Family Watch Newswire

The Family Watch Newswire is a service of Family Watch International that highlights important news items and useful analysis on the family and family-related issues from around the world.

July 12, 2024

POLISH PRESIDENT VOWS TO VETO BILL SOFTENING ABORTION LAW. Poland’s conservative president, Andrzej Duda, has vowed to veto a bill softening the country’s strict abortion laws that have been proposed by the more liberal governing coalition. Read more here.


SENATE DEMS’ PRO-ABORTION MEASURE FAILS AMID ATTEMPTS TO PAINT THE GOP AS ‘EXTREMIST.’ A test vote in the U.S. Senate on a bill that would codify Roe v. Wade into federal law by expressing the “sense of Congress” that Roe “should be restored, moving towards a future where there is reproductive freedom for all,” failed to gain the 60 votes needed to continue. Read more here.


U.S. ARMY PRESENTATION LISTS PRO-LIFE ORGANIZATIONS AS TERRORIST GROUPS BUT WALK IT BACK AFTER MASSIVE CRITICISM. The U.S. Army is coming under fire for a presentation that labeled major pro-life organizations as “terrorist organizations,” citing the activities of being pro-life, opposing Roe v. Wade, demonstrating and protesting as terrorist activities. Read more here.


GERMAN LAWMAKERS APPROVE ABORTION FACILITY ‘BUFFER ZONE’ TO KEEP PRO-LIFERS AWAY. The “Pregnancy Conflict Act” will establish a radius of 100 meters around the nation’s abortion facilities, and anyone caught praying or counseling on behalf of preborn children within that area will be subject to a fine of 5,000 euros. Read more here.


ARKANSAS SECRETARY OF STATE REJECTS ABORTION BALLOT MEASURE. Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston rejected a ballot measure for November that could have legalized abortion through 18 weeks. Read more here.

UN OFFICIAL PRIORITIZES TRANSGENDER RIGHTS IN SPORTS. A UN rights expert advocated for the rights of transgender athletes to participate in sports without “discrimination based on sex characteristics” and labeled opposition to biological males competing in women’s sports as hate speech. Read more here.


THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS IF PARENTS’ RIGHTS ARE NOT PROTECTED AGAINST THE STATE. Swiss parents are facing a legal battle over their fundamental rights as parents to care for their child, a daughter who was pressured to take puberty blockers and “transition,” and who has relocated to a government-funded shelter against the mother’s and father’s wishes. Read more here.


U.S. HOUSE VOTES TO UNDO BIDEN TITLE IX PROTECTIONS FOR TRANSGENDER STUDENTS. The House resolution aims to undo the Biden administration’s massive overhaul of Title IX that sought to prohibit discrimination based not only on sex but also sexual orientation and gender identity, though it is unlikely to be considered in the U.S. Senate. Read more here.


WEST VIRGINIA, IDAHO ASKING U.S. SUPREME COURT TO REVIEW RULINGS ALLOWING TRANSGENDER ATHLETES TO COMPETE. West Virginia and Idaho are asking the Supreme Court to review rulings that blocked the enforcement of state laws prohibiting transgender athletes from competing on opposite-sex sports teams. Read more here.


‘DETRANSITIONER’ DESCRIBES AGONY OF PREGNANCY AFTER ‘CHANGING TO MALE’ AS A TEEN: ‘MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A MONSTER.’ Prisha Mosley, who previously pumped her body full of testosterone in hopes of living as a “man” before “detransitioning” and whose hormones are wildly out of order, is now among the few such women who have given birth to a child. Read more here.


SOUTH CAROLINA MED SCHOOL TO STOP PRESCRIBING TRANSGENDER DRUGS. The Medical University of South Carolina will stop accepting new patients beginning August 1 and will also stop all procedures by January 2025 in order to comply with state law prohibiting public funds to be used directly or indirectly for gender “transition.” Read more here.


AUSTRALIAN WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION VOTES TO INCLUDE MALE AND TRANSGENDER MEMBERS. The West Australian Country Women’s Association has sparked debate by extending membership rights to men and transgender individuals after 100 years. The decision saw members overwhelmingly vote in favor of the change. Read more here.


COURT IN JAPAN APPROVES TRANS WOMAN’S ‘GENDER CHANGE’ WITHOUT COMPULSARY SURGERY. A high court in western Japan ruled the biological male met the “appearance requirement” without bottom and sterilization surgery that was previously required. Read more here.

SUPREME COURT IN CARIBBEAN RULES THAT SAME-SEX MARRIAGE IS NOW PERMITTED IN ARUBA AND CURAÇAO. People of the same gender will now be allowed to marry each other in Aruba and Curaçao, the Supreme Court has ruled, overturning the previous prohibition. Read more here.

DISNEY CO-SPONSORED NAKED LGBTQ PRIDE PARADES FOR KIDS. A Disney whistleblower released internal documents to journalist James O’Keefe that revealed the Walt Disney Company promoted LGBTQ children’s events that featured naked adult males and polysexual virtual hangouts. Read more here.

PLANNED PARENTHOOD BLATANTLY ADVERTISES ABORTION PILL WEEKS PAST FDA-APPROVED LIMITS. The abortion pill regimen is currently only approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration through 70 days gestation, but Planned Parenthood and other abortion centers are offering the abortion pill to women past this time frame, flouting the FDA’s limits. Read more here.

OREGON STREET PREACHERS LOSE FREE SPEECH LAWSUIT AGAINST GRANTS PASS. A jury delivered a decision in less than an hour against the group Abolish Abortion Oregon, resolving a years-long lawsuit over whether or not Grants Pass Police targeted the group for its beliefs. Read more here.

‘DON’T TELL YOUR PARENTS’: PARENTS OF AUSTRIAN PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS SUBJECTED TO RADICAL ‘SEXUALITY EDUCATION’ SEEK JUSTICE. Elementary school children in Upper Austria were forced to partake in disturbing “sexuality education” lessons, including sexually explicit “information,” images, and actions by their teacher, who further pressured them not to talk to their parents about what was happening. Read more here.

POLL: CANADIAN FAMILIES WANT GOVERNMENT TO LEAVE THEIR KIDS ALONE TOO. Overwhelming supermajorities of Canadian parents who have school-aged children believe school should provide them with advance notice of controversial topics, so that they can opt their children out of the discussion, according to a new poll. Read more here.


CALIFORNIA LAWMAKERS HAND PORN INDUSTRY HUGE VICTORY AFTER WATERING DOWN AGE VERIFICATION BILL. The California Senate Judiciary Committee proposed making ID verification optional for pornography websites in new amendments to the state’s age verification bill. Read more here.

BIDEN IMPOSES HOMOSEXUAL/TRANSGENDER MANDATE ON ENTIRE WORLD, by Stefano Gennarini. “The U.S. State Department will ‘update’ its interpretation of a binding international treaty on civil rights to include homosexual/transgender issues even though the treaty text does not mention them. ‘Today, I’m announcing that the United States is updating our own interpretation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. This is one of the key treaties committing nations to upholding universal rights. That means that, starting from now, the United States considers sexual orientation and gender identity as covered by this treaty,’ U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said during an LGBT pride event at Foggy Bottom.” Read more here.


THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT HINDER WOMEN FROM CHOOSING ABORTION PILL REVERSAL, by Bernadette Tasy. “For years, abortion advocates have claimed they are trying to protect ‘a woman’s right to choose.’ But in practice, many of these abortion advocates have shown that they only support a woman’s right to make some medical decisions. When it comes to abortion pill reversal, they suddenly stop being so ‘pro-choice.’ … Unfortunately, some abortion advocates have spread falsehoods about abortion pill reversal. For example, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) incorrectly states on its website that APR is ‘unproven and unethical.’” Read more here.


TRANSGENDER IDEOLOGY IS SUPERSTITION, NOT SCIENCE, by Nathanael Blake. “In a recent piece for The New York Times, Jack Turban — a California psychiatrist who has made his career by promoting and practicing the medical ‘transition’ of children — wrote, ‘The most basic part of gender identity is what I call our transcendent sense of gender. …As is the case with many emotions, it’s hard to describe this transcendent feeling in words. But it is the foundation of our gender identity, the scaffolding we’re born with.’ …This belief in an insubstantial gender identity is mystical, not medical, which is emphasized by Turban’s efforts to argue that research ‘suggests these transcendent gender feelings have a strong innate biological basis.’” Read more here.


THINK HARD, by Bernard Lane. “British paediatrician Hilary Cass has a warning for distressed girls considering testosterone: taking this powerful hormone will make it hard—in some ways harder than mastectomy—to pass as a woman if they end up regretting medicalised gender change. ‘I hate to say this, because I’ll get all sorts of kick back, but testosterone is a more effective hormone than oestrogen in this context [as a cross-sex hormone],’ Dr Cass said during a July 2 webinar on the implications of her landmark report for Australia. ‘It is much easier to masculinise a woman than to feminise a man—and [testosterone] really acts very quickly,’ she said.” Read more here.


WPATH INFLUENCE UNDERMINES WHO’S TRANSGENDER GUIDELINES, by the Society For Evidence Based Gender Medicine. “The World Health Organization (WHO) has reaffirmed its plans to issue a transgender and gender diverse (TGD) clinical practice guideline. Its prior announcements generated significant public concern from various stakeholders: clinician groups, LGBT groups, and parent groups. These groups raised three key issues (all of which remain unresolved).” Read more here.