‘DON’T TELL YOUR PARENTS’: PARENTS OF AUSTRIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS SUBJECTED TO RADICAL ‘SEXUALITY EDUCATION’ SEEK JUSTICE. Elementary school children in Upper Austria were forced to partake in disturbing “sexuality education” lessons, including sexually explicit “information,” images, and actions by their teacher, who further pressured them not to talk to their parents about what was happening. Read more here.


NEW QUEBEC CURRICULUM WILL MANDATE SECOND GRADERS LEARN ABOUT GENDER IDENTITY AND LGBT CONTENT. Kids as young as six years old or those entering Grade 2 in Canada’s Quebec province will be exposed to extreme LGBT ideology in schools via a new mandatory curriculum addition teaching so-called “gender identity.” Read more here.


TORONTO DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD DROPS TERMS ‘MEN,’ ‘WOMEN,’ ‘BOYS,’ AND ‘GIRLS’ IN REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH LEARNING MATERIAL. Worksheets for fifth graders instead use the terms “people with a uterus,” “people with a penis,” “people who have more testosterone,” and “people who have more estrogen.” Read more here.


NEW BRUNSWICK PREMIER BANS ‘SEX-ED’ GROUP FROM SCHOOLS AFTER PRESENTATION ON PORN, IMMORAL SEX ACTS. Premier Blaine Higgs is furious with a school for educating students on pornography and masturbation in a presentation that was not part of the provincial curriculum and which was supposed to address HPV. Read more here.


UK PLANS TO END GENDER IDEOLOGY IN SCHOOLS, SET AGE-BASED SEX EDUCATION RULES. The UK’s Department of Education intends to prohibit the promotion of gender ideology within public schools, set age-based guidelines for sex education and protect parental rights, according to proposed guidance for schools. Read more here.


TAXPAYER-FUNDED SEX-ED PUSHED BY PLANNED PARENTHOOD DESPITE PAST FAILURES. While claiming otherwise on social media, government evaluations have shown Planned Parenthood’s publicly funded sex-education and family planning strategies do not work. Read more here.


PRO-ABORTION OBGYNS CRITICIZE FETAL DEVELOPMENT VIDEO FOR SEX ED CLASSES: ‘LAST THING KIDS NEED TO BE WATCHING.’ Pro-choice OBGYNs blasted the fetal development video, “Baby Olivia,” being considered for sex education curriculum in some states, with one doctor arguing the film was the “last thing kids need to be watching.” Read more here.


PRO-LIFE GROUP’S FETAL DEVELOPMENT VIDEO COULD SOON BE SHOWN IN CLASSROOMS ACROSS SEVERAL U.S. STATES. A video created by pro-life group Live Action follows the development of Baby Olivia, seeking to give students a sense of where they came from, an appreciation for human life and could soon work its way into sex education classes in public schools across several U.S. states. Read more here.


8 STATES RESTRICTED SEX ED LAST YEAR. MORE COULD JOIN AMID GROWING PARENTS’ RIGHTS ACTIVISM. Following Florida’s lead, eight states have enacted laws restricting sex education, often targeting LGBTQ-related discussions in early elementary grades and, in some cases, banning any form of sex education at those levels. Read more here.


INDIANA SENATE PASSES CONTROVERSIAL BILL ON SEX EDUCATION. In a recent legislative action that has sparked national conversation, the Indiana State Senate passed a bill with a 38-10 vote that requires school boards to approve all materials and lessons concerning ‘human sexuality.’ The bill also mandates that these materials be made publicly available on school websites to provide increased transparency in sex education for parents. Read more here.


NORTHERN IRELAND PARENTS PUSH BACK AGAINST PLAN FOR RADICALLY PRO-ABORTION SEX ED IN SCHOOLS. Nearly 75 percent of parents polled oppose a UK government proposal that would update Northern Ireland’s “Relationships and Sexuality Education” with “age-appropriate, comprehensive and scientifically accurate education on sexual and reproductive health and rights, covering prevention of early pregnancy and access to abortion.” Read more here.


U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT TO SPEND BIG MONEY ON TRANS-INCLUSIVE SEX ED FOR 14-YEAR-OLDS. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is awarding a huge grant to back pregnancy prevention programs for young girls who identify as boys, warning that “heteronormative” sexual education is inadequate. Read more here.


NORTHERN IRELAND’S SECONDARY SCHOOLS GIVEN SEX EDUCATION CLASS DELIVERY GUIDANCE. The country’s post-primary schools have been directed to teach about access to abortion and prevention of early pregnancy, under new regulations introduced last year. Read more here.


NORTHERN IRELAND: CONSULTATION REPORTS 73% OPPOSE PLANS FOR COMPULSORY ABORTION LESSONS. Secretary of State Chris Heaton-Harris was given powers last year to impose sex education reforms, meaning all post-primary children in the country would be taught how to access abortions, despite overwhelming public opposition. Read more here.


WHAT TYPE OF SEXUAL EDUCATION DO PARENTS EXPECT FROM SOCIETY? Lithuanian parents agree on one thing regarding their children’s education: sexual education should be in line with what children are taught at home. Read more here.


JUDGE ENDS LAWSUIT AGAINST CALIFORNIA SCHOOL DISTRICT’S SEX EDUCATION CURRICULUM. A judge in California has dismissed a lawsuit from two parents trying to stop Conejo Valley Unified School District’s sexual education curriculum, saying that neither family has standing to sue, but the parents’ group vows not to give up the legal battle. Read more here.


GOVERNMENT-FUNDED APP TARGETING BLACK TEENS TEACHES YOUNG HOMOSEXUAL MEN TO ‘ENHANCE’ SEX, PREVENT HIV. A government-funded effort to study prevention of HIV in black youth aims to “enhance” homosexual experiences for teens as young as 14 while potentially keeping parents and guardians in the dark. Read more here.


EXPOSED: UNITED NATIONS ‘HUMAN RIGHTS’ AGREEMENT PROMOTES ALL MANNER OF SEX, ‘IRRESPECTIVE OF AGE.’ Sharon Slater, president of Family Watch International, spoke at the United Nations Transatlantic Summit earlier this month to shed light on the pressure being placed on African nations to implement comprehensive sexuality education for children that includes a right to sexual pleasure and abortion. Read more here.


TEXAS SCHOOL’S SEX EDUCATION ADVISOR ARRESTED FOR PROSTITUTION. Ashley Ketcherside, who had been making recommendations for “appropriate grade levels and methods for human sexuality instruction” in the Godley, Texas public school district, has been convicted of prostitution. Read more here.


HIGH SCHOOL’S ‘OPPRESSION AND PRIVILEGE’ SLIDESHOW LINKS TO TEEN SEX ED WEBSITE. Planned Parenthood imposed a presentation on porn literacy and hookups on tenth-graders at a Missouri high school that appears to violate state law. Read more here.


SWARTHMORE COLLEGE’S ANNUAL SEX WEEK FEATURES ‘NAVIGATING PLEASURE WITH DYSPHORIA.’ Swarthmore College hosted sex week workshops, introducing sex toys and aiming to “destigmatize sex, celebrate sexual diversity and promote informed, empowered experiences.” Read more here.


SCHOOLS ‘SHOULD’ LET PARENTS SEE SEX EDUCATION MATERIALS. UK schools can no longer use confidentiality and copyright laws to prevent parents from seeing sex education materials being taught to their children, and Education Secretary Gillian Keegan has written that they “can and should share curriculum materials with parents” when asked to do so. Read more here.


HUNDREDS IN ABBOTSFORD, BC RALLY FOR PARENTAL RIGHTS, PROTESTING THE SEXUALIZATION OF CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS. Nearly 500 parental rights protesters peacefully marched against the sexual indoctrination of Abbotsford children calling for an end to the province’s Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI 123) program. The demonstration was part of the second “1 Million March 4 Children,” but this time taking place in 52 cities across eight provinces. Read more here.


UK EDUCATION SECRETARY AFFIRMS PARENTS HAVE THE RIGHT TO REVIEW SEX-ED MATERIAL GIVEN TO STUDENTS. Education Secretary Gillian Keegan wrote in an open letter sent all English schools saying that “Parents must be empowered to ask and schools should have the confidence to share.” Read more here.


BROWARD SCHOOL BOARD IN FLORIDA APPROVES SEX EDUCATION CURRICULUM; ENDS PROMISE DIVERSIONARY PROGRAM. The board voted 5-4 to approve the reproductive health and disease prevention education materials for all K-12 students, but also voted to discontinue the Preventing Recidivism through the Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support, and Education program that offers some students who are accused of misdemeanor crimes an alternative to being arrested. Read more here.


GENDER IDEOLOGY: AMICUS BRIEF DEFENDS MARYLAND PARENTS’ CASE FOR OPT-OUT. The Montgomery County Public School system “underestimates” how much its mandatory gender and sexuality curriculum interferes with parents’ religious exercise, an amicus brief filed by the Ethics and Public Policy Center said. Read more here.


RENOWNED KENYAN EPIDEMIOLOGIST SAYS SEX EDUCATION SHOULD START AT HOME. Epidemiologist and pediatrician Professor Ruth Nduati spoke out against comprehensive sex education in schools saying it would trigger a high rate of unwanted pregnancies and HIV infections among adolescents. Children are also likely to suffer infertility with early introduction of contraceptives. Read more here.


POLAND BANS ‘SEXUALIZATION’ OF CHILDREN’ FROM SCHOOLS. The Polish Parliament has approved new legislation to ban those who would attempt to sexualize children from entering schools and pre-schools. Read more here.


REPORT CALLS FOR BETTER SEX EDUCATION TEACHER TRAINING. Following the suspension of the sex education teaching on the Isle of Man after parents raised concerns, a review concluded teachers need better training. Read more here.


‘FALSE INFORMATION CAMPAIGN’ ABOUT SEX EDUCATION. Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris announced new regulations in Parliament making it compulsory for all post-primary schools in the nation to teach pupils about access to abortion and prevention of early pregnancy. Read more here.


SPAIN’S SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS ‘GENDER THEORY’ IN SCHOOLS. The court dismissed an appeal presented by the Catholic Confederation of Parents and Parents of Students, and it re-confirmed that the nation’s public schools are to press on in their mission to promote postmodern gender identity theory. Read more here.


USAID INTRODUCES NEW FRAMEWORK TO PROMOTE ‘COMPREHENSIVE SEXUALITY EDUCATION’ ABROAD. The U.S. Agency for International Development launched a new framework for “LGBTQI inclusive development,” which includes a policy goal of aiding access to “comprehensive sexuality education.” Read more here.


FEDERAL JUDGE DECLINES TO BLOCK NEW INDIANA LAW BARRING TEACHING OF SEX IN GRADES K-3. A federal judge in the Southern District of Indiana denied a motion for a preliminary injunction requested by the ACLU on behalf of a teacher who said another aspect of the new law concerning how human sexuality is taught puts her at risk of losing her teacher’s license. Read more here.


NEVADA SCHOOL DISTRICT’S NEW SEX ED CURRICULUM STRUGGLES TO DISTINGUISH BETWEEN MALES AND FEMALES. The Washoe County School District Board in Reno, Nevada struggled over simple biological terms in approving the new Sexuality Health and Responsibility Education curriculum material for fourth- and fifth-grade students. Read more here.


MASSACHUSETTS IS UPDATING ITS SEX EDUCATION GUIDELINES FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 24 YEARS. Though not yet finalized, new guidelines propose to include standards that pertain to the well-being of gender and sexual minority populations. Read more here.


UK parent reinstated after objecting to school’s gender lessons. A Christian parent governor at a primary school in the United Kingdom has legally won back her position after being dismissed for voicing her concerns about the school’s trans-affirming sex education policy. Read more here.


Liberal abortion and LGBT agenda on course for NI classrooms. Northern Ireland Secretary Chris Heaton-Harris MP said he had a statutory duty to implement Relationships and Sexuality Education classes recommended in a report by the UN’s Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women, including educating adolescents on the legal right to an abortion. Read more here.


Parents are feeling blindsided by an Olympia, Washington school’s use of pro-abortion sex education materials. The school has come under fire for teaching fourth- and fifth-graders inappropriate Planned Parenthood sex education, without gaining prior approval. Read more here.


New York City private schools are teaching sexuality curriculum in kindergarten classes. The schools are indoctrinating children as young as age four with woke gender identity programs and sexuality curriculum. Read more here.


New Iowa Law Limits SOGI Instruction, Removes Sexual Books From School Libraries. Iowa teachers will be banned from raising sexual orientation and gender identity issues with students through grade six, and all books depicting sex acts will be removed from school libraries under a bill signed by Gov. Kim Reynolds. Read more here.


Maryland Parents Sue School Board for Forcing Kids to Read ‘Pride’ Books. Maryland parents are suing the Montgomery County Board of Education for allegedly forcing their children to read “Pride” themed books without prior notification or the ability to opt out. Read more here.


Survey on RSE in UK Shows Disturbing Stats, Including Percentage of Students Who Want to ‘Change Gender.’ A survey on the teaching of LGBT ideology in schools across England revealed that one in ten teenagers aged 16 to 18 want to “change their gender” or have already done so. Read more here.


NI Education Authority Says Sex Ed Should Teach Kids More About Gender Identity. Northern Irish schools should push more sex education lessons on abortion and “gender and sexual identity,” according to an Education and Training Inspectorate report. Read more here.


Parents Angered at New York Private School’s Explicit Sex Ed Curriculum. Parents at the Waldorf School of Garden City, Long Island are angry because of new mandatory sex education for fifth graders that teaches, among other things, oral and anal sex and masturbation. Read more here.


Oregon Teachers Expose Students to Sexually Explicit Language During Lessons on Pornography. Classroom material containing sexually explicit language was used to teach 10th grade students about myths in pornography, “popular categories” and “child-like porn” in Oregon’s Hillsboro School District. Read more here.


CA Student Allegedly Called a ‘Bigot’ for Refusing to Learn About Homosexual Sex. A special needs student at a California high school was allegedly called a “bigot” by her teachers for mistakenly not using preferred pronouns and objecting to participating in a lesson about homosexual sex. Read more here.


UK Sex Ed Org Apologizes for Linking to Fetish Material on Website. The School of Sexuality Education, which reportedly provides sex education to children in around 300 elementary and high schools across Britain, has been forced to apologize after it was found that it linked to various types of fetish material on its website. Read more here.


Filipino Christians Oppose LGBTQ Topics in School Curriculum. Philippine Christian groups, including a youth organization, have voiced their opposition to the introduction of topics like same-sex unions and gender ideology in the draft curriculum for 10th-grade students. Read more here.


UK Teacher Caught Berating Kids Who Object to LGBTQ Lesson. UK parents have lodged a formal complaint regarding a lecture during which a teacher told students they would be “dealt with severely” if they objected to being instructed about LGBTQ relationships. Read more here.


Vermont School District Replaces ‘Boy’ and ‘Girl’ With ‘Gender-Inclusive’ Phrases. A letter from a Vermont school district to parents expressed a policy change to use “gender-inclusive phrases” in place of words like “boy” and “girl” in a curriculum unit about human reproduction. Read more here.


Texas Lawmakers Consider Bill Banning Teaching of Sexual, LGBT Topics to Younger Students. Texas lawmakers introduced a bill to the state legislature that would ban textbooks teaching sexual and LGBT topics to students below the ninth grade. Read more here.


Florida Board of Ed Approves Rule Prohibiting SOGI Instruction Through 12th Grade. Florida’s State Board of Education approved a rule prohibiting classroom discussions on sexual orientation and gender identity through the 12th grade, with few exceptions. Read more here.


Kentucky DOE Advises Against SOGI Lessons in Schools. The Kentucky Department of Education is advising schools to no longer teach lessons that focus on LGBTQ topics such as sexual orientation and gender identity, according to new guidance. Read more here.


South Carolina Teacher Fired for Giving ‘Inappropriate’ LGBTQ Lesson During Class. A South Carolina teacher was fired after she chose to facilitate a discussion on an unapproved article on LGBTQ+ identity to her 10th-grade students, according to the district. Read more here.


Traditional Countries Stop Promotion of CSE for Children at UN. At an annual population conference at the United Nations, traditional countries were able to stop the Western agenda promoting Comprehensive Sexuality Education for children around the world. Read more here.


IPPF Materials Teach Kids About ‘Commercial Sex Work.’ A sex ed toolkit created by the International Planned Parenthood Federation claims that children are born sexual and should learn about “commercial sex work” when they are younger than 10 years of age. Read more here.


LGBT Ideology Pushed on Scottish School Children. Radical gender ideology and instruction on sexual orientation is reportedly being pushed on students throughout Scotland, with some being told that they are “queer” if they do not know their sexual orientation. Read more here.


UK’s Largest Teacher’s Union Votes to Invite More Drag Queens to Schools. At a meeting of the National Education Union at Harrogate, teachers voted in favor of a motion to bring drag queen story hour and other LGBT events to schools in order to take on “heteronormative culture.” Read more here.


Kansas Approves Bill Allowing Parents to Opt Children Out of LGBT Lessons. Kansas lawmakers approved a bill aimed at helping parents opt their children out of public school lessons with LGBTQ-themed materials. Read more here.


Muslim Group Decries Maryland School District for Blocking Parental Opt-Outs. A prominent Muslim advocacy group is demanding that Montgomery County Public Schools in Maryland reinstate parental opt-outs for homosexual and transgender content after the school district said it would no longer accept such requests. Read more here.


Florida House Passes Bill Extending Ban on SOGI Instruction to Eighth Grade. The Florida House passed a bill extending a prohibition on sexual orientation and gender identity instruction to eighth grade and stipulating that schools cannot require teachers or students to refer to another person by their “preferred pronouns.” Read more here.


Age Ratings to Be Put on UK Sex Education Lessons. Age ratings will be imposed by independent reviewers on sex education lessons in the UK as part of a government clampdown on controversial teaching resources. Read more here.


Parents Call Out Maryland School Board for Refusing to Let Students Opt-Out of SOGI Lessons. Maryland parents are pushing back against the Montgomery County Public School Board which is refusing to let them opt their children out of lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity. Read more here.


CA Kindergarteners Will Read About Transgender-Identifying Kids for ‘Day of Visibility.’ Children as young as kindergarten will read a picture book about kids who identify as transgender as part of one Northern California school district’s “Transgender Day of Visibility,” despite the objections of several parents. Read more here.


UK Sex Ed Providers Exposing Children to ‘Graphic and Sexualizing’ Material. School materials on explicit sex acts and aimed at children as young as eleven are reportedly available from the UK’s leading education network. Read more here.


Students in Wales Taught About ‘Queer Identity’ by Drag Queen. Children in Wales have received lessons on “queer identity” from a drag queen who has previously posted on social media about “orgies” and that “love has no age.” Read more here.


Florida Gov to Tighten Ban on SOGI Classroom Instruction to All Grades. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s administration is seeking to expand upon the Parental Rights in Education Act to also restrict classroom instruction of sexual orientation and gender identity in grades four to 12. Read more here.


Oregon High School Pulls Assignment Asking Students to Describe a ‘Sexual Fantasy.’ A high school in Oregon has retracted an assignment that asked students to write a story describing a “sexual fantasy.” The assignment originated from Canvas, an online learning management system. Read more here.


UK Govt Urged to Act Quickly to Protect Kids From Radical Sex Ed. The UK government has been urged to act swiftly to protect students from inappropriate sex ed instruction, such as requiring children to form genitalia out of Play-Doh. Read more here.


UK Sex Ed Instruction Says Children Can Be ‘Mixed Berry Gender Fluid Muffins.’ A 170-page “Agenda” document detailing how sex education should be taught in Wales reportedly instructs teachers that children as young as seven can be “mixed berry gender fluid muffins.” Read more here.


Oregon Teacher Gives ‘Sexual Fantasy’ Assignment to High School Students. A health teacher at Churchill High School in Eugene, Oregon reportedly assigned homework asking students to write sexual fantasy stories “that will have NO penetration of any kind or oral sex (no way of passing an STI).” Read more here.


UK PM Agrees to Urgent Review of Inappropriate Sex Ed Materials. Rishi Sunak has committed to bringing forward a review of statutory guidance on Relationships and Sex Education, in light of “age-inappropriate, extreme, sexualizing and inaccurate” materials being used in schools. Read more here.


Arkansas Passes Ban on Sexuality Instruction Before Fifth Grade. The Arkansas legislature passed a bill prohibiting public school teachers from providing classroom instruction on sexually explicit materials, gender identity and sexual orientation to students before the fifth grade. Read more here.


Virginia District Decides Boys and Girls Should Be Taught Sex-Ed Together. Fairfax County Public Schools adopted a new policy that would see boys and girls in grades 4-8 taught sex education together, apparently to avoid alienating their transgender-identifying classmates. Read more here.


Children Can Be Withdrawn From Controversial Sex Ed, ROI Minister Confirms. Students will not have to sit through sex education classes that promote gender ideology if their parents disapprove, the Republic of Ireland’s Minister for Education has said. Read more here.


Drag Queen Forces Child to Leave Class for Denying 73 Genders. The Isle of Man government has suspended sex education at schools after a drag queen allegedly forced a student to leave class for refuting the concept of 73 genders. Students were also reportedly taught about anal and oral sex. Read more here.


Florida State Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Expand Ban on Teaching Students About SOGI. Florida state Rep. Adam Anderson has proposed a measure that would expand Florida’s prohibition against teaching students about sexual orientation and gender identity through the eighth grade. Read more here.


Irish Govt Abandons Plan to Teach Children Gender Is a ‘Spectrum.’ A planned rework of Ireland’s Social, Personal, and Health Education curriculum that aimed to teach children that “gender identity” occurs on a “spectrum” has reportedly been abandoned by the government. Read more here.


Indiana House Passes Bill Banning Sexual, SOGI Content in Grades K-3. Indiana state representatives advanced a two-page bill that would ban schools from incorporating lessons with sexual content or instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade classrooms. Read more here.


PA Teacher’s Graphic Sex Ed Curriculum Has Private School’s Approval. Pennsylvania English teacher Al Vernacchio said he includes close-up photographs of penises and vulvas as well as a video of a woman ejaculating in an optional sexuality class, and the private school at which he teaches is standing by him. Read more here.


WA State Health Curriculum Riddled With SOGI Instruction. Images have been revealed of schoolwork intended for middle-schoolers in Seattle and King County, Washington that features lesson plans regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, and transgender-identifying children. Read more here.


Florida Lawmaker Introduces Bill to Punish Publishers for Funneling Sexually Explicit Materials to Schools. A Florida congressman has introduced legislation that could jail publishers for providing sexually explicit materials to schools. Read more here.


Judge Tosses Lawsuit Challenging Florida Law Against Teaching SOGI to Young Kids. A federal judge has thrown out a lawsuit that attempted to block Florida’s Parental Rights In Education law which limits when students can be taught about sexual orientation and gender identity. Read more here.


Zambia’s Bishops Oppose Inclusion of Same-Sex Families in CSE Curriculum. Members of the Zambia Catholic Bishops Conference are pushing the government to revise the school curriculum that seeks to introduce same-sex relationships to school children. Read more here.


North Carolina Senate Passes Bill Limiting LGBT School Instruction. The North Carolina senate passed a bill prohibiting instruction about gender identity and sexuality in K-4 classrooms and requiring teachers to alert parents before calling a student by a different name or pronoun. Read more here.


Parents Challenge Promotion of Gender Ideology in ROI Schools. In consultation responses for the Social, Personal and Health Education draft curriculum for 12- to 15-year-olds in Irish schools, strong objections were raised by parents about content that denied the reality of biological sex. Read more here.


UK Parents Still in the Dark Over Sex Ed Resources. Parents are still being prevented from viewing sex ed materials being shown to their children, despite the UK government’s promise to make the curriculum more transparent. Read more here.


Tampa Residents Speak Out Against School District’s Sex Ed Curriculum. Tampa, Florida residents raised concern over a sex education curriculum at a school board meeting, claiming it violated state laws and should be repealed. Read more here.


Alleged ‘Sex Talks’ With Young Children Prompt Ohio Parents to Sue School District. A group of Ohio parents is suing Hilliard City School District, alleging that “activist teachers” talked about gender and sexuality with students as young as six. Read more here.


Kindergarten Curriculum in Oregon District Instructs 5-Year-Olds on ‘Neo-Pronouns.’ A “social science” curriculum for kindergarten to 5th graders in Oregon’s Beaverton School District instructs students on “neo-pronouns.” Read more here.


Texas Lawmaker Introduces Bill Banning SOGI Instruction for K-8 Students. A Texas lawmaker introduced a parental rights bill that would ban classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity to K-8 students in all public schools. Read more here.


Nevada School District Sued for ‘Pornographic’ Assignment. A school district in Nevada is being sued by two parents after their children were allegedly required to read a “pornographic” monologue that was barred from being read at a school board meeting, according to the lawsuit. Read more here.


Florida Lawmaker Considers Expanding Parental Rights in Education Act to Middle School. Florida Senate President Kathleen Passidomo stated that she is considering a proposal to expand the state’s Parental Rights in Education law, a law which prohibits the teaching of sexual orientation and gender identity in younger grades, to include middle schools. Read more here.


Irish Children’s Minister Says Transgender Issues Should Be Part of Primary Curriculum. Ireland’s Children’s Minister Roderic O’Gorman said that primary school children should be educated about what it means to be transgender to help them have an “understanding” of diversity. Read more here.