The Family Watch Newswire is a service of Family Watch International that highlights important news items and useful analysis on the family and family-related issues from around the world.
HOUSE BILL 798 COULD AMEND MONTANA CONSTITUTION FOR SAME-SEX MARRIAGE RIGHTS. House Bill 798 would amend the state’s constitution to provide a state right to same-sex marriage by attempting to repeal Article 13 Section 7, which currently states that only a marriage between one man and one woman is recognized in Montana. Read more here.
DISNEY INVESTORS VOTE TO REMAIN IN LGBTQ RANKING INDEX. Disney shareholders rejected an investor proposal to withdraw participation in the Human Rights Campaign’s corporate equity index, which rates workplaces on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer equality. Read more here.
DIOCESE OF SPRINGFIELD, PRO-LIFE PREGNANCY CENTER SUE ILLINOIS STATE OFFICIALS. On behalf of the Diocese of Springfield and an Illinois pro-life pregnancy center, Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a federal lawsuit challenging a state law that forces religious organizations to hire employees who violate their religious beliefs on reproductive issues like abortion. Read more here.
PERUVIAN BISHOP DENOUNCES ‘DIRECT ATTACK’ ON CHURCH’S FREEDOM OF SPEECH. The bishop of Cajamarca, Peru, has denounced a “direct attack” on the Catholic Church’s freedom of speech by the LGBTQ+ community, which accuses the Church of the “alleged crime of discrimination” for a talk warning of the consequences of “Comprehensive Sexual Education” in Peru. Read more here.
ADOPTIONS HAVE INCREASED 3 PERCENT, MORE CHILDREN WILL BE ADOPTED THANKS TO ABORTION BANS. A new study has revealed that domestic adoptions of American children increased by over 3 percent in the U.S. between 2019 and 2022, which may be due in part to increased restrictions on international adoptions put in place by countries like China and Ukraine. Read more here.
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