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“The Gender Agenda” is a documentary that has been produced by Family Watch International. It has key messages from individuals who have lived as transgender who were able to resolve their gender dysphoria and embrace their biological sex. It also includes testimony from doctors and psychologists who share the science...

This short film provides an overview of how the family is essential to the development of nations, eradication of poverty, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality, and multiple other facets in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). Since governments can never adequately compensate for the irreplaceable role...

Children who become sexualized are less likely to be able to form and maintain stable families as adults. This shocking documentary exposes the harmful and graphic nature of sexuality curriculum that is infiltrating schools and sexualizing children around the world. Translated into seven different languages, The War on Children has...

Learn from experts—as well as the testimonies from individuals whose lives have been negatively impacted by pornography—about the addictive nature of porn, its impact on the brain, and how pornography viewing can lead to family breakdown, prostitution, sex trafficking and other crimes against women and children. While the film exposes...

Learn about same-sex attraction from top experts in the field. Hear powerful testimonials from four men who speak honestly and openly about their experiences with same-sex attraction, living the homosexual lifestyle and how therapy helped them to experience healing....

This hard-hitting documentary exposes how UN agencies and Western donor nations are exploiting the AIDS pandemic and using financial aid as a weapon to bully and blackmail smaller nations into accepting their radical sexual rights agenda. African and Caribbean representatives speak out against the imposition of sexual rights, which is...

In order to protect children in negotiated UN documents, it is critical to understand the worldwide agenda behind the term Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH). This 4-minute film clarifies this controversial term as defined by the World Health Organization, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, and the World Bank....

Every child deserves a family and this film promotes family-based care and adoption for orphans and vulnerable children. Follow the experiences of several orphans and hear emotional and inspiring adoption stories. Produced by award-winning producer David Perry, the film features Dr. Jini L. Roby, internationally renowned expert on orphan issues,...