PERUVIAN BISHOP DENOUNCES ‘DIRECT ATTACK’ ON CHURCH’S FREEDOM OF SPEECH. The bishop of Cajamarca, Peru, has denounced a “direct attack” on the Catholic Church’s freedom of speech by the LGBTQ+ community, which accuses the Church of the “alleged crime of discrimination” for a talk warning of the consequences of “Comprehensive Sexual Education” in Peru. Read more here.


PHILIPPINE SEX EDUCATION CURRICULUM UNDER SENATE SCRUTINY AMID CONSERVATIVE PUSHBACK. The Philippine Senate Committee on Basic Education said it will conduct an inquiry into the Department of Education’s implementation of comprehensive sexual education amid concerns from conservative quarters about program’s woke approach. Read more here.


NEW FLORIDA LAW REQUIRES STATE APPROVAL OF SEX-ED MATERIALS. A new Florida law is pushing some schools to replace their sex education curriculums with programs that prioritize abstinence above all else. Read more here.


LEGISLATION WOULD UPDATE HOW SEX EDUCATION IS TAUGHT IN MICHIGAN SCHOOLS. State Rep. Rachel Hood, sponsor of a Michigan House Bill aimed at altering sex education and ending the prohibition against school distribution of condoms, said sex education laws focus too much on teaching abstinence and lack inclusive language for students who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning, and the many other identities that fall under the umbrella known as LGBTQ+. Read more here.


CHERRY HILL MISTAKENLY RELEASED NAMES OF STUDENTS WHO OPTED OUT OF NEW SEX-ED CLASSES, DISTRICT SAYS. The Cherry Hill school district in New Jersey has been accused of violating student privacy by mistakenly releasing the names of at least 92 students whose families opted-out of sex-education classes in the 2022-23 school year. Read more here.


MICHIGAN DEMOCRATS WANT TO TEACH ABORTION AS ‘FAMILY PLANNING’ OPTION. Michigan Democratic lawmakers have sponsored a bill to remove the state’s ban on teaching abortion as a “method of family planning” from the sex education curriculum. Read more here.


PARENTS IN MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL DISTRICT CAN’T OPT OUT OF ‘SEXUALITY,’ ‘GENDER IDENTITY’ LESSONS. Some Massachusetts elementary schools are observing “Transgender Awareness Week” in a district that bars parents from opting their children out of lessons about gender identity and sexuality. Children can be opted out from sex education lessons, but not lessons where themes of “sexuality, gender identity, or sexual orientation” are “embedded in the course material or instructional lesson but not the course’s primary subject.” Read more here.


ALBERTA GOV’T INITIATES BILL TO MAKE SEX-ED OPTIONAL, STOP SCHOOLS FROM HIDING PRONOUN CHANGES. Alberta’s United Conservative Party government officially introduced a bill that will change the law so that parents must “opt in rather than opt out” their children into sexual education lessons. The bill also mandates that parental permission be obtained before a student uses a different pronoun. Read more here.


BALTIMORE FUNDING ‘SEX-ED’ PROGRAM TO PROMOTE ABORTION, ‘GENDER TRANSITIONS’ TO CHILDREN. A taxpayer-funded “sex-education” program that partners Baltimore City Schools with Planned Parenthood and other agencies has come under fire with a report, which details the fact that the program may refer minors for abortions and transgender practices. Read more here.


SEX-ED SCANDAL: QUEBEC GROUP HIDES INAPPROPRIATE MATERIAL SHOWN TO NEW BRUNSWICK KIDS. A controversial sex-ed presentation, previously shown to New Brunswick students, is now being withheld from public view by HPV Global Action, the group behind its creation. The presentation, titled Thirsty for the Talk, was delivered to students from Grades 9 to 11 without parental knowledge, sparking outrage among parents when screenshots of the material surfaced on social media. Read more here.


FLORIDA OFFICIALS PRESSURE SCHOOLS TO ROLL BACK SEX ED LESSONS ON CONTRACEPTION AND CONSENT. Some Florida school districts are rolling back a more comprehensive approach to sex education in favor of abstinence-focused lessons under pressure from state officials who have labeled certain instruction on contraception, anatomy and consent as inappropriate for students. Read more here.


PLANNED PARENTHOOD TEACHES STUDENTS THAT ‘AGENDER,’ ‘GENDER-QUEER’ PEOPLE NEED ABORTIONS. Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, created a program called “Sex Ed To-Go” for students to watch online. The far-Left curriculum attacks crisis pregnancy programs and states, “not all people who can become pregnant are women.” Read more here.


INTERNATIONAL PLANNED PARENTHOOD’S ‘SEX EDUCATION’ NORMALIZES PROSTITUTION TO CHILDREN UNDER 10 YEARS OLD. International Planned Parenthood Federation’s “Deliver Enable Toolkit” shows teachers how to scale “comprehensive sexuality education” for children under age 10 – presenting the exploitation of women through prostitution as a normal “interpersonal relationship.” Read more here.


ALBERTA TO INTRODUCE BILL TO MAKE SEX-ED CLASSES IN SCHOOLS OPTIONAL. A bill from the United Conservative Party (UCP) provincial government of Alberta will make it so that parents will have to specifically opt their children into sexual education lessons rather than opt out, as is the case now, meaning by default those classes will not be included in a child’s education. Read more here.


CA SCHOOL DISTRICT SCRUBBED MENTION OF LGBTQ PEOPLE FROM ITS SEX-ED CURRICULUM, VIOLATING THE LAW, STATE SAYS. A California state investigation found that Cajon Valley Union School District’s sexual health curriculum discriminates against LGBTQ+ people because it leaves out legally required instruction about LGBTQ+ and gender topics. Read more here.


‘DON’T TELL YOUR PARENTS’: PARENTS OF AUSTRIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS SUBJECTED TO RADICAL ‘SEXUALITY EDUCATION’ SEEK JUSTICE. Elementary school children in Upper Austria were forced to partake in disturbing “sexuality education” lessons, including sexually explicit “information,” images, and actions by their teacher, who further pressured them not to talk to their parents about what was happening. Read more here.


NEW QUEBEC CURRICULUM WILL MANDATE SECOND GRADERS LEARN ABOUT GENDER IDENTITY AND LGBT CONTENT. Kids as young as six years old or those entering Grade 2 in Canada’s Quebec province will be exposed to extreme LGBT ideology in schools via a new mandatory curriculum addition teaching so-called “gender identity.” Read more here.


TORONTO DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD DROPS TERMS ‘MEN,’ ‘WOMEN,’ ‘BOYS,’ AND ‘GIRLS’ IN REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH LEARNING MATERIAL. Worksheets for fifth graders instead use the terms “people with a uterus,” “people with a penis,” “people who have more testosterone,” and “people who have more estrogen.” Read more here.


NEW BRUNSWICK PREMIER BANS ‘SEX-ED’ GROUP FROM SCHOOLS AFTER PRESENTATION ON PORN, IMMORAL SEX ACTS. Premier Blaine Higgs is furious with a school for educating students on pornography and masturbation in a presentation that was not part of the provincial curriculum and which was supposed to address HPV. Read more here.


UK PLANS TO END GENDER IDEOLOGY IN SCHOOLS, SET AGE-BASED SEX EDUCATION RULES. The UK’s Department of Education intends to prohibit the promotion of gender ideology within public schools, set age-based guidelines for sex education and protect parental rights, according to proposed guidance for schools. Read more here.


TAXPAYER-FUNDED SEX-ED PUSHED BY PLANNED PARENTHOOD DESPITE PAST FAILURES. While claiming otherwise on social media, government evaluations have shown Planned Parenthood’s publicly funded sex-education and family planning strategies do not work. Read more here.


PRO-ABORTION OBGYNS CRITICIZE FETAL DEVELOPMENT VIDEO FOR SEX ED CLASSES: ‘LAST THING KIDS NEED TO BE WATCHING.’ Pro-choice OBGYNs blasted the fetal development video, “Baby Olivia,” being considered for sex education curriculum in some states, with one doctor arguing the film was the “last thing kids need to be watching.” Read more here.


PRO-LIFE GROUP’S FETAL DEVELOPMENT VIDEO COULD SOON BE SHOWN IN CLASSROOMS ACROSS SEVERAL U.S. STATES. A video created by pro-life group Live Action follows the development of Baby Olivia, seeking to give students a sense of where they came from, an appreciation for human life and could soon work its way into sex education classes in public schools across several U.S. states. Read more here.


8 STATES RESTRICTED SEX ED LAST YEAR. MORE COULD JOIN AMID GROWING PARENTS’ RIGHTS ACTIVISM. Following Florida’s lead, eight states have enacted laws restricting sex education, often targeting LGBTQ-related discussions in early elementary grades and, in some cases, banning any form of sex education at those levels. Read more here.


INDIANA SENATE PASSES CONTROVERSIAL BILL ON SEX EDUCATION. In a recent legislative action that has sparked national conversation, the Indiana State Senate passed a bill with a 38-10 vote that requires school boards to approve all materials and lessons concerning ‘human sexuality.’ The bill also mandates that these materials be made publicly available on school websites to provide increased transparency in sex education for parents. Read more here.


NORTHERN IRELAND PARENTS PUSH BACK AGAINST PLAN FOR RADICALLY PRO-ABORTION SEX ED IN SCHOOLS. Nearly 75 percent of parents polled oppose a UK government proposal that would update Northern Ireland’s “Relationships and Sexuality Education” with “age-appropriate, comprehensive and scientifically accurate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights, covering prevention of early pregnancy and access to abortion.” Read more here.


U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO SPEND BIG MONEY ON TRANS-INCLUSIVE SEX ED FOR 14-YEAR-OLDS. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is awarding a huge grant to back pregnancy prevention programs for young girls who identify as boys, warning that “heteronormative” sexual education is inadequate. Read more here.


NORTHERN IRELAND’S SECONDARY SCHOOLS GIVEN SEX EDUCATION CLASS DELIVERY GUIDANCE. The country’s post-primary schools have been directed to teach about access to abortion and prevention of early pregnancy, under new regulations introduced last year. Read more here.


NORTHERN IRELAND: CONSULTATION REPORTS 73% OPPOSE PLANS FOR COMPULSORY ABORTION LESSONS. Secretary of State Chris Heaton-Harris was given powers last year to impose sex education reforms, meaning all post-primary children in the country would be taught how to access abortions, despite overwhelming public opposition. Read more here.