
Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Sexual Rights vs Sexual Health. (FWI Policy Brief) This brief exposes comprehensive sexuality education programs that seek to change society by changing sexual and gender norms. These dangerous programs teach youth to advocate for their sexual rights and have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure, instructing...

(FWI Film) This short film provides an overview of how the family is essential to the development of nations, eradication of poverty, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality, and multiple other facets in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s). Since governments can never adequately compensate for the...

There has been a lot of controversy about the potential harmfulness of professional care for unwanted same-sex attraction and behavior (SSA or homosexuality). This paper reviews the ethics of all medical and mental health professionals to avoid harm and do good; discusses the known potential for harm when using any...

Rather than focus on the legitimate education needs of the world’s children as required by his mandate, the former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education abused his position and has attempted to unilaterally establish a new controversial right to comprehensive sexuality education, thereby bypassing the UN Member State...

“What Research Shows” is the most comprehensive scholarly review ever done of more than 125 years of clinical experience and research into the nature of homosexuality, its treatment, and the many health problems associated with the homosexual lifestyle. The research and clinical experience show conclusively that homosexuals are not “born...

Current UN Issues Regarding Children, Parents, and Religious Freedom – by Bruce C. Hafen, Emeritus Dean and Professor of Law, Brigham Young University. Presented in Mesa, Arizona, January 21, 2016. Prof. Hafen’s remarks target three issues: (1) child dependency vs. child autonomy, (2) rights of protection vs. rights of choice,...

(7-minute video) Conversion therapy “victim” Sam Brinton and the National Center for Lesbian Rights exposed! Conversion therapy is a vague, non-scientific term. The rights of adult and minor clients to receive professional therapy for unwanted same-sex attractions caused by unmet needs and/or abuse, are being trampled upon by unscrupulous testimonials...

It is increasingly common for gender dysphoric adolescents and mental health professionals to claim that transition is necessary to prevent suicide. The tragic case of Leelah Alcorn is often cited as the rallying cry: “transition or else!” Leelah (originally Joshua) was a gender dysphoric natal male who committed suicide at...

(FWI Policy Brief) This policy brief analyzes the original 2009 sexual rights-based publication issued by UNESCO in collaboration with UNICEF, UNFPA and WHO. It was intended to drive sex education programs taught to children in schools worldwide. It is very offensive and is contrary to what most parents would...

The Commissioner’s report has little to do with maternal mortality and morbidity, and instead, is a thinly veiled attempt to establish highly controversial sexual rights as international human rights. The phrase “sexual and reproductive health rights” is repeated 29 times, even though this controversial phrase has been rejected by UN...

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[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column][vc_column_text] << View All Press Releases [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height="20px"][icons icon="fa-print" size="fa-lg" type="normal" link="’-SESSION-1.pdf" target="_self"][vc_column_text] Media Contact: UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE KILLS CONSERVATIVE GROUPS’ SESSION Ironic lack of Inclusivity at “Building Inclusive Communities” Conference Salt Lake City, Utah — A UN-sponsored conference taking place this week with the purported purpose of “building...