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Basic Post Grid 1

“The Gender Agenda” is a documentary that has been produced by Family Watch International. It has key messages from individuals
This short film provides an overview of how the family is essential to the development of nations, eradication of poverty,
Children who become sexualized are less likely to be able to form and maintain stable families as adults. This shocking
Learn from experts—as well as the testimonies from individuals whose lives have been negatively impacted by pornography—about the addictive nature
Learn about same-sex attraction from top experts in the field. Hear powerful testimonials from four men who speak honestly and
This hard-hitting documentary exposes how UN agencies and Western donor nations are exploiting the AIDS pandemic and using financial aid
FWI President Sharon Slater at the 2018 Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Global Summit. This presentation addresses the global agenda
In order to protect children in negotiated UN documents, it is critical to understand the worldwide agenda behind the term
Every child deserves a family and this film promotes family-based care and adoption for orphans and vulnerable children. Follow the
Abortion advocates claim there is a connection between maternal mortality and restrictive abortion laws. Research shows that liberal abortion laws
This Family Watch policy brief presents eight compelling reasons why marriage between a man and a woman is essential to
(FWI Policy Brief) This Family Watch policy brief documents the multiple negative impacts abortion has on the mother and explains the
Pornography is a growing scourge that can lead to addiction and deviant behaviors that in turn can destroy families and
“Sexual Orientation Change Efforts” (SOCE), a term used to describe therapeutic approaches to help people with unwanted same-sex attraction (SSA),
(FWI Policy Brief) This Family Watch policy brief consists of two parts. Part I outlines multiple harms that will be
“Sexual rights” is a controversial, elastic term that is the Trojan horse of the sexual rights movement. There is no
(FWI Policy Brief) An important measure any State can take that would protect women and girls is to promote strong
(FWI Film) “The Gender Agenda” is a documentary that has been produced by Family Watch International. It has key messages
(The Institute for Research & Evaluation) This research review found that in applying meaningful standards of effectiveness—criteria that have scientific
This valuable guide contains consensus language from major UN treaties and documents that is supportive of the family. Topics are
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. (FWI Policy Brief) This UN treaty, ratified by all UN Member
(FWI Policy Brief) The term “human rights defender” is increasingly appearing in UN resolutions, declarations, reports, and conference outcome documents. Nations
Social science research has conclusively proven that a strong family based on marriage between a man and a woman is
(FWI Film) Learn from experts—as well as the testimonies from individuals whose lives have been negatively impacted by pornography—about the
Same-sex attraction is not fixed and unchangeable. There is a growing number of individuals who are being successfully treated for
(American College of Pediatricians) Over 70,000 health professionals oppose laws that require affirming children’s nontraditional gender identity without extensive assessment
 (FWI Report) The Anti-Family, Anti-Life UN Agenda As Revealed in the ICPD Review “Outcome Documents” and “Follow-ups.” (FWI Report) This
Presented by Sharon Slater at Warsaw University Marriage Conference September 29, 2016, this paper provides a broad overview of the
This Declaration was presented by a delegation of children to UN diplomats at a United Nations meeting in Geneva, Switzerland
(FWI Policy Brief)  Since 1994, abortion advocates have attempted to establish a broad international human right to abortion on demand.
Issues related to homosexuality and so-called “homosexual rights” are driving much of the current worldwide assault on marriage, the family
This Policy Brief is a compilation of UN consensus language from binding UN treaties and other important UN documents that
This Family Watch policy brief is an expose of the “analysis” of the international homosexual activist community claiming that international
FWI Documentary (10 min. clip)
(FWI Policy Brief)  This analysis of the SDGs and the UN’s 2030 Agenda was created to help UN Member States understand
With all the heated debate that has now erupted on this topic, one thing has become abundantly clear—there is a
Abortion advocates claim there is a connection between maternal mortality and restrictive abortion laws. Research shows that liberal abortion laws
International Planned Parenthood Federation seeks to establish “sexual rights” as internationally protected human rights, including a right to sexual pleasure
(FWI Policy Brief) The Maputo Protocol is an assault on the African family and unborn children, and where instituted fully
This is one of the most important United Nations family documents in over a generation. It is part of the
(FWI Resource Tool) This resource packet is intended to provide factual information regarding comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), the number one
(FWI Special Report) This detailed report provides evidence regarding Planned Parenthood’s many questionable and harmful activities both in the U.S.
(FWI Policy Brief) This policy brief provides 15 reasons why UN Member States should refuse to allow the dangerous and
(FWI Film) This Family Watch documentary is an eye-opening experience for many as it presents the research data e showing
Comprehensive sexuality education is one of the most controversial terms at the United Nations, and fights over CSE have contributed
This is an in depth analysis of the report on children’s health issued by the Office of the High Commissioner
(Heritage Foundation) This site is sponsored by the Heritage Foundation and provides data on the family and religious practice with
(American Psychological Association Report) The American Psychological Association Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Responses to Sexual Orientation conducted a systematic
(FWI Policy Brief) UN agencies, their allied organizations, and several Western governments are using deceptive strategies to further their radical
This brief will show how the past and present actions, goals, and aims of the Kinsey Institute merit condemnation and
The phrase “various forms of the family” has become one of the most divisive and controversial terms in UN negotiations.
(FWI Documentary), a hard-hitting documentary exposing how wealthy countries and the United Nations, under the guise of preventing AIDS, are
Protect Client and Therapist Freedom of Choice Regarding Sexual Orientation Change Efforts is an excellent Q and A with facts
Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Sexual Rights vs Sexual Health. (FWI Policy Brief) This brief exposes comprehensive sexuality education programs that seek
This video presentation by Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., the author of a book by the same title, is an excellent
This Family Watch policy brief exposes how the CRC committee is acting in ways that are harmful to children. It
(FWI Film) This short film provides an overview of how the family is essential to the development of nations, eradication
(Institute for Family Studies) The World Family Map Project monitors global changes in the areas of family structure, family socioeconomics,
There has been a lot of controversy about the potential harmfulness of professional care for unwanted same-sex attraction and behavior
Rather than focus on the legitimate education needs of the world’s children as required by his mandate, the former UN
“What Research Shows” is the most comprehensive scholarly review ever done of more than 125 years of clinical experience and
Channel 4 UK Documentary - Stella O'Malley considers the huge rise in numbers of young people embarking on gender transition,
Current UN Issues Regarding Children, Parents, and Religious Freedom – by Bruce C. Hafen, Emeritus Dean and Professor of Law,
(7-minute video) Conversion therapy “victim” Sam Brinton and the National Center for Lesbian Rights exposed! Conversion therapy is a vague,
It is increasingly common for gender dysphoric adolescents and mental health professionals to claim that transition is necessary to prevent
(FWI Policy Brief) This policy brief analyzes the original 2009 sexual rights-based publication issued by UNESCO in collaboration with UNICEF,
The Commissioner’s report has little to do with maternal mortality and morbidity, and instead, is a thinly veiled attempt to
This is a review of the rise of transgenderism and the harm it has caused to so many people by
  August 1, 2007 Opinion Surveys Offer Encouraging Insights into U.S. Views on Marriage and the Family   Dear Friend