DISNEY INVESTORS VOTE TO REMAIN IN LGBTQ RANKING INDEX. Disney shareholders rejected an investor proposal to withdraw participation in the Human Rights Campaign’s corporate equity index, which rates workplaces on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer equality. Read more here.
PITTSBURGH PENGUINS DECLARE ‘INCLUSION’ IS AT THE ‘HEART OF HOCKEY’ DURING PRIDE NIGHT. Pittsburgh Penguins players, coaches and management celebrated pride night by having LGBT-themed nameplates in the locker room, using pride tape on their sticks during warmups and creating pride-themed displays. Read more here.
SCHOOL BOARD WALKS OUT ON PARENTS ANGRY OVER ‘RAINBOW PARADE’ BOOK FOR KINDERGARTENERS. School board members representing Penfield Central School District in Rochester, New York, walked out on a packed house of parents who were upset about an inappropriate book on display at the elementary school library called “The Rainbow Parade,” authored by Emily Neilson. Read more here.
GOOGLE CALENDAR REMOVES PRIDE MONTH, CULTURAL HERITAGE MONTHS. Google Calendar removed references to Pride Month, Black History Month and all cultural heritage months on its web and mobile applications, instead opting to display only public federal holidays and national observances on its calendars. Read more here.
CALIFORNIA SCHOOL DISTRICT FACES BACKLASH FOR LGBT ‘COMING OUT’ EXERCISE. Attorneys for parents in the Vista Unified School District in San Diego say the district violated their legal rights in a gender ideology activity during a freshman class at Rancho Buena Vista High School, where students were reportedly required to participate in a role-playing exercise called “Coming Out Stars.” Read more here.
TRUMP FOREIGN AID FREEZE PULLS FUNDING FOR LGBT PROGRAMS IN IRELAND, SERBIA. The Biden administration had approved funds for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) programs, in order to expand diversity, equity and inclusion objectives abroad. Read more here.
ACADEMIC JOURNAL EXPLORES ‘QUEEREST INSURRECTION’ AND ‘QUEERING LEADERSHIP.’ University of California Riverside graduate student Josie Holland wrote an article, published in The Interdisciplinary Journal of Leadership Studies, envisioning principles of queer anarchism and stating that “queering refers to a process of destabilizing norms and assumptions that invoke the possibility of an otherwise world and way of being and relating.” Read more here.
PRIDE FLAGS REMOVED FROM U.S. OUTPOSTS WORLDWIDE. The Trump administration has implemented a new “One Flag Policy” requiring all U.S. embassies and government outposts, both domestic and international, to exclusively fly the American flag. Read more here.
BIDEN’S LGBTQ MILITARY POLICY WILL AID SEXUAL PREDATORS: REPORT. The Biden-Harris administration is contemplating the settling of a sweeping class action lawsuit, which its advocates referred to as “reparations,” to give taxpayer benefits to those expelled from the armed forces for committing sodomy — an action that could benefit those guilty of non-consensual sexual assault or harassment. Read more here.
ONTARIO CITY COUNCILOR SUSPENDED FOR OPPOSING LGBT AGENDA SLAMS DECISION TO KEEP PUBLIC OUT OF MEETINGS. Lisa Robinson, a Pickering, Ontario city councilor who was suspended for opposing an LGBT agenda, called a recent move by the city to ban in-person public meetings an “affront to democracy.” Read more here.
FEDERALLY FUNDED ‘BEARDED LADIES’ ICE SKATING SHOW TARGETS CHILDREN. The U.S. National Endowment for the Arts awarded a grant to the Bearded Ladies Cabaret which features singing drag queens who promote climate change ideology. Read more here.
CRITICS SLAM KETANJI BROWN JACKSON FOR QUEER BROADWAY CAMEO. U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson drew scorn on social media for her debut last weekend in the queer-themed musical “& Juliet” on Broadway in New York City. Read more here.
ORGANIZERS AND SUPPORTERS RELUCTANT TO DISCUSS PLANNED LGBT JUBILEE DAY IN ROME. An Italian association of LGBT Christians has said it has received official Vatican approval to make a pilgrimage to next year’s jubilee in Rome, although the Vatican’s jubilee organizers say they are neither supporting nor opposing the event while the figures behind it are declining to comment. Read more here.
CHRISTIANS FURIOUS OVER TOWN’S HOMOSEXUAL CHRISTMAS PARADE. Prattville Pride has granted permission to participate in this year’s Christmas parade in Prattville, Alabama – over the objections of many residents who say the parade is not about anyone’s sexual preferences. Read more here.
WINNING: WALMART ROLLS BACK DEI PROGRAMS, CUTS BACK ON ‘PRIDE’ COMMITMENTS. Walmart announced it will keep a closer eye on third-party suppliers to make sure sexualized products, including things like chest binders for “trans” people, aren’t marketed to children and said it will be more diligent about making sure the company is not financially supporting “Pride” events targeting kids. Read more here.
HUNGARIAN CHILD PROTECTION LAW CRITICIZED AS ANTI-LGBT TO APPEAR BEFORE EU COURT OF JUSTICE. Hungary’s controversial Child Protection Law is set to appear before the EU’s Court of Justice, proclaiming zero tolerance for convicted pedophiles and prohibits or heavily restricts depictions of homosexuality and gender reassignment in media content and educational material addressed to audiences under 18 years of age. Read more here.
KYIVANS ASKING CITY TO CANCEL THIS YEAR’S LGBT PARADE. Kyiv residents appealed to the city authorities to cancel the announced LGBT parade due to their support of traditional family values. Read more here.
ARCHBISHOP OF CINCINNATI ENDS 100+ YEAR PARTNERSHIP WITH GIRL SCOUTS OVER LGBT IDEOLOGY. Archbishop Dennis Schnurr announced the end of a 110-year partnership between the Archdiocese of Cincinnati with the Girl Scouts of the USA because the organization now contradicts Church teaching about the human person and promotes gender ideology. Read more here.
VIRGINIA SCHOOLS SECRETLY REMOVE LGBTQ BOOK AMID EXPLICIT IMAGES CONTROVERSY. Fairfax County Public Schools in the Washington, D.C., suburbs confirmed in emails to a parent that school libraries across the county had removed the book “Queer: A Graphic History,” by Meg-John Barker. Read more here.
UMC LAUNCHES PROJECT FOCUSED ON ‘LGBTQ+ UNITED METHODIST HERITAGE’ AT DREW UNIVERSITY. A commission of The United Methodist Church has launched a resource center at Drew University in Madison, New Jersey, which will focus on the lives and views of LGBT-identified Methodists. Read more here.
VATICAN UNVEILS JUBILEE YEAR MASCOT ‘LUCE’ CREATED BY PRO-LGBT ARTIST. The Vatican has unveiled an official animated mascot named Luce, who wears a rainbow-colored rosary around her neck, for the upcoming Jubilee Year 2025 in an apparent attempt to appeal to more young people. Read more here.
DURANGO SCHOOLS REVERSE BAN ON PRIDE FLAGS AFTER PUBLIC BACKLASH. A Durango, Colorado school district’s ban on Black Lives Matter and transgender flags only survived a few days before it caved to LGBT supporters, leading one lone mom to stand up against the local school board. Read more here.
POLAND PUBLISHES CIVIL PARTNERSHIP BILL FOR LGBT COUPLES. Poland moved a step closer to legalizing civil partnerships with the publication of a draft law that the minister responsible for the legislation hailed as a “historic day.” Read more here.
GERMAN SOCCER PLAYER FORCED TO APOLOGIZE FOR SAYING HE WOULDN’T SIGN A PRIDE-THEMED JERSEY. VfL Wolfsburg striker Kevin Behrens refused to autograph an LGBTQ pride jersey, and was forced to apologize for making a so-called “homophobic” remark about the request. Read more here.
REPORT: CARDINALS ATTEND LGBT EVENT PROMOTING EXPRESSION OF HOMOSEXUAL LOVE. A group of Cardinals in Rome for the Synod on Synodality attended an event hosted by Father James Martin S.J. and his Outreach group, where attendees heard testimonials from “LGBTQ Catholics.” Read more here.
GEORGIAN PRIME MINISTER SIGNS PRO-FAMILY BILL BANNING LGBT PROPAGANDA. Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze of Georgia has signed into law a bill that restricts LGBT propaganda after the country’s pro-European Union president decided not to approve it. Read more here.
CALIFORNIA REDEFINES INFERTILITY TO INCLUDE SAME-SEX COUPLES. California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law requiring certain health care insurers to cover in vitro fertilization treatments for couples in the state dealing with infertility. Senate Bill 729 also redefines infertility to require the same coverage for LGBTQ couples who are physically incapable of having children. Read more here.
MARYLAND PARENTS ASK SUPREME COURT TO ALLOW THEIR CHILDREN TO OPT OUT OF LGBT CURRICULUM. After the Montgomery County Board of Education removed parental opt-outs for certain storybooks aimed at early education levels, a coalition of religious parents in Maryland has petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to reinstate their right to opt their children out of educational content that promotes LGBT ideologies on gender and sexuality. Read more here.
CHRISTIAN SEMINARY HOSTS ‘QUEERING THE VOTE’ WORKSHOPS TO ADVOCATE FOR LGBTQ ‘JUSTICE.’ The Pacific School of Religion is hosting the “Queering the 2024 Vote” series of workshops this fall to make a case that Christian voters have a duty to support the LGBTQ community. Read more here.
DISNEY’S ‘AGATHA ALL ALONG’ ACTORS HERALD NEW STAGE IN MARVEL’S COMMITMENT TO ‘QUEER’ REPRESENTATION. The new Disney+ series Agatha All Along is pushing the Disney-Marvel brand further into LGBTQ territory, with two of its stars heralding the show for reaching a new stage in the studio’s commitment to “queer” representation. Read more here.
DEMOCRATS FOR LIFE REACTS TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD’S POP-UP AT THE DNC. “They’re degrading human life and women for that matter,” Democrats For Life of America executive director Kristen Day said in an interview after Planned Parenthood aborted babies at the Democrat National Convention site in Chicago. Read more here.
MORE CANADIAN ORGS, SPONSORS FOLLOWING LIBERAL PARTY LEAD IN DITCHING CAPITAL PRIDE. The City of Ottawa is the latest organization to withdraw from Capital Pride, after the Liberal Party of Canada pulled out of the parade that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau often marches in. Read more here.
SAME-SEX COUPLES AND LGBTQ+ ACTIVISTS RALLY IN NEPAL’S CAPITAL DURING ANNUAL PRIDE PARADE. Hundreds of LGBTQ+ people and their supporters rallied in Kathmandu, Nepal’s capital, during an annual pride parade, the first since homosexual couples were able to register same-sex marriages since a Supreme Court order in Nov 2023. Read more here.
HARVARD TO OFFER CLASS EXAMINING MEDIEVAL TEXTS THROUGH LENS OF ‘QUEER THEORY.’ Harvard’s English department will feature a “Queer/Medieval” class in the spring 2025 semester, and the course is described as an “introduction to queer theory as an intellectual tool with which to read texts far removed from the political, cultural, and social discourses from which queer theory emerged,” specifically, in this case, medieval texts. Read more here.
UW MILWAUKEE ART SERIES TO HOST ‘QUEER METALSMITH,’ PAID FOR WITH STUDENT FEES. Sulo Bee, who co-founded the group Queer Metalsmiths and who has been described as a “nonbinary creature maker and world builder,” will be one of the featured lecturers in the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee’s upcoming Artists Now! series, paid for in part by student fees. Read more here.
U. ARIZONA ACCUSED OF SOLICITING MINORS FOR LGBTQ+ PROGRAM WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT. Allegations against the Family Pride Initiative’s AFFIRM program stem from a viral post on X that asserts the Catalina Foothills School District and the university “covertly” solicited minors for mental health screenings and treatments related to LGBTQ+ issues. Read more here.
whistleblower released internal documents to journalist James O’Keefe that revealed the Walt Disney Company promoted LGBTQ children’s events that featured naked adult males and polysexual virtual hangouts. Read more
CDC JOINS PFIZER AFFILIATE IN SPONSORING PRO-LGBT PUBLIC SCHOOL EVENT FOR FIFTH GRADERS. A pharmaceutical company linked to Pfizer spent thousands to sponsor an LGBT event through the Chicago Public Schools that taught kids how to present themselves as the opposite sex without their parents knowing. Read more here.
O’KEEFE DISNEY EXPOSÉ: EXEC SAYS ‘BOB IGER ISN’T AXING LGBTQ CONTENT AT ALL,’ DRAG QUEENS INEVITABLE AT PARKS. A new video from reporter James O’Keefe appears to show a Disney executive saying he wants more LGBTQ content for kids and would like to see drag queens at Disneyland one day. Read more here.
SAN FRANCISCO PRIDE PARADE FEATURES PUBLIC NUDITY AROUND KIDS. Corporations and civic organizations donated mega dollars to the recent San Francisco Pride Parade, where nude adults walked around in front of children and men performed sex acts in a “Fetish Zone.” Read more here.
THESE 63 COMPANIES CELEBRATE ‘PRIDE’ IN LGBTQ CONSUMERS. This Pride Month, many companies continued to signal support for and seek the business of LGBTQ individuals by advertising Pride-themed merchandise on their websites. Others discreetly showed their support by not featuring Pride-related products on homepages but tucking away statements of support elsewhere on their websites. Read more here.
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