
“Sexual Orientation Change Efforts” (SOCE), a term used to describe therapeutic approaches to help people with unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA), has become increasingly controversial in recent years. This is because activists opposing SOCE therapy falsely claim it is ineffective and harmful. This brief summarizes pertinent research and shows that there...

“Sexual rights” is a controversial, elastic term that is the Trojan horse of the sexual rights movement. There is no international consensus on the definition of the term, but if is accepted in UN documents, there is potential for enormous damage to societies, families, and individuals — especially children....

(The Institute for Research & Evaluation) This research review found that in applying meaningful standards of effectiveness—criteria that have scientific validity and practical utility for policymakers and parents—to sex education outcomes produces a very different pattern of evidence for school-based CSE than what is typically reported by other research...

This valuable guide contains consensus language from major UN treaties and documents that is supportive of the family. Topics are organized alphabetically to help you quickly find key UN provisions from past UN documents that can be used to influence current documents and governmental policies under negotiation. See the table...

(FWI Film) Learn from experts—as well as the testimonies from individuals whose lives have been negatively impacted by pornography—about the addictive nature of porn, its impact on the brain, and how pornography viewing can lead to family breakdown, prostitution, sex trafficking and other crimes against women and children. While the...

(American College of Pediatricians) Over 70,000 health professionals oppose laws that require affirming children’s nontraditional gender identity without extensive assessment and exploration. Research suggests that affirmation increases persistence, sending children down a path of dangerous hormones and surgeries. Therapists must be allowed to investigate possible psychodynamic and social factors...

 (FWI Report) The Anti-Family, Anti-Life UN Agenda As Revealed in the ICPD Review “Outcome Documents” and “Follow-ups.” (FWI Report) This document with its accompanying chart reveals a highly elaborate and deceptive plan concocted by UNFPA to advance abortion and controversial sexual rights in contravention of many UN Member State...

Presented by Sharon Slater at Warsaw University Marriage Conference September 29, 2016, this paper provides a broad overview of the global sexual rights revolution that seeks to fundamentally change society as we know it by sexualizing children, redefining the family, and changing societal norms regarding gender and sexual issues. It...

(FWI Policy Brief)  Since 1994, abortion advocates have attempted to establish a broad international human right to abortion on demand. What they got instead, through heated negotiations during the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), is a prohibition on promoting abortion for family planning and encouragement...