28 Jan [TEMPLATE] Letter Urging Legislators to Oppose All Conversion Therapy Bans
FWI Resource Tool...
FWI Resource Tool...
This Policy Brief is a compilation of UN consensus language from binding UN treaties and other important UN documents that shows the obligation of Member States to support and protect the family....
This Family Watch policy brief is an expose of the “analysis” of the international homosexual activist community claiming that international law makes the expression of one’s sexual orientation, no matter what it is, a fundamental “human right.”...
FWI Documentary (10 min. clip) ...
(FWI Policy Brief) This analysis of the SDGs and the UN’s 2030 Agenda was created to help UN Member States understand many of the hidden threats contained in the Agenda and to provide suggestions for counteracting these threats. The report begins with a brief summary of the general nature of the 2030 Agenda...
With all the heated debate that has now erupted on this topic, one thing has become abundantly clear—there is a tremendous amount of confusion about gender confusion. Largely lacking in this debate on both sides of the issue has been any recognition of many of the fundamental facts related...
Abortion advocates claim there is a connection between maternal mortality and restrictive abortion laws. Research shows that liberal abortion laws do not have a noticeable effect on decreasing maternal mortality whereas improving the quality of health care clearly does. This Family Watch policy brief exposes the myths of maternal mortality...
International Planned Parenthood Federation seeks to establish “sexual rights” as internationally protected human rights, including a right to sexual pleasure for children from birth. This Family Watch policy brief exposes IPPF and their blatant attempts to sexualize children and youth. ...
(FWI Policy Brief) The Maputo Protocol is an assault on the African family and unborn children, and where instituted fully will contribute to the continued breakdown of the traditional family resulting in myriad of negative consequences to men, women and children throughout Africa....
This is one of the most important United Nations family documents in over a generation. It is part of the UN’s recognition of the 10th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family and reaffirms the UN’s historic commitment to protecting and promoting the family. All too often, UN bureaucrats...
(FWI Resource Tool) This resource packet is intended to provide factual information regarding comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), the number one tool of the global sexual rights movement. CSE seeks to change society as we know it by sexualizing children, redefining the family, and changing societal norms regarding sex and...
(FWI Special Report) This detailed report provides evidence regarding Planned Parenthood’s many questionable and harmful activities both in the U.S. and internationally. ...
(FWI Policy Brief) This policy brief provides 15 reasons why UN Member States should refuse to allow the dangerous and undefined term “reproductive rights” into documents under negotiation. Note: The term “Reproductive Rights” is a common euphemism used to promote abortion at the United Nations. Unfortunately, the UN 2030 Agenda...
(FWI Film) This Family Watch documentary is an eye-opening experience for many as it presents the research data e showing that no one is “born gay” and that many people with unwanted same-sex attraction have been able to change. The film includes interviews with top experts in the...
Comprehensive sexuality education is one of the most controversial terms at the United Nations, and fights over CSE have contributed in large part to UN documents being withdrawn from negotiations because States bitterly disagreed. Since UN agencies and their allies that promote CSE have been so unsuccessful in getting...
This is an in depth analysis of the report on children’s health issued by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. The report actually attempts to establish sexual and reproductive health “rights” for children, pushes “comprehensive sexuality education” for children, facilitates abortion and abortion-related services for children, downplays...
(Heritage Foundation) This site is sponsored by the Heritage Foundation and provides data on the family and religious practice with an analysis of the vital roles of each in maintaining civil society in America. Charts, briefs, reports, and videos are organized in eight major topics, from Marriage & Family to...
(American Psychological Association Report) The American Psychological Association Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation conducted a systematic review of the peer-reviewed journal literature on sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) and concluded that efforts to change sexual orientation are unlikely to be successful and involve some risk...
(FWI Policy Brief) UN agencies, their allied organizations, and several Western governments are using deceptive strategies to further their radical sexual rights agenda by facilitating multilateral government “commitment” documents to promote comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) for young children. This strategy of using CSE “commitment” or “declaration” documents has been...
This brief will show how the past and present actions, goals, and aims of the Kinsey Institute merit condemnation and censure rather than the legitimacy, prestige and access that UN consultative status affords them and which enables them to perpetuate their harmful work on a much larger world stage....