While the world focuses on the controversies surrounding the World Health Organization (WHO) and their handling of the coronavirus pandemic, what is little known is the WHO’s covert abortion and sexual rights agenda that has further escalated under WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Many of the facts we reveal below are little known, even by some of the governments that fund WHO. It is our hope that as this information becomes more widely known, governments will follow the U.S. example in suspending funding to WHO and further investigate the widespread misuse of funds and resources that are currently used to advance unhealthy abortion and sexual agendas.
“The World Health Organization Exposed: Sexual Rights vs. Sexual Health”
Date: Tuesday, April 28th
Time: 9:00 AM MST
For more information go to www.familywatch.org/webinars
The leaders of WHO are committed to legalizing abortion. For example, the current Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, led a successful effort to legalize abortion across Ethiopia when he was that country’s health minister from 2005 to 2012. It was reported that “Efforts to introduce and scale-up safe legal abortion were spearheaded by the Ethiopian Ministry of Health—led by then-Minister Tedros—with contributions from several international NGOs, including Ipas.” (It should be noted that Ipas is the manufacturer of “EasyGrip,” the handheld abortion suction device.)
According to the radical abortion group Women Deliver, Director Adhanom Tedros has been a “champion of gender equality” with a record of “dramatically increasing contraceptive prevalence and legalising abortion” during his tenure as Ethiopia’s health minister.
While serving as minister of foreign affairs in Ethiopia in 2012, Tedros became the highest level African government official used by European governments including Denmark, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands to advance their highly controversial sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) agenda. Tedros was touted as a member of a self-dubbed “high level” ICPD beyond 2014 task force that had the goal to amend or enact “laws and policies that respect and protect sexual and reproductive rights [SRR]” in part by:
Tedros’ devotion to the radical SRHR abortion agenda is likely what assured his ascendency to the position of Director-General of the World Health Organization with the support of EU nations, even though he is not a medical doctor. It is doubtful the majority of the African governments that supported Tedros’ candidacy were aware of his devotion to issues that run strongly against the culture and the laws of most African nations. Read more on this here.
The WHO advocates for abortion under the deceptive banners of “safe” abortion and as a part of “sexual and reproductive health services.” WHO’s 2018 fact sheet on “unsafe abortion” states:
WHO also maintains abortion law data to help its staff monitor abortion laws worldwide. WHO publications promoting abortion include:
Moreover, WHO director Tedros was featured at the most radical annual abortion rights conference, Women Deliver, where he called for “sexual and reproductive health services, going beyond maternal health” including “abortion services where legal.” In fact, shortly after he was elected to his WHO position Tedros was sent a welcome letter signed by 122 pro-abortion NGOs including International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), Marie Stopes International, Ipas and ‘Catholics’ for Choice.
In addition to promoting abortion worldwide generally, the World Health Organization is using the coronavirus crisis to advance abortion in the following ways:
In 2018, WHO co-published with other UN agencies and the help of International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) the radical “International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education.” This guide purports to set the sexual health education standards for all of the world’s children. Please note that WHO defines “sexuality” to encompass “sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction,” and thus, WHO supports such controversial topics being taught to children.
Consider the following WHO-supported learning objectives for children from the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education:
The WHO’s CSE standards for European children, which are even worse, start by teaching toddlers about masturbation. They also refer 9-year-olds to IPPF to learn about their “sexual rights,” which is further evidence of WHO’s deep partnership with IPPF.
IPPF, one of the largest abortion organizations in the world, is the World Health Organization’s only NGO partner in their Human Reproduction Program (HRP) with UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and the World Bank. Therefore, it shouldn’t be surprising that the HRP works to promote abortion worldwide under the guise of “preventing unsafe abortion” and monitoring “the global burden of unsafe abortion and its consequences.”
Possibly the most radical document that WHO has ever published is “Sexual Health, Human Rights and the Law,” which aggressively promotes abortion, CSE, prostitution, and LGBT political agendas as health agendas including cross-sex hormone treatment and surgeries and the legalization of same-sex marriage as “rights” related to sexual health.
It is no wonder, therefore, that the IPPF Director-General celebrated the election of Tedros to the position of WHO Director-General and praised him for the work he did in furthering sexual and reproductive health care while he served as Ethiopia’s Heath Minister, likely referring to his work in legalizing abortion.
Further, according to National Right to Life, “While Minister of Health in Ethiopia, Tedros served as the ‘patron’ of an International Planned Parenthood Federation conference, which touted an entire agenda of sexual and reproductive rights starting with legalized abortion. The conference, held in Addis Ababa in 2010, was led by various pro-abortion groups including the Center for Reproductive Rights.”
It is quite apparent that IPPF is playing a major role in writing and producing WHO’s multiple controversial publications advancing abortion, CSE and sexual rights policies. This is a serious conflict of interest because IPPF benefits financially from abortions and other sexual services.
Calling prostitution “sex work,” WHO promotes the legalization of prostitution claiming that “decriminalising sex work could lead to a 46% reduction in new HIV infections in sex workers over 10 years.” However, even if that were true, prostitutes still have one of the highest HIV prevalence rates (even where prostitution is legal) along with men who have sex with men and IV drug users. Further, contracting HIV is just one of the serious health risks associated with prostitution. Where prostitution is legal, women still face higher rates of abuse, violence and trafficking. A 2013 study of 150 countries from the London School of Economics found that wherever prostitution was legal, sex-trafficking tended to increase, not decrease.” See research posted here.
For example, Tedros oversaw the declassification of gender dysphoria as a mental health condition. He renamed the condition “gender incongruence” while making sure that it still remained in the 11th edition of the International Statistical Classification of Disease so that transgender persons could still demand insurance coverage for “gender affirming” health care, a euphemism for expensive cross-sex hormones and genital mutilating surgeries. Tedros also approved WHO’s entry into the legal debate asserting also that “Iegal gender recognition, represented through documents reflecting a person’s gender identity, is important for protection, dignity and health.” See more here.
Further, WHO continues “to work towards a more enabling environment, including the adoption of protective laws and policies, the decriminalization of consensual same-sex behaviour and legal recognition of transgender identities.”
Tedros also has worked “toward the decriminalization of cross-dressing, same-sex behaviour, sex work and drug use.” See also WHO’s “Values and Preferences of Transgender People” study. A WHO fact sheet reveals that the organization has bought into unscientific transgender ideology, stating it is “important to recognize identities that do not fit into the binary male or female sex categories.”
WHO claims, “Human sexuality includes many different forms of behaviour and expression. It is increasingly acknowledged that recognition of the diversity of sexual behaviour and expression contributes to people’s overall sense of well-being and health.” WHO also explains what they consider a negative aspect of heterosexuality: “Hetero-normative describes a world view that promotes heterosexuality as the normal or preferred sexual orientation.”
Family Watch hopes you are sufficiently alarmed by what we have documented here regarding the sexual agendas WHO has been advancing and continues to advance under its current leader Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.
Surely the entire WHO institution needs to be reformed, beginning with top WHO officials who have been complicit in advancing harmful sexual agendas under the guise of public health.
We invite you to join our worldwide webinar where we will further expose this agenda. This will be the first of a series of presentations that will expose the extent of the harmful abortion and sexual advocacy of various parts of the UN.
Please sign up here to receive more information on our webinar series.