Note: This special report will provide extensive, never-before revealed evidence of the UN’s radical anti-family and anti-life agendas (see “Ugly” sections in Part II). Please take the time to sign the Life and Family Nairobi Declaration here. Thank you!
Special Report
by Sharon Slater, President of Family Watch International
Part I
(Click here for Part II)
As the dust settles on the infamous UNFPA-led ICPD+25 Summit held in Nairobi, Kenya November 12-14, we provide you with this in-depth analysis and special report. There was so much that was good and even some that was very good, but also so much that was bad, ugly, and even very ugly.
As I looked upon the bleak Kibera slums not far from the Nairobi Summit venue, I wondered how much good could have been done if all the attention and millions of dollars expended to put on the Summit to advance radical sexual causes had instead been used to solve some of the real problems in Africa.

At this Summit, which purported to be a 25-year review of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), our Family Watch team was there in force. We educated and informed family-friendly UN diplomats and helped counter harmful, hidden agendas advanced by UNFPA and some of its partner agencies and non-governmental organizations.
UNFPA left no stone unturned in partnering with every radical major abortion advocacy group on our planet to put on their Summit, from International Planned Parenthood Federation, to Marie Stopes, to IPAS (the manufacturer of the lucrative handheld abortion suction device called the IPAS “EasyGrip”), to Women Deliver, and more. The Nairobi Summit in essence was a very expensive abortion-rights extravaganza.
We will start with the good, then give you the very good, and then the best (five great things altogether in Part I!) before we reveal to you the bad, the ugly, and ugliest of the ugly in a forthcoming Part II of our special Nairobi Summit report.
The Good
- The UN’s Radical Sexual Rights Agenda Was Revealed. The UN’s radical anti-life, anti-family sexual and reproductive health and rights (“SRHR”) agenda was on full display at the Nairobi Summit in ways that can no longer be denied or hidden. Since various UN agencies and their Western donor countries came boldly out of the closet with this agenda, we now have more proof to stop them going forward.
The very fact that the UN blocked as many pro-life organizations and individuals (even some parliamentarians) as it could identify from participating in the Summit (including Family Watch), and even discriminated against pro-life governments, not only revealed their radical abortion agenda but also created a strong pro-life and pro-family backlash that I am sure UNFPA and their partners never saw coming. The backlash may help restore democratic processes at a global institution that has been manipulated far too much, for way too long, most often for radical social purposes advanced by a minority of extremist, wealthy governments.
Some of the most important things that were revealed because UNFPA and their partners just couldn’t help themselves included:
- UNFPA’s SRHR agenda was exposed for the radical sexual and abortion agenda that it is. (More about this in the “Ugly” section in Part II coming soon.)

Kenyan Parliamentarian, Jennifer Shamalla, Commits to Proposing Resolution Against Pornography During FWI Event at Alternative Nairobi Conference Discussed Below
- UNFPA’s “youth empowerment” and “choices and rights for youth” initiatives were exposed as abortion/LGBT advocacy movements and manipulative tools to indoctrinate our youth (see “Very Ugly” section in Part II) to promote various sexual “wrongs” to youth under the banner of fictitious sexual rights.
- UNFPA provided irrefutable proof that its website statements, “UNFPA does not promote abortion” and “UNFPA does not promote changes to the legal status of abortion” are bold-faced lies (see blatant examples in the “Ugliest of the Ugly” section in Part II).
- UNFPA’s Deceptive African Union Plot was Foiled! UNFPA tried to rope the African Union (AU) into accepting the Nairobi Summit SRHR commitments—commitments that the family-friendly AU would never have accepted and that were likely authored by UNFPA and IPPF. UNFPA even asked AU staff to put the commitments on AU letterhead without following the right process to get AU member governments on board. Thankfully, several diligent AU officials found out about the deceptive scheme and stopped it. See more on this plot in the “Very Ugly” section of Part II coming soon.
- Powerful and Revealing Documents and Videos Released. Family Watch created and widely disseminated several documents and videos exposing UNFPA’s agenda that helped multiple governments distance themselves from the Summit and/or its commitments. These materials were featured on a new webpage we created for the summit here. They include:
- An analysis of UNFPA’s originally proposed Nairobi Summit commitments. See here.
- Two new short educational videos that helped many understand the Summit’s dangerous “SRHR” theme. See here and here.
- Our brief video “The Road to Nairobi: Where Does it Lead?” had the greatest impact of all. In the video, Family Watch
pieced together a string of statements by UNFPA and their Nairobi Summit sponsoring partners in which they themselves revealed just how extreme and aggressive their Nairobi agenda was and is. We showed it in Kenya’s parliament and to many government officials representing other nations who were all shocked to see undeniable proof from the mouths of European foreign ministers, UNFPA’s executive director, the UN youth envoy, abortion advocates and others regarding the real agenda underlying the Nairobi Summit. Click here to view this brief, must-see video.
The VERY Good
- Many Religious and Government Leaders Joined Together to Reject the Nairobi Summit. For example:
- The heads of all the major faith groups in Kenya issued a historic joint statement denouncing the Nairobi Summit for its radical anti-family and anti-life agenda. This action has united them in a way that would otherwise never have happened. See their revealing statement here.
- The Kenyan Parliament blocked a motion for their chambers to be used for the Nairobi Summit. See the strong statements against the Nairobi Summit from Kenyan parliamentarians here.
- A debate over the Nairobi Summit on Kenyan national TV further revealed the radical UN’s harmful SRH agenda. See a brief clip here.
- The Kenyan press and other media outlets wrote multiple articles denouncing the anti-family and anti-life agenda of the Nairobi Summit. There was even a jingle that played on Kenyan radio against the SRHR agenda of the Summit being hosted in their capitol city. For the news articles, see the list at the end of this report.

Annie Franklin, FWI Director of UN Activities; Catherine Onwioduokit, Organizer of Ghana World Congress of Families; Sharon Slater, FWI President; Hon. Chris Wamalwa, Deputy Minority Whip, Kenyan Parliament
- Ghana: Religious leaders in Ghana issued a similar statement to the one by faith leaders in Kenya that flatly rejected the Nairobi Summit and its outcomes. For the Statement, click here.
- Nigeria: Catholic bishops spoke out against the outcome of the conference. See the article here.
- Saint Lucia: In a biting statement made during the Summit, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Saint Lucia called out UNFPA and its Nairobi Summit partners’ discrimination, violations of UN protocols, and manipulation of language to advance controversial commitments that have never been agreed to by UN Member States. Importantly, Saint Lucia distanced itself from any Summit outcome document and any of its commitments. For the statement, see here.
- The Holy See (UN Permanent Observer): The Vatican disassociated itself from the Nairobi Summit with this strong statement.
- Ten Countries Led by the U.S.: Most significantly, ten countries held a press conference across the street from the Nairobi Summit and issued a historic joint statement that blasted the UN’s abortion and sex education agenda, their bias and discrimination, and made it clear they will reject any attempts by the UN or other Member States to characterize any outcomes from the Nairobi Summit as consensus or official UN review conference documents of ICPD. For the statement, click here, and for a video clip of the press conference, click here.

Historic Press Conference Hosted by 10 Governments Rejecting the Nairobi Summit
This rejection by 10 UN Member States of any outcome document from the Nairobi Summit is highly significant because it thwarts UNFPA’s deceptive Nairobi plan to insert a right to abortion and to radical, fictitious sexual rights into the definitions of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and reproductive rights (RR) in Target 5.6 that implement the UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #3. This SDG target already obligates 193 Member States through 2030 to:
“Ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights [SRH and RR] as agreed in accordance with the Programme of Action of the ICPD and the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome documents of their review conferences.” (SDG Target 5.6)

Bishop Alfred Kipkoech Arap Rotich, Chair of the Kenyan Bishops’ Family Life Office and Dr. Seyoum Antonios, New Director of FWI, Africa
In other words, UNFPA’s master plan was to make their tightly controlled and highly manipulated, non-negotiated Nairobi Summit ICPD+25 commitments be considered as an “outcome document” of a “review conference” of ICPD that would feed into the definition of SDG Target 5.6. More specifically, UNFPA’s plan has been to expand the definitions of SRH and RR in Target 5.6 to encompass international rights to abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, prostitution, and comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). UNFPA is also attempting to create a right to CSE through Target 3.7, which states: “By 2030 ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of reproductive health into national strategies and programs.”
How do we know this? UNFPA and their extremist government and NGO partners used a similar strategy for the 20-year review of ICPD five years ago. Together they have manipulated multiple radical ICPD+20 thematic and regional review outcome documents (of course, also not negotiated by all UN Member States) that UNFPA later promoted as “official” ICPD outcome review documents.
In sum, UNFPA’s agenda and actions at the Nairobi Summit ICPD+25 are a continuation of its master plan that began with ICPD+20. See Family Watch’s major report with all the evidence of UNFPA’s deceptive ICPD+20 review outcome documents agenda here.
- A Highly Successful Alternative “Pro-life and Family-Friendly Conference” Was Held Directly Across the Street from the Nairobi Summit! Family Watch helped organize and co-host with Kenya Christian Professional Forum and other likeminded NGOs a highly successful parallel conference to the Nairobi Summit that provided an outlet for all the pro-life and pro-family voices that UNFPA rejected at the Nairobi Summit.

As a result, the following VERY good things happened:
- The Nairobi Archdiocese allowed us to use its Basilica, adjacent conference rooms and auditorium so we could host over 70 pro-life and pro-family workshops and presentations! See here.
- The workshops were attended by parliamentarians, ministers of government, ambassadors, NGOs, and religious leaders from various countries.
- Family Watch gave over 10 presentations, including screening four of our films:
The Best!
- High-Level Intergovernmental Panel on “Pro-Life Global Health Policies” Held! For a featured session of the alternative pro-family ICPD+25 conference described above, Family Watch and our NGO partners organized a historic panel that helped lay the foundation for the U.S.-led strong statement described in #4 above. Miraculously, this panel brought together high-level government officials from four key UN Member States (USA, Brazil, Hungary, Poland) and the Holy See, which were united in their disgust at UNFPA’s bias, discrimination, and anti-life approach at the Nairobi Summit.

High-Level Government Officials Speaking on Intergovernmental Panel on “Pro-Life Global Health Policies”
High-level government panelists, some of whom are pictured, included:
- Angela Vidal Gandra da Silva Martins, State Secretary of Family Affairs, Brazil
- Valerie Huber, Special Advisor on Global Women Affairs, Health and Human Services, USA
- H. E. Dr. Attila Beneda, Deputy State Secretary for Family Affairs, Ministry of Human Capacities, Hungary
- Bishop Alfred Kipkoech Arap Rotich, Chair of the Kenyan Bishops’ Family Life Office
- H. E. Mr. Jacek Bażański, Polish Ambassador to Kenya
- H. E. Monsignor Archbishop Bert van Megen, Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya
- Hon. Chris Wamalwa, Deputy Minority Whip-KNA/MP-Kiminini/Chair-Catholic MPs. Kiminini, Kenya.
It is our greatest hope that a global alliance of all these likeminded countries on family and life issues will be formalized and continue to grow in strength and power to protect children and families worldwide.

Launch of Alternative Nairobi Life and Family ICPD+25 Declaration
Stay tuned for the forthcoming Part II of our special Nairobi Summit Report with its bad, ugly, and very ugly segments! Part II will also include suggested actions you can take to ensure your government is fully aware of and opposes the ugly and deceptive anti-family and anti-life SRHR agenda being pushed at the UN.
And if you haven’t already, please add your signature to the Life and Family Nairobi Declaration here.
Additional ICPD+25 Nairobi Summit Resources and Articles
Abortion Extremists Hijack the U.N.
The UN is Holding an $8 Million Abortion Summit in Africa
UN Summit on “reproductive health” Destructive to Humanity, African Church Leaders Caution
From Intrinsically Disordered Acts to Rights: Impugning the Nairobi Summit (ICPD25)
Why the Holy See Won’t Participate in “Nairobi Summit on ICPD25”
Activists to Stage Protests in Nairobi Against ICPD25+
Tempers flare over ‘abortion agenda’ at reproductive health summit