This powerful website provides research, news items and commentary exposing the international sexual rights agenda and the dangers of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). CSE sexualizes children by encouraging risky sexual behavior at young ages. The website also features one of our most important tools to fight against CSE and protect children, our documentary “The War on Children: Exposing the Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda.” The website provides families and governments with the tools they need to counteract harmful CSE programs in their schools.
Our UN Family Rights Caucus site, anchors the UN Family Rights Caucus, a UN coalition of individuals, policymakers, and organizations founded and chaired by FWI and representing every region of the world. The site provides information on how organizations can become accredited to the UN, lists UN family policy victories and the Caucus’s pro-family UN initiatives and events. It includes a library of Family Policy Briefs and other helpful policy resources, and an application for individuals and organizations to join the Caucus.
The Protect Child Health Coalition (PCHC) is a network of concerned citizens, parents, professionals and organizations representing the fields of law, academia, mental and physical health, politics, religion and government who believe that all children should be protected from harmful materials, especially pornographic, obscene, or erotic materials. The PCHC is a nonpartisan coalition that welcomes people who have an interest in protecting the health and innocence of children, who oppose efforts to advance autonomous sexual rights for children, and believe that children have a right to a childhood free from political, sexual or other adult agendas.
The Empowered Youth Coalition (EYC) is a coalition of like-minded individuals and organizations that stand for life and family. The coalition is focused on youth and young adults ages 15 – 35, but anyone can join. Organizations can be youth led/youth focused or mentoring organizations. The coalition seeks to 1) Unite and equip youth with the tools to effectively promote, protect and defend life and family; 2) Restore dignity, responsibility and commitment to the family unit; and 3) Uncover and counteract deceptive messaging relayed through media, popular culture, politics and biased research, and promote truths that strengthen the well-being of children and the family.
This site anchors Family Watch’s worldwide campaign calling upon the UN and UN Member States to investigate and stop International Planned Parenthood’s dangerous activities that harm children across the world. Resources published on the site include: A Special Report: “Abort Planned Parenthood—An Empire of Fraud, Deceit, and the Sexualization of Children,” Eight Steps People Can Take to Stop Planned Parenthood, Guidelines for Sexuality Education Standards for Schools, and other valuable materials.
Learn from experts—as well as the testimonies from individuals whose lives have been negatively impacted by pornography—about the addictive nature of porn, its impact on the brain, and how pornography viewing can lead to family breakdown, prostitution, sex trafficking and other crimes against women and children. While the film exposes pornography as a devastating and debilitating addiction, it concludes with a message of hope as it shares how former addicts and their families find healing through therapy and the support of family members.
In response to the Kinsey Institute’s application for UN accreditation, FWI launched this site to expose and document how fraudulent research and the sex experiments on children published by the Kinsey Institute laid the foundation for dangerous and radical sexuality education programs worldwide. provides background information and details on how to safeguard communities from the intrusive sexual ideologies of the Kinsey Institute.
The Protect Religious Freedoms Coalition was formed in response to a recent report of the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, Ahmed Shaheed, titled “Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development.” This report calls upon governments to legalize abortion, eliminate conscience clauses for medical professionals, mandate controversial comprehensive sexuality education beginning at age 10, and legalize controversial LGBT rights, ironically, all under the banner of promoting religious freedom.
This website highlights FWI’s Families for Orphans program, which promotes family-based care for orphans, including domestic and international adoption and supports “substitute family care” projects in Kenya and Mozambique.
This site provides information and helpful tools to implement “Seven Days of Nothing” to help individuals understand at a deeper level how many of the world’s orphans and vulnerable children live, while helping them to do something about it. Participants (individuals, families, businesses, schools, church congregations, etc.) choose to sacrifice certain things and live as closely as possible to the way many orphans do for at least a week. Participants may live without modern conveniences and nonessential items, such as desserts or entertainment, or to forego eating at restaurants, or to ride a bike instead of driving. Then participants calculate how much they have saved and contribute that amount to help an orphan or a vulnerable child.
This site promotes our family defense handbook, Stand for the Family: A Call to Responsible Citizens Everywhere, by FWI president Sharon Slater and our “I Stand for the Family” petition that individuals can sign or download and distribute to individuals, groups, churches and other organizations in their communities. This petition is used to show policymakers around the world that there is strong and growing support for the family and family values.
This site promotes our family defense handbook, Stand for the Family: A Call to Responsible Citizens Everywhere, by FWI president Sharon Slater and our “I Stand for the Family” petition that individuals can sign or download and distribute to individuals, groups, churches and other organizations in their communities. This petition is used to show policymakers around the world that there is strong and growing support for the family and family values.
FWI launched this site to highlight the findings of our yearlong investigation documenting how the international and U.S.-based Girl Scout organizations promote promiscuity, abortion, and controversial sexual rights in the United States, at the UN and abroad.