Fearless Family Advocacy Worldwide!

As is our custom, instead of sending you multiple fundraising letters with lots of marketing gimmicks, on behalf of our Family Watch team, we are putting forth a straightforward plea for financial help.


This the first fundraising message of the entire year because honestly, we hate to bug you, and we want to keep you with us so we can be of service to you and empower you to be more effective with our newsletters, newswires, policy briefs, documentaries, webinars, and more.


But the situation is such that we have to fundraise if we want to effectively continue our vital work so we need to raise $120,000 in the next few weeks.


If you have found our information and family advocacy work to be of value, we could really use your help.


Will you support our efforts and make the most generous donation you can?


Anything you can contribute is much needed and greatly appreciated.


Whether it be $5, $25, $50, $100, $200, $500, $1,000, $5,000. Every donation counts!


We challenge you to find any pro-family organization in the world that is more fearless or that uses its resources more effectively to protect children, the family, and family values across the globe than Family Watch.


Please click here to make an end-of-the-year donation. For U.S. citizens, donations are tax deductible.


Anything you can send would be greatly appreciated by our Family Watch team.