a woman who bring children into the world as part of that relationship.” Read more here.


Four ‘Social and Emotional Learning’ Programs That Won’t Corrupt Your Child, by Kimberly Ells. “Are the top priorities of most parents in your local school district to undermine patriarchy, expand abortion, expand LGBT advocacy, and increase racial tension in their children’s schools? If not, then perhaps globally funded SEL programs might not a [sic] good fit for your school district. Is there a solution to the global infiltration of local schools through SEL? Yes. Decline to utilize programs that are linked to global education initiatives.” Read more here.


California Becomes Sanctuary for Trans as Children Taking Puberty Blockers Increased Nearly 270 Percent, by Sarah Arnold. “The woke state of California advanced a bill to make it a sanctuary for transgender kids and their parents… The bill aims to allow children to undergo life-alternating sex-change surgery and take medication that will disrupt their natural puberty growth. Meanwhile according to Florida Medicaid data, the rate of the children taking puberty blockers has increased by 270 percent.” Read more here.


Michigan’s ‘Anything Goes’ Abortion Initiative, by Conn Carroll. “Michigan Democrats have succeeded in getting an initiative placed on this fall’s ballot that would effectively legalize all abortions. But that isn’t how Democrats are describing the initiative. They want you to believe that their proposed amendment to Michigan’s constitution would merely ‘codify Roe v. Wade.’ That is, the amendment would reinstate for Michigan the constitutional right struck down by the federal Supreme Court. But in reality, the proposal goes much further than that.” Read more here.


Federal Court Ruling on Gender Identity Upends Civil Rights Law, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “In sum: If you’re ‘distressed’ about being transgender, then you’re entitled to all the accommodations you’d like in public life, whether in bathrooms, locker rooms, prisons, or same-sex housing. The illogical conclusion, of course, is that transgender individuals who might be perfectly at ease with their underlying biological sex are not entitled to accommodations at all. As to how this will play out in modern America, one thing is for sure: It will be messy.” Read more here.


Emails Show Local Librarians Recruiting Drag Performers for Kids, by Joy Pullmann. “The emails show multiple librarians expressing enthusiasm and anticipation for Wright’s drag performance… The like-minded librarians eagerly plotted their 2022 LGBT programming and especially the drag storytime together, according to the emails. Librarians from different towns eagerly offered to help promote each others’ LGBT events and offered emotional as well as strategic support for the community backlash they all expected.” Read more here.


Title IX Comes for Christian Schools, by Christiana Kiefer. “Because HUD announced that it would enforce its order through the Fair Housing Act, College of the Ozarks and other colleges across the country – regardless of their beliefs – will be required to house male students in female dorms and vice versa. Colleges will be required to allow students to choose which restrooms, dorms, showers, and locker rooms they want to use – or be shut down.” Read more here.


‘Removing Pregnancies’: The Abortion Industry’s Misuse of Language, by Rob Schwarzwalder. “…[T]he eagerness of abortion advocates to dehumanize the unborn speaks of something sad and desperate. Unable to deny the personhood of the little one in the womb, they speak in a sort of muted code. By using terms that attempt to sanitize something evil, we assuage our consciences and gradually create a thick callous over the tender flesh of our basic moral impulses.” Read more here.


Legal, Scientific Defeats for ‘Gender-Affirming’ Procedures, by Joshua Arnold. “The Biden administration is arguing – and losing – on these grounds, because what they are endeavoring to force into law (by executive fiat) is indefensible on any other grounds. The Biden administration didn’t even bother arguing that the First Amendment allowed them to force physicians to perform gender-transition surgeries and abortions against their consciences, because they can’t. All they could do was pretend that they hadn’t decided to enforce on religious health care providers a rule they created for precisely this purpose.” Read more here.


How to Prepare Your Child for the Gender Debate, by Laura Linmar. “Parents need to understand that it’s not a matter of whether their young children will encounter radical gender ideology, but rather when. With this understanding comes the parental responsibility, if not duty, of having these conversations with their children sooner than most would like, while still approaching it from an age-appropriate stance.” Read more here.


Gender Identity Movement Targets Middle America for Indoctrination, by Greg Piper. “The vast majority of the training is devoted to LGBTQ issues, … warning employees they can harm ‘sexual minority youth’ if they aren’t careful with their words… The training explains ‘biological sex assigned at birth’ and gender identity and expression, using the popular but controversial ‘Gender Unicorn’ graphic that has appeared in curricula nationwide… The training features a Human Rights Campaign (HRC) video on student experiences and another with students explaining why ‘pronouns are important.’” Read more here.


Class Action Suits Against Gender Doctors Cloud the Future of Transgender Medicine, by Michael Cook. “The lawyers will not address the numerous sociological, psychological, ethical and philosophical questions swirling around the transgender movement. But if doctors fear that they might be sued for malpractice if they cooperate with an autistic teenager’s desire to transition, far fewer people will be harmed. And detransitioners will get the justice they deserve.” Read more here.


Federal Judge Strikes Blow to Biden’s Abortion Coercion Efforts in Texas, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “That interpretation means that under the HHS mandate, the federal government’s own definition of ‘emergency medical condition’ would preempt any state definition that is more narrowly tailored. It also means that elective abortions would qualify as ‘emergency medical conditions.’ Is this a proper reading of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act? Far from it. It’s a poorly disguised attempt to use federal law to transform every emergency room in the country into a walk-in abortion clinic.” Read more here.


How the Transgender Social Contagion Took Over This Alaska Town, by Kelsey Bolar. “…[E]very institution surrounding them, from health professionals to the public school, and a local LGBT support group, rushed to validate their daughter’s gender confusion, treating it as real. Worse, they intentionally deceived Susie and her husband, using their daughter’s birth name and female pronouns in official communications while using her made-up name and male pronouns behind closed doors.” Read more here.


Democrats Accuse Crisis Pregnancy Centers of Manipulating Women – But That’s Planned Parenthood, by Kate Roberson. “If the counseling services at pregnancy resource centers are ‘deceptive,’ then Planned Parenthood’s services ought to raise even more questions. Planned Parenthood regularly tells women that their babies are ‘clumps of cells’ or ‘not babies yet’ and then refuses to let them see their ultrasounds, so they can’t evaluate those claims for themselves.” Read more here.


Did American Academy of Pediatrics Just Blink on ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ or Bluff? by Jay Richards. “For years, the academy has been a booster for the school-to-sterilization pipeline for kids struggling with their sexed bodies – to the dismay of at least some of its 67,000 members… But in a telling letter to The Wall Street Journal this week, the group seemed to signal a shift in its position. Over the last few weeks, the group has suffered some bad press and may have decided that its preferred term of art needs an update.” Read more here.


UN Program Teaching Kids ‘Social and Emotional Learning’ Actually Seeks to Kill Their Individualism, by Kimberly Ells. “UNESCO’s materials make it clear that SEL is intended to foster not only kindness between students, but cooperation with a global agenda rooted in the doctrine of collectivism… They want children to be taught to value the ‘collective good’ over individual liberties, rights, and property despite the fact that the freest, most prosperous nations in the world are founded on individual liberties, rights, and property.” Read more here.


Toddlers Aren’t Transgender, by Debra Soh. “If you think it sounds insane to take seriously a 3-year-old’s whimsical and quite possibly arbitrary declarations, that’s because it is. Three-year-olds can barely dress themselves, much less articulate a complete thought, yet gender cultists wholeheartedly believe these children know their ‘authentic selves.’ At best, parents may be concerned about their son’s or daughter’s cross-sex preferences in toys, hairstyle, or clothing.” Read more here.


Unsafe, Illegal, and Far From Rare: Chemical Abortion’s Online Black Market, by Joy Stockbauer. “Another website that the WSJ cites is Medside24.com – a chemical abortion dealer based in Kazakhstan. The front page of the dealer’s website claims that abortion drugs are ‘painless’ and ‘not accompanied by complications.’ Further digging, however, reveals their disclaimers about the pain and complications that chemical abortion does, in fact, cause. How many women does the dealer warn experience ‘severe’ or ‘intolerable’ pain from their chemical abortion? At least half.” Read more here.


OB-GYN Dispels the Most Common Lies About Abortion, Miscarriage, and Saving the ‘Life of a Mother,’ by Alison Centofante and Christina Francis. “In 14 years of clinical practice, I have never needed to intentionally end the life of a preborn child in order to save the life of his or her mother. There are rare situations in which we need to prematurely deliver a baby due to life-threatening complications of pregnancy. If this occurs after the point at which the baby can survive apart from the mother (viability), we simply deliver the child and take care of both mom and baby.” Read more here.


Court Rules Man Who Identifies as Woman Must Be Allowed in Women’s Jail, by Joshua Arnold. “Indeed, transferring males who identify as females to female-only prison units is not a victimless policy decision. Female inmates at prisons in California, New York, and Washington have suffered sexual assault and rape from men pretending to be women. The policy question at issue is, should we upend the order of our penal system and subject women to violence to coddle the fantasies of a slim minority?” Read more here.


Poll: Nearly 2 in 3 Americans Support Public Funding for Pregnancy Clinics Democrats Want to ‘Shut Down,’ by Sophia Corso. “A majority of Americans across the political spectrum support public funding for pro-life pregnancy resource centers, according to a new poll from CRC Research – showing how out of touch Democrats’ rabid push to stifle pro-life clinics is from the average, compassionate American voter. The online survey of 1,600 participants conducted earlier this month shows overall 64 percent of Americans support public funding of these centers for mothers…” Read more here.


The Future of Pediatric Medicine: Chemical Castration and Surgical Mutilation, by Kaylee McGhee White. “We need to be explicit about what’s happening right now. Trans activists, medical professionals, and ideologues who promote and defend ‘gender-affirming care’ are advocating the chemical castration and physical mutilation of vulnerable persons. They can try to tie it up with a ribbon and make it sound as pretty as they’d like, but that’s what it is.” Read more here.


Government Shouldn’t Subsidize Intentional Motherlessness and Fatherlessness, by Katy Faust. “The fact that children are the byproduct of heterosexual relationships isn’t an accident. They are designed specifically for the care of their own mother and father, which is why they reap gender-specific benefits from each parent and crave both male and female love. Insisting that single and same-sex adults have ‘equal access’ to ‘reproductive care’ requires children to sacrifice their right to that love for the sake of adult desire.” Read more here.


Opposing Biological Males in Women’s Sports Cost Me My Job as Austin’s Fire Chaplain, Now I’m Suing, by Dr. Andrew Fox. “Unfortunately, I’m writing in the past tense because I’m no longer a chaplain for the Austin Fire Department. I was fired from my volunteer role because I shared my religious views on my personal blog – views which city officials could not tolerate. The controversial viewpoint that extinguished my career? Writing about my religious and commonsense view that men and women are biologically different, and men should not compete on women’s sports teams.” Read more here.


The Tide Is Turning Against Transgender Activism, by Michael Brown. “Just as we should have compassion on those who truly struggle with their gender identity, we should stand firmly against transgender activism. Thankfully, there are more and more signs that the tide is turning against this latest example of sociological contagion… The bad news is that many young lives have already been irreparably destroyed, at least physically. Let us, then, do our best to hasten the societal turn by continuing to get the truth out.” Read more here.


It’s OK to Say ‘Woman’ Again, by Kaylee McGhee White. “The Associated Press Stylebook … updated its guidance this week to say it is ‘acceptable’ to use the phrases ‘pregnant women’ or ‘women seeking abortions.’ Considering women are the only people in the world capable of conceiving and bearing children and are thus the only people in the world who would be seeking abortions for themselves, it’s a wonder this language was considered unacceptable in the first place.” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood Is Playing Defense, by Kimberly Ross. “The Dobbs decision has thrown Planned Parenthood into a tailspin… Unfettered access to abortion is essential to Planned Parenthood’s business model. In each election cycle, Planned Parenthood spends millions upon millions to protect the targeted destruction of the unborn. What they call a constitutional right is anything but.” Read more here.


Strong Families, Better Student Performance: The More Things Change, the More They Remain the Same, by Nicholas Zill and W. Bradford Wilcox. “…[C]hildren from stable, married families have a better chance of receiving the guidance and support they need to succeed academically and adapt confidently to the classroom environment than children from disrupted or reconstituted families. This does not mean that children from non-traditional families cannot do well in school. Many do, despite the conflict, turmoil, or curtailed parenting they may experience at home.” Read more here.


Understanding the Teenage Brain, by Justin Coulson. “Today it is common knowledge that teenage brains are neurologically immature. Essentially everyone recognizes and accepts that the teen brain is ‘under construction.’ But the idea that the adolescent brain is under development is a relatively new concept. It’s only been in the last three decades that we’ve understood the degree to which the brain continues to develop beyond childhood.” Read more here.


The Transgender Movement Is Not Just Intolerant. It’s Barbaric and Violent, and It’s Coming for Your Children, by John Daniel Davidson. “…[T]he people and institutions behind this movement are not fringe, they are not the pink-haired youths and black-clad Antifa thugs screaming at old ladies in the streets. They occupy the elite heights of American society. They have real power and influence. And they are not just angling to get between parents and their children, they are angling to get healthy girls and boys onto the operating table. They are angling to get grown men into women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, shelters, and dormitories. They are angling to get Child Protective Services to remove children from parents who refuse to go along with transgenderism.” Read more here.


Pro-LGBT Left Said Kids Needed Sex Ed for ‘Health’ And ‘Safety,’ but They Aren’t Any Healthier or Safer, by Scott Yenor. “Sexual revolutionaries care about the revolution — not safety or prevention, so all data to the contrary will be ignored or turned to the advantage of the revolution. We see this in the current monkeypox debate, where the transmission of the disease is obscured so as not to stigmatize the gay community by calling attention to certain extreme sexual practices that many gays consider essential to their identity. Whereas masking and social isolation were widely accepted as the indicated means to prevent the spread of C0vid, asking gay men to limit their sexual activity to stop the spread of monkeypox is called unrealistic and hateful.” Read more here.


The Left Loves Abortion So Much, It Endangers Women With Lies About Emergency Care, by Mary Harned and Ingrid Skop. “…[A]bortion activists know every state that is enforcing or seeking to enforce these laws permits abortion when it is necessary to save a pregnant woman’s life. Further, none of the states restrict treatment of ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage management, neither of which are abortions. Yet abortion activists’ animus toward pro-life policy is so great that they are willing to espouse disinformation that will lead to poor outcomes for women and their unborn children.” Read more here.


Biden’s Change to Title IX Shuts Parents Out of Kids’ Mental, Emotional Health, by Christiana Kiefer. “The Biden administration’s push to redefine ‘sex’ in the civil rights law known as Title IX to include ‘gender identity’ … threatens one of the basic principles of American society: the idea that parents, not the state, are the primary caretakers for children. With the proposed change, the Biden administration is poised to compel school districts to treat students as the opposite sex – without their parents’ knowledge or consent – and even to lie to parents about their children’s psychological and emotional health.” Read more here.


The Compromised Research of Child Gender-Transition Doctor Jack Turban, by Caroline Downey. “In many of Turban’s published papers, the sources of the funding for his research reveal conflicts of interest. Particularly, his past work was made possible by a grant from the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry… Most notably, AACAP is financially supported by pharmaceutical companies Arbor and Pfizer. Both produce off-label puberty blockers that inhibit the onset of physical changes aligning with a person’s sex.” Read more here.


Florida Is Right: Taxpayers Shouldn’t Fund Transgender Surgery, by Tom Joyce. “Unfortunately, some people suffer from gender dysphoria. These people deserve our compassion and should receive professional help for depression, anxiety, and substance abuse associated with this mental disorder. However, that doesn’t mean that society should treat such men like women. Men don’t belong in women’s-only spaces such as bathrooms, beauty salons, locker rooms, showers, and sports teams.” Read more here.


At Boston Children’s Hospital, Illogical and Destructive Gender Ideology Reigns, by Zachary Faria. “Two of the videos claim that children can know that they are transgender from birth or even while still in utero. The hospital boasts that it regularly sees transgender children as young as 2 or 3 years old, when they meet with a psychologist who pushes them down the road of social gender transitioning. Concerned parents are told that beginning an irreversible process based on the word of a 2-year-old is just being ‘supportive.’” Read more here.


Tavistock Clinic Fallout: What UK Courts Would Consider in Litigation by Former Transgender Patients, by Charles Foster. “…[O]verwhelmingly, there is again the issue of under-researched puberty blockers. In a ‘letter to children and young people’ at the beginning of her report, Cass wrote: ‘Whenever doctors prescribe a treatment, they want to be as certain as possible that the benefits will outweigh any adverse effects so that when you are older you don’t end up saying “Why did no one tell me that that might happen?” This includes understanding both the risks and benefits of having treatment and not having treatment.’ That’s an accurate statement of the law and the ethics.” Read more here.


I Lost a Child to Miscarriage. New York Times Essay Likening Miscarriage to Abortion Is Despicable, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “These faulty premises assume we cannot tell the difference between an intentional ending of an unborn life, and the spontaneous loss of an unborn child. They also assume we do not know we are being lied to when we are told abortion was a common and respected birth control method in early America… This kind of moral equivalence is despicable – and denigrates those who have lost an unborn child to miscarriage.” Read more here.


The UK Turns Its Back on Transgender Ideology, by the Editors of National Review. “Skeptics of this wicked experiment rightly feel vindicated by the clinic’s demise. But this is hardly consolation to its victims. No lawsuit, however successful, will ever restore what has been taken from them: their peace of mind, fertility, sexual functioning, and even healthy body parts. But rather than heed this warning, the United States continues to move full speed ahead with so-called gender-affirming care.” Read more here.


Voters Need to Be Educated on the Importance of the Family, by Don Feder. “In a sense, every issue is a family issue… Thus, the major threat to the American way of life isn’t inflation or the war on fossil fuels or Russian President Vladimir Putin’s adventurism or Chinese expansionism, the surge in a crime [sic] or even open borders – as important as they all are – but the decline of marriage, the family and respect for life.” Read more here.


Biden’s Title IX Takeover Will Give America an Extreme Makeover, by Ryan Bomberger. “Biden wants to allegedly create a world ‘free of discrimination’ which, of course, requires a world that intensely discriminates in order to fulfill his LGBTQ+++ vision for America. We have to mangle our language, deny basic biology, promote bodily mutilation, and cheer on blatant inequality in the name of ‘progress…’ We can no longer say what we know. We must repeat what we’re told.” Read more here.


Shoehorning Tax-Exempt Status Into Title IX Threatens Nonprofits That Won’t Pretend Boys Are Girls, by Gregory Baylor. “Schools and other nonprofits newly subject to these statutes would face comprehensive regulation of their activities – including both student and employee relations. They will incur large compliance costs. And they could encounter aggressive enforcement efforts by both federal bureaucrats and agenda-driven activist organizations.” Read more here.


Biden Executive Order on Abortion Access Is Misleading and Full of Misinformation, by Nina Owcharenko Schaefer. “When the Biden administration refers to ‘reproductive health care,’ it means abortion. Period. The public should not be confused that it means anything else. It hopes the executive order will miraculously present a new pathway to fund abortions. Yet, under any of the scenarios, such action would be incredible. For policymakers, this only further underscores the importance of protecting – and strengthening – the Hyde Amendment.” Read more here.


The Shocking Criminality of an Underground Transgender Drug ‘Network’ for Children, by Mairead Elordi. “A prominent transgender activist recently boasted online about plans to organize an international drug ring to illegally mail transgender hormones to children. The criminality of Eli Erlick’s proposal is shocking, but so far, it’s unclear whether Erlick, a biological male who identifies as a woman, will face any legal consequences despite admitting to the scheme on social media.” Read more here.


Government Should Stop Feeding the Nonbinary Delusion, by Tom Joyce. “President Joe Biden’s administration is also guilty of feeding into this woke gender ideology. Earlier this year, the State Department started issuing gender X passports for American citizens. One has to wonder what kinds of problems this may present for people traveling abroad to countries that find woke gender ideology absurd. Thankfully, however, the next administration could abandon this practice.” Read more here.


Is the Tide Turning on the Transgender Debate? by Isaac Schorr. “Across the UK, … politicians, doctors, and activists are all beginning to recognize that the unquestioningly affirmative model of care for children is scientifically unsound, morally dangerous, and the result of, more than anything else, social and political dogma. And the UK is not the first European country to begin to recognize its past mistakes… It’s not a total victory – far from it – but it’s representative of genuine progress from a ghastly status quo.” Read more here.


Justice Department Attacks Pro-Life States With Bogus ‘Preemption’ Argument, by Thomas Jipping. “The Biden administration is using a spurious legal argument to crack down on states limiting abortion. On Aug. 2, the U.S. Department of Justice filed suit against the state of Idaho, hoping to undermine its new law prohibiting most abortions by claiming that it conflicts with a federal law regarding medical treatment in hospital emergency rooms… Not only is this evidence that the Justice Department is now just a part of President Joe Biden’s political apparatus, but DOJ’s argument here is bogus.” Read more here.


War on Parents: Male Teacher Asked This Mom’s 11-Year-Old ‘Transgender’ Daughter to Sleep in Boys’ Cabin, by Kelsey Bolar. “…Jennifer also obtained notes from the school therapist, which confirmed her suspicion that the therapist was encouraging her daughter’s transition behind her back. ‘I was so upset because [the school therapist] was using male pronouns for my daughter from the first moment, from the first notes,’ Jennifer said. ‘He, him. And it seemed like all that she was doing with my daughter was helping her advocate for herself whenever somebody “misgendered” her.’” Read more here.


4 Compelling Reasons for the Senate to Oppose Redefining Marriage, by David Closson. “Societies have rightly believed (and social science proves) that a married man and woman are best suited to care for and raise their children. This reality has prompted the state … to concern itself with marriage. Regrettably, the link between a strong marriage culture and a stable society has been downplayed in the United States in recent years as gratifying adult sexual desires has superseded the welfare of children as a societal goal.” Read more here.


Litigation in State Courts Puts Pro-Life Laws on Hold, by Thomas Jipping and Sarah Parshall Perry. “…[O]n June 24, the [U.S. Supreme Court] acknowledged that its decision in Roe had been ‘egregiously wrong from the start’ and overruled it. Although that decision eliminated the U.S. Constitution as an obstacle to protecting the unborn, abortion advocates now are changing venues and arguing in state courts that pro-life laws violate state constitutions.” Read more here.


A New Low, by Leor Sapir. “That a study like this can pass the peer-review process unscathed, especially at a time when European countries are shutting down or putting severe restrictions on pediatric transition, is a sorry statement about the quality of knowledge gatekeeping in the medical research community … The U.S. has a long way to go to bring medical practice in line with scientific knowledge and common sense.” Read more here.


The New Study on Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria Published In “Pediatrics” is Genuinely Worthless, by Jesse Singal. Did you hear? The theory of rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD) has been seriously challenged by research published in a top-flight medical journal. Just happened, thanks to a new study in Pediatrics. As NBC News summed it up, “‘Social contagion’ isn’t causing more youths to be transgender, study finds.” Isn’t causing, full stop. Did the study really find convincing evidence calling this idea into question? No, it did not. The study is a disaster — such a disaster it’s been torn apart by researchers who are very sympathetic to its overall argument. Read more here.


Turban: Even Worse Than We Thought, by Malcolm Richard Clark. Michael Biggs has written a zinger of a letter to Paediatrics, the journal that published Jack Turban’s most recent paper. Unfortunately, Paediatrics has refused to publish it. I’m honoured Michael let me publish it here…” Read more here.


Tavistock Closure Highlights Harms Caused by Radical Gender Theorists, by Barbara Kay. “This English scandal is important for Canada because the Tavistock’s penchant for rushed medicalization is echoed by gender clinics throughout our country. The Children’s Hospital in London, Ont., for example, will now dispense puberty blockers to wait-listed patients ‘prior to their initial appointment.’” Read more here.


HHS Proposal Replaces Medical Ethics With Transgender Ideology, Critics Say, by Tom Tracy. Proposed federal regulatory changes to the Affordable Care Act will mean ‘woke’ political correctness will trump medical and ethical considerations, likely exacerbating a nursing and physician shortage in the U.S. That’s one assessment on the proposed revisions released July 25 by the civil rights office of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that could force health care workers to perform gender transition procedures; require health insurance plans to cover those costs; and likely remove federal conscience protection for those in health care who object to performing abortions. Read more here.


Shuttering the Tavistock, by Bernard Lane. “In plain terms, the verdict against the Tavistock is that its staff allowed gender ideology and experimental drugs to crowd out prudent medicine and exploratory psychotherapy that ought to be open to the full range of possible reasons for a troubled child’s distress. An American-style ‘gender affirming’ treatment model zeroed in on a dysphoric child’s supposedly immutable trans soul, and gave too little weight to a patient’s more earthly issues such as psychiatric disorders, struggles with same-sex attraction, autism, or family trauma.” Read more here.


Daniel’s Story: Why the Battle for Children and Against Radical Gender Ideology is Just Beginning, by Kaylee McGhee White. “It sometimes seems like we’ve reached a turning point in the cultural battle against gender ideology. For example, public opinion is strongly against ‘inclusive’ policies allowing men to compete in women’s sports, which has forced a number of major sports organizations, such as FINA and World Athletics, to reconsider their nonbiological standards. Stories such as one released last week about a male inmate who impregnated two female inmates after being placed in a women’s prison further hit the point home: Gender ideology is asinine, and everyone knows it. Read more here.


Case Study: Mom Begins Socially Transitioning Her 4-Month-Old ‘Theyby,’ by Christina Buttons and Colin Wright. “Every day, countless parents arrive in these private Facebook Groups seeking guidance from strangers … [T]hese groups act as indoctrination centers for scared and confused parents—mostly mothers—looking for help and advice for their equally confused children who have succumbed to gender ideology. But instead of help, Group members guilt trip and shame parents into fast-tracking their children to hormones and surgeries.” Read more here.


Associated Press Injects Woke Ideology Into Its Stylebook, by Jarrett Stepman. “Since 1953, the AP Stylebook has been a go-to manual for journalistic grammar and style at most media outlets. It lays out basic rules about grammar, punctuation, phrasing, and the like, intended to have universal applicability. In the past, it was aimed at reducing bias and creating a framework for evenhanded reporting. Those days are gone. Now, the AP is outright suggesting that reporters inject bias into stories on behalf of the more important goal of diversity, equity, and inclusion. All now must serve the new god, DEI.” Read more here.


The UK Cracks Down While the U.S. Doubles Down on ‘Gender Affirming’ Care, by Jay P. Greene. “American lawmakers need to follow the lead of another country and put the brakes on ‘gender affirming’ procedures for children. Health officials in the United Kingdom are acknowledging the damage being done by pushing puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones onto children at exactly the same time as the Biden administration is demanding that education and health professionals endorse these ‘affirmative’ treatments or face penalties.” Read more here.


When Sperm and Eggs are Monetized, Human Existence Becomes Transactional, by Jordan Boyd. “A viral video of a gay couple discussing how they chose an egg supplier to create a child shows how the process of commissioning life using reproductive technologies can be easily reduced to a transaction that takes physical features and behaviors into account with little regard for the well-being of the supplier.” Read more here.


Telling Kids to Hate Their Biology Might Be What’s Actually Killing Them, by Casey Chalk. “‘Affirming trans children’s genders reduces their risk of attempting suicide’ asserted a March article in Vox, and compared ‘anti-trans legislation’ to genocide (yes, really). A political cartoon in The Washington Post earlier this year even accused Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis of being personally responsible for the suicide of trans children. Yet what if the opposite is true, that promotion of alternative sexual identities among America’s children is aggravating our national mental health crisis, and increasing the likelihood of self-harm among vulnerable young populations?” Read more here.


China’s Government Openly Admits There Is a Population Crisis, by Louis T. March. “The People’s Republic is the world’s elephant in the room. For demographers, it is the canary in the coal mine. The country is headed into a demographic winter. The West and all the rest should take heed … The government is now saying, publicly and unequivocally, that low fertility is ‘the most important risk factor’ facing China. No doubt about that.” Read more here.


Will the Fog of War Smuggle Same-Sex Marriage Into Ukraine? by Mark Regnerus. “While same-sex marriage may seem to be the holy grail of LGBTQ rights, it is no longer the end game for many in the movement. Instead, ‘marriage equality’ often serves as a beachhead from which efforts to further subvert the dimorphic understanding of male and female can be launched. Not only is marriage considered a social construction by many progressives, but so are the very ‘men’ and ‘women’ who compose marriages.” Read more here.


‘Transgender’ Ideology Consistently Harms Women the Most, But No One Seems to Care, by Jonathon Van Maren. “So on one side, we have women—swimmers, cheerleaders, and even female prisoners locked up with inmates calling themselves transgender. On the other hand, we have biological males with the strength, physical characteristics, and genitals of men. The women are saying that they do not want to compete against the men, or bunk with the men, or change next to the men — and they are being told to shut up. Their experiences don’t matter. Their comfort levels don’t matter. Their safety is meaningless.” Read more here.


Killing Babies Isn’t ‘Stabilizing Treatment,’ But the Lying Biden Administration AlreadyKnows That, by Margot Cleveland. “Treating pregnant women’s ’emergency medical conditions’ never requires ER doctors to perform illegal abortions. The Biden administration’s claims to the contrary represent a dishonest attempt to reinject federal courts into state abortion policy following the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey.” Read more here.


No, NYT, The Difference Between Abortion and a Miscarriage Is Not The Mother’s Feelings, by Kylee Griswold. “Abortion’s fiercest advocates are grasping at straws — and unrelated tragedies such as miscarriage — to cling to a barbaric practice. It shouldn’t need to be said, but the reason ‘we talk about miscarriage differently from abortion’ has nothing to do with ‘attachment.’ It’s because it’s perfectly normal to talk about things that are completely different completely differently.” Read more here.


Pro-Lifers Need Not Despair Over Kansas Abortion Setback and Here’s Why, by Michael J. New. “Since abortion is a multibillion-dollar industry subsidized with millions of state and federal taxpayer dollars, supporters of legal abortion can almost always outspend pro-lifers. Indeed, that was the case in this election … Pro-lifers need not despair. Indeed, post-Dobbs pro-lifers have some great opportunities. We should redouble our educational, service, and legislative efforts to protect both women and preborn children. Read more here.


Chemical Abortion Looms as Next Pro-Life Battlefield, by Thomas Jipping. “Abortion chemicals, however, do not simply kill a child in the womb. Women die, and hundreds experience serious adverse drug experiences, every year. For that reason, the FDA instituted in 2007 a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy, which involves more restrictions than otherwise required for FDA-approved drugs. This is the point where the politics of abortion make casualties of children and women.” Read more here.


Sydney to host ‘WorldPride 2023’ in the Middle of a Monkeypox Emergency. And Our Fearless Media are MIA, by Kurt Mahlburg. “Yes, we know. Anyone can get and spread monkeypox. Also: 98% of cases globally are currently men who have sex with men. Yes, we know. Gay promiscuity shouldn’t be blamed for the outbreak. Also: casual sex and group sex is a beloved feature of many in the gay community. But what if promiscuity—heterosexual or homosexual—is wrong? Is there room in the monkeypox discussion for that inconvenient possibility?” Read more here.


Mainstream Media’s Slavish Devotion to the LGBT Agenda Undermines What’s Left of Its Credibility, by Jonathon Van Maren. “Writers are asked to refer to sex change surgeries as ‘gender-confirmation procedures’ or ‘gender-affirming care’ because these procedures ‘can improve psychological well-being and reduce suicidal behavior.’ Abandoning even the pretense of journalistic neutrality, the authors of the guide then specifically condemn legislative efforts to restrict women’s sports to females as well as introduce stricter guidelines around transgender ‘treatments’ for minors. Now, ask yourself this: Can a critic of gender ideology expect to be given a fair hearing by mainstream media organizations guided by these rules?” Read more here.


Don’t Expect Health Officials to Recommend Abstinence to Slow the Spread of Monkeypox, by Jonathon Van Maren. “But casual sex, of course, is an untouchable right post-sexual revolution — and telling LGBT people to curtail their sexual activity is possibly the greatest heresy. And thus the very health officials who shuttered schools, kept people from the bedsides of dying relatives, closed or limited church services, ordered people to stay in their homes, and demanded that everyone stay six feet apart and masked, would not even consider shutting down mass Pride events that became vectors of infection.” Read more here.


ALA Guide to Grooming Young Readers, by Rod Dreher. “It’s really something to think about what a violation of the public trust all this is. These are public employees, meant to staff and administer public institutions. Yet they openly want to subvert the values of that same public, when it comes to sexuality. Do they not fear alienating the people who pay their salaries? I guess not. Nobody has ever made them pay a price for their lying for the sake of colonizing the minds of children. Why should anybody trust these people anymore? If this were a secret plan to put Christian content into the kids’ stacks at the public library, people would be angry. But when it’s the religion of the ruling class, crickets.” Read more here.


Talk to Your Kids About ‘Gender’ Before They Do, by Pamela Buffone. “There are many ways to teach children to be kind and respectful of one another. There are many age-appropriate ways to make all children feel safe and valued for who they are. But facilitating the transition of gender nonconforming children by ‘affirming’ their cross-sex identity rooted in sex stereotypes is not one of them. In fact, it is hard to imagine a form of bullying more severe than convincing children they may need to remove body parts to be their true selves.” Read more here.


Parents, If You Don’t Get a Grip on Your Kids’ Social Media, Trans Activists Will, by  Clare Morell. “Social media and smartphones are harmful to kids … And parents already seem to realize that screens are addictive for kids, so they limit screen time and put boundaries in place around when and how often they can use devices. However, many parents aren’t aware of just how full of harmful content and dangerous voices many of today’s popular apps are. Time limits won’t cut it since even a small amount of time on the wrong apps can be extremely damaging.” Read more here.


Fact-Checking 6 Claims About Life After Roe v. Wade, by Virginia Allen. “When the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade on June 24, Americans went to their computers to find out what life was going to be like in a post-Roe America. From June 23 to 24, Google trends show a 98% increase in searches for the phrase ‘abortion rights.’ And June 23 to 25 saw a 99% jump in those searching for an answer to the question, ‘Is abortion illegal?’ As Americans asked questions, pro-abortion advocates began to warn society of the consequences of the Supreme Court’s decision to overrule Roe in its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.” Read more here.


Top 5 Sinister Ideas Pushed by Pro-Abortion Advocates Post-Roe, by Andrea M. Picciotti-Bayer. “While pro-lifers prepare for a post-Roe era by continuing to promote the dignity of each and every life and the range of supports available for pregnant women, pro-abortion zealots and their allies are pushing a different narrative. Here are five sinister ideas being pushed since Roe v. Wade was overturned.” Read more here.


Medical Care for the Teeniest Patients Keeps Getting Better Despite The Left’s Abortion Obsession, by Chuck Donovan. “A recent front page of The Hartford Courant had an interesting juxtaposition. The headline under the masthead read, ‘Abortion Joins Top Election Issues,’ a reference to developments after the Supreme Court Dobbs ruling on June 24 reversing Roe v. Wade. Immediately below this headline appeared another article, ‘Cutting-edge care for the tiniest patients,’ an account of the new fetal surgery center opening at Connecticut Children’s Hospital in Hartford.” Read more here.


Monkeypox Primarily Affects Gay Men. Why Are We Scared to Say It? by Douglas Blair. “A study published in the New England Journal of Medicine reported that 98% of those infected around the world were gay or bisexual men who were having sex with other men. That seems to indicate definitively that a specific demographic is more at risk for contracting monkeypox than others. Yet the messaging strategy surrounding monkeypox seemingly has sought to obfuscate this fact.” Read more here.


Parents, if You Don’t Get a Grip on Your Kids’ Social Media, Trans Activists Will, by Clare Morell. “The truth is that social media apps today are full of pornography, sexual images, and radical LGBT content directly opposed to conservative values and Christian beliefs. Kids are following and listening to complete strangers, many of them grown adults, whose voices bombard them on social media. And some of the loudest voices recently are those of transgender influencers.” Read more here.


The UK’s Transgender Castle Comes Tumbling Down, by Michael Cook. “Halfway through her investigation into transgender medicine for children in the UK, Dr Hilary Cass has shut down the only gender clinic in the country, radically reorganized the provision of transgender medicine and cast a shadow over its safety. Transgender medicine in the UK is in disarray, following similar turmoil in Sweden, Finland and France.” Read more here.


American Abortion Laws Do Not Require Delaying Treatment for a Mother’s Life-Threatening Condition, by John McCormack. “The fact that some hospitals are unnecessarily delaying care in these life-threatening circumstances is disturbing and dangerous. But the fact that some hospitals are providing substandard care is not proof that their behavior is required by law or even based on a reasonable fear of the law. In Texas, for example, treatment for removing a dead child after a miscarriage is explicitly excluded from the definition of abortion. Yet there are reports of hospitals delaying or denying care even in these cases where the law is as explicit as it gets.” Read more here.


31 States Where Voters Defined Marriage as Union of 1 Man, 1 Woman, by Gillian Richards. “The Supreme Court’s decision legalizing same-sex marriage across the nation is in the news again with the House’s passage last week of legislation codifying that 2015 ruling as part of U.S. law. In the years before the high court ruled in the case known as Obergefell v. Hodges, 38 states defined marriage by law as an exclusive union between one man and one woman. In 31 of these states, voters approved ballot initiatives to amend their state constitutions to define marriage that way.” Read more here.


The Beginning of the End of ‘Gender-Affirming Care’? by Lisa Selin Davis. “The American stance is at odds with a growing consensus in the West to exercise extreme caution when it comes to transitioning young people. Uber-progressive countries like Sweden and Finland have pushed back—firmly and unapologetically—against the affirmative approach of encouraging youth transition advocated by some transgender activists and gender clinicians.” Read more here.


The Times View on the Discredited Gender Identity Service for Young People: Clinical Damage, by The Times. “The once pioneering north London centre focusing on the psychiatric care of children has become an institute captured by a pernicious clique of ‘queer theory’ trans activists, unwilling to question the reliance on puberty blockers, analyse the long-term effects of this untested treatment, or tolerate any dissenting opinion among staff. The Tavistock failed to collect data on puberty blockers for those under 16, refused to follow up the effects of its treatments and paid virtually no attention to other common factors such as autism, eating disorders or histories of trauma and abuse.” Read more here.


Gender Clinics Face Scrutiny of Science at Last, by Janice Turner. “Writing on this topic, I’ve often encountered facts so dangerous and beliefs so bizarre, so beyond science or reason, it’s been hard to convey their existence. Listen, you say, British doctors are prescribing a drug used to chemically castrate rapists to halt puberty in children as young as 11. The drug isn’t even approved for child gender dysphoria. It reduces growth and bone density, sterilises and kills future libido. And, get this, we don’t know what it does to teenagers’ developing brains, or even if it works and they become happy, fulfilled trans adults. Because there’s no data, no long-term research.” Read more here.


Neglect of Fathers is Neglect of America, by Emma Fuentes and Michael Toscano. “A father’s presence improves a child’s life in many respects, including socio-economically, as described in a recent report from the Institute for Family Studies. A young man who has a father in his life is more likely to graduate college, avoid prison, and be less idle … This isn’t surprising, and it shouldn’t be. It’s sensible that a father who is present provides ongoing structural support for his child. Even his mere presence affects a child’s outlook. But children need involved fathers more than just present ones.” Read more here.


Is U.S. Dobbs Decision Affecting the Global Abortion Debate? By Rebecca Oas. “The UK government quietly removed abortion friendly language from a statement on religious freedom. It has drawn a strong rebuke from the sexual left that worries the recent Dobbs decision overturning the federal abortion regime in the United States may be causing negative reverberations around the world.” Read more here.


Indiana’s Legal Fight Highlights the Absurdity of the Transgender Movement, by Zachary Faria. “Children suffering from gender dysphoria deserve sympathy. They do not deserve this kind of abuse — to be pushed along this path by parents and liberal activists starting as young as 4 (or even 3). Instead, groups like the ACLU will say that our entire legal system, and our entire understanding of basic biology, must be bent to the whims of transgender activists and the children they use as props. It is a terrible movement with despicable tactics, and it must be opposed every time it picks a fight against normalcy and sanity.” Read more here.


The Dangerous Overreach of California’s SB107, by Wesley Yang and Lisa Selin Davis. “How could it be better for a child to undergo surgeries or intensive hormonal treatments without parental consent or knowledge or even without parents? How is it better for kids to be separated from one or both parents if those parents disagree with this medical path, especially when the only half-way decent prospective research we have is on kids who transition after serious and long-term mental health evaluation and who have parental support?” Read more here.


The NCAA Finally Decided to Support Women in Women’s Sports Again. by Christopher Tremoglie. “After months of promoting a man as a heroine in women’s sports, common sense, at least for the moment, appears to be back at the NCAA. The organization chose a woman to represent the Ivy League for its annual Woman of the Year honors. While this statement would have been unthinkable just a year ago, the nomination of the male Lia Thomas by the University of Pennsylvania as its representative for Female Athlete of the Year shows how wacky and ridiculous things have become.” Read more here.


The Stakes Are Far Too High to Stay Silent, by James Esses. “One afternoon in May of last year, as I was sitting at my desk, an email notification from my university course appeared on my screen. ‘Termination of Contract’ was the subject line. I crumbled into pieces on the floor … I had devoted four years of my life towards training to become a psychotherapist and spent tens of thousands of pounds in the process. But all it took was a single email for my hard work and future aspirations to come crashing down. The question going round and round inside my head was ‘Why?’” Read more here.


What Happened in Finland and Sweden?, by Lisa Selin Davis. “Earlier this year, as the U.S. culture war over trans kids was reaching full tilt, Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare (NBHW) released new guidelines for treating young people with gender dysphoria, or what is increasingly called ‘gender incongruence.’ … They read: ‘The NBHW deems that the risks of puberty suppressing treatment with GnRH-analogues and gender-affirming hormonal treatment currently outweigh the possible benefits, and that the treatments should be offered only in exceptional cases.’ … Why, I wondered, were Sweden and Finland proceeding so differently, and without the political turmoil that has enveloped what is arguably America’s most virulent culture war? What could they teach us?” Read more here.


‘Small’ Concessions to Transgenderism Are Slowly Reshaping Our Entire Culture, by Jonathon Van Maren. “Individually, these things may seem small. But collectively, they are reshaping the culture around us, brick by brick. The relentless drip-drip-drip of gender ideology on police posters; on TV; in the dictionaries—wears down cultural resistance. The consistent violence being done to objective reality begins to acclimatize us to the bizarre, the false, and the Lie. Eventually, we lose our ability to be shocked. Slowly, the new language no longer jars us. And then, eventually, it all begins to seem normal. Bearded women. Men in skirts. Children undergoing surgery and beginning lifelong regimens of drugs. That is why these seemingly small incidents are, when you zoom, out, important to call out and important to reject—because of where they are taking us.” Read more here.


As Reproductive Technology Advances, Remember: Just Because We Can Doesn’t Mean We Should, by Jordan Boyd. “While young men and women in America are committing to sterilization in protest of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision, others are selling their bodies and gametes to an industry with little regulation, oversight, regard for children’s rights, or understanding of the benefits of traditional marriage and family. Reproductive technologies have been around for decades, but as their effects play out in society, ethical issues have already surfaced and will continue to do so. Just because science and technology mean we can do something doesn’t mean we should.” Read more here.


Next Up in Female Employees Exploited By Profit-Driven Abortion Payouts: Lawyers, by John Soriano. “In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs that will send abortion policy decisions back to the states, many big corporations with offices in abortion-restricting states immediately promised to pay all expenses incurred by employees who travel to different states to receive abortions. This may seem like the typical woke virtue-signaling by Big Business, but something much more sinister underlies this move. This is, in reality, a coldly calculated effort to bolster productivity and profits. Paying for abortions is much cheaper than paying for pregnancy, childbirth, and maternity leave. Abortion is good for the bottom line.” Read more here.


How Pregnancy Resource Shelter Helped Me Follow My Dreams—Without Sacrificing My Children, by Rachael Y. “So many women think an unplanned (or even planned) pregnancy will make their life fall apart—especially single moms. I understand their fear because I was once in their shoes. But abortion is not the only option. I found it empowering to choose life for my children, and to work through the difficulties that accompany that.” Read more here.


Gender Ideology Comes to Germany, by Uwe Steinhoff. “Whenever one imagines that “progressive” postures on transgender rights couldn’t become any more bizarre, some new controversy emerges to prove you wrong. This has been the pattern in English-speaking countries for years now. But the trend has now made its way to Germany where, if you can believe it, “gender-critical” scholars who dispute the excesses of gender ideology have been compared to Holocaust deniers.” Read more here.


I Would Have Been a ‘Trans Kid’—Stop Medicalizing Gender Non-Conformity, by Eva Kurilova. “Some of my earliest memories are of the adults in my life telling me I would one day grow out of being so boyish. In some ways I did, and in some ways I didn’t, but the important thing is that I was allowed to grow up without skeptical glances from adults viewing my sex-atypical behavior as evidence I may have been born in the wrong body. But this is increasingly not the case for young girls today who exhibit behaviors and interests similar to mine growing up. Instead, many are now sent down the path of transition.” Read more here.


Republicans Should Reject the Gay-Marriage Bill, by National Review Editors. “We do not deny that committed same-sex relationships can and often do have much of great value: affection, mutual caregiving, love. Some same-sex relationships clearly exceed some opposite-sex ones in these important measures. But marriage as an institution, including its governmental dimension, does not exist to award certificates of worthiness on loving relationships. Love needs no license from the state. The stipulation that marriage unites two people, and only two people, does not rest on any official determination that three or more people cannot have the same feelings for one another, provide the same care, and so on — as ‘throuples’ have increasingly insisted that they can since Obergefell.” Read more here.


A New Climate Study Embraces Gender Unrealities, by Debra Soh. “Activists have so thoroughly enmeshed themselves in academia that they have managed to brainwash and intimidate researchers who purportedly care about women’s well-being into embracing an agenda that undermines it. For example, proposed solutions, such as ‘shelters and relief services (including toilets and bath areas) designed to be exclusively accessed by women, girls, and sexual and gender minorities,’ don’t acknowledge the risk of sexual predation in gender self-identified spaces.” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood Tried to Open a Facility in a High School. Then Parents Showed Up, by Tori Shaw. “The Norwalk-LaMirada Unified School District in Southern California planned to vote on a program that would allow Planned Parenthood to open a facility at John Glenn High School in Norwalk. But they didn’t anticipate the overwhelmingly negative response from parents. Originally, the school district planned to have a vote on the issue during a school board meeting on July 18th. But in a short press release, they announced the vote would be postponed, with no rescheduled date given. It is believed that the widespread anger from parents over the plan may have led to the proposal being abandoned.” Read more here.


Rules Preventing Men From Competing in Women’s Sports Aren’t a ‘Moral Panic,’ by Zachary Faria. “The ‘moral panic’ over transgenderism has come from transgender activists and those who support them. They insist that biology is meaningless and that men must be able to compete against women and enter women’s spaces, no matter how unfair (or even dangerous) that is for women. FINA, World Athletics, and other governing bodies are reacting to the anti-science, anti-woman movement that would destroy the integrity of women’s sports.” Read more here.


The Left’s Trans Agenda Is All About Erasing the Past to Control The Future, by Jordan Boyd. “The left’s war on the past shows their ferocious desire to control the future. By normalizing sexual chaos in the now and using that to contextualize the past, transgenderism activists are chipping away at the foundations of humanity. To participate in their charade, you must reject biology on all counts and accept what false narrative is force-fed to you as tolerance and acceptance.” Read more here.


House-Passed ‘Respect for Marriage Act’ Isn’t About Marriage. It’s About Complying With Woke Ideology, by Jared Eckert. “Despite its name, the bill isn’t about marriage or respect at all. It’s about imposing the radical left’s sexual ideology as state orthodoxy. Final passage would mean states no longer are allowed to define and recognize marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman. Instead, they would be forced to recognize any union between two individuals, regardless of sex, as marriage. Even more radical, the bill would require federal recognition of polygamy if just one state requires it.” Read more here.


FDA Approval of Over-the-Counter Birth Control Puts Women’s Health at Risk, by Dr. David Gortler. “Making contraceptives over the counter could lead to increases in morbidity and mortality in the forms of stroke, heart disease, blood clots, and cancer. Additionally, birth control interactions with existing over-the-counter and prescription drugs could lead to an increased incidence of unexpected pregnancies.” Read more here.


The New Battleground: Medication Abortion, by Michael Cook. “Like everything else in the abortion debate, the facts about medication abortion are disputed. It’s clearly not risk-free. According to the FDA, 26 American women have died after using Mifepristone for their abortions. The Charlotte Lozier Institute, a pro-life think tank, claims that ‘Chemical abortion has a complication rate four times that of surgical abortion, and as many as one out of five women will suffer a complication.’ It also points out that medication abortions have unpredictable social effects. ‘With no medical oversight, abortion pills can fall into the hands of traffickers and abusive partners. Already, there are accounts of women being given abortion pills without their knowledge and against their will.’” Read more here.


Will the Fog of War Smuggle Same-Sex Marriage Into Ukraine?, by Mark Regnerus. “While same-sex marriage may seem to be the holy grail of LGBTQ rights, it is no longer the end game for many in the movement. Instead, ‘marriage equality’ often serves as a beachhead from which efforts to further subvert the dimorphic understanding of male and female can be launched. Not only is marriage considered a social construction by many progressives, but so are the very ‘men’ and ‘women’ who compose marriages.’” Read more here.

Even Feminists Are Facing Prison Time for Questioning Transgender Ideology, by Jonathon Van Maren. “If trans activists get their way, pointing out that the emperor has no clothes — and specifically, that his lack of clothes makes it clear that she’s a he — will be illegal and prosecutable … Thus, it is no exaggeration to state that even as the backlash against transgender ideology grows, people are being fined and even jailed for refusing to bow the knee.” Read more here 


Sexual Liberation in Public Schools, by Christopher F. Rufo. “Los Angeles Unified School District has adopted a radical gender-theory curriculum encouraging teachers to work toward the ‘breakdown of the gender binary,’ to experiment with gender pronouns such as ‘they,’ ‘ze,’ and ‘tree,’ and to adopt ‘trans-affirming’ programming to make their classrooms ‘queer all school year.’” Read more here.


When a Quarter of the Class Identifies as Trans, by Anonymous. “My daughter’s trans identity started when the school taught a module on ‘identity’ during which they told a group of 11-year-olds that, if you feel uncomfortable in your body, it means you are transgender. My daughter had just had her first period two months prior to this class. Of course she was feeling uncomfortable in her body. She went home, looked up ‘transgender’ on Tiktok, and that was it. She was now trans.” Read more here.


Pediatric Gender Medicine and the Moral Panic Over Suicide, by Leor Sapir. “The affirm-or-suicide mantra has become the central strategy of contemporary transgender activism, and at times it would seem that activists have little else in their rhetorical arsenal … Despite the unwaveringly confident manner in which these claims are often asserted, there is no good evidence that failing to ‘affirm’ minors in their ‘gender identity’ will increase the likelihood of them committing suicide.” Read more here.


Setting Fathers Against Sons, by John Hirschauer. “Consider the Biden administration’s reaction to Florida’s Parental Rights in Education Act, which is a completely benign piece of legislation that, if anything, does not go far enough … When the bill was first advanced, Biden called it ‘hateful’ and told ‘every member of the LGBTQI+ community,’ including ‘the kids,’ that his ‘Administration will continue to fight for the protections and safety you deserve.’ But whom, exactly, does the Biden administration intend to ‘protect’ the children from? Certainly not the school counselors who would circumvent parental authority and tell a confused boy that he is, in fact, a girl, and certainly not the teachers who use their positions of power to push queer theory in the classroom.” Read more here.


Why America Needs Churches, by Ben Carson. “Religious institutions and faith-based organizations are central to the resiliency and strength of communities. From providing comfort in times of turmoil, to support in times of need, to guidance in times of uncertainty, such establishments have long been a pillar of life and society.” Read more here.


10 Ways the Pro-Abortion Left Proves It Isn’t Pro-Choice or Pro-Women, by Beth Whitehead. “The left is feeding a false narrative to women: While they boast of championing a right to choose, what they really do to women is hide facts, promote dangerous procedures, and divorce them from the best resources — all in the name of abortion. The left crucifies pro-life pregnancy centers for hoodwinking women into keeping their babies and tells them they are making an informed choice if they abort their children. But is consent really informed if the information is based on lies?” Read more here.


Defenders of Traditional Marriage Should Follow the Pro-Life Playbook, by Katy Faust And Stacy Manning. “Proponents of both abortion and gay marriage often appeal to ‘edge cases,’ outliers like rape and incest or, ‘so you’d rather have a child languish in an orphanage than adopted by a gay couple?’ A solid pro-life and pro-marriage response requires readiness to respond to the rare exception argument. Just as the one percent of rape cases do not negate a child’s right to life, the slim instances of a same-sex couple being the only option for an adoption do not justify rewriting parenthood law.” Read more here.


An Open Letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics, by Genspect. “We are very concerned that the AAP is currently representing only one set of views on how best to help our children thrive—namely both social (names, pronouns, etc.) and medical transition (puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, surgeries), which the AAP refers to as ‘affirmative care.’ Many of our children have received this care and are anything but thriving.” Read more here.


The Brazen Transgender Policy Agenda, by Madeleine Kearns. “It’s incredible how brazen the transgender policy agenda has become. Rachel Levine, Biden’s assistant secretary for health, in the Department of Health and Human Services, says he’d like to ‘empower’ children to seek out ‘gender-affirmation treatment’ in their state. Stripped of its euphemisms, what Levine would like to see is more gender-confused children going on experimental puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones and undergoing surgeries.” Read more here.


Acknowledging “Trans” As A Coherent Concept Is a Fatal Own Goal for Feminists, by Kara Dansky. “Many feminists rightly take issue with self-ID. It is patently absurd for society and the law to accept that men can be women simply on the basis of their say-so or because they don a dress and lipstick. Accepting self-ID represents a complete redefinition of the words ‘women’ and ‘woman,’ and many people, especially feminists and our allies, find that concept to be deeply troubling. On what basis, after all, have we been fighting for our rights all this time if sex does not exist?” Read more here.


Woke ‘Rights’ Are All Based on Coercion, by, Georgi Boorman. “A baby’s right to life obviously doesn’t supersede a mother’s right to life. That may be a reason to deliver a baby early, even too early to survive, but not a reason for deliberate destruction. What opponents of abortion are referring to, and what is being debated, is not situations in which carrying a preborn baby endangers the mother. The practice we condemn is the premeditated killing of a baby in the womb because that baby is not wanted, whether because of his paternity, apparent defect, or general inconvenience to the parents.” Read more here.


No, Dr. Hurwitz, Signs Don’t Kill Children and Transing Doesn’t Save Them, by Stephen Scaer. “Yes, gender dysphoric children have a higher rate of suicide; so do children with eating disorders, but therapists don’t tell anorexic girls, ‘Yes, you’re fat. Here’s a referral for a gastric bypass surgery.’ Suicide is complicated, and rarely has just one cause. Moreover, two-thirds of those with gender dysphoria have other mental health disorders. Also concerning is that a disproportionate number of children with autism are identifying as trans.” Read more here.


Library Group Recommends ‘Pronoun Book’ for Infants, by Joshua Arnold. ‘Children’s entertainment’ is no longer guaranteed to be appropriate for children. With Disney vowing to promote sexual perversion, and a drag queen story hour targeting children in every city, this conclusion has become increasingly obvious. Yet, somehow, the Association for Library Service to Children has managed (or is it womanaged?) to up the ante yet again, aiming woke propaganda not at kindergartners, but at infants.” Read more here.


Paying for Workers’ Abortions is a Minefield, by Bill Donohue. “The ruling class, which has lined up in jackboot fashion behind the left-wing agenda, is very proud of its virtue signaling. They will soon change their tune once they are faced with the realities of their decision. Make no mistake, they have created an ethical and legal minefield for themselves. On the ethical front, how do these companies explain their total lack of interest in paying women to access adoption services? If they are truly pro-choice, why is this option not being funded?” Read more here.


Lia Thomas’ ‘Woman of the Year’ Award Is More of the Left’s War on Women, by Pamela Geller. “The award is supposed to recognize female student athletes who have done great things. The NCAA nomination page says: ‘Established in 1991, the award recognizes female student-athletes who have exhausted their eligibility and distinguished themselves in their community, in athletics and in academics throughout their college careers.’ In announcing the award, UPenn said that NCAA member schools ‘are encouraged to celebrate their top graduating female student-athletes by nominating them for the NCAA Woman of the Year Award.’ Amid all this self-congratulation, one important fact has been overlooked: Lia Thomas is not a woman. Lia Thomas is a man.” Read more here.


No One Seems to Know What a Woman Is, by Debra Soh. “The desire to remove discriminatory barriers to healthcare is admirable, but importing an extreme-left framework isn’t the way to do it. How can anyone advocate the well-being of women and girls without an accurate understanding of who among us are female? Regarding the claim that gender and sex are nonbinary, gender fluidity is a political designation, not a scientific one. As well, the existence of intersex people does not represent a third sex but variation within binary sex categories.” Read more here.


HHS Promotes Lie That Abortion Bans Endanger Women’s Health, by Katelynn Richardson. “With no state prohibiting treatment for ectopic pregnancy, the HHS declaration is entirely unnecessary and functions only to muddy the waters further with the lie that abortion bans endanger women’s lives. The confusion is intentional. It’s not hard to see the act potentially being used as cover for abortions that do not legitimately qualify as emergencies.” Read more here.


‘What Planet Am I On?’: Stumbling Across The ‘Protect Trans Youth’ Booth In My Small Town, by Matt Keener. “As a society, we do not let these children drive, vote, get married, drink alcohol, or buy a gun, but they are ready to make permanent alterations to their development or mutilate their genitals? In so many instances, it seems these children need love, care, and a mom and dad. Instead, we are indoctrinating them on the trans movement and offering a sex change as the solution.” Read more here.


The UK is Running Out of Children. Would Tax Incentives Help? by Louis T. March. “Dr Morland floated ‘taxing the childless’ along with several other ideas. Why? Because ‘we are approaching a population emergency, and if well-informed people cannot discuss these matters, the field is left to cranks and fanatics.’ While politicians focus on the next election rather than the next generation, Dr Morland realises an unfolding crisis is afoot, has the courage to publicly raise the issue and offers comprehensive solutions.” Read more here.


UK: The Tide Turns in Favour of Women, by Rachael Wong, “Brits are starting to wake up to the harms of gender ideology and to the fact that women’s rights are inextricably linked to biological reality. It is because of women like Forstater that this is even an issue in the UK leadership bid, and that individuals and organisations are now becoming more comfortable to speak out. Her case was pivotal. As one commentator has noted, in ‘[ensuring] gender-critical beliefs are protected by law, [her case] has played a role in creating the space for these discussions to happen.’” Read more here.


Local Prosecutors Can’t Protect Abortion Rights, by David A. Graham. “The federal government, in the form of the Court, has ruled that abortion should be a matter for states … Meanwhile, at the local level, a few prosecutors in states with abortion bans have announced that they will not bring charges under those laws … Prosecutors don’t often publicly pledge not to enforce state laws. Can they do it? And will it actually work to protect abortion rights? The answers are yes and probably not, respectively.” Read more here.


Biden Admin’s Plan to Export Abortion Defies Our Laws and an International Treaty, by Valerie Huber. “In response to Roe being overturned, Secretary of State Antony Blinken doubled down on the Biden administration’s commitment to exporting and promoting abortion. The fact of the matter is that there are standing laws — as well as longstanding international agreements — prohibiting this sort of practice … Exporting abortion isn’t just wrong from a diplomatic and moral perspective; it is illegal. Read more here.


Case Study: A Mother Rushes To Get Her 15-Year Old Daughter’s Breasts Removed, by Christina Buttons and Colin Wright. “Every day, countless parents arrive in these private Facebook Groups seeking guidance from strangers. As we have reported elsewhere, these groups act as indoctrination centers for scared and confused parents—mostly mothers—looking for help and advice for their equally confused children who have succumbed to gender ideology. But instead of help, Group members guilt trip and shame parents into fast-tracking their children to hormones and surgeries.” Read more here.


The Left’s Alarming Push to Sever the Parent-Child Relationship Has Hit the Medical Industry, by Libs of TikTok. “The Left’s agenda to groom your children has taken another turn. Various states across America have begun implementing laws and policies to allow children to make healthcare decisions without a parent or guardian’s consent — and the medical industry is promoting it. Many of these states are using these new laws to allow for drastic medical decisions to be made without parental consent including hormone therapy, gender reassignment surgery, and medicated mental health treatment. In Washington, children as young as 13 are now allowed to undergo gender reassignment surgery and other questionable medical treatments without parental consent.” Read more here.


‘We Love Killing Babies’: What I Saw at Women’s March Protest, by Douglas Blair. “Protests around the nation continue in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and return the issue of abortion to the American people … The protesters made their way through the streets of Washington D.C., chanting and yelling all the while … As the pro-abortion group turned to head towards the White House, one of the protesters blocked a pro-life sign and screamed ‘We love killing babies!’” Read more here.


Abortion Regret Is Real, Despite Media’s Attempts to Dismiss Those Who Experience It, by Bettina di Fiore. “The fact is, there are thousands of women in online support groups — like the aptly named site, I regret my abortion — and thousands more signing up for programs like Rachel’s Vineyard, which aims to help women process grief and trauma following pregnancy loss of all kinds, including and especially abortion. The website Silent No More Awareness has over 3,000 personal testimonies of abortion regret – and it’s just one of many sites that have compiled similar narratives. The Washington Post implies that these thousands upon thousands of women don’t exist – or maybe just that they don’t matter.” Read more here.


The Church of England Doesn’t Know What a Woman Is, by Katelynn Richardson. “Descending further into liberal madness, the Church of England just announced it has “no official definition” of a woman. It’s not much of a surprise, since the church has continually made headlines for its gender activism in recent years. In 2018, it produced guidance on how clergy could use the rite of Affirmation of Baptismal Faith to celebrate a person’s new transgender identity and publicly use the individual’s new name.” Read more here.


Why Are So Many Children Claiming to Be ‘Trans’? By Jonathon Van Maren. “It has been four years since Dr. Lisa Littman of Brown University was viciously attacked for publishing a paper titled “Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria.” Littman revealed that a key reason for the exponential growth of children and teens identifying as transgender is that gender ideology has become a peer contagion. Nearly every week since Littman’s much-maligned research was published, new evidence has emerged that she was correct. “ Read more here.


Supreme Court Abortion Ruling Does Not Ban Treatment for Ectopic Pregnancies; Pro-Choice Claim is Dangerous, by Jonathan Turley. “…[T]he ectopic pregnancy talking point is not just false, it is dangerous. These pregnancies can be life-threatening and must be addressed as soon as possible. These interventions are not abortions and even restrictive states expressly state so. …[E]ven if the law were silent on ectopic pregnancies, it is doubtful that the courts would ignore the medical and factual classifications to treat such emergency procedures as abortions or ignore that the mother’s life is in danger from such pregnancies.” Read more here.


Vanderbilt Health Is Gender-Bending Tennessee Minors Without Parental Consent, by Landon Starbuck. “…[P]arents report that their kids can make their own medical decisions, hide their health records, and schedule private one-on-one appointments with doctors who can begin the process of gender transition treatment without parental consent once they turn 13. So-called ‘mature minor’ doctrines around the country have led to dangerous drugs being prescribed without parents knowing about it and even procedures being performed without their knowledge.” Read more here.


Biden’s New Executive Order on Abortion Is Full of Fearmongering and Half-Truths, by Nicole Russell. “…[P]er the administration’s policies, the order will create a new task force on reproductive healthcare. Perhaps Biden’s team has difficulty reading opinions, but the Supreme Court just stripped the federal government of its standing power to hold abortion in its hand. The abortion issue must be handled by each state individually or by Congress at a federal level. A reproductive healthcare task [sic] is not only meaningless but likely without jurisdiction or authority to institute change.” Read more here.


Look How Even Democrat Opinion Shifts on Abortion Laws When Polls Stop Using Leftist Framing, by Beth Whitehead. “Fifty-three percent said they support, versus 31 percent who opposed, Roe v. Wade when it was presented to them as the keystone to recognizing abortion as a so-called ‘constitutional right,’ which is the left’s framing of the issue. But when participants learned Roe allowed for late-term abortions, when unborn babies can feel pain, those numbers reversed and then some: 56 percent said they opposed Roe v. Wade, and only 28 percent supported it.” Read more here.


Children Should Not Be Politicized, Especially When It Comes to Transgenderism, by Zachary Faria. “Roughly 80% of children who claim to be transgender grow out of it by the time they become adults. The procedures being pushed on these children, ranging from puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to surgical transitions, have permanent effects that cannot simply be reversed if someone changes their mind. Children are pushed down this irreversible path based on decisions that they make when they are as young as 4, as Shappley was. A 13-year-old is not fit to make those kinds of decisions, let alone a preschooler, yet that’s what media outlets are promoting through Shappley.” Read more here.


Biden’s Abortion Order Undermines SCOTUS and Democracy by Seizing Power From Voters and Giving It to Feds, by Jordan Boyd. “In response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson ruling, … President Joe Biden signed an executive order on Friday that pushes his taxpayer-funded, abortion-on-demand agenda to the top of his administration’s priority list. The order will funnel federal time, resources, and funds … to shield existing abortion clinics, promote unlimited abortion, and circumvent Republican state laws to help send women to abortion appointments in other states.” Read more here.


Senator Elizabeth Warren Introduces Bill Attacking Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers, by Nancy Flanders. “Might Warren and her colleagues instead be attacking pregnancy centers because without Roe, abortion businesses may face closure or a decline in patients and income, and they view pregnancy centers as their competition? Shutting down or tying the hands of the centers that provide abortion alternatives will only accomplish one thing: more women will walk through the doors of abortion facilities.” Read more here.


Homosexual and Transgender Issues Backfire on Western States at UN, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “While he rejected violence against any person on any grounds, he said ‘we cannot support efforts to invent new rights on the basis of personal sexual preferences.’ He also accused Western countries of undermining ‘respect for diversity and pluralism’ when they promote divisive policies that ‘run counter to the social, cultural and religious particularity’ of different countries, and urged respect for the family as the ‘natural and fundamental unit of society.’” Read more here.


Planned Parenthood CEO Outlines Next Steps Following Roe v. Wade Overturn, by Madeline Leesman. “McGill Johnson shared the abortion organization’s three major goals with The Guardian. First, she wants to help women seeking an abortion cross state lines in order to do so… Next, McGill Johnson wants to win lawsuits in state courts where abortion access is restricted… And, McGill Johnson wants to ‘win at the ballot box’ where constituents vote for pro-abortion politicians.” Read more here.


Why the Arguments About ‘Bodily Autonomy’ and ‘Forced Birth’ Fail to Justify Abortion, by Ryan T. Anderson and Alexandra Desanctis. “For many abortion supporters, that is the aim: allowing mothers and fathers to choose abortion … as a means of eliminating their unwanted child from the world. The bodily autonomy arguments for abortion fail to acknowledge that all our liberties have limits. One standard limit on our liberty is that we aren’t allowed to intentionally kill innocent people. Whether those other people are in utero or ex utero, the same basic principle applies.” Read more here.


Young Democrats of America Advertises ‘Training’ Event on ‘Self-Managed Abortion,’ by Rebecca Downs. “An upcoming event hosted by Young Democrats of America (YDA) is being met with horror as the group advertises a ‘training’ event on ‘What Is Self-Managed Abortion?’ A tweet from YDA … noted that they were ‘thrilled’ to educate people on how women can have a ‘self-managed abortion.’ This tweet garnered a particular amount of attention, with many outright calling the group ‘demonic.’” Read more here.


Undercover Footage: Women Drugged With Xanax Before Speaking to Abortionist, by Rebecca Downs. “The undercover footage, filmed in January of this year with a pregnant investigative activist presenting herself as a patient, reveals that patients have to take Xanax and have their pants off when speaking to the abortionist. A nurse also reveals that they perform ‘a lot’ of abortions at or past 28 weeks – the start of the third trimester – that are not for medical emergencies.” Read more here.


The Numbers Behind Pennsylvania’s Turmoil Over Transgender Women in Prison, by Fred Lucas. “Almost 200 biological males behind bars in Pennsylvania’s state prisons say they identify as women. A small number of them are seeking a transfer to a women’s prison… However, in response to the question of how many male inmates who self-identify as women have at least one conviction for either sexual abuse or sexual assault, the Department of Corrections said: ‘This information does not exist.’” Read more here.


It’s Past Time for America to Have Stronger Pro-Life Laws Than Europe, by Shawn Fleetwood. “While any pro-life legislation to protect the unborn is welcome, the striking down of Roe offers legislators nationwide the unique opportunity to show Europe — and the rest of the world — what it means to defend and promote liberty and justice for all. For many, America has stood as a beacon of freedom and liberty in the world for decades, where the natural rights endowed by God are to be guaranteed to every individual. It’s past time we live up to such ideals and extend them to every human being in our nation, no matter how young.” Read more here.


Millions of Women Will Be Free From Abortion’s Hidden Costs, by Elayne Allen. “When a baby enters the scene unexpectedly, it’s understandable that parents sometimes blanch initially. New life means significant adjustments: pregnancy is hard on women’s bodies, and children require vast effort, time, and resources… But it’s hard to see how presenting women with a devastating choice is the best solution to the dilemma of undesired pregnancy. No woman … should face the horror of considering whether to end her baby’s life.” Read more here.


Harvard Poll Demolishes Major Media Narrative on Roe, by Jordan Boyd. “As a matter of fact, the majority of Americans, 72 percent, support bans on abortions at least as restrictive as a ban after 15 weeks of gestation. Even 60 percent of Democrats say their states should allow abortions no later than 15 weeks. That’s a drastically different position than Democrat politicians’ calls for unlimited abortion and the media’s amplification of that radical position.” Read more here.


The Ethics of Abortion: Clarifying Misconceptions, by Melissa Moschella. “Now that authority to determine abortion policy has finally been returned to the people through their elected representatives, persuading our fellow citizens that the lives of the unborn deserve legal protection is more important than ever. Unfortunately, however, public debates about abortion are distorted by numerous misconceptions and misleading slogans. Identifying and correcting these misconceptions is crucial if we are to have a reasonable public dialogue about this important and sensitive issue.” Read more here.


It’s Time to Retire Pride Month, by Christopher Tremoglie. “Pride Month was originally built around the commemoration of the 1969 Stonewall riots… But what was once a month to promote gay equality has turned into a cesspool of hedonistic debauchery. Pride celebrations throughout the country feature grotesque displays of fetishes and sexual perversions in public… This isn’t even about homosexuality – it is about parades that feature drag queens mimicking sexual acts in public, half-naked people wearing BDSM masks while interacting with children, and many other performances that can only be called deviant.” Read more here.


UN Bureaucrats Lash Out Angrily at U.S. Abortion Ruling, by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “UN bureaucrats and human rights experts lost no time in denouncing the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the almost-fifty-year-old ruling that made abortion on demand the law of the U.S… While the Dobbs decision does not directly affect U.S. foreign policy, for an influential, sovereign nation to explicitly strike down abortion as a right sends a powerful message to other countries who have been repeatedly told that they are obliged to liberalize their own abortion laws.” Read more here.


People Are Waking Up to the Reality of Gender, by Tom Joyce. “Transgenderism is an issue on which conservatives are enjoying success in the battle of public opinion for a few reasons. The biggest one is that they have biology on their side. If someone is a man, he is a man… Parents also don’t like seeing this woke gender ideology seep into their children’s schools, especially in the lower grade levels. Parents want a safe place for their children to learn – not a place for some stranger to inject them with a liberal worldview.” Read more here.


Americans’ Complex Views on Gender Identity and Transgender Issues, by Kim Parker, Juliana Menasce Horowitz and Anna Brown. “Roughly six-in-ten adults (58%) favor proposals that would require transgender athletes to compete on teams that match the sex they were assigned at birth (17% oppose this, 24% neither favor nor oppose). And 46% favor making it illegal for health care professionals to provide someone younger than 18 with medical care for a gender transition (31% oppose). The public is more evenly split when it comes to making it illegal for public school districts to teach about gender identity in elementary schools…” Read more here.


Why Did My Daughter Become Trans? by Jo Brown. “It seems that a trans identity is offered to kids these days as a way out of their confusion and misery. All of us, or at least everyone that I have been close to, can remember our adolescence as difficult years. Feeling unacceptable, substandard, not cool enough. We struggled, were unhappy, but eventually found our way through… What we did not have were people whispering to us in our bedrooms that our gender identity was the problem and changing it the solution.” Read more here.


The Dark Side of Gender Transition Is Only Beginning to Reveal Itself, and It’s Tragic, by Elizabeth Stauffer. “Gender ideology, the idea that gender is a fluid construct rather than an undeniable biological fact, has made its way into just about every part of our culture, from Hollywood films to public school curricula. And it is now making its way into our medical system, with potentially grievous consequences for young children and adults.” Read more here.


Listening to People Who Detransition, by John Stonestreet and Kasey Leander. “…[W]e must not buy into any ‘inevitability thesis’ when it comes to trans ideology. We aren’t on the wrong side of history, or of our religious beliefs, or of love. The number of detransition stories coming out of the UK are a good example that, if anything, America is out of step with much of the rest of the world, who are currently applying the brakes to ‘gender transitioning’ therapies for minors.” Read more here.


Post-Roe America Begins Now, by Kathryn Lopez. “Why choose death when we are meant for life? Why snuff out the innocent when they deserve our protection? Why pretend that abortion doesn’t harm, when it in fact kills a child and often inflicts psychic damage on parents? The end of Roe v. Wade isn’t the end of the world. It’s a new day where motherhood can get the attention it deserves. Celebrate life. Embrace it. Surround it with love and resources.” Read more here.


Post-Dobbs, the Abortion Battle Hits Activist State Courts, by Margot Cleveland. “…[T]he U.S. Supreme Court declared it was returning the authority to regulate or prohibit abortion ‘to the people and their elected representatives.’ The abortion lobby, however, has no intention of leaving the legality of abortions to the American public. Instead, it will seek to create an abortion-on-demand regime via activist state judges. Countering this strategy must take priority, or Dobbs will be for naught.” Read more here.


Parents Face Even More Than the Destruction of Their Daughters’ Sports as Title IX Turns 50, by Sharon Supp. “Under the influence of Washington, D.C., more schools are likely to put into practice an extreme and destructive gender ideology without parental knowledge or consent. And the White House has further undermined parental rights by issuing an executive order aimed at censoring talk therapy for kids who are struggling with gender dysphoria. Parents have the right to make decisions for both their children’s education and healthcare without government interference.” Read more here.


What We Saw During ‘Night of Rage’ Pro-Abortion Protest, by Douglas Blair and Virginia Allen. “As the sun set over Washington, D.C., hundreds of pro-abortion demonstrators stood chanting and holding signs outside the Supreme Court. Rally speakers called for protesters to ‘take to the streets’ in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling Friday that overturned Roe v. Wade… Below are videos and pictures from the ‘Night of Rage,’ as it was dubbed by the pro-abortion demonstrators. Warning: Rude language ahead.” Read more here.


Make Transgender Ideology Expensive, by Washington Examiner. “Female privacy represents progress… This privacy is meant to exclude men, even those males who adopt stereotypically effeminate affectations and say they are women. But this progress is currently being undone… Women deprived of their rightful privacy and subjected to such treatment should relentlessly sue the institutions involved until such policies are discontinued. This is one way to make wokeness a prohibitively expensive luxury.” Read more here.


U.S. Supreme Court Overturns One of the World’s Most Extreme Abortion Regimes, Returns Decision to State-Level Democratic Process, by ADF International. “American abortion laws, which vary by state, have been out of step with the vast majority of countries, positioning the U.S. among the most extreme in the world… ‘The U.S. is correcting course after decades of abortion extremism, showing the world that it’s never too late to restore human rights. This judgment realigns the U.S. with Europe and the majority of other countries that protect unborn children from abortion on demand…’” Read more here.


California School District Uses JEDI Techniques to Confuse 3-Year-Olds About Their Gender, by Christopher Tremoglie. “The notes revealed that a person identified as a ‘PTSA member and DEI chair’ wanted to target these young children because ‘ages 3-5 is often when children begin to recognize their gender and we’ve seen a rapid rise in trans/non-binary identification’ in recent years. Additionally, they called for more gay and transgender education resources in schools because there’s been a ‘boom in literature on gender which can help both kids and adults to learn.’” Read more here.


What to Expect in a Post-Roe World, by Jonathan Turley. “Indeed, it is relatively rare to see the court go to this extent to proactively close off the use of a new case in future cases. The court said that ‘intimate sexual relations, contraception, and marriage’ are not impacted by its holding because ‘abortion is fundamentally different, as both Roe and Casey acknowledged.’ It noted that abortion is unique in dealing with ‘what those decisions called “fetal life” and what the law now before us describes as an “unborn human being.”’” Read more here.


Dobbs Isn’t the End. It’s the Beginning of a Ballot Measure Battle to Save Preborn Lives in Every State, by Jordan Boyd. “A Dobbs victory is worth celebrating… But beware because it also opens the door for radically pro-baby-killing states to double down on their abortion agendas… Dobbs is not the end-all solution because there’s still plenty of pro-life work left to be done in states … where leftists are dreaming up new ways to hurt children. Conservatives and pro-lifers need to act now while the wind from possibly the largest Supreme Court decision in history is behind their backs.” Read more here.


What Effect Will Dobbs Have on the International Abortion Debate? by Rebecca Oas, Ph.D. “Abortion advocates frequently argue that abortion is an international human right, despite the fact that this has never been agreed in any global negotiation, much less a binding document. For a national government – especially one as influential as the U.S. – to amend its laws to allow further restrictions illustrates the falseness of this claim. The reversal of Roe would also undercut the narrative favored that the liberalization of abortion laws … represents an inexorable wave of ‘progress’ that cannot be stopped or turned back.” Read more here.


Overturning Roe Definitively Proved the Culture War Is Worth Fighting, by Elle Reynolds. “The culture war is not lost yet, and the triumphant reversal of Roe should remind us all that it’s still very much worth fighting. If the right (and our pro-life allies from the left) can successfully push the cultural needle in such a way that not only the Supreme Court, but also many in the American public, want to see at least some protections for preborn life, then it’s not time to give up on pushing back against the cultural shifts that have besieged us for decades.” Read more here.


By Inserting Gender Identity, Team Biden Muddies Title IX’s Protections for Girls, Women at School, by Jarrett Stepman. “Perhaps most significantly, the changes would extend the prohibition of discrimination based on sex to include sexual orientation and gender identity. It’s amazing how at this stage in the history of our republic, sweeping national social and political changes increasingly are made by bureaucratic decree. The result of the Title IX changes effectively would force all schools that receive federal funding … to conform to a radical version of gender ideology, or else.” Read more here.


50 Years Later, Title IX Is Under Attack, by Tom Joyce. “If there were no differences between boys and girls, there wouldn’t be separate teams for the two genders. Schools wouldn’t have separate soccer, basketball, ice hockey, and lacrosse teams for boys and girls if sex didn’t make a difference; that would be a redundant waste of money. That’s not to say boys who identify as girls should not have the chance to participate in athletics. However, they should have the same opportunities as the rest of their male peers: to compete on boys’ teams.” Read more here.


Biden Launches Global Campaign Against ‘Conversion Therapy,’ by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “The Biden White House announced a global campaign to eradicate any kind of therapy and counseling to help persons who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender dysphoria… The executive order directs the Secretary of State to develop an action plan to combat conversion therapy and ‘promote an end to its use around the world,’ including by leveraging U.S. foreign assistance and promoting initiatives against ‘conversion therapy’ at the United Nations.” Read more here.


Biden Administration to Force Schools to Adopt Radical Gender Policies. Here’s What You Need to Know, by Jonathan Butcher. “Individuals – including minor-age children – who are struggling with their sexual identity deserve empathy and compassion. Parents and family are necessary parts of such responses… Despite the talk of ‘parent councils’ and ‘protecting families,’ the Biden White House wants to force a radical gender agenda on young minds and limit parents’ power to stop it.” Read more here.


Supreme Court Upholds School Choice, Free Exercise in Maine Case, by Sarah Parshall Perry and Jonathan Butcher. “When private individuals use taxpayer funding to choose a religious K-12 school for their children, those individuals are not using public money to establish a religion. The Supreme Court noted that the state’s interest in not establishing religion and maintaining government neutrality on religion doesn’t justify cutting out parents who want to exercise their religious beliefs by sending their children to schools that provide religious instruction.” Read more here.


Transgender Activists Manipulate Parents With Suicide Threats, by Ginny Gentles. “At its horribly rotten core, the culture created by the question ‘Do you want a dead daughter or a live son?’ intentionally drives a painful wedge between parents and children unless parents consent without question to immediate social and medical transition. Parents who would do anything to keep their children safe are shoved aside by arrogant and callous school staff, doctors, and therapists. Rather than assuring children that no one is born in the ‘wrong’ body, schools and many doctors and therapists choose to parrot activist slogans instead.” Read more here.


‘Misgendering’ Now a Punishable Offense in Schools, by Zachary Faria. “School boards and administrators are pumping gender ideology into schools across the country. In many cases, teachers and administrators have encouraged children to begin socially transitioning to the opposite gender without their parents’ knowledge… Now, students who do not humor these things and commit the grave offense of saying ‘she’ instead of ‘they’ are being targeted… This is the next step for a movement that demands total compliance, and it will continue to bleed into other school districts until parents put their foot down.” Read more here.


The Fall of the Wall Around Religious Education, by the Editors of National Review. “The Supreme Court, which has been dismantling this framework in a series of decisions in 2002, 2017, and 2020, has now properly and finally interred all of this as extra-constitutional nonsense. A seven-year-old attending the school of her parents’ choosing, in a faith different from her neighbor’s school, is not an establishment of any particular faith; it is the freedom to exercise every faith or none – the state of religious liberty the Constitution contemplates.” Read more here.


Easing Minors’ Access to Gender Transitioning Won’t Decrease Suicide, by Debra Soh. “…[S]tates with provisions allowing minors to access healthcare without parental or guardian consent had higher rates of suicide among young people than other states. By contrast, a similar increase in suicides was not found among individuals over the age of 18 during this time period, who would have been unaffected by these policies… Repeatedly telling gender-variant children and their families that without transitioning, a child is at a high risk of suicide runs the risk of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.” Read more here.


If the Supreme Court Overturns Roe, the United States Will Still Have Looser Abortion Laws Than Europe, by Michael O’Shea. “Upon further research, I felt comfortable asserting what I had suspected, and what so many Europeans seem not to realize: no matter how the justices rule in this case, the United States will continue to have looser abortion laws than virtually all of Europe. Thus, even if the worst fears of the pro-abortion lobby are realized, American abortion laws will remain radical within the Western world.” Read more here.


It’s Not Pro-Choice to Attack Pregnancy Centers That Offer Choices, by Patty Knap. “If the abortion movement’s mantra of being ‘pro-choice’ really means genuine choice, how can they reconcile the hypocrisy of attacking the very places offering choices in unplanned pregnancies? They know very well that Planned Parenthood and other abortionists overwhelmingly promote abortion – the only ‘choice’ they profit from – leaving all the documented, researched negatives out of the discussion while exaggerating the challenges of keeping and raising a child.” Read more here.


The Science on Brain Development Rebukes Those Pushing Gender Transition on Kids, by Jane Anderson. “Given this research on the immature processing that occurs in the adolescent brain, it is crucial that adults assist with decision-making, especially those decisions that involve lifelong consequences. Practically, this means that adolescents who are struggling with gender dysphoria should not be allowed to make decisions that contribute to permanent, unnecessary surgical procedures, mutilation, and infertility.” Read more here.


International Swimming Federation’s New Trans Policy Rewarding Preteen Castration Is Nothing to Celebrate, by Jordan Boyd. “There’s already a cultural push to brainwash and mutilate children. Even without sports organizations encouraging the castration of preteens, the ‘recommendations’ for irreversible sex experiments on children get younger and younger each year. The last thing this world needs is elite, global sports associations rewarding parents of children still too young to join the JV team at school for carving up their little boys.” Read more here.


The Billionaire Family Pushing Synthetic Sex Identities, by Jennifer Bilek. “With the introduction of [synthetic sex identities], the current incarnation of the LGBTQ+ network … is working closely … to solidify the idea that humans are not a sexually dimorphic species – which contradicts reality and the fundamental premises not only of ‘traditional’ religions but of the gay and lesbian civil rights movements and much of the feminist movement, for which sexual dimorphism and resulting gender differences are foundational premises.” Read more here.


Pride Month Jumps the Shark, by Jay Richards. “‘Pride’ events started a few decades ago as an activist effort to push back against the stigma attached to homosexuality. Now extended across the whole month of June, it looks more like an effort designed to do the opposite… Pride now seems less about gay and lesbian inclusion and more about abolishing the difference between males and females, and between adults and children.” Read more here.


Gender Ideology’s Fatal Consequences, by Kaylee McGhee White. “…[W]hy is it that almost every one of our major institutions, from … the American Academy of Pediatrics to the Department of Health and Human Services, has endorsed ‘gender-affirming care’ and all of its consequences without question? Perhaps because, despite what they claim, they don’t care at all about the long-term health and happiness of the young adults being swept away by transgenderism. They have an ideology to uphold – and that’s all that matters.” Read more here.


Time Magazine Champions ‘Gender-Expansive’ Teens, by Tim Graham. “The two sides of this fight are labeled the ‘conservatives’ and the ‘LGBTQ advocates.’ Carlisle cannot mention ‘anti-trans laws’ from Republicans without suggesting they’ll make kids suicidal. The Trevor Project activists roll out their poll that ‘85% of trans and nonbinary youth said recent debates about anti-trans bills had negatively affected their mental health.’ Surrender to the left, or children die. That’s called ‘winning through intimidation.’” Read more here.


NYC Mayor Promotes Drag Shows for Kids, by Sarah Arnold. “The highly inappropriate group sends drag queens into schools, without parental consent, and reads kids books in their full drag costume. This year alone, the group has organized 49 drag programs in 34 elementary, middle and high schools. According to their website, they claim their events are ‘powerful,’ ‘glorious,’ and ‘crucial,’ to expose children that [sic] type of sexualization. Democrat mayor Eric Adams (D-NY) defended the recent slew of ‘drag queen’ shows hosted for kids, even openly supporting them.” Read more here.


Transgender Health Organization Updates Guidance, Recommends Children Transition Younger, by Maddy Welsh. “Chemical castration with the above listed drugs is commonly used on male sex offenders… Yet advocates for children transitioning would have minors, who cannot possibly understand the long-term consequences of chemical castration, take these same drugs… Perhaps most shockingly, the WPATH has also lowered their recommended ages … for sex reassignment surgeries, now saying life-altering, irreversible surgeries such as breast removals can be performed on children as young as 15.” Read more here.


Abortion Is Not a Religious Ritual Protected by the First Amendment, by Katelynn Richardson. “Increasingly, abortion advocates point out that religions hold different stances on abortion, arguing abortion bans trample these other religious perspectives and default to Christianity. It allows two favorite issues of social conservatives, religious liberty and pro-life laws, to be framed as in conflict with each other. But seeking religious liberty protections is not the silver bullet some activists seem to think it is.” Read more here.


EU Parliament Attacks U.S. Supreme Court, by Stefano Gennarini, J.D. “The resolution claims that abortion is a ‘fundamental right’ and ‘essential element’ of healthcare, citing the non-binding opinions of UN human rights bodies and experts of the World Health Organization, and it condemns Federal and State laws that allow doctors and nurses to refuse to perform abortions ‘on grounds of religion or conscience…’ Abortion is not within the purview of the European Union, but the EU Commission and the Parliament consistently violate this norm.” Read more here.


Europe Dialing Back Shocking Policies on Transgender Kids and Medical Intervention, by Mairead Elordi. “As the U.S. barrels toward allowing more children with gender dysphoria to get medical intervention to affirm their new gender identities, several European countries that have been ahead of the U.S. on this issue are pumping the brakes. Some countries initially embraced puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for children several years ago but are now taking a step back.” Read more here.


Online Porn Should Be Banned, and It’s Long Overdue, by David Marcus. “In 1994, when then-mayor Rudy Giuliani began the transformation of crime and poverty ridden New York City, one of his first actions was to kick the porn theaters out of Times Square. It was not a minor policy, what he understood was that those coursing avenues are the public square, and porn was choking the life out of it. Today the public square is in the palm of our hands, and it is time to tear down the virtual porn theaters.” Read more here.


Transgenderism’s Lies Have a Cost, by Kaylee McGhee White. “…[N]o matter how many procedures one undergoes, no matter how many rounds of hormonal therapy are prescribed, the fact remains that a woman will always be a woman, and a man will always be a man. No wonder, then, that gender-confused persons who undergo experimental interventions in the hopes that this reality will have changed are struck by despair and hopelessness when they realize it has not. The effort to deny biological reality is doing irreversible harm to people’s bodies and minds. It is not compassionate – it’s cruel.” Read more here.


‘Detransitioner’ Tells All in Horrifying Account of What ‘Gender Affirmation’ Really Means, by Jonathon Van Maren. “Thousands of children are embarking on this path without knowing any of this. Thousands of children are opting for physical destruction while being promised happiness. Thousands of children are choosing a future entirely devoid of both sexual pleasure and the possibility of having their own children before they have any conceptualization of what they are giving up. Meanwhile, as another detransitioner told Matt Walsh in his recent documentary, each child who takes this path makes up to $1.3 million for the pharmaceutical industry.” Read more here.


Medication Abortion Set to Become Next Culture War Battleground, by Cassidy Morrison. “The culture and legal wars over abortion are shifting to a new battleground: the use of pills that end pregnancies. Abortion-inducing medication, which has become the most commonly used method for ending pregnancy, is the latest front in the battle over the legality of the procedure. A looming Supreme Court decision … could rescind the federal guarantee of abortion rights and effectively erase access to the pills in at least a dozen states.” Read more here.


Executive Action on Abortion Would Circumvent Constitutional Order, by Katelynn Richardson. “…[P]lacing the decision in the hands of state governments closer to the people is unacceptable to the proponents of child sacrifice. They want it protected and guaranteed by federal law. Despite the continued insistence of Democrats, there is no constitutional right to an abortion… Instead of letting the court course-correct and states restore justice denied to millions of unborn children killed since 1973, Democrats want to step in with government regulations that violate the established constitutional order.” Read more here.


Welcome to the Party, Pal, by Abigail Shrier. “Here, then, is the question: If our ultimate goal is return to a normalcy in which government agencies and corporations treat all Americans fairly regardless of viewpoint, how are we to achieve this? First, acknowledge that they are already weaponized and the artillery points only in one direction: against the opponents of the Left. Acknowledge that an ever-increasing tyranny is ratcheted upon those who dare criticize the indefatigable encroachment of gender ideology.” Read more here.


5 Things We Saw at DC’s Gay Pride Parade, by Bernadette Hassan. “The fact that this year’s pride parade was more family-friendly and less graphic is what made it most concerning to some onlookers, who see the left seeking to normalize the LGBTQ agenda by marketing it to younger and younger children. By presenting less visceral, objectionable material, the left appeared to encourage everyday Americans, subtly but effectively, to accept this agenda as a fact of life that is appropriate for children of all ages.” Read more here.


The Science Behind Gender Ideology Is Bunk, by Kaylee McGhee White. “Like so many toxic movements, gender ideology relies on fear to control people. Its activists have convinced our institutions that anything but full-blown acceptance of transgenderism will lead to a number of adverse effects, including increased suicide rates among children and young adults who weren’t ‘affirmed…’ A closer look at these studies, however, reveals that they don’t even come close to supporting the medical interventions that everyone … has endorsed.” Read more here.


Study Connects Jump in Youth Suicide With Transgender Treatments, Lack of Parental Consent, by Jarrett Stepman. “With so much debate among Americans over transgenderism, the conversation has been contained and controlled by much of the media, Big Tech, and countless other big institutions. They’ve suppressed any opinion or evidence that contradicts the narrative that gender transitioning is an unalloyed good that is opposed only by bigots… It appears that this social contagion not only is spreading rapidly but, as the Heritage report finds, causing direct and permanent harm to children at an accelerated rate.” Read more here.


Puberty Blockers, Cross-Sex Hormones, and Youth Suicide, by Jay Greene, Ph.D. “Using a superior research design, the new analysis finds that increasing minors’ access to cross-sex interventions is associated with a significant increase in the adolescent suicide rate. Rather than facilitating access by minors to these medical interventions without parental consent, states should be pursuing policies that strengthen parental involvement in these important decisions with life-long implications for their children.” Read more here.


Seattle Public High School Program Requires Students to Sign Pro-Abortion Agreement, by Bettina di Fiore. “…[T]he fourth category on the list included a politically motivated checklist, which students were expected to initial as a sign of their agreement. The following statements were included on the list: ‘Black Lives Matter, Love is Love, No human is illegal, Women’s rights are human rights.’ Taken at face value, these statements may seem inoffensive. But these are slogans used by people pushing a leftist agenda. ‘Women’s rights are human rights,’ in particular, has been co-opted by the pro-abortion movement.” Read more here.


Majority of Transgender Americans Are Teenagers, and the Numbers Are Rising, by Sarah Arnold. “According to a new report conducted by UCLA’s Williams Institute, 1.4 percent of U.S. teenagers over the age of 13 identify as transgender, that number has nearly doubled in the last few years. The study’s lead author Jody Herman said the numbers suggests [sic] that the current climate of the world has been the driving factor in why so many young adults are identifying as something they biologically are not.” Read more here.


Biden Administration Holds School Lunches Hostage to Radical Transgender Agenda, by Sarah Parshall Perry. “Approximately 100,000 public and private schools … receive federal funding to provide subsidized free or reduced-price meals for qualifying children. But now, a school’s failure to adhere to ‘gender identity’ anti-discrimination policies and open restrooms, locker rooms, or sports teams to those professing to be the opposite sex will put their federal nutrition assistance funding at risk. That means that needy kids – no matter their sexual orientation or gender identity – might have to go without meals at school.” Read more here.


The Nonbinary Cult Keeps Expanding, by Debra Soh. “The best part about ‘nonbinary’ or ‘genderfluid’ identities is they are easily adopted, and no one is allowed to question their validity. For those who are looking to score sympathy points or gain social capital, third-gender identities are a relatively easy way to opt in. The fact that a larger percentage of 18- to 29-year-olds say they are ‘nonbinary’ than transgender speaks to this.” Read more here.


What the Polls Actually Say: Only 1 in 3 Americans Support Roe v. Wade, by Lathan Watts and Greg Scott. “Following the leak of the U.S. Supreme Court’s draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization … a blizzard of news stories declared that support for Roe … is overwhelming and unshakable. What these reports and the polling they cite conveniently omit is one decisive fact: Most Americans have no idea what Roe v. Wade is or what it did.” Read more here.


The Benefits of Marriage Shouldn’t Only Be for Elites, by W. Bradford Wilcox and Chris Bullivant. “Four out of five children born into the bottom income quintile, but raised by married parents, had managed to escape the bottom 20% by adulthood. In contrast, those raised by a never-married single mother had only a 1 in 2 chance of doing the same. All this suggests that marriage – our most fundamental institution – is a key engine for economic mobility and public safety in communities across America.” Read more here.


Yes, Children Are Too Young for Drag Shows, by Kimberly Ross. “Rejecting drag queen events aimed at children is considered by some to be homophobic. The truth is, there are many events children should never attend and plenty of entertainment they should not consume. Standing between children and mature, violent, and/or sexually explicit things is what adults should be doing. Instead, the issue has become another culture war topic in which the Left is said to be about diversity and the Right is all about hatred. It’s dishonest, lopsided nonsense.” Read more here.


New Lawsuit Alleges a Virginia School District Is Promoting Gender Fluidity and Hiding It From Parents, by Nicole Russell. “Schools are required to be open with parents about everything that happens on their grounds, whether that’s a broken finger on the playground or a child sent to the principal’s office for disciplinary action. That these school districts … would work around federal law and normal school policies demonstrates how little they value parental rights. In fact, these school officials are acting as if their institutions are superior to parents.” Read more here.


‘Pro-Choice’ Has Always Been a Fraud, by Ryan Bomberger. “It’s not pro-choice. It’s faux-choice. And it kills those with no choice over 2,300 times a day in our nation. As an adoptee conceived in rape but adopted in love, as an adoptive father, as a husband to an incredible woman who rejected the violence of abortion when she was a single mom, I’ll keep exposing the fraud that targets the vulnerable and exploits fear for profit.” Read more here.


Disney Doubles Down on LGBTQ Programming With ‘Lightyear’ and More, by Josh Shepherd. “Disney is going all-out in joining leftists’ June celebration of Pride Month, mak