False Claims of Change Therapy Bans

Updated March 13, 2019

Change therapy bans for minors with unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion will cause great harm to the very children they are intended to help. This is because it is based on the following three false claims:



False Claim #1: Sexual attractions and gender identities are fixed and unchangeable.


FACT: Attractions and self-perceived identities are fluid, and many people have changed.

(See VoicesofChange.netSexChangeRegret.com, https://changedmovement.com/, https://www.voiceofthevoiceless.info,  www.UnderstandingSameSexAttraction.org, and also www.FamilyWatch.org/therapybans for documented peer-reviewed research.)




False Claim #2: If we don’t ban change therapy, more people will commit suicide.


FACT: A number of people have testified that change therapy actually prevented them from committing suicide.

(See VoicesofChange.netSexChangeRegret.com, https://changedmovement.com/, https://www.voiceofthevoiceless.info,  www.UnderstandingSameSexAttraction.org, and also www.FamilyWatch.org/therapybans for documented peer-reviewed research.)




False Claim #3: All licensed therapists who provide change therapy use abusive techniques such as painful electric shock treatments.


FACT: This claim is an absurd scare tactic. This practice was discredited and abandoned decades ago by all professional therapists.  

(See NARTH.org.) If this is truly a concern, then Utah should pass a bill specifically banning shock therapy while protecting mainstream, ethical and voluntary change therapy.